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(Norwyn and Ardin are gathering wood outside Norwyn's house)

Norwyn- Why so glum, Ardin?

Ardin- It'll take for ever to gather up all the firewood this way. Be a lot easier if we used magic!

Norwyn- True, but easier dosen't always mean better.

Ardin- Oh, Norwyn, you're too old-fashioned.

Norwyn- Well, maybe so, but as your teacher I am suposed to teach you more than just magic. Now, I'm going inside. When you've finished piling up the firewood, we'll go into the village and maybe stop at the inn for something to eat. (Walks into his house)

Ardin- maybe he won't notice a little spell- forces of forests, (something) and tree, gather up this wood for me! (sticks are piled up one on top of the other into a huge 'tower') Wow, this'll give us enough firewood to last the entire winter!

Norwyn(coming back outside)- Alright, Ardin, have you- (stares at the tower of firewood, then at Ardin standing next to it) You used your magic, didn't you?

Ardin- Oh... I guess you noticed, eh?

Norwyn- We'll discuss this further when we get back from the village. Now come along. (walks away)

Ardin(kicks the tower, and of course all the sticks fall on top of him)- This is not my day!

(Scene changed to The Laughing Swan Inn where everything is normal, and a small group of people are playing instruments. Suddenly, 3 Horde Troopers enter)

Horde Trooper- Inn-Keeper! We're here to cllect the supplies we ordered.

Inn-Keeper (approches them)- But you haven't payed me for the last supplies I gave you!

Horde Trooper- Oh? Then perhaps you'd like to discuss your payment with Shadow Weaver.

Inn-Keeper- Shadow Weaver?! No, no, no, I'll get the supplies! You can load them up out back.

Ardin(who is sitting at a table with Norwyn eating)- Shadow Weaver! I've heard of her! She's supposed to have some of the strongest magic on all Etheria! (bad feedline coming up) Was she always that powerful? (how origianal!)

Norwyn- No. She was a, uh... passable sorceress. But one night, all that changed.

Ardin- You mean she got all her power in one night? How?

Norwyn- It's a long, sad story, Ardin, and I'll tell you one day when you're old enough to understand. (takes his plate up to the... uh... where ever they collect the plates:/)

Ardin(thinking)- I understand this may be just the chance I've been looking for! (sneaks away)

Trooper(loading boxes into a truck)- That's the last of it, let's go!

Ardin(watching from on the roof)(thinking still)- This is my chance... do I take it or leave it? Hm, Norwyn's a good teacher, but so old-fasioned. He does everything the hard way... the slow way. And Shadow Weaver got all her powers in one night! (speaking aloud) That's the way for me! Here goes! (unknowingly to the troopers jumps on top of the truck bound for Horror Hall)

Norwyn(just coming out of the inn)- Ardin? Ardin where are you? (just manages to spot him ontop of the truck before it goes out of sight.)

(scene changes to Whispering Woods where Adora, Madame Razz and Broom are looking at this round little weapon with wings)

Madame Razz- Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Adora- Oh, they're safe enough as long as they're turned off and you know what you're doing. So I just hope we can make these things attack Hordak instaed of us!

Broom- Well, as long as it's turned off I guess it's safe. Eh, so what does this thing over here do? (presses it, immedeatly activating the device)

Adora- Broom, no!

(The machine buzzes up in the air shooting little lasers)

Adora- *sigh* Oh well, so much for the experiment! (throws her sword of protection at it, smashing the little bugger. The sword lands sticking up out of the ground)

Broom- Eh, sorry about that, Adora.

(bird flies in circles overhead screeching)

Adora- I think it's trying to get our attention.

Broom- Now what?

(The bird lands on the handle of Adora's sword and a hologram of Norwyn shoots out of a collar it's wearing)

Norwyn- Madame Razz, I have sent this winged messanger to find you because I am in great need of your help.

Madame Razz- Why, it's Norwyn!

Norwyn- If you can, please come to the village of Alwin quickly, as fast as you can. You are needed.

Madame Razz- Oh, deary my. You know, Norwyn's a good friend. If he's in trouble I have to go to him!

