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Die Hard SUNDIN Fan

Hi there everyone!!! Welcome to my first web page!! Are you as excited about it as I am!! *how lame* :) Anyway just wanted to make this page for MATS SUNDIN I LoVe HIM!!! He's my idol, my hero....Man, he's God!!*hehe* *kidding* This page is just to express the way I feel about him!! No matter how much this page sucks, it still means something!!*tear* :-)

Well, I guess you want to know more about me since you made the time to visit my page...if not, to bad you're still going to hear it!!!(-: Okay my name's Sonia. I'm from Ontario, Canada!! I'm a female...if you haven't guessed by my name!! I'm 5'5, athletic, peachy-golden skin, Portuguese..."alo" *smile*...I have blue eyes and brown layered hair down to my shoulders!!

If ya wanna see some wicked ass pics of SUNDIN than click on his sexy picture!!!

I would like to thank my parents, Jose and Maria.. for having me!!*smile*My brother, John....the best brother I have (the only one I have) :-) And to everyone else I care know who you are!!!*smile* This page is dedicated to you!! *blowing kisses*

LOOK!!!! He signed my page!! :-D *Gigglez*

Me and my Cuz Ann!!!!! =o)

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  • Mats Sundin/Leaf Links

    All Things Leafy
    The Official Website of the Toronto Maple Leafs LEAFNET
    The MAPLE LEAF Gazette
    Matt's MATS SUNDIN Page
    The Official MATS SUNDIN Homepage (Only in Swedish)
    the MATS SUNDIN Worship Page
    MATS SUNDIN on the Ice Palace
