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Chapter 22

~~~The Next Morning~~~

Alyssa slowly closed the door to Morgan’s room. Morgan had a rough night, she spent half the time crying silently to herself. Alyssa sighed and walked down the hall back into her room where Nick was. She took out her key and unlocked the door. She was surprised to see Nick awake sitting by the window staring outside blankly. As she shut the door Nick turned his head, his eyes were musty and his face was pale. Alyssa’s heart broke to see him like this. You asked for it…She thought but couldn’t help feeling bad for him even after all he did. Alyssa blamed it on Tiffany Stupid Bitch!…it was all her ‘master plan’ to ruin their lives and sadly she succeeded. Alyssa walked over to the dresser and threw her things on it. After she walked over to Nick. “Hey…” she said gently.

Nick looked up at her, tears formed in his eyes soon rolling down his cheeks.

“Nicky…” Alyssa lifted him up and pulled him in for a hug. Nick cried hysterically. “Calm down sweetie…please”

Nick wiped his tears and sat on the edge of the bed. “How is she?”


Nick started to cry again. “It’s all my fault!!!”

“Yes, but not entirely Nicky…Tiffany planned it all…”

“Yea but I was stupid enough to follow! Now look at the shit I got myself into.”

“Don’t beat yourself down Nicky…”

“Why not!? I deserve it!” He got up and wiped his tears. “I have to go talk to her.”

“No” Alyssa stopped him in his tracks. “You can’t”


“She’s not ready to talk to you…it will only upset her…”

“Lyssie I have too!”

“No Nicky you want to…that’s different…and Morgan does NOT want to talk to you…”

“Damnit!” Nick sighed.

“C’mon Nicky you gotta get ready now…Angela and Ross will be here any minute. Everyone is in the lobby…I’m sure they all want to know what has happened.”

“Lyssie I can’t go in there yet”

“I know but you can’t avoid them forever…” She could see Nick’s pleading eyes. “Do you want me to explain everything?”

“Please…I can’t do it”

“Alright I will…” Alyssa said. “Go take a shower and get dressed…we have promotion work today”

Nick nodded. “Thanks Lyssie” He got up and kissed her cheek.

“You should because I guarantee you that after I tell them…I’ll be the only person who you’ll be able to talk to for a while.”

Nick looked down. “The girls are going to be upset right?”

“I’m afraid so…knowing them”

“Great now everyone will hate me…I know the guys will have a fit!”

“I don’t hate you Nicky…but I can’t take your side completely…it’s unfair to Morgan”

Nick nodded and walked to the bathroom shutting the door and turning on the shower. Alyssa changed her clothes, fixed up and walked back to Brian’s room where she left Morgan. Opening the door she found Morgan on the bed.

“Hey girl”

“Hi Lyss” she said faintly.

“You want to come in for breakfast? Everyone is in the lobby…”

“Everyone?” She said frowning her eyebrows.

“No Nick’s in my room getting ready…”

“I don’t want to be in there with him…I don’t want to talk to him!” she crossed her arms.

“Morgan your gonna have to say something to him…you see him everyday…” Alyssa said. “I know how you feel…trust me”

“Did it hurt this much when you and Brian broke up?”

“Probably not as much because he didn’t cheat on me” Alyssa said slightly. “But it hurt a lot…it takes time…but you’ll get there”

“Lyssie is he as upset as I am?”

“Yes…he was crying”

Morgan’s heart broke. Is he really sorry? She thought. No! he decided to cheat on me! I’ll never forgive him! Morgan pushed her feelings out of her mind. “Well I don’t care…I hate him.”

Alyssa sighed disappointedly. “Ok Morgy…if that’s what you want.”

“It is”

“Well while you get ready I’m gonna join the others in the lobby…they’ll want to know what happened. Besides I called Angela last night demanding that Tiffany leave…she’ll want an explanation.”

“So tell them what happened.” Morgan wiped her tears away.

“That’s what I was gonna ask you. Nick wanted me to tell them too.”

“Your not on his side are you?!” Morgan asked.

Alyssa looked at her. “I’m on both your sides…please don’t make me choose between you two. I care about both of you…but remember you come before Nick…you’re my best friend I’ve known you for 15 years!…Nothings gonna change that ok?”

“I know Lyssie…just making sure” Morgan tried to smile.

“Luv ya Morgan…please try to be happy…even if it’s hard.”

“Luv ya too Lyss…I’ll try”

“Ok so I’ll see you in a bit?”

“Yea lemme get ready.” Morgan said standing up. “Oh and Lyss?”

“Yea sweets?”

“When you see Nick tell him I don’t want to talk to him.” Morgan said as she walked into the bathroom.

“Ok” Alyssa agreed hesitantly and walked out the door to the lobby area to face the others.


I wonder what happened? Yasmine sat in the lobby with Michelle and AJ. Kevin, Summer, Howie, and Becky sat at another table. Brian sat across the room with Sally and Tiffany was still in her room. Alyssa got to the door and breathed. “Well here goes nothing…” she opened the door carefully and walked inside.

“Lyssie!” Yasmine stood up as Alyssa walked over to the table.

“Hey girl”

Hey Lyssie! You were great last!” AJ smiled. “The song was amazing!”

“What song?” Kevin asked followed by Summer.

“Alyssa and Brian sang a duet last night at the party” Yasmine smiled.

“And guess who requested we all sing?!” Michelle laughed.

“Who?” Howie asked joining in with Becky.

“CLIVE!” AJ smiled. “We all got called up on stage after the four of you left and the man said Clive requested we sing!”

“Shit! Something always happens when I’m not there! So what happened…??” Summer asked.

“Yea well Nick, Michelle and I were way too drunk to sing…and Morgan’s throat hurt so she was out…” AJ explained.

“Yea so Britney Spears comes up and tells Lyss and Brian to sing that duet off her album!! They were so good you should have been there!”

“Yea everyone was mesmerized.” Yasmine smiled.

“Damn why do I always miss the good stuff?!” Kevin joked.

“Wow that’s so cool Lyss!” Becky smiled.

“Yea well then Clive comes up and he wants us to record a duet now…” Alyssa said.

“WHAT?!?! THAT”S SO COOL!!!” Summer said excitedly. “I’m so happy!”

“Thanks…” Alyssa said unenthusiastically.

“What’s the matter Lyss…I’d think you’d be happier…” Kevin asked putting his arm around her. “Is everything ok?”

“No I’m happy about the whole duet thing its great and all…”

“But?” Howie asked.

“Something terrible happened last night…”

“Alyssa is this why you told me to sleep in Brian’s room?” Yasmine cut in.

Alyssa nodded.

“You slept in Brian’s room??! Why?! What Happened??! Where did Brian sleep?!” Becky asked a hundred questions.

“Brian and Sally slept in Tiffany’s room, Morgan and I slept in hers, and Nick is in my room.” Alyssa answered.

“What the hell is going on?” AJ demanded.

“OK you guys you’d better sit down…” Alyssa started. “This isn’t good”

They all nodded and took a seat.

“As of last night Nick and Morgan are no longer a couple” Alyssa stated.

“WHAT?!?!” Michelle yelled. “LYSS WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?!”

“Tell us now!!!!” Kevin added.

“Hey ok…don’t kill me I’m only the messenger!” Alyssa said.

“Sorry Lyss…just tell us please?!” Howie said.

“Alright here it goes…” Alyssa told them all that had happened last night. How Morgan and Alyssa opened the door to the room and found Tiffany kissing Nick. Alyssa purposely kept the other two incidents to herself, seeing that telling them one already made them upset.

“I’m gonna kill him!” Summer said getting up.

“I’ll help you! I can’t believe Nick would do that…” Michelle got up.

“Whoa guy’s calm down…this isn’t our problem” Howie attempted to stop Summer and Michelle.

“Nick?! He kissed Tiffany?!” Yasmine sat back baffled.

“Nick, Nick, Nick…” AJ shook his head. “That bastard!”

“AJ please it’s not all his fault.” Alyssa tried to tell them. “He was drunk…Tiffany planned this from the very beginning. Sally helped too!”

“That’s no excuse…he let her kiss him that’s enough, end of story” Kevin shook his head. “Nick…oh he just made me really mad.”

“You guy’s don’t be so harsh!” Alyssa said. “It’s their problem not ours…I’m just here to tell you all. You gotta let them take care of it themselves.”

Just then the door opened and Morgan walked in. Everyone exchanged looks with each other. Instinctively all the girls got up and huddled towards her.

