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- Sound/Wav Files -
Sailor Moon Files
Filename Size Description
moonheal.wav 322 KB "Moon Healing Activation!" (N.A. Version)
prsmpwr.wav 32.3 KB "Moon Prism Power!" (N.A. Version)
rainbow.wav 215 KB "Rainbow Moon Heart Ache"
scepter.wav 106 KB "Moon Scepter Elimination!" (N.A. Version)
smcosmic.wav 321 KB "Cosmic Moon Power!" (N.A. Version)
smcpkiss.wav 164 KB "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!"
smhtkiss.wav 115 KB "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!"
smintro.wav 107 KB Sailor Moon says "Tsukini kawatte, oshiokiyo!" which means "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
tiara.wav 46 KB "Moon Tiara Magic!" (N.A. Version)

Sailor Mercury Files
Filename Size Description
amyasprin.wav 162 KB Amy asks for some Asprin because of Serena and Raye's fighting. (N.A. Version)
bubbles.wav 203 KB "Mercury Bubbles... Blast!" (N.A. Version)
icebubbles.wav 172 KB "Mercury Ice Bubbles... Freeze!" (N.A. Version)
immerc.wav 258 KB Sailor Mercury introducing herself to one of Alan and Ann's cardians. (N.A. Version)
mercices.wav 127 KB "Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" (N.A. Version)
mirage.wav 150 KB Sailor Mercury's special attack "Mercury Aqua Mirage"
mspmakeup.wav 156 KB "Mercury Star Power, Make Up!"
rhapsody.wav 88.8 KB "Mercury... Aqua Rhapsody!"
shabon.wav 117 KB "Shabon ... Spray!" which means "Bubble ... Spray!"

Sailor Mars Files
Filename Size Description
ataisan.wav 179 KB This clip is from the Sailor Moon R Movie. Rei performs her "Akuryou taisan!" ("Evil Spirits Begone!") attack.
backoff.wav 21.2 KB Mars warning a monster and Malachite to "BACK OFF!" (N.A. Version)
banished.wav 50.5 KB When Serena first met Raye at her shrine, Raye mistook Serena for an evil spirit. (N.A. Version)
celest.wav 305 KB "Mars Celestial Fire... Surround!" (N.A. Version)
fireball.wav 101 KB "I call upon the Powers of Mars... Fireballs Charge!" (N.A. Version)
firesoul.wav 211 KB "Fire... Soul!"
fsbird.wav 91.5 KB "Fire Soul Bird!"
hothot.wav 156 KB This clip is from Sailor Moon S. Rei has very hot coffee accidentally spilt on her head and she screams "Haachiiiiii!!! Hachi, hachi , hachi, hachi, hachi! Atama ga, atama ga, atama ga, ata kungh! Nan da atatachi ga koko ni de na yoo!?" The English Translation is "Hoooot!!! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! My head, my head, my head, kungh! What the hell are you all doing here anyways!?" (Japanese Version)
immars.wav 274 KB Sailor Mars introducing herself to one of Alan and Ann's cardians. (N.A. Version)
lastmars.wav 364 KB This is a clip from "Day of Destiny" when Sailor Mars dies while fighting the last two Doom N' Gloom Girls. (N.A. Version)
msspmakeup.wav 137 KB "Mars Star Power, Make Up!"

Sailor Jupiter Files
Filename Size Description
imjupiter.wav 183 KB Sailor Jupiter introducing herself to one of Alan and Ann's cardians. (N.A. Version)
jspmakeup.wav 123 KB "Jupiter Star Power, Make Up!"
juppwr.wav 193 KB "Jupiter Power!" (N.A. Version)
supthund.wav 150 KB "Supreme Thunder!"
swpress.wav 247 KB "Sparkling Wide Pressure!"
thunder.wav 102 KB "Jupiter Thunder... Crash!" (N.A. Version)
thunderclap.wav 157 KB "Jupiter... Thunderclap Zap!" (N.A. Version)

Sailor Venus Files
Filename Size Description
crescent.wav 59.9 KB "Venus Crescent Beam Crash!" (N.A. Version)
imvenus.wav 253 KB Sailor Venus introduces herself to one of Alan and Ann's cardians. (N.A. Version)
lbshock.wav 192 KB "Venus... Love and Beauty Shock!"
lovechain.wav 200 KB "Venus... Love Chain Encircle!" (N.A. Version)
offhere.wav 75.3 KB Though the Sailor Scouts defeated a monster from the Negamoon, they forgot that Sailor Venus was still stuck on the wall from the monster's needle attacks. (N.A. Version)
oldbag.wav 67.3 KB Mina is mad at the little kids who made fun of Carrie and Artemis thinks she sounds like an "old bag." (N.A. Version)
prettyboy.wav 52.2 KB Before Malachite can capture Tuxedo Mask, Venus and the other Scouts stand in his way. (N.A. Version)
venpwr.wav 227 KB "Venus Power!" (N.A. Version)
vlmchain.wav 193 KB "Venus Love-Me Chain!"
vspmakeup.wav 166 KB "Venus Star Power, Make Up!"

Sailor Pluto Files
Filename Size Description
dead.wav 187 KB "Dead Scream"

Sailor Neptune Files

Filename Size Description
deepsub.wav 108 KB "Deep Submerge!"
nepplntpwr.wav 393 KB "Neptune Planet Power, Make UP!"
subreflect.wav 93.6 KB "Submarine Reflection!"

Sailor Uranus Files
Filename Size Description
shaking.wav 75.4 KB "World Shaking!"
swordblast.wav 96.0 KB "Space Sword Blaster!"

Sailor Chibi-Moon Files
Filename Size Description
pshattack.wav 118 KB "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!"

Sailor Saturn Files
Filename Size Description
surprise.wav 469 KB Sailor Saturn starts to perform her "Silence Glaive... Surprise" attack.
swall.wav 200 KB "Silent Wall!"

Sailor Starlights Files
Filename Size Description
gentle.wav 59.2 KB Sailor Star Maker's attack "Star... Gentle Uterus!"
inferno.wav 52 KB Sailor Star Healer's attack "Star Sensitive Inferno!"
starsintro.wav 129 KB Each of the three Sailor Starlights introduce themselves: "Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Star Healer! Sailor Starlights... are here!"

Other Wav Files
Filename Size Description
capeboy.wav 130 KB Before Rubeus can attack Rini and Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask stops him. (N.A. Version)
chibichibi.wav 30.3 KB Chibichibi happily says "Chibi chibi!"
darienmlk.wav 62.5 KB Darien makes fun of the Moonlight Knight. (N.A. Version)
garlic.wav 247 KB This is from the Sailor Moon Super S Special. The four inner soldiers use a wierd attack called the "Sailor Special Garlic Attack" on a vampire.
lplskm.wav 300 KB Rini creates a slingshot from her Luna Ball to defend herself. (N.A. Version)
pwrunite.wav 128 KB The Scouts cast their powers to destroy Queen Beryl. (N.A. Version)
pyro.wav 166 KB When Mars saved Sailor Moon and Mercury with her fire, they got a LITTLE burned. (N.A. Version)

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