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Chapter 18 (Chapter written by AJ & Sam)

~~~2 days later~~~

“Hello sweethearts!!” Angela stood in between Ross and Roy smiling

“Hi Ange!” Howie gave her a quick hug

“Hello dearest, did you enjoy your days off?”

“Yes, very much!” Howie smiled and boarded the bus

Ross counted heads “Howie, AJ,” he smiled at them all “Becky, Michelle, Alyssa,” he winked at Alyssa friendly “Kevin, Morgan, Summer, Nick,” he looked at the sliding doors expectantly “Uhm guys, does anyone know what’s keeping Brian?” he hollered into the bus

“SALLY!!” they shouted back in unison

Ross frowned and looked at Angela “Oh! Right! That’s the friend he’s taking along!”

Angela nodded “There they are” she pointed at the doors

“Hey Ross, this is Sally” he introduced them to each other.


“Wow, haven’t seen Ross this friendly in days!” Morgan said surprised

“Make that weeks Morgy” AJ added

“Why wouldn’t he be friendly?” Sally asked

“Long story” Michelle snapped

“Oh..” Sally looked at Brian “told you so” she mouthed at him

Ross and Angela made their way to the ER where they all were “Hello everybody, how are you all feeling?” Ross asked, looking at Michelle and Morgan “Did you two recover from the flu?”

They nodded “Yea.. just a bit of a cold left” Morgan said

“You can sing?”



“Alright, we want to quickly discuss the schedule for the coming week with you” Angela took out the big agenda and flipped through it “Alright, starting with today; right now you’re on your way to the MCI Center to perform there tonight. Tomorrow you perform there also. Then Wednesday we fly to NYC to do the Total Request Live Show, which is also the worldpremiere of Larger Than Life!

They applauded and cheered

“Alright, moving on, you have the third show of this week in Buffalo, New York. And then the Friday in Uniondale. The last 2 shows of this week are in Boston, Massachussetts”

Ross took over “Besides the concerts every night and the TRL appearance, you have interviews every day of course, ALSO, one very important thing besides TRL this week is that a crew from MTV Europe is going to follow you around in Boston for the 2 days you are there! They’re making a special about the boys and are going to pay attention to Phantasia as well!”

“Yay!!” Morgan cheered

“OK, that was it!” Ross smiled

“We’ll see you at the MCI Center” Angela said as she made her way out

“Later Ross, later Ange!” Michelle called after them

“Bye girls, bye guys! behave!!” Ross looked at Michelle with a parental frown

“Define ‘behave’?!” Michelle said with a cheeky grin

Ross laughed and walked out. Seconds later the doors closed behind him and Roy drove off.

“So.. this week seems cool” Alyssa said, trying to make conversation

“Yea.. hectic though” Kevin said

“Uh hah, a show every night, except Wednesday” Nick nodded

“Yea.. and MTV Europe... and TRL... and the WORLDPREMIERE!!!” Howie said excitedly

“HEY! That means OUR single is released next week!!” Morgan’s eyes grew big

“YEA!! Wednesday the 28th!” Becky joined in

“Hey Michelle! That’s on your birthday sista!” Summer exclaimed

“Oh DUH! It took you that long to find out?!”

“You didn’t tell me History is being released on your birthday!” AJ said to her

“You never asked” Michelle grinned

“We’re gonna throw one hell of a party!! I love B Days! I love parties!!” AJ said, getting excited

“Ahem, excuse me, but it’s MY birthday.. I decide if we are going to throw a party or not” Michelle paused “WE’RE GOING TO THROW ONE HECK OF A PARTY PEOPLE!!”

AJ smiled proudly and pulled her close “A party you won’t soon forget!!”

“Yea.. oh hey, do you have any special wishes for your B Day gifts?” Becky asked

“Uhm... not now... I’ll think of something”


~~~In the afternoon at the Meet & Greet~~~

“Here you go!” Morgan smiled and handed the little girl her magazine back.

“Hi! You’re Morgan, right?” an other girl came up to her

“Yes, that’s me”

“Could you sign this for me?” she held out a magazine picture of Morgan

“Sure! What’s your name?”


“OK.. for Janet, lotzz of luv, Morgan Sinclair” she smiled and handed Janet back her magazine

“Thanks Morgan!” she said and went on her way.


Alyssa posed for another picture and signed everything the fans handed her. She said bye to the group of girls she had just made happy and looked around the room. She saw swarms of fans in several angles of the room and figured somewhere in the middle of the bunches of girls one of the boys was hidden. She saw Summer posing for a picture with 3 fans. Becky signing a small poster of their group. Michelle showing a male fan her tattoo. And Morgan talking to a mother and her daughter. Then her eyes locked with 2 girls who were obviously talking about her, pointing at her and looking at her. They came up to her..

“Hi!” Alyssa greeted them

“Hi, you’re Alyssa, huh?”


“We have a question..”

“What is it?”

“Do you read magazines?”

“Yea, if I can get my hands on one and have the time”

“Have you read this?” one of them held out a mag

Alyssa took it and saw a picture of her and Nick at the VMA’s and read: Seems like Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and Alyssa Farrow from new girl-group Phantasia get along VERY well!! The two of them have been spotted all around having fun with each other and enjoying each others company awfully much! Do we sense a possible romance here?!? She couldn’t help but laugh

The girls frowned at her

“Ahahaha! This is the biggest bullshit I’ve ever read! No way! Me and Nicky are good friends, that’s all!”

“Sure” one of them said skeptically

“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask Nick himself? And do me a favor, on your way there, show this to Morgan,.. she’s right over there.. I bet she will laugh her ass off!”

“Why Morgan?”

“Because SHE is Nick’s girlfriend, not me!”

The girls looked startled “Oh, we didn’t know.. she is?!”

“Yea! Go ahead and ask them both!” Alyssa smiled and thought What a joke! Me and Nick! Sheesh.. that they haven’t noticed Nick and MORGAN being awfully close.. morons




“Uhm, Alyssa said we had to show this to you..” one of the girls handed her the magazine

Morgan looked over to Lyss and caught her grin. “Read it” Lyss mouthed to her. She focused her attention to the picture of Nick and Alyssa and the comments next to it. Morgan looked startled and then started laughing

“So it’s not true?”

“No way! Nick and Lyssie get along very well.. they’re good friends! but nothing more!”

“Are you Nick’s girlfriend? That’s what Alyssa said”

“Yes, I am”

“Doesn’t something like this upset you?”

“No, cause I know it’s not true”

“Well thanks for clearing that out”

“You’re welcome.. oh hey, can I borrow this for a few seconds?”


“Thanks!” Morgan walked over to Nick and waited till he was done with signing a poster

Nick saw his girlfriend standing there with a huge grin on her face

“What’s up?” he asked her. He took her hand and stood next to her

“Have you read this?” Morgan took the magazine from behind her back

He quickly read it and cracked up “That’s the biggest nonsense I’ve EVER read about me!”

Morgan turned to the girls “See!” she said and smiled

“Hey Morgan, Nick, can we take a picture of you?” they asked

“Sure” Nick pulled her closer and they both smiled

“Well thanks for everything”

“Again, you’re welcome, here’s your mag” Morgan handed it back.