“Morgan you ok sweetie ???We heard what happened...” Michelle said giving her cousin a hug.

“Yea I’m fine” Morgan answered.

“You sure?”

“Yes! OK!” Morgan walked away and to the table making some food for breakfast.

“Give her some time…” Alyssa said. “She was so upset last night…she said she hated him and never wanted to talk to him again.”

“Damnit!” Summer sighed.

Just then Nick walked in. He still looked bad even thought he took a shower and cleaned himself up. He made his way over to Alyssa. As soon as he got to her the other girls exchanged looks and turned to walked away. Michelle stayed behind for a moment. “You disgust me Nick Carter…stay away form Morgy…” she said and walked away.

“You were right…” Nick whispered.

“The guy’s are mad too…” she answered.


“And I didn’t even tell them about the other two times it happened, just about last night…”

“Thanks Lyssie…I knew I could trust you…” Nick looked away.

Alyssa saw Morgan walk to the other end of the room with the girls. “Go get something to eat Nicky…”

He nodded and walked to the table but just picked at the food. Alyssa walked over to the boys. “Please don’t jump on him…”

“Alyssa! He hurt Miss Morgan!” AJ protested.

“I know…he’s sorry…” Alyssa answered.

“It’s no excuse” Kevin retorted.

Nick walked over to the guys, he didn’t get any food, he wasn’t hungry. “Hey”

“Nick” Howie being the civil one answered.

Kevin and AJ exchanged looks and got up. “You are so lucky right now…otherwise I’d be kicking your ass…” AJ said coldly walking away to join Summer and Michelle.

Nick put down his head and glanced sadly at Alyssa. “Sorry” she mouthed to him.


“Brian you believe me right?” Sally asked.

“Yea” Brian answered. She couldn’t have known about this! Could she?? No way…she may not be the nicest person but Tiffany is much worse. Besides Alyssa didn’t have to yell at her last night… he thought to himself unsure of who to believe.

“I knew you would” Sally said happily hugging Brian.


Morgan walked over to the table again to get a drink. Nick saw her alone. He forgot everything Alyssa said to him, he wanted to talk to Morgan. “Hi” he said coming up to her.

“I have nothing to say to you” She said not looking up.

“Please let me explain Morgan! I’m so sorry!”

Morgan ignored him.

“God Morgan please believe me! I’m so stupid! I know I was wrong! I love you!”

“I SAID I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU!” she yelled staring away from him.

“Please…” Nick pleaded.



“I SAID BYE!” she turned her back completely to him. God Nick why did you do it?! She thought in the back of her mind.

Nick looked down defeated and walked to a chair away from everyone.

Morgan sighed and turned around. The door swung open and none other than Tiffany walked in smiling to herself like nothing was wrong. Morgan’s heart burned with hate and sadness at the same time. She burst into tears and stormed out of the lobby.

Tiffany watched Morgan cry as she brushed past her on the way out of the lobby. "What a baby…"

Nick turned his head to her with hatred in his eyes "Shut up about her" he got up and walked out off the room too

"Gee, I wonder what’s wrong with them?" Tiffany smiled an innocent smile

The girls exchanged looks of aggravation and anger.

"Gee, maybe it has something to do with YOU!?" Michelle snapped

"ME??" Tiffany asked

"Yea, the fact that you couldn’t keep your dirty hands off of Nick" Yasmine explained

"Well he wasn’t exactly resisting ya know" Tiffany kept on smiling "But that doesn’t surprise me"

"You’re so full of yourself, why really, you are not more than a dirty slut" Michelle tensed

"Oh I wasn’t talking about my beauty, silly!" Tiffany giggled "It doesn’t surprise me because.. well.. Morgan?!? COME ON! Poleez!"

"And what’s THAT supposed to mean?" Michelle got up from her chair

"Gezze Michelle, are you like BLIND??" Tiffany looked at her "She’s just a little girl. At least I’m a woman.."

"Oh Morgan is SO much more mature than you are" Alyssa said

Tiffany shot Alyssa an evil look "Well at least I’m not fat"

"WHAT?!!" Michelle walked up to her

"You heard me the first time, Michelle. It’s the truth, Morgan is a fat, stupid, little girl"

"If you say that one more damn time!!" Michelle threatened

"FINE! I will then!!" Tiffany yelled back "MORGAN IS A STUPID, FAT CRYBABY"

Michelle slapped her in the face hard "Take that you WHORE! No one talks about my cousin like that!!"

Tiffany touched her cheek "Ugh! You bitches just PISS ME OFF TO NO END!"

Yasmine stood beside Michelle now "Why don’t you just LEAVE?!"

Because, my intention is to RUIN your lives! And I think I’ve succeeded so far, don’t you agree? I wrecked a perfect relationship and made that little bitch feel SO used-"

Before she could say anything else, Yasmine raised her first and hit her on the other cheek.

"YAZ!" Becky gasped for breath

"You lowlife, nasty slut!!" Yasmine yelled

Tiffany just stood there and smiled evilly "I got exactly what I wanted. I made you get angry, I made blondie feel like he’s a jerk, and most of all, I made that fatass feel she’s really ugly, which, NEWSFLASH, she IS!"

Michelle just lost all control and started beating Tiffany.

Suddenly the door swung open "GIRLS!!!" Angela shouted and pulled them apart

"YASMINE NADIA BLYTHE!!" Ross yelled and pulled his daughter away from the fight "WHAT THE HELL?!!"

Michelle shrugged loose of Angela’s hold and took a deep breath. She looked at Tiffany and spit on her "I hope you will die" she said in a voice trembling with anger. Then she stalked out of the room.

Tiffany wiped the spit from her face and sighed indignantly

"Ok, what THE HELL was that about?!! I DEMAND an explanation!!" Angela crossed her arms and faced them all

"I told you it was bad!" Alyssa said to her

"Yasmine, I want you to tell me what happened, NOW" her father demanded

“Tiffany here has got to go daddy!” Yasmine crossed her arms. Ross looked to Angela and Angela looked to Alyssa. “Ok Alyssa now tell me what you wanted to last night”

“Tiffany seduced Nick while he was drunk and kissed him. On top of that she planned the whole thing making sure that Morgy would catch them. That’s what happened last night.” She sighed.

“That’s why Nick was crying over the phone.”

“Yeah…Ange” Alyssa looked seriously at her manager. “Please…”

Angela looked to Tiffany who was standing with her arms crossed smiling smugly. “Well Ms. Seaver it looks like we are going to have to ask you to leave.”

“WHAT?!” Sally jumped of Brian from across the room and ran over. “You can’t do that!”

“Shut-up!” Yasmine rolled her eyes.

“Its ok Sal…I’ll be fine, I’ve done my job” Tiffany smiled. “It’s been a pleasure” she said as she walked out of the lobby.

“Tiffy!” Sally called out to her.

“Ange…” Alyssa said.


“Sally was a part of it too” she answered.

“C’mon Ange she’s got to leave to!” AJ added.

“I was not! Honest!” Sally whined. “Brian tell them!”

Brian hesitantly walked over to the group. Angela and Ross looked expectantly at him. “Well Brian?” Ross asked.

Brian looked at the faces of his friends. Kevin, Howie, and AJ had the look of death in their eyes. Summer, Becky, and Yasmine pleaded that he agree so that Sally would leave. Then he looked at her, Alyssa had the same look on her face, should I agree with them? Then Sally would be gone and we could try too… His eyes adverted back to Sally who pouted desperately to him. I can’t do that if she leaves then she’s homeless…

“WELL?!” AJ asked aggravated.

Brian sighed and looked down. “No she wasn’t”

“See!” Sally smiled.

“WHAT?!” Kevin answered. “ARE YOU BLIND?!”

“KEVIN” Angela said sternly. “That’s enough.”

Kevin stormed out of the lobby with Summer following.

Brian looked up to Alyssa. Her eyes were full of disappointment. He sighed and took Sally out of the room.

“I don’t fucking believe this!” AJ said as soon as he left.

“AJ no more!” Ross said. “No more fighting from any of you got it?”

Yasmine, Alyssa, Becky, AJ and Howie nodded their heads.

“Well Roy is downstairs with the van to take you to the studio for photo shoots.” Angela flipped through her calendar. “Well meet you back here at 8 pm. Then tomorrow is the show in Albuquerque, New Mexico.” She closed her book and walked out of the room with Ross.

“Great!” AJ sat down. “We only got rid of one bitch!”

“Yea great…”

“This sucks” Becky mumbled.

“Oh yea…” they all agreed.

