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Other Adoptions

Other Adoptions

So you want something else ne?
Here's what I have so far.

Other Availible Adopted things are:

1) You MUST have a webpage and it MUST be ANIME
2) You may adopt as many chibi as you want. ^_^
3) You have to link back to my site somewhere visible on your page. A links page is fine
4) You may not just steal the chibis and put them on your page.
5) You may not adopt the chibis out to other people.
6) Follow all adopting directions and fill out the form.

1) Fill out the form and make sure it is valid
2) Save the picture of your chibi onto your own server
3) Copy and Paste the HTML code onto your website and fill in the apropriate parts. i.e Name, email address



Email address:

Site URL:

Include the http://

Other Adopted Stuff 1:

Other Adopted Stuff
(if you only adopted one
leave this blank):

Any other comments: