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Chapter 17(written by: ~AJ~ and Sam <3)

“Well hello Brian...” Sally smiled at him.

Brian looked back with an expressionless face.

Sally kept on smiling “What’s a matter sweetie? Don’t you remember me?”

Brian stared at her boldly “What are you doing here?” he said calmly

Sally pulled a sad, helpless face and looked back at Brian “I miss you”

“I don’t, I have to go now” he turned around and walked to the bus

“Brian!,” he heard Sally cry out his name and break down in sobs “Please talk to me!”

No, I am NOT going to talk to her... no Brian, she’s no good for you.. she’s bad news, the boys were right.. besides.. Alyssa.. I’m going to talk to Alyssa, she’s the only one I love.

“I didn’t want to come here, but I have no place else to go!”

Brian reached closer to the bus now

“Please Brian! I’m homeless, unemployed.. I used my last dollars to come here!” Sally’s footsteps followed him to the bus “I didn’t know where else to go.. you were always so sweet to me, you never turned me down,” Sally cried “I didn’t see that when we were together, but now I know you are the best thing that ever happened to me”

Brian stopped and sighed.

“Brian..” Sally said in a calmer, sultry voice as she stood in front of him “C’mon baby, can’t we give it another try? I never stopped loving you, you know.”

“I don’t see why we should give it another try.. we had a miserable relationship, you were an exploiter.. you used me and the guys, you caused fights between everyone..” Brian looked at her angrily

“Wanna know why I feel like we should give it another try?” her eyes were full of lust as she took his head in her hands and kissed him

What am I doing?! Brian thought as he let Sally kiss him This is all wrong.. the guys are gonna freak out! And Lyssie.... Alyssa.. what am I doing to her?!

Sally pulled him closer and let her hands travel down his back under his shirt, she softly pinched him with her long nails and slightly moaned as she kissed him again

Nooo!! This is all wrong!! Stop! Brian!! Get a hold on yourself man!.. Oooh, this feels good though he trembled under Sally’s touch Maybe she really is sorry.. I can’t just leave her alone.. she has no place to go, she’s homeless.. Brian pulled free out of her kiss “Are you serious about the things you said?”

Sally nodded with goo-goo eyes like a small girl or puppy

“Alright.. I’m giving you a chance to prove you are serious.. you’re coming along.. on probation though!”

“REALLY?!?! OH BRIAN YOU’RE SO SWEET!!” she nearly choked him in her hug and after that a passionate kiss “Thank you baby, you won’t be sorry” she smiled

I hope I won’t be sorry... she’s just coming along because she’s homeless and unemployed, the second she finds a job or place to stay she’s out of here... what about Alyssa?


Morgan and Nick looked at each other desperately. Nick turned around and stared out of the window again.

AJ sat down next to Michelle like a defeated soldier and closed his eyes. Michelle pulled him in for a hug and she and Morgan exchanged looks “Why is this happening God? Why are you being so harsh on Alyssa?” AJ mumbled in tears almost.

Nick’s anger became cruelly cold and his eyes got a darker shade of blue.

Morgan carefully touched his back and caressed it “It’ll be OK Nickers” she whispered

“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!?! ARE YOU LIKE TOTALLY STUPID?!!!” he shouted at her angrily

Morgan looked at him “There’s no need to yell at me, I can’t help it, Alyssa’s life sucks! Neither can you! You even said to me that we shouldn’t make THEIR problem OURS!”

Nick glared at his shoes “Sorry, I’m sorry, you’re right baby”

“I’m gonna check on Lyss” AJ was about to get up

“No, just give her some time on her own” Michelle pulled him back

AJ looked at her skeptically

“I’m telling you, she doesn’t want to see anyone now”

“Michelle’s right AJ, remember we know Lyss about 10 years longer than you do” Morgan said to him

“Oh puke! They’re coming our way!” Michelle interfered as she looked over Morgan’s shoulder outside

Morgan turned around and saw Brian and Sally boarding the bus. “Nickers, control yourself OK? For me?” she quickly turned to him

Nick enveloped her in a tight hug and sighed “I’ll try”

“Ahem” Brian coughed carefully, Sally behind him “Michelle? Can you go get the others? There’s something I have to tell” Brian asked

Michelle got up, shot him an angry look and walked to the ER


“What is it?” Becky asked cheerfully as she walked to the front of the bus. Then she saw the solemn, angry faces and her smile disappeared. She looked at Morgan questioningly.

“Brian has something he wants to tell us” Morgan said

Kevin, Howie, Summer and Becky looked at Brian. Then Howie noticed someone behind Brian’s back. He kicked Kevin softly. And Kevin immediately saw it was her.

Brian stepped aside to reveal Sally “Girls, this is Sally, she’s my ex-girlfriend, guys you remember Sally. Sally is going to tour along with us..”

“WHAT?!!!?” Nick shouted. Morgan tugged his shirt warningly. He looked at Brian in total anger. Then he turned around and ran off. They could hear a loud bang of a door.

“Well, seems like he didn’t take it too well!” Sally grinned

“Hi, I’m Morgan,” Morgan quickly shook Sally’s hand “Bye” and gone was Morgan, after her boyfriend

“Hi, I’m Becky” Becky said, still in shock. She looked at Brian astonished and sat down

“Summer Cooper” Summer shook her hand and forged a smile

Now Summer, Becky, Brian and Sally all looked at Michelle expectantly

“Michelle” she muttered with her arms crossed

“Well hello girls, I’m Sally”

“Guys?” Brian asked looking at the 3 of them

“I’m NOT going to welcome HER back” AJ said angrily

“That’s alright AJ, these things take time, I understand”

AJ looked at Sally in disgust and got up, “I’m feeling sick, I think I need to throw up” he snapped her way and walked off.

“I better go check on my guy” Michelle excused herself

Kevin and Howie exchanged looks and both mumbled something of an excuse to leave.

Summer looked at Becky and then at Sally “So, what did you think of the show?”


Alyssa sat down on her bed and held her knees in her hands, her hand resting against them. This couldn’t be happening, not today Oh God, please tell me it isn’t true, please let this be a bad dream, please let me wake up now! She felt tears burn behind her eyes but she pushed them back as hard as she could, last thing she wanted was to cry now. She sat there and prayed, hoping it would all go away.


Nick banged the ER door close as loud as he could. He felt an incredible urge to smash something against a wall, preferably Sally. AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! NO NO NO NO!!! This isn’t true!! This CAN’T be true!!! He calmed himself down as he thought of Lyssie, and of Morgan’s words “Nickers, control yourself OK? For me?” OK, WHAT am I going to do now?! “Lyssie” he said out loud and walked to the girls’ bedroom I don’t care what Morgan and Michelle say, I want to talk to Lyssie he softly knocked on the door and opened it.

“Lyssie?” he said and tried to identify her in the darkness

“Leave me alone Nicky” Alyssa’s teary voice answered

Nick eyes adjusted to the darkness and he saw her shadow through the lace-curtain that surrounded her bunk “Lyss” he walked over to her and sat down on her bunk

“Leave me alone” she said again

He caressed the arms of Alyssa who were wrapped tight around her legs.

“She’s.. she’s here right?”

Nick nodded, but realized she couldn’t see that as she had her head leaning against her knees “Yes, she’s here.. Brian said she’s coming along on tour”

Alyssa suppressed a sob “Leave, please Nicky, just leave me alone”

Nick sighed, but saw she meant it “I’ll be in the guys’ room if you need me” he pressed a little peck on her hand and left


Morgan walked in the guys’ room:.. empty.. to the ER:.. empty.... kitchen:... empty... bathroom:.. empty Damn Nick, where are you?! Just as she realized where he was, the girls’ bedroom door opened and Nick stepped out sadly.

“Baby?” Morgan rushed over to him and grabbed his hands in hers. “Are you OK?”

Nick looked up at her “Yes sweetie, I’m fine, but Lyssie-“

“Lyssie isn’t fine” Morgan finished his sentence

Nick nodded and sighed

“Come here” Morgan hugged him “She asked you to leave?”

“Yes” he answered

“Let’s sit down somewhere”



Michelle followed AJ into the kitchen and watched as he opened the small fridge and started eating a tuna fish sandwich. They looked at each other and kept silent. AJ finished the sandwich and drank some water. He walked over to Michelle and kissed her passionately and violently almost, grabbing her tightly

Michelle broke free, a startled look on her face, but not for long, then her cheekiness took over again. “You OK baby?” she whispered in his ear, pressing a soft kiss on his earlobe

“Yea, sorta”


“FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!” Kevin shouted when they were out of eyesight of the rest

“Yea man” Howie nodded


“Hey I get the concept man” Howie said

Kevin sighed deeply and closed his eyes, releasing all the anger in silence

“What has gotten into Brian?!” Howie wondered out loud “Why is he taking Sally along again?.. I mean, he knows what happened last time! one would say he’s smarter than to buy whatever crap she’s telling him now!”

“Howard, he’s just being a STUPID ASS!!” Kevin shouted

“OK, OK, you said it. Don’t call me Howard though!”

“I’m gonna kick Brian! I swear! That boy deserves a good beating!”

“Uhh, Kev, don’t talk so old-fashioned, it scares me”

“I demand an explanation! I demand to know what’s going on!”

“KEVIN!! Hello?! Earth calling Kevin, come in Kevin!,” Howie said frightened almost “Relax man! You don’t sound like you anymore!”

Kevin sighed and thought “I’m not going to tolerate this either, who the HELL does he think he is?!!” Kevin swung the door open and stormed back to the front of the bus.


“Oh I liked it very much! The guys were great! And the show really has improved muffin!” Sally gurgled as she kissed Brian’s cheek

“Muffin?” Summer mouthed at Becky

“And you girls were good too! very talented! But, I thought there were 5 of you? I only met 4. There was another girl, didn’t she have long black hair?”

“Uhm, yea, Alyssa is.. she’s not.. not feeling too well I guess” Becky stammered

“Oh, what’s wrong with her?”

Becky looked at Summer for help

“She got some bad news” Summer looked straight at Brian

“Oh.. that’s.. too bad, I feel sorry for her” Sally said in a phony voice

Suddenly they heard running footsteps

“I want to talk to you NOW!!” Kevin shouted at Brian

Brian nodded and walked after Kevin.

“I wonder why Kevin is so mad” Sally said to no one

Becky and Summer glanced at each other and nearly cracked up in laughing, this girl was WAY stupid


“Kevin what’s wrong?!”

“DON’T you DARE even ask me that question! you know very well what’s wrong!!”

“Please Kev, lemme explain”

“You better explain!!”

“Look, only reason I promised to take care of Sally, is because she is homeless and unemployed, she had nowhere else to go”

“Yea right!! And you buy that crap?!”

“Yes, I happen to believe in the good side of everyone”

“Listen to me Brian. I bet Sally has a good side, but she never showed it before, she used you, she used us, she caused fights, she was a downright BITCH!”

“She’s sorry!”


Silence fell

“We’re going to give it another try” Brian said eventually

“And Alyssa?!?”

Brian looked away

“I thought you cared about her!?”

“We broke up, we’re past tense”

“Yea right, you keep on lying to yourself,” Kevin made a start to leave “You don’t have my approval nor the one of any of the guys, you broke your promise” he turned around surly and left


“Summer?!” Kevin shouted over to the front

“Yes baby?”

“I’m going to hit the sack”

“Wait! Kiss goodnight!!” Summer said before he could walk away. She walked to him quickly and dragged him around the corner. “G’night Boo” she kissed him

“G’night Maddy”

“Don’t you be worried OK? You worry too much, about me, the guys, the girls, the fans, the press, your family, and now about this whole Sally-thing,” she sighed and looked up at him “Don’t stress yourself”

“OK Sunshine” he hugged her

“Sleep tight Pumpkin!”

“Yea you too, you’re going to bed too right?!”

“Yes ‘daddy’!” she rolled with her eyes.


Nick and Morgan still sat on his bunk, just talking about random things, holding each other’s hands in the meanwhile

“Oh, hey you guys” Kevin said as he walked in

“Hey Kev” they greeted him back

“Well, I’ll go now, I guess it’s about time to get to bed” Morgan got up from Nick’s bunk

“Yea, good night baby” Nick stood on his knees and kissed her

“Bye Kev” Morgan gave him a peck on his cheek

“Bye Morgy”


“Well uhm, I better go to sleep then too” Howie said

“Yea me too,” Becky got up “Good night Sally”

The two left Sally alone. But not for long, cause Brian walked up to her

“There’s an extra bunk up here” he pointed at a small bed placed just between the seats, the ‘corridor’ and the ER

“Can’t I sleep with you?”

Brian blushed “Sally, there is an extra bunk in our room, but I don’t think-“

“Yea, I know.. I kinda noticed the guys being shocked”

Brian nodded “I’ll see you in the morning”


“I believe they’re all getting ready for bed” AJ said

“We are too, in a way” she kissed him again.