~~~The Next day~~~

Everyone was at the venue for tonight’s concert. One day had passed since Tiffany had gotten kicked out. All the hatred towards Nick had cooled down a bit among the others, but they were all still disappointed in him.

Michelle sat on a chair in the dressing room, AJ, Alyssa, Yasmine and Kevin were talking about something, but she wasn’t listening. She was staring at her little cous who was sitting all alone in a corner of the room, curled up with her knees touching her chin. Michelle sighed

“What’s a matter Michelle?” Yasmine asked

“I feel so sorry for her..” Michelle said, still looking at Morgan “She really loved Nick ya know.. and he broke her heart”

“Yea.. no offense guys, but it totally changed my opinion on him.. he’s an asshole” Yasmine said

“I wish I could do something for her..” Michelle went on

Kevin got up and walked over to Morgan. They saw him put his arm around her and talk to her


“Morgan?” she heard Kevin’s deep voice behind her. She looked up and he sat down next to her, putting one arm around her “Hey Morgy, you ok?”

“No” she said bluntly

Kevin realized his mistake “Of course you’re not.. ok.. sorry, that was stupid..”

“Nevermind Kev”

“I just wanna say.. Nick is a blind jerk”

Morgan managed to pull off a weak smile

“You’re beautiful.. you’re the sweetest little missy around.. why would he throw that away?.. he’s so stupid”

“I appreciate what you’re trying to do Kev.. but it’s not working.. I still feel like shit.. and I still love him, even though.. even though..” tears filled her eyes and she swallowed “even though he broke my heart” she mumbled

Kevin enveloped her in a hug “You’re such a sweetie” he whispered and kissed her head

~~~An hour Later~~~

The girls sat in the seats waiting for the crew to ready the stage for their sound check. Ross and Angela came in talking on their cell phones to different people. “Girls!” Angela waved. The girls giggled and waved back to her as she came up to them, Ross closely behind.

“I trust you’re doing better today?!” Ross asked as he got off the phone.

“Yes we are!” Morgan answered.

Angela glanced at her. “Good…well tonight’s another show…you will all do great as usual.”

“Course Ange!” Becky smiled.

“Alyssa I completely forgot to tell you yesterday…but one of Clive’s representatives called me yesterday. So now Angela and I are fully aware of his plans.”

“Ok so what he say?!” Alyssa asked.

“We should get Brian he needs to hear this…Where is he?!” Angela looked around.

“They’re in their dressing room.” Michelle answered.

“Not anymore” Summer pointed to the guys as the came walking in.

“Well perfect timing!” Ross smiled. “Brian! Would you come here please?”

“Coming” he answered. Sally tugged at his shirt.

“Is this about the song?”

“Most likely”

“I don’t want you to sing with her.”

“That’s not your decision…I have to go”

Sally pouted and let go. “Fine…go sing with her…”

“Sally please we already discussed this…no more arguing.”

Sally just nodded and crossed her arms. Brian sighed and walked over to Ross.


“PHANTASIA UP IN FIVE” the sound guys called through the speakers

“What’s up Ross?” Brian smiled.

“Brian, good well Clive’s representatives called us up yesterday morning” Ross said to Alyssa and Brian.

“Yea he said he was going to do that”

“Alright so he is really excited about this whole thing, he already officially signed the papers to push a JIVE compilation CD…”

“That guy moves fast!” Alyssa smiled.

“Yes he does. He insists that you two be the pushing single to promote the disk.” Angela said. “So now he already has lyric’s for you, hired producers, and set 5 days for you to fly back to New York to record, shoot a video and do promotion.”

“So when is all this happening?” Brian asked.

“In three weeks” Angela said flipping through her calendar book. “So be prepared for a lot of work.”

“Alright” Alyssa nodded.


“Ok girls lets go!” Angela called.

“Later” Alyssa said directing it towards Brian.

“Bye” Brian mumbled as she ran off.


“WHAT SONG LADIES?” the sound guy asked.

Morgan quickly answered. “We’ll do History (That’s What You Are)

The girls looked at her.

“Hey I need something to vent through and this is the perfect song! Ok?!”

“Whatever you say girl!” Michelle smiled.

The music boomed through the venue as the girls took their position. Nick looked up as he heard the music begin. The song hit him hard.

. Michelle begun;

When I first saw ya’ I thought love was finally in my life But now I know, you were a fraud You stole my heart and left it for everyone to step on.

Becky took over;

And now I know just what love is and baby, sorry, you’re not it. I just think you gotta know, what you did was wrong. and guess what?!

They all sang the chorus;

History, that’s what you are! A constant reminder of how it shouldn’t have been. History, that’s what you are! A dying flame, of how it’ll never be again. History, that’s what you are!!

Morgan could see Nick watching uneasily. She smiled to herself. This is all for you, Nick…you hurt me…She stared boldly at him and sang her lines,

You’re like a left over from a lousy dinner, for the dog to eat. You treat women with no respect and so you’ll always stay; a scrub, someone else’s used goods.

After she broke her glance and moved to the other end of the stage. Alyssa could see what was happening. Nick looked at her sadly. She sighed and continued to perform.

Summer took over;

Uh-oh, yea, yea, you’re a thief, who will get sentenced to life one day, with guilt and burden haunting you forever more!

The girls performed powerfully, their voices were perfect and their dance moves right on. Morgan put her all into it releasing a lot of her stress over Nick through the lyrics.

History, that’s what you are! A constant reminder of how it shouldn’t have been. History, that’s what you are! A dying flame, of how it’ll never be again. History, that’s what you are!

Alyssa glanced over at Brian and remembered Morgan’s words form the party. “… but you gotta let him go…he’s not worth your time if he’s gonna act the way he does…making you feel bad all the time. Is it?” Alyssa thought to her self …She’s right…With that in mind she ended the song.

History, history!! Oh yea-ah, that’s just what you are! Dying flame! History, that’s what you are! History... that’s what you are, bye-bye!

All the boys minus Nick and Brian clapped. Nick because he knew Morgan meant to sing that song just for him, and Brian because he knew Alyssa sang that last part directly to him. I guess were back to not talking again…He sighed. So much for being friends…

~~~2 hours before showtime~~~

“Hey guys, what do you say we go play B Ball?” Alyssa suggested

“Yea, cool”


They all headed down to the basketball court behind the arena

“Girls against boys?” Michelle asked

“Yea, Phantasia vs. Backstreet Boys!” Alyssa grinned

“I remember last time we played against you guys and Lyss totally kicked Brian’s ass!” Becky laughed

“Yea, those were the days huh?” Michelle said jokingly

“Shut up Michelle!” Becky poked her in the stomach

“Ok stop it kids” Howie pulled them apart.

“I’ll watch the score board” Yasmine said, sitting down on a bench

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“C’mon Lyss! Pass the damn ball already!” Michelle whined when Alyssa ran off with the basketball again

“Morge!!” Alyssa called and threw the ball to Morgan.

Morgan dribbled around with it right in front of the basket, just when she tried to score, Nick blocked her way. His body was only inches from hers Damn, fuck off asshole she turned around and passed the ball to Becky who was on her right and stepped away from him.

Becky shot, but missed. The guys got the ball and ran off, trying to attack the female base. Howie threw the ball at Brian, but Alyssa jumped up and caught it. She passed it to Morgan again.

“C’mon Morgy, score!!” Yasmine cheered from her place on the bench.

Morgan glanced at Yaz quickly in the corner of her eyes and smiled, she turned her head back to find herself blocked by Nick again. “DAMMIT NICK, FUCK OFF!” she cursed out loud. They all startled and stood still. Which gave Morgan the perfect opportunity to make a goal. And that’s exactly what she did.

“Yay Morgy!!” Becky giggled

Morgan shot Nick an angry look and concentrated on the game again.

Once again Alyssa caught the ball while it was meant to be caught by one of the guys. She scanned the court. Summer had long lost interest in the game and stood nearly by the sideline, Becky was near to her, Michelle stood in the middle with AJ blocking her and Morgan at the far end near the guys’ basket. “CATCH!!” she yelled and flung the ball in Morgan’s direction.

Morgan caught the ball and saw Nick running her way again, probably to block her again. Suddenly she got extremely pissed, all the sorrow she felt made way for anger, terrible anger. With all the strength she had she threw the ball straight at Nick, it hit him right in the crotch. He gasped for breath and sunk to the ground.


Nick looked at her in pain “Morgan, please, I’m sorry.. please, baby, I’m so sorry”

“YOU’RE SORRY?! YEA RIGHT!!” she turned around to walk away, but turned back with clenched fists and hit him on his right cheek fiercely.

