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Chapter 19

~~~Later that day, during supper~~~

“So did y’all have a good day?” Angela asked

“Yea.. it was cool” Howie nodded

“How was the hospital girls?”

“Those kids were so sweet! But so sad” Morgan said

“Yea, it was so terrible to see all those little boys and girls with bald heads from chemotherapy...” Becky said sadly

“And did you like doing it too Sally?”

“Oh yes!” Sally smiled “I love children.. and it was nice to do something for charity again!”

“Well I’m glad you all liked it.. maybe you can do more of such work in the future” Ross said

“Yea that’d be cool”

“So tonight Carolyn and Trey are leaving, right after the show I believe” Angela said

“Ya we know”

AJ looked at the whole discussion but was thinking of something totally different.. just 3 more nights before Michelle’s birthday... he had it all planned out, it was going to be perfect. From the 210 purple roses to the tattoo artist to the black Ferrari. And then it would be special for Morgan, Becky, Alyssa and Summer too.. they were definitely going to love the engraved ID bracelets and then of course their relatives that were coming... all in all it would be a fun filled day for everyone..

“Yo AJ!!” Nick yelled in his ear

“What??! What the fuck?! Why are you screaming at me?!!”

“That was the 4th time I called for you man.. where were your thoughts?!!”

“Oh I was just thinking about something” he answered casually

~~~After the concert~~~

“Bye Carolyn, Trey”

“Bye everyone! have a great tour!”

“Yea we will, latah!!”

The van drove off and they went into their own tourbus.

“Could you all take a seat guys, girls?” Ross asked them

“Sure Ross, what’s up?” Alyssa said and sat down on the couch next to Michelle

“I uhh.. well there’s something I need to tell you and something I need to ask you..” he looked at Angela

She winked at him friendly and encouragingly

“OK.. well first I want to apologize for being a total jackass regularly”

“That’s OK Ross, we deserve it regularly” Becky laughed

“No that’s not true.. you 10 are the best people I have ever had the privilege of managing.. I think I should tell you the real reason behind my.. grumpy attitude,” he sighed “You all know I’m divorced,”

They nodded

“Well these last few weeks I had some troubles with my ex-wife.. it was about my daughter-”

“I didn’t know you have a daughter!” Michelle exclaimed

“I do.. her name is Yasmine, she’s a few months younger than Morgan” he said smilingly “Anyways.. my ex-wife has a new husband and my girl is having serious troubles with him.. now her mom wants to emigrate back to Morocco with this man and she wants Yasmine to come with her.. Yasmine doesn’t want to, she wants to stay in the States.. she has no place to stay, I don’t have any family she can stay with and she’s too young to live on her own.. she just finished high school..”

“Oh Ross, why didn’t you tell us this earlier?” Summer said

“Yea!.. and your daughter is coming along on tour!” Becky smiled

Ross sighed of relieve “I was kinda hoping you would say that..”

“Well of course she’s coming here! It will be great!”

“It will make this bus even more crowded” he said

“The more the merrier!” Becky grinned

“Wow.. that means I’m no longer the youngest around!!” Morgan exclaimed excitedly

“Guys, is it OK with you too?”

“Sure man.. more chicks! That’s cool!” AJ smiled cheesily

Michelle poked him in the stomach

“Aw baby, you’re the only one for me!” he gave her a peck

“Yea, you better never forget that!” Michelle warned him

“Course it’s OK Ross” Howie said

“Yea.. something new is always cool” Nick joined in

“Brian? Kevin?” he looked at them

“Sure man, I don’t mind” Brian said

“Me either,” Kevin said “But where is she gonna sleep?”

“Yea.. I thought about that too.. I think we might have to do some rearrangements” Ross said “She can stay in the other bus too.. with the band and the dancers-”

“No way, she’s staying here!” Alyssa objected

“Yea! we’ll think of something, but da gal is gonna be on THIS bus!” Michelle said

Ross smiled “Thanks guys.. this really means a lot to me.. I owe y’all!”

