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Mother For A Day

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Ever picture yourself as a parent? Shadow Weaver certainly hasn't! Nb. Occurs before my previous fan-fic!

Shadow Weaver stood too the right of Hordak as he finished making a call. He had reluctantly agreed too a temporary truce with Skeletor, despite her and most other people's doubts. But, as he was finding out in this call, there may be a little set back. He bid good bye too the person on the other end, and put away his transmitter. 'Shadow Weaver, I have a special assignment for you.' He said, wondering just how she would react too this, though not really concerned. 'It seems my cousin is attending our little get together. But the problem is, she has a kid. I signed you up for babysitter.' Shadow Weaver's eyes widened. 'May I ask why?

'Because your the only one free today.'

'And why not someone on Skeletor's side?'

'Listen, you were given an order, I should expect you too follow it!'

'Yes, Hordak.' She said, aggitated. 'What is the child's name?'


'Fine.' She wasn't happy about putting child-minding on her mental 'to do' list, but she didn't have a choice. 'And when shall... it be arriving?' A small voice broke the silence. 'I want candy, you stupid robot!' A small, blonde boy entered the room escorted by a Horde Trooper. 'Does that answer your question?' Hordak commented. Shadow Weaver was not at all impressed. 'He's all yours.' Hordak left the room, and headed outside too a spaceship bound for Eternia.

The child quickly ran up too the dark figure. 'I want candy now!' He screamed, tugging on her robes. She took a 'step' back, disgusted. 'There are no sweets here, boy.' She scolded, annoyed. The child's face dropped and he plopped down on he floor. Shadow Weaver didn't know quite what too do with this kid. So far, it had just strengthened her plans too never become a mother. 'Lady, I'm bored.' He announced after about a minute. 'My name is Shadow Weaver,' she corrected, 'and if you're so bored why don't you just... eh... play around with this.' She created a glowing blue ball. 'I have things too do.' The boy snatched it from her hands and bounced it around the room. Disgruntled, Shadow Weaver attempted too leave, but found her way blocked by a snickering Leech.

'Well, lookie here!' He laughed. 'Who's the father, Weaver?' She rolled her eyes and kicked him in the shin. 'Ow! Jeez, someone can't take a joke, huh? How much are you getting payed for minding the kid?'


'So why are you doing it?'

'It's called following orders, you imbicile.' She glanced up at Shatter, who had put the ball too one side and was sucking on his toe. She shuddered. 'I'd better take the blasted thing with me, if I lost him Hordak would have my head... and my powers.' She motioned for the child, who was no more than five, too come with her.

At Horror Hall, Shadow Weaver walked in covering her ears as Shatter screamed about candy. Finally, she snapped. 'Listen you little snake!!! You shut up right now, or I'll rip your intestines out and feed them too the harpies!!!' Shatter immedeatly began too cry. 'Oh, for goodness sake, what?'

'You're mean!' Shadow Weaver backed off a bit, realising that Hordak wouldn't be too impressed if he returned too a little child bawling its eyes out. 'Here, would you like some candy?' She asked in her sweetest voice (which wasn't very soothing). Shatter wiped his eyes and nodded.

Weaver pulled out a colourful lollipop. 'Here, suck on this.' She commented, handing it too him. He immedeatly shoved it in his mouth, wrapper and all, chewing it excessivly. With in seconds, he fell asleep. 'That should keep you occupied for awhile.' With a sigh, she picked him up and left him too sleep in one of her beds.

Two hours later, she was working on energising a special crystal. With any luck, it would become more powerful as the earth's nuclear bomb. After fueling it, she carefully put it away in a velvet pouch. As if on que, a sudden screaming came from the room where she had left Shatter. She got up quickly, and ran towards the place, flinging open the door. 'What is it?'

'I had a nightmare!'

Shadow Weaver folded her arms and glared at him. 'That's it?'

'It was really scarey! I think I wet the bed!' Weaver's eyes popped open, and she cringed. 'Wh... you're kidding... you're not house-trained?'

Shatter smiled, stood up, and jumped on the bed. Weaver slammed the door and rested against it. Who'd have thought one little boy could be so much trouble? She sighed, and opened the door again, only too find Shatter asleep again. She arched an eyebrow. 'Shatter? Are you awake?' There was no reply. Hoping he'd stay that way until Hordak returned, she went on her way.

Watching him sleep made rather tired aswell, so she retired too her chambers for awhile. She closed her eyes, and was half asleep when she thought she heard footsteps outside her room. Shadow Weaver got up and opened the door, but there was no one there. A little puzzled, she flopped back down on her bed and wriggled beneath the purple covers. But something didn't feel quite right. She sat up in bed, and looked around the room. This was a little odd. She moved her legs, and immedeatly screaming broke the silence. Shocked, she screamed too. Weaver jumped out of bed and flung the covers back, too find Shatter with his eyes tightly closed and screaming his head off at the end of her bed.

'What are you doing here?!!!' She yelled. He stopped screaming.

