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Chibi Wufei

Adopt Chibi Wufei

JUSTICE!! Adopt Wufei now!
Adopt the Justie Boy!
Wufei is secretive and likes to be left alone. You really have to worm your way into his heart, and once you do he will be your eternal friend, always watching your back. He believes alot in what he calls justice. If you violate his trust you might not get it back. ^_^ This is one complicated fella but loveable all the same. He is truly his own character. He likes to eat chinese food, preferably, and he gets mad when his katakana is not polished.

Go Adopt!!

Chibi Wufei 01
My Adopted Chibi Duo

Chibi Wufei 02, if you are adopting more than one Chibi

The adoptive parent of
Chibi Wufei and Chibi Quatre is

Want to adopt your own Chibi?

And Wufei 03, if you are adopting more than one

The adoptive parent of
Wufei and Duo is

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