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Trish's Garden Of §AVAGE GARDEN

Hey!!!!!!!!!! SG IS FINALLY BACK AND I HAVE DECIDED ITS TIME TO UPDATE!!!!! MY SG PAGE. I am so Glad They Are Back I have been A loyal and fathful fan and boy the wait sure paid off!!! They have outdone themselves with this beautifully talented sophomore disk. To me It rules!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know what u think. I am alos glad they are doing alot of promotion with their new cd titled AFFIRMATION.. Which i strongly suggest u get as soon as u can. well for now all i am gonna do is put a questbook.. some pictures and a poll... so LOVE SG!!!!!!!!!! Bad thing about it was... I had to get a new guest book :(
The Savage Polls
Why do you think savage garden kix ass?

Because they are sexy
Because they are very creative and have different types of styles in their music
Because they have the most beautiful songs and best talent
Because they are aussies
because they are the best looking Men in the universe!
Becuz they put on a kick ass concert!!
Becuz they are unique and interesting men
becuz they are sg

Current Results

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Trisha's links to cool pages.

gives u a good deal on web pages
Savage gardens sony page
My poem page

A list of some sg songs
