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Chapter 12

6 days later.

It was 6 days later. In the meanwhile they had done 2 more shows and tonight they would have their fifth show of the tour. Being the hottest band out and the newest band out made the press interested in this particular tour, and so they had loads of interviews and public appearances every day. Even their days off were filled with media. The relationships between the band members weren’t made public yet, though the girls and guys said they were seeing ‘someone’ in interviews. Nick and Morgan grew closer and spent a lot of time together, everyone agreed they made a cute couple. AJ and Michelle flirted till they cracked up in laughing. Kevin and Summer also spent a lot of time together, sharing more intimate secrets now. Howie and Becky were the ‘neutral’ couple.. they were just mainly sweet and normal. Alyssa tried her best to be strong and hid her feelings from probably everyone. She still was sweet, but the others noticed a difference. She and Brian weren’t talking to each other at all. No one could get through to Brian.. he walked around on auto-pilot.. doing his job, and that was it. He refused to talk to anyone about Lyss.

***The next part is written by Sam (yea she’s the webmaster)***

“Great sound check girls,” Ross called to the girls as they made their way down the stage.

“Yea thanks Ross,” Michelle said as she walked towards his seat.

“Well I’m off to take care of some business, make sure you all stay out of trouble!” he called as he made his way out to their ‘designated room’ in the arena.

“Yea of course we will,” Becky called after him.

“ALRIGHT, now time for the BSB soundcheck,” the voice boomed through the speakers.

“Hey girls what do you say we stay and watch huh?” Summer asked.

“Yea good idea Summer, I wanna hear my boy sing to me!” Morgan replied.

Alyssa sat back in her seat next to Morgan. Only a week had past since the fight. She was getting by… at least she thought she was. But every time she saw Brian her heart still jumped then sank as she saw him walk away. If only she could tell him everything she was thinking. She wanted him to know…but would he even listen…?

“Lyss,.... Lyssie,.... ALYSSA!” Michelle yelled after 3 tries.

“Huh what?, did I miss something?” she asked after snapping back into reality.

“Are you OK sweets? I know these past few days must have been tough. I’m sorry” Becky said.

“What are you talking about I’m perfectly fine.” She lied, hoping they wouldn’t notice.

“Alright, well you know we’re all here for you OK!” Morgan said giving her a hug.

“Thanks girls, I know that, but really, I’m OK,” Lyss answered again lying.

“Oh they’re starting,” Michelle said. Right then the music to Back To Your Heart began, Kevin was seated in the center playing the small piano to the music, the other boys took their position on the stage.

“Are you sure you’re OK?” Morgan whispered to Alyssa, who was still sitting next to her. Her face looking blankly at the stage.

“Yea Morgy, I’m sure,” Alyssa answered with the best smile she could pull off. “Hey look Nick’s waving at you.”

Morgan glanced up as she saw Nick standing on the stage, he was waving and flashing his irresistible smile. I’m so lucky she thought to herself as she casually waved back to the guy that had her heart.

Just then AJ started his verse:

It’s not that I can’t live without you It’s just that I don’t even want to try Every night I dream about you Ever since the day you said good bye…

Nick took over gazing at Morgan:

If I wasn’t such a fool Right now I’d be holding you There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do Baby, if I only knew…

Then they all sang the chorus. They had all had eye contact with someone, Kevin with Summer, Howie with Becky, AJ with Michelle and Nick with Morgan. Alyssa saw all of them looking at each other but Brian was still staring at something else, what she didn’t know but obviously it wasn’t her.

The words to say The road to take To find a way Back To Your Heart What can I do to get to you And find a way Back to your Heart…

The words lingered in her mind as the boys sang. She realized how much she missed him. Then suddenly Brian looked her way, she wasn’t sure why at that moment but she looked away. As she turned back his stare was still on her and he began his lines:

I don’t know how it got so crazy But I’ll to anything to set things right Cause your love is so amazing Baby, you’re the best thing in my life…

When he finished he looked away again. Alyssa sat there confused, was he trying to say something? Don’t be silly Lyss she said to herself, He’s just singing his lines, that’s all.

Nick continued and the boys finished the song:

Let me prove my love is real It’s made you feel the way I feel I promise I would give the world If only you would tell me girl…

The words to say The road to take To find a way Back To Your Heart What can I do to get to you And find a way Back to your Heart…

Give me one more chance Give my love to you Cause no one on this earth Loves you like I do Tell me…

The words to say The road to take To find a way Back To Your Heart What can I do to get to you And find a way Back to your Heart…

I’d turn back time to make you mine And find a way Back to your Heart I beg and plead Fall to my knees to find a way Back to your Heart…

The words to say The road to take To find a way Back To Your Heart What can I do to get to you And find a way Back to your Heart…

AJ ended the song as the girls were clapping hysterically:

Back to your Heart…

“Great job guys!” Becky called.

