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(Inside Horror Hall, Shadow Weaver is standing in front of her throne. Below her is a bubbling, orange substance.)

Shadow Weaver: (Calling to the substance.) Come forth, my pretties. I summon you to do my bidding.

Grizzlor: (Looking on with Dylamug, Leech and Rattlor.) I’d love to see the looks on those Rebel’s faces when Shadow Weaver’s little beasties attack again so soon.

Rattlor: *hisses*

Shadow Weaver: Come, my little shadow beasties, come!

(The beaties- little monstrous shadows with yellow eyes- come out of the orange substance, and fly out of Horror Hall in thick cloud of shadow.)


(In Whispering Woods.)

Bow: (Running up to She-Ra and Glimmer.) She-Ra, She-Ra!

She-Ra: Easy Bow. What is it?

Bow: It’s Shadow Weaver! She’s sent her shadow beasties to attack Thaymore again!

Glimmer: She-Ra, what’ll we do? We haven’t enough Rebels to turn back a shadow beastie attack!

She-Ra: We’ll go to Thaymore and do our best, that’s what we’ll do. I’ll-

(A portal opens in front of them, and Man-At-Arms and Orko walk through)

She-Ra: Man-At-Arms! Orko! What are you doing here?

Man-At-Arms: Hello She-Ra! Remember those electric force shields you asked for? Well, I decided to deliver them in person.

Orko: And I came just to say hi!

She-Ra: Well you couldnt’ve come at a better time!


(In Thaymore. The shadow beaties arrive.)

Villager: Oh no, they’re back again! Run!

(The beaties attack, shooting lasers from their eyes. The Rebels watch from a distance.)

Orko: Yikes! You weren’t kidding when you said those guys were bad news, She-Ra!

Man-At-Arms: Mmm, yes.

She-Ra: Well, Man-At-Arms, what do you think? Will your electric force shield work against these beasties?

Man-At-Arms: There’s only one way to find out.

Orko: I was afraid you were gonna say that!

(The Rebels take their positions with their electric shields.)

She-Ra: Ready?

Glimmer: Ready!

Bow: Ready!

She-Ra: Here goes everything! (The shadow beasties shoot at her.) This is it- the big test! (The shield successfully deflects the rays.) It worked! Man-At-Arms’ force shield worked!

Glimmer: Try this on for size, shadow beastie! (Imprisons one in magical coils, and the two near him clear the scene. Orko rushes into the battle.)

Man-At-Arms: Orko, be careful!

Orko: Biggle, bubble, bizzile, bap! Alright you creeps, take that! (A giant image of Orko appears in front of two of the beasties.) Boo! (They run off, frightened.)

She-Ra: Steady everyone! Hold your position!

Orko: *laughs* Look at them go! *laughs*

(The shadow beasties all retreat.)

Bow: Hooray, they’re beaten!

Orko: Good work, Man-At-Arms- your electric force shield works great!


(At Horror Hall.)

Shadow Weaver: Bah! Orko and Man-At-Arms, bah! What meddlers. I’ll teach them to come to Etheria and interfere with my schemes!

Dylamug: Sounds like trouble to me.

Grizzlor: You’ve got that right. Big trouble!

Shadow Weaver: *muttering various things under her breath*


(Back at Thaymore.)

Villager: She-Ra, Man-At-Arms, how can we ever thank you for saving us from those awful shadow beasties?

Villager #2: That’s right! We could never have beaten them without your help!

Man-At-Arms: Well I can assure you no thanks is necessary. We Eternians are proud to help the Great Rebellion whenever and however we can.

Orko: You said it! Why, those Horde meanies just make me so mad I could- yikes!

(Shadow Weaver appears on the scene.)

Villagers: *running away screaming ‘The Horde witch!’*

Villager: Let’s get out of here!

She-Ra: What do you want here Shadow Weaver?

Shadow Weaver: I just came here to tell you and your friends those silly force shields will do you no good. Do you really think your puny inventions could ever defeat me?!