Adora- Then She-Ra will go with you. (whistles and Spirit appears. In some near-by bushes. Loo-Kee can be seen) Come on Spirit! We've got some flying to do! FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL... I AM SHE-RA! (She and Spirit both transform)

(Truck goes through a passage into the Nameless Volcano)Trooper- Next stop Horror Hall!

Ardin(thinking)- So, this is Horror Hall. Now to find Shadow Weaver!

Mantenna- You there! Get off! (pulls him down by the ankle)Mmm, who are you? What are you doing here?

(scene changes to Shadow Weaver's laboratry or whatever you call it... just where she has all her potions, spell books, etc.)Shadow Weaver- Oh, who are you? What do you want here?

Ardin- I... I am a sorcerer's apprentace!

Shadow Weaver- A sorcerer's aprrentace, 'ay? And just WHO is your teacher, hm?

Ardin- His name is Norwyn... we were-

Shadow Weaver- Norwyn?

Ardin- Then you've heard of him!

Shadow Weaver- Oh yes. I knew him very well, a long time ago. As for you... wait outside while I make my desicion!

(Ardin exits the room)

Shadow Weaver- My oldest enemy! For years I have searched for him. Norwyn took from me the greatness that should have been MINE! And now I intened to make him pay! (laughs and goes over to one of her work benches, picking up a glass beaker with a potion inside) I summon forth the dark riders! (throws in against a wall and it smashes- two skeletons in armor on black horses with bat wings appear in a flash of light)

Mantenna- But why send the dark riders? Won't Norwyn come to us now that we have the boy?

Shadow Weaver- because I do not wish to wait that long. Now, fly! Fly!

(scene changes to Madame Razz flying Broom and She-Ra flying Swift Wind)Madame Razz- Well, the village should be right below us now!

She-Ra- And we've got trouble right in front of us! (dark riders appear swinging their axes above their heads)

Madame Razz- Oh deary my! (the riders split up, one going after She-Ra, the other Madame Razz) Oh no, no spell can work against the dark riders, they're so powerful! (one gains speed on She-Ra, then the camara turns back to Madame Razz who is headed toward the ground) We'll head down fast, and turn at the last possible second! They'll never make the turn in time!

Broom- I'm not sure if *I* can make the turn!

Madame Razz- I hadn't thought of that! (they do make the turn in time, the dark rider smashing into the ground and disappearing in a burst of light)That's one down, one to go!

(the gap closes between She-Ra and the other dark rider)She-Ra- We've only got one chance, Swifty, and that's to drop in on our troublsome guest! (stands on the saddle) Now steady, steady... go! (jumps onto the dark rider's saddle behind him) Hello! And goodbye! (throws him off) Now, how do I control this thing? (the horse heads toward the ground) Uh-oh! I guess I don't. Got to time this just right! (the horse is almost on the ground) Now! (the horse goes the same way as the other dark rider, and She-Ra lands safley in the bushes)

Madame Razz- She-Ra! Are you alright?

She-Ra- Oh, I'm fine, Madame. Now let's find this friend of yours before we run into anymore trouble!

(scene changes to a clearing where Norwyn, She-Ra, Swift Wind, Madame Razz and Broom all stand)

Madame Razz- Norwyn's taught magic for as long as I can remember! One of his students was Castaspella.

Norwyn- The other was Shadow Weaver herself, before she turned to evil. She helped betray our planet to the Horde. I tried to stop her, and for this she has never forgiven me. She will take revenge on me, or by turning Ardin to the ways of darkness. We must stop her, or he will be lost to us forever!


(Back at Shadow Weaver's lab) Shadow Weaver(to Mantenna)- I beleive I will keep him on as my student. Train him in the ways of dark magic. And best of all, use him to get Norwyn out of my way... forever.

(scene changes to Madame Razz flying on Broom, and Norwyn and She-Ra riding on Swift Wind)

She-Ra- Norwyn? Exactly what happened between you and Shadow Weaver?

