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Chapter 11

“Ah! There you are!” Ross was waiting for them at the entrance.

“Hey Ross! Where’s Ang?”

“Oh, she’s busy, calling John and Eddy”


“It’s about the first single!”

“REALLY?!!” the girls shouted all together.

“Yes, if it all works out well, it will be released in a month time!”

“YAY!!” Morgan clapped her hands together and kissed Nick on his cheek.

“Wow, that’s so awesome!!” Summer said

“Oh c’mon Mad! That’s MORE than awesome!! THAT’S THA BOMB!!” Michelle screamed.

“AAAAHHH!!!!” the girls shouted and hugged.


“Man, if they get like this before the single is even out..”

“Yea, D, makes me wonder how crazy they’ll get when it’s #1!!” AJ shook his head.

“OK, girls, that’s enough screaming, you have to get ready for Meet and Greet”

“Yea, yea”

“Hi girls!”

“Hi Kate!” Morgan greeted their stylist.

“Looking forward to tonight?”

“Oh yea!”


“Absolutely!” Becky laughed.

“See ya later ladies!” AJ shouted as the two groups both walked into separate dressing rooms.

“Hey! I want a kiss good-bye!!” Michelle objected.

“Aw, sorry baby! How could I forget?!” AJ walked back and enveloped Michelle in his arms, then he kissed her.

“Gross” Morgan said

They waited for a minute.. the two were still kissing.

“OK, if they’re not gonna stop soon, I’ll get real nauseous” Howie said

Nick walked in the girls dressing room.

“Hey, what are you doing here sweets?” Morgan asked.

“I figured, if AJ and Michelle kiss good-bye, we should too”

“That’s about the lousiest excuse I ever heard a guy come up with to kiss me!”

They looked at each other.

“So what?” Nick said and kissed her.

“Ah no! You’re not all gonna smooch like this morning again right?!!” Angela said.

Just then Kevin and Howie walked out of theirs and into the other dressing room

“Great Ang, did you have to say that?” Ross and Angela laughed.

~~~2 minutes later~~~


“Time to leave to your individual rooms now boys and girls!!”

“Bubye honey”

“Later cutie!” Nick and the other guys walked out.

Now Summer, Becky, Alyssa, Michelle and Morgan were ‘alone’ in their own dressing room and had time to chat about girlie-stuff.

“SO! I wanna hear the inside scoop on everything and everyone!” Becky said

“Yea! Me too!” Michelle joined her.

“Morgy? You and Nick are together huh?”


“And Michelle and AJ is obvious too.. they’re nauseous-making!”

“What about you Summer?”

“Yea Mad, what’s the story?!”

Summer looked at her 4 friends “I.. I.. don’t know”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?!”

“Well.. yesterday Kevin said that we have to talk, but we still didn’t.. so I don’t know”

“Oh.. but are you in love with him?”

“I guess”

“You guess?!” Michelle blurted out “C’mon Sum! You KNOW if you’re in love or not, you don’t ‘guess’.. if you’re in love, you know it and if you’re not sure, than you’re not in love!”

“You make it sound so black and white!” Summer shouted back

“Summer, it IS black and white”

Summer looked away uncomfortably and hoped someone would change the subject.

“So what about you Beck?” Alyssa asked quickly, seeing Summer’s discomfort.

“Oh, well, me and Howie, we haven’t really talked about it yet.. but I know we’re both in love”

“Really? That’s so great Becka!”

“Uh hah! I know!” she blushed and smiled.

It turned silent in the room, the girls all looked at each other and at Alyssa..

“Well, things couldn’t be better with me” Alyssa joked.

“Oh, Lyss, I feel so sorry for you”

“Don’t, Beck, I don’t need compassion from you, or anyone else”

“I’m sure it’ll work out between you and Brian, Lyssie”

“Really? I hope... I’m not so sure about it though”

“You and Brian broke up?!” Kate said in disbelief.

“Oh, of course, you didn’t know yet.. yea, me and Bri broke up”

“Oh dear”

“It’s not that big a deal Kate, really” Alyssa murmured, looking down at her hands.

Morgan got up from her seat and walked over to Lyss “Now what did I say earlier? You don’t have to be strong for me or anyone else, it’s OK to feel shitty Lyss”

“I know that if I start pondering about it now, I’ll cry and I’m not sure if I can stop crying then” she swallowed hard and got up “I’m going to get changed for the meet n greet now”

“Yea, we should get ready also”

~~~10 minutes later~~~

Morgan closed the dressing room door behind her and walked after the other girls. Nick stood on the corner and waited for her.

