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Chapter 13

“Becky, stand still!”

“Sorry Kate!”

“It’s OK, but you’re all just so bouncily and loud today! What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.. we’re just.. happy and peachy!”

“Yea, I notice! Now if you don’t stand still, I can’t close the zipper, so please hold your breath and be quiet for a sec?!”


Kate closed the zipper of Becky’s leather top.

“OK, you’re done!”

Becky ‘bounced’ of and Kate got ready to help Morgan with her clothes.


“Yea, who is it?”

“AJ, are you girls almost ready?”

“Yea, wait just another sec!” Kate said as she took Morgan’s top from the rack.

AJ flung the door open

“AJ!!!” the girls shouted startled and angry.

“WOW! Sorry!” he said as he looked away quickly when he saw Morgan naked from the waist up.

“AJ GET OUT!!” Michelle shouted “Gezze! Can’t we have any privacy?!!”

“Sorry!! Sorry Miss Morgan!!”

“GET OUT!!” the girls all shouted and pushed him out of the door.


The guys heard shouting coming from the girls’ room and seconds later AJ was thrown out of the room.

“What’s up with them AJ?”

“WOW! Nick, man, you have a VERY beautiful girlfriend with a VERY beautiful body! Must be a family thing!!”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Man, I walked in and, I swear, Morgy was naked from the waist up!!”

“AJ!!” they shouted

“Hey, sorry! I didn’t know!”

“HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF PRIVACY?!!” Summer shouted at AJ as she walked out of the room and into the corridor.


“We said WAIT A SEC!”

“Hey, sorry Mad, I didn’t hear!”

“Sheesh!” Summer shook her head and sat down on the floor.

Then Alyssa came out, laughing

“Hahaha! AJ!! Heeh! Man! The best thing since days!” she laughed

“Glad I made you laugh Miss Lyss!”

“Yea, thanks! Oh man, you should’ve seen the look on your face!” Alyssa wiped away some tears from laughing.

Becky walked out and started laughing also “Your timing is great AJ!.. NOT!! Hahaha!”

Michelle came out and Morgan last. Michelle started shouting at AJ.

“Yo, I’m sorry bout that Morge” he said, ignoring Michelle.

“It’s OK AJ” Morgan blushed and looked away

“Nothing to be ashamed of Morgy, you’re uhh... beautiful” he said awkwardly

Morgan nodded and walked over to Nick “Hide me, I’m making a fool out of myself again” she smiled.

“Aw, come here”

“Hey Nick, man, sorry that I always get to see your ladies naked before you do!”

“What makes you think you’ve seen her before me??” Nick smiled mischievously

“OOooHhw!” the others called.

“Haha, later guys” Nick put an arm around his girlfriend and they walked off.

“Aw, they’re so cute!” Alyssa smiled but her smile disappeared when she turned around and saw Brian.

“Uhh...I’m going up, are you girls coming?”

“Yea Lyss, it’s about time to do our thang!” Michelle linked arms with her and they walked up to the stage areas.


“Ange! They’re here already! No need to search!” Ross shouted over to Angela

“What’s wrong?” Morgan asked

“Well, as always, you’re late! So Angela was about to start a search for you”

“Oh..well, we’re here now”

“Yes, and I see the others coming too” he looked behind Morgan’s back and saw Michelle and Alyssa walking their way, with the boys and Summer and Becky following them.

“Oh, there they are!” Angela sighed of relieve “The stage manager is getting a fit!”

“Relax Ange, we always show up!”

“Yea, 10 minutes late.. the crowd is getting impatient, hurry up onstage!” she practically dragged them towards the stage entrance.

“K, bye guys!”

“Bye girls, have fun!”

“Always!!” Becky called before she ran out onstage.


“HELLLLOOOOOOOOOO HOUSTON!!!!!!” Michelle shouted

“WWWOOOHHHHWW!!! WASSUP??!!!” Summer added






“AND TOGETHER WE ARE PHANTASIA!!!!!!!!” they all shouted.

“First up is an upbeat song, it’s called Do You Know?! So just dance along and enjoy!!”

