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Mike & Carrie's Coloring Book


For those who fancy coloring books
As certain people do,
Here’s one of DiVA's for you.

A most unusual coloring book
The kind you never see,
Crayons ready, very well -
Begin to color with me.

These are the eyes that watched her
As she wouldn’t remain,
Color them with pain

This is the heart that believed
The words that were spoken,
Color it broken

This is the man that thought
Her love would now be true,
Color him blue

These are the arms that held her
And touched her then lost her somehow,
Color them empty now

This is the love she spoke of
But now has forbidden,
Color it hidden

This is the necklace she wore
Until guilt came between,
Color it unseen

This is the room she sleeps in
And walks in and weeps in,
Longing that nobody sees -
Color it lonely, please

This is the man
The one she depended upon,
Color him gone…

May 09, 1999


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