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See, she DOES have feet!


Y'know, I always thought that Shadow Weaver was kinda tall, but as we see...

I've edited it, obvously, by putting lines in and lowering her to ground level. Hey, solid evidence the 'Godzilla' motto 'size does matter' is a lie! BuStEd>;)~


Due to a couple of e-mail's I've got asking why exactly I'm so 'obsessed' with Shadow Weaver turning back to good (I guess that goes with the question in my guestbook and my hideously bad fan-fiction), I'M NOT! Not obsessed, just sorta hopeful. No, not because I'm someone who favours the goodies- in ALL the movies I like, my fave characters are villains. It's just that in all the cartoons, movies, etc. we see good triumphing over evil over and over and OVER. I'm just kinda thinking if Shadow Weaver did by some chance re-join good (yes, I DO know the odds of that), she wouldn't get hurt. I mean, let's face the facts, the Rebellion has had infanite wins over the Horde and Shadow Weaver has gotten off worse for wear in several. ('The Perils Of Peekablue', 'A Loss For Words', 'Shades Of Orko' to name a few.) Hordak also treats her like less-than-dirt. I'm just thinking that she'd be better off, even if her looks and powers are absent. Like the 5th entry in my guestbook says 'she had a bit of magic to start off with, she could just build on that'.

Okay, who's the one that had the bright idea of giving Shadow Weaver GREEN skin?! In the series it's not green... it's sort of an extreamly light tan, almost white (and appears that way often). I'm going to forgive them for the sad colour mishap with the mask, but GADS, can't they at least be a LITTLE bit accurate?!

Ahhhhhh, now isn't that better?;)

SHADOW WEAVER AND... BOW?!!! Get a load of THIS! Okay, here's the situation- Bow has been captured by the Horde and is now in some sorta prison. 'Calm yourself my... pretty little pet.' Me and my pals all agree that that line is FLIRTING! Personally, I could never picture Weaver hitting on anyone 'til now. And that's the first and last time anything like that ever happens in the whole series. But scope out 'For Want Of A Horse'... Shadow Weaver poofs into a beautiful woman and guess who makes a move? Bow! I guess it's understandable, what with this gorgouse blonde chick pretending to be a damsel in distress. But, damn, would I have LOVED to see that carry on in more episodes!!!!