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Which Witch Is Which?

Scene 1

Adora and Glimmer are climbing up an outside wall; it is very windy and looks very dangerous.


Shh, we must be very quiet.

She climbs a little further up and looks around

All clear, come on!


Glimmer are you sure this is the best way, I mean we don’t want to be spotted but is this the safest way?


I’m sure, I done it lots of times before.

Adora slips and some rubble falls down. Glimmer goes over and helps her friend. The two girls get back on track but keep low on the look out.


Phew, the guards didn’t spot us.

The two sneak indoors and cautionously look around. They start to move off. Glimmer is unaware of a large white wing creeping up behind her. All of a sudden, the wing engulfs her and drags her back.


And just where are you two off too?


Glimmer trying desperately to escape from her mothers wings

Er, we were just going for a walk


Across the roof?!!


Erm, we wanted a bit of exercise.

Angella who is totally unconvinced but is playing along

Well if you were so keen to get up early Glimmer, you should have told me, I would have extra manuscripts for you to look through.

Glimmer who has managed to detangle herself from her mothers wings, rather quickly

We’re just going for a short walk; I’ll be back very soon.

Angella giving her daughter a knowing look

So I’ll let you go, you and Adora will go to the market and not return til very late by which time, it is too late to do any work. Not a chance my little fur ball.






Uptight stick!





Angella uses her wings to tickle her daughter who begs her stop. Angella stops and gives her hug.

Angella leading Glimmer to a paper covered table.

Come on.

Glimmer gives a moan at the sight and gives an imploring look at Adora who laughs at the two.

Adora smiling

I won’t forget you’re er order.

Adora is unaware of some one sneaking up behind her


And what would that be?



Glimmer glaring at her mother

You two had this all planned didn’t you!!

The two mothers exchange looks and smile. Adora and Marlanna leave Glimmer and Angella to work.

Scene 2

At the market place, Adora and Marlanna are looking around.


It’s rather quite.

She notices a pouch that Adora has bought.


What’s that for?


Its just some nuts for Glimmer, she loves them.

It has been quite because Hordak is having a hard time without Shadow Weaver.


What happened to her?


She’s on holiday

Marlanna laughing

Even evil villains need a break. How did she get Hordak to agree to that?


Well, it all started when Shadow Weaver had attack Mysticor. She managed to capture both She-Ra and Casterspeller but at the cost of a number of trooper and a few ships.

We enter the flashback.

Scene 3

We are in the Fright Zone. Hordak and Shadow Weaver are having a confrontation.



Three of my best ships and a whole squadron of troopers.

Shadow Weaver

But mighty one, I have prisoners to show for it. She-Ra for you and Castaspeller for Entrapna’s new machine.


Perhaps I ought to put you in Entrapna’s new machine. She has the right idea, science not sorcery, will finish off the rebels, it is what gave me the advantage of this puny planet when I first conquered it.

Shadow Weaver

At least I do get results, when was the last time you caught any rebel of significant value

Hordak clearly angry at the last comment

Enough. You wasted resources because your great powers, which I gave to you, don’t seem to get put to good enough use.

He presses a button. A cage springs around Shadow Weaver who is then suspended in the air.


In the mean time, you can hang around and see how things should be handled.

Shadow Weaver half desperate, half angry

Mighty one I…


Silence! I have had enough of your excuses; you are only saved from a serious punishment because I now have She-Ra and Castaspella.

Shadow Weaver very angrily to herself

YOU have them?! I’ll have my own back, somehow.

Scene 4

In the dungeons of the Fright Zone, we see She-Ra trying to smash her way out of a force field. Casta is also hurling her magic trying to break free. Entrapna laughs


I have learnt from past experience She-Ra, I have programmed the cell to withstand any of your attacks.

She turns to Casta

I suggest you save your energy Castaspeller; I’ll need it later.

Castaspella trying to hide the worry from her voice

And what is that suppose to mean?


My new weapon, which is almost complete, uses sorcery as fuel. It’ll be ready by this afternoon, and then you will be the first battery to charge it.


I don’t think the other rebels will let that happen.

Entrapna starts laughing hysterically


If I recall correctly, it is always them who need rescuing by you. I’m sure Razz and Glimmer, could add more power to my device, unless that is, you’re going to be rescued by that arrogant archer and the women with the fishing net that has shrunk in the wash.


You underestimate them Entrapna.


No Castaspella, you over estimate them.

