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Chibi Trowa

Adopt Chibi Trowa

Adopt Trowa? The silencer?
Good you are going to adopt Trowa!
Trowa is very quiet and you could almost say first. When you get to know him he is a wonderful sweet boy. He likes animals and has had previous jobs in the circus. He is extremely smart, his hair is is a unique trait of his.

Go Adopt !!

Chibi Trowa 01
My Adopted Chibi Trowa

Chibi Trowa 02, if you are adopting more than one Chibi

The adoptive parent of
Chibi Trowa and Chibi Heero is

Want to adopt your own Chibi?

And Trowa 03, if you are adopting more than one

The adoptive parent of
Trowa and Heero is

Want to adopt your own?