“Your welcome man” Howie smiled back

“So when is she gonna come?” Morgan asked

“Well her mother leaves in a week so I guess right after Michelle’s birthday and the release of History

“Why don’t you ask her to celebrate that day with us?” Becky suggested

“No, no” Ross shook his head “That’s your special day.. it won’t be the same with a stranger there.. no I’ll arrange it so she arrives after that”

“Ok” they nodded

“Thanks again, I better call her now then!” Ross walked out cheerfully

“Well we’re off, I will see you all tomorrow”

“Yea, bye Ange”

Once again they heard the busdoor close after their managers and Roy drove off

~~~September 27th~~~


“Mrs. Waltham?”

“Yes, who’s this?”

“It’s AJ ma’am”

“Oh of course! hello AJ!”

“Mrs. Waltham, I don’t have much time, I just wanted to check if everything is going according to plan”

“Yes sweetie, everything is going just fine!”

“So they’re all coming?”

“Yes.. well except for Jack, he has nightshifts all week so he won’t be able to come”

“Oh OK, but the others are all coming?”

“Yes, so that’s me, Luke, Felicity, Randy and Fred and Simone”

“Great! The girls will love it!”

“You’re really making it spectacular, aren’t you dear?”

“Yes, all for my Michelly and the girls”

Morgan’s mom laughed “Well, then I will see you tomorrow”

“Yea, oh, Ross is picking you up from the airport by the way”

“Alright, bye AJ”

“Bye Mrs. Waltham!”

He hung up and sighed Oh yea.. they’re DEFINITELY going to have a great day!


“So what’s planned for tomorrow?” Michelle sat next to Angela and snatched the agenda from Angela’s briefcase

Angela raised an eyebrow “Never heard of asking Michelle?!”

“Oh sorry.. Angela, could I take a look at tomorrow’s schedule, please?” she said and looked at her innocently

Angela chuckled “Go ahead weirdo”

Michelle scanned Angela’s agenda quickly

“You’re not going to find anything about your birthday in there dear” Angela said casually

Michelle sighed and grumbled “Damn”

“Did you really think I would write something SECRET like that in the big agenda?!? Accessible for everyone!”

“It was worth the try” Michelle muttered

Kevin laughed at Michelle “Haha Michelle, you won’t find anything out until tomorrow!”

She shot him an evil look “Shut up gramps”

“Trust me.. it’s worth the wait”

“Yea it better be!”

“What’s with the angry look?” AJ flashed his girlfriend a smile as he walked in

Michelle shoved the agenda away angrily, crossed her arms and turned away from AJ

AJ started laughing “Ooh, someone’s in a bad mood! What’s wrong babe?!?”

“FUCK you ALL!!”

AJ walked over to Michelle and started caressing her arms “Aw, why are you pissed darlin?”

“I HATE secrets! And all you do is keeping everything secret from me!!”

“But baby, it’s all worth the wait, I promise you.. I won’t ever keep anything secret from you again ok?”

“I don’t believe you” Michelle pouted

“Michelly, baby,” AJ kneeled in front of her “I just want you to have a fantastic day tomorrow.. and if you already know what’s gonna happen.. it’s less fun”

Michelle shrugged “I guess.. whatever”

“Don’t be mad,.. please?” he took his sunglasses down a bit so his brown eyes looked straight into hers pleadingly

“Don’t look at me like that!”

“Like what?” he said innocently

“Like you did, with those puppy-dog eyes.. what’s up with that?! Is that a Backstreet Boy ‘thing’ or something!? All you guys use those eyes to get something done by us!”

AJ chuckled “I can’t do anything right today I guess, huh?”

Michelle shrugged and tried to hide her smile

He put his arms around her waist “It will be worth all the pain you’ve been through these past few days” he said jokingly

“OK” she nodded



“Aïda, it’s Ross, can I talk to Yasmine?”

“Hello Ross.. let me go check if she’s around” Aïda said sadly

“Aïda, I will take good care of her” Ross said, sensing the sadness in his ex-wife’s voice

“I know.. but that doesn’t make it any less hard for me to leave her here”

“I understand”



“You.. you will make sure she’s happy, right?”

“Of course I will.. she’s my girl.. I will do whatever I have to, to make her happy”

Aïda sighed relieved “Alright.. hold on a second, I will get her” she lay the phone down on the table “YASMINE!!”

“Yea mom?” Yasmine ran in cheerfully

“It’s your father on the phone for you” Aïda handed her daughter the phone

“Oh, OK,” Yasmine took the phone from her mom and walked out “Hey daddy”

“Hi Yazzie, how are you doing?”

“Great! I was just busy packing up my stuff”

“Ok, so I’ll come to San Francisco in 2 days and then we’ll say good bye to your mom and leave for Los Angeles, so you can drop your stuff off there. Then we’ll take the plane to Denver where we’ll meet up with everybody else”

“I know dad, you already told me!”

“Well I was just checking!” Ross laughed “The people I’m working for forget everything I tell them, don’t matter if I tell it to them 1 time or 10!”

“Sure, whatever, they can’t be that bad!”

“Just wait till you meet them!”


“Oh and Yazzie?”


“I have some business to do in LA too, so you’re gonna have to come with me”

“Oh that’s OK”

“Alright sweetheart, I’ll see you in 2 days”

“Yea, bye dad!”

“Bye Yazzie”