Scene 5

In Whispering Woods, Sprag is rushing in to where Bow and Netaossa are sitting.


What’s the rush Sprag?

Sprag out of breath

Shadow Weaver’s got She-Ra and Casta, not only that, but Entrapna built a device which is powered by magic. Hordak has ordered a full watch of both the device and the prisoners.


We can’t just sit here either; I’m going to get ready to help them. Get a message to Angella and Glimmer to stay in Brightmoon.

She walks off with Bow in pursuit.

Sprag calling out after them

But, but Hordak is expecting you to recuse them…

Sprag expressions changes, he clearly has come up with a "brilliant" plan.

I’ve got it.

He rushes off again.

Scene 6

Bow and Netaossa have meet up again and are ready to go when…

Croaky and squeaky voice

Wait for me!!

Madame Razz turns up with Broom looking even messier then usual.


What’s wrong with your voice?

Madame Razz still croaking

I think I’ve come down with something

Bow and Netaossa both step back.

Broom whispering to the other two

She’s been yelling at me too much.


I don’t think you should come with us Madame, what with your condition and Entrapna new device.

Madame Razz in her barely audible voice

Oh dearie my, it’s only a sore throat, it’s not as if I have a cold

She sneezes

And as for Entrapna, with Casta, I don’t think she wants me, besides, I can’t cast any spells at the moment, not with this throat!

Bow and Netaossa exchange uh oh glances.

Bow unsure

Well, lets go.

Scene 7

Horde troopers pass in the foreground. We see a trap has been laid for them, as they pass a line across the ground, they are scoped up in a net. The rebels sneak inside.


We better split up, that way, if one of us is captured, the other three will have a chance to recuse everyone.

They separate. We are following Netaossa. She continues walking cautiously. She pauses behind a pillar as she sees Catra


Meow, I want those rebels found and thrown strait into the dungeons!

There is a pause

What are you dolts waiting around for, Mmmove!

The is a slight noise from behind her, Catra’s ears prick up, she changes into cat form. She slinks towards Netaossa looking out either side of her. Netaossa throws her net over the panther. Catra uses her claws to escape from the net. As Netaossa readies another weapon at her foe, Scorpia’s tail, wraps around her. Catra changes back in to human form.

Catra staring into Netaossa’s face

Take her below!

Scene 8

Hordak is watching the rebels being captured across the Fright Zone through his view screens when he is aware that he is being watched by a strange creature. The creature is dressed in a raged cloak, whose hood is pulled right over the face. He sneaks a look at Shadow Weaver still in her cage. She looks back at him motionless.


Who in evils name are you?

The creature replies in a strange language that has never been heard before. It is a language with is made up of growls from the throat.

It holds out its hand, mutters in its strange tongue, black lightening surrounds the creature and we can see black, glowing, pearly eyes through the hood.

Hordak curious

You wish to join the Horde?

The creature gives a short reply

Hordak hoping he is saying the right thing

We could use one with your powers, what is your name mysterious one.

Again the creature answers in its strange language. One of the words sounds like Disc

Hordak slightly annoyed that he can’t understand this strange being

To keep thing simple, you will be called Disc. Now where do you come from?

Disc only replies in its own voice. Hordak gives up asking any more questions.


I had better explain my situation to you.

The creature goes up to Hordak. The two watch the view screens. We see Broom trying to hide from troopers. The camera goes right into the scene.



He carries on down the stairs. He sees She-Ra and Casta still behind the force field. He flies quickly towards them.


No Broom! It a trap!

To late, Broom has flown so fast that he didn’t see Entrapna lower the force field and raise it again to trap him as well. Scorpia walks in with Netaossa who is then also trapped behind the force field.

Scorpia laughing.

Just Bow and Razz to go!

Scene 8

Bow jumps out of the shadows with his arrow ready, expecting action and is disappointed when there is none.

Bow to himself

It’s a little too quiet for my liking.

Blasters start shooting out from all sides.


Now this is more like it.

He dodges the lasers easily. He makes his way down the narrow corridor with his weapon still out ready. A power cut happens. The scene goes black. We hear a zap, thud and the silence


Can some one switch on the lights so I can see just who I am fighting.

The lights come on and we see Bow surrounded by troopers led by Mantanna. On the floor behind Bow is Leech. The camera shots out to revel a screen.

Hordak laughing

Now for that idiotic old hag Madame Razz. Disc, I suggest you go down stairs and help Entrapna.

