PARTY TIME!!! Huge big massive hugz and thankyou's to every single wonderful, wierd, warped person who helped make it to 100!! You're all so wonderful...I think I'm gonna cry...!!
1. Start moshing to Truly Madly Deeply at one of their concerts.
2.When Darren throws his sweaty towel into the audience, throw it back at him.
3. When at a concert, scream hysterically at the stage "I love you Taylor!!!"
4. Ask them to autograph a body part.
5. When Darren's in the vicinity, shout loudly "Look, it's Bono!" (Thanks Sam!)
6. Ditto for Daniel, but replace 'Bono' with 'Meg'.
7.Write a letter to their solicitor claiming you're Dan's love child (this may not work if you're over 9 years old).
8. If you're on the same flight as them, ask the steward in a loud voice if they've packed your 300 piece Star Wars collection safely.
9. If they pull up next to you at the traffic lights, gun your engine and initiate a drag race.
10. Find a video camera and container of laundry detergent, rock up to Dan's house and say "Hi, I'm from the Napisan doorstep challenge....."
11. For Darren, bleach your hair, don a cone-bra, heels and hotpants, and walk around town singing 'Like A Prayer' (better not try this if you're a guy)
12. If Darren pulls you up on stage during a concert, bite him on the neck and say "Interview me!" (Thanks Kerry!)
13. If you manage to meet them backstage, scream uncontrollably when you see them, then run straight past and hug Karl.(Thanks again Kerry)
14. Sneak backstage and swap Darren and Anna Maria's costumes around.(You're a legend Kez)
15. When you're at their concert, brandish a huge sign reading 'I wanna fly you to the moon and stay there'. Hey, it got my friend into the paper!
16. Kidnap their support act, and take over with your own performance.
17. Send Darren a keg of scotch whiskey.
18. Saw 11 inches off the legs of Dan's piano.
19. Save their life somehow. Maybe get a warped friend to half drown one of them, so you can resuscitate them. (Thanks Sammy and Samantha!)
20. Turn up to a concert butt's gotta attract someone's attention. (Thanks again Sam)
21. If Darren gets you up on stage (again), grab him by his bodysuit and yell "Wedgie!!" (Good one Kez)
22. Dress up like Princess Leia (or Chewbacca if you're desperate enough...) (heaps of tx Sammy!)
23. Swap Darren's hair mousse for whipped cream (mmm...chica cherry Darren...)
24. Buy an accoustic guitar and busk around Brisbane singing SG songs.
25. Send Darren a document on the biological impossibilities of culturing pearls from tear ducts.
26. Follow Dan around like a totally besotted fan for 2 hours. Finally pluck up the courage to ask if he's really Daniel Jones, and when he says yes, say "Sorry, I thought you were somebody else" and walk off.
27. Send Daz another document on the physical impossibilities of a return trip to the moon using only recording equipment.
28. Ok, here's one for easter: seal yourself in a giant chocolate easter egg, and get someone to post it to Darren. Trust me, he'll remember you! (I had to use it Sam!)
29.Send Darren a letter outlining the basic differences between Norman Mailer, caped crusaders, supermodels, space invaders, and him.
30. Walk around Brisbane with Meg Ryan. Dan will come along eventually (along with about 600 other men, probably)
31. When Darren flashes his nipple at a concert, flash yours right back at him! (heaps of tx Jackie)
32. If you see Darren at the service station, ram into his car with yours, so you'll have to exchange addresses for insurance purposes. (Thanks to Mary Hayes-Jones)
33. At a concert, dress up as Luke Skywalker, and grab a friend dressed as Princess Leia, and swing across the place on a rope! (big thanks to Coggs)
34. Where chocolatey clothes, bathe in chocolate, memorize ingredients typically used in chocolate, stuff chocs into every pocket, then run up to them and say "EAT ME!!" (thanks again to Coggs)
35. Get some kind of sheet from NASA, run up to the guys and say, "Flight to the moon and back is leaving in 2 minutes. Here's your ticket." (Coggs again!)