“I’ll see you in a few angel” Nick gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and they both walked off again

~~~At dinner~~~

“Morgan?” AJ took her hand and walked off with her to a remote area of the room

“What’s the matter sweetie?” Morgan smiled at him

“I want to discuss Michelle’s birthday with you”


“Do you have anything in mind? For a present I mean”

“Uhm.. no, not exactly.. you?”

“No.. that’s why I came to you! You know her better than I do..” he paused “No, we both know her pretty well.. but I mean, you’re a chick, she’s a chick,.. you have that chick-thing”

Morgan frowned confusedly and laughed

“I’m not making any sense huh?”

“No, not really” Morgan laughed

“What do you usually get her?”

“Uhm.. well... clothes.. and last year Lyss, Becka, Summer and I gave her money for her trip to Italy, to her family. But why don’t you ask her what she wants?”

“She doesn’t know what she wants.. besides I want to surprise her..”

Morgan nodded “OH! I got it!!”

“What? What?”

“She told me a few days ago she’s thinking of having another tattoo done... and she wants to pierce her navel”

“YEA! I can take her down to a tattoo artist...we can both have a new one done..”

“You’re gonna have another one?!?!!”

AJ nodded

“My GAWD! AJ!!”


“What in the Hell are they discussing?!?” Michelle glanced over to AJ and Morgan

“I dunno..” Becky shrugged

“I wanna know.. I hate being left out on things”

Becky and Alyssa exchanged looks... that was a family trait both Michelle and Morgan had

Michelle got up from her seat and walked over to AJ and Morgan


“Hey” Michelle joined them

AJ and Morgan looked at each other

“Hey cousin”

“What were you two talking about?”


Michelle looked at them suspiciously “Ya right”

“OK, we were talking about you!” Morgan stuck out her tongue “About the sweetheart you are!”

“Oh PUKE!” Michelle joked

“Yea see, are ya happy now we told ya?”

Michelle nodded no

~~~An hour later~~~

“Well hello Washington D.C!!!!”

“WOW you guys live in a GREAT city!!!”

“Yea!! we were fortunate enough to have 4 WHOLE days off in your wonderful city!!!”

“Yea.. Morgan and Michelle were sick though!”

“AAAAWW” the crowd went

“Yea, but now we’re feeling a lot better and we’re ready to PARTAAAY!!! Are you?!!!!” Michelle screamed

The crowd responded with loud screams.

“OK, here we go!!!”

“We’re Phantasia and this is Do you know?!!!”

~~~After the concert~~~


She heard AJ call her name and grab her arm again “Follow me” he said

“Lyssie.. come with me sweets!”

Alyssa turned around

“Ask Becka and Summer to come too”


“What is it AJ?”

“Why are we all here?”

“Girls I came up with some ideas for Michelle’s birthday,.. and I need your help”

“OK, shoot” Summer said

“OK.. so I was thinking.. we’re in Las Vegas the 28th.. there’s gotta be something special we can do right!?”

The girls nodded

“Something tells me you have it all planned out already!” Alyssa smiled

AJ’s eyes lit up more “Yea.. sorta! So.. I want the full works for my baby! Only the best for her! I was thinking something like hiring a casino... having a HUGE birthday cake.. and I’m gonna ask a tattoo artist to come so we can have new tattoos done.. a DJ or something to play some good music...nice dinner, maybe a movie... what do you think?”

“WOW.. Michelle is REAL lucky to have you!” Alyssa exclaimed “That’s so awesome AJ!”

“You think she will like it?”

“Oh for SURE!” Becky said


“Where are all the girls? Where’s my man?” Michelle asked the guys

“Dunno Michelle” Nick answered

“They’re up to something... first that lil secrecy thingy with Morgan and AJ earlier.. and now they’re ALL suddenly gone... it’s a conspiracy!” She half joked, half meant it

“Chill Mimi.. I bet it’s not at all what you think” Howie consoled her

“Nah.. they’re definitely up to something..”


“So did you girls think of what you’re going to give her?”

“Uhm.. well I was thinking something Calvin Klein.. she totally loves the fragrance One.. maybe I’ll get her a new bottle and body lotion all that” Becky said

“I’ll buy her some new CD’s..” Summer said

“I’m gonna get her a new watch.. she’s been nagging for that for so long” Alyssa rolled her eyes

“I still don’t know what to get.. but I’ll think of something..” Morgan said

~~~15 minutes later~~~

The door swung open and AJ with the 4 missing Phantasia members walked in

“WHERE were you?!!” Michelle shouted at AJ


“You’re hiding something from me!! I wanna know what it is!!”


“Since when are we keeping secrets for each other?!!”

AJ looked at her and sighed “Stop the childishness, please!?!”

“NO not till I know what’s going on!”

“You won’t find out, so stop screaming”

“Girls?” Michelle looked at them “Morgy?” she focused on her cousin

Morgan made a zipper over her lips “Sorry Chell, can’t tell sweetie”


“I’m the best with secrets.. move on cupcake!” Alyssa smiled

“Mad?? Please, what’s goin’ on?!”

“Hey, I’m silent as the grave” Summer shrugged


Becky moved around in her seat uncomfortably

“You’re lousy with keeping things secret Beck..” Michelle smiled

“I won’t tell Mimi” Becky said sternly

“Ah please Becka?”


Michelle startled at his sudden outburst, but started smiling “You guys are planning something for my birthday? Aaww that’s so sweet!” she hugged AJ “Sorry baby, but I HATE secrets”

“I know.. but you have to promise me you won’t try to find out more OK”

“OK baby”

“It will ruin the surprise and I want it to be perfect”

“It will be perfect baby, I’m sorry” Michelle gave him a little peck

“It’s OK”

~~~Later that night~~~

“AJ’s gonna have a tattoo artists come over on Michelle’s B day” Morgan said to Nick

“Really? Cool!”

“Yea.. I think I might take one too..”

“You are? What kind of tattoo do you want baby?”

“Uhm.. I was thinking maybe a few music notes on my shoulder blade.. or a heart with wings on my lower back.. what do you think?” Morgan looked at him while she lay on her back

Nick rested on his elbows and smiled at her enamored “I think it’s cool.. maybe I’ll have a new one done too”

She chuckled “That tattoo guy is gonna make a lot of money on one night.. that’s 4 clients already!”

“Yea.. he’ll be busy!”


“OK everybody! Time to say good-bye to D.C!” Ross called as they boarded the plane

“Say bye-bye!” AJ waved to the people behind him, which were Summer and Becky

“AJ, you nutcase!” Becky chuckled

“Alyssa, Morgan and Summer are in row 10,” Angela pointed them their seats “Michelle, Becky and Howie are in row 11,” she looked down at the tickets “AJ, Nick and Kevin are in row 12, and Brian and Sally are in row 13”

“OK Ange” AJ flashed her a big grin


Becky sat back in her seat and sighed dreamily “Wow, we’re going to TRL!”

“Yea, can you believe it?!,” Morgan’s head came above the seats “We’re actually gonna be on the only show we never missed one day of!”

“This whole thing of our dreams coming true... KICKS ASS!!!” Michelle laughed

~~~5 hours later~~~

“OK everybody! Listen up!!” Angela silenced them all “We’re leaving in 30 minutes, so make sure you’re ready!”