“Oohh” AJ moaned

“But, I guess we should get some sleep too!” Michelle jumped off his lap

“Ah no, wait babe!” AJ begged

“G’night baby” Michelle smiled her mischievous smile and kissed him

After they got up and both left for their separate rooms


Alyssa let one single tear roll down her cheek, wiped it away and started undressing

“Hey” Summer said friendly as she walked in


“Listen Lyss, if you-“

“Need any help, want to talk to someone, I’ll be there,” Alyssa finished Summer’s sentence “Thanks Summy, but I’m fine”

“OK, just checking”

“Hello” Morgan walked in

“Hi-ya Morge” Summer smiled at her and turned around at her bunk

Morgan stroke Alyssa’s back as a friendly gesture and hugged her

“Thanks Morgy” Alyssa whispered

Both Becky and Michelle came in at the same time

They got ready and Michelle reached for the light switch

“Good night everyone!” Michelle called and switched the light off

“Yea, nighty-night girls!” Becky said.

~~~An hour later~~~

Alyssa turned around in her bunkbed and sighed. Cold chills went down her spine, even though it was warm in the bedroom. Why? Why? Why? Why?!?! She asked herself over and over again I was wrong, Nicky was wrong... what would have happened if I had gone to Brian earlier? In the venue? He probably would have laughed at me “Stupid Alyssa, did you really think I’d care about you?!” She searched for her bottle of water next to her bed and drank some. She looked around and saw the others were all fast asleep.. she glanced down at her watch.. 1AM... that was later than she had thought. Time flies, even when you’re not having fun All of a sudden she felt like she had to get out.. she got up from her bunk and tiptoed out, afraid to wake any of the girls. Once outside she hurried her way into the nearest room she could find.. the ER. She dropped on the couch and buried her head in her lap, letting the tears run freely. She sobbed and hiccuped with it. Releasing all the pain she felt, for the very first time Brian... how will I ever get over you?! I can’t live without you, I don’t WANT to live without you! Why? Oh God, why?!


Sally heard a door close softly and then footsteps walking quickly, another door being opened. She thought she heard someone crying. She turned the sheets and got up from her bunkbed. Tiptoeing she went to the ER where the sound came from. The door stood open a bit, she peeked around the corner. Who’s that? She saw shaking shoulders and long hair covering the back of the person. It has to be one of the girls.. but which one? Maybe the one I haven’t met.. what was her name again?... Allison? Alina?.. Anissa? Alyssa, that’s it! Alyssa... oh yea, she’s the one who got bad news.. Sally watched Alyssa cry for a couple of minutes before she turned around and walked back to bed.


Alyssa swore she heard something, she turned around in an instant, but nothing was there.. She sighed and snorted. With the her pajama sleeve she dried her cheeks. She decided to stay in the ER, she probably wasn’t going to catch any sleep that night. With the remote she switched the TV on, sound mute, and put in a videotape.. it was Titanic.. Becky must have taken this along, she loves this movie Half awake she watched Titanic, thinking of Brian instead.

~~~5 hours later~~~

Brian turned around in his bed for what seemed to be the millionth time. His head was aching. He got up and walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror he saw the gray bags under his eyes, his hair stood in 10 different directions and the look in his eyes scared him. It was a sad, confused look, not his usual sparkle. Quickly he walked out again. He stood in the corridor indecisively, then decided to go to the ER.

He nearly gasped for breath and froze on the spot when he saw her asleep on the couch. Alyssa... he couldn’t resist and walked over to the couch. He kneeled down next to it and watched her, She’s so beautiful, what have I done? What am I doing? I don’t love Sally, I love her, I always did.. hesitatingly he caressed her face with his hand this feels so right, then why can’t it be right?! He bend closer and softly his lips touched hers. I love her scent... He inhaled her special scent deeply she smells like flowers and vanilla, like babies.. like spring

Alyssa stirred slightly “Brian” she whispered, her eyes still closed

Brian startled, how could she know it was him? Maybe she was just dreaming

“Not a word of this to anyone Nicky, understand?” Alyssa sighed and turned around

Brian sighed too, realizing she was talking in her sleep. He got up and walked out.

~~~½ hour later~~~

Alyssa yawned and sat up straight. She rubbed her neck Must have slept on one side she stated when she felt pain in her neck. Slowly she got up and walked to the front

“Hi Roy”

“Good morning Alyssa, you’re up early”

“Yea. Are we going to stop anytime soon? I think we need some fresh food for breakfast”

“The next city is in 6 miles, didn’t Angela or Ross buy anything?”

“No, well I better put something on, then I’ll do some grocery shopping”

“Alright” Roy glanced at her “Are you OK Lyss?”

“Yea, just a bit tired” she put on a smiling face for Roy

Roy nodded

“See you in a few” Alyssa called as she made her way to the back

Alyssa’s hand was about to open the bedroom No, that will only wake them up, there’s probably some clothes lying around in the ER or someplace else in the bus. Opening the ER she saw Kevin sitting on the couch.. he seemed to be lost in thought. Alyssa coughed “G’morning”

Kevin turned around “Oh, hey Lyss”

“What’s up?”


“The look in your eyes tells me different” Alyssa kissed his cheek friendly

Kevin smiled faintly “How do you do it Alyssa?”

“Do what?”

“Stay so sweet and so calm, while your heart must be broken?”

Alyssa looked straight at him “Does it show?”

“What? That your heart is broken?.. Yes, it shows”

“Damn, and there I was thinking I’m the best actress!” Alyssa joked

“Come here” he patted on the spot next to him

“No, I need to get dressed”

“What for?”

“I’m gonna go do some shopping in the next city we stop in’,. we practically run out of supply”

“OK, I’ll go with you” Kevin got up

“Oh, Kev, do you have something I could wear? I don’t want to wake the girls up”

“I’ll see what I can find” he chuckled


Alyssa found a pair of jeans of Becky laying around great, we practically have the same size she put them on

“Here’s a sweater” Kevin threw a fleece Ralph Lauren sweater to her

“Thanks Kev” she took her pajamas off and quickly put the sweater on instead

Kevin couldn’t help but glare at Alyssa’s naked back and arms as she changed into his sweater.

“You have a girlfriend, shame on you!” Alyssa laughed with her back still turned towards him

“Sorry” he mumbled and covered his eyes “How did you know I was watching you?”

“I felt a pair of eyes burning on my back” she smiled “It’s OK Kev, just as long as you don’t forget about Summer”

Kevin smiled back at her “Are you ready?”


~~~45 minutes later~~~

“Hey you guys!” Morgan greeted Kevin and Alyssa as they walked into the ER.


“We did some shopping, ya know, get some fresh food” Alyssa said

“Yea, Roy told us”

“Well if you’re hungry, there’s new supplies”

“OK sweetie” Morgan smiled

“Hey Lyssie!” Nick said indignantly

“Yea Nicky?”

“Come here! I haven’t even hugged you today!”

“Aaw, me sowwy Nicky!” Alyssa immediately pulled him in for a big hug

“Now that’s more like it!” Nick smiled

“OK you two, that’s enough!,” Kevin warned “You have a girlfriend of your own young man”

Nick, Alyssa and Morgan looked at him startled

Kevin cracked up in laughing “Ha! You should’ve seen the look on your face!”

“KEVIN!!!,” Morgan ran to him and pressed herself close to him “I haven’t HUGGED you today!!”

“Ohh Morgan!” Kevin let out a fake moan and grabbed her ass

“No Kevin! You have a girlfriend!”

The two acted out a little scene and cracked up

“Whatever, they are weird” Nick said to Alyssa.

“My are we in a huggy-mood today?!” Michelle walked in frowning

“Michelle! Join us!” Kevin called

“No way! You’re insane people!”

“OK, that’s enough, I’m starting to think you have a crush on him” Nick grabbed Morgan in the waist and pulled her out of Kevin’s grip

“NICKERS!!” Morgan called and turned around to hug Nick

“Now that’s much, much better” he smiled and enveloped his girlfriend in a hug

“Did you people eat something poisoned or something?!” Michelle asked

Morgan and Nick nodded.

“Love potion number 9” Lyss laughed

“Is it crazy that I want to hold you forever?” Morgan asked Nick

Nick looked at her with serious eyes “Well if it is I am the craziest person in the world”

Michelle, Kevin and Alyssa exchanged looks.

“Still think their relationship won’t stand Michelle?” Alyssa asked her

“I changed my mind with the teddybear-thing” Michelle smiled

Morgan and Nick smiled at her too

“I love you girls! All of you!” Nick said

Morgan tugged his shirt

“But I love you the most!”

“Yay!!” Morgan chuckled and kissed him “Nutcase Nickers”

“Maniac Morgy” he kissed her again

“Wassup, wassup?!?” AJ called as he walked in. “Ah no, please tell me you two AREN’T saying how much you love each other again?!,” he said as he saw Nick and Morgan “It’s really getting very mushy and we all got the concept by now!”

The happy couple shrugged

“You people REALLY don’t know how to keep it down, do you?!!” Summer walked in angrily

“Baby?” Kevin walked up to her

“No!,” Summer raised her hand to keep him away from her “Kevin, don’t play the concerned father again! I just feel like shit and my head feels like it’s going to explode! Just don’t make me more aggravated!” she sighed annoyed and sat down at the table.

Silence had struck the room and everyone in it looked at each other and then at Summer questioningly.

Kevin stood in the middle of the room indecisively. His face went from startled to angry. He marched out of the room.

“Sum?” Michelle asked cautiously

“Please, go on with your happy conversations, don’t pay attention to me, I’ll be fine in a few minutes”

“Summer, what’s wrong sweetie?” Alyssa walked over to her

“Nothing, I’m fine, I’ll be fine”

“Well you don’t look it dear”

“Neither do you Alyssa and I don’t bug you either! Just leave me alone!”

Alyssa stepped back shocked “Sorry”

Suddenly Summer’s shoulders started trembling and a sob came out.

“Oh honey,” Alyssa came closer and placed a hand on her shoulder “What’s wrong?”

Morgan let go of Nick and rushed out of the room. She stormed in the bedroom of the guys “Kevin” she took his arm and dragged him out

“Morgan?! What are you doing?!”

Morgan said nothing but Kevin already saw Summer crying

“Maddy, it’s OK, I’m here”

Alyssa backed off when Kevin came in and took over from her

“I... can’t.. take... it... anymore, I.. just.. can’t” Summer said between sobs

“I know baby, I know..” Kevin held her close in his strong arms and caressed her hair and back “Shh, it’s OK”

“I feel... like.. I’m... carrying... the world.. on my.. shoulders”

“And you’re telling me to not be worried and don’t stress myself” a slight chuckle escaped from Kevin’s mouth.

“What’s going on?” Howie asked Nick when he walked in

“Summer sorta collapsed”

Morgan looked at her friend worriedly

“Happens to all of us once in a while Morgy” Howie tried consoling her

“But it’s so.. not like Summer to.. cry openly and show her feelings!”

“Touring does crazy things with people” Howie said

“Yea.. I noticed”

Summer controlled herself again and let out a last sob “Sorry bout that little nervous breakdown” she mumbled

“It’s OK” Kevin kissed her tears away

“I’m such a weak fool”

“Don’t say that, that’s SO far from the truth”

“My head aches..,” Summer looked up at the people in the room “Candy, do you have those heavy painkillers of yours with you?”

Morgan nodded “I’ll go get them”

“What’s all the fuss about?” Becky walked in drowsily

“Beck! You missed all the action!,” Michelle said “First Kev, Morgy, Nick and Lyss were in some sort of love-orgy. And then Summer had a nervous breakdown!”

“Really?” Becky walked over to Summer and pushed Kevin aside a bit “Are you OK sweetie?”

“Yea Beck, I am now”

“Here” Morgan handed Summer a glass of water and one of her painkillers

“Thanks,” Summer looked at Morgan’s amazed face “You must all think I’m crazy” she chuckled

“I thought you were crazy already the first time I saw you on the playground, when you played house with Johnny Whyte.. that dorky kid” Morgan smiled

“You just thought he was dorky because he ‘secretly’ had a crush on you” Summer said back

“Hahha, I remember him.. he gave you wilted daisies!” Alyssa laughed

“He stalked me! He was way creepy! Like he glared at me and sneaked up on me!”

“He was not, he was just a shy, dorky boy with a weird family” Summer said

“Why did you even play with him?” Michelle asked Summer

“I felt sorry for him!.. Morgan like ‘kissed’ this other guy right in front of him!”

They all laughed “Aaw, that’s cruel Morgan!” AJ said

“Yea, it was pretty heartless” Morgan chuckled

“Good morning” Brian walked in.

Everybody kept quiet and looked from Lyss to Brian and back

“Well now everybody’s up, I think I’m gonna change into my own clothes” Alyssa walked out

Still they all had their eyes on Brian

“Dude, stop staring!” Brian laughed nervously

Nick turned his head away angrily Stupid asshole! Never thought my best friend could be the jerk he is now

“Hi Brian” Becky said

“Morning Becky”


“Yes Morgan?”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Are you happy? Are you happy with how things are going?”