“Hey baby-doll”


“What’s buggin’ ya?”

“I’m worried ‘bout Lyssie”

“She’s not doing very well huh?”

“No.. she said she isn’t so sure about her and Brian working things out, she refuses to talk to him.. and she also said that if she would stop and think for a while, she’d cry and probably wouldn’t be able to stop..”

“Man, that’s.. bad”

“Yea.. so how’s Brian doing?”

“Well.. he’s acting very angry.. I don’t really know how to act to him”

“Then don’t act.. be yourself”

Nick glared at her “Wow, that was pretty.. ‘deep”

“It’s true”


“Kiss before we enter Teeny-Bopper-Hell?!”

“K, love you”

“Love you too honey-bun”

~~~2 hours later~~~

After Meet N Greet, soundcheck and ‘dinner’ the groups prepared for the 2nd concert.

In the boys’ dressing room..

“So... how’s everyone doing?” Kevin, being the concerned parental-type asked.

“I’m doing GREAT!! I finally got what I wanted!!”

“Michelle” Howie, Kevin, Brian and Nick sighed and rolled their eyes.

“Hey! Aren’t you happy for me?”

“Yea, sure, it’s two are disgusting already”

A huge grin appeared on AJ’s face “I know.. I love it!!”

“AJ, you’re one VERY insane guy”

“Yea, cool huh?!”

“What’s happening between you and Becky, D?” “Well.. I guess you could say we’re a.. couple.. or whatever. We’re in love, that’s for sure!”

“And Nick and Morgan, that’s clear”

“Yea.. ain’t it fantastic?” Nick mooned

“So what’s up with you and Summer, Kev?”

“Well, I care about her and all.. I guess you could even say I’m in love with her.. but I dunno.. I’m just kinda scared of getting hurt again..”

“Yes, but Summer isn’t the type to hurt you, she’s not Bridget”

Everyone looked from Nick to Kevin and back

“Geez Nick! You’re not very tactful, are you?!” Howie said.

“No, it’s OK, Nick’s right.. Summer’s not Bridget”

An uncomfortable silence spread across the room, no one knew what to say. Suddenly Howie spoke,

“Shouldn’t we get going? I mean.. the girls are about to do their performance”

“Yea, we can’t miss that” Nick said

“OK, then let’s go!”


“What’s taking them?!?” Michelle said exasperated. They were waiting backstage, it was 2 minutes before showtime and the guys still weren’t there.

“I don’t know Mimi, maybe their stuck in the elevator”

“Oh don’t be stupid Becky!”

“Well things like that happen!” Becky defended herself.

“Girls, stop it!!” Summer warned “There’s no need to bite each others heads off, just because the Backstreet Boys aren’t here yet!”

Just then the boys arrived

“Finally! What took you so long?!” Summer shouted at Kevin.

The girls laughed at her.

“Sorry Maddy, we were having a group talk”


“You almost missed the opening!” Michelle said to AJ

“Relax babe, I’m here now aren’t I?”

“Besides.. we didn’t miss the opening, cuz there’s still one minute left till the opening!”

“Whatever” Becky rolled her eyes.

Angela, who was talking on the phone again, turned around, facing the groups “Do your hugging, kissing and praying now, you’re up in less than 60 seconds!”

“OK, girls, let’s make our magical circle of 5” Summer suggested.

“Magical circle of 5?” Nick asked. But the girls already took positions.

“Who wants to start?”

“Me” Alyssa suddenly said.

They all looked at her expectantly.

“I would like to thank God for my 4 best friends, friendship rules! Thanks for making our dreams come true, with or without hurt souls” she almost whispered the last 5 words, but the rest heard it anyway

“Becky? You go next” Summer said after a short silence.

“K. uhmm.. I believe this is my destiny and I’m thankful for spending it with such great people” she looked at the guys.

“OK, well.. God bless the souls of the people we work with, I hope we have loads more fun” Summer added.

“I hope we will kick ass way longer than anyone else!” Michelle said.

“I hope we will always keep on doing everything for ambition! Oh yea. and I love Nick!” Morgan ended the ‘group prayer’.

“Let’s not forget that!” Michelle joked.

“Girls, you’re up in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, NOW! KICK ASS!!” Angela said as they ran up onstage.


“HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO ANAHEIM!!!!!!!!!!” Michelle shouted.


“Well, in case you don’t know, I’m Michelle, this is Summer, Alyssa, Becky and Morgan and we’re-“

“PHANTASIA!!!” the girls shouted in unison.

“Hope you enjoy the show” Becky said, just before the music started.

