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If They Haven't Noticed You By Now, They Never Will...

This is turning into a cult now, ain't it?

501. Go to Daniel and give him your scent and tell him "what do you want me to do now...?" (And the first one in the 500's is from Myduyen)

502. Sing "I want your sex" or "Outside" of George Michael. (and also the second!)

503. In a concert, if a girl is pulled on stage by Darren and it's not you, get on stag and slap Darren and scream " YOU BASTARD! YOU TOLD ME I WAS THE ONE YOU LOVE TRULY MADLY DEEPLY!" then run as fast as you can! (Thanks Myduyen!)

504. Shriek out "Touch It" at a concert. (It's Ash again)

505. Shake a bottle of Surge a lot, then spray it at Darren. (And again!)

506. Dress, um, up as Lady Godiva, straddle a horse, and ride around at a concert. (*cringe* I don't even wanna think about the saddle-rash...thanks Ash! My god, that rhymed...)

507. Go up to one of the guys and ask them for an autograph, when they get a marker, open your shirt and have them sign your chest. (And that one's from Kristin)

508. Fall down on the stage and have a friend ask Darren to give you mouth 2 mouth. (Kristin once more)

509. Go up to Darren and ask if he is from Tennessee. because he is the only ten-u-see. (Oh dear..*lol* Thanks Kristin!)

510. Walk up to Darren and say, Adam would you please sing Happy hanuka? (Kristin again)

Ash did the next 5!

511. Greasepaint yourself white, get flaming red contacts and hair dye, dress up (or, um, down) like Marilyn Manson, go up to Dan's house, knock on his door with what should be your claws, and when he answers, screech out TMD.

512. Dress up like Manson (yes, again), go up to Darren, hug him, making sure not to rub off your greasepaint, and cough out, "We can wurk throough ths."

513. Dress up like Manson (one more time...please?) (ack!), and say to Dan, "Do you know what the speed of pain is? 250 kilometers an hour."

514. Dress up like Tom Hanks (what the hell?) and ask Dan what Meg Ryan's email address is.

515. Paint yourself purple and serenade Daz with "The Great Big White World." (Thanks Ash!)

516. When you go to a Savage Garden concert and you see Daniel talk to his girlfriend or Darren talk to a girl, walk to them and shout to them the lyrics of "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. (Thanks again myduyen!)

517. Abduct DAN (& DAZ if you prefer him) and become stranded on a deserted island, (hey it's not the moon, or outer space, but there is not likely to be many ppl around) (from Lozza!)

518. Dress up like them at parties!(and get some one ta take a pic and put it up on the web for them ta see!) (Lozza again!)

519. Write a letter to them telling them how they saved your life and thet now you feel eternally indebted to them, and now must follow them EVERYWHERE to make sure that no harm comes to them, (ps no harm from others!!!) (Thanks Loz)

The next 16 are courtesy of Kristin! Yo!

520. Dress up like a clown and squirt Darren with your flower pin

521. Ask Darren to kiss your finger to make it better cuz it hurts, then when he does, daringly go on about how much your lips hurt...

522. Go onstage and tell You Might Be A Redneck If... jokes

523. Go onstage and throw twinkies at the band, then run around screaming, ATTACK OF THE KILLER TWINKIES, RUNNN!

524. Go onstage and Start singing "Hooch" by Everything

525. Go up to Daniel and say: I lost my phone number, can I have yours?

526. Walk up to Darren and tell him you're like Oxygen cuz once he breaths you in, he can't live without you

527. Go up to Darren and say I know you want me! Then pinch his butt and run off.

528. Dress up as Dr.Giggles from the movie and follow Darren around Aussie, when he turns around, giggle and run off.

529. Go up to Darren while he is in his Long Disco jacket, and say, Doctor, I have an extremely large growth behind my ear, would you take a look?

530. Go up to Darren and say boxers or briefs, then pull his pants down and see for yourself!

531. Run around idiotically at a concert screaming the sky is falling! The sky is falling!!!!

532. Hold Darren and Daniel hostage backstage and force them to give you a private show.

533. When Darren flashes his nipple, wave a $5 bill around and yell, TAKE IT OFF!!

534. Make friends with one of the crewmen and have him put a spotlight directly on you.

535. Go up to Darren and Say You: Knock Knock Darren: Who's there You: Inturrupting cow Darren: Inter---- You ( before he can finish ): MOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Cheers Kristin!)

