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Chapter 14

“Girls, this is Nigel Dick, he’s going to produce your first video”

“Hello ladies!”

“Hi Nigel! Wow, I loved the work you did with Britney Spears’ videos and with the guys!”


“Nigel, this is Becky, Alyssa, Summer, Morgan and Michelle”

“Well, hello!”

“Hi!” they all said.

“OK, I listened to the song a lot of times and I think I might have some good ideas”


“Yes, so why don’t we sit down here and discuss these ideas swirling around in my head?”


The girls sat down at a table.

“K, there’s actually 2 ideas I have that would do good.. 1st I was thinking, you could all be one element in the video.. like make Michelle be fire, Becky earth, Alyssa air, Morgan water and Summer metal... but maybe that’s taking too much after the Backstreet Boys. Because they have photos of that in their album sheet.... So the other idea is that you all are women from different generations.. and you all dump your boyfriends or husbands, because that fits the lyrics best”

“Wow.. that’s.. amazing”

“You think?”

“Yea, I like that idea of us being women in different generations” Summer said.

“I like it too... I was thinking, maybe you could be a woman in the 1870’s then have Becky be a women in 1920, Alyssa in the 1950’s, Michelle in the 1970’s and Morgan be the girl of today, the 90’s..”

“I love it!!”

“You do?! Great! Then we’ll do it, I guess?!”

“YES!” they all agreed.

~~~2 days later, at the video shoot~~~

“OK, girls, here’s the screenplay” he handed them all a list with a schedule for the coming 2 days of filming, “As you can see, we’re going to start with Michelle, you’re a girl in the 1970’s so you’re sort of a hippie, you’re going to dump your adulterous boyfriend.”

“Cool!” Michelle said excitedly.

“Then after lunch, we’re going to shoot Becky’s part. Becky, you’re a woman in the 1920’s, OK?”


“It’s practically the same as I told you 2 days ago, you’re all going to dump your boyfriend and you all live in different generations, after we’re done with Becky, we’ll shoot Morgan’s parts, Morgan, you’re a girl of this generation. After Morgan’s part, we’re done for the day. Then tomorrow we start with Summer, who lives in the late 1800’s, right before the turn of the century. Then Alyssa’s parts come after lunch, you’re a girl in 1950 Alyssa. And then the final part is taped without you, it’s a few shots of you performing live, I thought it would be nice to put that in”

“Wow, awesome!”

“OK people, time is money! Let’s get the set ready for Michelle!!” Nigel shouted “Michelle, Kate has your outfit ready in the dressing room down the hall and Crystal will do your makeup!”

“OK, sure”

“Great, see you in 20 minutes!”


“Angela!!!” AJ hollered through the corridor.

“Bone, it’s not polite to holler, especially not to a woman”

“Gezze, sorry! I just wanted to ask her when the girls are coming back.. or when we can go down to the set and see them”

“You can’t live without Michelle for 1 minute, right?!”

“Well, sorry, but we wasted enough time with being stubborn pain in the asses, so I want to enjoy as much time with her as possible”

“It’s OK Bone, we all like being around the girls” Nick said

Angela emerged from around a corner “I heard a whining voice holler for me through the entire hotel, what’s wrong?!”

“Uhh.. when are we gonna see the girls again?”


“When’s later?”

“Much later, they’ll be taping till 10 at least”

“WHAT?! Why?!” AJ objected

“Well, honey, I don’t know, it could be just me, but I thought you had some experience with taping videos?”


“So you know that it takes a while before you’re done?”

“Yea, Angela, stop belittling me”

“The girls have to tape 3 parts today, Nigel wants to have Michelle’s, Becky’s and Morgan’s part done today”

“That’s madness”

“It’s not, you’re just missing Michelle”

“Whatever. Can’t we go visit them?”

“You’re pretty much booked for the entire day”

“With what?!”

“Let’s see... you have an interview with TVHITS, an English magazine, in 15 minutes”

“And that’s it?”

“No, of course not! You have more interviews and a photoshoot at 5”

“I have an idea!! Why don’t we have all the interviews at the shooting of the video, and then we’ll go to the photoshoot from there! That gives us time with the girls!”

Angela looked at him as if he was going loco “Sweetie, I love you, I really do, but you know, as well as I do, that that’s impossible!”

“Why? Why is it impossible?! We’re celebrities! We can do whatever we want right?! We have the money, we have the power!”

“AJ, stop talking nonsense. There’s just no way, it’s not going to happen, I’m sorry, you’ll have to wait with seeing the girls till late tonight or tomorrow”

“But Ange, it’s not that impossible, really!” Nick said, eager to see Morgan

“It’s not impossible in the practical way, I know we can have all the interviews there. But it’s not sensible thinking! The reporters will publicize the weirdest rumors, and you know they will! Besides, you’ll only distract the girls from doing their work, Nigel wouldn’t want you to be there”

“Damn” AJ cursed.

“But, maybe..” Angela looked through the guys schedule “Maybe we can work it out so you can go to the videoshooting after the photosession. That way you might be able to catch the last parts of today.. and you can travel back to the hotel with the girls”

“Really?! That’s possible?”

“Yes, it is”

“OK! Great Ange!”

“Yea, I know I’m wonderful!” Angela laughed and walked out again

“I’m gonna call my babe to tell we’re coming later on” AJ took out his cellular and dialed Michelle’s number

“Why tell them?! If we don’t, they’ll be surprised!” Howie said

“Yea...oh! Hello Mrs. Edgy!.. hehehe.. yea it’s me!” AJ said as Michelle picked up the phone

“Oh, you have to go?.. they’re going to shoot your parts in a few minutes.. I see... so what are you going to do?.. why can’t you tell me?!.. a surprise.. I hate surprises..OK OK, I love them! Hahaha!” AJ talked with Michelle

“Yea, sure, gimme Lyssie!.... well hello you hotty!... what do you mean, I hit on every girl?”

The guys laughed

“OK, you’re gonna give me Morgy now? Gezze, I’m being passed on to everyone! haha!”

“Hello Miss Morgan! What are you wearing gorgeous?!... you wanna talk to Nick.. sure, here he comes”

“Hello baby!.. so what ARE you wearing?!... I can’t come over to take a look, you know that” he winked at the guys.

“OK, I’ll see you tonight then, have fun today!.. oh wait! When are they going to tape your parts?.. you’re last., great!.. no, there’s nothing going,.. Morgan... NO! I’M NOT HIDING ANYTHING FROM YOU... OK, bye babe” he hung up “Yay! They’re taping her parts last, so I’ll be able to see those!”


Michelle’s cellular went off, she quickly grabbed it from her purse and picked up “Hello?”

“AJ?.. hi baby!.. hey I can’t talk much now, they’re going to do my parts soon.... no I can’t tell you what it is, it’s a surprise!... shut up, you love surprises!” she laughed “Here comes Lyss OK? I have to go, see ya!”

“Hi AJ!” Alyssa said as she took over the phone from Michelle “AJ, you hit on every girl!”

“Hey, I’m gonna give you Morgan now, I want to see the videoshooting. Later!”

“Hey Boner!.. that’s none of your business, I want to talk to Nick, is he around?!”

“Hello cutie!.. well why don’t you come over and look for yourself what I’m wearing!.. yeah, I know. Hey I’m gonna have to hang up now, we’re all going down to see the taping.... My parts are last.... what’s going on?... are you hiding something from me?... you are right?!.... whatever, I’m hanging up now! Yea, bye!”

“You coming Candy?” Becky asked her

“Yea, wait up!” she said as she ran after the group.