She-Ra: Yes I do. Now why don’t you just leave.

Orko: Yeah, Shadow Weaver, take off or, or do I have to get tough?

Shadow Weaver: Why you miserable excuse for a wizard! I’ve half a mind to-

Orko: *laughs* Yeah, that’s all you’ve got- half a mind! *laughs*

Shadow Weaver: You little bozo!

Orko: (Retreats a bit.) Aw, c’mon, Shadow Weaver, make my day! *shadow boxing*

Shadow Weaver: Oh, you little pest! I’ll teach you to mock me! (Fires a magic bolt, but She-Ra jumps in and reflects it with her arm armor.)

She-Ra: For the last time Shadow Weaver, leave! And I mean NOW!

Shadow Weaver: I’ll leave, She-Ra! But not empty-handed! (Sends a magic blast Orko’s way.)

Orko: Help! (Weaver encases Orko’s shadow in a force bubble and it floats over to her.)Oh no! Shadow Weaver stole my shadow!

She-Ra: Shadow Weaver, give it back!

Shadow Weaver: *laughs* But you told me to leave! Ta ta! (Disappears, taking the shadow with her.)

Orko: She-Ra… my shadow.

Glimmer: Easy, Orko.

Orko: But I feel so weak. I don’t understand.

Man-At-Arms: When Shadow Weaver took the shadow, she also took Orko’s magic.

She-Ra: Then we have to go after Orko’s shadow. Now.

Man-At-Arms: You’re right, She-Ra. Because if we don’t get it back soon… well… we’d just better.

Glimmer: But how do we find out where Shadow Weaver’s taken it?

She-Ra: There’s probably only one place she would have taken Orko’s shadow.

Man-At-Arms: You mean…

She-Ra: Yes. Horror Hall.


(At Horror Hall, Weaver, Dylamug and Grizzlor are gathered around the shadow, who has been released from the force bubble.)

Shadow Weaver: Now, my little friend, you will serve me with your magic.

Orko’s shadow: Magic? Oh uh, magic, me? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!

Shadow Weaver: Maybe it would help if I… shed a little light on the subject. (Creates light that shines on the shadow.) This is perfect.

Orko’s shadow: Ow! Stop that! (Zooms away.)

Shadow Weaver: (To Grizzlor & Dylamug.) Grab him you fools! He’s escaping!

Grizzlor: Uh, how do we grab a shadow?

Shadow Weaver: Don’t waste time with silly questions! Just go get him! (Grizzlor and Dylamug look at her fearfully.) Now!

Grizzlor: No problems, er!

Dylamug: No problem!

(They both rush off.)

Shadow Weaver: Bumbling buffoons. Even they should be able to catch that miserable little shadow! And when they do, I’ll drain all of Orko’s magical powers from it, and use them to make my shadow beasties so strong that nothing can stop them.


(Grizzlor and Dylamug are walking the corridors of Horror Hall, looking for the shadow.)

Grizzlor: Boy, I-I’m worried. There’s no telling what Shadow Weaver’ll do to us if we don’t catch Orko’s shadow.

Dylamug: Whaddaya mean?

Grizzlor: Well, last time I messed up, she turned me into a giant flower for three whole days.

Dylamug: A giant flower? Ugh. That’s disgusting.

Grizzlor: You’re telling me! Yuck!

Dylamug: Hm. Maybe we’d better get Mantenna and the others to help us find that shadow- quick!

Grizzlor: Yeah, that’s a good idea, c’mon!


(In another section of Horror Hall.)

Orko’s shadow: (Looking for a way out.) Phew! I’d better find Orko, fast! Creepy place. I’ll sure be glad to get out of here! Gee, but how do I get out of here?

(A giant monster with tentacles sneaks up behind him.)

Orko’s shadow: Oh no! Yikes! (Running away.) Orko, She-Ra, help meeeeee!


(The villains, now helped by Leech, Rattlor and Mantenna finally catch up with Orko’s shadow.)