Brian’s eyes grew big, not quite expecting this sort of question. He looked at Morgan

“Well, I think your reaction said it all” Morgan patted him on the shoulder and left for the kitchen to have breakfast.

~~~6 hours later~~~

They all were having lunch in the guys room in the venue of that night.

“So how were the first interviews today?”

“Boring, all the same questions!” Morgan complained

“Yea, I’m getting tired of the ‘whats-your-favorite-color’ question!,” Michelle said “It’s RED DAMMIT!!! DON’T YOU KNOW BY NOW?!!!”

They laughed

“So are you feeling better Alyssa?” Sally suddenly asked.

Alyssa went pale as a sheet, so someone really did watch her!

“What do you mean Sally!? Summer was the one who freaked!” AJ snapped at her

“Yea, I’m doing fine” Alyssa smiled faintly

“But I’m sure that was you crying in the ER last night.” Sally said confused “Are you OK? The girls told me you got some bad news”

“Excuse me” Alyssa got up and ran off as fast as she could.

Brian looked at Alyssa as she ran off… why was she crying? Was she crying about me?... no Brian, of course not.. she hates your guts, just like everyone else


Alyssa continued to run, why she wasn’t sure but she just didn’t want to be around them anymore. She made her way through the halls of the venue desperately, trying to find somewhere to go. Not really knowing where to go she walked out to the back of the arena. She opened the doors and found Damian standing on the other side. Not wanting him to see her tears she quickly wiped them away.

“Well hello Alyssa,” Damian said with a smile.

“Hey” she said pulling off a smile and turned to walk away not knowing where she was going.

“And where might we be off to Miss?”

“I need to go for a walk just out here in the fresh air,”

“Miss Alyssa I’m not supposed to let you or any of the others out and about by yourselves, especially since the fans will be arriving any time now before the show tonight, its not safe,” he paused and looked at her distracted face. “Would you like me to come with you?”

“Please Damian I need to be by myself right now,” she looked at him “I won’t be out too long I promise, if I see fans coming I’ll come back right away.”

Damian hesitated a bit but saw that she was obviously preoccupied with something. “Alright Alyssa I’m trusting you, just stay where I can see you a bit ok?” he answered with a smile.

“Thanks Damian!” she said and gave him a quick hug.

“Your welcome Alyssa,” he said as he took his position again by the door.

Alyssa walked away from Damian. It felt good to be outside, where the sun shined and there was fresh air. She walked around the parking lot and thought. I think I need to give up now, its no use anymore…I can’t keep crying over him it won’t help, he has Sally now and that’s what he wants. She found a patch of grass and a tree that was part of the landscaping of the arena. She sat down and sighed “What a great life I have,” she said to no one.


Everyone else sat quietly at the table finishing their lunch. They all had sour faces not wanting to look at each other, especially Brian or Sally.

“What’s her deal?” Sally said smartly.

Nick shot her a look but decided not to say anything.

“None of your business,” AJ said as he got up to throw his plate away.

“But I saw her last night she was crying like a baby,” Sally joked with a laugh..

“Hey don’t say that about Alyssa!” Michelle said “She’s the sweetest person, and you have no right to say things like that!” She went over to AJ “C’mon baby lets go, before I say something I regret.” AJ nodded and the two left the room.

Brian sat back in his seat watching the friction between the group and Sally got more tense by the minute.

“What are you talking about Sally, Lyss was in our room last night,” Becky replied.

“No I opened the door to the ER and there she was, she looked pretty pathetic to me,” Sally said rudely rolling her eyes.

Nick who had been trying to control his anger the whole time couldn’t take it anymore, “Who are you calling pathetic!!” Nick raised his voice. “You don’t know anything about Lyssie.” He said as he got up. “You know what’s pathetic? You!! coming back here just because you can’t do anything for yourself. Makes me sick”

Morgan got up and pulled Nick aside.” Calm down baby, don’t let her get to you” she said. “Yes she’s a bitch, yes she’s using Brian, yes I wanna smack her for the way she’s talking about Lyss, BUT you can’t do that Nick.”

Nick stared back at her, “I know, its just-” he let out a sigh. “Nevermind I’m not letting her get to me right now, I’m gonna find Lyss.” He said and gave her a kiss. “Lets go.” They both walked out of the room.

By now Kevin, Summer, Becky and Howie were upset too. They could barely stand the way Sally was. They watched while she gave Brian fake looks and told him things that disgusted them all.

“What’s wrong with him!” Kevin said. “Damn this is so frustrating.”

“Yea man I don’t understand it.” Howie said.

Summer and Becky exchanged looks. “She’s just using him!!!” Becky whispered to Summer. They watched as Sally dragged Brian out of the room.

“I know!” Summer said back, “She’s so dense, no feeling, I can see it in her eyes.” Becky nodded as they watched Sally disappear out the door with Brian in tow.


“AJ” Nick called as he and Morgan came through the dressing room doors of the girls room.

“Yea Nick?”

“Have you seen Lyssie?” he asked while Morgan made his way over to talk with Michelle.

“No man, we tried looking for her after we left, I’m worried about her, we couldn’t find her anywhere.” He said.

“I should go find her.” Nick said

“Yea man I’ll go with you, I wanna talk to her too.” AJ said as he walked over to Morgan and Michelle. “We’re gonna go look for Lyssie, you girls sit tight ok?!”

“Ok baby see ya!” Michelle called as they walked out of the room in search of Alyssa.

“I can’t believe her!” Morgan sighed. “She’s so rude!”

“I know, talking like she knows everything, what a bitch!” Michelle said. “What’s wrong with Brian? Maybe I should slap some sense into that boy!” they laughed. “And then go slap that bitch and that mouth of hers!”

“Something tells me you would do that,” Morgan said giggling.

“Uh huh, I mean I just don’t like her!” Michelle said “I don’t know what it is but when I hear her or see her all I can think of is FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!”

“I think so too, I mean do you seriously think that she just all of a sudden came back to Brian? She wants something from him” Morgan said.

“Yup, and I don’t like how STUPID Brian is acting. Doesn’t he even think of Alyssa?”


“Oh Brian this is a lot of fun, I’m so glad I’m here with you!” Sally said as she placed her arm around him.

Brian sighed and hesitantly put his arm around her. What am I doing? Everyone hates me, and Alyssa, god Alyssa…I should be with her. Brian looked at Sally, she leaned her head on his shoulder as they stood in the back area of the venue. But she’s in trouble and I need to help her, it’s the right thing.


AJ and Nick looked everywhere, but they couldn’t find Alyssa.

“Where could she be?” Nick said worriedly.

“I don’t know man, she shouldn’t be by herself.”

They walked around through the empty venue. Then they came across the back doors and saw Damian standing outside the door.

“Hey maybe Damian’s seen her”

“Yea lets go check.” Nick said as he and AJ walked towards the door.

“Hey Damian have you seen Alyssa?” AJ asked.

“Yea guys she came out here about 10 minutes ago. She walked that way.” He answered as he pointed in the direction that Alyssa was.

“Ok thanks man” AJ said as they walked away.

“Hurry back guys, fans will be arriving soon and I know you don’t want to be out here when they do!”

“Yea well hurry!” they called back.


Alyssa sighed as she sat under the tree. She got up and walked around the empty parking lot. So many things were in her head she couldn’t sort them all out. She decided to just forget about them for awhile so she blocked her mind of everything that was in there crowding her mind and confusing her. Just then she heard a friendly voice calling her name.


Alyssa turned around and saw AJ running up to her. When he reached her he lifted her up in a hug that made her feel a lot better.

“Hey AJ” she said as he put her down. “You’re in a good mood”

“That’s cause I finally found you missy!” he smiled, “Don’t disappear on us like that! We were looking all over for you!”

“We?” she asked him not seeing anyone else around. Just then Nick stepped up from behind AJ, he held something behind his back.

“Nicky!” she smiled.

“Hey Lyssie” Nick said shyly, “This is for you!” he said as he pulled from behind him a small white flower.

Alyssa’s eyes lit up and she smiled. “Aw! You’re too sweet to me Nicky, I don’t deserve this.” She said as she took the flower and put it in her hair.

“Don’t say that Lyssie, you deserve the best!” he said as he gave her a hug.

“Thanks Nicky,” she said.

“You ok Lyss?” AJ asked her as he put his arm around her.

“Uh huh”

“Don’t uh huh me, Lyss,” AJ said. “But I know you don’t like talking about it all the time. Its cool, just as long as you’ll come talk to me when you need to.”

“Thanks AJ.” She said as they started to walk back towards the venue.

“Oh yea and why is it that you can call Nick, Nicky?” he asked.


“Cause he always gets mad at us when we do that to him,” AJ said.

Nick and Alyssa looked at each other and smiled. “Oh well she’s special, that’s why,” Nick said. “We have this little thing, ya know just between us!” he said as he lifted her off the ground and proceeded to carry her towards the venue.

AJ grinned, “Oh I see how it is”

“Yup Nicky, you’re special too!” she said smiling. “You guys sure know how to make me feel better. I thank you for that…”

“No prob Lyss,” AJ said.

“Morgan and Michelle are very lucky to have you two!” she said. “You guys are so sweet”

“You deserve that too Lyssie,” Nick said.

Alyssa smiled and thought. “Hey Nicky put me down a for a sec,”

“Sure thing sweets.”

“I got a great idea! Hey Nicky where did you get my pretty flower?” she smiled.

“Over there by the door.” He said as he pointed to some bushes with a bunch of white flowers on it.

“Ok this is what you two are gonna do…” she pulled AJ and Nick close in a huddle and proceeded to tell them her idea.

“Lyssie that’s so great!”

“Yea they’re gonna love us for this,”

“Yea I know, I’m so full of ideas!” she joked. “Now get to it!” she said as she scooted them along to where the flowers were. They both picked a small bouquet and then ran off to find Alyssa at the payphone.

“…Yes that’s dinner for two for Mr. Carter…. Private dining room please…8 o’ clock…alright, thank you very much.” Alyssa said as she hung up the phone. “One down one to go.” She looked over at the two boys and their flowers. “Perfect!” she smiled. “Ok AJ where would Michelle want to go?” she thought to herself. “Got it! Perfect!” Alyssa said as she began to look in the phone book, found a number dialed it then proceeded. “Yes I would like to reserve dinner for two at 8 o’clock please in your private dining room…yes…for Mr. McLean…ok…thank you, bye.” Alyssa finished and hung up the phone. “Ok guys dinner for tomorrow is set!”

“You’re the best Lyssie!” Nick said.

“Ok, ok you’ve thanked me enough…let’s go get the girls.” Alyssa, Nick and AJ made their way back to the door of the venue.


Everyone was sitting in the girls’ dressing room. They chatted heatedly and mostly about Sally. Her and Brian haven’t been seen by anyone since lunch, and everyone gave their own piece of mind.

“I don’t know how long I can take her!” Michelle said.

“Me Neither!” Becky said as she sat at the small table with Howie.

“Brian is going crazy!” Morgan sighed. “Where is that boys head?”

“Nowhere normal that’s for sure!” Summer said. “Is he honestly happy? I mean doesn’t he question why Sally’s here?”



“Now you two wait here for a bit and let me go inside the room. Ill bring them out here and you do your thing like I said ok?” Alyssa said to AJ and Nick.

“Got it!” they smiled.

“You guys are so cute!” she smiled and kissed them both on their cheek.

They both blushed slightly. “Hey Lyssie this is your great idea, we would have never thought of it! Morgan is gonna love it!”

“Glad you think its so great Nicky, besides you gave me a flower first! That’s kinda where I thought of it!” she smiled. “Wait a couple of seconds ok…they’re gonna love this!” she quickly opened the doors and made her way to the girls dressing room.

“Mission accomplished man, I haven’t seen her smile that much in such a short amount of time!” AJ said as he stood outside with Nick.

“Yea, I still HATE Brian for what he’s doing. I mean look at Lyssie man, how can he do the things he does to her? It kills me to think of how much he hurts her,” Nick said.

“Damn Brian he’s just being an ass, his head is in some hole. Hey we gotta make this up to her, after what she’s gonna do in there for us!” AJ replied.

“Yea I hear you, its gotta be special for her…she deserves better than what she has now.” Nick said watching Alyssa through the window walk around the corner into the girls’ dressing room.


Brian stood down the hall in front of the door that lead to the back area he could perfectly see the entrance to the girls dressing room. He knew everyone was in there but he hesitated in bringing Sally in there after what happened during lunch. So he stood by the door with Sally by his side. What have I gotten myself into? He thought as he stood there. His mind wandered then he saw Alyssa walking down the hall. God…wow… he said to himself as he looked at her. She’s so beautiful…He watched Alyssa walk down the hallway, she was wearing a blue tank top, denim capri pants, and sandals. Her long hair flowed as she walked and her blond streaks blended in perfectly with her dark hair. He noticed the white flower in her hair that made her look even more exotic. Brian shuddered as he admired her, she seemed to walk in slow motion allowing him to take her in his eyes. Man, why is she so beautiful… was all he could think. He wanted to run to her right then and there and tell her what he wanted to tell her last night But…Its to late…its too late… His thoughts of her filled his head as she walked into the girls’ dressing room and out of his sight.


“Hey guys!” Alyssa said as she walked in. Everyone noticed that she looked a bit happy and they were all glad to see that.

“Well hello yourself!” Kevin greeted her.

“Where’ve ya been Lyss?” Becky asked.

“Oh I went for a walk,” she said smiling. “Then I got some great company,” she said as she walked towards Michelle and Morgan and sat on the couch. “Hey girlies!”

Morgan and Michelle smiled at each other. “Hey Lyssie,” Morgan said giving her a hug.

“Hey sweetie!” Michelle said with a hug.

“Hey Lyss where did you get that cute flower?” Morgan said as she pointed to the white flower in Alyssa’s hair.

“You like it?” she smiled mischievously.

“Uh huh it’s cute!” Morgan smiled.

“Well I’ve got something for you two, just come with me, no questions ok?” Alyssa said. Quickly she grabbed both their arms and dragged them out of the room. “See ya guys later!” she called back to Kevin, Howie, Summer and Becky.

“She’s in a good mood!” Summer smiled.

“Yea hope she keeps it up for awhile this time,” Howie said, “I like her better when she’s not moping around.”

“Yea don’t expect the moping to go away though,” Kevin said. “Sally’s still here…” he said with an exasperated face.


“Where are you taking us?” Michelle asked as Alyssa proceeded to bring them through the halls.

“You’ll see” she said entering the last hall leading towards the door to the outside. “Ok we’re here!”

“Where?” Morgan said a bit confused.

“Right where you two need to be,” she began. “I just wanna tell you now that you two are the luckiest girls, and I’m very happy for you.” Alyssa said smiling. “Oh and thanks for letting me borrow them sometimes, especially you Morgie!” Alyssa hugged them both. “I love you girls lots!”

Morgan and Michelle smiled. “Aw Lyss that’s so sweet of you to say.”

“Yea but now what’s this all about?” Morgan said.

“Wait here,” Alyssa said and she opened the door and peeped her head outside. She found Nick and AJ standing just out of sight and made sure they were ready. “Ok, now both of you come out here and see exactly why I said you are so lucky.”

Morgan and Michelle walked out through the door. They saw AJ and Nick with their backs facing them, they looked at each other and wondered what was happening.

“Ok boys do your thing,” Alyssa said as she stood back and smiled.

Nick and AJ turned around and both had a small bouquet of flowers in their hands. Morgan and Michelle gasped surprised and smiled. Nick made his way over to Morgan and AJ to Michelle. They both handed the bouquet to their girl and kissed them. Alyssa smiled at the two kissing couples.

