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Sailor Jupiter
Makoto, Super Sailor Jupiter


  Makoto is sort of a tom-boy and has the reputation of a violent person. She is taller than than any average teenage girl and has incredible strength for her age. When she first met Usagi, she saved her by beating up some men that were giving Usagi a hard time (see the American Version of this scene). In fact, she trasferred to Usagi's school because she was expelled from her old school for fighting too much. In the first season, Makoto actually fought against Zoisite in hand to hand combat when she wasn't even transformed into Sailor Jupiter!! Ironically for a person of massive strength, Makoto is very skilled at cooking and cleaning. She dreams of having her own restaurent when she grows older. She also enjoys flowers. Almost every attractive man she sees reminds her of her old boyfriend. Makoto is like a mother to the Sailor Soldiers, especially Usagi. Usagi looks up to her and they both have lots of respect for each other.

  As Sailor Jupiter, she has excellent speed and not to mention strength. Her attacks are involved with lightning and thunder and are some of the strongest of the Soldiers. Besides her attacks, she will gladly fight in hand-to-hand karate combat with any oppenent. Though a skilled fighter with strong powers, she makes slight mistakes sometimes in battle and usually gets ahead of herself. She sometimes attacks an enemy before the Sailor Soldiers really know the true danger or conflict behind it. She is very confident of her ability, but sometimes too confident. Fortunately, she is always focused and determined on their mission.

Makoto's Profile

Full Name: Kino Makoto
Name Meaning: Truth/Sincerity of Wood
Age: 14 (Begining of Saga)
Birthdate: December 5
Height: 5'6"
Favorites: Attractive men, cooking and cleaning, ice skating, karate, flowers
Dislikes: People being scared of her


Jupiter in Roman Mythology was the ruler of all the gods. In Greek Mythology, he was known as Zeus. Since, Jupiter could control thunder and lightning by throwing bolts down onto Earth, Sailor Jupiter has powers over thunder and lightning.

Special Powers

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon (First Season)

Jupiter Power, Make Up:

Makoto says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter

Supreme Thunder:
Sailor Jupiter says this to reveal a tiny rod out of her tiara. This rod collects or creates thunder bolts which Jupiter then directs at a target.

Pretty Solider Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon "R" (Second Season)

Supreme Thunder Dragon:
When Jupiter says this, her lightning bolts that she collected on her tiara rod create a giant dragon made of thunder/lightning which attacks the enemy.

Jupiter Star Power, Make Up:
Makoto says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter

Sparkling Wide Pressure:
Jupiter says this to generate a oval-shaped ball of electricity at her palms that she then throws at an enemy. This is Jupiter's most powerful attack.
Movie, Wav File (Sound File)

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Moon "Super S" (Fourth Season)

Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up:
This is what Makoto says to transform into Super Sailor Jupiter

Jupiter Oak Evolution:
Super Sailor Jupiter's energy surrounds her and she converts it into leaf-like shapes of energy in which she fires toward an enemy.

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