We see Madame Razz on the last of the four view screens.

Scene 9

Madame ducks and runs behind some boxes to cover her from Grizlore and Imp. She notices a vent beside her. She opens it but it makes a loud noise.


What was that?


Madame Razz I presume.

Imp flies over to where the noise was coming from. He sees the vent and go in. He looks in both directions but he doesn’t see her. He flies off in one of the tunnels. We see him go far off and turn the corner. We then see Madame pressed against the ceiling. She drops down and heads off in the opposite direction. At the end of the tunnel, the only way to go is up. She clambers upwards and opens the grating at the end. She gets out and runs straight into Grizlore.

Madame Razz still with a sore throat

Oh dearie my!

Scene 10

The rebels are all chained up next to each other in Entrapna’s lab. The chains have buttons on them and can only be opened using a special code. Shadow Weaver is also there still in her cage. The stranger starts babbling in its strange language


Discan! I should have guessed that you would turn up at some point.

The being turns towards Broom menacingly and says something. Broom responds by answering in the same language. The being says something very short to him. Casta smiles as if she’s just realized something.


I am finished mighty one.


You won’t win Hordak.


I don’t think any of the other are going to save you at this very moment, all I need to do now is put Castaspeller in this device and Etheria will be mine once more.

Madame Razz sarcastically in a squeaky voice

If I had a gold piece for every time I heard that phrase, I’d probably be very rich.

Hordak responding to her last comment

The best cure for a sore throat Razz is to keep QUITE! Entrapna, throw that good for nothing witch first into the machine.

The others looked shocked but Madame razz seems very calm and is almost smiling.

A trooper takes hold of her and straps her down. Entrapna switches on the machine. Nothing happens.



He looks up at Shadow Weaver who is calmly reading a book, apparently paying no attention to what is going on.


Weaver, what is going on?

Shadow Weaver barely lifting her head above the look.

But mighty one, I am simply hanging around to see how things should be done.


Curse you; tell me, I order it.

Shadow Weaver


Hordak getting desperate

What do you mean?

Shadow Weaver

Well every time I do something right, you take all the credit and leave me none and if something goes wrong I take the blame. I will not be held responsible this time.


I will not hold you responsible now tell me!

Shadow Weaver

Not good enough this time Hordak.

Hordak taking a deep breath and trying very hard to speak in a calm voice.

What do you want?

Shadow Weaver

First I want to be let out of this cage. Secondly, you are not to criticize me magic or skill or use any of those beams on me. Thirdly, I want a vacation, where only I know where to and I want the use of your ship to take me there.


Very well

He lets her out the cage

Now why won’t the machine work?

Shadow Weaver

Well mighty one, doesn’t it seem strange that despite having a sore throat, Madame Razz hasn’t been coughing. And what’s happened to her magic?


Just tell me!

Shadow Weaver shaking her head in her hands, very quietly to herself

I’m going to enjoy this holiday!

She walks over to Madame Razz and grabs her hat.

Shadow Weaver

This isn’t Madame Razz.

She pulls off the hat

It’s the twigget Spiritina!

Hordak has been so distracted by the last events that he hasn’t notice that Broom has escaped and is undoing the lock to the others chains. Hordak sees the others trying to get away and fires at She-Ra

Spiritina in her normal voice

She-Ra, look out!

She-Ra jumps out they way. Netaossa goes over to where Spiritina is and frees her. Shadow weaver looks on.

Shadow Weaver to herself

I suppose I’d better help, but if I do I probably won’t get a holiday.

She vanishes off. Hordak sees this.



He looks up and goes after She-Ra. As he runs he is tripped up by the stranger.

Madame’s voice From Under the hood

Idiotic old hag am I?!!!

She goes over the machine and grabs her hat. She puts it on under her cowl and then lifts the cowl back and goes over to where the others are.

Bow surprised

Who’s idea was this?


It was Sprag’s. He figured that Hordak expected Madame to come so in case he caught her, I took place leaving her free to pretend to be someone else.

The rebels leave. Hordak watches helplessly as they do


Weaver, Weaver! Where are you, come back this instant!

Hordak is now an image on a view screen which has now been destroyed. Shadow Weaver is on a desert island.

Shadow Weaver

What ever your problems are Hordak, I’m not interested.

She magic’s a drink in a coconut and lays back and relaxes. She gives a sigh of sheer contentment.