~~~22 minutes later~~~

“Thank you Anaheim!!!! You were a wonderful audience!!!”

“Bubye!!! Have fun with the Backstreet Boys!!!”

The girls made their way backstage excited, sweaty and content.

“I don’t like to brag, but we were GREAT!!” Becky shrieked.

“AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE YOU!!!” Nick ran Morgan’s way and lifted her up above his own head, then he ran up and down the corridor with Morgan on his back like a little kid. Morgan cracked up in uncontrollable giggles.

“Nick you are so weird!!” she laughed.

“What?!! What did you say?!! I’M weird?!!?” he started tickling her.

“NO!! Nick!!! You know I can’t stand tickling!!!”

This continued for a little longer, the others just looked at the two as if they were both crazy.

“Whatever!!.. what’s wrong with them?!” Michelle asked no one in particular.

“I dunno.. let’s not pay attention to them and hope they will stop soon, preferably before Nick get’s a hernia from lifting up Morgan” Kevin turned away from the couple and hugged Summer.

“Maddy, you were great, as always!”

“Haha! Always?! And how many Phantasia-shows did you see again?? 2?!?” she laughed.

Kevin thought of something to say.. but couldn’t come up with anything.

“OK, BSB, you’re up in 5 minutes!” the stage manager announced.

Kevin took Summer’s arm and pulled her away from the rest of the group.

“Maddy, we really have to talk.. but I don’t think I can do it in 5 minutes, less”

“I know.. so when do we have time?”

“I dunno, maybe after the show?”

“Yea.. I’d like to know where I stand”

“Yea.. so we’ll go someplace private after the show”

“OK.. but, where? We’re sleeping in the bus tonight!”

“I know, uhm.. well, we’ll figure something out. I’ll ask the others to stay in the ER so we can talk in one of the bedrooms, or something like that”


They stood opposite of each other rather uneasy, both Summer and Kevin didn’t know what to say, or do.

“This is weird”


“Oh, come here!” Summer suddenly hugged him “I.. I.. love you” startled herself by having the courage to say that, she just pressed a quick kiss on his cheek and left hastily.


Becky rested her head on Howie’s shoulder tiredly.

“Did I do well?”

“Yes.. you’re the best”


“No way Miss Becka! It’s the truth!”

“K, I believe you” she giggled.

“You’re tired Becky, go take a shower and rest for a while”

“But, I wanna see the show!”

“Honey, there’s at least 60 more shows to come, you can watch another time.. and else I’ll perform for you in private!”

“Okie, you’re way too persuasive”

“I’ll see you later”

“Yea, bye” Becky walked off to the dressing room to get a shower and rest while the boys would perform.


Nick was still swirling Morgan around in the sky and tickling her.

“Ni-ick!” she whined “I’m gonna pee my pants if you don’t stop!!”

“OK” he said grudgingly and put her down

Morgan sighed and brushed her long hair out of her reddened face “Ohhhww.. I’m dizzy!” she leaned on Nick’s chest and sighed again. “This feels good” she whispered

“What feels good? The dizziness?” Nick questioned.

“No, me leaning on you”

“Oh, yea, it does” he kissed her head.


“Aw!” Michelle and AJ said simultaneously

“They’re so irresistibly cute!” Michelle grinned at her younger cousin.

“Hehe, yea, you’ll never be.. cute”

“What? Take that ba-“

“You’re hot and sexy and I want you” he pulled her in a fiery embrace

“OK, I can live with that.. I don’t wanna be cute anyway”


Alyssa and Brian both stood there a bit clueless.. as usual, everyone pared up with his or hers boyfriend/girlfriend. And they had no one.. except each other

No way! They both thought.

Alyssa saw Summer almost running off to the dressing room and seconds after Becky went there also. She glanced over to Brian and walked past him quickly.


“Where’s everyone going?!” Michelle called when Alyssa left for the dressing room also.

