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Chapter 20

Yasmine Nadia Blythe; Yaz, Yazzie: Yasmine is 18 years old and just finished high school. She’s 5’9” tall with brown/green eyes and black curly hair which she usually wears in a ponytail, knot or braid. Yasmine is Ross’ daughter and temporarily “lives” with The Backstreet Boys and Phantasia. She’s a very funny, bubbly and loud girl. She talks very fast and speaks her mind for sure.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yasmine stood in the air terminal waiting for her dad. She sighed and looked at the big clock, which hung above her, again. She walked over to the video screens to check how much longer it would take. “Flight 187” she mumbled to herself as her eyes searched for the flight her dad would arrive with

“FLIGHT 259 TO BOSTON IS NOW READY FOR BOARDING” “What do I care?!?” Yasmine muttered. Finally she spotted her dad’s flight number on the screens Flight 187, Las Vegas, NV. Arrived; 11:37. She glanced over to the clock again, so his plane landed 4 minutes ago. She sighed and sat down on a chair to wait a little longer for her father to walk through the sliding doors.


“Ow..” Morgan moaned as she got up from the bed a bit too roughly, an itching pain in her lower back and her shoulder blade made her eyes shoot full of tears. She sighed and closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to go. The person who lay next to her stirred

“Morgan?” Nick said drowsy

“G’morning” Morgan answered back

Nick sat up straight and coughed. Then he noticed the tattoos on Morgan’s body “They’re very red.. your body is reacting to the ink”

“Duh, smartass!” she giggled

“Does it hurt?”

“Yea.. it itches too... how’s your arm?”

“Just a bit painful” he said, looking at the new tattoo on his arm

“Poor Michelle.. that devil is practically ON her ass.. must hurt a lot!” she chuckled


Yasmine sighed once more, getting extremely pissed.. she hated waiting. Just then she saw a tall man in a dark blue business suit, with his suitcase in his hand. “DAD!!” she yelled and ran over to him

“Hey Yazzie!” Ross enveloped his daughter in a tight hug “Oh it’s so good to see you sweetie”

“Yea” Yasmine answered

“Come on, let’s get out of this place”

Yasmine nodded and rolled her eyes “You don’t wanna believe how long I waited in this BORING place!”

“Aw, I’m sorry sweetie. The pilot had to take a different route because there was a big thunderstorm”

“It’s OK dad”

~~~2 hours later, in Las Vegas~~~

“OK everybody, we’re leaving to the MGM Grand venue in 30 minutes so get it together!” Angela called.

Roy appeared behind her back and tapped on her shoulder “I believe there’s some people I have to take to the airport?”

“Oh, yes that’s right,” Angela turned around to face the others again “Roy is here to take Fred, Simone, Randy, Jessica, Felicity and Luke to the airport now”

“Oh, that’s our call” Felicity got up out of her chair

“I wish you could stay longer C”

“Oh Rebecka I wish I could too.. this was so short”

“Yea.. hardly 24 hours!” Morgan joined in

“Well.. I guess I should get going then” Felicity took her purse

“Ok, take care ‘mommy’!”

Felicity smiled “I will”

“And call me ok?! I want to know how you’re doing.. and how the little one’s doing!”

“Of course.. I’ll call”

The two sisters hugged


“Well, good bye daddy”

“Bye mermaid, take care”

“I will”


“We’re so proud of you Summer” Simone said, getting a bit emotional

“I know mom”

“Call me every once in a while OK? I would like to know what my famous daughter is up to!”

“OK mom, I will” Summer said, giving her mom a hug and a peck


“Ah, feels like saying good bye all over again!” Jessica said as she hugged both Michelle and Morgan

Morgan got teary “I love you mom”

“And I love you too sweetheart”

“Bye Auntie Jess”

The group of relatives gathered and waved the girls and guys good bye, following Roy to the van

“I want my mommy” Morgan mumbled under her breath. Nick put his arm around her and kissed her forehead

“She’ll come see you again angel” he whispered.

Morgan nodded and wiped her tears away “I know.. it’s just.. I miss her ya know?”

“I know” Nick said, understanding. He remembered times when he was younger he cried all night long silently, missing his family.

Morgan sighed “Ok, I’m alright” she smiled

“Come here” Nick pulled her closer for a hug

~~~1½ hour later~~~

“OK, you have about 2 hours to chill before the next interviews!” Angela called

“Yay!” Becky and Morgan both said, and both cracked up in laughing

“Whatever” Michelle frowned her eyebrows at the two

“Hey babe, what d ya say we go for a stroll around the parking lot?”