“K Ange!” Howie winked at her “We’ll be ready”

“Great, me and Ross are going to take care of some business, I’ll be back in about 25 minutes to get you!” she said as she walked out.

“I think we finally regained their trust..” AJ said

“Yea man, they’re acting so much nicer now.. especially Ross” Nick said

“I don’t understand.. what happened then that they weren’t nice to you?” Sally asked

AJ and Nick exchanged looks and kept silent.

“Well Sally.. let’s just say that we’ve done certain things that made Angela and Ross lose some of their trust in us” Becky explained

“Oh.. I see” Sally nodded

“But that’s all in the past” Howie added

“Well I’m gonna change into something else.. I wanna look my best for TRL..” Morgan smiled

“You wanna look your best for TRL? I think you wanna look your best for Carson, Morge!” Michelle said

“Whatever, I’m outtie!”

“Outtie??” Michelle said as Morgan disappeared into hers and Nick’s room “That girl is such a dork!”

“HEY! My angel ain’t a dork!”

“Nick, you have to admit that sometimes..!?”

“She ain’t a dork!” Nick kept on defending his girlfriend

“It’s cute how they defend each other don’t you think?!” Becky said

“Ah no, not the cuteness again!” Nick rolled with his eyes

“Cuteness?” Michelle questioned again “You’re BOTH dorks!”

“I can feel that I’m not wanted.. bye” Nick pretended to be offended and walked off

~~~25 minutes later~~~

“Mr. Richardson. The van is waiting outside for you and everyone else to take you to the MTV Studios” Randy said.

“Thanks Randy we’ll be right down,” Kevin answered.

“Alright people, get it together we’re gonna be leaving in a little under 5 minutes now for your appearance and interview on TRL,” Angela shouted.

“Hey Angela is it just the boys or us too?” questioned Summer.

“Oh, I completely forgot…aaah ummm…to be honest I’m not exactly positive if Carson will be interviewing both you and the boys…Ross?” Angela questioned and looked to Ross for help.

“Well Summer, today is the World Premiere of Larger Than Life so the guys will be up there to say hi et cetera…but you never know what will happen. Whatever does we’re all going so you won’t miss anything, OK?” Ross asked.

“Yea sure, as long as we get to watch and see Carson again!” Morgan said rather excitedly.

“Hey what’s that supposed to mean,” Nick said with a pouty look on his face.

“Oh baby you know no one compares to you, in my eyes!” Morgan said while she pulled him closer for sweet little kisses.

“OK I believe you!” Nick said with a blissful look on his face.

“Ross and I are heading down to the van, I expect all of you to be down in 3 minutes!” Angela called as she walked out the door to the elevator. Meanwhile Nick and Morgan were still showering each other with kisses.

“Alright enough you two…we gotta get going,” AJ reminded.

“OK guys hold on I have to go get Sally,” Brian said as he walked back to Sally’s room.

Everyone except Alyssa, who was gazing out of the window, moaned as soon as Brian walked out the door. Then they all focused their attention to her but she didn’t notice. She was too into her own little world. Hearing Brian say Sally’s name stung her heart every time, but she knew she couldn’t let anyone see her pain, especially not Brian.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! She’s coming too!” Michelle complained. “I swear if I have to hear that girl talk or ahhhh I’m gonna go crazy…”

Hearing this Alyssa’s mind returned to the conversation going on among the others. “Calm down Michelle, you don’t have to be so loud what if Brian or Sally hears you, then what?” she simply said, with no emotion.

“Then I’ll tell her straight out that I hate her guts, coming in here doing like she does. Who does she think she is?” Michelle replied, “Besides you’re the one who should be angrier than I am after all the bitch has your ma-”

Alyssa quickly cut her off, “Michelle stop it OK?!, he’s not my….whatever you wanna call it remember?” she said coldly . “It was over a long time ago.” She looked down and turned back towards the window away from everyone as she said the last 7 words.

Just then the door opened and Brian walked back in with Sally’s hand in his. “So are we ready to go?” he asked.

“Yea I can’t wait to go to TRL!!” Sally exclaimed.

“Yea Bri we’re ready,” Nick said with an annoyed look.

“OK guys lets head down, or we’re gonna be late and Ross and Angela will give us another lecture.” Becky reminded.

With that the group walked down to the parking lot where Ross and Angela were waiting with Randy and the van driver.

“Just in time people surprise, surprise,” Angela said teasingly as her 10 ‘adopted children’ were ready to board the bus

“OK we get the picture lets go!” Howie said.

With that everyone started to board. Brian and Sally with Kevin and Summer next to them, AJ and Michelle followed by Becky and Howie. Then lastly Morgan and Nick followed by Alyssa.

“You go first Lyssie,” Nick said politely as Morgan got in.

“Are you sure? You can sit next to her ya know,” Alyssa answered.

“No I insist, besides don’t you two need to have girl talk or something like that?” he said with a cheesy smile.

“OK, if you say so…and Nicky,.. thanks,” she said as she gave him a quick hug.

“No prob’ Lyssie,” he said as he hopped in after her and closed the door to the van.

~~~15 minutes later~~~

They entered the MTV studios just as Carson was getting ready to start the show. “Hey guys!” he called.

“Hey Cars how’s it goin’?” Kevin said with a handshake.

“Good, Good, so ready for today?” he asked.

“Yea man, just like all the other times we’ve been here.” Nick replied.

“Alright so I’ll see you in a couple of minutes,” Carson said as he made his way to the stage and in front of the small but fairly excited studio audience.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1…and you’re on” called the stage manager.

Summer, Becky, Alyssa, Morgan and Michelle watched as Carson started the show they used to watch in their living room with dreams of being on the show themselves one day.

“Hi everyone and welcome to another day on TRL, with the video’s voted on by you the audience with your e-mail and phone requests. Before we get to the top 10 of today I wanna remind you that we have 5 very special guests on the show today with a world premiere video for their brand new single. I’m sure you all know cause they’re no strangers to the show…so do you guys know who I’m talking about?” Carson asked the audience.

“BACKSTREET BOYS!!!” accompanied by high-pitched screams the studio filled with the audience’s enthusiastic response.

“That’s right! So they will be out to join us a little later but right now is your number 10 request on Total Request Live.” Carson said his last line and made is way to the back room for a break and to chat with the boys.

Back in reception Carson found Kevin, Howie, Nick and AJ chatting. “Hey guys so how’s the tour been going since the last time I saw you, like four weeks ago?”

“Great man couldn’t be better,” Howie replied.

“Yea well not perfect…” Nick mumbled under his breath

“What was that Nick,” Carson asked

“Nothin’ man just Brian’s ‘lady friend’ that’s all,” Nick said sounding disappointed.

“Who that one girl from Phantasia? Alyssa, right? What’s wrong with her?,” Carson asked surprised.

“Oh you don’t know man, we haven’t gotten around to telling you,” AJ began. “Well turns out your little prediction was right the last time you saw us. You know the one about us and the girls, who liked who et cetera.”

“Yea I told you so huh?” Carson replied.