“I dunno” Morgan shrugged

“Well, I’m not going till you guys are out onstage!”

“That’s my girl!” AJ said proudly.

“Backstreet Boys, you’re up in 1 minute!!” the stage manager called again.

“OK, time for group prayer everyone!!” Howie gathered them all together, dancers, the band, the guys and some backstage persons.

Morgan grabbed for Michelle’s hand and squeezed in it softly. Michelle glanced sideways “You’re real happy, aren’t you Morge?”

Morgan nodded yes and smiled.

“I want a kiss good luck!!” Nick walked their way

“Okie!” she kissed him.

“You’re my good luck charm”

“You’re mine too, love you!”

“You like saying that, don’t you?!”

“Uh hah! Love you, love you, love you!!” she kissed him on his cheeks and hugged him.


“You go kick ass babe” Michelle whispered in AJ’s ears.

“I always do”

“I know, but I wanna gloat and have an idiotic cheesy grin!”

“K, I will try, but just for you!”

“Backstreet Boys!! You’re up in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 NOW!!!”

“BSB ROCK!!!!!” Michelle called after the guys who ran up stage.

Morgan and Michelle grabbed two seats and sat down to watch the show.

“Hey Mimi?”


“Shouldn’t we get showered?”

“Yea.. I don’t feel like going though.. let’s just watch the show, we can always shower in the bus”

“Yea, K”

~~~20 minutes later, in the girls’ dressing room~~~

Alyssa had showered and changed, now she was sitting in a corner of the room, glaring at the wall.

“Lyss?” Becky asked carefully

“Hmm? Yea?”

“Have you seen Morgy and Mimi?”

“No, but I believe they’re still watching the show”


Becky opened the door and walked off.


“Girls?!” Becky found them sitting on chairs watching the show in total awe.

“Hey Beck” Michelle said, without looking up from the screen

“Girls, shouldn’t you get showered?!?”

“Whoa, when did Summer die and left you in charge as our mommy?!”

“NOT funny Michelle”

“Will you be quiet?! I wanna watch the show!” Morgan hissed.

“OK, what if I say you’re starting to smell?!”

Michelle and Morgan looked at each other “OK, let’s get showered”

They got up and left.

Summer joined Becky “haha, they are so weird! I said they were starting to smell and they got up immediately!”

“Gezze.. that is weird”

~~~30 minutes later~~~

“Thank you Anaheim! You’ve been a great audience!”

“SEE YA!!!” AJ yelled.


And they were backstage again.

“HI!” Becky ran staight into Howie’s arms “Wow, that was so cool!”

“Hey, we ARE cool Beck!” AJ corrected her.

“Where’s Morgy?! And where’s Michelle?!”

“Taking a looooong shower!” Becky and Summer laughed.

“And where’s Lyss?!”

“She’s in the dressing room staring at the walls or something”

“Oh” it got quiet

“Well, I’m going to take a shower” Brian walked away.

“Man” AJ just said as Brian walked off “I don’t get them, why don’t they just talk?!”

“They’re too stubborn.. besides, you make it sound very simple AJ, it’s not that easy”