“Oh wow AJ, that’s very romantic, the parking lot!” Michelle rolled with her eyes

“You had romance yesterday” AJ reminded her

Michelle sighed “OK, let’s go Casanova” she pulled him up from his chair

Summer looked at Kevin “I’m really tired.. I think I’m gonna try to take a nap in my bunk, is that ok?”

“Sure baby, I’ll go with you, I wanna rest too”

“Hey you girls, I bet I can beat you in Mario Kart!!” Nick said to Alyssa and Morgan

“Oh you’re on Nicky!” Alyssa giggled “I’m totally gonna kick your ass boy!”

“I think I’m gonna hang here, with Becky and Howie” Morgan said

“Morgy?” Nick pulled a pouty face

“That’s not gonna work on me Nick” Morgan smiled mischievously

“Ah, baby, I want you near me!”

“You’re near me almost every minute of the day!” Morgan objected “I need to chat with my friends too”

Nick pretended to be mad at her “Alright, I can see when I’m not wanted” he took Alyssa’s hand and lifted her up “Now if you will excuse me.. I have some ass kicking to do”

“Bye Nick-nack” Morgan smiled and watched him walk off with Alyssa. She turned around and started talking with Becky and Howie.



“Yes Sally”

“I wanna go someplace else.. I’m bored out of my mind here”

Brian looked at her and pulled off a smile “Where you wanna go?”

“Just walk a bit or something”