“Yea you did, and it was working out well except for a few problems which we all eventually worked out. Well turns out while all of us were working out our problems for the better, Lyss and Brian, who had no problems before, had an argument and broke up.” AJ explained.

“Wow” Carson exclaimed.

“Yea it surprised us all! Then Brian comes in a few weeks later with Sally his ex-girlfriend saying that they were gonna give their relationship “another try”. I feel so bad for Lyss, she never saw it coming and neither did we. I mean we all remember how bad things were when Sally was around before.” Nick said coldly.

“We’re not gonna try to lecture Brian anymore, he can make his own decisions, though I don’t agree with them we can’t do anything about them.” Kevin added.

“Gee guys sounds like you got a lot going on and only after 4 weeks!” Carson teased. “I hope you guys work things out, I gotta get back, breaks almost over!”

“Later man,” AJ called.

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“That was the number 3 video Candy by Mandy Moore and now I’m standing here with the Backstreet Boys! What’s up Guys?” Carson asked again, this time for the show.

“Well as you know were in the middle of our ‘Into the Millennium Tour’ but we came by today to drop off our world premiere video for Larger than Life!” Howie explained.

“Great so we’ll chat again right after we show this brand new video for Larger Than Life! Enjoy!” Carson ended the segment as the video began and the audience screamed.


“Wow guys so this is how it is,” Becky said as the 5 of them stood watching the studio monitors.

“Yea it’s all so exciting!” Morgan exclaimed.


“So you just saw there the newest video, great job by the way, from the Backstreet Boys who happen to be with me right now!,” Carson began. “So speaking of the tour, last time we spoke I had the privilege of speaking with your, may I say very talented opening act, Nick why don’t you tell us about them for those who might have missed.”


“Aaww…isn’t he sweet girls? What a compliment!” Summer said.

“Yea,” they all agreed in unison.


“I’d love to Carson my man!,” Nick exclaimed. “Well the support act for our tour is a great group of beautiful ladies called Phantasia! Not only are they beautiful, they are wonderful singers, dancers and performers. I wouldn’t trade them for any other act out there!” Nick said with his cute grin.


“Aaww Morgie your boy is a sweetie!” Becky said.

“Ya I know,” Morgan said with a grin.


“Speaking of which we have them here in the studio and we’re going to bring them out now! So give a big round of applause for Phantasia!!” Carson said out of nowhere it seemed.


“OH MY GOD girls, what is he doing?” Morgan almost screamed.

“You heard the man Morgie, now are we Phantasia or what?” Michelle exclaimed, “Lets go!”

Reluctantly the girls followed Michelle. As they neared the stage their confidence rose.

“Welcome girls,” Carson greeted.

“Hi Carson nice to see you again!” Summer replied.

“Nice to see you too!,” Carson turned back to the camera “Most of you probably saw Phantasia opening up the VMA’s just 11 days ago, but for the ones who can’t remember..,” he turned back to the girls “Girls can you all introduce yourselves to everyone watching today?” Carson said.

With slight bewilderment the girls took a microphone handed to each of them by the stage manager. They were actually on TRL! While the feeling sunk into them they introduced themselves like they were old pros.

“Hi everyone I’m Summer Cooper and I’m 24 years old.”

“Hey TRL my name is Morgan Sinclair and I’m 19.”

“What’s Up? My name is Michelle Evans and I’m 20.”

“Hi people I’m Becky Moore and I’m 22.”

“Hey I’m Alyssa Farrow and I’m 21.”

“Great. So how is it to be the envy of almost every girl in America?” Carson asked jokingly.

“It’s lots of fun. Really the guys are lots of fun, a bit weird but all in all great guys and we’re glad that we had this opportunity.” Becky replied smilingly

“Hey! who said we were weird?” Howie asked defensively.

“Oh you know you guys are weird, admit it! Well I guess I shouldn’t be talking we’re a bit crazy ourselves!” Morgan joked.

“Seems like you all get along rather well. Is that the case all the time?” Carson asked a bit more serious this time.

“Ya well you know sharing a tour bus with 10 people, and sometimes more, isn’t the easiest environment to live in all the time, but we’ve learned to work it out and yea, I’d say we all get along very well!” Summer explained.

“What about you other guys, what do you have to say?” Carson asked openly to both guys and girls.

“Well we had a fun first day, our managers and Fatima left us little presents under our bunks, blow up axes actually with little noise things in them so we had a blast with those,” AJ said.

They all laughed when they thought of the silly battle they had against each other.

“Sounds like lots of fun, what about you girls, think you get along? Alyssa, what about you?” Carson asked.

“Oh yea we have lots of fun together, lots of interesting things have happened.” She replied rather absent mindedly. Yea lots of interesting things she thought to herself. Thinking again of who she shouldn’t be, Brian.

“So YOUR single is coming out next week, wanna sing a bit of it for us?,” he looked at the audience “Do you want to hear Phantasia strut their stuff, or what?!”

“YEA!!!” the answer came

“OK.. we’ll sing the chorus..” Summer smiled and looked at the girls

History, that’s what you are! A constant reminder of how it shouldn’t have been. History, that’s what you are! A dying flame, of how it’ll never be again. History, that’s what you are!!

The audience cheered, the guys smiled and clapped together with Carson

“So Phantasia’s first single History (That’s What You Are) will be out next week!”

“Yea! go out and buy it!” Michelle said

“OK so that’s all the time we have left with the Backstreet Boys and Phantasia, thanks again guys for stopping by and good luck with the rest of the tour!” Carson said. “Girls, I’ll see you soon I hope!”

“Yea thanks Carson!” Becky smiled

“Thanks for having us and don’t forget to vote for Larger Than Life and make it #1 on the countdown!” Brian ended.