36. Not only start a mosh pit, but try stage diving and crowd surfing...(tx to Cassie)
37. Throw men's jocks instead of women's underwear. (Cass again!)
38. When you get to the concert, ring the fire brigade and tell them to hurry because Dan's arms are on fire (if you ain't sure what this is about, check out Daniel's costume for the Delites tour...) (Thanks heaps Cassie)
39. Throw Star Wars figurines onto the stage instead of flowers and undies. (tx Crystal!)
40. If Darren pulls you up on stage during Thissideofme (again!!), and gives you a hug, grab the mic off him and boogie on down the stage, pulling the latest dance moves and singing. (big thanks Maj!)
41. Give Daz a roasted pork with an apple in its mouth, saying Happy Birthday. (Thanks to Savage Lover!)
42. Serenade "Sexy Eyes" to Daz, cuz we all know it's his favourite song. (thanks Lizz!)
43. Sit in the front row eating a huge, juicey steak, and when Daz looks at you funny, ask if he wants a bite (thanks Celes!)
44. Ring Darren and ask him since when do taxis have sirens?!
45. If you meet the guys, yell "I'm gonna gouge your eyes out with a spoon and shove them up your nose!!" (erm...whatever Becky!)
46. Steal Darren's underwear (he leaves them on the fan apparently...) (*lol* Thanks Sam!)
47. Stand outside Daz's house wearing a camp 70's outfit, screaming "Do I make you horny baby!!!"
48. Dress up like Daz or Dan and walk up to them and scream "I'M YOUR
LONG LOST TWIN! (big thanks Bubbles!)
49. Run up to them screaming hysterically "THE PINK ELEPHANTS! THEY'RE AFTER ME! HELP"!!! (*lol* Thanks Bubbles!)
50. Hypnotise Daniel, saying "whenever Darren utters the word 'baby', you will immediately think you are a chicken". Squawk!! (ok, so this one is just stupid)
51. Turn up to a concert wearing cowboy boots and riding chaps, and ask where Garth is.
52. Steal Darren's g-string, so he won't be able to get into his costume! (Huge tx Synne!) (and Sammy too!)
53. Show up naked at a concert with soap and a towel and scream "Ok, you guys, I'm
ready to bathe with you in the sea!" (Thanks heaps to
54. If you're ever at a SG concert, bring a karaoke machine and start singing all
the songs with them off key! (Thankyou Toby!)
55. If he pulls you up on stage (what, again?!), take the mic from him and serenade ''Lady
to him (you know that song by All Saints?) (Toby again!)
56. Go to a concert dressed up like Daz, manage to get backstage, wait 'til daz is
on stage, then you go on stage opposite from where he came on at, and start
singing with him! (Yuh-huh...Toby strikes again!)
57. When they come out on stage get on someone's shoulders and say "I'm all yours
over and over again hysterically. (Big tx to here)
58. Leave a snake in Dan's bed. (C'mon...just picture him running around in his boxers screaming!! *lol*)
59. Dress up in a Darth Vader costume, walk up to Daz and say "Darren, come with
me to the Dark Side." (May the force be with you Angie!)
60. Not only steal Dazza's G-string, but wear it on your head while sitting in
the front row. (Angie again)
61. Go to the back of Darren's house while he's sleeping, make it seem like his
house is on fire and watch him run out in his cute lil' boxers. (Thanks Toby!)
62. When Daz and Dan get off their airplane, kidnap their limo driver and take
over. Instead of taking them to the hotel, take them to your house. (Toby again!)
63. The night before Daz's b-day, sneak into his house, decorate it, bake a cake,
have confetti ready, and when he wakes up scream "Happy Birthday Dazzy!" and
throw the confetti in his face. (I do not wanna be there when you do that Toby..)
64. If Darren is alraedy singing the chorus of 'Break Me Shake Me' Shout
'BUT I DON'T WANT TO BREAK YOU AND SHAKE YOU!!!' at the top of your lungs. (Thanks to Savage Spades!!)
65. If it's time for their break time, sneak out in the backstage and kiss
Darren or Daniel or both of them but better do this in private (I dunno what
will happen to you if you did this in public.) (Try it and let the rest of us know Spades!!)
66. Call Darren and ask him since when do feelings have colors? (Thanks Rainbow Kitten!)
67. At a concert, sit in the front row with a big sign saying"The End Is Near" (Thankyou to April B)
68. At a concert, throw a violin, two fake hands and a note saying "Nicki, Nicki,
Nicki" on to the stage. (Darren will get it if you don't) (I don't get it April!)
