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I think that I shall never see
As much bare chest on my TV;
Young strapping men are everywhere,
They're on my screen just bare, bare, bare!
Flexing muscles, bulging all,
From very short to very tall;
Now Dr. Mike has muscles too,
But looks delicious in Mike Blue;
Such loving care his ways impart,
He warms the cockles of the heart;
More skin should knock me off my socles -
But I would rather have warm cockles.

Around the pool they strut their stuff,
And some just can't show off enough;
Please tell me where they all came from,
How did these muscles they become?
And more are coming, so we hear,
The Sons of SORAS will appear;
Quick lock the attic, bolt the door,
Before old SORAS grabs some more!
With flesh my screen will overflow,
And then they'll throw in John and Bo;
Now I don't want to cause debacles -
But I would rather have warm cockles.

I say we have some equal time
And not just see men in their prime;
The fans of DAYS are of all ages,
Let's see those men from all life's stages;
Yes Shawn and Mickey, Victor too,
And how 'bout Steffie's chest anew??
8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O
I changed my mind - withdraw the question,
If you'll please pardon the expression; ;-)
I'll focus til the end on Mike,
Whose loved by young and old alike;
Yes men like Mike are such epochals -
And wouldn't you rather have warm cockles??

August 20, 1999

Okay, so YOU try to rhyme with 'cockles'! And so I may have switched which part of the word the accent falls on so it would rhyme better. That's poetic liberty or something, isn't it? Anyway, here are some definitions to help out.

Cockle - 1. a) edible bivalve shellfish b) its shell 2. warm the cockles of one's heart, make one contented

Mussel - bivalve mollusk, esp. an edible kind

Socle - a projecting, usually molded member at the foot of a wall or pier or beneath the base of a column, pedestal, or superstructure

Debacle - 1. a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river 2. a violent disruption (as of an army) 3. a) a great disaster b) a complete failure

Epoch (epochal) - 1. a) an event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period or development b) a memorable event or date 2. A) an extended period of time usually characterized by a distinctive development or by a memorable series of events.

SOS - Sons of SORAS - Nicholas, Shawn Douglas, Brady, Philip - and who knows who's next!

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