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By moi- Suzanne


In her domain, Horror Hall, Shadow Weaver was now totally defencless. Infact, she'd come out worse than she started off; no looks, no magic. She'd never felt so helpless in her life. Did this mean she was still stuck under Hordak's command? Most likely. But she was of no use too him now, so he might just simply destroy her. What the future had in store for her, she was uncertain of. She sat in her throne leafing through one of her old magic books, one she used when she was first starting out. She tried too cast a few minor spells, but she knew they wouldn't work- and they didn't. After trying the most simple spell in the book, involving moving small marbles across the room with her mind and failing, Shadow Weaver finally came too realise that she had absolutly no defence from anyone or anything, and was a very easy target. Only her reputation protected her, but She-Ra would more than likely make sure that would fade.

That moment, Hordak came through her communicator, which was on the floor about three metres away. She must've dropped it during battle. She walked over instead of floating and picked it up. 'Shadow Weaver, come in! *snort*'


'She-Ra and her annoying little friends have conquered almost an entire squadren of robots! We need your help immedeatly!'

'I'm afraid that isn't possible.'

'What?! What do you mean that isn't possible?! You follow my orders, Weaver!'

'It is physically impossible too help you anymore.' She replied, in her same old raspy voice. 'It seems Man-At-Arms and Orko were... a little more powerful than I had expected. I was ill-prepared, and they took away all my powers.'

There was no response for a few seconds, then a most unpleasent snort came back over the communicator. 'Get back up here now.' He said flatly. 'Over and out.' Shadow Weaver wasn't quite sure what too make of this, but immedeatly arrived in Hordak's palace using her transporter. She remained at the bottom of the stairs, her look no different from usual. 'So what's the story, Weaver? It better be a good one!' Imp had a look of satisfaction on his face, and if Shadow Weaver still had her powers, she'd probably give him a small zapping when Hordak wasn't looking. After explaining the whole story, having too repeat herself several times, Hordak's expression hadn't changed a bit- blank. This stirred her a little.

'So, Man-At-Arms, Orko and She-Ra were too much for you too handle, huh?' He commented. 'I'm very disappointed in this.' Shadow Weaver remained silent. But a thought sprang too mind. 'Would this, Hordak, mean our little deal is broken? You know, my looks in exchange for sorcery?'

'That is undecided. *snort* I never said that I'd give you back your looks if someone else took them away!' Shadow Weaver glared at him through her glowing eyes. 'You never said you wouldn't, either. I am of no use too you now, you have little too threten me with.' Hordak was caught. '*snort* Alright, I'll give you back your looks until I find some way of restoring your magic.'

'And if you don't?'

'Then we'll just have too see what happens.'

Shadow Weaver felt her whole body changing. Her eyes went from glowing yellow too crystal blue. She held up her hands before them, and they regained their youth. 'There.' Hordak stated. 'Now you might aswell go down and work yourself in amongst the Rebels.' 'My pleasure!' As she spoke, her voice changed from a raspy hiss too rather feminine. She took the hood off, and revealed herself too be, indeed, very beautiful, with long blonde hair, ruby lips, but a smile that could send shivers down your spine- her looks were the only thing changed. 'I thank you, mighty Hordak.' 'Don't think I did it out of kindness. You are still useful as a spy. Now go!' Shadow Weaver hurridly paced out of his lair, and transported herself down too Etheria.

She quickly changed out of her Horde outfit, and slipped into a short red dress. Not formal, though. 'Now let's see what She-Ra's up too.' She creeped around too where she knew the heroine would be, probably bragging about her, Orko and Man-At-Arms victory, too. There was the usual crowd listening in- Madame Razz, Kowl, Frosta, Spirit, Bow and the Sorceress. She smiled, wondering how too use this too her advantage. After a bit of thinking, Shadow Weaver waltzed into the scene after they had finished talking. 'Would you kind people be able too help me?' She asked them innocently. Man-At-Arms and Bow were pleased with what they saw. 'Why yes, my dear, I belive we could.' Man-At-Arms said. She folded her arms, glaring at him. 'Actually, it was She-Ra I was after.'

'What can we do for you?' She questioned.