Nick touched his cheek in total shock and pain

“Asshole!!” she inched closer and kneed him. For the second time Nick went down “I’m sorry too Nick, sorry you fucked up” she said icy cold and walked off

“Whoa..” Alyssa said

“Nick?! You ok man?!” AJ kneeled down next to him

“I screwed up.. I really blew it” Nick mumbled

“You know what Nicky? Morgan is so right for beating you up” Michelle said angrily and walked off too

“My god! Nick are you alright?” Becky looked at him worriedly

“Whoa.. that’s so not like Morgy to beat someone up” Summer said still in shock

“OW…” Nick groaned as he stood himself up. “She hits hard…”

“Well we better be getting ready for the show. See you all later” Summer called. “Bye baby” she kissed Kevin.


“Bye Howie Bee!” Becky giggled.

“See ya” Becky walked off after Summer.

“Bye baby I love you” Michelle kissed AJ.

“Love you more”

Michelle walked off.

“Bye boys” Alyssa smiled.

“Lyssie wait!” Nick called getting up from the floor.

Alyssa walked over to Nick. “I need to talk to you, tonight”

“Is this about Morgan?”

Nick nodded his head.

“She’s really mad…”

“I know I don’t care…I have to get her back”

“Alright Nicky…” Alyssa answered. Nick rubbed his cheek. “Want me to help you cover that up? It’s probably gonna bruise.”

“Yea sure”

“Ok see-ya”

“Thanks Lyssie…” Nick smiled faintly.

Alyssa smiled back. “Sure” she turned and ran out of the basketball court to join the others.

~~~25 Min. Before the Show~~~

“Damn Morgan that was so cool!” Michelle smiled as she fixed her outfit. “I still can’t believe you beat the crap outta him!”

Morgan nodded. I can’t believe it either…Maybe I was too hard on him….

“He deserved it!” Yasmine agreed. “After what he did to you!”

“Exactly” Becky agreed.

Alyssa stood silently in front of the mirror listening to the conversation. She noticed Morgan’s obvious distance ever since she hit Nick earlier. Just then she saw Morgan walk into the other room, so Alyssa followed.


“Hey Lyssie” Morgan smiled grabbing her top of the clothes rack.

“You feeling ok?”

“Yes…” Morgan said quitely.

“Don’t lie to me Morgy”

Morgan sighed. “Alright no…I’m not ok…I feel bad…I think I was too hard on him”

“Do you?”

“Yea…I still love him even after all he did to me…but I can’t admit that in front of the other girls…”

“Why Morgy…don’t try to pull that ‘tough girl’ image it’s not you!”

“I know it’s not…but I don’t want to be the weak one either and go running back to him! No way!”

“You don’t have to, just talk to him…”

“I can’t, not yet”

“Alright Morgy…take your time ok? I’m here for you”

“Don’t tell the other girls what I just said. Please Lyssie?”

Alyssa nodded. “If you want me to I won’t ok? You can trust me.”

“Thanks” Morgan gave her a hug.

“Well I’ll see you girls backstage” Alyssa said walking back into the main room with Morgan where the other girls were. She grabbed her make-up bag off the table.

“Ok” Summer answered as Alyssa walked out of the dressing room.


KNOCK KNOCK…Alyssa stood outside the boys dressing room. Brian opened the door.

“Hey” Alyssa smiled. “Is Nicky in here?”

Brian looked away. “Yea over in that side room.” He pointed to the left of the room.

“Thanks” Alyssa said wondering why Brian didn’t even look up to her but she ignored it. “Nicky?” she peaked her head inside the room. Nick sat in a chair staring at his face in the mirror.

“Hey Lyssie” Nick answered.

“Well here I am!” She plopped the make-up bag down in front of him. “Man Nicky you bruise fast!” She admired the darkish mark across his cheek. “Well you ready?”

“Yea just don’t put too much ok?”

“I know!” Alyssa smiled and went to work. In about five minutes she was done. “There you go”

Nick looked into the mirror again. “Thanks…so is she still mad?”

“Not really…”

“YEA?!” Nick lightened up. “She’s not angry?!”

“I said not really…not completely…she’s still hurting”

“Oh…” Nick looked down disappointedly.

“So why do you wanna talk tonight?” she asked.

“I need you to help me get Morgan back.”

“Oh no…I can’t do that!”

“Please Lyssie?! I need you to!” Nick pouted.

Alyssa sighed. “Fine…”

“Thanks you’re the best ya know?!” Nick hugged her.

Alyssa laughed. “And you better not forget it!” she joked. “Well I gotta go now…time to do my job”

“Ok see you after”

“Yea” Alyssa walked out into the main room. “Bye guys!” she smiled.

“Later Lyssie!” Kevin smiled.

“Oh and I love you!” She giggled.

“Aw I love you too Lyssie!” AJ laughed.

“Bye” she waved and walked out.

The other guys smiled at each other. Brian did too but his face went blank as Sally looked sternly at him.

~~~After the Show~~~

“THANK YOU ALBUQURQUE YOU’VE BEEN A GREAT AUDIENCE!!” AJ called out as the show came to a close. The boys bowed with the dancers and exited the stage as the band finished the set off. The girls had been watching the show from the monitors backstage. Morgan didn’t want to see Nick’s face so she sat back away. Alyssa occasionally checked up on her. Morgan’s performance tonight wasn’t its usual sparkle. Neither was Nick’s. Alyssa watched his face on the screen earlier, he looked blankly out and only flashed his smile once or twice.

“C’mon girls Roy is outside waiting with the bus.” Summer said. “We gotta get our things.”

Everyone nodded and walked off to the dressing rooms. They picked up their stuff and headed out to the bus. Five minutes later the boys showed up and everyone was present.

“Is everyone here?” Roy called through the speaker.

“Yea! Lets go!” Kevin called. Roy started the bus and pulled out of the parking lot.

“C’mon Bri-Bri…” Sally dragged him into the guy’s room as Brian followed.

“God! Why is she still here?!” Michelle rolled her eyes.

“Hey I tried getting her kicked out too” Alyssa said. “But Angela said no”

“That sucks so much!”

“I know…she was totally part of the whole plan Tiffany had…” They all talked a bit more then changed the subject.

“Where are we going to next?” Becky asked.

“Tucson Arizona…then to Pheonix” Howie answered.

“Well I’m going to lay down wake me up when we get to the hotel” Morgan said walking into the girls bunk.

“Ok sweetie” Summer called after her.

Nick sat uncomfortably. Just as he walked out of the kitchen he caught Morgan’s attention. She looked away got up and left. He looked down and walked into the ER. Alyssa saw him close the door. She got up and went after him. “Later guys”

“Bye” Yasmine smiled. There was an awkward silence in the room.

“I feel bad for him” Michelle sighed. “He’s so upset”

“Nick?!” AJ asked. “Why…he hurt Morgan!”

“I know but he seem’s sorry!” Becky said.

“Guys! Did you all forget what he did to Morgan?” AJ continued.

“Yea but he’s so depressed…it’s pathetic…what if he is sorry?”

“Well it’s not our problem…Morgan and Nick have to work it out themselves.” Kevin answered. “But I hope they do…”

“Me too” Howie agreed.


“Nick?” Alyssa opened the door to the ER and stepped in.

Nick had his back turned facing the window staring out into the darkness. “You know that’s probably the first time you called me Nick…” he said trying to smile. “I’m so used to you saying the other name…”

Alyssa sat next to him. She could see the pain in his eyes as he looked to her. “Really?…I didn’t realize…” she smiled. “Nicky…”


“Are you sorry?”

Nick’s eyes shot full of tears. “Alyssa! How can you even ask me that?! Of course I’m sorry! I’ve never been this sorry my whole entire life! I blew it and I blew it big time! I ruined it with the girl I love more than life itself!” he crumpled his face in his hands.

“That’s not what I meant…I know you’re sorry. But now you’ve got something to start with…if you really wanna get Morgan back”

Nick snorted and wiped his tears. “What do you mean?”

“All those things you just said to me…about being sorry…you have to tell Morgan now”

“I can’t”

“Yes you can…and you have to or else you’ll loose her! Believe me hiding your feelings are the LAST thing you want to do!” She looked down.

“Your talking about Brian, right?”

Alyssa looked up and nodded her head. “Don’t lock all your feelings inside.”

“So how am I supposed to tell her?”

Alyssa sat and thought. “Well she used to go for that romantic stuff…but I don’t know if she still does…but it’s worth a try.”

“I’m listening…” Nick sat attentively while Alyssa gave him some ideas. They talked the whole way to the hotel and by the time they reached it they had a solid plan for Nick.