~~~Next Morning, 11:30~~~

Michelle woke up in an empty bed. She looked around and found a note on the bathroom door. She got up drowsily and walked over

Hey baby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I’m downstairs in the lobby, get showered and dressed and come down to have breakfast with us all luv ya, AJ

Michelle smiled and took her tanktop off, walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on


“So, Morgan, you go upstairs to check if she’s up yet now K?”

“Yea, I’m gone!” Morgan chuckled and walked off

“OK, so immediately when Morgan comes back in.. you’re all taking places with your presents”

“AJ, CHILL!! We KNOW what we have to do man!” Nick called

“I’m just checking dude!” AJ defended himself

“You’re checking every 5 minutes.. it’s getting old man!” Howie said

“Well if it would be Becky’s birthday you would want it to be perfect too!”

“OK, OK, relax”


Morgan put her ear against the door and listened, she heard water running and smiled she knocked on the door roughly “CHELL?!?!!”


“What the fuck?!! Can’t I take a shower peacefully?!” Michelle muttered as she heard knocking. She got out of the shower and put a bathrobe on

She swung the door open “Oh hey Morge”

“HIIII!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” Morgan hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks

“Hey nutcase, so what d ya want?”

“Oh AJ sent me up to see if you were almost ready”

“Well, I have to get dressed and I have to do my makeup and hair et cetera”

“How much longer? He’s really nervous”

“Aw that’s sweet! Gimme 20 minutes K?”

“K, latah Chell”

“Latah Morge”


“Hey” Morgan said as she walked back in casually “She’ll be down in about 20 minutes”

“OK” AJ sighed and tapped the table with his fingers

“You’re more nervous than she is” Morgan chuckled

“Yea well I had to do lots a stuff while she just moped around trying to find out what I was doin!”