'Oh, my family were taken away by Horde troopers and my house was burnt too the ground.' She replied, calmly and sweetly. She-Ra nodded. 'There seems too be more and more of that now that the battle is intensifying.' She told her. 'What's your name?' Shadow Weaver paused a minute. 'My name is... Cassandra.' 'Well, we'd be happy too help you retrive your family and rebuild yoour house, Cassandra.' Bow said, a bit on the seuductive side. Shadow Weaver side-glanced at him. 'Will you two be coming, kind sirs?' She asked drearily. 'Why yes!' Man-At-Arms declared.


Shadow Weaver led them too a barn that was in shambles- she had seen it earlier. 'This is where my HUSBAND,' she made sure she defined that word, looking at Bow and Man-At-Arms as she did so, 'and my three children were taken away. I managed too hide in the basement. After they were captured, the troopers burnt down the house. I'm thankful they were gone by the time I made my way out of the inferno!'

'Well, we can rebuild the house later, but first we have too get your family back.' Declared She-Ra. Shadow Weaver nodded frantically. 'Please do! I would be eternally greatful!'

'We will, don't you worry about that!' Orko commented, arching an eyebrow. 'I think my magic will put up a good contest!'

'You mean MY magic, you little slug' Shadow Weaver thought, careful not too actually say it.

She-Ra climbed aboard Swift Wind. 'Cassandra, you stay here with Kowl and Madame Razz.' She-Ra directed. 'Frosta and Sorceress, return home and keep watch of Etheria.'

'Right, She-Ra!' Frosta said, and the two walked back home. 'Bow, you join them.' She noted the looks he was giving 'Cassandra'. 'Orko and Man-At-Arms, you come with me!'

' 'Till next we meet!' Man-At-Arms gave her a kiss on the hand, which made her cringe. 'Yeah, see ya 'round!' Bow said, not nearly as romantically, but just as willingly. But Weaver maintained her sweetest smile. As the five left, she decided too break away from Madame Razz and Kowl too tell Hordak what was happening through her communicator.

'So, deary,' Razz said, trying too make conversation. 'That must've been quite an ordeal for someone as young as you.' Weaver nodded. 'Oh, it was quite traumatic. Would you excuse me one minute, I think I dropped my wedding ring in the bushes over there. I was running and it just came off.'

'Oh, what a shame!' Kowl commented. 'Would you like us too help you look?'

'Oh, no, I think I'll be able too find it.' Razz smiled. 'Oh, she's just being polite. Ofcourse we'll help you look!'

'Oh, erm, thanks!' Weaver was running short on time.

'I'll tell you what, you guys look in that direction,' She pointed too the south, 'and I'll look in this direction!' She pointed too the north. 'I'm not sure exactly where I lost it.'

'Very well!' Razz said. 'Don't worry, it will be recovered.' Weaver nodded, and hurridly jogged over too her section. 'Eager thing, isn't she?' Kowl commented. 'Now, Kowl, you know how important these things are too a young girl!' Razz corrected, waving a finger. Weaver watched the two of them walk into their section. Then, she crouched down behind some bushes and pulled out her communicator.

'Hordak, come in!' No answer. 'Come in Hordak! It's Shadow Weaver!' She made sure not too speak too loudly.

'Yes, what is it?' Finally Hordak came into contact.

'She-Ra, Orko and Man-At-Arms are coming up!'

'*snort* Already? Fine, then. I shall put some robots on the case.'

'Hordak! This is She-Ra! And with Man-At-Arms AND Orko's increased power-'

'I see. The one who took away your magic.'


'Fine, I shall face them myself!' Shadow Weaver heard him call too Catra and Scorpia over the communicator.

'We are ready for battle!' He announced.

'They shall arrive very shortly, they only left about a minute ago.'

'*snort* Alright, Weaver. You might get your powers back yet.'

'Oh, I DO hope so.' She hissed. 'Weaver, over and out.'

She pulled out an old ring she had for just this ocassion. 'Found it!' She called too Razz and Kowl. 'It was in the bushes after all!' The two came out of the forest, this time joined by Broom. 'Where do you think you've been, Broom?' Asked Razz. 'Well, excuse me, but I was helping Frosta.'

'With what?'

'Oh, she was just having a little trouble. She and Glimmer were fighting.'

'Hah! I never thought I'd live too see the day!' Kowl laughed. Weaver looked at this new arrival. 'Oh, hello!' She greeted him.

'Hello!' he responded. 'I don't belive we've met. I'm Broom.' He held out a hand. 'Cassandra.' She shook it. 'Madame Razz and Kowl explained your situation; if there's anything you need, we're here!'