Credit for the next 9 goes to April...

536. Stare at Darren for a really long time and then yell, "Damn it! The spell didn't work!" while slapping the person beside you.

537. Ring Darren and tell him to scar Daniel and then check if the scar is there the next day, because the Daniel clones are all over the planet!!! And Daniel could be replaced at any time! And he most likely has already been replaced!

538. Ring Darren and tell him an interesting story about what happened after you both went through the purple vortex, and why he doesn't remember. (I don't know what ppl smoke up in Gimli, but it must be damn good!)

539. Run up to Darren, out of breath, and ask him is he saw a naked Patrick Stewart clone run through with a $100 dollar bill.

540. When Darren responds to the last one in some way, scream, "You're one of them!" and run off.

541. Run up (doin' a lot of runnin') to Daz & Colby if you see them together and whisper, "Jack! Lily! You've got to save the unicorns!". Then hand Daz a golden sword and say, "You must trust Lily", and stand there smiling at them.

542. After they shrug you off (or run away) after the last one, scream, "Oh no! The dark tree has gotten to you, too!" and run off holding your head and crying.

543. Ring Darren and say, "I've found Lestat! His new name is Tom Cruise, and he's living in LA with one of his dark children, whose name is Nicole Kidman! She's really pale, i don't think she's feeding..." and continue on.

544. Ring Darren and tell him you've found Louis! And someone who looks just like Claudia! (A big yo to April!)

Chÿna Doll™ gone and done da next 10!

545. Tell them your name and about this page................!! That's GOT to get their attention!! (*screams* NOOOOOOO!!)

546. Dress up like Elvis and say "um can I sing now?"

547. Pretend you're a stoner and make them both lick your dog

548. Jump on stage holding a huge sign that says "Savage Garden Sucks Ass" and let all the fans beat the crap out of you in front of them.

549. During truly madly deeply, grab the microphone and say "I'm so mad I build little race cars with my poop! I'm so mad I burn cigar butts on my invisible penis! I'm mad terribly mad!!!"

550. Walk up to Dan pull the tag out of the back of his shirt look at it and walk away..... and when he says "what the hell was all that about?!" say, "I was just seeing if it said made in heaven"

551. Walk up to them and say "Darling, you haven't changed a bit since our divorce"

552. Walk up and say "So, do you like bagels or muffins in the morning?"

553. Walk up (again!) and say "If life is a meat market, you're prime rib"

554. Say "Your daddy must be a thief, because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes"

Christine kindly donated the next *good lord* 25...

555. Wear a full-length naked bodysuit to a concert so it looks like you are wearing nothing. (Like Mrs. Doubtfire)

556. Also wearing the naked bodysuit shout to Daz, "Give it to me baby!"

557. When Daz is singing TMD at a concert start singing "love is only sleeping" by the Monkees (1960's pop group)

558. Follow SG member of choice singing "Hey hey we're the monkees," but change the monkees to Savage Garden.

559. Take a hairbrush or toothbrush to their concert and sing "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve as loud as you can - especially the 'I can change' line.

560. Get Dan's feet wet and start singing Mary Poppins "spoonfuls of sugar" then say let me take you home and get you into something dry!

561. Kidnap Daz or Dan and send a ransom note to every newspaper world wide.

562. Get a mask made (like Mrs. Doubtfire) of Darren and dress up like him. Tie him up and take his place on a concert.

563. Get a mask made of Daniel this time put on a blonde Sandra Dee wig (Grease) and run on stage during SG song of choice claiming to be his-long-lost-indentical-twin-sister!

564. Dress up like Sandy from Grease in the tight black pants etc and the curly hair and sing "I've got chills, they're multiplying, and I'm losing control...because the power you're supplying, it's ELECTRIFING!!! to Daniel.

565. Dress up like Sandra Dee and "serenade" Daz w/ "look at me I'm sandra dee"

566. Get 4 male friends (or 3 if you are male) and 3 female friends (or 4 if you are male) and dress up like the T-Birds and Pink Ladies and stand in the front row of their concert

567. "Serenade" (erk!) Dan with "Tubthumper" by Chumbawamba

568. Call Dan on his mobile phone and order a Big Mac Extra Value Meal and ask if he delivers. (ooh...could someone gimme the number? Please?)