“Ok Sally, let’s go then”

~~~20 minutes later~~~

Nick sat in the ER with Alyssa while they played video games. Soon they were interrupted by the opening of the door.

A pair of voices came through, Brian and Sally walked in without noticing Nick and Alyssa. Nick glared at them then looked cautiously at Alyssa.

Alyssa stared at the video game attempting to continue her game despite the interruption. She knew it was Brian…she tried not to be affected as she always was whenever he was around, but it was no use. She peeked out of the corner of her eyes to find Sally completely throwing herself at Brian.

“Oh! Hey Alyssa, Nick…” Sally giggled. “I just noticed you two.”

Nick controlled his expressions. “Nice of you to care.” He replied smugly turning his attention back to the game Alyssa was playing.

Asshole Sally thought to herself. “Ok whatever…” she snapped back and sat down on the couch dragging Brian over with her. Brian followed reluctantly. Once seated he glanced at Alyssa’s back with her long hair flowing down. He stared intensely.

Nick watched Brian’s trance, he watched as Brian glared at Alyssa. The longing he saw in his eyes was intense. He knew Brian wanted Alyssa, and then he still had the nerve to sit there with Sally hanging all over him. It made Nick angry.

Alyssa felt eyes on her. She slowly turned her head at looked at Brian. It was no surprise to her that she would find herself looking straight into his blue eyes. She stared solemnly for a second…You’re the only one I ever wanted, I want to make it go, maybe I want it more than I should, I can’t stop loving you, but I can’t stand this pain anymore.

Then their stare was broken. Sally wrapped her arms around Brian and he glanced at her. He looked back into Alyssa’s eyes. His eyes looked at her with sadness…I’m so sorry…

“Oh Brian I have to get something!” Sally said getting up. “I’ll be right back.” She said as she walked out the ER door.

Nick watched the whole scene. He saw the stares they gave each other.

“Nicky, you still wanna play?” Alyssa’s voice was above a whisper.

“No Lyssie”

“Ok I’m off…” She said getting up. “I’m gonna go back in and hang with Morgy and the others” she said and kissed his cheek.

“K Lyssie, tell my angel I love her!” Nick said as she stood up.

Alyssa chuckled and rolled her eyes “Ya, I’m sure she doesn’t know you do yet”

Nick was caught up in his game and just nodded

Alyssa looked over to Brian noticing his eyes had never left her. Her heart ached and she was tired of feeling this way. She smiled faintly at him and walked off.

Nick and Brian were in the ER together alone. Neither had spoken to each other since the day Sally came. Brian regretted that and missed his best friend, but he knew it was his fault. He mustered up the courage to make conversation. “Hey Nick”

Nick stared at him boldly. Calmly he walked over and pulled up a chair to sit down in. “Brian?”

“Yea Nick…”

“Why are you acting like this?”

“Like what?”

Nick sighed aggravated. “Don’t play dumb with me…I saw you staring at Lyssie.”

Brian stared back at Nick.

“You’re only hurting her Brian. You’re making it more worse than it already is.”

“What…?” Brian asked.

“Brian are you happy with your life.”


“How can you sit there with that bitch, while thinking of Lyssie.”

I don’t know

Nick went on realizing that Brian wasn’t going to answer him anytime soon, he proceeded to tell Brian what he wanted to.

“Brian… Alyssa…” Nick breathed. “…you’re in love with her…not with Sally.”

I know that

“What the hell are you doing then.”

Brian decided to answer. “Nothing”

“Nothing my ass…you know where that’s gonna lead?”

Brian shook his head slowly.

Nick stood up quickly. He saw Alyssa sitting outside alone. He went over to Brian and dragged him to the window.

“Brian, take a good look at her…” Nick said as he held him up to the window pointing at the figure of Alyssa standing outside alone.

Brian stared at her he didn’t know what hit him but the sight of her made him break down. She was so alone, sad, he saw it in her eyes every time he looked into them. Brian felt the tears muster up in his eyes but pushed them back as hard as he could.

Nick saw his reaction but wasn’t done yet. “She’s a frickin’ GODDESS! Can’t you see that?! Or Dammit Brian are you that Blind??!”

Brian listened to Nick half yell at him. He whispered quietly… “I know that…” he looked at her again and it brought tears to his eyes.

“Stop hurting her Brian, She can’t take it anymore…I refuse to let you keep on hurting her. Lyssie never deserved what she is going through. ”

Nick let go of Brian. He hoped that this time Brian would come to his senses. Nick walked to the door to leave Brian but turned around to say one last thing. “One day someone is going to come along and take her away and it will be too late. And it will be your loss because you were too damn stupid to realize that you’re in love with her.” With that Nick closed the ER door roughly leaving Brian staring out the window.

~~~Next day, LA~~~

Yasmine yawned and climbed out of her bed. She walked downstairs and saw her dad was already up.

“Hey dad”

“Good morning Yaz”

“So when are we leaving?”

“Oh in about an hour.. I have a meeting with Eddy Smith and John Penn about the girls’ album.. they still have to record a few songs, so I have to discuss with them when that will happen.”

“Ok, I’ll get showered and dressed then”

Ross nodded


The phone in the kitchen rang. Michelle who was in the front of the bus could hear it ring

“Guys the phone is ringing!!” she called to the back of the bus

No reply.. the phone rang again

“GUYS!!!” she yelled louder

“What?!!” she heard Howie’s muffled voice from the back of the bus

“The phone is ringing D!!”

“WHAT?!” she heard again

The phone rang for the 10th time now



“SO AM I!!”

“SOMEONE PICK UP THE GODDAMN PHONE!!” Roy called over the intercom

Michelle sighed aggravated and stalked into the kitchen

“HELLO?!” she shouted into the phone angrily

“Hello, who’s this?” a woman said

“I could ask you the same”

“I asked you first” the female voice objected

“Ok, tell me who you are and what you want bitch, or I’ll hang up NOW!”

“Is Sally there?!” the woman said, now pissed too

“Who’s asking?” Michelle went on

“Tiffany Seaver, I’m Sally’s best friend”

“Figures” Michelle growled


“Both bitches” Michelle muttered under her breath “I’ll see if she’s around”

“Thanks, I understand it must be very hard for you to walk your ass over to her”

Michelle didn’t say anything and just walked off


The door flung open, making it bang against the wall loudly

“Phone for you” Michelle snapped at Sally

“Who is it?”