“Aaaw!!” they all said in unison

~~~20 minutes later~~~

“Hello Miss Evans, happy birthday!” Randy hugged her

“Thanks Randy”

“Could you wait here for a second while I tell the others you’re here?”



“She’s waiting outside” Randy said to AJ

“OK places everyone!” AJ jumped up and walked to the door with the Randy

Randy opened the door to reveal Michelle standing on the other side

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!” AJ exclaimed and lifted her up in the sky

“Thanks hun!” Michelle giggled

AJ put her down on the floor again “Happy 21st birthday Michelle” he said above a whisper and kissed her “I love you”

Michelle’s eyes sparkled “I love you too baby”

AJ stepped back to reveal everyone standing there around the table with presents and breakfast

“Hey y’all!” Michelle greeted them

“Hey Michelle, HAAAAAAAPPY birthday!!!!!” Alyssa ran over to her and hugged her

“Hey you dork” Michelle laughed

Everyone hugged and kissed her a happy birthday

“I gotta tell ya Michelle, I’m GLAD it’s finally your birthday! We were all suffering from AJ’s sudden everythings-gotta-be-perfect mood!” Kevin chuckled

“Aaw! I feel for you Kev, I do” Michelle giggled

AJ leaded her to her chair and handed her a cup of tea

“Thanks” she looked at all the presents “So.. can I open all these presents already?”

“Yea.. sure”

“Mine first!!” Alyssa called and handed Michelle a small present

She unwrapped it and opened the box “ALYSSA!!” Michelle gasped for breath “YOU NUTCASE!!”

“Hehe, I KNEW you would like it!”

Michelle took the watch out and looked at it “Jesus.. this most have cost you a fortune!”

“Nah.. close to a fortune though!” Alyssa joked

“Man.. Cartier! That’s.. expensive!”

“Well.. we ARE rich now!.. or we’re gonna be rich I mean!”

“Thanks Lyss” Michelle hugged her

“Oh you’re welcome sweets”

Michelle continued to open up all her presents and thanking and hugging them everyone

“Thanks Howie, it’s a way cool purse!”

“Hehe, the girls said you would like it.. so”

“Well they’re right!”

Only one present was left on the table “OK, that one is either Morge’s or AJ’s.. right?” Michelle asked

“My presents are several things spread over the entire day” AJ grinned

“This is my gift” Morgan said solemnly

Michelle took it from her and opened it “OHMYGOD!! MORGAN!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!” Michelle shrieked as she saw the golden ring

“Read it, it’s engraved”

Michelle’s eyes watered as she read it “Oh Morgy.. I love ya too lil cous”

The two girls both cried a bit and hugged

“Look at us.. emotional saps!” Morgan giggled

Michelle giggled with her and dried her cheeks “Thanks for everything Morgan” she said now serious again

Morgan opened her mouth to say something

“No, really, I would be nowhere and nothing without you.. you’re the best!” Michelle’s eyes got teary again

“That counts for you too Michelle!” Morgan hugged her again

“Oh alright! Now I want a group hug!” Alyssa exclaimed

“I love you all so much girlies! You’re my everything!” Michelle wiped more tears away and smiled

“Stupid ditz.. you KNOW we love you too!” Summer hugged her

The guys looked a bit baffled but moved by the love the girls shared for each other and their close bonding

~~~5½ hours later~~~

Michelle walked out of the elevator

“Michelle, Roy is waiting outside to take you to the party”

Michelle smiled at Ross


She walked out of the hotel and saw Roy waiting for her

“Hello Michelle, happy birthday”

“Hey Roy, thanks!”

He held the door of a black Ferrari open for her

“What’s this?”

“A surprise from AJ” Roy smiled

Michelle got in “So where are you taking me?”

“To the place the party is being held”

“And that’s where?”

“You’ll see”

“What party anyways?”

Roy laughed “I won’t tell anything Michelle, you will just have to wait till we’re there!”

“Alright.. when are we there?!”

“In a few minutes”


“Girls, you all look mighty fine!” AJ complimented them

“Thanks AJ, we tried” Becky giggled

“So when is she arriving?” Brian asked


“Everybody! Roy is on his way!” Angela interfered “Ross called, they just left the hotel!”

“YAY!” Morgan clapped her hands

~~~10 minutes later~~~

They heard the brand new Ferrari coming to a stop and all took their places

“Here it is Michelle” they heard Roy’s voice on the other side of the door. Then the doors opened and Michelle walked in

Michelle was surprised to find her friends all standing neatly in a row that lead to another door, each of them held one purple rose

“Here you go Michelle” Nick handed her the rose and kissed her hand

“Thanks Nick, that’s really sweet of you!” Michelle walked on to the next person

“For you!” Morgan gave her her rose

Michelle went down the line and took everyone’s rose. Then she came to a stop at the door, she nearly let go of the small bouquet when she saw AJ in a room filled with more roses. Once again she gasped for breath

“Hey baby” AJ welcomed her “Do you like it?”

“AJ.. ohmigod! How many roses?” she nearly whispered

“210 purple roses”

Michelle looked around and swallowed hard “That’s.. that’s.. the sweetest thing a guy ever did for me”

“Well, you’re worth it.. sit down” AJ held out a chair for her “We’re having an Italian dinner tonight”

“What about the others?”

“They’re having dinner in a remote area of the amusement arcade”

Michelle snapped out of her dream world and looked around “Oh yea.. I see where we are now.. we’re in a casino!”

“That’s right, I hired the place for tonight”


“I told you this would be a day you won’t soon forget” he grinned

2 waiters served dinner for them

“The menu for signora” one of them said in an Italian accent

“Grazie!” Michelle smiled at him


“So when is that guy from the tattoo parlor arriving?”

“In 2 hours”

“K.. let’s eat.. I’m hungry” Morgan suggested

They sat down at a big table

“Oh yea.. we’re gonna be on TRL via satellite in an hour or so” Angela said

“Yea Ange, you already told us”

“OK” Angela smiled


“ROSS!” the group of relatives came rushing towards him

“Hello everyone!”

“Hello Ross, nice seeing you again” Jessica Waltham shook his hand

“Hi Jessica” Ross smiled and greeted the others too “Hello Mr. And Mrs. Cooper”

“I’m Fred”

“I’m Simone” Summer’s parents introduced themselves

“Nice to meet you” Ross continued to smile “Well, are you ready?”

They all nodded “I’m taking you to the hotel first, where you can freshen up a bit and have something to eat and then I’m taking you to the amusement arcade where the kids are”