“Ahem” Alyssa coughed. “Aren’t we forgetting something?”

“Oh yea!” AJ said.

“We have dinner reservations tomorrow night!” Nick said to Morgan.

“We do too, but not with them.” AJ smiled. “Just us.”

“Oh Nick you’re so sweet! I love you so much!” Morgan said as she gave him a hug.

“AJ!” Michelle said as she kissed him. “You’re the best!”

“You deserve it baby!” AJ said with a smile. He turned to Alyssa and mouthed a “thank you.”

Alyssa mouthed “you’re welcome.” Nick looked over at Alyssa and smiled. “Thanks Lyss.” He said.

“No problem guys!” she smiled. “Now I’m gonna leave you guys alone! See-ya!” Alyssa said as she walked back inside the arena leaving the two kissing couples alone.

~~After the concert~~

Everyone sat patiently in the boys dressing room waiting for Roy and the bus. They were all excited about having the day off tomorrow, since they all wanted to get away from Sally.

“So what are our plans tomorrow?” Kevin asked.

“Well I’m free during the day, but I got something goin’ on at night,” Nick smiled as he held Morgan close to him.

“Yea me too!” AJ added.

“And what’s that?” Howie asked.

“We’re both going to dinner, but not with each other, we have the reservations already at 8” Nick said. “Thanks to Lyssie.”

“She planned this for you guys?” Summer said. “What a sweetheart!”

“Yea Lyss is a sweetheart…” AJ said staring boldly at Brian who was preoccupied in the far area of the room with Sally.

“Asshole…” Kevin muttered as he glanced at Brian too.

“Where is that girl?” Becky asked. “She’s never around, especially when you wanna talk to her.”

“She said she was picking up stuff in our room before we leave.” Michelle said. “She must have wandered off again.”

“I’ll go get her,” Morgan said.

“Want me to go with you?” Nick asked.

“No baby you can stay here, I wanna talk to Alyssa myself.” She smiled and left the room.


Alyssa sat back in the empty chair of the arena watching the crew take down the stage. Morgan walked in through the doors and saw her looking at the stage. She quickly came up to her and sat in the chair next to her.

“Hey sweetie,” Morgan said gently.


“How long have you been in here?” Morgan asked.

“Like five minutes I think” Alyssa answered. “I figured its better to wait in here then where…Sally is.”

“Alyssa, don’t shut yourself away from us just because of her, please” Morgan began. “Everyone really wants to see you and they’re always worried when you’re not around. Like right now that’s why I’m here to get you.”

Alyssa smiled and Morgan put her arm around her.

“Lyss, thanks for planning that thing with for me and Nick, I can’t thank you enough.” Morgan said getting teary. “That was so sweet…”

“Aw Morgie don’t cry!” Alyssa said. “You deserve it, both you and Nick. I know he feels like he’s with me a lot, so I figured I’d thank both of you this way.”

“Lyss I know you and Nick are close, I’m glad he talks to you, you don’t have to keep feeling bad for talking to him. He cares bout you a lot…That’s why I love him, he has a big heart.”

“Ok Morgie, thanks for being you I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

“Me either Lyss!”

The two girls smiled and hugged, then made their way back to the room.


Morgan and Alyssa finally returned to the room. Where Alyssa was bombarded by everyone except Brian, and Sally.

“There you are!”

“Um hey guys” she said.

“Alyssa where are my dinner reservations?” Kevin said jokingly.

“You want one? I’ll go call…”

“No, no I was kidding. I just think its nice of you to make reservations for Nick and AJ.” Kevin answered.

Alyssa smiled. “Glad you think so!”

Randy popped his head in the room. “Roy is here everyone, lets go”

They all gathered their stuff and walked out the venue and to the bus.

~~Out on the bus~~

RING RING Michelle’s cellular went off.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Michelle its Angela.”

“Oh hey Ange, what’s up?”

“You guys have today until the weekend off, that’s 4 days. The next venue had some technical problems and told us that there would be no way to fix it until next week. So the next two shows are canceled.”

“WOW FOUR DAYS!!!” Michelle practically screamed getting everyone’s attention.

“Four days for what?” AJ asked.

“Four days off! The next two shows are canceled!”

“COOL!” they all got excited at the thought to a longer break.

“Michelle are you still there? MICHELLE!!!” Angela screamed into the phone.

“Yea Ange, I’m here” Michelle answered.

“Alright give your phone to Roy for a second I have to give him directions to the hotel.”

“Ok Ange see ya!”

“Bye dear”

With that Michelle took her phone up to Roy and Angela gave him directions to the nearest hotel. She quickly ran back to join the others.

“Yes! Four days off!” Nick said.

“I’m gonna enjoy this little vacation.”

“Uh huh” they all agreed.

They continued to talk for about an hour till they reached the hotel. They then found themselves in another dilemma.


“What AJ?” Alyssa asked him while everyone made their way to the front of the bus.

“What are our room arrangements?”

“Shit Angela doesn’t know that Sally’s here. She only booked 5 rooms.” Kevin said.

“Oh its ok guys I’ll just ask them for another room for me. So Kevin can be with Summer, Becky and Howie, Nick and Morgie, AJ and Michelle…and Sally and Brian,” Alyssa said trying to pull of a smile.

“Oh no you don’t Lyssie. I refuse to let you be in a room by yourself like when we were at Disneyland.” Morgan said. “I won’t let you be alone again.”

“I know!” Michelle exclaimed. “Me, Morgan and Alyssa will share a room, and AJ and Nick will share the other one so no need to book an extra room. Is that ok with you boys?” she asked Nick and AJ.

“Of course!” AJ said.

“Yea its cool” Nick said.

“Are you sure I don’t want to be the burden.” Alyssa said.

“Shut up Lyss you’re staying with us and that’s final!” Morgan smiled.

“Alright if you insist.”

“I do! Ok guys everything is settled. Lets go!”

Everyone stepped off the bus and into the hotel. Receiving their room keys they found their rooms and went to bed.

~~The Next Morning~~

“This is your wake- up call!” Brian groggily sat up from his bed and put down the phone. He muttered to himself and looked over to find Sally asleep in the other bed. Thank god there were two beds in here. He said to himself. He stared at the ceiling of the room. Everyone really hates me…I asked for it I guess… Brian got up and made his way to the bathroom. Just then he heard a knock on the door.



“There is breakfast in the private lobby down the hall.” Howie said.

“Ok man, thanks” Brian answered through the door not wanting to talk to Howie in person.

“No problem, later” Howie said as he walked down the hall with Becky.

“I still can’t believe the way he’s acting.” Becky whispered as she put her arm around Howie.

“I know honey, me either.”

They arrived in the private lobby where everyone else was. They all sat down for breakfast in various areas of the room. When Brian arrived with Sally he took her and sat her away from the others.

“Brian why do we always sit by ourselves.” Sally asked.

“I dunno…” he trailed not answering her question.


“Oh I’m so excited about tonight!” Michelle said.

“Me too!”

“Oh girls, we’ve got lots to do before you go anywhere!” Alyssa smiled mischievously. “I’m helping you two get ready, and you are gonna knock Nick and AJ off their feet!”

Morgan and Michelle sniggered. “Cool Lyss work your magic on me!” Morgan joked.

“Oh I will!” Alyssa smiled.

“Hello people!” Angela said as she walked through the doors of the private lobby room.

“Hey Ange!” Kevin greeted her.

“You all know what I’m gonna say so I’ll keep it short. You have four days off, have fun BUT don’t get into trouble, or you’ll highly regret it!” she smiled.

“Cool Ange!”

“Yea thanks!”

“Now did you all hear me?” she asked looking at all their faces. “Where’s Brian?”

AJ coughed. “Over there” he said as he pointed to Brian and Sally.

“Who’s that?” Angela asked.

“Brian’s…uh…friend,” Howie said.

“What’s she doing here?”

“You better go ask him for yourself.”

“Alright then I will.” Angela stalked of and headed straight for Brian.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend Brian?”

Brian’s face turned pale. “Oh yea sorry Angela, this is Sally, she’s in trouble and I’ve invited her to come along with us.” He said not able to face her.

Angela was about to say something but stopped. “Alright Brian, as long as the others agree.”

“Yes ma’am”

Angela walked away back towards the others.

“Are you all ok with this situation?” she asked openly glancing over at Alyssa.

“Uh NO, but Brian can do whatever STUPID things he wants.” Kevin said getting angry.

“As long as he keeps her to himself and away from us we can deal,” Morgan said.

“Ok then,” Angela said. “I’ll see you all in four days.” With that Angela left the room.

They soon returned to what they were discussing earlier.

“I wanna go for a swim” Summer stated.

“Good idea honey, I could use a dip in the pool.” Kevin said.

“I wanna go too! What do you say babe?” Becky asked

“Sure lets go too!” Howie said.

“See you guys later!” Kevin and Summer soon left for their rooms to get ready and Howie and Becky into theirs.

“Well what are we gonna do?” AJ asked.

“Oh well we have some things to take care of.” Alyssa said. “You two go chill and be ready tonight by 7. We’ll meet you in here. Got it?”

“Yea Lyssie we’ll just go play some basketball.” Nick answered.

“Ok you guys say goodbye to Morgan and Michelle cause you won’t see them till tonight!” Alyssa said.

“G’bye baby have fun!” Morgan said to Nick kissing him sweetly.

“I’m gonna miss you!” AJ said as he pulled Michelle close to him for a kiss.

“Don’t be silly its only a couple of hours” Michelle said kissing him passionately.

“Bye boys!” Morgan and Michelle called.

“Yea see ya guys!” Lyssie said.

“Not so fast missy!” AJ said grabbing Alyssa’s arm and giving her a big hug.

“Aw AJ you give the best hugs!” she said giving him a peck on the cheek.

“Hey what about me?” Nick said with a pout.

“Oh Nicky” she said hugging him. “You’re the sweetest of all!” she said brushing a peck on his cheek.

“Ok I feel better now!” he smiled.

“Bye now!” she said and left the room with Morgan and Michelle.

~~8 hours later~~

“Morgan stand still!” Alyssa said as she tied Morgan’s top up in the back.

“Ok, ok sorry!”

“These are the cutest outfits!” Michelle said. “That store we went to was so cool!”

“Yea!” Alyssa said. “I love the stuff we picked out!” she continued to lace the crisscross pattern of Morgan’s top. “Ok done!”

Morgan stood in front of the full size mirror and Michelle and Alyssa admired her. She had a dark green tank top that tied up in the back leaving her back almost bare with a long black skirt with slits on the sides reaching up to mid-thigh, showing a lot of leg.

“That looks so good Morgie!” Michelle said. “Your gonna give Nick a heart attack!”

“Thanks cous! But it’s not as daring as yours! AJ will definitely love it!”

“Haha, that’s why I picked it!” Michelle giggled.

“Ok Michelle! Go get dressed while I do Morgan’s hair and make-up,” Alyssa said.

“Ok, ok I’m goin! Michelle said as she walked into the bathroom to change.

“Ok come here Morgie and sit down,” Alyssa said as she gathered all of the make-up she was gonna use.

“Thanks for everything Lyssie!” Morgan said as she sat down.

“Yea stop already I know you thank me!” she smiled and continued to apply the make-up on Morgan.


Kevin, Summer, Becky and Howie sat in one of the rooms resting after a fun time at the pool.

“So what are we gonna do tonight?” Summer said resting her head on Kevin’s shoulder.

“Lets watch a movie or something? What do you say guys?” Howie suggested.

“Great idea baby!” Becky replied. “So what movie are we gonna watch?”

“Didn’t you bring some with you?” Kevin asked.

“Oh yea!” Becky remembered and quickly ran to her room and dug into one of her bags. She ran back and showed them what she had. “Lets see now,” she said sorting them all out. “Forrest Gump, Braveheart, or Titanic…”

“What should it be guys?” Summer said.

“Well since were gonna be here all night lets just start with one and see what happens” Kevin said.

“Ok!” Becky said. “Lets watch…Titanic!”

“I knew you were gonna pick that one!” Summer smiled.

“It’s my favorite!” she grinned and put it into the tape player. Then she joined Howie on the couch and the four sat back and enjoyed the movie.


“Nick!” AJ pleaded. “Hurry up man I need to use the bathroom too!”

The door opened and Nick stepped out. A cloud of cologne seemed to blow out of the bathroom as he opened the door. AJ coughed, “Gezze Nick did you use half the bottle or something?”

“Haha very funny,” he smiled. “Hurry up man its 6:30 already. I don’t want to keep Morgan waiting.”

“I’m going chill…” AJ said as he shut the bathroom door to get ready.


Brian sat in the private lobby with Sally. She was watching the TV in the room and he was thinking about someone. I wonder what she’s doing…he thought. Ah…I need to stop thinking about her…but I can’t! He wanted to scream but held it all inside him.


“Ok Morgie you’re all set!” Alyssa said. “Ok Michelle lets take look at you”

Michelle stood in front of the mirror. She wore a red tube top with sparkles all along the edges. Her knee length skirt was cut diagonally and started at the top of her thigh and ended at an angle on the opposite knee. She had heels on and a small anklet on her left leg.

“AJ is gonna freak!” Morgan laughed. “Michelle that outfit suits you very nicely!”

“I like it!” Michelle smiled. “Ok Lyssie, its my turn now!” she smiled as she sat in the chair. Alyssa began to apply her make up and fix her hair.

~~In the private lobby~~

“What’s taking so long!” Nick said as he fidgeted and paced around the room.

“Calm down Nicky…” AJ said.

“Hey DON’T CALL ME THAT!!” Nick replied. “You’re NOT Lyssie! Are You?!”

“Ok, Ok, sorry I just wanted to see your reaction…” AJ laughed.

Alyssa walked in the lobby. She saw Brian sitting in the corner of the room with Sally watching the TV. She sighed and stared a bit. Stop Lyss! She told herself. She turned her head and saw AJ laughing at Nick. “What’s so funny AJ?” she asked as she looked at Nick who was obviously annoyed. “Hey Nicky, what’s wrong?” she asked going over to him.

Nick’s smile appeared as he heard her. “Nothing anymore Lyssie, AJ was teasing me.”

“Aww poor baby.” She smiled. “What did you do AJ?”

“Nothing I just called him Nic-”

“DON’T SAY IT!” Nick yelled.

“See what I mean!” AJ Laughed. “Its so funny how mad he gets when someone other than you calls him…well you know”

Alyssa laughed. “Aww Nicky you’re such a sweetie!”

Nick just smiled back.

“Well you two are looking pretty hot tonight!” She said.

“Well thanks Lyss, we tried!” AJ said.

“I asked Roy to bring you to your restaurants. He said he would love to. He rented a nice car to take you in too.” She smiled at them. “He’ll pick you up at around 9:30 and take you to the local park, I heard there’s a small river and lake with bridges and boats…very romantic I was told.”

“Wow Lyss this is so cool of you” AJ smiled.

“Now its just missing one little thing and it will be perfect…” she opened the bag she was carrying and pulled out two red roses and handed them to Nick and AJ. “Here you go, now give this to them when they get here!”

“Lyss! You’re too much!” AJ said as he took the rose from his hand.

“I know,” she joked. “Ok I’ll be back in a bit, don’t go anywhere!”

“Lyssie wait!” Nick said as she almost walked out the door.

“Yea Nicky?”

He looked at her for a long time, then he turned and scowled at Brian. “Come here…”


Brian felt angry eyes on him. He turned his head slightly and saw Nick looking right at him. Nick’s eyes were full of anger and disappointment. Brian felt uncomfortable and looked away. He’s so mad at me…I hope he can forgive me someday… Brian glanced back over and realized that Alyssa was there. She walked up to Nick and he watched as Nick gave her a hug and whispered something in her ear that made her smile. Brian looked away and realized just how much Nick cared for her. If only she knew that I care about her too…even more than Nick does…


“Yea Nicky…what is it?” Alyssa said as she walked towards him.

“Lyssie…” he said as he pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so sorry…I hate him for what he does to you…” Nick whispered as he tried to control his anger.

Alyssa was surprised by the way he was acting. “Nicky don’t be sorry…Thanks for being my friend…”she said and smiled.

Nick kissed her cheek nodded.

“You ok now?” she asked.

“Yea Lyssie, I’ll be fine.”

“Ok I’ll be right back.” Alyssa walked out of the room to go get Michelle and Morgan.


Will I be OK?…Alyssa thought as she walked down the hall. She knocked softly on the door to her room and Morgan opened it.