“Some bitch claiming to be your best friend.. Tiffany-something”

“Really?” Sally jumped up excitedly “Tiffy-Tiff!” she walked off to the kitchen quickly

“ ‘Tiffy-Tiff!’” Michelle mimicked Sally. She looked around and saw Brian and Howie, the only ones in the ER “Fuck, why couldn’t you answer the phone D?!” Michelle said as she saw him reading a mag, totally relaxed

“Just because” Howie said

“Just because WHAT?!”

“Gezze Michelle, no need to bite my head off!,” Howie snapped “Why couldn’t YOU pick up the phone?!”

“Well there’s really no need to ask me now, since I already DID PICK UP THE PHONE CAUSE YOU WERE TOO LAZY TO DO SO!”

Howie stuck out his tongue at Michelle and gave her a nasty look

“Oh that’s really mature, sticking out your tongue”

Howie frowned his eyebrow “Shut up brat, you’re younger than me”

“Guys! STOP arguing! Gezze!” Brian came in between


“TIFF!!” Sally shrieked into the phone

“SALLY!!” an equally excited Tiffany shrieked back

“Hi!! Oh it’s SO cool to hear from you!”

“I know! So how are things going with you and the walking-wallet?”

Sally chuckled evilly “Oh, getting better”

“Well good for you!” Tifanny was quiet “Hey who was that BITCH?!?” she asked

“Who? The girl that picked up the phone?”


“Oh that’s Michelle, one of the bitches trying to make my life miserable”

“FUCK her”

“Yea, exactly”

“So, I was thinking.. maybe I can come visit you?”

“Yea that would be SO cool!”

“Yea huh?”

“I gotta ask Brian though.. and their managers”

“Ok, you go ask them and I’ll be right here waiting for your call!”

“Ok, bye Tiffy-Tiff!”

“Bye Sally-Pally!”

Sally hung up and ran back to the ER “BRIAN!!” she shrieked

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Brian, can Tiffy come visit me?” Sally said, pulling a pleading face

“Uhh.. I don’t know Sally-”

“PLEASE Brian, please?!!” she pouted “It’s so boring for me here alone, I haven’t seen Tiffy in ages, and I promise we won’t be of any trouble!”

Michelle frowned her eyebrows and let out a skeptical scorn “Too late”

Brian looked at Michelle and smiled. Sally turned his face back and went on with her begging

“Please Bri-bri? I would be forever thankful”

Brian sighed “I would have to ask the others about this first”

“I know, but they don’t care, right Michelle?” Sally shot Michelle an evil look “Because if Tiff’s here, they won’t have to deal with me”

Brian looked at Michelle questioningly “Is it OK with you Chell?”

“Oh she can do whatever she wants, as long as she stays far, far away from me” Michelle banged the door close behind herself

Sally smiled triumphantly “See, they don’t mind! Brian? Sweetie? Can Tiffany come now?”

“I guess.. but I’ll have to ask Angela too”

“YES!!” Sally jumped up “Oh thank you thank you thank you!!” she sat down on Brian’s lap “thank you baby” she said and kissed him passionately

~~~45 minutes later, LA~~~


She heard her dad call out her name from the living room “I’m almost ready!!” she shouted back


Yasmine brushed through her long black hair one more time, took her purse and suitcases and ran off to the living room to find her dad totally stressed there

“Take a chill-pill dad!” she joked

“Let’s go” Ross snatched his suitcase from the couch and walked out. Yasmine followed him and closed the door behind her. “So where are we going?” she asked

“Capitol Studios”

“That’s in Hollywood huh?”


~~~40 minutes later~~~

Ross sighed annoyed “Oh come on lady! You could have easily crossed the street a hundred times!” he muttered.

“Damn bitch! Move your ass already!” Yasmine shouted

Ross looked at his daughter startled but then started laughing

“What?” Yasmine asked

“Oh I think you will fit in nicely with the others..”


“You have things in common with the girls Yaz, especially with Michelle and Morgan”


Finally the car in front of them crossed the street and Ross was able to cross right after her, parking his car in the special parking spaces for the Capitol Studios.

