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Woah! Who have we here? Nope, it isn't Shadow Weaver without the main part of her mask on (... I may as well give up hope of that now!), it's Haggar! Who? She's this lady from some show called 'Voltron'. Yeah, I've never heard of it until now, but you HAVE to get a load of these two's simalarities!

*Both are witches, dark sorceresses, etc.

*Both HATE being compared to science

*Haggar and Shadow Weaver have enormous dark powers

*Both have bosses which prefer technology and only keep the sorceresses around for their powers!

*Haggar lives in 'Hall Of Doom', Shadow Weaver lives in 'Horror Hall'

*They both have glowing yellow eyes, long bony fingers with sharp, black, claw-like nails and are both quite unattractive

*Both changed their name after they were transformed from beautiful to unattractive and both wear hoods because of this

Both are helping some guy take over a planet.

Wow! This lady's a lady?!

So I rekon that either Filmation has been TOTALLY ripped off or-

'I am... Shadow Weaver! Hagar's twin sister...'