'This could come in useful.' Weaver pondered too herself. 'Well, I was wondering, do any people have a sort of... I don't know... hideout? Where people hide form the Horde?' Razz chuckled. 'There are several around, deary. That's why there hasn't been even more deaths than there already is!'

'Really? Do you think you could show them too me? Just incase the Horde come back for me?'

'I don't know...' Kowl began. He was becoming a bit suspicious. 'Oh, don't be silly!' Razz said. 'Ofcourse we will!'

'Oh, that would be just perfect.' Weaver cooed.

Meanwhile, She-Ra, Orko and Man-At-Arms had just finished off some Horde robots. 'Well, that was easy!' Orko gloated. 'You wouldn't be saying that if you didn't have your increased magic!' Man-At-Arms pointed out. Orko glared at him. 'Who says I wouldn't?' As the two were just in the perlimminaries of starting a fight, She-Ra intervend. 'Stop it, you two!' She yelled. 'There could be more where these came from.' They quickly shut up, as the three of them continued their way into Hordak's throne room. Man-At-Arms was about too blow down the door that led into the lair, when a familiar voice commented from behind 'Meooow, going somewhere?' Catra!

She was joined by a great number of Horde troopers, and Scorpia was on the ready for whenever it became neccessary. She transformed into cat form, and tackled Man-At-Arms, knocking him flat on his back. She-Ra only just managed too fend her off with her sword of protection. But a bit of damage had already been done, and he needed much help too get up. She-Ra charged at the purple creature full-force, and among the hisses, Orko managed too use his magic too imprison Catra in an impenetrable dome. The Horde troopers were on the ready, and attacked, now joined by Scorpia and her army. She-Ra and Orko tried too fend them off, Man-At-Arms managing too destroy a few, but there were far too many of them. 'We surrender!' Yelled She-ra above the commotion. She, Orko and Man-At-Arms were quickly bound in rope, and Orko was blackmailed into letting Catra free- or they would all die.

A beam of light lit up one of the underground hiding spot's caverns, as Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl and Weaver walked in through the wooden door. This place wasn't much bigger than Shadow Weaver had first thought, but it was definatly huge. There were alot of people wandering around too; it was like a city under the earth. 'So, I see these hideouts are definatly given a workout.' Weaver commented, as they strode in. 'Oh, yes!' Broom said. 'Some people have such fear that they spend their entire lives right down here!' They waded through crowds. 'And you say there are more of these places?' She was getting enough information too win favour of Hordak AND regain her powers. 'Oh, there are ten in number!' Razz said. 'All underground.' Kowl wasn't so sure of the newbie- she seemed so sweet on the outside, but her presence made him feel oddly uneasy.

'So, tell us a bit about you, Cassandra.' Kowl asked. Weaver sensed his doubt. 'Oh, not much too tell, really- I was born here, and I've spent all my life here.'

'Anyone in your family involved with the Horde?' 'Good gracious, no!' She replied, not too fast but not too slow. 'Why do you ask that?'

'Yes, why DO you ask that?' Madame Razz added.

'I was just wondering. I'd have thought you, being here all your life, would know about these hideout places.'

'Kowl!' Broom scolded.

'I... I just... I just wish I'd known about this before they took my family away.' Weaver put on a fake act of being hurt, and bought on the crocodile tears. 'Don't mind him, dear.' Razz said, bringing her into an embrace. 'He can be quite stubbourn.' She shot him an angry look. Amongst all of Shadow Weaver's pretend tears, a glint of victory descreatly came about in her eye.

'So, Princess of Power,' Hordak said sarcastically as the new prisoners were bought before him, surrounded by Catra, Scorpia and more than an army of robots. 'It seems you have managed too dissarm one of my allies-'

'We found this one outside!' A trooper remarked, just coming in. Two dozen other robots carried a bound Swift Wind above them. She-ra glared at Hordak. 'Let him go, he didn't have anything too do with this!'

'Oh, but why would I do a thing like that, She-Ra?' He protested. 'As long as he's a Rebel, he's going too join you! Besides, I know how close you two are. Take him away!' With that, the troopers took him off too the dungons.

'No!' She-Ra struggled against the chains. 'I'll take care of him!' Orko said, trying too use magic. But too his amazment, nothing came of it. 'Do you honestly think I would be foolish enough too use NORMAL rope? These are MENT too keep magic in!' Hordak's face had a twisted smirk on it. 'Hordak, if you are talking about Shadow Weaver, she was more than asking for it!' Man-At-Arms pointed out. Hordak rolled his eyes. 'Did you fall on your head or are you just plain stupid?' He said.