“Thanks Beck!” AJ said

Alyssa sat there still confused. There was so much on her mind she decided that she needed some time to herself. To think things over, think things through. “Hey guys I’m gonna head out to the basketball court, alright I’ll see you later.” She got up and left without looking at anyone.

Nick saw Alyssa get up and leave. He made his way over to Morgan to make sure everything was OK. “Hey were did Lyssie go off to?” he asked her after he gave her a hug.

“She said she was gonna go shoot some hoops or something, I hope she’s OK she seemed sort of distracted, maybe I should go talk to her.” Morgan said while she was about to get up.

“Hey Morgy, you just chill here, I wanna get some b-ball in before the show anyway, I’ll go check on her while I’m out there OK?” Nick asked.

“OK Nickers, you go do that, you don’t have to ask my permission,” she said with a smile.” Make sure she’s doing OK and all, give her a hug for me!” Morgan kissed Nick on the cheek, and gave him a hug.

“Thanks for being so nice to her, she really needs someone to talk to and I just don’t know what to do right now.”

“Don’t worry babe, I’ll talk to her.” Nick said as he walked out to the basketball court.

Alyssa sat on the bench in the court. It was so quiet, which was good since she needed a second to think. That song, that look, what was that all about? He hasn’t looked at me in days! she sighed and threw the ball up in the air and caught in again. God I’m sooo confused, why me? She got up and began dribbling the ball towards the hoop, shot and scored. She backed up and shot another from the outside, score again. Whew I needed this! I haven’t played in weeks! With that seemingly positive thought she continued to shoot.

“Hey can I play?” Nick said as he opened the door.

“Sure Nick, catch” she passed him the ball and sat back down on the bench.

“I didn’t mean I wanted to play alone Miss Lyssie,” he said with a pout.

For the first time in days she cracked a smile. “You’re silly Nicky.” She said.

“Now that’s more like it, that’s the smile I haven’t seen in days!” he said as he sat down next to her.

“Haha Nicky, I don’t look that bad do I?” she asked.

“No its not that, it’s just that I miss that sweet, smiling Lyssie that I love, please don’t be sad, for me?” he said with a grin.

“Oh that, well it’s not easy Nicky. You know , I don’t know how to feel right now, everything is so confusing.” She said.” Why does this have to happen to me?” she said sadly, on the verge of a tear that she quickly held back. She didn’t want anyone to see her in pain.

But Nick saw it. She couldn’t fool him. It was obvious that she was hurting inside but was too stubborn to let it all out.

“You like calling me Nicky huh?” he said with an odd face.

“Oh I’m sorry you don’t like that name?” she asked.

“Well yea, I don’t, but for you its alright to call me..that…but just you! It will be our little thing,” he said with a smile.

“Thanks Nicky, thanks for talking to me, I really appreciate it.” She said.

“No problem Lyssie! Now give me a hug! No wait two!,” He said in the middle of the first hug.

“Why two?” she questioned.

“That one was from Morgan, and this one is from me!” as he said that he lifted her up and gave her the first real hug she felt in days.

“Your too sweet Nicky!” She said as he put her down.

“So are you Lyss, just try to be happy for me ok!”

“OK, I’ll try…” she said.

“Lets head back I’m sure they’re wondering where we are.” Nick said.

“Yea your right, lets go,” with that they grabbed the basketball and headed back to the rest of the group.

***This is where I, Anne, take over the writing again***

“Hey you guys, where’s Nick? And where’s-“ Brian almost said her name, but didn’t “Where’s Nick?” he asked again.

“Why can’t you just say her name?!” AJ said angrily “Her name’s ALYSSA.. that’s A-L-Y-S-S-A!!” he spelled.

“AJ-“ Summer started.

“No Summer! I won’t hold it in no more! Brian, why don’t you just swallow your pride and stubbornness away and go to her?!”

Brian looked at AJ and walked away without saying anything.

“AAAHHH” AJ screamed “OH!! I can’t believe this! It’s driving me crazy!!”

“Hehehe.. can you imagine what we had to put up with when you and Michelle were like that?!” Becky laughed.

“Man, I wanna apologize right here and now for that guys, I realize it must have been HELL!”

“What was hell AJ?” Alyssa’s voice asked behind them.

“Hey Lyss! Hey Nick!”


“What was hell?” Nick asked again.

“Oh, AJ and Mimi when they were in denial!”

“Oh yea!!” Alyssa and Nick said simultaneously and totally convinced.

“So, how did it go?” Morgan asked Nick quietly.

“OK, I think I cheered her up a bit with my natural charm” he laughed.

“Oh, you’re so full of yourself” Morgan rolled her eyes.

“No, seriously, she’s hurting.. a great deal. But she’s trying to be strong”

“Yea, I thought so..” Morgan frowned her eyebrows as she was thinking “Thanks for going to her”

“No prob. sweets!”

