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Sailor Mercury
Ami, Super Sailor Mercury


  Ami is one of the smartest Sailor Soldiers. She has the reputation as a bit of a nerd or a bookworm because of her constant high grades. When the Inner Sailors were studying for their High School Entrance exams, they would all ask Ami for help on their problems. She also makes sure that they are all studying and working hard in school. Ami is very quiet, conservative, polite, and also shy. She has had little experience with love and boyfriends because of her school-work and her being a Sailor Soldier. However, she does have enough time to be an excellent swimmer and chess player. She swam in a race against Michiru once, but she purposely slowed down and tied with her because she did not want to hurt her feelings, which angered Michiru. The two raced a second time later and tied again, this time for real. She is one of Usagi's closest friends and understands her probably the most out of any of the Sailors. She always keeps an eye out for Usagi and makes sure that she is performing up to her potential.

  Sailor Mercury has the power of water. Unfortunately, she is not as physically strong as the other Soldiers. Plus, Sailor Mercury's attacks start out weak in the begining of the Sailor Moon Saga, but increase greatly. Her powers are mostly used for defensive purposes. Obviously her strength and attacks are not her best traits. However, it's her brainpower that is fascinating. She can use her mini-computer and her electronic visor to discover an enemies' weak-point, find out where the Sailor Soldiers are located, and measure an oppenents' energy level. When in battle, she usually discovers the enemy's weakness first, and then lets the other Soldiers destroy it. But this still doesn't mean that her ability to freeze an oppenent doesn't come in handy every once in a while!

Ami's Profile

Full Name: Mizuno Ami
Name Meaning: Second Beauty of Water
Age: 14 (Begining of Saga)
Birthdate: September 10th
Height: 5'2"
Favorites: Studying, reading, computers, Chess, swimming, sandwhiches, mathematics
Dislikes: Receiving love letters


In Roman Mythology, Mercury was the god of commerce. Mercury is equivilant to the Greek god Hermes, who was the messenger god.

Special Powers

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon (First Season)

Mercury Power, Make Up:
Ami says these words to transform into Sailor Mercury

Bubble Spray:
Sailor Mercury says this to generate a sphere of energy between her hands. She then releases the energy which bursts into bubbles. The bubbles create a dense fog which confuses and distracts an enemy.

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon "R" (Second Season)

Bubble Spray Freezing:
This attack is the same as 'Bubble Spray' except the bubbles freeze an enemy for a short period of time.

Mercury Star Power, Make Up:
Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury

Shine Aqua Illusion:
Sailor Mercury says this to generate a huge freezing attack of water at an enemy.

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Moon "Super S" (Fourth Season)

Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up:
Ami's transformation into Super Sailor Mercury is started by saying these words

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody:
Super Sailor Mercury says this and creates a harp made of water. She plays it and makes a melody that creates freezing water which is sent toward an enemy.
Movie, Wav File (Sound File)

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