“Hey Lyss!”

Alyssa blocked her mind off of Brian and smiled, “OK they’re ready, are you?”

“Uh huh…thanks to you!” Michelle said. “Thanks Lyss for everything!”

“You’re welcome, Lets go!”

Morgan and Michelle grabbed their coats and bags and shut the door to their room following Alyssa down the hall to the lobby.


AJ stared at Nick, he got quiet after Alyssa had left and just stood there holding the rose staring angrily at Brian.

“Nick you there?”

“I’m here” Nick answered.

AJ held the rose that Alyssa gave him for Michelle. He thought of everything that she did for them the past two days, the flowers at the venue, dinner reservations, arranging a ride, and now this last rose. He understood why Nick was so mad, because it made him mad too. Damn you Brian for breaking Alyssa’s heart…

“AJ we have to make this up to her,” Nick said firmly.

“I know, and we are. We have two days to do something, and we will.”


Nick and AJ turned to see Alyssa standing by the door.

“You ready?”

“Uh-huh” AJ and Nick nodded.

“Ok” Alyssa said as she stepped in the lobby. She stuck her head out of the door to Morgan and Michelle that were waiting on the other side.

“Ok you can come in now.” She smiled.

Alyssa stepped away from the door and stood against the wall to watch. Morgan and Michelle walked into the room slowly. Nick and AJ were stunned. Their mouths practically fell to the ground. Morgan and Michelle stood before them looking as beautiful as ever.

“Oh my god…” was all that AJ could mutter.

“Whats wrong baby…you don’t like?” Michelle said as she waked towards him.

AJ felt weak in the knees as she came closer and closer. “You look gorgeous…” he said as he eyed her up and down.

“Thanks baby, glad you’re happy. You look pretty good too!” she smiled.

“This is for you.” He said as she handed her the red rose.

“AJ where did you get this?”

AJ glanced over towards Alyssa she smiled shook her head and placed a finger on her lips. AJ understood her message. “I picked it up just for you” he smiled.

“AJ I love you so much!” Michelle said as she kissed him.

“Oh Morgan…” Nick breathed.

“Hey Nick.” She blushed.

“Baby girl you look so beautiful!” he said examining her.

“Well thank Lyssie, she helped us get ready.”

“Ok I will,” he smiled and handed her the red rose.

“Nick!” she gasped as she took the rose from his hand and hugged him.

“I love you baby…” Nick whispered in her ear.

“I love you too…always” she replied and kissed him.

Alyssa smiled. “I don’t want to spoil the moment but Roy is waiting downstairs.”

The two couples broke their kisses and gathered their coats.

“Thanks Lyss,” Michelle said as she hugged Alyssa.

“My pleasure guys,”

“See ya later Lyssie,” AJ said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. He took Michelle’s hand and led her downstairs.

“Thank you Lyss,” Morgan said.

“Have fun Morgie!” Alyssa answered.

“I’ll talk to you later Lyssie…” Nick smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Ok Nicky be a good boy” she smiled.

“I will, bye” He said as he made his way down following AJ.

Alyssa watched them leave. She was happy she made them happy but wished that she could be as happy as they were. She soon remembered while she stood in the room that she wasn’t alone. She glanced over to where Brian was. Brian turned and looked at her. They locked eyes for a second. In that second she felt a chill run through her, she turned her head then left the room.


Brian watched as Morgan, Nick, Michelle and AJ left the room leaving Alyssa standing there. He watched her like he always did. Now’s a perfect time to say something…but I can’t…he thought as he looked over at Sally. He turned his head again this time to look at Alyssa, then was surprised to lock eyes with her. Brian looked into her eyes and saw her pain, it broke his heart. He watched as she looked away and walked out of the room

~~At the Local Park~~

“Ok I’m gonna come back for you guys at 10:30” Roy said. “Just be here then ok! Have fun!” he said as he rolled up the window and drove away.

“That was a lovely restaurant, how did you know I love Italian food?” Michelle asked AJ as they cuddled.

“Thank Lyss she picked it out and made the reservations.” He answered. “This whole thing was her idea.”

“She’s so sweet.” Michelle sighed. “Brian is a Jerk!”

“I know baby, I know…” AJ said as he hugged her to keep her warm.

Nick and Morgan walked through the park hand in hand. They admired the scenery and soon walked up onto one of the bridges over the park’s river. They stood together enjoying each others company.

“I love you…” she sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Nick gazed at his angel. “I love you too baby…you’re the only one for me.”

Morgan’s eyes got teary. “I wanna be like this forever. You’re so sweet I love you so much.” Her eyes let her tears run down her cheek. Nick looked at her and smiled. He kissed her tears away. “I’m so lucky to have you”

“Don’t cry baby girl…” he smiled. “We’re happy and that’s the way it will always be.”

She tried to suppress her tears but they kept on flowing. “I loved tonight, I loved everything about it.”

“It’s all Alyssa angel, she planned it for us.”

“I know…” Morgan answered. “I hate him…I hate Brian…” she stuttered. “How can he do this to her…she deserves better…”

Nick sighed, “I know Morgie…don’t cry. Lyssie is trying to be strong…I want her to be happy like we are too.”

Morgan calmed down. “Nick I’m never gonna let you go, like Brian did to Alyssa… Were never gonna be like they are…they know they’re meant to be together and they still push each other away…”

Nick caressed her hair with his hand. He lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips. He looked straight into her eyes and said “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you.” They stood there for what seemed to be eternity and gazed at the stars in the sky.



Summer sighed a bit as she lay half-asleep her head in Kevin’s lap.

“Baby I’m taking you to bed.”

“ok” she muttered quietly.

“Night you two, see you tomorrow.” Kevin said as he slowly got up and carried Summer into their room.

“Later Kevin.” Howie called as the door closed. He glanced down and found Becky sound asleep. He gently kissed her forehead and carried her into their bed. He shut off the movie, turned off the lights, and went to bed.


“Brian, I’m tired lets go to bed…” she smiled and sat next to him.


Sally had a lustful look on her face. She wrapped her arms around Brian’s neck. She then laid her head on his shoulder. Her hands slid slowly down his chest, Brian began to get very uncomfortable. Her hand was on his side and came down to his thigh.

“Uh Sally I thought you were tired…” He said trying get her to stop.

“Actually I’m not very tired, yet…”she looked into his eyes.

“Oh…you’re not? Uh we can go to the room now…” he said stalling.

“No that’s ok darling, I think we could have a lot of fun in here…” she smiled seductively.

Oh god what is she doing! Brian panicked looking around for a way to get out. She was just about to kiss him when the lobby door opened and Alyssa walked in.

Thank god! Brian sighed as Sally slowly got off of him.

“Hey Alyssa,” Sally called across the room.

Alyssa startled and turned around. She didn’t notice that Sally was still in there with Brian. She watched as Sally walked towards her.

“Hi Sally” she answered.

“What are you doing?”

“Just getting my jacket, I left it in here this morning,” Alyssa said as she clutched the jacket in her hands. “Well goodnight, I’m off to bed.”

“Ok bye!” Sally said and bounced off to Brian.

Alyssa walked out of the room not wanting to look at him.


“Good night Roy!”

“Goodnight kids” he replied as he pulled away from the front of the hotel to park the car.

Morgan, Michelle, AJ and Nick walked into the hotel building and entered an elevator that would take them to their floor. When they reached the floor. They stepped out and Nick and AJ walked Morgan and Michelle to their room.

“Goodnight angel,” Nick said as he softly kissed Morgan.

“Night Nick” she whispered and hugged him.

“Later Baby…” AJ said and kissed Michelle.

“Leaving me so soon?” she looked into his eyes. “I thought we could have some fun tonight…” she whispered into his ear.

“Oh baby don’t tease me like that.”

“Haha…ok baby I won’t…See-ya tomorrow,” Michelle said and kissed him goodnight.

“Say hi to Lyssie for me,” Nick said.

“Yea me too!”

“Ok we will,” they said opening the door to their room.

“Lyss?” Michelle whispered. “You in here?”

“Hey girl” Alyssa said.

Morgan flipped the light switch on.

“So how was it?” Alyssa asked sitting up.

“It was so much fun, and romantic…I loved that park!” Morgan said plopping down on the bed. She sniffed and coughed.

“Oh are you ok Morgan?”

“Yea I dunno what it is…Probably just a little cough from being outside that’s all.”

“Oh yea Lyssie, AJ and Nick say ‘hi’” Michelle said as she stepped into the bathroom. She coughed too. “Oh man I think I’m getting the sniffles too!”

“Aw you guys I hope you don’t get sick!” Alyssa answered.

“Me either, but oh well its worth it, tonight was perfect!” Morgan sighed.

“Yea Lyss, Thanks for everything, again!” Michelle smiled as she began to take off her make-up.

“Yea girlies, I’m glad you had a good time.”

“So what did you do the whole time?”

“Uh- nothing really, I just got back from the lobby room.” Alyssa answered. “Sally talked to me…”

“WHAT!” Michelle said popping her head out of the bathroom. “What did that bitch say to you…oh I could sock that girl.”

“Well I went in to get my jacket and I didn’t notice her in there with …Brian, anyway she walked up to me and asked me what I was doing…I didn’t really want to talk to her so I said I was going to bed.”

“That girl is so FAKE!!” Morgan said.

Alyssa said nothing. “Ok girls I’m really tired so I’m gonna sleep… goodnight!” she got up and hugged Michelle and Morgan.

“Night Lyss,” Michelle said.

“Night sweetie,” Morgan said.

Alyssa got into her bed and fell asleep.

~~The Next Day~~


“Oh my head…” Morgan said as she groggily tried to sit-up.

“Stop the knocking!” Michelle yelled. “Its giving me a headache.” She coughed roughly as she lay in bed.


Alyssa stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. She could hear the knocking on the door repeatedly and wondered why no one was opening the door. She opened the door of the bathroom to find Morgan and Michelle still lying in bed.

“Oh girlies are you ok?”

“No…oh I feel sick…” Morgan grumbled.


“Lyssie open the door! It’s giving me a headache!!” Michelle complained.

“Oh you too Michelle?” Alyssa said.

“Yes I’m sick, NOW please open the door already,”

“Ok, Ok, I’m going!”

The towel covered Alyssa walked to their door and opened it, quickly.

“Hey AJ” she said casually.

AJ’s eyes widened. “Uh…hey Lyssie…” he grinned. “Nice towel.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes and smiled. “What’s up?”

“Is Michelle awake?”

“Uh you don’t want to come in here, she’s sick, and when she’s sick she’s irritable. Trust me I know!”

“Oh come on, I’ll be really quick.” AJ pleaded.

Alyssa glared at him. “Ok if you insist but I warned you!” she said as AJ stepped inside.

“Baby?” AJ said sitting on Michelle’s bed.

“Go away AJ!” Michelle said burying her head in her pillow.

“But baby, I can make you feel better.” He said placing his hand on her head.

Michelle tossed and turned. “Damnit AJ! I said GO AWAY!”

Morgan sighed in her bed. “Shut up you guys…My head hurts.”

Alyssa stood watching AJ’s face, trying not to laugh.

“Michelle?” AJ asked again.

“FUCK, I SAID LEAVE!!!!” she shoved him off the bed.

“Ok ok I’m going.” He said as he stood next to Alyssa.

“Haha I told you so” Alyssa smiled at AJ.


“Stop the knocking!!!!” Michelle yelled again.

Alyssa calmly walked to the door again and opened it revealing Nick on the other side.

Nick blinked his eyes. “Lyssie!” he covered his eyes. She giggled and remembered that she was standing covered only by a towel.

“Oh don’t be silly Nicky, you can’t see anything.” She said bringing his hand down from his eyes. She giggled.

Nick blushed. “Is Morgie in here.”

“Yea, but she’s sick. So is Michelle. But I think its ok for you to talk to her, she’s not as irritable as Michelle when she’s sick, but just a little bit. Michelle practically bit AJ’s head off!”

“Ok I’ll be careful.” Nick said entering the room and sitting down on Morgan’s bed.


“Nick” she muttered opening her eyes slowly.

“Hey baby, you sick?”

“Yea…” she said as she closed her eyes.

“You want any breakfast?”

“No baby its ok, I just wanna rest…”

“Ok I’ll check on you later.” He said kissing her forehead.

Morgan sighed, coughed and went back to sleep.

Nick got up and joined AJ and Alyssa.

“Well I guess we can’t do anything with them today, they can barely get up.” Nick said.

“Man Michelle gets so pissed when she’s sick.” AJ sighed

“I told you so, but would you listen? Noooo” Alyssa teased.

“Ok, ok so you wanna have breakfast with us Lyss?”

“Yea sure! Just let me get dressed.” She said as she pushed Nick and AJ out of the room.

“Ok meet you in the lobby.” Nick called as they walked out and Alyssa shut the door.


“Hey why don’t we take Lyss out today?” AJ said as they sat waiting in the lobby.

“Yea today is good since Morgan and Michelle are sick.”

“What are we gonna do?”

“I dunno, lets ask her if she wants to do anything.” Nick suggested.

“Yea ok”


Alyssa got dressed. She took out her new dress that she got when they went shopping for Morgan and Michelle’s outfit. It was simple but cute. A stretchy blue denim material with spaghetti straps patterned with pink flowers. It came down in a V-neck in the front, and the dress ended mid-thigh. She took out her sandals and slipped them on. Quickly she applied a brush of lip gloss and some blush. She dried her hair and examined it in the mirror. “Man my highlights are really fading!” she said as she brushed her hair. “Maybe I’ll go get it done today.” Once she was satisfied she made her way to the lobby.


“What are we going to do today?” Sally said as she clung to Brian’s arm.

“I dunno…” he said as they entered the lobby. Brian soon saw AJ and Nick standing in the room. He tried not to make eye contact but they already saw each other.

“Hi Nick!” Sally said. “Hi AJ!”

Nick and AJ turned their heads to find Sally walking in with Brian.

“Hi…” they both muttered and turned to sit at the table at the far end of the room.

Brian brought Sally to the other end of the room and sat down. He wanted to keep her as far away from Nick and AJ because he could see the annoyance in their faces.

As soon as he sat down his eyes caught Alyssa. His mouth dropped open and he tried not to gawk and stare but he couldn’t help it. Wow…she looks great! Brian eyed her up and down from where he was sitting. Her hair flowed down her back, her dress fit her perfectly showing off her figure. Her legs extended and seemed to go on forever. She’s so beautiful…


Nick and AJ looked up and saw Alyssa walk in. Their eyes widened.

“Hey Lyssie!” Nick got up and hugged her. “You look great!”

Alyssa blushed “Thanks Nicky.”

“Looking very hot I must say!” AJ said kissing her cheek.

“Thanks guys” she smiled going over to the table grabbing a bagel.

“So what are you doing today Lyssie?”

“Uhm…nothing really. Actually I was thinking of going to a salon. I need to get my hair done. My highlights are fading.” She answered.

AJ and Nick smiled at each other.

“Hey Lyssie I’ll go with you, I wanted to get my hair color changed” AJ said.

“Again?” she said. “You just did it last week!”

“I know, but you know me, can’t stand one look for too long!” He smiled.

“Yea I know. So you wanna come along?”

“Of course!” AJ said.

“Oh what about you Nicky?”

Nick smiled and thought. “Oh I’ll take care of our two sick girls. You go with AJ.”

“Ok guys. I’m gonna go get my bag and ask Roy to drive us.” Alyssa said finishing her bagel. “I’ll be back in 5 minutes.”

“Ok Lyssie, I’ll meet you in here.” AJ called after her.

“This is perfect!” Nick said. “You take her out now, while I take care of Morgan and Michelle. Then tonight I’ll take Lyssie out and you take care of the girls.”

“Yea man, we gotta make this great to make it up to her for last night!” AJ smiled.


“Becky?” Howie called to the closed bathroom door.

“Yea Howie-bee!” she giggled.

Howie smiled. “What you wanna do today?”

Becky walked out of the bathroom and placed a kiss on his lips. “Lets go to the mall. I’m itching for some new stuff.”

“Ok. I’ll go ask Roy to take us.”

“Thanks baby!” Becky hugged him.

“Anything for you!” Howie smiled.


“Hey guys!” Summer said to AJ and Nick as she walked into the Lobby with Kevin.

“Hey Sum,” Nick said.

“Where’s Morgan and Michelle?” Kevin asked while pouring himself some orange juice.