“Ok Yazzie, I’ll be busy so you think you can spend time on your own?”

“Sure dad”

“You can go shopping if you want.. or just hang around in the studios if it’s OK with Eddy and John”

Yasmine nodded

“Ah! Ross!” John Penn came walking towards him as he saw Ross

“Hello John, how are you?”

“Fine, fine. And you?”

“Things couldn’t be better” Ross stepped back “This is my daughter Yasmine. Yasmine this is John Penn”

“Hello” Yasmine shook hands with him

“I didn’t want her to be alone all day, so I took her with me”

“Oh that’s ok. Uhm..” John looked around thinking “Where are they?” he thought out loud

“Who?” Ross asked

“Well Justin, JC, Lance, Joey and Chris are somewhere around here, they just finished recording for the day.. I thought maybe it would be nice for Yasmine to stay with them while we talk.. they could show her around” John spotted Joey’s red head from afar and called for him “JOEY!”

“Yea John?” Joey walked up to him with his hands in his pockets

“Joey, do you have any plans for today?”

“Uhm.. not really..”

“Do you mind keeping someone company?”

Joey looked at him questioningly

“Joey, you remember Ross Blythe?”

“Uhh.. yea.. hi”

“Hello Joey” Ross smiled

“And this is Yasmine Blythe, Ross’ daughter..” John introduced her

“Oh, hi I’m Joey” he shook her hand

“Hi, I’m Yasmine, Yaz for friends”

“Ross, Eddy and I have a meeting about Phantasia’s debut album. Yasmine is on her own all day, I thought maybe you and the guys could keep her company?”


“Great!” John said

“You want to Yazzie?” Ross asked her

“Yea sure dad, it’s better than being on my own”

“Ok, keep your portable phone with you so I can call you when I’m done”

“OK, bye daddy”

“Let’s go” Joey said to Yasmine and motioned her to come with him. They walked through the corridors. Joey opened a door and told Yasmine to stand behind him

“Yo, yo guys!” Joey silenced the 4 of them

“Wass a matter man?” Chris asked

“We have some babysitting to do” Joey grinned

“HEY! I’m not a baby, Ronald McDonald!” Yasmine said

“What’cha hiding behind your back Joey?” Lance got up and tried to look over Joey’s shoulder

“Guys, meet Yasmine” Joey stepped aside to reveal Yasmine standing behind him

“Uhhh... Hi!” Yasmine said blushing a bit, but smiling

“Whoa..” was all the guys said

“Wow, are you guys always this articulate?” Yasmine giggled and walked inside the room “Hi I’m Yasmine Blythe” she introduced herself

Justin’s face saddened at the mentioning of her last name “Blythe?..” he nearly whispered

“Yea.. Yaz Blythe” Joey said to him

“As in: Ross Blythe?” JC asked

“Yea that’s my dad”

“Oh, well hi, nice to meet you. I’m JC!” JC turned a bit “That guy is Lance.. you met Joey.. the moron is Chris.. and the mute, statue one here is Justin”

“Hi Justin” Yasmine smiled at him Ok, he’s HOT!!!

Justin stared at her speechless

“Yo Timberlake, speak already!” Chris called “It’s not polite to stare and don’t talk!”

Justin got up from his seat. Yasmine took his hand in hers and shook it “Hi”

“Hi.. I’m uh.. Justin”

The guys sniggered.

“You’re cute” Yasmine giggled and her brown greenish eyes sparkly smiled at him

Justin felt his knees grow weak and little tinkling butterflies started fluttering around in his stomach

“Do you even know what talking is?” Yasmine giggled more

“He ain’t like this normally Yaz.. most of the time he’s talkin’ and flirting with everything that walks” Joey said

“I guess you’re special” JC smiled

“I take that as a compliment I guess” Yasmine smiled back

“So Yaz.. tell us a little bit more about yourself” Chris patted on the empty chair next to him

Yasmine sat down “What do you guys wanna know about me?”