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“The next song is Dreams Do Come True and we dedicate to each and everyone of you!!! And to our boys!!” Summer smiled to the camera. And the songs began


Dreams do come true it just takes a while before you’ll see Dreams do come true

If you just believe then one day you’ll see that Dreams do come true

Oh.. yea-aah, Dreams.. they do come true..

And with that they ended the song.

~~~2 hours later~~~

“OK, bye Ange! Bye Ross!! See ya in the morning!” Summer called and got on the bus. Roy closed the doors behind her and drove off while Summer made her way to the back.

“Hey Mad”

“Hey Nick, what’cha gonna do?” she asked as he passed her on her way to the ER

“Oh, I just have to ask Roy something”

“Oh.. well, see you later”

“Yea, bye Sum”


“Hey Roy.. did you put the presents for Morgan-“

“Yea, I put them on your bunk”

“OK, thanks man!”

“No problem”

Nick walked to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He saw the bags with the teddybears laying on his bed.

“Oh, she will love this!” he said to himself.

~~~10 minutes later~~~

Morgan twisted the doorknob and opened the door to the girls’ bedroom. She looked on her bed and saw a little letter addressed to her. she opened it and read:

Dear Morgy, Go to our bedroom and look on my bunk, Nick.

“Huh? What’s that?” she frowned her eyebrows and walked over to the guys bedroom. Again a note addressed to her on the door:

OK, so it’s not ‘your’ Teddy.. but I hope these will make up.. and else you will just have to use me as your Teddy! Love you, Nick

She walked in, having a hunch on what she would find, and looked at Nick’s bunk...



They heard Morgan shriek from the bedroom. Then she stormed in the ER and ran straight to Nick

“Ohmigod! That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done to me!!!” she said getting all teary and hugging and kissing Nick in the meanwhile

“OK, what did he do to make you love him more now?!” Howie asked

“Oh, you won’t believe how sweet and thoughtful it is!! He bought me about 10 different teddybears!!”

“And?” AJ said, not getting why that was so special

“I forgot my own Teddy! I left it on my bed when we left the house! I can’t believe you even remembered that! Nickers, you’re so sweet!!” she said, tears running down her face now

“Why are you crying baby girl?”

“What did I ever do to deserve you?! You’re so sweet!” she buried her head on his shoulder

“Oh baby, that’s exactly what I’m thinking about you!”

“AWW!!” Becky, Lyss, Summer and Michelle cried out

“Morgan always gets the sweetest and most thoughtful guys!!”

“Hey! Are you saying I’m not sweet and thoughtful?!”

“Yes, you’re an insensitive basterd, you’re mean, you’re cruel and you make cutting remarks.. but you’re mine anyway and you’re DAMN HOT!!” Michelle said to AJ.

In the meanwhile Nick and Morgan left for the bedroom to tell each other how much they loved each other and so on.

“Aw, that’s so sweet!”

“Yea and so like Nick to do for a girl” Howie said to Becky

“They’re so cute!”

“OK, we get the concept Beck” AJ said.

“I just can’t believe how cute they are!”

“K, if you’re not gonna shut up now, I will tell you all sorts of things about Nick that will totally change your mind” AJ warned