'I was scared.'


'I thought I'd have another nightmare.' This was getting out of control. Weaver paced the floors of her room, hands on hips. 'What am I too do too shut you up?' She asked. 'You've had playtime, you've had candy...'

'I want too drive a spaceship!'

'No! Definatly not.' She turned her back on him momentarily, and opened the door. 'Out.' Shatter didn't move. 'Now.' There was still no reaction. 'Ugh, what have I done too be stuck with you...' she picked him up, threw him over her shoulder, and shoved him into her throne. 'Now you listen too me,' she stated, pinning him against the back of it with a magic force, 'you do not cry, you do not winge, you do not even think of annoying me, you follow my commands, you-'

Shatter's eyes grew glassy. 'What can I give you so that you don't tell anyone about me yelling at you?' He smiled. 'Well, there is one thing...'

Shadow Weaver dug her nails into the armrests on either side of her seat. They were zooming through space in a ship, with Shatter at the driver's seat. 'Wheeeeeeeeee!' He dodged several other ships and pushed a green button infront of him. This fired a gun in the front. 'Cool!' Shadow Weaver glared at him. 'Shatter, take it easy!' She looked through the window, and found that they were now zooming towards Etheria at an alarming rate. Weaver's heart sank and Shatter started screaming. 'This is what you get for not waiting until you have a licence.' She mumbled, partly too herself. She pushed several buttons, but is was too late- they nose-dived into the planet, and Shadow Weaver blacked out.

Ten minutes later, she awoke too find his face practiaclly in hers. 'Ugh... why did you do that?!' She commented, feeling a shot of pain in her left shoulder. 'But Shadow Weaver, you said I could drive this!'

'And I assume you call that driving.' She looked at her shoulder and found a large shard of glass from the windshield sticking out of it. Slowly, she pulled it out, groaning in pain. Then she quickly put her hand on it, and magically healed herself. 'What about you?' She grabbed his chin and forcibly turned his head too one side. There was a rather jaggered cut along his cheek. 'Here.' She ran he finger along it, and it healed immedeatly.

Shadow Weaver opened the hatch and jumped out, giving Shatter a hand. She looked at the ship which was in very bad condition and was also on a forty-five degree angle. 'Come on, I'll transport us both back up.' She decided.



'No! You can't make me!'

'Oh, I beg too differ.'

'I'll tell them you went mad on me!' Shadow Weaver wondered if anyone would actually miss a little annoying five-year-old. 'Ugh, fine. What do you want too do?' She looked at their surroundings; trees too one side, pond to the other, grass underneath them and no civalisation.

'I wanna go for a swim!' He said, jumping up and down, pointing at the pond. 'Fine.' She replied. 'You go for your little swim, and I'll work on repairing the ship with my magic.'

'Aren't you coming swimming?'

After about an hour, though, it was back too normal condition, except for the fact that she now had too get it back too a NORMAL position instead of sticking out of the ground by its nose. 'I think I'll take a little break.' She thought aloud. She went over too the pond, pulled out a water flask from the ship, and filled it. But when she took a drink, she spat it out immedeatly. It tasted like...

'Mud!' Shatter surfaced above the water, absolutly covered in mud. Weaver felt mud-aftertaste and nausea set in. 'Well, isn't this just dandy?' She commented, oozing with sarcasm. Shatter, though, was having the time of his life, shoving mud into his mouth and giggling. 'Shatter, get out of there now!'

'Na uh!' Came the reply. 'I wanna stay in the mud forever!', and with that, he threw a mud pie at Shadow Weaver, hitting her in the mid-section. Her eyes narrowed. 'Come on, you pathetic little weasle!' She waded through the water, picked him up, and threw him over her shoulder. 'No! No no no!' he struggled, and squeezed out of her grip, the mud acting as a lubracator. This also pulled Weaver backwoods, and she fell into the water, fully submerged. Slowly she surfaced, absolutly satchurated from head to toe and furious. Shatter cracked up laughing, until he saw the weight of the water had pulled her hood back. His eyes widned, and he took off in the opposite direction. Disgruntled, Shadow Weaver stood up in the water, pulling her hood back over her face.

A few minutes later, Shatter found he was lost in the forest. He stopped running, and looked around. Where was he? He walked around, slowly, and jumped when he heard an owl hooting. He looked around, and all he could hear was hissing and a few sets of red eyes glowing in the darkness. He screamed and ran. It was not until he had left that the animals who's eyes and noises had startled him came out into the open. Three deer, several rabbits, a little fox...

He ran until he finally found an inviting little house in the clearing. But as he approached it, he saw a young mother and small baby being dragged out by five Horde Troopers. The mother was screaming, and struggled as one of the troopers tore her crying baby away from her. Just then, a woman on a flying unicorn came in too the battle. She struck down four robots with blows from her sword, and the unicorn managed too deliver a nasty kick too the other, destroying it. The woman quickly grabbed the baby out of one of the trooper's lifeless arms, and handed it back too the mother, offering some words of wisdom.