“They’re sick, and irritable especially Michelle, she got mad when I tried to talk to her,” AJ said.

“Haha I could have told you that,” Summer laughed. “Michelle is a pain when she’s sick. Morgan’s not that bad.”

“So how was last night?” Kevin said sitting down.

“Great man!” Nick exclaimed.

“Yea Alyssa picked the perfect restaurants, arranged a ride for us, brought us roses to give to the girls and sent us to a romantic park after dinner!” AJ beamed.

“Wow, that’s amazing. That girl has a big heart.” Kevin said. “What the hell is Brian doing pushing her away from him.”

“I don’t know,” Nick sighed. “He’s being a major ass.”

They all agreed and continued to talk of last night when Alyssa walked back in.

“Ok I’m ready!” She said walking back in. “Roy said he’d take us after he drops Howie and Becky off at the mall.”

“Great so lets get going!” AJ said getting up.

“See –ya later guys!” Alyssa said as she hugged Summer, Kevin and Nick.

“Buy Lyss,” Kevin said.

“See-ya sweetie.”

“Bye Lyssie!” Nick said lifting her off the ground. “I’m gonna miss you!”

“You’re silly Nicky.” She giggled.

“Bye guys.” AJ said taking Alyssa’s hand and they made their way downstairs.


“Ok Howie I’ll be back at 4. We’ll meet here ok.” Roy said.

“Yea Roy, thanks for the lift!” Howie answered.

“Be careful guys!” Alyssa called out the window.

“We will see-ya!” Becky said as she entered the mall with Howie.

“Where did you say you were going Miss Alyssa?” Roy asked as they pulled away from the mall.

“It’s a salon called Images. I called and made our appointment before we left. Its 3847 Rose Blvd.” She answered.

“Ok Miss.” Roy answered.

“Hey Lyss,” AJ began.

“Yea AJ what is it?”

“Thanks for last night.” AJ said. “I know I told you a million times but I really mean it. You’re the best.” He said giving her a hug.

“You’re welcome AJ.” She smiled.

“So how are you holding up?”

“Alright I guess.” She said.

“You know I’m on your side. Don’t let that bitch get to you, she’s just using Brian I know it.”

“If you’re so sure, I don’t understand why Brian doesn’t see it. Maybe he really wants to start things back up with her. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but now I guess I have to accept the fact that he doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.” Alyssa said sadly. “You know I was even planning on talking to him, the day Sally came…I was gonna tell him the way I really felt inside. I still want to but I know I can’t interfere in his life anymore.”

AJ watched Alyssa pour her heart out to him for the first time. Not wanting to push her into talking anymore he put his arm around her and let her lean against him for comfort till they reached the salon.

~~Back at the Hotel~~

“NICK GET AWAY FROM ME!!” Michelle yelled and coughed at the same time.

“Geezze ok calm down,” Nick said as he stepped away from Michelle. He made his way over to Morgan to check on her.

“Hey Morgie.” He said rubbing his hand on her back.

“Hi baby,” she managed to say between coughing.

“You doing ok?”

“Yea thanks for being here, even if Michelle is being a pain.”

“Its ok sweetie, I can take it, I know she’s acting like this just cause she’s sick.” He smiled.

“Where’s AJ?”

“He went out with Lyssie, their getting their hair done at a salon. Today is sort of going to be her day from us for all the stuff she did yesterday.”

“That’s…” cough… “so…sweet of you guys..” she sniffled.

“Yea AJ will be coming back around 5 and we’re gonna switch so he’ll watch you girls and I’m gonna take Lyssie out.” Nick replied.

“Ok baby…” she laid back on the bed. “I love You…” Morgan closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

“Love you too angel,” Nick said and kissed her forehead.

~~At the Mall~~

“Hey Howie lets look in here!” Becky said as she found a Armani Exchange store.

“Good pick” he smiled as they walked into the store.

After about 30 minutes they walked out with a bag each. Becky bought a bag and a pair of jeans and Howie bought a shirt.

“Where to now?” he asked.

“I want to go to BCBG Max Azria…that place has the best dresses.” Becky said dreamily.

“Alright well go there, then I want to hit Abercrombie and Fitch.”

“Ok lets go!” Becky said as they looked at the directory and quickly found their stores.


“Ok Miss Alyssa, here we are at Images.” Roy said. “I’ll be back at 4:30 after I pick up Howie and Becky.”

“Thanks Roy,” she smiled as she got out.

“Yea Roy see-ya later!” AJ called as they stepped out of the car.

“Oh AJ I almost forgot!” Alyssa exclaimed.

“What is it?”

“I had to use our incognito names again. I didn’t want a mad rush to happen when they find out were here, especially you Mr. Backstreet Boy.” She smiled.

“Oh ok so I’m Dylan Perry right? And your Carmelina Perez?” he asked her.

“Uh-huh ok now take your earrings and necklaces off, good thing you wore a long sleeved shirt to cover all your tattoos.” She smiled and took the earrings and neclaces AJ took of and handed to her to put in her bag.

“Ok Dylan lets go!” she said grabbing his arm.

“Ok Carmelina.” He smiled as they entered the salon.

“Hi can I help you?” the lady behind the counter asked.

“Yes appointments for Dylan Perry and Carmelina Perez”

The woman looked through the book. “Ok right on time, this way please.” The woman lead AJ and Alyssa through the salon to two chairs and sat them down. After a minute two hairdressers arrived.

“Hello I’m Stacey and I’ll be your stylist for today.” She said to Alyssa. “What would you like?”

“Uhm well I need full bleached highlights, a color over of a dark brown, and just blow dried straight.”

“Will do” Stacey replied. “I’ll be right back with the bleach which we’ll do before the color.”

“Hi I’m Tina.” The woman said to AJ. “What would you like?”

“Uh just dye it dark brown with lighter streaks.”

“Alright sir, I’ll be right back.”

“Hey Lyss what are you doing?” AJ turned and asked her.

“Brown with blond highlights, you?”

“Kinda the same” he smiled.


They sat in their seats and waited for the stylists to do their job.


“Hey Summer, what you say we step out for lunch. The hotel service said there is a nice little café down the street.”

“Sure Kevin let me just go get my bag.” She said as she gave him a kiss. “Love you!”

“Love you too baby,” Kevin said.

Summer walked out of the room and grabbed her bag. They walked down to the little café and ordered lunch. They had a nice conversation about, life, the tour, business and then they got onto the subject of Brian and Sally.

“Brian’s being an ass,” Summer said.

“I know baby, I told him I don’t approve of his decision but he won’t listen to me or anyone.”

“But how can he be totally blind?” she asked. “I mean you see how sweet Alyssa is.” “Yea I know, that thing she did for AJ and Nick was really nice.” Kevin agreed. “Sally only came back because she wants Brian to do things for her, spend money on her, and let her do what she wants. Just like it was like before.”

Summer nodded as she sipped her drink.

“Alyssa is a beautiful, caring person…and I know that her and Brian should be together…Its like meant to be,” Kevin began. “And then you have Sally, a heartless tramp who is just here to use and exploit Brian because he’s a Backstreet Boy.”

They both continued their conversation and finished their lunch. They headed back to the hotel after wards to rest and watch some TV.

~~2 hours Later~~

“Alright Carmelina I think your all set now.” Stacey said as she finished blow drying Alyssa’s hair so that it was smoothly straight. When she was done she sprayed some finishing on it and removed the plastic cape she wore so not to get anything on her clothes.

“Thanks Stacy it looks great!” Alyssa smiled as she examined her highlighted hair in the mirror.

“Your welcome.” She answered. “I believe your friend is already waiting in the front area.”

“Ok, goodbye and thanks again.” Alyssa said as she walked towards the front of the salon.

“Hey Lyss,” AJ said as he greeted her.

“Hey AJ, your hair looks good!” she smiled and looked at his head which was brown with lighter tones throughout his hair.

“Thanks Lyss, yours looks good too.”

“Ok lets go. Roy will be here any minute now.” Alyssa stepped up to the desk to pay. Then they both walked out just as Roy pulled up with the car.

“Hey Guys!” Becky said as AJ and Alyssa stepped in. “Wow your hair looks good both of you!”

“Thanks Becka” AJ said.

“So what did you guys buy?” Alyssa asked.

“I bought a bag, and a pair of jeans from Armani Exchange, a purple tank top and a silver skirt from BCBG, and two shirts from Abercrombie and Fitch.” Becky said excitedly.

“Cool.” Alyssa said.

“What about you man?” AJ asked

“I bought a shirt form Armani, and a pair of pants and a jacket from Abercrombie.” Howie replied.

“Sounds like you guys had fun!”

“Uh-huh we did!” Becky said as she cuddled up next to Howie.

“Thanks for coming with me AJ,” Alyssa said.

“Your welcome, but your day isn’t over yet!” he smiled.

“What do you mean?” She asked curious.

“I’m not gonna tell you, you’ll find out soon enough.”

“Oh ok then…” Alyssa answered more curious than ever.

The four sat back in their seats and Roy took them back to the hotel.

~~An hour later~~

Just go change and meet me in the lobby… AJ’s last words were in her head as she opened the door to her room. She entered quietly to find Morgan and Michelle sound asleep. Alyssa went into the bathroom and changed out of her dress. She put on the other outfit she bought yesterday also. It was a baby-blue tank top with a knee length black skirt. She changed her sandals and put her black heel’s on. She looked at her hair in the mirror. “Much better!” she smiled. Quickly she put some lipgloss and made her way into the lobby.


“AJ did you tell Lyssie to come into the lobby?” Nick asked.

“Yes I did! Chill!” AJ said.

Brian and Sally opened the doors to the lobby and entered. Nick and AJ quickly turned thinking it was Alyssa. But to their disappointment they found themselves staring at Brian and Sally.

For the first time in days Brian spoke. “Hey guys…” he said looking down.

“Brian.” AJ simply said.

Nick didn’t speak, he was still furious with Brian he just stared at him and then looked away. Brian got the message and brought Sally away from them and sat at the table to eat dinner.

The door opened once again and this time it was who they were expecting, Alyssa. She walked in slowly. AJ and Nick looked at each other and smiled.

“Wow Lyss,” Nick said.

“You look beautiful.” AJ said smiling.

“Thanks guys,” she blushed. “But now what is this all about?” she asked.

“Well you’re going to hang out with me tonight!” Nick said excitedly. “It’s my turn to thank you for yesterday.”

Alyssa smiled “But Nicky is it ok with Morgan?”

“Yea Lyssie I told her about this morning”

“Oh ok…” she answered. “Just making sure. This is really sweet of you”

“Anything for you Lyssie.” Nick smiled and took her arm.

“Ok you guys go have fun…I asked Roy to drive you. He’s waiting downstairs.” AJ said. “I’ve got to go take care of my sick baby.”

“Be careful when you get in there!” Alyssa said. “They’re both asleep.”

“I will!” AJ said as he left the room. “See-ya later!”

“So are you ready to go Lyssie?” Nick asked her.

“Yea Nicky…” She said as she glanced over at Brian.

Nick watched and saw how much she wanted to talk to him. I can’t believe how blind Brian is! He thought to himself as he looked at Alyssa. She’s beautiful, sweet,…how can he turn her away…and for a bitch like Sally! “Lets go Lyssie.”


Nick and Alyssa left the room with Brian and Sally left to eat their dinner alone.


AJ slowly opened the door to the girls room. He entered quietly so he wouldn’t wake up Morgan and Michelle. He sat in the chair quietly and gazed over at Michelle. She’s not so bad when she’s asleep…He smiled and sat back in his chair.


“Where are you taking me?” Alyssa asked as they rode the elevator to the bottom floor.

“Oh somewhere…” Nick said smiling. “I asked Morgan for help..”

“Oh” Alyssa frowned, thinking

“Don’t worry Lyss, I think you will like it”


“I bet you will like it MUCH!”

“OK, Nicky.. I trust you..”

“Yea, you’ll like it!” he nodded smilingly

“Stop already! You’re making me way curious!”

“Me sowwy” he chuckled “You haven’t eaten yet huh?”


“OK, great!”


AJ nearly doze off in the chair


He sat up straight when he heard Morgan ask for Nick and walked over to her bed

“Hey Morgy, Nick’s not here, he’s out with Lyssie”

“Oh.. yea”

“What’s wrong sweetie?”

“I’m thirsty.. and warm..I think I have a fever”

AJ placed his hand on her forehead, “Man, Morgan, you’re really warm!” he lay his hands in her neck and on her stomach

Morgan shivered as his cold hands touched her body

“Wait here, I’m going to get a wet towel and a thermometer”

“I wasn’t planning on going anywhere” she smiled faintly

AJ walked into the bathroom and filled a glass of water. He grabbed a small towel and soak it with water. Then he searched for a thermometer, which he couldn’t find “Damn!” he cursed

“Morgy? Do you or any of the girls have a thermometer with you?”

“Summer maybe”

“OK, here’s your water, I’m going to look for Summer” AJ left the towel in the sink and marched out

“Summer?!” he knocked on the door of Kevin and Summer’s room

“Yes?” she opened the door

“Do you have a thermometer with you? I think Morgan has a fever”

“She has?! Damn!” Summer walked back in and searched through her stuff for her first-aid kit “I have everything in here, let’s go”

Followed by Kevin they walked back in the girls’ room

“Morgan? sweetie?” Summer sat down on the edge of her bed

“Hey.. what are y’all doing here?”

“AJ says you have a fever”

“I feel like shit, that’s for sure” Morgan let Summer examine her and measure her temperature

“You have a fever, but not seriously high.. here, take this aspirin” Summer handed her an aspirin and the glass of water

“AJ go check if Michelle’s warm too” she said to him

“Sweetie? I’m going to cool you down with a wet towel OK?”


Summer took the towel from the sink and started moistening her

Morgan shivered “Cold” she mumbled

AJ walked to Michelle’s bed and touched her cheeks with both his hands. He sighed of relieve, not as warm as her cousin

“What the fuck?!!” Michelle said drowsily as she woke up

“Shhh, go back to sleep”

“You woke me up asshole! And now you’re telling me to go back to sleep?!!”

“I was just checking if you were feverish”

“And you have to wake me for that?!!”

“MICHELLE SHUT UP!!” he silenced her “Go back to sleep, I was just taking care of you”

“Nice way of doing so” Michelle muttered and turned away from him

AJ looked up at Kevin “I like her better when she’s asleep”

“HEY! I heard that!”

AJ chuckled slightly “Rest already!”

“Here, drink this” Summer handed her a glass

“What’s in it?” Michelle wrinkled her nose at the smell

“Something homeopathic, it prevents fever”

“Puke!” Michelle said as she swallowed the last drop “Eew!”

“Here, you nag, water” Summer sighed and gave her a glass of water

“Great, can you all leave now!? I want to sleep!”

“No, we’re staying here, you two need to be looked after”

Michelle wanted to say something, but a coughing fit stopped her

AJ patted her on the back to help her get air

“Stop hitting me you ass!!” she said when she finally could talk again

AJ sighed and rolled his eyes “I suddenly remember why I hated you in the beginning”

“Oh and why is that smartass?!” Michelle snapped back

“You were a downright BITCH!”

“If I am such a bitch, why do you even bother taking care of me!?!!”

“Cause I know what’s behind the mask” he said in her ear

Michelle shrugged and lay down again “Ok, stay, but DON’T bug me!”

AJ sat down in the chair while Summer walked back to Morgan.


“Roy! Where are we going?!” Alyssa was dying to know what Nick had planned

“Sorry Alyssa, I can’t tell!”

“Are we almost there?”


Alyssa sat back in her seat “You’re cruel” she said to Nick

“What can I say.. that’s just me!” he laughed

Roy parked the car “Here we are!”

Nick opened the door and helped Alyssa get out

“The Hardrock Café!” Alyssa said surprised

“Yea, we’re having a quick supper here before we head off to the next surprise”

“Another one!?”

“Yea.. this night is full of surprises”

“Well, I can’t say I’m complaining” Alyssa smiled

Nick took her arm and they walked in


“Are we going out tonight Brian?” Sally asked

“Uhm, do you want to go out?”


Brian sighed and thought I don’t want to go out at all... first of, I would have to take her out for dinner which means getting noticed by the press, which means our picture all over tomorrow... and then she wants to go dancing of course,.. and not only do I suck at dancing, I don’t like it either!

“Or we could stay here..” Sally pressed herself closer to him and let her hands run down his chest

“I’m taking you out for dinner!” Brian smiled

“OK! I’m going to get changed!” Sally jumped off him.