“Everything” Lance grinned

“Ok.. well I’m Yasmine Nadia Blythe, I’m gonna turn 19 on December 19th.. uhm.. I just finished high school, thank God! My mom and dad are divorced.. my mom remarried recently and she’s moving at the end of this week. So I’m gonna stay with my dad for a little while, till I’m in College I guess. Tomorrow afternoon we’re flying to Denver and then I’m gonna stay on the tourbus of the Backstreet Boys and Phantasia.. Cool huh?” she said excitedly

The guys exchanged looks. Justin stared at his feet sadly

“It’s not.. cool?” Yasmine asked jokingly

“Uhm.. yea sure it’s cool”

~~~3 hours later~~~

Yasmine was talking to Justin, having the time of her life. They really connected and both were starting to fall in love with each other. After about an hour the other guys had let them alone, sensing the slight crushes, so now they were alone



“Can I take you out on a date tonight?”

“Sure Justin” Yasmine smiled

“I was thinking we could go see a movie and grab a bite to eat?”

“Sounds like fun”

“Ok, I’ll pick you up at 7 then?”


They smiled at each other without talking.




“Hey Sally!”

“So listen up, you can come visit me for a few days K?”

“Oh great! Where are you now?”

“We’re in Denver almost”

“I’ll take the next flight, you make sure I have backstage passes and everything”

“Sure I will, I’ll come pick you up from the airport, call me when you’re there”

“I will”

“Ok, latah Tiffy”

“Bye Sally”

~~~Later that night~~~

Michelle, Alyssa, Morgan, Nick, AJ and Kevin were gathered in the ER. Angela had just told them all that Sally’s friend Tiffany would join them on the road for a few days. This meant a more crowded bus and the 6 of them were rather pissed

“Gezze, fuck it!” Morgan said angrily

“Fuck what Morge?” Michelle joked

“Fuck me” Nick whispered in Morgan’s ear

Morgan poked him in the stomach and pushed him away “Fuck off you big sack of hormones!”

“Hey, no need to be pissed at me!” Nick said offended “Its not my fault the bitch asked a bitchy friend along!”

“Guys, come on, there’s no need for you start a fight” Kevin hushed

“Damn Kevin I’m just PISSED OFF!” Morgan said

“Yea, you go Morgy!” Michelle joined in “That stupid BITCH”

“Yea, how come Sally can invite over whomever she wants.. and we can’t?!” AJ said “The bus is crowded enough as it is.. there’s not enough space for another bitch!”

“Yea.. I think some of us might have to sleep on the other bus”

“WHAT?!” the 3 girls yelled together

“There’s absolutely NO WAY I’m going to move my stuff to the other bus so some stupid DITZY friend of Sally can sleep on OUR bus in OUR bunks!” Morgan objected

“Morgan’s right! I’m not gonna move to the other bus, my ass stays here!” Michelle said

“Let HER sleep in the other bus!” Alyssa said grumpily

“HELLO! Stop shouting at me! It wasn’t my idea!” Kevin said

“Whatever, it’s NOT gonna happen”

“Michelle CHILL”

“NO! I’m in a terribly pissy mood and it’s all that bitch’s fault!”

“Honey, baby,.. relax” AJ said, taking her hands in his “Relax.. don’t let Sally get to you, that’s exactly what she wants.. just relax and we’ll see what happens ok?”

“But AJ-”

“No but-AJ’s.. just relax”


Yasmine took Justin’s hand as he helped her out of the car

“Thanks for a wonderful night Justin, it was really great” she smiled

“Well thanks to you too” he took a little card from his pocket and handed it to her “This is my portable phone number.. I.. I would like to see you more often..”

“I would like that too” Yasmine took a little paper and pen out of her purse “Here’s my portable phone number.. and the number of the phone in the bus”

Justin smiled “Thanks”

“So when will I see you again?”


Yasmine’s eyes lit up more and she giggled a bit “You will call me, will you?”

“First thing in the morning”


“Really.. well I might take a pee first”

Yasmine chuckled

“I’ll call Yasmine” he said seriously


Justin moved closer towards her “Can I kiss you?”