'Listen, just let the family you captured today free.' She-Ra pleaded. 'They didn't do anything. If you do, we shall say nothing more, and go without a fight. We promise.' Hordak thought about this for awhile. Shadow Weaver hadn't said anything about a family, and he was stummped. However, there was one family he had caught just yesterday. He assumed incorrectly she ment them. 'Very well. I shall have my troopers free them immedeatly.'

'How do we know you'll keep your word?'

'How do you know I won't?' Despite their protests, they were carried away. 'Well, they just lost their freedom, thanks too you three!' He called out, as She-Ra, Man-At-Arms and Orko were dragged away. 'And their lives.' A trooper was sent too kill the innocent family.

Weaver's eyes were still brimming with tears when Kowl apologised. 'Oh, you are not too blame.' She said, adding a quivver to her voice. 'It's all my fault they were taken away. If I had not hidden like a mouse when the robots came, I would've been taken away aswell.'

'Come now, child, it isn't your fault!' Madame Razz said soothingly. 'It's that horrible Horde! When She-Ra is finished with them, not even one robot's peice of armor will be left in tact.' Weaver looked up at her. 'OH, I really do hope so.' Weaver smiled. 'Here,' Broom handed her a map, 'this has all the locations of the tunnels.' This was just too easy! 'Oh, why thank you, Broom!' She said sweetly. 'I am very greatful.'

After talking somewhile about things like the weather and current events, the four exited the cavern. 'Oh dear, I almost forgot!' Weaver said. 'Might I go and tell my friends of what has happened?'

'What manners!' Madame Razz complimented. 'Don't let us hold you here, Cassandra! We shall inform you when there is any news of your family.'

'We promise!' Broom added.

'Why thank you!' Weaver said.

'And if you ever need someone too talk too, just come too us!' Kowl fitted in as she left.

Shadow Weaver ran too a deserted place in the forest. She fished around for her communicator, but stopped and thought momentarily; she remembered the last time she looked like this, she wasn't acting. She really was good. She sat in thought for a minute, but quickly decided not too. After finding the communicator in one of her many pockets, she called into Hordak too tell him of her progress. 'Hordak, come in! This is Shadow Weaver!'

'Ah, Shadow Weaver! I had been waiting for you too call!' His answer was immedeate.

'I have located several Rebel hideouts, all of them in use.'

'Now THAT's something I want too hear! Good work, Weaver! As soon as you come back, you'll regain your powers.'

'And lose my looks and freedom.'

'Ofcourse, that's the rule! Besides, you never had freedom, what use is it too you now?'

'Yes... I know. I shall be back within the minute. Over and out.'

Shadow Weaver felt strangly empty and hurt. This was as close too freedom she had gotten ever since the deal was made. With a heavy sigh, she transported herself back too the all-too-familiar throne room of Hordak. 'Alright, Weaver! Here's your wish!' Those words hit her like a tonne of bricks.

'This is not my wishhhhhhhhh...' The transformation had finished before she could. She felt herself changing, and looked inappropriate in the dress she was in. 'Now go and prepare yourself, we have work too do! *snort* She-Ra and company are here.' Shadow Weaver glared at him. 'You have no feelings at all, do you?'

Hordak was shocked. 'What did you say, Weaver?!'

'...Nothing.' She floated out of the room, and immedeatly went too her chambers too get one of her cloaks- the only thing she could hide behind. When she had finished changing, she felt a sensation she had never felt before- rebellious. She tried too contain it as much she could, but it was growing stronger and stronger by the second.

'Ugh!' She-Ra was thrown down infront of Hordak by troopers. Man-At-Arms and Orko followed. 'Well, She-Ra, it seems you've reached the end of your line! Now that Shadow Weaver has regained her powers, she'll cast all of you into orblivien forever!'

'Wrong!' Hissed a voice from the back of the room. Shadow Weaver floated in. 'Hordak, I am not going too lay a finger on these people, not even Orko!' No one in the room could belive what they were hearing. Catra and Scorpia were on the sidelines, wondering what on earth was going on.

'What did you say, Weaver?! You are under my command now!'

'I am under no-one's command!' She yelled back, infuriated. Too show she was serious, she zapped Hordak with a small amount of electricity. 'Hordak, let them go! Let ME go!' Hordak stood up and walked down from his throne, standing eye-to-eye with Shadow Weaver. Then he slapped her- HARD. 'You do not talk back too me! You obey me at all times!'