Shatter walked into the scene. 'What was that?' He asked, intrieged. He watched the blonde lady ask the other if it was her child. She shook her head. 'That was some Horde Troopers trying too take this lady away.' She explained, smiling. 'The Horde is-'

'I know what the Horde is!' He said, beaming. The heroine smiled. 'Do you know where your parents are?'

'Yes, they're at Eternia.'

'How did you get here, then?'

'Well, she kept yelling at me, then she said I could do anything if I didn't tell my Mom she yelled at me, then I crashed it and she yelled at me, then I went swimming and she yelled at me-'

'Who's 'She'?'

'Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...' His young memory couldn't retrive the information. 'The scary lady.'

The woman didn't quite know what too do. 'Um... why don't I take you back too Greyskull with me and we'll see what we can do. We have some chocolate there if you-'

'Candy!' He screamed, and hugged her legs (for he was short, being only five) tight. She giggled. 'You're an energetic little fellow, aren't you?' She decided the first thing too do when they got too Greyskull was too give him a bath.

*BOOM!* The spacecraft was back in its usual position, as Shadow Weaver used her magic too lower it. Her robes were still dripping wet. She climbed into the pilot's seat and managed too get it off the ground, thanking her lucky stars that the fuel didn't turn it into a massive fireball on impact, and that there was still some left. 'Now where could that annoying little brat be.' She wondered. Just then, Hordak came through her communicator. 'Come in *snort*!'


'Ah, Weaver. How is Shatter?'

'Oh, he's just fine.'

'Because his mother's here and she want too hear from him. Can you put him on?'

Weaver wasn't impressed, but a thought sprang too mind. She quickly disguised her voice as his. 'Mom? Hello?'

Hordak handed his communicator too Shatter's mother. 'Hello darling!' She said lovingly. 'How are you?'

'Oh, I'm fine!'

'Are you alright there?'

'Yes, Mom, you worry too much!' She heard a laugh through the communicator.

'That's my boy! You be good, okay? And I'll see you soon. Hordak's going too pick you up and take you back too Eternia in an hour and, okay?'

'A.... an hour?' Her voice shook. 'Can't you make it a little longer, I'm having alot of fun here...' But she had hung up. 'Perfect.' She muttered in her normal voice.

'So, Shatter,' She-Ra started, 'where are you supposed too be now?'

'With the mean lady waiting for Mom.' He had been given a bath, his clothes were cleaned, and now he was chewing on a chocolate bar as they were walking through the forest he had been earlier.

'Can you describe this lady?' Shatter nodded. 'She's got a REALLY scary face!'

'What do you mean by that?'

'I didn't get too see her face until she fell in the water and her hat came off.'

'Um... okay, can you give me any other details?'

'Well, she was tall, she had a long red dress, and she floated.'

She-Ra was pretty sure she knew who he was talking about. 'Tell me, Shatter, did she have glowing, yellow eyes?'

He nodded.

'I thought so.' Now she knew exactly. 'Why were you with her?'

'I told you, she was looking after me 'til Mom got back from a meeting.'

She-Ra tried too contain her laughter. 'Shadow Weaver was... babysitting?'

'And you think I had a choice?' Weaver appeared in a puff of smoke. She'd never live this down. She-Ra took a step back and drew her sword. 'There you are!' Shatter ran foward with his hands on his hips. 'Where do you think you've been?' She-Ra smiled at this child's attempt too act superior.

'I have been repairing the ship you crashed. And don't you dare talk too me in that tone.'


'Because you are under my power.'


'Because Hordak decided too dump you on me.'


'Because he's a worthless peice of machinery.'


'LISTEN! You shut your mouth, you don't tell anyone I yelled at you, and you come with me right now!!!!!' She screamed.

Shatter took a step back. 'O... okay.' He grabbed her hand, but she yanked it away and grabbed him by the forearm. She-Ra smirked. 'I think you'd better do what your babysitter tells you, Shatter!' She commented, sarcastically. 'She might ground you!' Shadow Weaver glared at her. 'Just you wait, airhead.' She dragged him back too the ship and took him home.

Weaver's clothes were still damp and cold, much like her mood. When the two got back, she handed Shatter the ball she'd given him earlier too keep him busy. Just then, Hordak came in. '*snort* So how did you two get along?' 'We got there in the end.' She commented with a heavy sigh. Shatter rememberd what She-Ra had said, taking it seriously. 'Shadow Weaver was really, really nice too me!' He stated. Hordak grinned. 'Was she now? Well I'll just have too remember that next time your mother needs a child minder!' He suggested. Both Shatter and Shadow Weaver's eyes widened. 'No!' They both exclaimed at the same time. Hordak looked at Weaver, then at Shatter and shrugged it off, taking the child out to a waiting spaceship.

When Hordak came back, Shadow Weaver was gone. He tried too get too her through his communicator, but she was at Horror Hall- asleep.