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‘A Narrow Escape’

Inside The Fright Zone, Shadow Weaver and Scorpia dodged Bow's arrows whilst Catra prepared to confront She-Ra. She grinned at the princess of power, walking slowly towards her. 'Face it, Blondie, we have a dozen Horde troopers behind us!' she said, pointing at the platoon who raised their guns. 'You're finished!'
Bow reached for some more arrows, but discovered he had used them all up, except a single exploding arrow.
'Don't you ever get tired of always being wrong?' She-Ra commented, and jumped several feet off the ground and landed behind the squadron. As they turned to face her, she punched one of them. The robot collided with the one behind it, which collided with another. Five troopers fell into a tangle.
'We came here to get those people you kidnapped from the village of Alwyn, and we are going to get them!'

'Don't be so fast to brag victory!' Scorpia said, watching the remaining robots all jump on top of She-Ra. In the confusion, no one realized that She-Ra had crawled out from underneath the troopers. Bow fired the explosive arrow into their midst. He heard a small fizzing noise before the robots exploded, their parts flying in every direction.

She-Ra and Bow smiled at each other. Shadow Weaver seethed.
'You may have destroyed the robots, but you will never make it past my magic!' the witch hissed, raising her arms, and out of thin air, small stones started pelting She-Ra and Bow. Then, whilst they were distracted, Scorpia threw a net over them. Bow struggled against it.
'Stop twitching, you're making it worse!' She-Ra instructed him. 'Don't worry, I have a plan.' She whispered in his ear. 'Hordak will certainly reward Catra greatly for this!' She-Ra said, pretending to sound defeated.
'Mrow, you've got that right, ex-princess of power!' Catra mused.
'What do you mean, Catra?!' Scorpia spat back. 'I was the one who threw the net on them, if anyone should get a reward it is me!'
Shadow Weaver raised her right hand.
'And who was the one who distracted them while you got the net, hm?'
All three Horde members turned their backs on the rebels and started quarreling amongst themselves. Whilst they were distracted, She-Ra finally pulled out her sword of protection and cut through the net, freeing both herself and Bow. The two ran for it, getting out the door before Scorpia looked around.

'Hey! They're gone!' She yelled. Her two counterparts both pulled themselves away from their fighting and looked at the empty net. 'Hordak isn't going to like this.'
'That I agree on.' Weaver said, shaking her head.
'Me too.' Catra added, annoyed that all their efforts had been in vain.

She-Ra and Bow quickly escaped the Fright Zone to a waiting Swift Wind outside, who took to the air as soon as they were safely aboard him.
‘Don’t worry, Bow,’ She-Ra said, ‘we will get those poor peasants back to their village, and soon!’
The small group soared high through the air and back towards the Whispering Woods.

Chapter I