“You think you can handle it?” Alyssa asked as the bus stopped.

“Yea…just need to practice tomorrow. You’ll come right?” Nick asked.

“Course Nicky…”

“I knew you would!” Nick gave Alyssa a hug. “Thanks…”

“Your welcome. Now when we get down into our hotel rooms…make sure you do the first plan tonight ok? I’ll drop by your room and drop the stuff off.”

Nick nodded. “Lets go” Alyssa followed him grabbing her bags off the bus. They joined the others in the front of the bus.”

“Alright…do you all have room arrangements?” Kevin asked. “Angela said she booked. 6 rooms.

“Well lets figure it out.” AJ said. “Michelle and I have one”

“Becky and Me” Howie said.

“Brian and I have one” Sally answered.

“Summer and I are sharing one” Kevin called.

“Well that leaves you four!” Michelle said glancing towards Morgan, Yasmine, Alyssa and Nick.

Morgan thought it through. Yasmine, me, and Lyssie don’t have a room…oh damn! Him…she glanced at Nick. Then she figured it out. The other’s planned it this way so that they could get Morgan and Nick to share a room and hopefully make-up. Ha…nice try…no way… She caught Alyssa’s attention and nodded her head.

Alyssa saw Morgan stare at her with panic in her eyes. She knew there was only the four of them left, and too figured out the other’s ‘plan’. Alyssa nodded at Yasmine to Morgan. Morgan smiled of relief and mouthed “Thanks”. Alyssa smiled back.

“Well I’m rooming with Yasmine!” Morgan smiled.

“Are you sure Morgie” Becky stalled looking at Howie.

“Yep” with that Morgan ran off the bus with Yasmine.

“Nice try guys…”Alyssa said to Kevin, Summer, Howie, Becky, AJ, and Michelle.

“Damn…I thought it would work” AJ sighed.

“Well think again…” Nick said and walked off the bus behind Alyssa.

~~~1 hour later~~~

Everyone was settled in their hotel rooms. Angela called them and informed them that they were staying there for the next day while they had one show in Tucson. After they would be brought to another hotel for their two shows in Phoenix. Yasmine soon fell asleep while Morgan sat in her bed watching the MTV, then their video for History… came on. She smiled to herself and lay back in bed. Just then the phone rang.

“Hello?” Morgan said picking it up.

“Hey Morgie its Lyssie…are you still up?”


“Do you have those headache pills with you?” Alyssa asked.

“Yea sweetie in my bag.”

“Ok great, you think I can have some I’ve got a killer headache.”

“Course Lyss”

“Thanks! Morgie you’re the best! I’m coming down in about 5 minutes…”

“Ok see you then”

“Later” Alyssa said hanging up. Morgan put down the phone and closed her eyes to rest. Soon after she found herself slightly asleep.


“So is she still awake?” Nick asked as he sat writing down on a sheet of paper.

“Yea I said I’d be down there in 5 minutes” Alyssa said standing over him. “How’s it going?”

Nick scribbled down the words. “Ok…I’m almost done”

“K” Alyssa said laying down on one of the beds in their room.

“Alright I’m done!” Nick said jumping up. “Here read it…” he said handing the paper to Alyssa. Alyssa held it and nodded reading over Nick’s words.

“So?” He asked eagerly.

“This is so sweet Nicky! I love it!” She smiled.

“Does that mean she will too?”

“Well we’ll just have to wait and see, right?” Alyssa said. “Here put it in the envelope and seal it. We have to hurry downstairs and find the flowers.”

“Ok” Nick hurried over and grabbed the envelope. Taking his letter he folded it up neatly and closed the envelope. “Alright let’s go!” He said almost running out the door.

“Wait silly!” Alyssa called after him. She grabbed two of Nick’s hats and put one on. “Here…” she said and placed it on his head. “Don’t forget who you are…and where we are”

“Oh yea…” Nick smiled and adjusted his hat. “Ok can we go now?!”

“Yea ok lets go…” Alyssa smiled grabbing his arm as they walked down the hall into the lobby.

~~~5 Minutes Later~~~

“Hurry up Nicky!” Alyssa said as they stood in the hotel shop.

Nick ran his eyes over the various flowers. “Ah…I dunno which one!”

Alyssa walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. “That one” she said pointing to a small basket of white and pink flowers.

Nick picked it up “Perfect!” he smiled and ran over to the cashier handing her the basket. The girl looked oddly at him. Nick looked down and away hoping she didn’t know who he was.

“You look familiar.” The cashier said as she rang the basket of flowers.

Nick chucked awkwardly. Alyssa saw and walked over.

“That will be $3.50”

Nick fished in his pockets and pulled out $4 and waited for his change. The cashier looked at Nick again thinking to herself.

“You know who you look like?” she said as she opened the register. “Nick Carter…”

Nick looked away. Alyssa stepped in. “Really?, he gets that a lot” she smiled.

“Yea I bet…” she said handing Nick his change. “Here you go…”

“Thanks. Bye” Alyssa answered for him as she dragged him out of the store. “That was close…”

“Yea…” They looked at each other and laughed as they entered the elevator.

“I’m nervous.” Nick stared at his feet.

“It’s ok…all were doing tonight is dropping this off at the door. Tomorrow is what I’d be nervous for”

“Well thanks for making be feel better…” Nick joked.

“Oh stop you’ll do great, and blow everyone away.” She smiled just as the elevator reached the floor.

“If you think so Lyssie” Nick said as they stepped off the elevator.

“Hey I KNOW so Nicky”

Nick blushed.

“Ok so go back to our room and I’ll drop this off and leave before she opens the door.” Alyssa said holding Nick’s package.

“Ok Lyssie” Nick said as he walked off to their room down the opposite hall.

Alyssa walked quietly over to Morgan’s door. She placed the basket and the letter on the floor. Taking a deep breath she knocked twice on the door and ran quickly down the opposite hall to her room. Running inside she shut the door and locked it.

“Ok” She smiled “I dropped it.”

“Did she get it?” Nick asked.

“Well let’s see” Alyssa said opening the door and stepping back out into the hall.


Morgan woke up suddenly at the knock on her door. She got up slowly and walked over to the door. Assuming it was Alyssa she opened the door “Hey Lyssie-” Morgan’s heart stopped as she looked out the empty doorway not seeing Alyssa there but down on the ground a basket full of flowers and an envelope. She picked it up and examined it. The letter was addressed to her. It was obviously Nick’s handwriting that scrawled her name on the envelope. She looked around and sighed taking the basket in with her. She didn’t want to wake Yasmine up so she went into the bathroom and sat down.


Alyssa peaked around the corner. Morgan’s door was closed and the basket was gone. “Great!” Alyssa whispered to herself and walked back to her room.

“So?” Nick asked.

“She has it as we speak”

“I hope she likes it…” Nick laid down on his bed.

Alyssa walked over to her bed and switched off the lights. “I hope so too Nicky.”

“Tomorrow were working out plan B right?” Nick asked.

“Yep…” Alyssa answred. “G’Night Nicky”

“G’Night Lyssie” Nick turned in his bed and closed his eyes. I hope this works…he thought as he fell asleep dreaming of Morgan.


Morgan stared at the basket. “I can’t believe he did this…” She picked it up and looked closely at it. “This is so like him…like the teddy bears…” Morgan smiled she picked up the envelope and held it in her hands. “Is he really sorry?…” she mumbled to herself. “If he is could we ever be as close as we were?” she sighed and ripped the envelope open. “Damn!…Why is this so hard!” Morgan unfolded the papers and read Nick’s words…

Dear Morgan,

I don’t know how to say this without sounding like the complete and total jerk I am. I’m sorry…I don’t know how else to tell you how sorry I am. I was stupid but I only hope you can forgive me someday…I lost the best thing in my life…my angel…my world…I lost you.

This is for you…I wrote it…

Morgan eyes watered as she read his words.

I try but I cant seem to get myself To think of anything But you I wanna be with you If only for a night To be the one whose in your arms Who holds you tight I wanna be with you Theres nothing more to say Theres nothing else I want more than to feel this way I wanna be with you

Morgan wiped her eyes and read on…

Morgan please I need you. You don’t know how much I really and truly do love you. I love you with all my heart and I don’t want to loose you. Please believe me! I’m in so much pain and I know I can only blame myself. I only wish you would find it in your heart to forgive me for all I’ve done. You never deserved any of it. I don’t deserve someone as beautiful and caring as you.

Morgan took a deep breath as she read all the things Nick wanted her to hear. “Nick…why didn’t you just tell me this…” She sighed to herself and read on.