Norwyn- It all started when the Horde first arrived on Etheria. (flashback to Horde flyers shooting) Though we were out gunned, there was hope as long as the council of kings were safe. (we see a group of people, the kings, sitting around a table, then tha camara moves over to Light Spinner next to a young Castaspella)Only a handful of people knew the secret location of their base. Among them were my students, Castaspella and Shadow Weaver. (Light Spinner walks off) What we did not know was the Shadow Weaver had made a deal with the Horde. (Light Spinner stands underneath a Horde Flyer with a gem coming out the bottom, shining a light on her) They would give her a power gem that would make her powerful beyond imagining... in exchange, she would betray the council of kings. (A younger Norwyn sees this occuring, and we get a shot of Light Spinner's youthful, delicate hand changing into Shadow Weaver's. Norwyn smashes the gem with a bolt from his fingertips) I destroyed the power gem, but not before she had taken a third of its power. It changed her forever. (flashback turns back to reality) And for that reason she has hunted me ever since.

Madame Razz- There it is! The Nameless Volcano. And inside... Horror Hall.

(the group stands infront of a grey door)She-Ra- It's a door made of shadows!

Broom- Eh, ya don't think there's anything inside there, do ya?

Madame Razz- Eh, probably.

Broom- I *haaad* to ask!

(they all enter. Inside it is pitch black)Broom- This place sure could use a little light! (a roar is heard and the place is lit up) On second thoughts, I liked it better dark!

(a giant, glowing, orange, two-headed dragon appears)Night Fire- Fools! I am Night Fire! If you are to find Horror Hall, pass me first- if you can! (shoots rays out of its eyes at She-Ra)

She-Ra- You'll have to try harder than that!

Night Fire- If you insist!

(She-Ra dodges some more beams, and Norwyn, Swift Wind, Madame Razz and Broom are seen hiding behind some rocks)Norwyn- Sh-Ra, be careful! If one of those force beams hits you, you'll be frozen here forever!

She-Ra- Actually, that gives me an idea. (jumps) And up... (goes between the two heads)... and right between! (Night Fire's heads shoot their beamss at oneanother and is frozen)

Night Fire- Noooo! I hit myself!

She-Ra-There! That should keep it on ice for a while. Now let's go- I'd hate to keep Shadow Weaver waiting.

Broom- Do ya think she knows we're here?

She-Ra- If I know Shadow Weaver, she has her spys everywhere. (the group moves off screen, and a bird is seen watching them. It too flies off)

(scene changes to Shadow Weaver's lab where she is showing Ardin a five-headed snake (a lot of multi-headed creatures around Horror Hall, aren't there?) bound by what we can only assume are shadow coils. Also, Mantenna isn't there anymore)Shadow Weaver- Oh, and this is a dark stalker. It is hard to control, but once you've mastered the spell of creating, you'll find it useful indeed. Now, for your next lesson, the- (a squark is heard)Ah, my little spy is back! (holds her arm up and the bird perches, tweeting into her ear) Good... good! Very well then. Be gone! (bird flys off)

Ardin- What is it?

Shadow Weaver- I have a... suprise for you, Ardin. One that will tell me just how much you want to learn my magic.

Ardin- What do you mean 'how much'?

Shadow Weaver- To become as I am, you must be prepared to give up EVERYTHING. Friends, and other things.

Ardin- Well, I don't really have any friends since I left Norwyn... what else could I lose?

Shadow Weaver- Ah, there is much to be sacrafised if you wish to become powerful. See for yourself what became of me when i embraced the darkness. (takes off her hood, but before we get to see anything, the camara pans to Ardin who gasps, with a very shocked look on his face)Are you prepared to become... THIS? (puts her hood back on) You needn't answer now. First comes your suprise. Follow me!

(Ardin and Shadow Weaver walk down a path. A wall trembels and She-Ra breaks through with the group behind her)Ardin- Hey, it's Norwyn! What's he doing here?

Shadow Weaver- He is your suprise, Ardin. And your test!

Norwyn- Let Ardin go, Shadow Weaver! He's done nothing to harm you, it's me you want!

Shadow Weaver- Yes... and now I intened to take my revenge through the very boy you came here to save! (holds out a small power gem to Ardin) Take it and you shall be as powerful as any magician on Etheria! Take it and strike out at Norwyn... it's so easy!

Norwyn- Yes Ardin, her way is easy, my way is hard. I never promised you otherwise, because the only things worth having are the things you've worked for, like friendship. OUR friendship.

She-Ra- It's your desicion, Ardin.