'What's going on?' She-Ra spoke up.

'I wasn't always on the Horde's side, She-Ra! I used too be with the Rebellion! But then this twisted peice of space junk bribed me into selling my freedom and looks too become a master sorceress.'

Hordak faked a yawn. 'Weaver, we don't need your life story!'

Shadow Weaver was more angry than she had ever been in her life. Using her magic, she rose above him, her fury showing itself physically, as a bright light shone from her body. So bright, Hordak could barley look at her. 'Hordak! You have caused enough trouble! You shall pay!' She screamed. She flung a fireball at him, with such force that it knocked some of his armour off and shattered it.

'Shadow Weaver! You are the one that will pay- with your life!' The light dimmed a little. She-Ra could almost feel the good inside Shadow Weaver. 'Shadow Weaver!' She called. 'I know there is good in you! You are proving it! As long as you stand up for what you truly belive in, you'll always be protected!' By now, Catra and Scorpia had had enough. They fled the scene. It was now one-on-one. Hordak shot a few blasts from his mechanicle arm, but Weaver dodged them all. She fired a few blasts of her own, all near misses. 'Weaver, you've always been under my control, and you always will be- even in death!' He fired another shot which this time struck her in the arm, knocking her onto the ground, almost unconcious.

'Shadow Weaver!' She-Ra called in dismay. Even though in pain, she was now more furious than when she had begun. She summoned all her energy and power, and a blinding light flooded the room, so bright it could be seen from Etheria. When it died down, all that was left was She-Ra's trio, and two bodies laying on the floor motionless. 'Wh- what just happened?' Asked Man-At-Arms. 'I'm not sure.' Orko commented. She-Ra struggled one more time and managed too get her hand free. After that, getting out of her ropes was easy.

But instead of freeing her friends first, she walked over too the nearest of the bodies- Shadow Weaver. Kneeling down beside her, She-Ra attempted too wake her, hope against hopes she was still alive.

'Shadow Weaver, wake up!' She tried too get a reaction, shaking her a little. But she didn't move. 'It's over, you beat Hordak! Shadow Weaver!' She shook her again, this time getting a slight reaction. Shadow Weaver opened her eyes a little. Most of her energy had been drained by the spell. 'She-Ra... Horde Prime will soon fall.' She said, weakly. 'I have forseen it a few times in the past... I am certain... this... is it.' She-Ra smiled. 'It's because of you, Shadow Weaver. You stood up for what you belived in.'

The witch wasn't sure if she had enough energy left for even three more heartbeats. But She-Ra picked her up, and carried her out too a spaceship outside. 'Hey, come back! We're still kinda immobile here!' Yelled Man-At-Arms. 'Come back! Please!'

After making sure Shadow Weaver had regained enough strength too sit up, which took about half an hour, She-Ra hurried back inside and untied the two, and ordered them too go wait while she got Swift Wind. She wasn't taking any chances- she'd have too get the unicorn in the ship, because if Shadow Weaver got worse, she wanted too know first hand. Somehow, she just managed too squeeze him in.


Shadow Weaver had completly recovered, except for a small permanent scar on her right arm, thanks too Hordak. But thanks too her, Horde Prime was almost on the verge of retreat, and with her help, the Rebels would send them away with their tail between their legs. In awhile, She-Ra could retire, and Adora could finally rest. Madame Razz, Kowl and Broom had the whole story explianed too them by both She-Ra and Shadow Weaver, who apologised for her betrayl. Man-At-Arms and Orko got a BIT less hyper-active, especially now that Orko was left with his origianal powers. Man-At-Arms and Bow were suprised when they too learned the truth about Cassandra. But Frosta, Glimmer and the Sorceress were very pleased with what she did in the end, as were all the rest after not more than three days.

Now all her powers were back, Shadow Weaver moved into a rather isolated place of Etheria. She was still a little distressed about losing her looks, but it wasn't long before she just accepted it all. She was the most powerful woman on Etheria.

As for Imp, Catra and Scorpia, they were stuck with moving too Eternia, which they did not like one single bit. Most of their former-home was destroyed when Shadow Weaver blasted the hell out of it, not too mention the giant aftershock that took place only a day later. But as for MOST everyone, life was fine... and within five weeks of the whole ordeal, Horde Prime had retreated, with hardly any soldiers left.