Before I end this I want you to make sure you know that I Love You…even if you hate me. I didn’t know how else to say this so here are the words to a song…they express what I wanted to say…and what I want you to know…

I Never thought I would loose my mind… That I could control this I never thought that I’d be left behind That I was stronger than you…

Girl if only you knew what I’ve done… You know so why don’t you tell me I would bring down the moon and the sun To show how much I care…

Don’t wanna Loose You Now… Baby…I know we can win this Don’t wanna loose you now Oh, no or ever again…

I’ve got this feeling your not gonna stay… Its burning within me The fear of loosing, of slipping away It just keeps getting closer…

Whatever reason to leave that fast… My place is always beside you And I wish that I didn’t need you so bad Your face…just won’t go away…

Don’t wanna Loose You Now… Baby…I know we can win this Don’t wanna loose you now Oh, no or ever again…

I never thought that I would loose my mind… That I could control this I never thought I’d be left behind That I was stronger than you…

Don’t wanna loose to loneliness… Girl I know we can win Don’t wanna loose to emptiness Oh, no or ever again…

Don’t wanna Loose You Now… Baby…I know we can win this Don’t wanna loose you now Oh, no or ever again…

The tears were flowing down Morgan’s cheeks as she read the lyrics to the song. She felt Nick’s pleading and she knew that he was truly sorry. “But do I want to give him another chance?…” she thought as she finished the letter.

That’s what I wanted to say…I’m sorry for hurting you…I love you angel…


Morgan folded the letter back up and held it close to her. She cried quietly to herself. Not knowing what to think now she walked back into the room. She lay down on her bed at thought about what Nick wrote to her. “He’s so sorry…” repeated in her mind. “I don’t know what to do…” with that on her mind she tried to fall asleep.

~~~The Next Day~~~

The boys and girls just finished their sound check for tonight’s show. It was about 12 noon they all decided to go out to lunch. Nick and Alyssa decided to stay behind since they were working out plan B. The others questioned them but they didn’t tell them what they were doing. Instead they complained they were tired or weren’t hungry. Giving up the others left with Roy.

“Alright Nicky they’re long gone…” Alyssa said coming back from the parking lot.

“Did Morgan act differently?” Nick asked with hope in his eyes.


“Yea…yea?” Nick asked eagerly.

“Ok this is what we talked about before they left…”


“Hey Morgie” Alyssa called to Morgan as she followed behind the others to the van Roy was driving to take them out to lunch.

“Hey Lyssie” Morgan’s face had been distracted the whole morning.

“How are you feeling today?”

“Lyssie I know what your getting at…” Morgan stopped and turned.

“What are you talking about?” Alyssa said trying to act innocent.

Morgan looked seriously at her.

“Ok, ok you got me…so…did you like it?”

Morgan simply nodded. “Yea…but it doesn’t make everything right.”

“Morgan he meant everything he wrote in that letter…trust me”

“Does he? Is he really sorry?” Morgan asked.

“What do you think”

Morgan looked down. “He seems like it.”

“Its more than that Morgie. He’s beyond sorry.”

“Yea but I don’t know still…”

“Morgie don’t hide your feelings…it will hurt a lot later” Alyssa sighed. “I know that for a fact…”

“I know Lyssie but I just don’t know…”

“Ok Morgie…so do the others know about it?”

Morgan shook her head no.

“Alright sweeite.” Alyssa said giving her a hug. “Think about it though ok?”

Morgan hugged Alyssa. “I will…see-ya”

“Bye…have fun at lunch” Alyssa waved as Morgan walked towards the van. “Hey Morgie?”

“Yea?” She turned.

“You think you can bring us some thing back?” Alyssa smiled cheesy. “Polezze?!”

Morgan giggled. “Yea I will”

Alyssa waved goodbye and walked back into the venue.


“So she’s thinking about it…” Nick thought out loud.

“Uh-huh. So now we gotta work on plan B.” Alyssa smiled. “Did you bring the track?”

“Yea right here” Nick pulled out the CD and handed it to Alyssa.

“Thanks” she answered and walked over to the portable CD player they brought. She inserted it and pressed play. “Alright go for it.” Alyssa sat down and watched as Nick stood up in front of her. He collected himself and began his song.


Alyssa watched Nick. His facial expressions said all. He put all his feeling into even the smallest performance for her…she knew for sure he would do great tonight.


The music ended and Nick opened his eyes. He looked at Alyssa she had tears in her eyes.

“Man was I that bad you’re cryin?” He walked over to her laughing.

Alyssa punched him. “Hey…sorry for being ‘touched’” she said wiping her eyes. “What do you want me to say…you Sucked?”

“Did I?”

“No dork…that was beautiful…” she smiled.


“Well when Roy gets back I’ll ask him about after.”

“Thanks for everything Lyssie” Nick smiled.

“Yea” she smiled. “Well we gotta go talk to Steve and make sure he doesn’t screw up tonight.”

“Alright let’s go” Nick smiled and led Alyssa to the sound booth where Steve was. “Hey Stevo!” Nick smiled.

Steve turned around and removed his headphones. “Hey Carter what’s up? Oh hi Alyssa”

“Hey Steve” Alyssa smiled.

“Well a lot is up man, we need to ask you a really big, huge favor”

“As long as I don’t loose my job…” Steve chuckled. “What is it you need?”

Nick handed him the CD.

“Ok Steve, we need you to run this for the show tonight. Last after I Want It That Way… Were gonna ask the band to leave so the stage will be Nick’s” Alyssa explained.

“So will you do it?” Nick asked.

“Sure kids…so tonight after I want it that way? You gonna give me some sort of signal?”

Alyssa and Nick looked to eachother. “Uhm do you have a microphone in here that will sound through the arena?” Alyssa asked.


“Ok I’ll come up here and introduce him”

“Alright.” Steve smiled. “See you later”

“Bye Steve and thanks!” Nick and Alyssa walked back down to the arena. They walked backstage and found the Backstreet Band room. They walked in finding Tommy watching TV.

“Hi Tommy” Nick said.

“Hey you two.”

“We need to ask you a favor.” Alyssa smiled.

“Ok what is it?” Tommy asked.

“Can you and the other band members exit the stage after I Want It That Way?”

“Uhm…yea but why?”

“Well it’s a surprise” Alyssa laughed. “Sorry we can’t tell…cause it’s really important!”

“Alright you two, I’ll tell the others”

“Thanks man!” Nick smiled. “See you tonight!”

“Bye” Tommy smiled and turned back to the TV.

Nick and Alyssa walked back to the boys dressing room. “Wanna play with the Playstation?” Nick asked.


They sat for two hours straight playing back and forth. Soon everyone returned from their lunch and they found Alyssa and Nick in the room playing.

“Hey” Kevin walked in.

“Hi Kevvy!” Alyssa giggled.

“Lyssie you always get all happy when you play video games huh?” Howie smiled.

“Yep!” she answered concentration on her game.

“Lyss here’s some food from the restaurant” AJ said walking in.

“OH food!!” She bounced up leaving her control on the floor.

“Hey we’re not done racing yet!” Nick pouted.

“Chill I’m hungry…” Alyssa said opening the box. “Where are the girls?”

“In their dressing room.” Kevin answered sitting down.

“Oh” Alyssa nodded as she ate. “You want some Nicky?”

Nick looked over at the food. He was pretty hungry. “Uhm…well….ok!” He shut off the playstation and joined Alyssa.

“So what you two do the whole time we were gone?” AJ asked.

“Nuttin…well talked with Steve and Tommy…listened to music and played video games” Alyssa answered.

“Doesn’t sound like nuttin” Howie joked.

Alyssa stuck her tongue out to him and laughed. “Oh, hey do you guys know where Roy is?”

“I think he’s outside talking with Damian” Kevin answered.

Nick and Alyssa looked to each other and mentally decided to go ask him about tonight now. “See ya guys!” Nick got up and grabbed Alyssa’s arm.

“Aw, Nicky I’m not done!…” Alyssa said taking one last bite before being dragged away.

Howie, Kevin and AJ glanced at each other after they left. “They’re up to something”


“I wonder what it is” AJ smiled plopping down on the couch.


Roy was in mid-discussion with Damian when Alyssa and Nick came running towards him out from the venue.

“Roy…” Alyssa smiled sweetly. “Can we ask you a huge favor?”

“What is it Miss Lyssie”

“Can you drive me somewhere tonight right after the show for an hour?” Nick asked.



“Yea…where though…” Roy asked.

“Somewhere nice…romantic…quiet, you know…” Alyssa smiled.

“Hmm…someplace like that huh…around here in Arizona…well there’s this nice park around here.” Roy suggested.

“Alright” Nick answered.

“Thanks a lot Roy!” Alyssa smiled.

“Sure you two…see you later”

Nick and Alyssa waved goodbye and ran back into the arena. They were stopped in the hall by AJ. “What’s going on you two.”

“Nuttin” Nick answered.

“Yea nuttin” Alyssa smiled.

“Yea right, I know something’s up…and I wanna know!”

“Well none of your business AJ” Nick answered.

“Nick we could use his help…” Alyssa admitted. “But you gotta promise you keep this to yourself or I’ll never forgive you!”

“Alright I will!” AJ answered.

“But Lyss-” Nick protested. “I thought it was gonna be a surprise.”

“Well I’ll just tell him basic stuff ok?”


“Tell me what!” AJ asked getting impatient.

“Alright after the show tonight we need you to leave the stage without Nicky. After get the girls in the boy’s room and leave Morgie alone in the girls room, and make sure she’s watching the monitors.” Alyssa said.

“Ok…that it?”

“No…after you watch what’s gonna happen…make sure no one talks to Morgan. Get them to the van because Damian’s taking all of you back to the hotel. Roy is busy…” Alyssa smiled.

“Hmmm…I see what you two are getting at” AJ smiled. “You can count on me!”

“Better not screw it up Bone” Nick said.

“I won’t geeze…I’m not the one that screwed up in the first place”

“Hey!” Nick got defensive. “I said I was sorry!”

“Whoa! Stop both of you…” Alyssa stepped in between. “AJ please…you didn’t like it when we butt in between you and Michelle…so don’t do it now”

AJ backed away. “Sorry. Well good luck tonight then Nick”

“Thanks” Nick answered.