“And cut! That’s a wrap people!” the stage manager called.

~~~A few minutes later~~~

“Thanks for coming again guys and girls!” Carson said.

“Yea thanks Carson for not warning us that you were gonna bring us out there! We totally weren’t expecting that!” Michelle said.

“Oh you’re welcome girls!” he said.

“Bye Carson” the 5 girls called as the made their way out

“Bye girls!” he called after them.

“Wow girls! That was so cool! Do you have any idea how much we owe Carson now?! He, like promoted our single BIG time!” Summer said

“Yea, that’s very nice of him!” Alyssa smiled

“Well, lets head back to the van before Ross and Angela find another reason for lecturing!” Michelle suggested



Brian glanced over to Alyssa who was making her way out with the rest of the girls, talking about the show excitedly That was pretty considerate of Carson.. to help them promote their single like that.. I hope for them it’ll be a hit.


Alyssa felt eyes burning on her body and looked over her shoulder. She startled and nearly gasped for breath as her eyes locked with Brian’s. For some reason she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. She just stared at him boldly. Then a shadow moved to the front and blocked her eyesight... Sally


Alyssa’s head swung around, making her hair flow over her shoulder sensual. And BAM their eyes met... for seconds they stared at each other, losing track of time and everything else.

“Brian!” Sally said and embraced him.

Alyssa frowned at Sally oddly, turned around and walked out. She’s gone.. again Brian thought to himself

“Brian?” Sally asked again

“Hey Sally you doing OK?” he said returning her embrace.

“Yea, but can we go down now? I wanna go sit in the van I’m really tired,” she said in a fake way.

“Yea sure we can go now if you want,” he answered. “Hey Carson man nice seeing you again!” He shook Carson’s hand and made his way down following the rest of the girls who were probably already in the van.

Carson watched the girls and Brian with Sally exiting the studios “You guys must have the best time with those girls they are all really sweet.”

“Yea Carson we’re pretty lucky guys, well 4 of us that is,” Nick said sarcastically.

“Oh yea forgot bout that, I hope it all works out soon.” Carson replied genuinely concerned.

“Yea we all do man, we all do. I hate seeing Miss Lyssie all alone, she’s one tough cookie though.” AJ said.

“Yea you can say that again, putting up with Sally and Brian in front of her everyday, I don’t know how she does it” Howie pointed out.

“Me too, I can barely stand Sally, Lyssie is really strong, but I know she’s hurting inside” Nick said sadly.

“I hear you guys, again hope it works out for the better. So see you soon!” Carson said as he shook their hands good-bye.

“Yea man soon, Later!” Kevin replied. They all said their good byes and headed to join everyone in the van.

~~On the Bus to Buffalo, NY~~

“Hey Roy” Howie said as he walked towards the front of the bus.

“Hi there Howie”

“Do you know how much longer it will be to Buffalo?”

“About half and hour more.”

“Ok thanks…talk to you later!” Howie said as he walked back to the ER.

“Bye” Roy called.


Why IS this happening…Alyssa thought as she sat in the ER with the others. What happened to movin on?? One day I’m fine…then the next…its back to where I started again…She sighed and blocked her feelings out again.


“Baby…” Michelle whispered into AJ’s ear.


“Can’t you tell me just a little about what your big secret is…?” she smiled.


“Aww cmon, please…just a bit?”

“No” AJ smiled and pulled in her close to him.

“Fine…be that way…” she said trying to hide her smile.

“You wont regret it,” AJ smiled and kissed her forehead gently as she rested on his shoulder.


~~Buffalo, NY~~

“Alright everyone were here,” Roy called through the bus.

Everyone gathered their bags and things and exited the bus. They entered their dressing rooms and meet in the main area for sound check.

“Alright people lets get started.” Ross said.

“Girls you’re up first…” Angela called to them and the girls made their way up to the stage.

“Ok Ange, were ready” Summer said as they took their positions to rehearse History. Summer looked over to the sound box and signaled them to start the track. The music boomed clearly through the arena and the girls began their set.

The boys sat back in their seats and watched approvingly. Brian watched too…gazing occasionally in Alyssa’s direction, trying not to stare for too long. Sally watched the girls with a smirk, They’re not that great really… she thought to herself.


“Ok great job girls!” Ross called as the girls made their way down from the stage.

“Thanks Ross” Becky smiled and sat down.

“Good job angel,” Nick said as he embraced Morgan.

“Thanks babe.” She smiled and sat down next to Becky.

“Ok boys they’re just about ready for you to sound check.” Angela said as she reviewed her schedule.

“Alright Ange…” Kevin called as the boys walked up to the stage.


After about 5 minutes the boys grew restless standing and waiting on the stage.

“Hey Ange what’s taking soooo long?” Nick whined.

“The band wasn’t ready they’re coming now.”


RING RING!!! Ross’ phone went off.

Eveyone looked up startled when they heard the cell phone ring.


“Yes Ross this is Randy Farrow.”

“Oh yes Mr. Farrow thanks for getting back to me”

Everyone overheard Ross as he talked into the phone. Alyssa looked up startled hearing Ross talk to her dad. She hadn’t spoken to him since the day her parents came to visit them before they left for the tour.

“Hey Ange, what did Ross call my dad for?” Alyssa asked as she walked towards Angela.

“It’s just about business sweetie, nothing for you to worry about,” she smiled.

“Oh ok.” She walked back and sat down in a seat.


“Yes, I still think it’s crazy, but OK, it’s your choice” she took a sip of her ice-tea. “Everyone makes mistakes” she mumbled.

“MOM!” Alyssa shouted.“You just never stop do you?!!”

“Don’t shout at me dear”

“Can’t you just accept and respect my choice?!!”

“Don’t shout, it’s rude”

“You are rude”

“ALYSSA NATALIE FARROW!!! Don’t you dare raise your voice at me girl! And don’t you dare treat me disrespectfully!”

“Now look who’s shouting!”

“Right, that’s it, I thought maybe you’d like to see your parents, but if you are going to act this way, then we’re leaving now!”

“Fine, leave, all you do is embarrass me anyway”

Ellen gave her daughter a sharp look “OK, if that’s what you want, we’ll leave, but don’t expect us to come back!”


Morgan walked over to Alyssa and sat down.


Alyssa just looked back and smiled faintly, thinking about what happened last time she talked to her parents.

“Yes Mr. Farrow that’s just about all I needed to inform you about” Ross continued to talk into the phone, he looked around and soon found Alyssa sitting with Morgan. “Would you like to talk to Alyssa?” he asked.

Alyssa shot a look towards Ross. Then she looked at Morgan.

“Are you gonna talk to him?” she asked her.

“Yea, besides at least he supports me…” she got up and walked towards Ross.

Morgan patted Alyssa on the back as she got up and walked away. She knew the problems Alyssa had with her parents especially her mom because she had her own problems but with her dad. Morgan got up and walked over to the stage to talk to Nick.


Nick heard Ross calling Alyssa to talk to her father, then saw Morgan heading towards him. He walked over to the edge of the stage to meet her.

“Hey baby what’s going on?” Nick asked.

“Lyss’ dad is on the phone, she went to go talk to him.”

“Oh, I hope nothings wrong. I remember what happened last time her parents were there.”

“Yea me too, I think she’s just gonna talk with her dad, its her mom she has trouble with.” Morgan said and glanced over to Alyssa.


“Here you go dear.” Ross said as he handed her the phone.

“Thanks” Alyssa answered as she slowly put the phone to her ear. “Hey dad.”

“Hello mermaid, how are you doing?”


“How’s the tour?”

“Great!” she smiled as she talked to her dad. “We’re in Buffalo right now and tomorrow were off to Uniondale, then Saturday and Sunday were in Boston.”

“That’s great Alyssa, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. I know this is what you’ve always wanted and I’m happy you’re happy.”

Alyssa smiled even more. “Thanks daddy.”


“So far so good…” Michelle said as she stood with Becky and Summer.

“Uh-huh I hope it stays this way…no yelling or crying yet.”

“I don’t understand why her mom has to be so demanding. All Lyss wants to do is sing, and when she finally gets it her mom tells her ‘she can do better.’” Becky watched as Alyssa continued to talk.


By now Morgan, Nick, Howie, Kevin and AJ were standing together watching Alyssa.

“Hey look she’s smiling…I guess we have nothing to worry about.” Howie said.

