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E-Mail Shadow Weaver!


Greetings to all who read!

I, Shadow Weaver, have... er... volunteered (*someone mentioning losing a bet gets zapped in the background*) to answer any questions or comments you have about myself or the show. You can write to me at and I will answer you letter on this website... whenever I feel like it.

Recieved- 10/3/01 (quick note- using the Aussie system of dating. If you're in America, swap the 3 and the 10 around!)
From- Unspecified
hello Sadoweaver, i was wondering how you get those spells of yours. you don't have a spell book do you? or do you just make them up? or do you just already know them?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
Well, it looks like someone's finally decided to e-mail me! In response to your question, I get my spells in many ways. Yes, I do have entire libraries of spell books, and I get much information from them. Most of the time, I already know my spells by heart through books I have read in the past and my years of experience as a sorceress. And yes, I do make some up now and then.

Recieved- 11/3/01
From- Unspecified
shadoweaver, this is the same guy from the last mail. be expecting alot of questions. amyway, whaen you tryed to send someone (i can't remember who or what episode) to "LIMBO" and the spell was thrown back at you and i think you where sent to another demension. whats it like in "LIMBO"?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
Limbo wasn't at all fun. The people were cold, the drinks were warm and it smelt like old socks. In fact, every time you asked someone for directions, they'd either ramble on about the end of the world or fall down and huddle into the foetal position. I wouldn't recommend it as a holiday destination. Unless you're Grizzlor, that is. He is a very disturbed man with some very disturbed tastes... *shudder*

Recieved- 27/3/01
From- She of Darkness
Well, Shadow Weaver... So when are you going to face Norwyn? It just seems to me that a self-respecting evil Horde-chick like yourself should be able to take on a prissy like that at any time you want. You know, if you need some help, there are people out here who would gladly back you up...
~She of Darkness

Shadow Weaver's reply:
You know, I haven't set a specific date. For one, I have to track him down. He lives in a hidden forest now, protected by magic, just like those god-awful Whispering Woods. I'll get him one day, and when I do, he's going to wish he were never born! I think I can deal with Norwyn myself, but if you want to back me up, you could always show your support by cleaning out my demons litter boxes. No-one ever seems to want to do that. It would be much appreciated.

Recieved- 31/3/01
From- Unicornos
Shadow Weaver, i've seen a lot of people who think Evil-Lynn would whoop you so hard-core inna fight that you'd volunteer to be her oversized Orko. could you prove those people wrong by challenging her and telling us how it whent?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
Oh please! I can take that half-beat witch on any time! I can't even be bothered wasting my energy on her. She'd probably be too afraid to break a nail to fight, anyway. But, if you need proof, I did put a curse on her at one stage. I caused her to drink so much, she got liver problems leading to yellow skin- right on the day she had a photoshoot with Mattel for her action figure!

Recieved- 1/4/01
From- Unicornos
why were you never interested in catra's mask? couldn't you sense that it was powerful, just like Adora's sword with the jewel?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
That mask has nothing in it that I don't already have. Transformation powers, a few little spells... nothing major.

Recieved- 2/4/01
From- Unicornos
shadoweaver, can't you just cast a spell to destroy wispering woods or use a counter-spell to the spell that the wispering woods have?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
Have you ever seen the size of the Whispering Woods? It would take a HECK of a lot of magic to destroy it, and plus it is, as you mentioned, protected by magic. As for the counter-spell, I did try that once by creating a potion (in the episode you Earthlings call 'The Peril of Whispering Woods'). But guess who managed to mess that plan up? Hordak, of course! He has tendencies for messing up my schemes, then blaming everything on me. Sometimes I wonder why I bother!

Recieved- 2/4/01
From- Jennifer
hey shadow weaver my name is jennife ri loved the show shera and you were the bes tvillanes and the show needs tob e back on the air

Shadow Weaver's reply:
Ah, well thank you, Jennifer! You know, I've *tried* to get the companies to put 'She-Ra' back on the air to introduce a whole new generation of brain-washable youth to the might of my awsome power and the dominance of my magic which will soon conquer Etheria, the galaxy then the UNIVERSE... uh... I mean... to please you 'She-Ra' fans (yeah, that will do). I've tried a few spells to get it back, but those big-shots at Mattel and Hallmark don't seem to be responding. *sigh* Oh well, I'll just have to try some more harsher strategies! *evil laugh is heard as Shadow Weaver gets to work in her lab*

Recieved- 9/4/01
From- Unicornos
How do you feel about the Sorceress at castle Grayskull? do you like her or hate her? are you jealous because she has more/tougher magical powers than anyone else on the show? oh, and one more thing: have you and Skeletor ever had an all-out battle? if so, who one?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
The Sorceress can go rot in the bottom of her bird cage for all I care. She may seem powerful inside Castle Grayskull, but outside she's all on her own. No powers, nothing. I don't really care about her- however, tapping into Grayskull's power would be quite fun! As for Skeletor, I haven't crossed paths with him since I sent him back to Eternia after he betrayed me in my scheme to conquer Hordak. But rest assures, if we ever do have an all out battle, I will triumph over that no-nothing bone-brain!

Recieved- 9/4/01
From- Unicornos
why do you fly all the time? doesn't it waste energy that yuo should conserve for fighting? is there a limit to how high or fast you can go? is flying fun?

Shadow Weaver's reply:
Why do I fly all the time? Why not! And no, it dosen't waste all that much energy- not more than walking, anyway. There is really no limit to how high I can fly, but I can only float as fast as I can run. Flying was fun for a while, but like anything, you get used to it.