We've come so far...
I think this is what we call obsessive

601. While Daz and Dan are in their limo, catch up with them in your car
and stop with them beside a stop light and get them to roll down their
window and jump in the limo and say "Hi!! My name is Slim Shady!!!" (Who else but daniels girl?)
And kickstarting the 600s with the next forty-six (hot damn!) is Tiara...
602. Bring 3 friends and go to an SG concert dressed up as Teletubbies.
(Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, Po...)
603. Go to the concert riding an Indian elephant and dressed up as a Arabian
princess/prince (Watch 'I Dream Of Jeannie' or Aqua's video for 'Good
Morning Sunshine' for inspiration)
604. Do the one above, then belly-dance to 'Carry On Dancing'.
605. Bring a few small kids and a whole barnyard of animals along with you
to a concert. When security asks, tell them that they're going to sing
along with Savage Garden to 'The Animal Song'. (..come bashing in the jungle, come bashing in your head...)
606. Do the one above, then get the kids to repeat what you just said while
the animals bray, baa, moo, whatever. Then add, "See! Even Darren agreesme...'Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie...' "
607. Bring the kids and animals backstage to meet Savage Garden after the
608. Go up to them shyly and, er, sing to them 'Would You' by Touch-N-Go.
(The lyrics go: 'I've noticed you around...I find you very
attractive...um, would you go to bed with me?' repeated a few times)
609. Send them a whole bunch of SG album covers you created and tell them to
use at least one of them for their new album.
610. Dress up in a frilly gown with wings and go up to one of them saying
'Hi! I'm the Hug Fairy! I've been looking on you for a while now and I
know you've been a good boy and so you deserve a great big hug!' Then hug
them as tightly as possible.
611. Go up to one of them (again!) carrying a form of some sort and ask him
'Excuse me, are you (look down at your paper) ?'
When he says yes, say to him, 'Oh good! I'm from Celeb-O-Grams and a
person by the name of a Mr. ordered me to give you a
Hug-O-Gram.' (I.e. if you're talking to Dan, tell him Daz ordered the
Hug-O-Gram and vice versa) Give him the form and ask him to sign it, then
hug him. Then go to the other member and do to same thing to him.
612. Write a letter to Sony, Sega or Nintendo telling them to make a Savage
Garden video game right away. (Hey, if the Spice Girls can have one, why
can't D&D?)
613. Dance ballet during a SG concert.
614. Dance the Macarena or Steps' '5,6,7,8' dance during a SG concert.
615. Make a demo tape of yourself and send it to Savage Garden asking them
for their opinion and also requesting them to hand it over to their record
616. Gather a few Savage Garden-fanatic friends - especially those who look
like Daz, Dan & co - and make a movie based on Savage Garden. (If the Star
Wars fans can do it why can't we?)
617. Do the one above, then upload a copy on the Net and send one to D&D.
618. Clutch a whole bunch of SG photos and pics and run up to them singing
'Drop Dead' by Space.
619. Sing 'My Friend So Long' by Dc Talk to them. (You have to read the
songs' lyrics to get this one and the one above)
620. Invite D&D to a Savage Fest.
621. Create your own Savage Garden comic strip and send it to the Fanzine
asking them to print it out.
622. Write a letter to D&D telling them you're a poor girl/boy who heard
Savage Garden songs on the neighbour's radio and found the address in an
abandoned fanzine and ask them to sponsor your membership.
623. Write a letter to D&D and the Fanzine asking them to send an official
letter to your parents telling them that the Fanclub is for real! (My dad
won't let me join coz he thinks it's a fraud! Aargh!)
624. Make a whole list of bands and singers and send it off to SG telling
them that they should do a duet with at least one of the bands on the
list. (If only SG did a duet with Aqua...that would be heaven!)
625. Email D&D begging them to visit your website.
626. Send them a rose every month. (I got the idea from a local newspaper
627. Propose to your mate during a SG concert.
628. Get married during a SG concert.
629. Give birth during a SG concert. (methinks this would take amazing timing...)
630. Do the one above and name the baby Darren Stanley Hayes or Daniel
Jones if it's a male or Nicole McIntyre or Anna-Maria LaSpina if it's a
female, depending on who he/she looks more like.
631. Celebrate your birthday during a SG concert.
632. Celebrate your wedding anniversary during a SG concert.
633. Go to a SG concert dressed as an angel...
634. ...or go there dressed as the Devil!
635. Dress up as the Grim Reaper and follow Daz/Dan around everywhere.
636. Train a Furby to sing Savage Garden songs, then bring it to a SG
concert and let it SING ITS BATTERIES OUT!
637. Get a letter of approval from the head of your school saying that SG's
allowed to perform at your school and send that together with a letter of
request of school performance to D&D.
638. Faint during a concert or the time before a concert when Dan walks on
stage to check the equipment. When you regain consciousness, make up an
excuse about a fatal and mysterious disease.
639. Invite D&D to a school fair or whatever is it your school's having
that's open to most people, like plays or something like that. Remember to
buy them tickets!
640. Go up to them after a concert with your schoolbag and ask Daz to help
you with your homework. (Sir Hayes! What's 1 + 1? :)
641. Pitch camp during a SG concert.
642. Go backstage holding a tray carrying glasses of chica-cherry-cola
(Daz's recipe: red cordial + CocaCola) and pass them out to everyone in
the band.
643. Donate a huge sum of money to Savage Garden. (They'll surely be VERY
644. Bring a crying baby to a concert and ask D&D to help look after it
while you look for supplies.