“Yea, I guess”

~~~15 minutes later~~~

They were all gathered on the parking lot behind the backstage areas, they just had to wait a few more minutes while Ross and Angela were busy discussing business. Suddenly they heard someone shout.

“DAMIAN!!!” one of the security guys shouted another one for help.

“I wonder what’s going on over there” Becky said.

“Yea, well, stay away from it,”

“Uh hah”

“BUT I SWEAR I KNOW THEM!!!!!” they heard a girl shout.

“That might very well be miss, but where is your Backstage Pass then?!” the security guard said back.


Morgan thought the voice of the girl sounded familiar, but she just couldn’t remember who’s face and name belonged to it. It was way too dark to identify the girl.

“Miss, I am not letting you in unless you have a VALID backstage pass!!”


“OH MY GOD, MELISSA!!!” Morgan yelled out.

They all looked at her startled “What is SHE doing here?!” Michelle said.

“Don’t you remember?! She had tickets for this show!!”

“Oh, SHIT!”


“NO MISS!!” the guard was losing his temper.

“FINE!!” then it was silent.

Michelle’s cellular went off, she looked at Morgan right away “Yes?!”

“Michelle, it’s Melissa, this STUPID security guard won’t let me through, can you come get me?!”

Morgan took the phone from Michelle “Melissa?!!”

“Morgan!! Please come get me!!”

Melissa’s whining went on a little longer.

“Goddammit!” Morgan cursed out loud and stormed to the gate where her step-sister stood.

“Let her in!” she demanded.

The guy opened the gate startled. Morgan took Melissa’s arm and dragged her along

“Listen to me you brat, only reason I’m doing this, is because I don’t feel like another fight with my dad and thus one between my mom and my dad! Now you have exactly 5 minutes to say you love them and then you’re out of here!!”

Melissa wanted to say something, but the look on Morgan’s face told her it was best to say nothing at this point.

“Guys, this is my step-sister Melissa” she said with an odd face.

Melissa wanted to scream, but Morgan covered her mouth just in time “If you scream, I will have you removed, got that?!”

Melissa nodded and gave Morgan an angry look.

“OH MY GOD!! I can’t believe it!!”

The girls looked at Melissa as if she was totally insane, the guys on the other hand were more used to this sort of situations.

“So Melissa, did you enjoy the show?”

“Oh yea!! You guys were so great! You guys ARE so great!!”

“And what did you think of the girls’ performance?”

“Oh, it was’s not like I haven’t heard them sing before”

“Don’t you think your sister has the best voice?!” Nick asked her.

“We’re not sisters” Morgan said.

“Oh, well, Candace has some sort of talent, I guess. You sang off-key during that one dream-song, whatever it’s called” she said to Morgan.

“My name is MORGAN. The song is called Dreams Do Come True” she said irritated.

“Oh! Isn’t that an appropriate title?!” Melissa shrieked. “Can I have your autographs?!”

“Sure!” Howie said, friendly as always.

“Here” she handed them all a pic or CD.

Morgan looked at her watch “Meliss, it’s time to go now”

“But Morgan! I-“

“NO BUT MORGAN’S! We had a deal, now say good bye to the guys”

Melissa sulked but did as her step-sister told.

“I don’t wanna go!” she nearly choked Brian in a hug and started crying

“Oh polleezz!” Michelle rolled her eyes.

“Uhhmm… errr.. hush, hush, it’s OK” Brian tried soothing her awkwardly.

“OK MELISSA, BYE BYE!!” Morgan said impatiently.

“Gezze Morgan, let me at least say good-bye properly!” Melissa turned away from Brian and to Howie

“Bye Howard”

“Howard??” the girls whispered and giggled, no one ever called Howie by his full name, he hated it too.

“Wow, Kevin, you’re real tall!”

“Yea, I’ve noticed” he said and hugged her quickly.

“Ooh, AJ! I looove your tattooes!, you’re my fave Backstreet Boy!!”

“Hey! Stay away from my man, you little ditz!” Michelle blocked Melissa’s way

“Michelle?! You?!! And AJ!!!” she started laughing, “Interesting combination!!”

“Fuck you!!” Michelle yelled.

“Ok, whatever, I’m leaving already!”

“Bye Nick!!”


She eyed him up and down “Honey, you really need to go on a diet”

“SECURITY!!!!” Morgan shouted. Immediately Randy and Damian stood next to Melissa and dragged her away.

“YOU’LL BE SORRY FOR THIS CANDACE!!” Melissa shouted as she was removed from the parking lot.

“I HATE THAT STUPID BITCH!!” Morgan screamed and crashed the nearest glass (the glass Lyss was drinking some Coke from) against a wall.

“Feel better now?” Nick asked as the glass fell down in a thousand pieces.

“NO!” she yelled at him.

Nick’s face let Morgan know she was hurting him, instead of Melissa, whom she should be hurting.

“Sorry, I’m sorry baby”

“It’s OK”

“Weird family” AJ mumbled.

“What?! What did you say?!”

“Hey, it was meant as a JOKE, relax OK?! Gezze!” he said to Michelle

“Well, it didn’t make me laugh, or anyone else!”

“GUYS!! Gezze! Cut it out!” Becky said.

“What seems to be the problem?!” Ross voice roared behind them

“Nothing Ross, it’s OK”

“I certainly do hope so! I am getting sick and tired of your fights and run-wild emotions!”

“Ross, come on, you’re in a bad mood, don’t say things you’ll regret later” Angela hushed.

The bus stopped in front of them and Roy opened the doors “Hello boys and girls!! Did you have a fun time?!”

“Yea Roy, it was fun” Summer hopped in.