Ardin(looks at Shadow Weaver)- I can't. Norwyn's right. Maybe he's old-fashioned, but at least he cares about me. And if that's what old-fashioned means... well I'll take it!

Shadow Weaver- Then you have just bought yourself a one-way ticket to the slavemines! Norwyn, you have all interfered with my plans for the last time! I will have no more! Creatures of stone, hearts of rock, give my enemies a terrible shock! (Weaver brings two stone gargoyles to life and some vines rising from the floor grab Norwyn)

She-Ra- Come on, Swifty!(flies off on him)

Madame Razz- Oh, yes, let's! (flys away just in time for the vines to miss her too) Ah! Wait! We have to go back! You know we forgot about Norwyn!

Norwyn- Never mind me, get Ardin, quickly!

(One of the gargoyls heads toward Norwyn)She-Ra- Oh no you don't! Sword to lasso! (nabs the gargoyl and spins the screeching creature around in the air)Got it! Round and round and round you go, where you'll stop, only I know! (She-ra lets go and the gargoyle is flung into a wall, smashing into rubble)

Broom- Help! (the other gargoyle chases after her)

Madame Razz- Faster Broom! Faster!

She-ra- No time for the lasso. Here goes! (jumps onto the gargoyle) I think you'll like the view better over here! (forces it to turn left towards a wall)

Shadow Weaver(to Norwyn)- And now, at long last, it is time. Time for the student to take the place of the teacher! Time for my revenge!

Madame Razz(comes down to Ardin)- One rescue at a time, Ardin. Hop on! (Ardin gets on Broom and they fly off)

She-Ra (who is still on the gargoyle as it heads towards the wall) And now! (jumps off and the gargoyl smashes into the wall, transforming it into a pile of rubble also. She-Ra falls, but Swift Wind flys under her) Nice catch, Swifty!

Madame Razz- Quick! Shadow Weaver has Norwyn trapped! Let's go!

She-Ra- No, not yet. I think Norwyn wants to do this alone.

Shadow Weaver(to Norwyn)-Admit it. I am stronger. *I* have the greater magic!

Norwyn- You have NOTHING Shadow Weaver, least of all me! (snaps his fingers and the writhing vines about him turn to stone and shatter, freeing him)See how your dark magic shatters before the light! Just as your lies and your powers will one day be destroyed!

Shadow Weaver- Oh no... it can't be... I had you!

Norwyn- I allowed you to hold me until Ardin was safe. Now, face me!

Shadow Weaver- No, oh, I'm not ready yet! Stay back... I command you! (creates a wall of shadow between herself and Norwyn, but Norwyn dissolves it and forms a bright, glowing light around himself)No... no! Can't look! Too bright!(covers her eyes with her hand)

Norwyn- Of course. I taught you that the light is always more powerful than the dark. You never understood that lesson. But you will, someday. And that will be the end of Shadow Weaver (Weaver falls to her knees), and the sorceress you could have been. Though I should not, I... I feel sorry for you. Now, farewell. (disappears, taking She-Ra, Madame Razz, Broom, Swift Wind and Ardin with him)

Shadow Weaver(still on her knees)- You feel sorry for ME, 'ay? Feel sorry for yourself! We will meet again someday, and you will regret this! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!!

(scene changes to the clearing we saw earlier where Norwyn, Madame Razz, Broom, She-Ra, Swift Wind and Norwyn stand)Norwyn- My thanks to you, She-Ra. Now we must get back to our hidden forest and continue Ardin's lessons.

Ardin- Then you'll still have me on as your student? Even though I let you down?

Norwyn- Let me down? My good lad, you have made me very, very proud! You have taken your first real step on the road to becoming a first-class sorcerer!

She-Ra- Thanks to a good... a GREAT teacher!

(scene changes to Loo-Kee)Hi there, friends, I'm Loo-Kee! Did you see where I was hiding today? If not, look now! (scene changes to the backdrop Spirit appeared on) See me yet? Here I am! In today's story, Ardin made a mistake when he went to join Shadow Weaver, but you can bet he won't be doing that again! We all make mistakes, there's nothing wrong with that! The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes. That way, we won't make tha same mistake again! Bye now!