Grizzlor: Oh, there he is, grab him!

Dylamug: We’ve got you now!

(Orko’s shadow zips away.)

Shadow Weaver: (Standing on some steps.) You worthless bunglers! Catch that shadow! He can’t escape from down there! I said catch him now!

(The villains agree to catch the shadow and start looking.)

Grizzlor: Let’s find that shadow!

Shadow Weaver: I can’t wait to get Orko’s magical powers for my little shadow beasties! It will make them so powerful, not even She-Ra can defeat them!


(At Whispering Woods.)

Orko: Gosh, ever since Shadow Weaver stole my shadow, I’ve been feeling weaker and weaker. (Tries to use his magic, but to no avail.) I’m afraid my magic may be gone forever.

Man-At-Arms: Take it easy my friend, please.

Glimmer: She-Ra, what are we gonna do? How will we ever get to Horror Hall and rescue Orko’s shadow?

She-Ra: I don’t know, Glimmer. But I do know someone who can help us. (Pulls out her sword.) Light Hope, I summon you. Can you hear me?

Light Hope: (Appears in the sword’s jewel.) Yes, She-Ra. I am here. What troubles you?

She-Ra: It is our friend, Orko. Shadow Weaver has taken his shadow. We must go to Horror Hall to get it back, or he will lose all his powers.

Light Hope: Horror Hall? She-Ra, to enter that place will put even you into great danger. For it is at Horror Hall that Shadow Weaver is at the peak of her power.

She-Ra: I know that, Light Hope. But if that’s what it takes to help Orko, I’ll do it.

Man-At-Arms: I’ll go too, She-Ra.

Glimmer: Me too!

Bow: Yeah, me too!

Orko: Gee guys… thanks.

Light Hope: Orko, listen carefully. She-Ra’s powers can get you into Horror Hall. But it will be up to you to get everyone out.

Orko: M-m-me? Get us out? How?

Light Hope: Once you have your shadow and your magic back, you will have to use your powers to defeat Shadow Weaver. Do you understand?

Orko: I… I think so. Yeah!

Light Hope: She-Ra, all the mighty powers of Grayskull are in your sword. Call upon it, and by its energy, you and your friends can open a magic portal which will lead you to Horror Hall and Shadow Weaver. Together everyone- say the magic words now.

She-Ra, Orko, Man-At-Arms, Bow and Glimmer: For the honour of Grayskull!

(The portal opens.)

Glimmer: She-Ra look! The magic portal- it’s open!

Bow: We’d better hurry, that portal won’t stay open long.

She-Ra: Right you are. Come on.

(Everyone enters.)


(On the other side of the portal, just outside Horror Hall.)

Orko: We made it! We got to Horror Hall! What a yucky place, ugh!

Man-At-Arms: Yes. And with any luck we should find an unguarded entrance right around here.

Bow: You’re a dreamer, Man-At-Arms!

She-Ra: Well, Shadow Weaver couldn’t possibly have locked every crack and crevice, Bow.

Orko: (Next to a large pipe.) I don’t know about cracks and crevices, but what about this?

She-Ra: I think *this* will work just fine. (Removes the grill from the pipe and steps in.) Welcome to Horror Hall!


(Inside Horror Hall.)

Orko: Golly guys, I wonder if Light Hope was right about me being able to use my magic to get us out of here.

Glimmer: Don’t worry, Orko, I know you can do it! We just have to get your shadow back first.

(walking deeper into Horror Hall, the same creature that scared Orko’s shadow crabs Glimmer with one of its large tentacles.)

Glimmer: She-Ra! Argh!

Orko: Glimmer! Oh no!

Man-At-Arms: (Tentacle reaches for She-Ra.) She-Ra! Look out!

She-Ra: Trying a squeeze play, huh? (Starts hugging the tentacle tight. The creature tries to pull back but ends up falling down because of She-Ra having a hold on his tentacle, and in doing so, lets Glimmer go.)