~~~50 minutes later~~~

Angela walked up to them “Hey you two, sorry for interrupting, but we have to get ready for TRL”

“Sure Ange” Michelle got up

“I want the girls to sit down here, at the table. OK, Carson is going to chat with you first a little and the you announce the video, got that?”

“Yea Ange, we’re not stupid ya know!” Alyssa giggled

All the girls gathered at the table and waited. Then they heard Angela countdown

“Hello Phantasia!!” Carson said cheerfully

“Hey Carson!”

“First of all, congratulations Michelle!” Carson said

“Thanks Carson!”

“How was your day so far?”

“Oh great!”

“Well I hope we can catch up with you soon so you can tell us how special it was!”

“I certainly will!”

“So girls! Extra special day!”

“Yea man!”

“In a few seconds the worldpremiere of your first single History (that’s what you are) , do you want to tell us something about the video?”

“Sure!” Becky said “Well we shot the video a few weeks ago”

“Nigel Dick is the producer” Summer added

“And the concept of the video really relates to the song.. dumping your boyfriend” Alyssa said

“Yea.. we all play women in different generations” Morgan said

“So here it is.. girls?”

“Yea, here’s our first video History!!” Michelle said

They watched their own video on MTV for the first time

~~~4 minutes later~~~

“Wow.. awesome” the guys agreed


AJ exchanged looks with the other guys and then to Angela. She nodded to him

“Girls, close your eyes” AJ said to them

“Why AJ?” Morgan asked

“Don’t ask, just do it” Nick grinned at her.

The girls closed their eyes hesitatingly. Angela searched through her bag and took 5 little gifts out. The guys quickly opened the boxes and took the bracelets out. AJ took Michelle’s hand and put the bracelet around it. So did Kevin with Summer, Howie with Becky, Nick with Alyssa and Brian with Morgan

“Ok open your eyes”

The girls opened them and looked down at their wrists

“OHMIGOD!! GUYS!!” Morgan shrieked

“Read the back” Nick said to her

Morgan turned the ID bracelet around and read out loud “Phantasia made History on 9/28/1999”

“Oh you guys!!” Alyssa cried out “That’s so sweet!”

“Well we think you deserve it, you girls are the best!” Kevin said

Each girl had gotten a golden ID bracelet.. on the front it had their own name and on the back they all had the same inscription.

They hugged the guys and thanked them.

“Wow girls! That’s so special!” Sally cooed

“Yea it kinda is huh?!” Becky giggled with her

“Thanks guys, this is really very sweet of you” Summer smiled

The guys all had a cheesy, proud look on their face

~~~30 minutes later~~~

Ross walked into the arcade excitedly “Hello everyone!” he called

“Hi Ross! What took you so long?” Michelle asked

“Oh I had to arrange some things” he smiled mysteriously “The.. uhh.. surprise is waiting outside guys” he said, turning to the boys

“Great, let ‘it’ in!” Howie said

The girls exchanged looks “OK, what was that about??” Morgan asked

“You’ll see” AJ grinned

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!” the group of relatives shouted in unison