~~~4 hours later~~~

“OK people! That’s it for Michelle’s parts! Have a nice lunch!!”

“Whoa, Mimi! That was awesome!” Becky said smilingly

“Yea, but tiring too!”

“My parts are after lunch! Ooh, I’m so excited!”

“Relax Beck”

“I can’t! I’m too excited!” Becky bounced off.

“That was a great job you did there Michelle!” Nigel complimented her.

“Thanks Nigel!”

~~~Another couple of hours later~~~

“Nigel, I don’t complain quickly, But I’m soooo TIRED!!” Becky objected when we wanted her to do something over again for the 30th time

“I know you are, lovely, but I want to have it done perfectly, you want that too right?!”

“I guess”

“You don’t guess, you know!”

“OK, OK”

“I want your parts AND Morgan’s done by the end of the day. You can whine what you want, but it’s only going to make this day longer and more tiring” Nigel said

“OK, I’ll do the part again” Becky sighed

“Great! Places everyone!”


“What are they doing now Ange?” AJ asked for the 3rd time that day, when they were in the van on their way to the place the video was being taped

“They’re almost at Morgan’s parts”

“They are?! Are we almost there?!” Nick asked



~~~15 minutes later~~~

“OK, Becky concentrate!! This is the last part!” Nigel shouted. They heard some noise coming from outside “SILENCE ON THE SET!!”

“AJ!!!!!!” Michelle shouted as she saw her sweetie. She ran past everyone and straight into his arms “Man, I missed you!”

“Hello darling, I missed you too!”

“Nickers!!!” Morgan ran down the stairs, having changed into her outfit.