645. Dress up as a prostitute and try to offer D&D your 'services'. (Heh
heh heh :)
646. Buy an uncharted island and christen it 'Savage Garden Island'.
647. Do the one above, then get EVERY Savage Garden fan in the world and
Savage Garden themselves to live there. (Wa-hey! Thanks Tiara!)
Alrighty....the next 50 (holy freakin' skrot!) are from ALisa, Mariah and Berri!
648. Nonchalantly walk up to the Savage Garden member of your choice, make sure
noone is looking, attach yourself to their leg and refuse to let go. Bonus
points if they don't notice!!!
649. Present Darren or Dan with a giant champaigne bottle and say :My place.
After the concert. I'll be waiting, big boy. Then walk off.
650. Walk up to Dan and Darren, with big innocent bambi eyes, and say: I have a
problem. They'll ask: What is it?
You say: I'm 33 and my mom is 11 and my dad 22.
Then skip off like nothing happened.
651. Throw your underwear at them.
652. If that fails to get their attention, throw THEIR underwear at them.
653. Buy them ice cream.
654. Serenade Darren or Dan with the "Tom Green Show" theme.
655. Walk up with two Gamboys and a link cable and ask them to battle their
Dratini against your Pikachu.
656. Parachute onto the stage, in your birthday suit, and present Darren with a
full, hardcover set of Ann Rice's Vampire Chronicles.
657. The above, just without the books, singing "Big, Big World" by Amelia...
except change the words to: I'm a sick sick girl, in a sick, sick world. It's
not a big, big thing if you do me.
658. Run up to Darren screaming, "THE PURPLE, GAY TELETUBBY IS AFTER ME!!!!!"
659. Offer to teach Darren and Dan(or anyone else in the band) how to dance
like a Backstreet Boy or an N Syncer (ARGH!! EVIL!! Or.. how to do the Time
warp if they are intrested
660. Jump on stage and sing a parody of whatever they are playing.
661. Go to one of their concerts dressed in a Pikachu outfit, and sing "The
Star Spangled Banner".
662. Climb on Darren's shoulders while he's singing. (If you can figure out how
to do this, lemme know!)
663. Try to sit on Darren's lap while he's singing "I'll Bet He Was Cool".
664. Try to sit on Karl's lap and "help" him play the drums.
665. While Darren is singing, "help" him either a)slap his arse or b) grab his
package **grin**
666 (this has gotta be an omen!). Sing Lenny Kravitz's "Fly Away" during TTMAB.
667. Kick Darren before a concert and tell him he sings like Mariah Carey. (if
you get the chance.. also ask him if he read "Cry to Heaven")
668. Throw Darren a pair of Spandex shorts with "wear me" pin to them.
669. Ask Darren if he likes biker shorts. and if he says yes ask him if they
are comfy.
670. Tell Darren some "funny" blonde jokes. (Why do blondes have bruised navels?....)
671. Hand Darren your demo tape.
672. Ask Darren if he can make his "Darren Noises" (moans) for you.
673. Ask Darren if he can teach you how to moan.
674. Offer to help him moan.
675. Don't make a fuss, just sneak on stage and play "backup singer"
676. Ask Dan if he "knows what the rock is cooking".
677. Ask Dan if he's a marshmellow.
678. Start reciting a hebrew prayer for Darren or Dan.
679. Go up to Darren and babble in Shakespearian.. then somehow ask him if he
understood "Shakespeare In Love". (I didn't)
680. Ask Darren if he would like fries with that.
681. If he says yes, ask him if he would like a cherry on top.
682. Strip.
683. Tell Darren he turned you veggie, and that you also have the memory of a
684. Tell Darren that even if he's meat, you'd still eat him.
685. Print this page out and give it to them.
686. Ask Darren if you can have Obi's autograph.
687. Run up to Darren or Dan and scream: THE BEAVERS ARE COMING!!! SAVE YOUR
and if they say they don't have any children, tell them to have some.. then
save them!!
688. Ask Dan if he's Jimmy Ray. (who wants to know?)
689. Run up on stage during a concert and scream: EAT ME, I'M A DANISH!!!!!
(this is kinda an inside joke with my radio station 92.7 KISS FM :)
690. Tell Darren your favourite toothpaste is Crest Original, then offer to
brush his teeth.
691. Walk up to Dan wearing a mini skirt, tube top, and high heels, and ask
him if he wants to trade clothes. (bonus points if hes wearing the fire shirt,
double points if he says 'yes')
692. Buy Darren a mini skirt.
693. Kick Darren in the balls, and then offer to kiss them and make them
694. Give Dan a bottle of Pedialyte and tell him "you don't need anymore sugar,
your sweet enough as it is!"
695. Tell Dan that he would look sooo cute with Bette Midler.
696. Ask Darren if he prefers Original or Maxi. (Wowee! Thanks gals!)
697. Insist that you get full credit if anyone tries out your idea.
698. Spend 20 minutes trying to make eye contact with Darren or Dan and when you
fianlly do say in a babyish voice, "stop staring at me, you bundle of fuzz!!" (This one's from ALisa and Mariah)
699. Go up to Darren and mumble in his ear, "it's snowing in Florida", then make a
motion of pulling up your shirt sleeve. If he says anything romotly like what
just give him a Look and scream, "your bra, dammit!!" (...and so's this one!)
700. Tell Daz you'd come bashing in the jungle with him anytime!
You KNOW you want more...

Got any mad ideas to add? Then give it to me baby! Uh huh, uh huh!
Email: savage_violet@hotmail.com