~~~15 minutes later~~~

They had all changed into Pj’s and were all in the ER. Becky and Howie were sitting on chairs.Summer and Kevin sat together at a table. Morgan lay on top of Nick’s chest on the couch. AJ sat on the floor in front of the couch and had Michelle sitting between his legs. Alyssa was sitting next to them and Brian sat on a chair next to the couch.

“I hate my step-family, I hate my dad” Morgan murmured.

“Sweetie, stop saying that, you know you don’t hate them.. you just don’t.. like them very much” Alyssa said.

“Whatever, I don’t ever wanna see Melissa again! Yuk! The things she said! Baby, you didn’t seriously listen to what she said about you and the diet?!”

Nick shrugged “I’m used to it”

“Oh baby, you’re perfect being you! I would love you if you were the ugliest guy in the world”

“Haha, I don’t believe that!”

“Well, you should! Melissa is all wrong! You’re not fat and you don’t need a diet! Besides.. I have a ‘thing’ for chunky boys!”

“Oh is that so?” Nick laughed “You’re a sweetheart, love you”

“Love you more!”

“Love you the most of all!”

“Love you for always!”

“Oh Poleezz! You guys are just too ‘peachy’! Stop it!” Michelle said.

Morgan looked up to Nick “I love you” she whispered

“I love you too” he whispered back. They sniggered together and curled up.


Kevin looked at Summer questioningly. She knew he wanted to talk now and nodded yes to him. Summer got up and left the room.

“Hey where’s Summy going?” Becky asked.

“Guys, me and Summer are going to have a talk in the guys bedroom, we would appreciate it if you wouldn’t disturb us”

“OK, Kev, we understand” Howie nodded.

“Thanks” he called as she walked out.

Summer was waiting just outside the door “They understood?”



She followed Kevin and sat down on the bunk opposite of his, Howie’s bunk.



They twisted around and felt a bit uncomfortable.

“Look at us, we’re behaving like high school kids who are just about to get their first kiss!”

“Yea, dumb really”


“So..ahem.. what did you want to tell me?” she asked.

“Well.. you remember last night? When we were talking about former relationships?”


“I didn’t tell the whole story.. on purpose.. it’s really not something I want everyone to know”

“Oh.. so what is that?”

“Maddy, the fact is.. I really care about you.. I even think I’m in love with you. But I just don’t want to get hurt again.”

“Me neither”

Kevin looked down and swallowed “There once was a woman I loved, a great deal. Her name was Bridget.. we even got engaged.. but then she fell in love with another guy and just left me one morning”

“Oh Kevin, I’m so sorry”

“About what? you didn’t know, you weren’t there. You’re here now.. and I want to know if you’re.. real..”

Summer kneeled down next to him “I’m real, are you?”


“Then it will be OK”

he pulled her up and rest his head on her shoulder. “You’re so beautiful Summer.. and I’m not just talking about the outside” he whispered.


“I hope Sum and Kev have a good talk”

“Why shouldn’t they have sweetie?” Becky asked Howie.

Howie and Brian exchanged looks “I just hope he tells her everything”

Brian nodded.

“What do you mean, everything?”

“Nothing Beck, it’s a long story”

“Oh..OK” she said a bit confused.

“Hey, yo, I’m hitting the sack, I’m TIRED!!”

“Aaaww, are you leaving already?!” AJ pouted to Michelle.

“Yea, sorry babe”

“You can try out my bunk with me!” AJ suggested.

“Oh, I’m REAL flattered by that cheap sex-invite hun!” Michelle laughed “We’ll try out your bunk another time, K?”

“Oohh, OK!” he pouted again.

“I tell you what, you can walk me to my room! Maybe I’ll show you my very beautiful bunk!”

“Okie!!” AJ got up immediately.

“G’night Mimi! See ya later!” Morgan called as they walked out.

“Bye Morgy!” she called back.

“I’m tired too” Morgan sighed and tried to keep her eyes open. The show on the TV screen flickered before her eyes.. eventually the persons in it became more and more blurry and she fell asleep on Nick’s chest.

“Hey Morgy, d ya know where-“ Alyssa turned around and saw her fast asleep “Aww!! Would you look at that!” Becky, Howie and Brian turned their heads.