“Hi baby!”

“What are you guys doing here?!” Becky asked as she kissed Howie

“Oh, let’s just say we missed you gal’s”

“They whined ALL DAY!” Angela rolled her eyes. “They were like little kids whining for an ice-cream!”

“Aww, poor Angela, you suffered, I can see that!” Summer laughed

“That’s all very nice you’re here, but I really want to end Becky’s part now” Nigel interfered

“Sorry Nigel!” Angela said

“It’s OK, as long as you’re quiet”

“We will!”

And they watched as the final things of Becky’s part were being shot.

“Thank you Becky! You were great, love!”

“Thanks!” Becky stepped out of her set and walked over to Howie

“God, I am sooo tired” she sighed

“Come here” Howie enveloped her in a hug “What do you say we find a couch or something to get some sleep? I could do with that too”

“Yes please! Let’s do so!”

“OK, hey guys, we’re going to get some sleep, call us when we’re leaving!”

“Yea sure! Later!”

“Sorry Morgy!”

“It’s OK hun, you just get some rest, you look exhausted”


“Alright! Morgan are you ready?!” Nigel asked

“Yea, I guess”


Morgan got into place and started to sing to her own lines of History , playing out her role as a 90’s girl dumping her boyfriend.

~~~Hours later, on their way back to the hotel~~~

Roy pulled up the highway with Angela in the seat next to him while the 10 young celebrities sat or lay back in their seats exhausted.

“That was cool” Summer smiled and blinked her eyes to stay awake.

“Why don’t you sleep a little till we’re at the hotel?” Kevin said when he saw her tiredness.


“Are you sure? You could do with some sleep, you look totally exhausted.. and pale”

“No, if I fall asleep now, and I have to get up again when we’re at the hotel, I won’t be able to sleep the rest of the night”

“OK” Kevin nodded and looked at her

“I’m fine sweetie” she said, before he even started about it again

“Yea” he said, not convinced


Alyssa stared out of the window at the stars and thought of the past few days.Why can’t I just forget about him? Why is he constantly tormenting my mind? God Lyss, just forget about him!

“Lyssie? Are you OK?” she heard Nick ask

“Yea, Nicky, I’m fine”.. ‘fine’ had become her standard answer, whenever someone asked her how she was doing, she would say ‘fine’.. even though she knew none of them actually believed her when she said that. But then again, hardly any of them took the time out to really sit down and talk to her, they were too busy being happy and didn’t want something, or in this case someone, to mess up their dreamworld. Only Nicky, and maybe Morge too, seemed persistent.

“Don’t give me that shitty answer Lyss, you know I don’t buy that crap”

“Nicky, please, I don’t want to talk about it”

“OK, ‘fine’..isn’t that what you always say?”

“I’m sorry Nicky” she whispered. Alyssa sighed “How long till we’re there?!” she hollered to Roy’s place in the driver’s seat.

“About 20 minutes Alyssa!” he said.

She turned around to stare out of the window again.


This.. reticence, this silence.. it’s driving me crazy! I want to sit next to her and put an arm around her, and say “Lyssie, I love you, I’m sorry” why can’t I just do that? I’m such a wuss!

“Hey people! What do you say we put on some music?” Angela asked.

“Sure Ange!” Kevin said back

Angela switched the radio on and searched for some good music.

“This next song is Water Runs Dry by Boyz 2 Men” The DJ said while the first tones of the song resounded through the van.

We don't even talk anymore And we don't even know what we argue about Don't even say I love you no more 'Cause saying how we feel is no longer allowed

Brian listened to the lyrics of the song, as he always did with music.. How ironic he thought as he heard the lines.

Some people will work things out And some just don't know how to change

Let's not wait till the water runs dry We might watch our whole lives pass us by Let's not wait till the water runs dry We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives Don't do it, baby

Alyssa looked up from her staring and listened to the song.

Now..Now they can see the tears in our eyes But we deny the pain that lies Deep in our hearts Well maybe that's a pain we can't hide 'Cause everybody knows that we're both torn apart Why do we hurt each other? Why do we push love away?

Brian glared at Alyssa boldly and wondered what was going on in her head. Nick nudged Morgan with his elbow, she looked up and he nodded with his head to Alyssa and Brian

Let's not wait till the water runs dry We might watch our whole lives pass us by Let's not wait till the water runs dry We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives Don't do it, baby

By now Alyssa looked right back at Brian and they were captured in an intense stare Morgan and Nick watched them both closely, but they didn’t even notice it

Some people will work things out And some just don't know how to change

Alyssa looked him in his blue eyes What is he trying to tell me here? It’s the same as when he sang Back To Your Heart a few days ago... what’s with the stare?

Let's not wait till the water runs dry We might watch our whole lives pass us by Let's not wait till the water runs dry We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives Don't do it, baby

Brian moved around in his seat and wondered if now was the right time to say something.

Please Brian! Say something! Come on, talk to me! Alyssa begged him in her own thoughts

He hesitantly opened his mouth and was about to speak...

“Man, what’s going on over there?!! Hey AJ! There’s been an accident there! Look at all the ambulances!” Michelle said excitedly

Brian and Alyssa startled when Michelle suddenly distracted them

“Oh who cares?!!” Morgan said angrily to Michelle, she looked at Nick and they both sighed, Bri and Lyss hadn’t been so close to communication since they broke up.. and then someone disturbed them!

“It could take weeks till something like that happens again” Nick whispered to Morgan

“Yea, or it doesn’t happen again at all!”


Michelle looked at AJ questioningly, he looked at her the same way and then they both looked over to Morgan.

“What’s up with you Morge?” AJ asked


“What’s bugging ya cous?!”

“Michelle, it’s nothing OK?!”

“OK, whatever you say sweetie” Michelle exchanged weird looks with AJ again.


Brian looked away from Alyssa shyly and didn’t dare look at her again.


Alyssa almost screamed of the agony she felt she was going through, she was SO close.. better said, HE was so close! He had already opened his mouth and then he was interrupted... she just couldn’t believe it.. how could they’ve been so close to communication, and then NOT get to it after all?!!... she was screaming, inside her head..