“HEY ANGELA!!” Michelle called.

“Yes Michelle?” Angela walked up to her.

“What’s our schedule for the rest of the day??”

“You have an interview at a radiostation, then Meet & Greet with prize-winners here, in the venue. Then dinner and then at 19.30 the show”

“Do we have any time off, besides dinner?”

“Well, you have 3 hours till you’re taken to the radiostation”

“OK” Michelle turned around to face the others again “What do ya say if we go check out the nearest mall?!” she asked them excitedly.

“Michelle, I don’t think that’s such a good idea, the guys will be recognized in no time!”

“Oh Ange, shut up! We wanna do something fun for once! I feel like a prisoner already!”

“My wardrobe could use some new outfits” Becky thought out loud.

“See! It’s perfect! Just the thing to get our minds off our work!”

“I don’t know.. it is kinda.. dangerous”

“Gezze Kevin! Return to the land of the living already! Nobody said you had to restrain all fun for your job!”

“Yea Kev, c’mon! It’ll be fun!” Nick pouted.

“So, who’s coming and who’s not?” Michelle asked.

Beck looked at Howie “Are you coming?”

“Yea, sure!”

“OK, we’re in!”

“Great! Morgy?”

“OF COURSE I’m coming! Duh! I loooove shopping!”

“Hey, I’m going wherever my angel is going!” Nick said.


“Well..I dunno...errr”

“Lyss! Poleezz?! It’ll be fun!”

“Yea, like old times!”

“C’mon Lyssie! You could use some time out!”

The girls convinced her.

“OK, I’ll come”


“Yea sure I’ll come!”


“I don’t really feel like going.. I don’t need anything either-”

“Yea, Brian is coming” AJ answered before he could end his sentence.

Brian looked at him weirdly “OK, I guess I am”

“Kev?” they all looked at him expectantly

“OK, OK.. I’ll come”

“YAY!” Morgan cheered.

“Later Ange!” Michelle called.

“OK, but be careful! Take Randy and Damian with you!”

“Uh ah! No way! We’ll get recognized immediately with those guys!”

“Then please go incognito!”


~~~10 minutes later~~~

Morgan stepped out the dressing room with a black, curly wig on her head.


“Hey! You laughing at me Nickers?!”

“Yea!! You look-“ he saw Morgan’s angry, offended face “You look great! Black is your color!”

“Toady!” she called. Then she looked at Nick “Ha! Take a good look at yourself! You look ridiculous!”

He was wearing a baseball cap and some tourist-looking outfit “Only thing missing is a camera around your neck!”

“AJ, YOU NEED A BETTER DISGUISE!!” Michelle shouted.

“I don’t feel like wearing a disguise!”

“Ah c’mon! The fun thing would be if no one recognizes us!”

“OK, OK, shut up already!”

A few minutes later he came out with about the same tourist-looking outfit as Nick, with a T-shirt to hide his tattoos. “Take out the earrings and take off your necklaces!” Michelle ordered him.

“But baby!-“

“Take ‘em off!!”

“Alright, alright, gezze” he muttered as he took his big earrings out.

“OK, everybody ready to go?!”


They walked out to where Roy was waiting with a small van.

“Hey Roy!”

“Hi!.. Man! You guys look preposterous!” he laughed.

“Don’t laugh at us Roy! Just drive!”

“Okie dokie!”

~~~Another few minutes later~~~

“OK, we’re here! Now, I want you ALL to be here, at this exact same point, in 2 hours!! Understood?!”

“OK Roy! Later!”

Morgan and Alyssa looked at each other when they say their fave store and shouted: “Ooohh!! GAP!!”

“Later guys!!” Lyss practically ran off.

“WAIT!! Are we going to shop as a group or individually??” Summer asked.


“OK, later!”

Morgan dragged Nick along into the GAP “Come on babe”

“K, slow down girl!”