They laughed.

~~~The next day~~~

Roy stopped the bus and opened the doors to let Angela and Ross in.

“Good morning all!” Ross said cheerfully as he walked in the ER.


“Did you have a good rest?”

“Yea, I guess”

“Great, great. So listen up everybody, we have an announcement from the Jive headquarters!!”

“And what is that?” Kevin said, a bit grumpily

“I actually have 2 announcements...first of all.. Phantasia’s first single History (That’s What You Are) will be released September 28th, that’s a week after Larger Than Life !! and second-“

“REALLY?!! Wow that’s soooo cool!!!” they shrieked

“AHEM, I WASN’T FINISHED!!” he waited till they were all quiet “Second, we’re flying to Orlando tomorrow because we have a party at Jive”

“Really? What for?”

“It’s a party to welcome N SYNC at Jive”

“WHAT?!!!” the boys shouted

“It actually happened?! They’re at Jive now?! Jive, OUR record company?!!” Nick shouted

“Nick, it’s not YOUR record company alone, it’s also Phantasias, Britney Spears’, Trey D, N Tyce-“

“And N SYNC’s!!!” AJ added

“And N SYNC’s” Ross nodded

“Well don’t expect us to go to that party!!”

“I do expect you to go, so does Angela.. and Ralph demands you to go”

“Well, we’re NOT going!! Those stupid clones!! And we have to welcome them?!! NO WAY!!” Brian shouted at Ross

“YOU ARE ALL GOING, END OF DISCUSSION!!!!” Ross silenced them all.

The boys muttered and mumbled all sorts of curses against N SYNC under their breaths.

“You got that?! You’re ALL going!! boys, as well as girls! You’re all going to be perfectly friendly and cordial to the guys of N SYNC, they’re your enemies, I know that, but this business is full of enemies! You have to accept that and live with that. You NEED enemies to keep you sharp and re-new yourselves. I don’t have time for this Backstreet Boys vs. N SYNC Battle, and I don’t feel like it too, so I suggest you two stop it NOW!!”

“Whatever” Howie sighed

“What was that young man?!!”

“Gezze Ross, relax!”

“No I will not ‘relax’ .. did I make myself clear?!”


“Great,.. now continue your breakfast please” he said, walking out

“Whoa, he’s tense!”

~~~Next day~~~

“Man, I can’t believe it, what the hell am I doing here?!” Kevin sighed annoyed and took another sip of his drink

“Do I look good? Are my straps OK, not twisted or something?”

Kevin looked at Summer in amazement “I can’t believe you worry about that, they’re N SYNC, not the president of the United States!” he almost shouted at her

“Kevin! Don’t raise your voice at me, not here!” she hissed

“Ugh, you’re unbelievable!” he put his glass down on a table hardly and walked off.

“Why are they acting so kindergarten like? Like: “Miss!! That N SYNC boy pushed me off the swing!” Summer said to Becky who stood next to her

“I don’t know... something we will never understand I guess”

“It’s like when they compare their weenies and see who has the biggest in high school” Michelle said

They looked at Michelle and laughed “Yea, I guess that’s it!”

All 3 were laughing now

“Seems like you’re enjoying yourselves ladies!”

They looked and saw Chris standing in front of them

“Ahem, yea, we’re having a fun time here” Becky coughed

“And whom do I have the pleasure talking with?” he asked her

“Uhh, I’m Becky Moore, from Phantasia”

“Oh! Right! You’re touring with the.. Backstreet Boys” he said the last 2 words with a disgusted face

“Boy, you REALLY don’t like each other, do you?!”

“Oh, no, no, no! That’s not true.. we just have some difficulties at times”

“Right” Michelle said, not believing a word he said.

“I went to College with Howie, we were friends”

“Really?” Becky said interested “I didn’t know that, he never told me”

“He didn’t? I wonder why..”

Michelle and Summer carefully walked away, so that Chris wouldn’t notice

“HAHAHA!! What a stupid guy!!!” Michelle almost peed her pants as she cracked up in laughing and hid between some plants.

“Man, no wonder the guys hate their guts!. ‘and whom do I have the pleasure talking with?’” Summer mimicked Chris.


“I’m gonna go get us something to eat, wait here K?” Nick said to Morgan

“OK sweetie”

Nick walked off and Morgan stood alone in a remote corner of the ballroom the party was being held. She sighed and thought about how sweet Nick was to her..

“You’re pretty when you smile”

Morgan startled and snapped out of her dreamworld

“Oh sorry, did I scare you?”


“Sorry... you’re Morgan Sinclair, am I right?”

“Yes” she said, startled again

“Hi, I’m Justin”

Morgan stuck out her hand, but Justin moved closer towards her and kissed her on her cheek

“Ooh, you have a soft skin... flawless”

“Yea, thanks”

“So where were your thoughts?”


“When I scared you, you were obviously thinking of something pleasant, you were smiling”

“Yea... uhhh, I was thinking of.. how much I like performing” she lied, not wanting to tell Justin about Nick.

“Well maybe you can perform for me once”


Nick turned around and saw Justin Timberlake kiss HIS girlfriend on the cheek. He took the two plates and walked over angrily, he knew everything about Justin’s behavior with girls, how he used them and he wasn’t going to stand there and watch him do it to Morgy, it was worse enough he had to be present at that stupid party!

