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Stephen Dorff Multimedia

Life is really..with tons of cool Dorff related multimedia here why bother doing something more valuble with your time? Check out what we have. ALWAYS more coming soon.

Photographs and Movie Stills

Stephen Dorff Photo Album 1
Stephen Dorff Photo Album 2
Blade Album
Backbeat Album
Rosie Show 3.15.99

Scrapbook Album | Scrapbook Album 2

Original Screenplays

Blade (txt)

Real Video Files

The following links to the Real Videos below are from the Asylum website. Unfortunately, these links won't always work if the server is busy. In this case, to watch them, go to Entertainment Asylum and do a search on Stephen Dorff.

Live Interview w/Stephen on His Role in Blade (17:34)
Stephen and Wesley present Blade memorabilia to Planet Hollywood (1:17)

Quiktime Files

Aerosmith Cryin' Music Video - 5.38 minutes - 50 megs
Aerosmith Cryin' Video Clip - 26 seconds - 700 k
Blade Trailer - 8046 k

Real Audio Files

On Bono in Entropy
After Filming Entropy

His View of Blade
Playing a Bad Guy in Blade
Real Life Vampires
Fighting Skills Displayed in Blade

And Now For Some Fun Stuff!

Unless I say so below, everything in this category is made by me. I trustfully put these files up with hopes that anyone who would like to use them for their own site respects my request that you credit me on them. Thanks :)

Stephen Dorff Wallpaper - For those who get really sick of those ugly pre-designed desktop schemes. Note: The gradation on this wallpaper looks like crap on various browsers. Download it and try it out on your desktop before you decide that it looks like crap and that I am artistically impaired. I'm an artist actually, so that's not an option. Hah.
Stephen Money - For those of you who said Stephen was priceless...think again! *LOL* Just kidding Stephen, babe, you're still priceless, I just thought this was fun to make. :)

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*Real Media Files provided by Hollywood Online and Entertainment Asylum*

© 1999 Stephen Dorff Online