569. Call Daz and terminate the call with "this telephone will self-destruct in 3...2...1 (after the 1 hang up)

570. Call Daz and order a large super special pizza with extra ham. Give him your name, address and phone number and hang up before he can say anything.

571. Call SG member of choice. Say hello. Wait 5 seconds then behave as if THEY called YOU!

572. Call Dan and change accent every 5 seconds.

573. Dress up like ET, then ride to Darren's house on your bike at night on a full moon and say, "Darren it's time to phone home" and point to the moon.

574. Dress up like a pink elephant and during any song at their concert scream as loud as you can, "ARGH I'VE TURNED INTO ONE OF THEM!!!! HELP ME!!!"

575. Go to a SG concert with flashing headlights on your tits.

576. Dress like Gene Simmons from KISS and during TMD run on stage and sing any KISS song you know!

577. Dress in plastic tights, a kilt, a white t-shirt, a bright green scarf and a gold medal and try to convince Darren that YOU are the champion at Monopoly! (believe me Darren will know EXACTLY what you mean! and remember you for a VERY long time)

578. Go to a SG concert with a huge sign saying, "I love the Monkees! Davy Jones 4 eva!"

579. Sing "Daydream Believer" to Daz. (Holy good gravy...thanks Christine!)

Thanks to Rainbow Kitten for the next prizes for guessing where she got the inspiration from!

580. Blow your nose on their shirt.

581. Ask them if they have any cold medicine.

582. Sneeze on them.

583. Tell them you have a deadly contagious disease then sneeze on them. (Thanks RK! *hands her a box of Kleenex*)

Thankyou Dream, for the next 11 ideas!

584. Get a medic alert bracelet that reads FREQUENLTY REQUIRES ORAL-GENITAL RESUSCITION. Then go up to Darren and pass out.

585. Tail Darren for 2 hours, while discreetly talking into the flower on your lapel.

586. Wear an eye patch to the concert, in the middle of a song, whip a large marble on the stage while shrieking, "my glass eye! Help! My glass eye popped out!" they'll stop the song and Darren retrieves the marble for you, peer at it with your one "eye" and say, "That's a marble, you idiot."

587. Fill a male sex doll with hellium dressed like Darren, and release it at his concert and yell "look Darren is flying to the moon"

588. Ask Darren if he's got change for a nickel

589. Fill a gas can with water, punch a hole in the bottom and walk around the stage while smoking the biggest cigar in the world.

590. Go up to Darren and tell him that a dog told me bad things will happen to him today.

591. Sneak in Darren's house and call the cops and ask "Hypothetically, how long can a body buried in a basement go undetected before neighbours pick up the stink?"

592. Dress up like Daniel and in the middle of the night loudlyy bury a blow up doll in Daniel's back yard; wait for the cops to arrive.

593. In Darren's sleep shave his sideburns to make them form quotation marks

594. Stick a piece of paper on Darren's back that reads: I eat animals and children. (Thanks Dream!)

595. Bring Sifl and Olly (if you watch MTV you'll know what I'm talking about :) to one of their concerts, and during any song of your choice, give Darren and Dan a nice little puppet show!! I'm sure they'll enjoy it! (That was Mariah!)

596. Get a friend to dress up like Lestat and walk casually through the front row looking at Darren the whole time>for more of a creeped out effect get your friend to point at him and mouth very obviously..."You're mine". If he does not notice start yelling "Hey Darren it's Lestat from the books" (Big thanks to Trish!)

597. Dress up exactly like Darren or Daniel hair cut and all. Get back stage and stand infront of them, turn around and scream, then say "Oh nevermind it's just my reflection" (Wa-hey Trish!)

598. Buy a blonde, long haired wig throw it at Darren at the concert and say "For God sake Taylor grow it back" (Trish again)

599. If you see Dan or Darren, walk up to them doing 'The Shimmey' and ask them if they like Britney Spears. (One more time Mariah!)

600. Super glue your arms around Daz's/Dan's leg (Hi again daniels girl!)

Feeling masochistic...?

Got any mad ideas to add? Then give it to me baby! Uh huh, uh huh!