“Yea I guess so…she’s not talking to her mom, maybe that’s it.”


Alyssa continued to fill her father in on her schedule and other things she had done since they last spoke.

“Yea and yesterday we were on TRL” she said excitedly.

“I know dear I happened to catch you and the girls while you were on, you all look great! Say hello to them will you dear?”

“Yea dad, hold on” Alyssa moved the phone from her ear. “Hey girlies say hi to my dad!”

“HI MR. FARROW!!” Morgan, Becky, Michelle and Summer yelled in unison.

“There ya go dad!” Alyssa said back into the phone.

Mr. Farrow chuckled slightly. “Ok dear I need to get going now, it was good talking to you.”

“Yea you too daddy.”


“Hey this is great…no problems this time!” Summer said smilingly. The others nodded approvingly.


Morgan glanced in Alyssa’s direction and smiled at her. “Well I guess there’s nothing the matter, she’s smiling”

“Yea I think your right.” Kevin added.

Morgan looked back again but this time saw Alyssa’s smile disappear as she seemed to be listening intently to the phone.


“And Alyssa?”

“Yea daddy”

“I’m very proud of you.”

Alyssa almost cried. Finally some approval! She thought. “Thanks daddy. You don’t know how much it means to me for you to say that.”

“I mean it dear….” His voice trailed and seemed to be in conversation with someone else.

“Dad?” Alyssa said as she heard her dad talk to someone else.

“Hold on sweetie.” Mr. Farrow muffled into the phone. “Not now Ellen…please…”

Alyssa gasped. “Mom?”


“Uh-oh!” Michelle said as she saw Alyssa’s smile fade. “Its her mom!”

“Great here it comes.” Summer sat down in one of the seats.


Morgan glanced desperately at Alyssa when she heard her say ‘mom’. “Oh I think her mom wants to talk to her now.” She saw Alyssa glance at her and then focus her attention back into the phone.

Brian watched as Alyssa talked on the phone. He remembered the last time her parents came and what happened after. That’s the day we got together…he sighed and continued to listen.


“Alyssa sweetie, your mom would like to speak with you.”


“Yes dear, now”

Alyssa glanced at Morgan desperately, then continued to talk into the phone.

“Alright…” she mumbled.

“I’ll talk to you later sweetie ok? Be good…I love you.”

“Ok dad I will. I love you too.”

“Bye mermaid.”

“Bye daddy.” She said sadly almost not wanting to talk with her mother but she had no choice.


“Hey mom” she said reluctantly.

“How are you?”


“Well, I just hope you are”

“I am mom.”

“Well you didn’t look fine. I saw you on TV”

Alyssa sighed and felt the argument coming. She tried her best to avoid one.

“Mom, I’m fine really.”

“Alyssa aren’t you tired of touring yet? You still have 3 more months to go. You look like you could use some rest.”

“Mom, I told you already I’m fine. I’m not tired. I’m having the best time besides I have the girls with me and the guys too.”

“Alyssa be reasonable. Stop denying it I can see it on your face. I always told you it was going to be hard.”

“Mom” she said trying to control herself. “I said I’m fine this is what I’ve always wanted.”

“You can always start over again its never too late.”

“Mom you’re starting again.”

“I know what’s best, that’s all.”

“MOM YOU KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU!” Alyssa raised her voice.


“Here it comes.” AJ said

“AJ don’t joke please. It’s not funny.” Morgan said as she saw Alyssa getting upset.

“I’m not joking Morgan” AJ answered. “I don’t want this to happen any more than you do.”


“Alyssa don’t shout at me.”

“Mom stop telling me what to do. I’m 21!!!! I can make my own decisions.”

“I know that. Its just your decisions aren’t the best.”

“How would you know that? you’re not me!”

“Alyssa don’t fool yourself.”

“Mom, just stop. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Alyssa don’t give me that attitude. All I wanted was to talk and check up on you.”

“Well you did, now is there anything else you want to criticize me about?”

“No Alyssa, no I think you need some time to think things through.”

“No mom I don’t. You know, all I ever wanted was your approval since I know you’re never gonna give me your support. And that hurts mom, it hurts a lot that you can’t just be happy for me. Instead you criticize me and tell me I’m making a big mistake.”


“Mom don’t. I know what your gonna say, I just want you to know that I’m fine, and perfectly happy with my life. I just wish you would understand, like dad does”

“Fine Alyssa whatever you say. I don’t need this attitude from you.”

“You’re not even listening to what I’m saying…”

“I think I am. You don’t want me to be a part of your life since all I do is be the burden. Fine Alyssa I know what you want now. Don’t expect me to take this disrespect. Goodbye.”

“Mom…” Alyssa called into the phone but it was too late. She looked up and tears formed in her eyes. She glanced over at Brian remembering how he comforted her the last time she talked to her mom. Alyssa wished he could be there again to be with her, but that was not what was going to happen now. She broke her glance with him and brought the phone back to Ross.


Brian watched Alyssa as she argued with her mom. When she hung up the phone she looked up with tears in her eyes. He saw the hurt she was in and wanted to go to her. Then she looked over to him. He knew she was thinking the same thing, she wanted him with her to comfort her and he wanted to do just that. He watched her longingly as she looked away and walked to Ross.


“FUCK! GODDAMMIT!!” Michelle cursed as Alyssa ran off

All 4 girls got up and were about to ran after Alyssa

Morgan who was onstage raised her hand at the others “This is my call sista’s! I’ll go after her!”

“I’m coming with you” Nick said and walked after her

“No Nickers, this is something I want to do, you can help her with her grieve over Brian!” she blurted out and ran off

Nick nodded as she turned around the corner. And glared at Brian.. this time not with angry eyes, but with desperate, sad ones.

“OK WE’RE READY FOR SOUNDCHECK!” the band walked up onstage not knowing something was wrong

“WHOA! Who died?!” Dennis said jokingly

“No one. It’s nothing.. lets get started fellas!” Howie pulled off a smile


Alyssa continued to run until she found the girls’ dressing room and stormed in. She fell back in a chair and shook her head, hoping it would shake away all her troubles. All I want is her approval,.. and she can’t even give me that.. she had no more time to think because the door swung open again, revealing Morgan in the doorway.

“Oh Alyssa” she simply said and went over to her to hug her and comfort her

Tears started to flow over her cheeks, totally against her will and she cried on Morgan’s shoulder. After a couple of minutes she had controlled herself, she let go of Morgan, wiped her wet cheeks dry and sat back in the chair.. “Do you remember last time I talked to my parents.. right before the tour started, when we were all at our house, all 10 of us...”

Morgan nodded

“I felt so ashamed of my own family..”

“You’re not the only one” Morgan chuckled slightly

Alyssa smiled at her “Yea, that’s true” she stared off into space and sighed “Last time.. last time she lectured me,.. I ran off to my room.. and Brian came after me.. he comforted me.. he told me he was proud of me.. he kissed me” a slight smile appeared on her face when she thought back of that conversation and that kiss

“Yea.. I remember.. you guys were so cute.. you were the first who got together..”

“And to first to breakup” Alyssa added

“Lyss.. are you in love with Brian?”

Alyssa looked at her startled

“Are you still?”

“..Yea.. yes I am”

“I don’t know.. but maybe,.. maybe you should.. talk to him..”

Alyssa looked at Morgan as if she had gone crazy

“No really, I’m serious here... I know you think he doesn’t feel anything for you.. but I know he does..”

“Morgy, you’re forgetting one thing.. Sally!”

“She’s just here because he’s desperately trying to get over you.. I truly think that if you talk to him.. only if it’s just ‘Hi’.. he might come back to his senses and see what he really wants”

Alyssa looked at her with a frown “You think so?”

“Yea! Well at least you would be on speaking terms again!”

They both laughed

Maybe she’s right..

“Wanna head back?”

“If it’s alright with you, I’d rather stay here..”

“OK sweetie” Morgan smiled as she sat down in a chair next to Lyss “Are you hungry? I have lots a candy in my bag!”

“Oh yea.. I’m craving for something, anything eatable!”

“K, I’ll go and get it, be back in a few!” Morgan said as she ran off


The guys finished their soundcheck just when Morgan walked in. She grabbed her bag “Hey all”

“Hi, how’d go?” Summer asked

“Oh, she’s OK.. we’re gonna stay in the dressing room a bit”

“K, you do that Candy, we’ll see ya later”