“Omigod! That babytee is just waiting for me to buy it!” Alyssa shrieked.

~~~An hour later~~~

“Man, you chicks are shopaholics!” poor Nick said.

“Aww, baby! Where do you wanna go then?”

“Nowhere really.. except for FAO Schwarz!”

“What do ya wanna get there?” Alyssa asked surprised.

“You’ll see”

“Wait, I know.. it’s something Nintendo or Playstation-related, right?”



“Howie...” Becky said

“Please honey?!..” No response from Howie

“Howie?!! PLEASE!!”

“Do you really think this looks good?”

“YES! Now can we please go?? I’ve had enough of this store!”

“OK!” he said annoyed

“Man, never thought I’d met a guy who was more indecisive than me!” she complained

“Sorry sweetie, just wanna make sure I look my absolute best”

“Well, you do! You don’t need a $1000 jacket to look good”

“Aw, thanks, love you” he gave her a little peck “Now where do you wanna go to?”

“Calvin Klein” Becky said dreamily.

“OK, let’s go then”


“What do you think of this?!” Michelle showed a very low-cut dress.

“Oooh.. nice!” AJ nodded. “Can’t wait till you put that on for me!”

“Really?.. I’ll buy it” she said mischievously.

“Hey, look at the bikini section over there!!”

“I have enough bikinis”

“Nah, I don’t think so, I think you could always use a new one”

“AJ, shut up”

“OK babe.. hey what about the lingerie-section over there?!”

They both laughed.

“You just don’t give up, do you?!”


“OK, come on then. But we’re just gonna look!”

“K!” AJ said, knowing she would buy something daring anyway


Kevin, Brian and Summer were drinking some coffee in a diner

“So where do you want to go to next?”

“I dunno.. I pretty much covered everything I wanted to see”

“K, Bri? Wanna go someplace?”

“Nah, I told you I don’t need anything”

“OK, well.. we can just stay here or walk around some more”

“Can we stay here? I’m pretty tired”

“Are you OK sweetie?” Kevin asked concerned

“Yes. I’m just tired, that’s all”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Kevin, I’m sure.. really”

“You look pale”

“That’s because I’m tired”

“OK” Kevin said, not convinced.


“Right, now scram!” Nick said as they stood in front of FAO Schwarz.


“You heard me, scram!”


“I don’t want you to go with me”

“Why not?!”

“Look, it’s a surprise.. just go do something in the meanwhile”

“Can’t we go to a section you won’t be?”

“No, Morgy, don’t be a pain, just go! Lyssie! Help me here!”

“Come on Morge, we’ll go look at that babystore over there”

“There’s a babystore here?”

“Yea, of course!” Lyss winked at Nick “You love babystores Morge”

“I know!”

“Bye Nick!”

“Bye girls!”

The girls left off to drool over cute baby stuff while Nick walked around in FAO Schwarz, to get the things he wanted to get for Morgan.

“Yes! Teddy bears!” he said as he saw a whole row of them.

“I forgot my teddy!” “What’s so disastrous about that?” “I got it when I was 2, it just has emotional significance to me Nick”

He looked around and saw a few he liked..

Ah, what the heck! I’ll buy them all! It’s not like I don’t have the money to get them!

~~~15 minutes later~~~

Roy saw Nick coming his way

“Hey Roy, can you hide these presents in the back? It’s a surprise for Morgan, I don’t want her to see till tonight”

“Sure Nick, I’ll put them in the trunk”

“K, thanks man!”


“Where is he?!”

“Oh Morge, relax, he’s probably looking for us too”

“I see him!!”

“Hey gorgeous!”

“Where were you?!” Morgan asked worried.

“I was looking for you” he said

“Oh. So did you get what you wanted?”

“No, they didn’t have it” he lied.

“Oh.. well I’ve seen enough of this mall, shall we go get a bite to eat?”

“Yea, sure”

~~~20 minutes later~~~

“Hey Michelle! Whoa! What did you bought?!” Alyssa said as she looked down at the 10 different bags Michelle was holding.

“Oh, just some stuff” she laughed.

“Are you all here now?!” Roy asked “Kev, Howie, Becka, Morgy, Lyss, AJ, Mimi, Bri, Nick, Maddy.. yea you’re all here, great! Let’s go!”

“What did everyone bought?” Becky asked curiously.

“I bought nothing” Brian said.

“Howie bought a $1000 Armani jacket and I bought some stuff at Calvin Klein”

“Whoa, our stylish couple”

“Ahem, we have 2 stylish couples, let’s not forget about Kevin and Summer”

“Yea, what did ya bought Sum?”

“Oh, a way cool business suit.. hahaha, I look like Angela in it! And Kevin bought a suit too, well more of a tux”

“Yea, the MTV VMA’s are coming up, I needed a new outfit”

“Kev, we have people who buy that for us, they’re called stylists”

“I wanted to get a new suit anyway”

“So, Michelle, what’s in those bags?”

“A lot! Gezze.. AJ insisted me to buy every other sexy dress or skirt we saw!”

“Hahaha, you weren’t forced to, you bought them yourself!”

“Oh, shut up!”

“So what did you get Lyssie?”

“Oh, some stuff at GAP.. skirts, T-shirts, babytee’s.. just casual stuff”

“Same here” Morgan said.

“Nick, what did you get?”

“Nothing” he said, trying to hide his smile.

~~~30 minutes later, at the radiostation~~~

“Hello Phantasia! And welcome to the show!”

“Hi!” the girls said.

“So, introduce yourselves!”

“Hi, I’m Alyssa Farrow!”

“Hey, my name’s Michelle Evans!”

“What’s up?, I’m Becky Moore!”

“Hi, this is Summer Cooper!”