“Aw, it’s so sweet of you to bother asking” Yasmine gushed “Yes you may”

Justin smiled his irresistible smile and kissed her

~~~Next day~~~

“OK everybody, as you all know, two new people are joining us on the road today. Ross will come with Yasmine and Sally’s friend Tiffany is already on her way. So we have to make some rearrangements with the bunks.. the girls’ bedroom has 5 bunks and the guys’ bedroom has 8. Now if 3 girls move their stuff to the guys’ room, Sally, Tiffany and Yasmine can sleep in the girls’ room, OK?!” Angela said

“I don’t wanna move” Michelle whined

“You’ll have to share the room with Sally and Tiffany” Morgan whispered to her cousin

“OK, I’m volunteering to sleep in the guys’ room!” Michelle called

“Great!” Angela smiled “OK girls, who else?”

“I’ll go too!” Morgan exclaimed

Becky and Summer exchanged looks “Lyss you take the other bunk with the guys” Summer said

“Really? You don’t mind?”

“No. You take it” Becky smiled at her Having to share her room with Sally wouldn’t be good for her.. besides I don’t mind sharing with Sally.. its only fair that Lyss can take the bunk in the other room

“Alright, so that’s Michelle, Morgan and Alyssa”

“Yep!” Michelle smiled

“Cool.. we get 3 hot chicks in our bedroom!” AJ grinned

Alyssa, Morgan and Michelle rolled their eyes at him “Men!” they said in unison

“C’mon girlies, let’s move our stuff to the guys’ room” Morgan said, getting up out of her chair

~~~15 minutes later~~~

“HEY YOU GUYS WHERE ARE YOUR CHIVALROUS ASSES?!!?! WE NEED HELP!!” Michelle shouted through the bus

Howie appeared in the doorway of the bathroom “Do you HAVE to yell? Gezze I’m here already!” he chuckled

“Thanks D” Michelle said as she handed him one bag


“NICKOLAS!!” Morgan shouted and burst into the ER “Get your ass over here NOW and help us!”

“Yes ma’am!” he saluted her and followed her “Uhm.. ok, so do you really need all this junk?” Nick said as he saw Morgan’s pile of bags and clothes that had to be moved to the guys’ room

“It’s not junk!!” Morgan said “Just help me”


Alyssa and Michelle stood in the middle of the guys’ room and looked around. They glanced over at each other with meaningful looks

“Definitely a guy-room” Michelle sighed

“Yea.. we will have to do some major cleaning up”

“Uh huh”

“Hey girls!” Morgan came in. Michelle and Alyssa gave her the same meaningful look. She scanned the room and wrinkled her nose “There’s a smell of 5 different colognes, pizza and sweat hanging around here”

The 3 girls nodded and took their bags out of the room again

“What are you doing?!” Howie and Nick asked, now joined by AJ and Kevin too

“We’re going to clean up first” Alyssa said

“Yea, there’s no way I’m gonna sleep in this pigsty” Morgan said frowning her eyebrows

“But.. what’s wrong with the way our room is now?” AJ pouted

“Well for one, it SMELLS!!” Morgan said

“It’s a total MESS!” Alyssa added

“It just SUCKS!” Michelle said

“Hey, hey! This is OUR room! We decide what happens in here!”

“Yea, so what if we like it smelly and messy?!”

“You chicks ain’t gonna turn it into a girly-room! We don’t want pink curtains and daisy wallpaper with vanilla scent!”

“You guys are totally overreacting”

“Yea, we only wanna sort out this mess and like vacuum clean the place”

“Else we’re NOT going to sleep in here” Morgan looked Nick in the eyes

“Guys, maybe they can just uhm vacuum clean and sort out our clothes and stuff” Nick stammered

“AHH!! She cast a spell on Nick!!” AJ said “NICK!! Brother!! Man!! You can beat the evil woman!”

They chuckled

“Ok whatever you guys, now get out of my way, I need to open that window” Morgan pushed them aside and opened a window “Aaah, FRESH air.. that will get the sweaty, pizza smell out of here! Oh and guys,” she turned to them again “Please spray your cologne in the bathroom! There’s like 5 different cologne-scents floating around in here!”