The girls turned around startled and immediately started screaming and shrieking

“MOMMY!!! LUKE!!” Morgan ran over to her mother and hugged her tightly

“AUNTIE JESS!!” Michelle ran after Morgan and hugged both Morgan and her aunt

“FELICITY?!!” Becky called out when she saw her older sister

“Rebecka!” Felicity embraced her little sis in a hug

“Mom! Dad!” Summer said baffled and hugged and kissed them

“Hello sweetheart!” Simone held her daughter close

“DADDY!!” Alyssa practically jumped on her dad

“Hello mermaid!!” Randy Farrow lifted his little girl up and kissed her cheeks “My beautiful girl” he put her back on the floor and kissed her cheeks again “I’m so sorry mermaid” he said from the bottom of his heart

Alyssa’s eyes filled with tears “It’s OK daddy” she rested her head on his shoulder “I’m glad you’re here” she sighed


“Let me take a look at my pretty girls” Jessica had her right hand on Morgan’s cheek and her left on Michelle’s cheek “Girls you look so happy, I am so very proud of you both”

“Thanks mom”

“Thanks aunt Jess”

“Congratulations sweetie” Jessica smiled warmly and friendly


When the girls finally had hugged everyone they sat down

Becky sighed “It’s so good to see you all”

“It sure is Rebecka!” Fred Cooper smiled “I am glad to see you all happy and healthy”


Becky glanced over to her sister “Ci?” she asked quietly

“Yea B?”

“Did you eat too much Twix bars,.. or are you pregnant?” she whispered in her sister’s ear

Felicity’s whole face lit up and she blushed “I’m pregnant”

“REALLY CI?!?! OH HOW WONDERFUL!!” Becky called out, jumping up

“What? What’s wonderful?!” Michelle asked

“FELICITY’S PREGNANT!!” Becky exclaimed

“REALLY?!!” the girls replied

“Oh that’s so sweet Felicity!! Aw you’re gonna have a baby!” Morgan smiled

“Yea Candy, I’m 5 months pregnant actually”

“Why didn’t you tell me?!!” Becky said

“Oh, well.. you know how it brings bad luck when you tell it before your 3rd month.. and then I was just looking for a right time to say..”

“Nothing’s wrong, is there?!”

“No, oh no, the baby is fine!”

Becky sighed dreamily “I’m gonna be an aunt!”

“Aunt Becky” Michelle said in a little kid’s voice

They laughed.

“YAY you guys! A baby!” Morgan clapped her hands excitedly

“Calm down Morgy, your time will come too” Michelle patted her on the knee as if she was a psycho

Morgan poked her in the stomach “Shut up Chell” she giggled


“It’s a good thing you didn’t take mom with you daddy” Alyssa said

“I know mermaid.. she was pissed at me though! But I said that I had business to take care of with Ross.. which is true too”

“You know Ross’ daughter is going to travel along with us?”

“Yes, I heard.. I know her too and her mom, she’s a really nice girl” Mr. Farrow said with an odd look on his face

“What dad?” Alyssa laughed “You look like she’s everything but nice”

“Oh no, she is.. she’s just also a very.. loud girl”

“Well I’m used to living with Michelle.. she’s loud!”

They both laughed


“So this is your boyfriend huh sweetie?” Jessica looked at Nick smilingly while she talked to Morgan


“What? Can’t I take a good look at him? After all he is the guy that has my little baby-Morgy” Jessica laughed and Nick with her “You are taking good care of her?”

“Yes ma’am”

“I think it’s really sweet how you call me ma’am.. but my name’s Jessica”

“Oh, of course ma-.. I mean Jessica” Nick blushed

“He’s a sweetie” Jessica turned to her daughter “Keep him”