“Well maybe you can perform for me once” Justin said

“I advice you to come to one of our shows, Morgan performs there” Nick put down the plates and put an arm around Morgan’s waist defensively.

“Well hello Carter, how are you doing?”

“Fine” Nick looked at him angrily.

“Is there something wrong?” Justin asked, smiling almost when he saw Nick’s angry face

“Nothing yet Timberlake”

Morgan felt the tension between the two “Ahem, I think I’m gonna go over to Lyss, she’s standing there kinda alone” and she practically ran off to Alyssa.

“Uh, uh , uh. Now that’s what I call one sexy dame. Would you take a look at that ass.. ain’t that the finest ass you’ve ever seen?!” Justin said, checking out Morgan’s behind

“Stay away from her” Nick warned

“Ooh, did I hit a weak spot here?.. sensitive subject Carter?”

“Shut up”

“You’re trying so hard to control yourself, but you want to beat me up really bad, don’t you?!”

“I’m telling you, stay away from Morgan, or you’ll be sorry” Nick turned around to get his plate and Morgan’s and left to where she stood.

“Are you OK sweets?”

“Yes, are you?” Morgan asked worriedly

“Yea, I just hate his guts”

“I noticed”

“Watch out for him” Nick said

“OK, I will”

“Here’s your plate”


“Want me to get you some food too Lyssie?”

“No, I’m OK Nicky”

“You have to eat Lyssie”

“I know, I’m not hungry yet”


“Man, this is a boring party” Morgan sighed

“We didn’t even get a ‘Welcome at Jive party’!!” Alyssa complained


“Howie! Come here honey!” Becky called as she saw him walking by

Howie walked over to her, not wanting to, because that stupid Chris guy was there too.

“What’s wrong?” he said

“Why didn’t you tell me you and Chris went to College together?”

“Oh, I didn’t? must have slipped my mind” he said, not interested

“Hello Howard”

“Hello Christopher” they greeted each other with the names they hated most.


“Ahahaha!” Summer and Michelle were still having their giggle-fit.