~~~30 minutes later~~~

“OK, come on Lyss, we gotta get to the next surprise!”

“Can’t you tell me what it is a lil bit?! Like give me a hint?”

“Nope, you’ll have to wait my dear!”

“Aw Nicky please?”


“Pretty, pretty please?! With sugar on top??”

Nick looked at her “Read my lips.. N-O!”

Alyssa sighed and took place in the car. “How far?”

“Just a few blocks Alyssa” Roy smiled


“Morgan? How are you feeling gorgeous?” Kevin sat down on the edge of her bed


“Aaw, sweetheart I’m sorry”

“It’s all my own fault.. I HAD to wear that damn daring outfit to impress Nickers!” she chuckled and coughed

“Well, I bet you looked stunning”

“He thought so too, he kept on touching my back and fidgeting with the laces that tied up my tank top” Morgan smiled as she saw an image of Nick in her mind

Kevin laughed “He really loves you Morge”

“I know.. I really love him back”

“You try to sleep some more OK?”



“Alright, I’ll pick you up afterwards.. that’s 11:15 right?”

“Yes” Nick smiled at Roy and got out of the car “C’mon Lyssie” he took her hand and helped her get out.

“MCI Center??” Alyssa wondered out loud “Aren’t we supposed to perform here after the break??”

“Yes, that’s right”

“So what are we doing here now?”

Nick took 2 tickets out of his pocket and handed them to her

“ENRIQUE IGLESIAS?!!!” Alyssa’s eyes grew big “Nicky how?!?!”