“Aaww, reminds me of when she was younger, she was soooo adorable! Remember Lyss?”

“Yea.. you wouldn’t believe how shy she was!.. she’s still the same little girl”

Nick looked at the sleeping girl “She’s my angel” he kissed her head and held her closer.


Alyssa glanced over to Brian in the corner of her eyes. She quickly looked away when he saw her. She was happy for Morgan and Nick, really. She just wished it was Brian saying “She’s an angel” and he said it to her.


“I’m going to bring her to bed” Nick said. “Help me get up”

Brian lifted Morgan up and Nick took her from Brian. Morgan stirred “Nick?”

“Shh, I’m going to bring you to your bunk, go back to sleep”

She nodded and fell back asleep.

Brian knocked on the bedroom door to let Michelle and AJ know they were coming in

“Are you guys decent?” he asked.


“K” he opened the door for Nick.

“Hey” Nick said as he walked in.

Michelle and AJ were seated on her bunk.

“Good night sweetie” Nick said as he tucked her in and kissed her softly.

Morgan turned around on her side and mumbled something no one could make sense of.

“I’m outta here, bye babe” AJ said.

“Later honey”

Alyssa walked in also “Bye guys, good night!”

“Bye Lyss”

“Hey can you ask Summer and Becka to come also?”

“Sure thing Miss Lyss” AJ saluted her and went to get the 2 missing Phantasia members immediately.


Summer and Kevin were still hugging each other in the guys’ bedroom

“Summer? Lyss asks if you would come to the girls’ room, I think she wants us all to go to sleep”

“OK, thanks AJ!” she looked up at Kevin “I guess I should be going anyway”


“Bye” she kissed him and got up.

“Pleasant dreams!”

“Yea, of you!”

“Haha, me too!”


“Miss Rebecka?”

“AJ, what is it with you and calling us all Miss?” Becky laughed.

“I dunno..I just like it!” he smiled.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, coming back to the subject

“Oh, Lyss wants you to go to the girls’ room, she wants to go to sleep I guess”

“OK, it’s getting late, and I’m pretty tired. Good night dearest”

“Bye sexy”

“Bye AJ”

“Later Miss Becka”

“Hahaha, later!”

~~~5 minutes later~~~

“Good night everyone!!”

“Good night!!”

Becky switced the main bedroom lights off and they all doze off to their dream-land.

~~~Same time, Miami FLA~~~

Sally Grainger turned the key in the lock and opened the door to her apartment.

“Damn” she cursed as she sorted through her mail, which mainly contained new bills and last-warning-notes.

The telephone rang, Sally looked around to find her cordless “Where is the fucking thing!!” she said as the telephone rang for the 3rd time.

“Hello, this is Sally Grainger, right now I’m not able to answer the phone, but leave a message after the beep and I’ll get back to you, Bye!” her machine answered the phone.

“Sally? It’s James” she heard her employer say.

Just then she saw the phone, hid under a huge pile of dirty clothes.

“James! Hi, I’m here!” she picked up the phone.

“Hello Sally, I want to talk about tonight”

“O..K” Sally said, preparing herself for the worst.

“Sally, I can’t let you get away with what you did. I know you’re having some financial troubles, but you can’t steal money from me. I’m a reasonable man, if you’d only came to me, I would have tried to help you out. But you can’t just steal money!!”

“James, I-“

“There’s no need to explain no, you’re fired Sally, good bye” James hung up and Sally stood in the middle of her livingroom with the telephone in her hand. OK, relax Sally… you’ll figure something out…

She tried not to scream or cry. This was not possible… she couldn’t be unemployed!! She already was in dept! She needed money, and she needed it F A S T. No job meant no money, that meant no apartment… and that meant back to mom and dad!

“NO!!” she shouted no way was she going back there!

She paced around the room with the telephone still clutched in her hand. Then she sat down and turned on the TV… she took her Adress Book from the table and started searching, for what she didn’t know herself. She reached the letter L… then something on TV caught her attention:

“The Backstreet Boys now, with I Want It That Way” Brian started his lines and Sally started smiling.. then she looked down to her Adress Book again.. “L…. Littrell, Brian Littrell” she started laughing to herself. “Bingo!!”

“Haha! Haven’t seen you in a while Mr. Littrell!! I think I am going to pay you a visit honey” she said to Brian on the screen.


Chapter 12