“Hello, my name is Morgan Sinclair!”

“So, Hottest New Band around, what do you think when people say that?”

“It’s certainly flattering!” Becky laughed.

“Yea!” the others joined in.

“OK, so you’re style, what’s it like?”

“It’s kinda poppy.. but we have some R & B in it too.. some funk” Alyssa explained

“It’s fun and bubbly” Morgan said

“The JIVE-style” Summer said.

“Here today, gone tomorrow?” the DJ asked.

“No” Michelle said convinced.

“I hope not!” Becky laughed again.

“We don’t know what the future holds, but we’re hoping on a long, successful career” Alyssa said.

“Touring with the Backstreet Boys? What’s it like? We get that question A LOT!”

“Haha!! Well, the guys are terrible, we hate their guts!” Morgan joked “No, just kidding, they’re nice guys, we spend a lot of time with them”

“Touring is HARD work, we kinda underestimated that” Michelle confessed.

“Yes, but it’s rewarding work... gezze that sounded so corny!” Summer laughed at herself.

“OK, we’ve got a caller on the line, hello what’s your name and question for Phantasia?”

“Hi, I’m Tarra and I’m here with my friend Rachel, we went to the opening night of the tour, first of all, YOU GUYS WERE SO AWESOME!! And we would like to know when your CD is coming out and what it will be called?”

“Hi Tarra! Hi Rachel! Well, we’re hoping for it to come out in 4 months time, we haven’t really thought of a name yet, to be honest” Morgan answered the question.

“We’ve got another caller.. the telephone is going non-stop over here! Welcome to the show, what’s your name and question for Phantasia?”

“Hi Phantasia! My name’s Rhonda and me and my friend went to the Anaheim concert, I’d like to know what’s the coolest thing you’ve experienced on this tour so far?”

“Hey Rhonda! The coolest thing is performing, for sure!” Becky said.

“OK, we’ve got another caller, hi what’s your name and question for Phantasia?”

“Hey, I’m Frank and my sister is the biggest fan of the Backstreet Boys, only she’s mute. She wants to know how you got their support-act?”

“Hello Frank, what’s your sister’s name?” Alyssa asked.

“Emily” Frank said.

“Hi Emily! Well, becoming the boys’ support-act was the easiest part of all. We were signed in with JIVE for a few months and the Boys needed a support-act ASAP, as Mandy Moore broke her leg. The people at JIVE got together and discussed it. Then we met the boys down in Orlando and we were taken almost immediately!” Summer told.

“K, one last caller before Phantasia has to leave us again! Hey what’s your name and question for Phantasia?”

“Hey wassup Phantasia?! I’m Ashley and my question is: Are you going to the MTV Video Music Awards?”

“Oh yea! we’re definitely gonna be there!” Michelle said.

“Actually, we’re going to perform at the VMA’s!” Morgan said excitedly

“Well folks, that’s all the time we got with Phantasia! Stay tuned as their employers, none other than the Backstreet Boys, will join me after the commercials!!”

~~~5 minutes later~~~

“Hi guys! And welcome to the show!”

“Hey! Wassup?” they said.

“So guys, how’s the tour coming along?”

“GREAT!! The best ever!” AJ said.

“Yea, it’s definitely the coolest of all tours we did” Kevin added.

“It’s fun and just more relaxed” Nick said

“Does that have to do with your change of management?”

“Yes, we have way more relaxed managers now, we have so much more days off than ever before!” Brian said.

“Word has it your managers are the same as your support-act Phantasia, is that true?”

“Well, sort of. You see, our real managers are working for us from the home-front. They handle the big things. And Ross Blythe and Angela Beaudeen, who are the girls’ managers, take care of the little things that come up in between.” Howie explained.

“So you have 4 managers?”

“Yea, I guess you could say that”

“Man, people are taking good care of your business!”

“Yea!” they laughed.

“OK, so Larger Than Life the new single is coming out in 3 weeks, can you tell us a little about it?”

“It’s a song about our fans, cause they are larger than life”

“Yea, it’s a fun, funky, upbeat song”

“OK, we have a caller on the line, hello, what’s your name and question for the Backstreet Boys?”

“HI GUYS!! I’m Danielle and I would like to know what it’s like to do this tour? I mean, this is so totally different from others with the special effects and all”

“Hello Danielle! As we said, this tour is the best! It rocks! The special effect are so cool. Have you seen the show?”

“Yea, I went to the show on the 26th. It was soooo awesome!!”

“The ‘flying’ part is real cool” AJ said.

“Bottom line is; doing this tour is just great!”

“OK! That’s clear now! So another caller!”

“Hey, my name’s John and I have a question.”

“Wow, a guy!” the boys joked.

“Yea, I’m male. I went to one of your shows with my sisters and you have one VERY attractive support-act! What’s it like touring with them? And I heard you share a tourbus with them, is that true?”

“Well John, what you heard about the tourbus is correct. We share our bus with them, but we have separate ‘bedrooms’.” Kevin answered

“Touring with them is loads of fun, they’re really cute girls with good sense of humor” Nick said.

“And they have talent” Howie added.

“So, being with them 24/7 is no problem?” the DJ asked.

“Not yet, we’ve only been on the road for 6 days” AJ said

“You expect problems later on?”

“Not exactly, but we usually get sick of each other after a while!” Brian laughed.

“It’s just a fact, that you get into fights because you get annoyed by little things if you’re with each other 24/7 for months” Kevin joined in.

“OK, so.. future plans?”

“We have this tour, that ends mid-2000. We’re gonna record our next album.. other from that. Maybe some acting or solo-projects”

“K, we have another caller, tell us your name and question for the boys”

“Hi! I’m Hailey and I just wanna say I love you guys! Now my question is; what would you be doing if you weren’t with the Backstreet Boys?”

“Man.. I don’t even wanna think about NOT being in this group!” AJ said.

“I guess I would be a teacher” Brian said.

“I’d go to College to play Basket Ball” Nick said.

“I guess I’d be a teacher too, but more like a Drama teacher” AJ said again.

“I’d be a pilot” Kevin said.

“I’d be doing real estate” Howie said.

“What’s your advice to people who want to become famous?”

“Never give up, always follow your dreams and your heart” Nick answered

“Nice said Nick. Yea, I guess that’s what it takes.. and a little luck!” Brian laughed.

“OK, unfortunately that’s all the time we have with the Backstreet Boys! Good luck with the rest of the tour and hope to see you guys again!”

“Yea man, we’ll be back!”

“Oh my God, we’re back again!” Brian sang.

“Hahaha, bye guys!”

