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My Work

Yes, this page goes off of my flowers theme, but oh well, I couldn't find any other flowers that I really wanted to use :) Besides, a little variation is always nice.

This page is just to show off some of the work I've done, well actually to link to some of the work I've done :) The first is for the PSPUG, I used to participate in the Self Learning Program, unfortunately I didn't have anough time and I stopped doing that because I never had my assignments in on time (yes I'm bad). But I do have some homework assignments to display, you can see these here. I also do some graphic work in my technological design class at school. You can check out some of my tech projects here

If you want to see some more of my graphic and web design at work you can see the page set I designed for my team at Digital Delilah's. The graphics I made were for the Fire Divas. I'm rather proud of the actual fire diva graphic. Other examples of my work all over this website. Unless I've credited otherwise I made all of the graphics and page myself :)