~~~That night in the bus~~~

Alyssa stopped Morgan on her way to the ER “Morgan, I just wanna thank you again for being there for me”

“You silly girl! You know I’m out here for you!” Morgan joked as she hugged her

“Thanks” Alyssa sighed

“Lyss, you’re shivering!”

Alyssa looked at her with sparkly eyes “I’m gonna do it”

“Do what?”

“Say something to him”

“You are?! Great!”

They walked in the ER together and sat down on the couch

“Hey girls” Sally said

“Hi Sally!” Alyssa smiled at her the best she could

“Wassup Sally?” Morgan said

“Oh, nothing”

“Where’s Brian?” Morgan asked her

“Calling his parents”

“Oh, where?”

“In the kitchen”

Morgan’s eyes locked with Alyssa’s “Lyss, what do you say we get some Orange Juice?”

“Sounds like a great idea!”

They got up again and walked to the kitchen


The door swung open and Morgan and Alyssa walked in. Morgan went straight to the refrigerator while Alyssa grabbed a seat

“Hey Brian” she said as she sat down

Brian’s eyes grew big startled.. she talked to him.. she SAID something to him..

“Brian? Sweetie?” his mom said

“Uhhh, yea mom, what did you say?”

“I asked you how the boys are doing”

“Uhm, they’re fine, they’re all doing fine”

“Bye Brian” Alyssa got up and walked off with Morgan again

“Bye..” he said

“What bye?” his mom caught his attention again

“Nothing, I wasn’t talking to you mom”


“Haha! Way to go sista!!” Morgan laughed

Yea.. way to go.. Alyssa smiled..


“Bye Sweetie”

“Bye mom.” Brian said as he hung up the phone. He stood awhile in the kitchen still in slight shock. Alyssa talked to me! He smiled to himself and walked out back into the ER.


Alyssa sat down on the couch with Morgan smiling to herself.

“I like your cheesy grin Lyssie.” Nick said as he plopped down on the couch throwing his arm around her.

“Oh hey Nicky!” she said with a grin.

“You feeling better? I mean from this morning? I’m sorry about your mom.”

“Oh yea Nicky” she smiled. “Much better.” She gave him a hug. “Don’t be sorry about my mom, I’m not.”

“Well…I’m proud of you Lyss!”

“Thanks Nicky. At least some people are…”

“So what’s with this happy look on your face?”

“Oh…!” she smiled. “Guess what just happened.”

“What’s that?”

“Well…” she whispered into his ear. “ I just came back from the kitchen and I said hi and bye to him…” she smiled.

Nick smiled. “Great Lyssie! So did you talk?”

“Well no…”

“Don’t give up Lyssie.”

“I’ll try!” she smiled.


~~~Saturday morning~~~

“Alright everybody listen up!!” Ross silenced them in their morning chit-chats

“We have some announcements for the next 2 days!” Angela said as she took the big agenda out again “First thing today is checking in at the hotel, you can shower and change there if you want, you have 45 minutes. Then you meet up with the team from MTV Europe... First you have an interview with the VJ, that’s all 10 of you! Then you have the next 4 hours off, I suggest you use that to do whatever shopping you need to do, because I don’t know when you will have time for shopping again!” she looked at AJ intensely, referring to the things that had to be bought for Michelle’s upcoming birthday.

Ross took over from her “Remember the cameras are following you everywhere.. that means the stores too!..Alright, then you are taken to the Fleet Center for soundchecks and Meet & Greet.. another interview, this time the groups separately, with the MTV Europe VJ. Then dinner and the show”

“That’s today! Tomorrow the girls have something for charity, you’re going to visit the children’s ward at a hospital and sign autographs and whatnot. The guys have to be present at the grand opening of a mall. And then the afternoon and evening is in the Fleet Center again”

“Got that?” Ross looked at them all

“Yea.. sure..” Howie said

“OK we’re at the hotel!” Roy called from the front

“You have 45 minutes everyone!!” Angela called as they exited the bus “WAIT!!” she called.

They stopped and turned around

“If you have dirty laundry, put it in a bag and give it to me so I can bring it down to the hotel’s dry cleaner and launderette!”

They nodded “OK Ange” Alyssa said and they all walked into the hotel with Ross up front

~~~50 minutes later~~~

“Hi, sorry we’re late! I’m Summer” Summer apologized to the VJ

“Oh that’s OK, you’re just 5 minutes late.. you won’t believe how long most celebrities let me wait!” he chuckled “Anyway, I’m Trey, this is Carolyn” he pointed at the woman next to him

“Oh, hi! I thought there was just one VJ coming?”

“Yea, that was the original plan.. but our bosses decided 2 VJ’s would be easier after all” Carolyn rolled with her eyes

“Well, the more the merrier! Hi, I’m Becky!” she introduced herself

“Hey, I’m Michelle”

“I’m Alyssa”

“And I’m Morgan!”

“Nice meeting you all!” Trey said “Hey guys, how are you?”

“Hey Trey man, wassup?” AJ shook his hand

“Yea, how’s it goin since last time we say you.. which was like July”

“I’m fine” Trey smiled

They chatted a bit till Carolyn suggested to start the interview: “What do you say we get started?”

“Yea, OK” Becky sat down

After that they all took places and got a mic handed and some makeup added


“So here we are in Boston, Massachussetts, United States of America! And with me is Carolyn Lillipaly, Carolyn is going to help me these coming 2 days which we are joining none other than the Backstreet Boys and their support act Phantasia on the road!!” Trey started. The cameras zoomed out to reveal the Backstreet Boys and Phantasia sitting in between Trey and Carolyn. “Hello guys, hello girls!”

“Hello!” they answered in unison

“So girls.. you are fairly unknown to the Europeans.. could you introduce yourselves?”

“Yea sure! My name is Summer Cooper and I’m 24 years old!”

“Hi! I’m Alyssa Farrow and I’m 21!”

“Hello Europe! I’m Michelle Evans and I’ll be 21 next week!”

“Hi y’all! I’m Becky Moore and I’m 22 years old!”

“And I’m Morgan Sinclair and with 19 years, I’m the youngest of the group!”

“Well, you all know the Backstreet Boys!” Trey smiled into the camera “So, how’s the touring going?” he asked all 10

“GREAT!” AJ said smilingly

“Yea it’s going really good, we’re totally happy!” Howie added

The interviewing went on and they all answered the questions willingly.