69. Dress up in really old Egyptian duds, dye your hair black and stalk Darren at
night with absolutely no expression on your face. (This one will FREAK HIM OUT). (You're one spooky chick April!! :) )
70. Stalk them. (April again!)
71. At a concert, sit in the front row and sing TV commercial jingles during Truly
Madly Deeply. (Have a guess....yup, go April!)
72. Bumpershine on their touring bus. (are you trying to take over my page girl?)
73. Do the last one, naked this time. (*lol* Ok April!)
74. Sit in the front row and stare with a really menacing look on your face. (Like I spooky chick!! J/K Thanks heaps April!)
75. If dazza does that thing where every time he slaps his butt you sing sweet
like a chica cherry cola yell...Hey darren can I slap your ass for you? if
he lets you GOOSE HIM!..he'll squeal like a little piggy..and I'm sure he'll
never forget that! (Thanks DazzasGrl!)
76. Hook up flashing lights to a car battery then wrap them around you during
the concert the whole time jumping up and down announcing which member of SG
you love! (DANIEL!! DANIEL!!!..*lol* Oh thanks again to DazzasGrl!)
77. Run up on stage and duct tape yourself to the SG member of your
have a while to chat if you use enough duct tape cause that stuff takes
forever to get off..But make sure you're careful about how and where you ductt
ape yourself or you you may end up with your head in a very weird place DazzasGrl. (I'm advising everyone to try this!!! Massive tx DazzasGrl!)
78. Kidnap Daz's wife, take her to the top of Mount Everest and find out if he
really wants to stand with her on a mountain. (Eeek! It's April again!)
79. Tape Daz & Wife to the bed and find out if he really wants to lay like that
forever. (I've said it before and I'll say it spooky chick!)
80. Stick em' both in the middle of the North Atlantic naked....
okay, you get the picture. (Go April!)
81. Break in to Daz's (or Dan's) house and when he comes back, get up off of the
floor and say, "Oh, man, how'd I get here?" in a drunken voice and walk off. (I bags Dan's house!! Thanks April!)
82. The same thing, but in their touring bus. (I get the feeling this gal's a professional...)
83. Hide out on Daz's roof and sing something like "La, la, la" in the middle of
the night in a spooky tone. (Have I mentioned spooky yet? Thanks April!)
84. During Truly Madly Deeply, moon Daz and point to your bum saying..."Yeah,
baby!" (Good one Mariah!)
85. Glue yourself to the tour-bus, and ask them to "drive carefully". (So that's why the bus was sticky....thanks Synne!)
86. Eat some garlic, and then give Darren and Daniel a big kiss each. (Blah! We'll leave that one for you Synne!)
87. You and a friend dress up like Darren and Daniel, and when you meet them,
accuse them of dressing up as you. (Synne again!)
88. Take them on a tour of you city, and leave them!! (Yuh-huh...go Synne!)
89. Go up to Darren and ask: "Could you please show me how my tears can become
pearls"? (It's Synne!! Sssssomebody sssstop her!!)
90. Give Daniel a Teddy Bear with "I love you" written on it, and say: You are
so God damn lovable!! (You bet he is!! Thanks again to....yup, Synne!)
91.Tell them that next time they make fun of Spice it properly!! (Stop right now, thankyou very much Synne! No, don't)
92. Scream as loud as you can at a concert: "Come on, Daniel. Don't be so shy!
Show us the good stuff"!! (Big thanks Synne!!)
93. Go to a hanson concert, jump onstage, and yell, "YOU SUCK AND SAVAGE GARDEN
RULEZ!!!!" (Thanks to Shawn)
94. Somehow manage to get past security, get on the stage, take off all
your clothes and streak across the stage butt naked. You're bound to
attract Daz and Dan's attention then. (And several other people to probably Bubbles!)
95. Dress up as FBI agents (or the Aussie equivalent) and go to Darren's house
asking to see his refrigerator. (Noooo!!! It's APRIL!!!)
96. Put up posters all over Brisbane advertising a huge party at Darren's address. (Partay on April)
97. Send them flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. (..have a guess?)
98. Camp in Daz's or Dan's front yard. (Complete with campfire...hey April?)
99. At a concert, hold up a big sign saying "Lestat Forever". (April!)
100. Squeeze Darren's balls and say: Man!! You really need some Viagra!! (This one's from Synne! Well, it'll make him sing higher, huh?