“Boy, what’s so funny?” Brian and AJ asked



“Oh, oh, Mimi! Comparing their weenies!!” Summer said and they cracked up again

Brian and AJ frowned their eyebrows.

~~~20 minutes later~~~

Morgan stood on her own again. Alyssa was getting something to eat and Nick went with her to tell her what was ‘eatable’ and what was gross.

Suddenly she felt a hand slip around her waist “Hello gorgeous, missed me?” Justin’s voice whispered in her ear.

“Hi Justin” she took his hand and removed it from her waist.

“Oh, sorry, you don’t like me doing that? I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist.. you’re so sexy”

Morgan blushed shyly and hoped he would leave.

“I think you do like it, else you wouldn’t be blushing sweetie” he moved closer to her again. “I was just telling Carter earlier that you have the finest ass I’ve ever seen”

“Justin, stop it” she whispered “You don’t mean what you’re saying”

“Oh and you’re the judge on that missy?” he smiled “I say you’re the sexiest dame ever, what do you have to say about that?” His hand traveled from her shoulder down to her spine and eventually rested on her butt.


“What is he doing with Morgan?!!” Alyssa called out.

Nick turned around and saw Justin standing VERY close to Morgan, his hand making a way down her back. And resting on her ass.

“Right, that’s it!!” he stormed over to Justin and roughly pushed him away from Morgan




Kevin and Howie looked up when they heard Nick shouting

“What’s going on over there?”

“Oh man, Nick is shouting at Justin Timberlake again!” Howie said worried

“Ah no! Not again! He always gets into fights with that Justin guy!”


“Gezze! Relax Carter!” Justin said aggravated.

“No, I won’t relax!! Stay away from Morgan!!”

“Sorry man, didn’t know she meant that much to you!”

“Oh you bet you knew!”

“You’re just looking for an excuse to beat me up”

“Oh shut up!”

“Besides, she wasn’t exactly resisting!”

Nick took one step forward and hit Justin on his right cheek with his fist hard.

“NICK!!” Kevin and Howie came running towards the scene.

Now they had all eyes in the room on them.

Justin stood up, spit some blood on the floor as his lip was bleeding.

“You stupid, pathetic, FAT Backstreet Boy!!”

“HEY! WHO ARE YOU CALLING FAT?!!” Morgan shouted at him

“Ooh, the girlfriend defends the boyfriend, he’s too much of a wuss to do it himself!”

Nick pushed Morgan aside and hit Justin again, now Justin started fighting back. And soon the two guys were rolling around the ballroom floor beating each other up.

“NICKY!!” Alyssa shouted

“NICKOLAS!!!” Kevin shouted

Kevin and Howie tried to get Nick off of Justin, but they got hit in the process, which made Kevin real mad.

“GODDAMMIT! STOP IT!!” he shouted

All the people present at the party stood around the fight, watching and booing or cheering.

“Go Nick, go Nick, go Nick!!” Michelle did her best act as a cheerleader

“Babe, this is not funny, this is serious business” AJ said to her

“AJ! Brian!! Some help would do!!” Howie shouted at the two members who watched in total shock and awe how Nick beat the crap out of Justin.

“Yea, yea sorry” Brian and AJ helped Howie and Kev to get Nick to stop

“Frick! Come on, let him go, he’s not worth it!”

“Brian, he harassed my girl, I’ve been wanting to beat him up since day one!!” Nick panted while beating Justin one more time.

Kevin, who was about to start punching someone too, grabbed Nick’s arm fiercely and pulled it back so he couldn’t hit Justin anymore. AJ got a hold of his other arm and Brian pulled him back by the waist. Howie stood in front of Nick.

“Now stop it, you hear!!” Howie said to Nick.

Nick nodded.

Chris, Joey, Lance and JC helped Justin up.

“Oh, baby!” Morgan cried out when she saw his nosebleed and a cut from one of Justin’s rings across Nick’s face. She wiped some blood away with a napkin and kissed him on the cheek tenderly.

“Aw, ain’t that adorable? NOT!” Justin shouted to Morgan and Nick.

Morgan turned around, walked over to Justin and kneed him. Justin sank down to the ground, clutching his manhood in pain.

“YAY! Way to go Morgy!!” Michelle and Alyssa cheered.

“Come on sweetie, let’s go” she took Nick’s hand and left with him.

“Yea, don’t hurt Nicky again you hear?!... stupid N SUCK!” Alyssa stuck her tongue out and followed the others.

“Hey, it was a pleasure, as always, see you guys next time!” AJ said

All BSB and Phantasia members exited the ballroom.

~~~30 minutes later, in the hotel~~~

“Hold still, I have to take care of this nasty cut” Morgan hold Nick’s head in her hands and dabbed the wound with some iodine to clean it.

“Ow! That hurts!”

“Don’t be such a baby, I have to get the dirt out if it or it will ulcerate”

Nick nodded obediently

“What you did was pretty cool babe”


“That you kneed him, that was cool”

“He deserved it, big time!”

“Yea, stupid N SUCK, who the hell does he thinks he is?! Touching you!!” Nick said, getting all worked up over it again

Morgan put a plaster on his cheek and kissed it “Now it will surely heal” she said, changing the subject.

“Uh hah”

“K, now your nose” she took a handkerchief out of her bag and wetted it with some saliva, then she dabbed it around his nose and wiped the dried up blood away.

“OK, anything else aching?”


“Hahaha, you beat the shit out of him and he only gave you a nosebleed and a small cut!” Michelle laughed.

“Yea” Nick laughed too and pulled Morgan on his lap. “Stupid asshole”

“You bet”

The others continued their conversation while Nick kissed Morgan “There is something else aching”

“And what is that?”

“I’m aching to get laid” he whispered in her ear sexily

“Really? Maybe we should do something about that ache”

“I was thinking the same”

“Haha, you were hoping the same Nickers!”

“OK, hoping then”

“Hey guys. we’re tired, we’re gonna get some sleep” Morgan called as she walked out the room, pushing Nick out also

“K, later Morge! Later Nick!”


Chapter 14