“OK, we got it all!” one of the cameramen shouted

“Great!” Carolyn called back

AJ pulled Morgan aside “I’m going to take Michelle to a movie, I assume you and the others will buy her presents now?”

“Yea.. I’m going with Nick and Alyssa. Becky and Howie are going with Summer and Kevin and Brian too”

“Alright” AJ flashed her a smile and gave her a peck “Thanks Morgy, you’re the best”

“So are you sweetie”


“Angela!” AJ called her name. She turned around

“Yes AJ?”

“You’re going to pick up the presents for the girls?”

“Yes honey, I’ll pick them right up when you’re all gone”

AJ sighed “Thanks”

“Of course, you’re welcome, I think it’s real sweet of you guys to buy something for them”

“They deserve it, they’re the best!”

Angela nodded smilingly

~~~20 minutes later~~~

“Hi! Well we’re here at the Calvin Klein store to buy something for Michelle’s birthday which is next Wednesday!” Becky said into the camera

“And, quite by accident, our single History (That’s what you are) is going to be released on the very same day!” Summer added

“So what do you think Becka, will she like this?” Howie interfered and showed them a cool purse

“Oh yea, she will definitely love that!”

“Great, I’ll buy it!”


“Hey! Nice you’re still with us, we are here at Cartier to look at watches, Alyssa is thinking of buying one for Michelle, for her birthday!” Morgan said to the camera

“What do you think of this Morgy?” Alyssa asked as she held out a gold watch

“I dunno..she’ll probably like it!!”

“Yea..ok! I’m buying it”

Morgan looked around and stopped at the rings Hmm.. I could buy a nice ring for her..

“Excuse me.. do you do engraving too?”

“Yes certainly Miss”

“Can I have this one engraved?” she pointed at a gold ring

“Of course”

“Seems like Morgan found a present for Michelle” Nick said to the camera

“What would you like to be engraved in the ring Miss?”

“Luv ya, mean it, Morgy”



“Well, we’re going to catch a movie.. so we’ll have to leave you here, later!” AJ said to the camera

“See ya after the movie!” Michelle said and walked in

~~~That night in the hotel~~~

“Did everyone get a present for her?” AJ asked the others.

“Yea man, chill” Howie said

“I just want it to be perfect”

“It WILL be perfect! Trust me!” Morgan smiled

“Yea, especially with all the great EXPENSIVE gifts she’s gettin’!” Summer exclaimed

“I have NEVER spend so much money on a birthday gift!” Alyssa said

“Neither have I!” Morgan joined in “That ring certainly was expensive”

“She’ll love it!” Nick said

“What did you get Morgan?” AJ asked

“A golden ring.. engraved… at Cartier”

“Wow.. this will be a B Day she won’t ever forget!”

“I hope!”

** ~~~Later that night~~~

Alyssa sat in the ER with Morgan listening to music and reading some magazines. The others had gone to their rooms for the night.

“Hey Morgie what are you gonna put in?” Alyssa asked as Morgan popped in a new CD.

“Destiny’s Child Say My Name, it’s their new one.”

“Oh cool.” She sat back and searched her bag for the new issue of Teen People they picked up while shopping.

“OH Shit!”

“What is it Lyss.”

“Look who’s on the cover…” she said throwing the magazine to Morgan.

“EEEEWW!” Morgan said as she made a disgusting face at the cover. “Man! I can’t believe we missed this.” She said as she looked at the picture of none other than NSYNC on the cover.

“I think its cause we grabbed all that other stuff and we just threw it into the pile. Otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten it, especially with the guy that harassed both of us!”

“Yea what a jack ass…he’s just jealous cause he can’t have us!!” Morgan smiled. “We’re too beautiful for him.”

“Of course!” Alyssa agreed laughing.

The two girls were too busy laughing to notice that they weren’t alone anymore.

“Hey girls!” Sally smiled in her fake way.

Morgan coughed. “Uhm… hey Sally. Did you need something?”

“Yea I just came to get this.” She said as she grabbed her bag. “See ya…” Sally walked out briskly and closed the ER door behind her.

“What a wierdo!” Morgan said cracked up again. Again they were interrupted by the opening of the ER door.

“Sally did you…” Brian froze as he swung the door open to find Morgan and Alyssa. “oh” he looked down a bit.

“Did you need something Brian?” Morgan asked lying on the floor still giggling.

“No, have you s….” He looked up to find Alyssa smiling straight at him. As he locked eyes with her for a second he lost all train of thought. He felt weak as she continued to smile at him with a sparkle in her eyes. Brian blushed and smiled shyly. Then he saw Alyssa grin some more and look down at her hands.

“Have I what Bri?” Morgan asked again sitting up from the floor.

“Nevermind…” he said slowly and closed the door.

“What was that about?” Morgan said. “Lyss….Lyssie…ALYSSA?”

Alyssa sat smiling to herself. “Yea Morgan…”

“Girly what’s with the dorky smile?” she looked at Alyssa. “OOOHHH!!!”

“What are you ‘Oooohing’ about?” Alyssa mimicked Morgan.

“No wonder he couldn’t talk!” Morgan smiled. “He was too busy looking at you!”

Alyssa blushed. “He was not!…Ok well maybe just for a second!”

“HAHA I knew it all along! Lyss he has it bad for you! He can’t even talk to you! You take his breath away!”

Alyssa blushed even more. “Yea if only he knew he does the same thing to me.”

“He knows Lyss, he just doesn’t realize at the moment! But eventually he will. Trust me!”

“I do trust ya’ Morgy…I just don’t know how much longer I can stand it!”

“Aww sweetie!” she ran over and gave Alyssa a hug.

Alyssa returned her embrace and smiled.


~~~Next day~~~

“OK girls.. you’re being escorted to the hospital in 5 minutes, be ready!” Angela said

“Can I come along?” Sally suddenly asked.

They all looked at her startled

“Why would you wanna come?!” Michelle asked aggravated

“Because I happen to love children.. I was a volunteer at a hospital before.. I read to the kids” She said putting off her best smile.

This made them all sit back baffled

“Sure, you can come along Sally.. maybe you can hand the kids signed pictures from the boys as well as the girls” Angela suggested

“Thanks, that would be great!” Sally smiled

“You were a volunteer?! YOU?!”

“I know it’s hard to believe but I’m really not that bad like you all think I am” Sally snapped at AJ.

“I don’t buy her bullshit.” Michelle whispered to Morgan.

“Me either.”

~~~40 minutes later~~~ Sally handed another little girl a signed picture from the Backstreet Boys and smiled at the kid Oh yea.. this is going great! This is EXACTLY what I need, to convince Brian.. and his stupid friends.. if I only make them like me, Brian will follow eventually.. how much longer do I have to do this dumb job anyways…she thought as she glanced at her watch for the hundredth time. Damn…15 more minutes…oh well if I want Brian to spend his money on me I have to pretend to like volunteering with his friends…she felt someone watching at her and turned around, Summer smiled at her from across the room friendly hahahha, it’s working already!! She smiled back at Summer

Chapter 19