~~~30 minutes later~~~

“AAAAHHHHH NICK I LOVE YOU!!!!! MARRY ME!!!!!” some crazed fan shouted as they walked in the Meet & Greet room.

Morgan looked at Nick and sniggered “Good luck to you Nickers, bye!” she said as they both were swarmed by fans, Nick’s fans were a bit more excited and maybe aggressive though.

“You’re Morgan right?”

“Yes, that’s me”

“I heard you on the radio before and I read your interview in Seventeen. Can you sign this for me?”

“Sure!” Morgan took the paper the girl handed her and signed her name on it.

“Do you want a signed picture too?”


“Go to that lady in the business suit, standing over there, she has signed pictures of us all, tell her I sent you”

“OK, thanks!”

Another group of girls walked up to her “Are you from Phantasia?”

“Yea, I’m Morgan”

“Can you pose for a couple of pictures?”


Morgan posed for the pictures patiently.


“Hi! You’re Alyssa, right?”

“Yes, that’s me”

“I’m Ginger, can I get an autograph?”

“Sure. Ginger was the name huh?”



“Here” she handed the signed article from Seventeen back.

“Thanks! Can I ask you a question?”

“Yea, shoot!”

“Is it true you and Brian were a couple, but you broke up?”

Alyssa was startled “Where did you hear that?” she asked, trying her best to stay calm.

“My friend knows someone who knows one of your friends, I believe her name is Shanice?”

“Shanice Roberts?”

“Yea, that’s her”

Alyssa thought, Shanice, she knew her from the gym, back in LA.. but how did she know about Brian and her?

“Alyssa? Are you OK?” the girl asked.

“Yes, yes, I’m fine”

“So is it true?”


“About you and Brian”

“Uhhhmmm...errrr.....well....yea.. kinda.. we dated for a few days, but it didn’t work out”

“OK..Thanks again!”

“Sure, no problem”

The girl walked over to where Becky stood.

Alyssa was totally confused.. how the hell did Shanice Roberts knew about her and Brian? She hadn’t talked to Shanice in ages, well at least a month. Someone must have told her, but who?? It can’t be one of the girls.. they haven’t seen Shanice either.. maybe Clarice or Diane or Layla.. or Katinka, or Dawn.. probably Dawn.. weird... Lyss was so busy thinking about who told Shanice, she didn’t notice the Meet & Greet was over.

“Lyssie?” Nick called for her

“Lyss?” he tried again when there was no response from Alyssa.

“Lyssa?!?” he waited, but then walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.


“Hmm? What? What’s wrong Nicky?”

“I called for you 4 times, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, nothing”

“Yea right”

“I’ll tell you later”

“OK, in the meanwhile, we have to get going, Meet & Greet is over”

“It is?”

“Yea, look around you doofus! We’re the only ones left!”