Alyssa and Michelle nodded with Morgan

“I’m outta here..” Kevin sighed and walked off


“I’m getting the vacuum cleaner” Alyssa said, looking down at what seemed cookie crumbles

“I’m gonna sort their clothes out,.. I bet most of it is dirty anyway” Morgan said, looking at the enormous piles everywhere

AJ, Nick and Howie walked off also. And the girls went to work


“TIFFY!!” Sally shrieked as she saw the tall blonde

“SALLY!!” the two girls hugged

“Hey girl! ‘Sup?”

“Ah, not much.. I’m tryin’ HARD to make Brian spend his millions on me, but he’s careful and cautious.. I really fucked up last time”

“Don’t you worry Sal, things will work out.. eventually he’ll have to give in”

“Yea..” Sally sighed “Well I sure am glad you’re here.. you can help me”

“Ya girl! I’m gonna convince Brian and his loser friends that you’re Cinde-fuckin’-rella!”

The two of them laughed evilly

“Thanks Tiff, wouldn’t know what to do without you!”

~~~30 minutes later~~~

Michelle sat back in her chair tiredly “GawdDAMN!”

“What’s a matter babe?” AJ asked

“What’s the matter?!! I’ll tell you what the matter is!! You guys are a bunch a PIGS!! DAMN that room was.. EEEWW!!”

“Yea.. GROSS Alexander! Didn’t your momma tell you to clean up your room?!” Morgan said

AJ stuck out his tongue and turned away from them


“Is THAT our bus??!” Tiffany said shocked

“Yea it’s not exactly luxurious huh?”

“One would think they have enough cash to get a decent bus!”

“I know” Sally sighed “Well you’re lucky, you’re only gonna be on the damn bus for a few days while I have to stay there for about 2 and a half month longer!”

“Aaw, I’m sorry Sally”

“Yea.. oh and we’re sharing our room with Summer and Becky and this new girl .. Yasmine.. she’s the manager’s daughter, she’s coming today too. Summer and Becky are the nicest to me.. my guess is the charity thing ‘touched’ them, Becky is such a goody-goody and Summer is like the mother..”

“Ugh” Tiffany rolled with her eyes “Ok, tell me about the others before we go in”

“Ok, so you have Morgan, who’s like the baby of the group. Then Michelle, the one you talked to on the phone.. she’s a total bitch! And lastly Alyssa.. she gets on my nerves! She’s like depressed which is kinda pathetic.. and they all totally fall for her little damsel in distress act! It’s just.. UGH!”

“And the guys?”

“Well you have Howie.. he’s.. neutral.. he is calm and a real business guy. Then you have Kevin.. he’s the oldest and he acts like he is too. AJ and Nick are worst.. they despise the ground I walk on, I can just see the hatred in their eyes.. also you gotta know that Michelle is AJ’s girlfriend and Morgan is Nick’s.. so obviously it’s the 4 of them against me”

Tiffany glanced at the bus and grinned an devilish smile “I have a plan that just might work..”

“Really? What?”

“How about.. we mess up their perfect little lives a bit?”

“A bit?”

“Yea.. think of an earthquake..” Tiffany’s smile grew bigger

“What do you have in mind Tiff?”

“First you gotta get on the good side of the neutral ones.. be extra nice to them and show interest in what they do, try to have conversations with Kevin and Howie to make them realize you’re really truly regretting the way you treated them in the past.. you said there’s 4 against you?”

“No actually 5.. Alyssa too”

“OK, that’s 5 for and 5 against you.. equally divided.. now what we’re gonna do is exert influence on them.. provoke fights.. we’re gonna ruin the happy peachy mood”

“Great” Sally and Tiffany both sneered

“So how about the relationships between the boys and the girls?” Tiffany went on

“Oh.. well it’s Kevin and Summer.. they’re a couple.. but you don’t really notice much of it. Howie and Becky.. they’re always talking together and laughing. Like I said; AJ and Michelle.. they’re.. sexual together. And Nick and Morgan.. they’re sickening.. always together and always calling each other ‘baby’ and ‘angel’ the type of couple that says ‘I love you’ every minute”

Tiffany’s eyes sparkled more evilly “So they’re the cute-couple? The couple that has it all?”


“Let’s ruin that”

Chapter 21