~~~20 minutes later~~~

They all went their separate ways, Summer and Kevin left for their room, Howie carried a sleeping Becky into their room, Brian quickly walked to his own room as he couldn’t stand to be around Alyssa another second, or he’d go crazy. AJ and Michelle disappeared around the corner and their horny giggles echoed through the empty corridor

“AJ!.. stop it!” they heard Michelle cry out.



“Doesn’t have to be gross, but it’s gross when I hear and or see my friends making out”

“Yea, wanna chill in the main room before we go to sleep?”

“Sure, hey Lyss, are ya coming too?”

“No, I don’t think so”

“Ah, c’mon! You need some company to cheer you up! And we’re perfect company!”

“Don’t take this the wrong way Morgy, but I think your company will only make me more depressed” Alyssa smiled faintly as she looked down to the floor.

“I understand.. I still don’t like you being alone all the time though!”

“I know”

“OK, well, good night Lyssie, take care” Morgan hugged her and patted her on the back as a sign of friendship and understanding.

“Later Lyssie!” Nick hugged her tightly and lifted her up from the ground

“Hahaha, you’re so weird Nicky!”

“No I’m not! I just looove to hug you girls.. A LOT!” he smiled mischievously

“OK, better put me down before I make Morgan jealous!”

Alyssa walked to her own room and waved the happy couple ‘good-night’.

“Bye Lyss!!” they said as they opened the door to the main room and stepped in.

“Damn, I can’t believe how close they were.. and then Michelle had to disturb of course!!” Morgan said as soon as Nick had closed the door.

“Don’t let it get to you sweet, it’s not our problem.. I mean, it’s OK for us to be friends to both Lyss and Bri and help them, but we’re not the ones with a problem, they are, they have to solve it themselves”

Morgan looked at Nick enamored. He’s so smart

“What? What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“With that weird grin and those mushy eyes”

“That’s because I just realized, again, how much I love you”

“Really?” Nick enveloped his arms around her “Is that so?”

“Yes Mr. Carter, that is so!” she laughed

“Oh my! Are we in a giggly mood?”

“Yes, we are!”

Nick gave her soft kisses in the neck

“Nick! You know I can’t stand that! Aah! Stop it!.. I can’t stand kisses in my neck, it tickles!”

“I know” he said mischievously.


Brian rested his head against the closed door, the key-card still in his hand. He sighed and swallowed to hold back some tears. Why was it so hard to be around her? Why did it seem to eat away all his energy and tear his heart apart? He just didn’t get why Alyssa meant so much to him, it wasn’t like they had been a couple for years, just a few days... and they ruled his life.

~~~Next Evening~~~

“AND THAT’S A WRAP PEOPLE!!” Nigel shouted all over the set.

Everybody cheered, clapped and some even whistled.

“Girls, thank you for choosing me as your director again, it was nice working with you, and you’ll see the results of your hard work in a few weeks tops!”

“Thank you Nigel!” they hugged him and left for their dressing room, on their way to the hotel to freshen up before the show of that night.

Chapter 15