~~~Right after the girl’s performance~~~

All the Phantasia girls ran back into their dressing room. They all dressed and changed quickly out of their performance outfits. Summer, Becky and Michelle ran out with Yasmine to talk with the boys before their time to go up to the stage. Alyssa and Morgan were left behind. Morgan walked out of the bathroom with her warm-ups on.

“Hey Morgan…you wanna change?” Alyssa hinted.


“Because” She smiled.

Morgan looked seriously at her. “Well what should I wear then if I can’t wear this”

Alyssa pulled out her black skirt and blue cardigan. “This”

Morgan grabbed the clothes uneasily. “What is this for?”

“Just put it on Morgie” Alyssa answered.

“But why…” Morgan asked again.

Alyssa walked over to her and hugged her. “Polleze!! I’m begging you just wear it!”

“Not till you tell me why!”

“Morgan I have good reason…please”

Morgan gave up and sighed. “FINE!”

Alyssa chucked, “I knew you would!”

“Yea just this once!”

Alyssa gave her a hug. “I’ll be right back so you can get dressed okie?!”

“Yea Lyssie whatever you say”

“Be back!” Alyssa called as she walked out of the door.

Something is up… Morgan thought as she walked into the bathroom to change into the clothes.


The boys stood backstage waiting to be hooked up into their flying boards. Nick stared out into space. All he thought about was the end of his show when he would do plan B. AJ watched him “Hey man…you ok?”

“Yea, just nervous” Nick answered.

“Don’t be…whatever you’re doing…which I have no clue…well a little clue…enyways it will be great ok?”

“Thanks man”

“No problem”

Alyssa ran up to them from backstage. “Hey!”

“Lyssie I’m so scared!” Nick complained.

“There’s nothing to be scared about, you practiced and you were great!” Alyssa smiled. “You didn’t forget the plan did you AJ?”


“Alright, Morgan is in the girls dressing room…I’m keeping her in there away form the other girls. As soon as your done bring the boys to your dressing room. That’s where the girls are now. Keep them there till Nick is done then bring them to the parking lot where Damian will be waiting.”

“Got it!” AJ answered.

“Alright Nicky…I’ll be up with Steve, as soon asI Want It That Way starts to be ready.” Alyssa continued. “After your done…I’ll get Morgan and bring her to the car.”

“Ok” Nick nodded. “I hope this works”

“Me too…” Alyssa smiled. “Well good luck!” she kissed Nick on the cheek.

“Hey what about me! I’m helping yall out too!” AJ pouted.

Alyssa rolled her eyes and laughed. “Sorry!” She went over to him and kissed his cheek.

“Well that’s better!” AJ smiled.

“Ok…so this is it!” She grabbed Nick’s hand. “Put your all into it…”

Nick squeezed her hand and let go. “I will…”

Alyssa smiled and left joining Morgan back in the girls dressing room as the boys were finally harnessed up and ready to start the show.

“She’s the sweetest person for helping you with this…you know that right.” AJ said just before the show began.

“Of course I know that” Nick answered. “Why do you think I hate what Brian’s doing to her.”

“Hey I hate it too…” AJ sighed. “She doesn’t deserve it.”

“She never did”

~~~Halfway though the show~~~

The boys took their position on the stage on the stools that circled around the middle of the stage. The music started up to the sound of Don’t Wanna Loose You Now.

“I love this song!” Yasmine smiled as she watched the show with Summer, Becky, and Michelle.

“Me too” Summer answered.


Morgan’s heart skipped as the music started. She remembered the letter Nick wrote her last night. She watched him on the monitor as he began his lines.

I Never thought I would loose my mind… That I could control this I never thought that I’d be left behind That I was stronger than you…

Alyssa looked over to her. Tears were swelling up in her eyes. “Morgie?”

“He wrote this in his letter…” She whispered as she continued to watch.

Girl if only you knew what I’ve done… You know so why don’t you tell me I would bring down the moon and the sun To show how much I care…


Nick stares straight into the camera hoping that Morgan was watching.


“I know…” Alyssa answered as the boys sang the verse.

Don’t wanna Loose You Now… Baby…I know we can win this Don’t wanna loose you now Oh, no or ever again…

“So did you think about it?” Alyssa asked again.

Morgan just nodded her head and watched. Alyssa decided not to ask her anymore and just watched as Morgan’s tears slowly fell.

~~~The end of the Show~~~

Morgan calmed down a bit after Don’t wanna Loose You Now… she watched the rest of the show absentmindedly thinking about Nick and his letter non-stop.

“AND NOW LAST BUT NOT LEAST I WANT IT THAT WAY!” Brian said to the audience through his microphone.

Alyssa got up off the couch. “Hey Morgie I’ll be back ok?”

Morgan nodded.

Alyssa opened the door and walked down the hall finding Randy. “Hey Randy can you watch the door now?” Alyssa asked.


“Thanks, just make sure she doesn’t leave and that no one goes in”

“Will do” Randy smiled and walked over to the girls dressing room holding on the handle so that it couldn’t be opened from the outside.


No matter the distance I want you to know That deep down inside of me…

Nick walked anxiously around the stage as Kevin sang his part, waiting for the song to be over. Just a little bit longer…He thought…


KNOCK KNOCK!! Alyssa banged on the sound control room.

“Hey Alyssa right on time” Steve answered.

“Great!” Alyssa walked inside and got ready for the song to be over.


“THANK YOU WERE THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!! GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!!” Howie called out to the audience. The boys came together and made a bow. Nick glanced at AJ. Shutting off his microphone he walked to him as they walked off the stage. “Good Luck Nick…”

“Thanks again dude”

AJ patted his back and caught up with the Kevin, Howie and Brian. “Hey lets go to our dressing room.”

“That’s where were going” Kevin answered.

“Oh ok…” AJ said. “Just making sure”

“Of what?” Howie asked.

“Nothing lets go” AJ pushed a very confused Brian, Howie and Kevin down the hall and into their dressing room.


“OK breathe…” Nick mumbled out loud. Then the band came walking down from finishing the set. Nick took a last gulp of water and made his way up the stairs past them.

“Where are you going Nick?” Dennis asked.

“Back…” He answered not turning around.

“What?” Dennis asked Tommy.

“That’s why I said we had to leave right as we were done…”

Dennis nodded his head and joined the rest of the band in their dressing room.


“Alright Alyssa are you ready?” Steve asked holding the microphone out to her.

“Yea…” she smiled and took it from his hand. “Here goes nothing…”

Steve flipped various switches on the board. “Alright your’re on…”



Morgan got up as soon as the show was over and the band left the stage. She made her way to the door and tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn’t move. “What the hell…” She said continuing to twist it. Then she heard Alyssa’s voice come through the monitor. Morgan turned around and walked back to the screen. “Not done yet??!…” she thought as she listened closely.


