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What can I say... the title says it all! Where possible, I have put the title of the show it was said in.

'You pig-faced little worm! I'll turn you into a sausage!!'- to Imp in Of Shadow And Skulls

'The magics of darkness are vast!'- A Loss For Words

'Who would dare try to betray the great Hordak?' Getting herself out of a sticky situation in Of Shadows And Skulls

'Suppose you'll make me, winghead!' To She-Ra in For Want Of A Horse

'Where is she (Adora)? Tell me, where? Oh... you can't tell me anything without your voices, can you.' After taking some people's voices away in A Loss For Words

'Norwyn took from me the greatness... that should have been MINE!' The line that put the zing in 'Price Of Power'

'Oh, calm yourself my PRETTY little pet!'To Bow in 'The Stone In The Sword'... I'm never gonna leave that alone, am I;)?

'There is much to be sacraficed if you wish to become powerful... see for yourself what became of me when I embraced the darkness!' 'Price Of Power'

'No one ever goes out there(Beast Island). Don't worry, they'll (She-Ra, Bow, Kowl) never bother Hordak again!'Famous last words! 'Friendship'

'Oh, Shadow Weaver, you are so clever!' I *love* that line!! 'Something Old, Something New'

'It seems that your (Hordak's) science works no better than my magic!' 'A Talent for Trouble'

Okay, I think I can see a pattern... alright, I can just see the same eps coming up over and over again, but until I get the vids I sent away for plus some more info, SUFFER;)!