Alyssa looked around the room “You’re right, let’s go”

~~~A little later, when eating their supper~~~

“Hey girls?”

“Yea Lyss, ‘sup?” Michelle asked.

“Has any of you talked to Shanice lately?”

“Who? Shanice Roberts?”


“Nope, haven’t seen her in a while”

“No, why? What’s with Shanice?”

“Well.. at Meet & Greet this girl came up to me and said she heard from a friend who knew someone who knew-"

“Is this one of those stories, like; my husbands cousins wife’s best friend?!?” Morgan said.

“No.. well a friend of this girl knew someone who knew Shanice..”

“And?!” Summer said expectantly.

“Obviously Shanice knew about Brian and I.. that we were together.. and that we.. broke-up.” She said with an odd face.

“How the hell does Shanice know that?!!” Michelle blurted out.

“I dunno, that’s why I asked you”

“No, we all haven’t talked to Shanice, Lyss” Becky said

“Well, who did tell her then?”

“How are we supposed to know?!”

“Maybe one of you talked to.. Dawn.. or.. God I don’t know! Someone told someone about me and Brian, cuz this girl asked me if it was true!!” Alyssa shouted angrily. She pushed her plate aside and got up from her chair “I’m not hungry anymore” and with that she walked off.

They all sat there baffled at Lyss’ sudden outburst.

“OK, who talked to who?” Summer asked, looking from Morgan to Becky to Michelle.


“What?! Why do I always get accused of these things?!”

“Cause you are the one that always talks!”


“2 down, 3 to go” AJ joked

“Will you stop making fun of everything?! Gezze, not EVERYTHING is a joke!” Michelle said to him

“God, I am getting so sick of you ALWAYS telling me what I can or cannot do!!”

“Guys, stop it” Summer said calmly

“Summer, stay out of it!!” Michelle shouted

“Michelle, you’re making a fuss out of nothing!”


“Don’t shout at me!”

“YOU STUPID BITCH! FUCK YOU!!” she said as she ran off also.

“3 down, 2 to go” AJ said.

“AJ, cut it out, this is not funny!” Howie warned.

“Oh, can’t a guy have a little fun?!”

“Not when it’s hurting other people!”

“Gezze Howard, you really shouldn’t be talking! You always call Nick fat!”

“That’s not true”

“Yea, it is!”

“Hey, who’s calling my baby fat?!!” Morgan said.

“No one!” Howie said

“EVERYONE!” AJ shouted.

“What are we doing?! Why are we fighting?!” Kevin said confusedly

“Morgan, did you tell anyone about Bri and Lyss?” Summer went on interrogating everyone.

“ hold on... I did talk to Layla.. like the day before yesterday.. OMIGOD! I did tell her!” she said.


“Sheesh, relax will ya!?”

“No, what else did you tell her?”

“She just asked how Brian and Lyssie were doing.. they all knew about that! And I said that they weren’t together anymore!”

“What did she say?”

“She asked: how come? And how Lyss was doing”

“And you told her?”

“No, I said that Lyss should tell her herself.. I only said Lyss was coping”

“Morgy, how could you be so dumb?!”


“4 down, 1-“

“SHUT UP!!” Howie shouted to AJ and ran away.

“I’m gonna go look for Morgy” Nick said and ran off.

Summer, Kevin, AJ and Brian looked at each other

“The being with each other 24/7 is making us fight already.. the DJ was right” Kevin sighed.

“This is sooo stupid and pointless..” AJ said

“Damn, how could she have said that?!” Summer thought out loud.

Angela walked in “Where’s everyone?”


“Yea, obviously. Where are they?”


“What happened?” she sighed.

“We had some sort of fight”

“Not again?!”


“Damn!! ROSS!!” she hollered through the corridor.



“Fuck Summer! I can’t help it! how was I supposed to know Layla would tell everyone?!” Morgan muttered.

“It’s OK baby, it’s not the end of the world”

“No, it certainly isn’t! Why are they making such a big thing out of it?!”

“I dunno.. I guess we’re all a bit tired and stressed out”


“Come here” he pulled her closer “No worries about this stupid subject OK? Promise me”

“Yea, OK, I’m not gonna waste my time with little things like that!”

“Yea, you could do more... creative things with your time”

“Creative? Like singing?”

“Yea.. that too... but I was talking about this more” He kissed her

“Mmmm, that kind of creative!”

“Uh hah!”

“Come here Nickers! I’m gonna drive you crazy”

“You already do dear, by looking so Goddamn, drop-dead, mighty fine SEXY!”


“Roy, I’m not here when they come ask for me.. I’m ESPECIALLY NOT here for AJ” Michelle said as she hopped on the bus.

“OK Mimi” Roy nodded without looking up from his paper.


Alyssa wandered off to the basket ball court and sat down on a bench.

Gezze, I’m getting so tired of them! They just don’t understand me at all

“Hello Miss Farrow”

“Oh, Randy, it’s Alyssa, please!” she said to the bodyguard

“What’s wrong Miss Alyssa?”