“Mom!” Morgan chuckled

~~~10 minutes later~~~

Angela clapped in her hands to silence everyone “The man from the tattoo parlor is here” she said revealing a big green-haired guy, covered in tattoos

“Oh AJ, that’s what you’re gonna look like in 10 years from now!” Morgan blurted out

Everyone laughed, including the guy from the tattoo parlor

“Hey, my name’s Joe” he greeted them all “So I have my designs in these maps.. who wanted a tattoo?”

Michelle looked at AJ startled “How did you know I wanted another tattoo?”

“Morgan” he said

“Wow, great!” Michelle took a map from Joe and started flipping the pages “Ooh, I like this one!” she pointed at a four-leaf clover “And that one!” she said, pointing out a big flower

“Where would you want your tattoo?” Joe asked

“I dunno yet”

“I do!” Morgan called

They all turned and looked at her startled “Morgan? you want a tattoo?” Kevin asked surprised

“Why is that so strange?”

“Because.. well.. you’re the.. youngest.. cutest”

Morgan rolled her eyes “I want this one!” she showed Joe a design of a musical scale

“OK miss, where would you like me to put it?”

“My shoulder blade”

“Hey baby, what about this one?” Nick nudged her with his elbow and pointed out a small heart with wings “Didn’t you say you wanted one like this too?”

“Ooh!! Yea!” Morgan’s eyes grew big “I want this one too!”

“Morgan?!” her mother said “Sweetie, are you sure you want 2 tattoos?”

“Yea mom.. you know I do.. I wanted one since I was like 14”

Jessica nodded “I know... well, whatever, it’s your body”

“I want these 2” Morgan turned to Joe again

“And I want this devil” Michelle said

“So that’s 3 already?” Joe grinned “I think I might have to call my colleague to come help me”

“Here, use my phone” Michelle grinned and handed him her cell


“You are going to stay with me while I get them done right?” Morgan asked Nick

“Sure baby, I’ll hold your hand throughout it all”

Morgan smiled “So.. did you see one you like?”

“Yea.. this belt, bond kinda thing”

“Ooh, nice!”

~~~20 minutes later~~~

Morgan held Nick’s hand tightly in hers while Joe’s colleague Ryder tattooed the heart with wings on Morgan’s lower back

“You OK baby?” Nick looked at her

“Yea.. it doesn’t hurt all that much” Morgan softly moaned “Just a bit”


“Cool, a devil.. cool!” AJ said excitedly

“No actually that’s HOT!” Michelle chuckled

“I’m itchin’ for a new one too”

“Really? That’s cool babe”

“Uh hah”


“Aah, that’s my girls they’re hurting there!” Jessica said

“It doesn’t hurt much Jess” Brian smiled at her “I have one on my arm.. here” Brian lifted his shirt “It didn’t hurt much”

“Yea sweetie, but you have a bit more flesh here” Jessica tweaked in his muscles “Than my girls have on their lower backs”

“I guess that’s true” Brian chuckled

“Besides they’re laying there half naked!” Jessica objected, looking over to her daughter and niece laying on chairs

“Mrs. J.. they have panties on.. it ain’t that bad” Alyssa giggled

“But still!” Jessica said

Alyssa laughed

~~~Later that night~~~

“Ow, ow, ow!” Morgan said while she took a few steps “It hurts Nickers!”

“Aaw baby, come here” Nick stood behind her and enveloped her from the back

“OW!” Morgan cried out as his body came too close to the sensitive spot on her lower back

“Aw, I’m sorry angel” he kissed her cheek “My arm is a bit sour too you know!” he pouted

“AAAWW!” Morgan turned around “Nickers!” she gave him soft kisses on his cheeks


“They do that ALL the time Auntie Jess!” Michelle rolled with her eyes

“I can see y’all must suffer terribly at the sight of so much love!” Jessica laughed

AJ coughed “Michelly?”


“You’re coming with me now.. there’s one more thing planned for us together”

Michelle smiled “OK” she took AJ’s arm “Bye guys!” she called back as they left the room

AJ opened the door and took keys out of his pocket

“You do know this is one of your birthday presents, do you?” he grinned as he opened the door of the Ferrari for Michelle

Michelle gasped for breath “REALLY?!”

AJ nodded

“Oh AJ!” she embraced him “This is too much!”

“Nah.. it’s almost too much!”

They drove off in the Ferrari

~~~4 hours later~~~

The DJ was still playing, but the people in the room were too tired to dance on fast dance tracks. Jessica Waltham, Fred & Simone Cooper and Felicity had gone up to their bedrooms already. While Randy Farrow was discussing business stuff with Ross and Luke Sinclair was talking to Kevin.

“Well I’m pooped” Alyssa sighed

“Yea me too girl, hey Nickers what d ya say we hit the sack?”

“Sure baby angel”

“Latah y’all!” Morgan called as she made her way out


Michelle rested her head on AJ’s chest and sighed

“So was it worth the wait?” he whispered to her

“Yes” Michelle smiled dreamily “Thank you so much AJ, it was really great”

“Your welcome honey” he leaned in to kiss her passionately

Chapter 20