“Morgan told me you like him and his music.. just a few phonecalls and it was arranged”

“On such short notice?!”

“The name Nick Carter opens a lot of doors..” Nick laughed a cheesy smile “We have VIP seats and backstage passes.. so you’re going to meet him too”


“Yes, I already met him a while ago on the premiere for Wild Wild West”

“Oh WOW!! Nicky this is SO GREAT!!! Thank you so much!!” she hugged him tightly

“I know you thank me dear, it’s the least me and AJ could do for you.. come on let’s get in, the show is about to start”

Alyssa grinned like an idiot and laced arms with Nick “Oh wow!” she sighed dreamily


Brian sighed and walked in with Sally’s hand glued in his.

“Oh wow Brian! This is a wonderful place!” Sally said as she looked around the restaurant

“Reservation for Brian Littrell”

“Of course, follow me Mr. Littrell”

They sat down in a remote part of the restaurant to avoid too much staring from other people



“Why don’t the girls like me?”

Brian looked at her “They do like you”

“You know that’s not true.. especially Michelle, she hates my guts”

“Well, that’s just Michelle, once you’ll get used to each other you’ll see she’s really very nice”

“Morgan doesn’t say it in my face, but I know she resents me” Sally went on

“Well what about Summer and Becky? They’re being very nice to you”

Sally shrugged “And I don’t understand shit of that Alyssa girl.. she’s weird”

“She’s not!” Brian defended her

“What is it with her? Everybody acts like she’s Mother Teresa!” Sally said “I don’t think she’s that nice at all.. she hardly talks to me, she’s rude”

“Sally stop it, you’re not going to diss my friends again”

“I just don’t get why they don’t like me.. they don’t even know me!”

“Let’s talk about something else alright?!” Brian said sternly


“Why don’t we go out clubbing tonight sweetie?” Howie looked at Becky questioningly

“Yea! Sure that’s a great idea!”

“I know a great nightclub just down the street”

“Cool.. I’ll wear my silver skirt and the purple tank top I bought yesterday”



“WOW NICKY THIS IS SO GREAT!!” Alyssa shouted to get above the screaming of girls


Alyssa nodded

~~~1 ½ hour later~~~

“Well I’m glad you enjoyed the show Alyssa! Nick told me you needed some fun!” Enrique said to her

“Yea, well, it was a great show Enrique! It was fun!”

“OK, I have to get going now, maybe we’ll see each other again sometime?”

“Yea, sure!”

“Alright, well good luck on touring! I’ll see you around!”

“Bye!” Nick and Alyssa waved at Enrique Iglesias as he got into his tourbus

“Man, he is one lucky guy.. he has that tourbus just for himself!” Nick said

“Yea.. ours is much more crowded!”

They got into their own car and Roy drove off

“So you had a good time?” Nick asked

“YES! Oh Nicky it was so cool! Exactly what I needed!”

Nick just smiled like an idiot “I am glad you liked it”

“It was cool to see a concert through the eyes of an audience again... and not through the eyes of the performer on stage”

“Yea, I know what you mean”

“Well thanks sweetie, you’re the best” Lyssie rested her head on him and kept on smiling


“Thank GAWD she is finally asleep!” AJ sighed and rolled his eyes “I’m crazy about her, I am.. but she can be such a major pain in the butt!!” he said to Summer

Summer laughed “I feel your pain Boner”


“Good night Sally”

“Brian, are you going to bed already?”

“Yes, I am tired... these days off are very welcome.. I need the rest”

“Oh.. well.. good night then”


“Becky? Are you ready?”

“Yea, let’s go!”

Just as they walked out of the elevator, Nick and Alyssa walked into the hotel

“Hey you guys!” Becky called

“Hi!” Alyssa said back

“Where are you going?” Nick asked

“Nightclub” Howie said

“Oh, cool..”

“Where did Nick take you Lyss?”

“An Enrique Iglesias concert!!!”

“Really?!!? Omigod!! He’s such a hotty!”

“Yea I know! And he was so nice to me!”


“Uh huh!” Alyssa nodded her head excitedly


“He’s really nice, he’s gonna come to one of our concerts too!”

“Like Morgan would say: YAY!” Becky laughed

“OK, well have fun you two, we’ll see you tomorrow” Nick said

“Yea bye!”


Morgan opened her eyes and coughed again

Summer rushed over and patted her on the back, helping her sit up straight

“Aw Miss Morgan, I feel for you sweets.. I hope your night yesterday was worth this” AJ said

Morgan smiled back and suddenly sneezed


AJ walked over and opened the door “HEY Lyssie!! Hey Nick man, come in! How was your night out?!”

“FUNNER!!” Alyssa laughed

“Shh!!” Summer called from Morgan’s bed “Michelle is asleep”

“Ooh, we don’t wanna wake her up” Nick said frowning. Then he saw Morgan coughing “Angel!!” he rushed over to her and pushed Summer away

“Hey Nickers” Morgan answered in a hoarse voice “How was your night?” she sneezed again

“Fun.. Oh my god you have a fever!” he called out as he felt her warm forehead

Morgan nodded

“Aw Morgan, now I feel bad for borrowing Nicky from you, he should’ve been here with you!”

“How was Enrique?” Morgan smiled at Lyss

“It was sooo cool!” Alyssa called out “Well anyways, I’m gonna put my PJ’s on” she got up and practically bounced off into the bathroom

“Wow, mission accomplished man!” AJ said amazed

“Thank you for making her happy baby” Morgan said to Nick. He smiled back at her

“Hey, we’re off” Summer said “You can handle?” she looked at Nick and AJ

“Yea, sure, thanks Sum, Kev”

“You’re welcome, g’night!” Kevin said as he closed the door, leaving AJ and Nick alone with their sick girlfriends

Nick lay Morgan back in the pillows and stroke the hair out of her face “Aaw baby girl” he whispered.

“AJ took good care of me” she said proudly

“He better!”

“He practically freaked when he felt my fever” she looked at AJ who sat on the other side of her bed and chuckled, nearly choking in more coughs halfway “Oh man... my voice...” she said hoarsely “I can’t sing anymore”

“Well you have a few days to recover, tomorrow I’m going to have a Doctor check on you”


“You go back to sleep OK, I’ll be right here”

“You don’t have to stay Nickers”

“But I’m going to”

“Smartass” Morgan smiled at him

He bend closer and kissed her stomach

“What are you doing?” she laughed

“Well I can’t kiss you on the mouth cuz I’ll get sick too.. and you always say it tickles in your”

She giggled and closed her eyes “Love you baby, good night”

“Love you too, get well”

“Yea g’night Morge” AJ kissed her hand and got up “I’m going to get my stuff so I can sleep here”

“K, I’ll come with you, be right back baby” he said to Morgan

She nodded

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“Hi Lyss, we’re crashin’ here tonight”

“Yea I heard”

Nick took place on one couch, AJ on the other

“Good night!” Alyssa said as she switched the lights off

Michelle coughed roughly in her sleep, which made AJ turn the lights on again and hurry over to her.

Nick and Alyssa exchanged looks and both rolled their eyes

“AJ, DON’T you DARE wake her up!!” Nick called

AJ nodded no and sighed of relieve when Michelle stopped coughing and turned around

“She’s kinda... sweet, like this.. don’t you think?” he smiled and looked at her

“She IS a sweetheart... she just hates being it.. so she hides it” Alyssa said

“I love you baby” he whispered and pressed a kiss on her cheek

“AAAWW!!” Nick and Alyssa exclaimed

“OK, good night y’all!” AJ turned the lights off

~~~Next Morning~~~

Michelle stirred and slowly opened one eye “AJ.. WHY in the name of God are you sittin’ there staring at me with that STUPID cheesy grin on your face?!”

“You know what baffles me the most?..” he paused “Usually it takes FOREVER for you to wake up and talk.. and now, when you’re sick, you are so very talkative”


“How can you be so sweet when you’re asleep and such a bitch when you’re awake?”

“What is this? Cross examination?!”

AJ kneeled down next to her bed and looked at her “I love you”

Michelle tried to hide her smile and remain the bitchy attitude, but her eyes gave her away

“Wow, you are smiling” AJ joked

“Shut up you!” Michelle laughed and ended up in another coughing fit... which woke up Nick

Nick sat up straight drowsily with his hair pointing in all different directions and rubbed in his eyes

“So that’s what Morgan wakes up to in the morning” Michelle chuckled at Nick’s sleepy face

“Hi Michelle” Nick got up from the couch and walked through the room to Morgan’s bed. He placed one hand on her forehead and one on her chest “Her temperature went down.. I don’t think she has fever anymore..”

“See! I took good care of her!” AJ said

“Nick?” Morgan whispered in a hoarse, drowsy voice

“Yes, baby, I’m here”

Morgan nodded and smiled “OK”

“You feeling better?”

“Yea.. less shitty.. but still a bit.. shitty”

He chuckled “That’s good”

“HEY chica!!”

“Hi Michelle... you feelin better too?” Morgan asked

“Yea girl”

“I can see.. you’re not the bitch you were yesterday”

“Well thanks Candy, you’re really my fave cousin!” Michelle joked

“You’re mine too honey” Morgan chuckled

“Since when are we waking up Alyssa when she’s having a very pleasant dream?!!” Lyss sat up straight

“Hi Lyssie!”

“Hey Morgy”

“So what pleasant dream?!”

“Something which involved... Enrique Iglesias” Alyssa smiled cheekily

“OOOH!! Tell, tell, tell!” Michelle walked over to Lyss and sat down on her bed

“I can’t tell! Gezze! Not with your boyfriends here!.. no offense guys”

“We understand Lyssie, we’re gonna get showered and dressed in our own room” Nick got up from Morgan’s bed

“Later guys!” Michelle called when the door closed after the two of them


“Hey Summer! Hey Kev!” AJ greeted them as they came out of their room

“Hi guys! How are Morgan and Michelle doing?”

“Better.. Morgan doesn’t have fever anymore.. and Michelle isn’t as bitchy as yesterday”

“Wow, they heal quickly”

“Tough cookies, all of you girls” Kevin smiled at Summer

“So what are you doing today?”

“We’re going to do some sightseeing... since we’re in our country’s capital city”

“Cool! Have fun, we’ll see ya around!”

“Yea later guys!”


Sally looked at Brian sleeping.. This plan of mine isn’t really working... he’s keeping distance from me.. he’s absent minded... and he’s not spending that much money on me.. and his friends are total jerks! I need to come up with something that will make him fall for me all over again.... maybe I need to do something that will surprise him and convince him that I’m not what he must think I am now.. an exploiter... hmm, what can I do??

~~~30 minutes later~~~

“I ordered roomservice and I called a Doctor for you two” Nick said

“Thanks sweetie”

“NICKY!!” Alyssa called out

“What?!” Nick said startled

“I haven’t thanked you enough!!” She ran over to him and jumped in his arms, her legs clasped around his waist “AAAH YOU ARE SOOOO SWEET!!!” she hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks 4 times

“Alright” Nick said

“HEY! What about me?!” AJ joked

Alyssa jumped off of Nick and ran to AJ doing the same with him

“No seriously I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!”

“Aaaww, we love you too Lyssie!” AJ hugged her more

“Hey! Yo! I want a hug too!” Michelle pouted

“QUEEN OF DITZES!!! HERE I COME!!” Alyssa ran over, jumped on Michelle’s bed and accidentally knocked Michelle over, so they both lay stretched out on her bed. The two of them cracked up in laughing

Morgan got up from her bed and stood in between Nick and AJ “Is it just me, or are they weird?”

“They’re definitely weird” AJ stated


Nick opened up

“You ordered roomservice sir?”


~~~That evening~~~

“So what did the Doctor say?” Summer asked both Michelle and Morgan

“That we have the flu” Michelle laughed “We could’ve thought of that ourselves too!”

“He gave us some medicines and said we should rest.. we’ll be back to normal when we hit the road again” Morgan said

“And how was your day?”

“Cool! We went to the White House and all the tourist thingies!” Summer smiled

“Cool girl!” Alyssa laughed

Summer looked at her frowning

“Nevermind me, I’m in a happy, giggly mood!”

“Now THAT’S how we like to see you!” Kevin smiled at Alyssa

“Yea.. and guess what?! I haven’t thought of him and that bitch for 1 day straight!!”

“WOW Lyss!” Howie said “That’s great!”

They all cracked up in laughing

“My, my, aren’t we having fun?!”

The 9 of them froze when they saw Sally and Brian

“Mind if we join you?” Sally smiled sweetly

“You know what Sally? Yes, we WOULD mind if you would join us” Alyssa smiled back in the same fake way as Sally did

Sally’s smile disappeared “Oh, I see... well, bye then” she took Brian’s arm and dragged him away

When the door shut Michelle stuck out her tongue at it “FUCK you stupid bitch!!”

Alyssa looked at Michelle and cracked up again “Oh man... what’s wrong with me?! I should be feeling depressed!! And instead I can’t stop laughing!”

“Well, we like you better this way” Michelle laughed with her

“WAY to go girl!!” Morgan praised Alyssa

“Yea Lyss!.. ‘YES we WOULD mind!” Howie mimicked her

Yea.. way to go Lyss she thought to herself You’re movin’ on.... she sighed and smiled on with the others.

Chapter 18