“Nothing.. everything.. I don’t know”

“You can tell me Miss”

“I can’t tell you anything if you keep calling me Miss.. I feel like someone real important.. and old, when you do that”

“OK, sorry Alyssa.. wanna tell me what’s bugging you?”

“Well... somehow a girl I knew from the gym I used to go to find out about me and Brian.. someone at Meet & Greet came up to me and said she heard it indirectly.”

“And what if she did? What’s so bad about people knowing?”

“I don’t know.. I just don’t want my personal life to be so public”

“Then you should have taken another job Alyssa”

“Gee Randy, you’re real harsh”

“I’m only telling you the truth Miss”

Alyssa looked at him “Yea, you’re right” she laughed

“See, me being harsh helped”

“Yes, it did, thanks Randy”

“You’re welcome Alyssa”


“Roy, is Michelle here?” AJ asked

“Michelle is not here” he said with a meaningful look.

“OK, thanks” AJ hopped in and walked to the back, he swung the girls’ bedroom door open

“What the fuck?!” Michelle sat up startled “GO away!”


“AJ, get out!”




“Can’t you say anything else?”


Michelle tried to hide her laughter, but the look on his face made her crack up in laughing anyway

“You freak!” she laughed

“Hey! I’m a nice freak”

“You’re my freak” Michelle got up, walked over to him and closed the door behind him She looked at him daringly

“We still have to try out those comfy bunkbeds”

“Ooohw, babe.. let’s do so now”

“Just what I was thinking”


Alyssa walked back in the dining room casually, like nothing had happened.

“Hey” she said as she sat down “Where’s everyone?”


“Long story” Summer sighed


“We found out who told who about you and Bri”

“Oh.. I don’t wanna know anymore..”

“You don’t?”

“No.. who cares anyway.. if I didn’t want to live a life in the public eye, I should have taken another job.. like secretary or something”

“Yea, that’s true I guess”


“Howie?” Becky asked as she found Howie sitting in a corridor


“What’s up?”

“I left”

“Me too”

“AJ was acting so stupid”

“So was Summer.. gezze.. I am so sick of being accused of blabbing too much. Like something’s up and she immediately asks me.. ‘Becky?!” she mimicked Summer

“Wanna head back?”



“AJ, maybe we should stop... they’ll probably come looking for us soon”

“Hehehe.. got just the solution for that!” he walked to the door and turned the key in the lock “No one will walk in on us now”


“Now where was I?” he said as he took off her bra.


“Hey Becks, hey Howie” Alyssa said as the two walked back in.


“Beck, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions” Summer apologized

“Yea, yea. Just don’t make it so obvious you suspect me every time”


“What’s up people?!” Nick said, he had Morgan sitting on his back, her head resting on his shoulder, her hands around his waist.

“Hi Lyss! Did they tell you yet?”

“No, what?”

“Oh.. I’m the one to blame! I told Layla that you and Bri broke up.. sorry”

“It’s OK Morgy”

“Really? Cool!”

“Want me to put you down now?” Nick asked her

“No, I want to stay up here.. I have a nice overview from here.. hey, you have to dye your hair again baby!”

“Oh wow, amazing discovery Morge” Brian joked.

“Hi Brian!” Morgan waved “Boy, you seem tiny from up here”

“You’re weird” Nick said to her

“Well, thanks, now what will our children think? Daddy is calling mommy weird..”

“They will agree with me, cause I’m simply telling the truth”

“Put me down on the floor Romeo” she said

“But of course, Juliet”

The others laughed at the two.

“You guys are so cute and adorable!” Becky said.

“Cute and adorable.. yuk!”

“Yea, gezze Beck, that’s the least we wanna be”

“Hey where’s Michelle and AJ?” Morgan suddenly asked.

“Dunno.. they left”

~~~25 minutes later~~~

“Isn’t someone supposed to get them? The show is in half an hour, we need to get changed”

“Oh, just let them relax for a few minutes, if they’re not here in 10 we’ll start looking”

“Looking for who?” Michelle said as she walked in, holding AJ’s hand.

“For you two”

“Oh, no need to no more”

“Yea, we figured that out”

Angela and Ross walked back in, looking stressed out.

“Oh, thank God! You’re all here!”

“You really are 10 nerve-wrecking people!” Ross said.

“Sorry Ross, sorry Ange”

“So you worked things out again?”

“Yup” Alyssa nodded.

“Oh thank God!” Angela sighed and sat down.

“Well, go get changed for the show” Ross ordered them.

“Aye aye sir!” Nick saluted him. And walked off

“Hey! Nickers! Wait! I wanna ride along on your back again!”

“OK, come on then”

Morgan climbed up, with the help from a chair.

“YAY!! I’m taller than any of you! I’m taller than Kevin”

They all laughed and one by one exited the room to their dressing rooms.

Chapter 13