Glimmer: Good work, She-Ra, I’m free!

(She-Ra spins the creature around and around, and it goes flying through the air, landing tangled up in its own tentacles.)

Orko: Yay She-Ra!

(They come to a dead end, blocked with rocks.)

Man-At-Arms: Now our problem is to get past this!

She-Ra: Well, maybe we should just knock.

Man-At-Arms: Knock?


(Deeper inside Horror Hall.)

Grizzlor: (Finding the shadow again, along with Dylamug, Rattlor and Leech.) Alright little shadow, hold it right there! (Grizzlor and Dylamug trap him with the light from their torches.)

Orko’s shadow: Ouch! Leave me alone!

(Leech and Rattlor also trap him with their torches.)

(All the villains laugh.)

Grizzlor: Uh, now what do we do?

Leech: Hey! We’ve figured out how to trap him!

Rattlor: Yesss. Now it’s your turn to-

She-Ra: (Breaks through a wall.) Sorry to bust in on you, boys!

Mantenna: (Located behind the rest of the villains.) Not as sorry as you’re going to be, She-Ra! *laughs* (Encases Bow in ice with rays from his eyes.)

Man-At-Arms: Bow! No! (Runs over to help him, only to be frozen as well.)

Mantenna: (To the villains.) Now, you buffoons, grab her!

(The villains hiss, roar and slobber at She-Ra.)

She-Ra: (Picks up a near by pot of oil and pours it over the ground near the villains.) A little oil slick should slow you guys down!

Mantenna: Get her you dullards, get her!

(The villains stop as they try to keep their balance.)

Leech: Watch it!

She-Ra: Just think what you could do if you only had skates!

Mantenna: (Still sending ice rays from his eyes at Bow and Man-At-Arms. She-Ra Approaches and reflects the rays with her sword.) What do you think you’re doing?

She-Ra: Putting you on ice!

(Mantenna’s rays are reflected onto him, and he is left frozen.)

Orko’s shadow: (Rushes up to Orko and hugs him.) Boy, am I glad to see you!

Leech: Oh, what happened? (Sees the rest of the villains run up for another try.)

Glimmer: She-Ra, look out!

She-Ra: Still wanna play? (The villains all jump, and she catches Rattlor on her shoulders, Dylamug on Rattlor’s shoulders and Grizzlor on top of Dylamug.)

Rattlor: Argh, let me go!

Dylamug: Let us down.

Rattlor: L-Let us down! Argh, argh!

She-Ra: You ever think of going into the circus? (Heaves them all off her shoulders. They go flying through the air, and each land in an allocated pot, stuck..)

Dylamug: I’m stuck!

She-Ra: (Chasing Leech off.) Goodbye, Leech! (Leech retreats.)

Shadow Weaver: (Enters.) What?! What’s going on down here?!

Glimmer: It’s a very long story, Shadow Weaver. Um, maybe we should tell ya later.

She-Ra: When you’re not so busy.

Shadow Weaver: Busy?

Orko: They’re right, Shadow Weaver!

Shadow Weaver: Huh?!

Orko: Because now that I’ve got my shadow and my magic back, I’m going to keep you busy with a little shadow-play of my own. (Casts a spell, and Shadow Weaver's shadow quickly departs.)

Shadow Weaver: My shadow! My magic!!! Come back here!

Shadow Weaver’s shadow: Nya nya nya nya nya! (Rushes up the stairs.)

Shadow Weaver: (Going after it.) W-w-w-wait! Stop! Come back here!

She-Ra: Now to free Bow and Man-At-Arms. (Smashes their icy prison with a punch.)

Man-At-Arms: Oh, thanks She-Ra! But what happened?

Bow: Where’s Shadow Weaver?

She-Ra: At the moment it’s just plain Weaver.

Orko: Yeah, ‘cause I took *her* shadow!

Shadow Weaver: (Can be heard in the background.) Come back! Pleeeeeeeeeease!

(The good guys laugh and the episode ends.)

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