“Where’s Nick?” Yasmine asked as Brian, AJ, Kevin and Howie walked into the room.

“I dunno I thought he was behind us…” Kevin answered.

“HEY EVERYONE I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE SHOW BUT WERE NOT DONE JUST YET…” Alyssa’s voice came through the monitors they were watching.

“What’s going on?” Michelle answered out loud.

“That’s Alyssa’s voice” Howie said.

“What is she doing?!” Summer asked.

“SHHH Listen!” AJ yelled.


“Damnnit what’s going on?” Kevin said.

“SHH!” Everyone silenced him.


“Huh?” Becky stood up. “What’s he doin?”

“Something…just watch” AJ answered.

“Are you hiding something AJ?” Brian asked him.

“No cause I don’t know exactly what’s going on…my orders were to keep you all in here, then as soon as he’s done we leave with Damian.”

“What?” Summer said. “Who’s idea was this?”

“Put it together Summer” AJ answered. “You’ve got Nick…Morgan…and a very sweet, caring Alyssa…” AJ purposely stared at Brian as he said those words. “… who’s gonna help them out.”

Brian looked away for AJ.

“OH!!” Everyone said in unison.

“Alright now that you all finally realized can we just watch now?” AJ smiled.

“Yea ok” Michelle answered as the music poured into the venue.


Morgan sat and listened to Alyssa’s announcement. “What’s going on?”


“Oh my god…” Morgan sat down on the ground staring at the screen.


Nick walked up onto the dark stage. A spotlight soon found him and he was the only thing visible throughout the dark arena. He stood in front of his microphone stand and looked straight into the camera. “This is for you angel…” he said.


Morgan’s heat beat hard. She stared back at him as the soft piano music began to play. She watched as Nick stood there by himself with thousands of screaming fans. She finally knew that he meant what he wrote in the letter last night.


Nick took a deep breath and began his song with all his heart…

Open up your heart to me… And say what’s on your mind I know that we have been through so much pain But I still need you in my life…this time

And I Need You Tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn’t matter if its wrong or right I really need you tonight


Morgan’s tears fell down her eyes again. “He really is sorry…” She wiped her eyes and continued to watch.


I figured out what to say to you But sometimes the words they, they come out so wrong…oh yes they do And I know that in time you will understand That what we have is so right…this time…


“This is so sweet” Summer said.

“Duh that’s the point! Now Morgan just has to think its sweet to…” AJ smiled.

“Well I hope this works…He’s trying so hard to be sorry…I think he’s tried hard enough.” Becky smiled and continued to watch.

“Yea me too” Michelle agreed.


Nick sang the song with all his heart. He sang it for Morgan…he just hoped that she knew that.

And I Need You Tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn’t matter if its wrong or right

All thoes endless times we tried to make it Last forever more And baby I know…I need you


“Your doing great Nicky…” Alyssa smiled as she watched from the sound room.

“Was this the big surprise?” Steve asked.

“Yea…it’s for Morgan…”

“Wow…Nick’s got a good heart”

“I know he does” Alyssa smiled and watched Nick finish the song.


I know deep within my heart It doesn’t matter if its wrong or right…I really need you


I need you oh I need you Its gotta be this its gotta be this No it doesn’t matter if its wrong or right

All I know is baby…I really need you….tonight….

Nick looked up and finished his song. The crowd went wild as loud screams and applause filled the venue. “Thank you” Nick said softly into the microphone nodded his head to the audience and left the stage.


“Alright everyone we gotta leave now!” AJ said gathering everyone together.

“OK guys lets get out of here!” Michelle smiled. “We can’t ruin this plan now.”

They all smiled and quickly grabbed their bags. Running out the back area they found Damian sitting in the van. “You all here?” He asked as they piled into the van.

“Yea man lets go” AJ answered as Damian pulled out of the arena taking them all back to the hotel.


“Nicky!” Alyssa meet him backstage giving him a hug. “That was beautiful…”

“Thanks…I hope she thought so too…” Nick looked down.

Alyssa moved his chin up. “Hey…you ready?”


“Ok go see Roy in the parking lot he got a car with a divider so that she won’t see you when she sits in the back.” Alyssa smiled and kissed his cheek. “Good luck”

“I love you Lyssie…thanks for all your help…” Nick kissed her cheek back.

“I know…now go!” She smiled and pushed him along. Nick turned around and hurried out to the car.

Alyssa ran down the hall to where Randy was standing still holding the door. “Ok thanks Randy…and don’t leave without me! Or I’m stuck here!” she smiled.

“I won’t Alyssa…I’ll be out back just meet me when your ready and well go back to the hotel.”

“Thanks Randy” Alyssa smiled as he waked away. “Ok Morgie here I come.” Alyssa opened the door and walked inside. Morgan was sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes, she turned her head as soon as the door opened.


Alyssa walked over and helped her up. “Come with me…no questions ok?”


“No questions…” Alyssa smiled. “Ok?”

Morgan nodded her head as Alyssa led her out to the back parking lot where Roy was waiting with the car. Alyssa walked Morgan to the car. “Here get in” Morgan listened and sat in the backseat. She looked ahead of her and found a separator between the front and back seat.

“Aren’t you coming?” Morgan asked Alyssa.

“No…” she smiled. “Roy is taking you…see-you later.”

“Bye” Morgan sat back as Alyssa shut the door and Roy drove the car away from the arena.

~~~Back at the Hotel~~~

The others were sitting in the lobby waiting anxiously for Alyssa to return for some sort of explanation. After about 25 minutes after they got there she finally came walking into the lobby.

“Alyssa you are a genius…” Michelle said.

Alyssa smiled oddly. “Uhm thanks I guess…”

“How long have you been planning this?” Howie asked.

“Since yesterday…I thought I’d be best if they did this faster instead of waiting for it to be too late to make-up” she said glancing at Brian who was sitting away with Sally.

“See what you mean…” AJ frowned following Alyssa’s glance to Brian.

“So…Lyssie where are they?” Kevin asked.

“Roy is taking them to some park…Nick’s gonna apologize face to face…”

“Thank god! I want this whole mess to be over with…” Summer sighed. “Then they can be cute again!”

“Yea I hope it will work…will it?” Yasmine thought.

“We’re gonna find out tomorrow” Michelle said. “But…I have a good feeling about this…”


Morgan stared out the window of the car as it drove her god knows where. Nick’s face invaded her thoughts and the song he dedicated to her rang in her ears. She stared down to her watch. 11:45… “Where the hell am I going?” she mumbled. Soon after the answer to her question came. Roy pulled up past a large gate and into what looked like a private park of some sort. Morgan pressed up to the window and stared out. The place was huge with lush gardens and a huge pond surrounded by small structures where people were standing. Roy pulled up to the curb and stopped the car.


“Here you go Nick” Roy smiled. “I’ll be back in 30 minutes…is that enough time?”

“Yea Roy and thanks” Nick smiled. “Can you do me one more favor?”


“Can you call Alyssa and tell her thanks again…and I love her a lot!?”

Roy smiled. “She really helped you out on this one huh?”

“Yea she always does…she’s the best…” Nick said opening his door. “See you later Roy”

“Good luck son…”


Morgan heard a door open and close. Then her door was opened for her. Morgan stepped out slowly and found herself in front of Nick.

“Will you come with me?” He asked.

Morgan looked up at him and nodded. Nick turned and lead her to one of the areas around the pond.


Alyssa sat up with AJ in the lobby. Everyone else went to bed.

“So Lyssie, how are you these days?”


“Yea right”

“Why do you always never believe me when I say that! You’re just like everyone else.”

“Cause I know its not true!” AJ answered back just as Brian walked into the lobby. “And here’s the root of all your misery…and mine!”

“AJ…don’t” Alyssa stared at him boldly.

“AJ lay off” Brian stood in front of him.

“Why should I? Haven’t you ever realized what a jerk you are?”

“AJ!” Alyssa got up. “Leave him alone already…”

“Alyssa come on…don’t you get it? He can’t even stick up for himself and don’t expect him to be able to ever explain himself…cause Sally’s got him under her thumb…Isn’t that right Brian?”

“Shut-up AJ…” Brian said coldly. “Don’t concern yourself with my life…”

“Brian everything you do affects all of us whether you realize or not…And Sally’s a problem that everyone has all because of you…”

“Then stay away from her…” Brian shot back.

“That’s kind of hard when she’s constantly in my way…don’t you see that no one likes her? We never did even before! I can’t believe you let her back in, can’t you see she’s just using you?” AJ continued to tell Brian what everyone thought. Brian listened to every word he said.

“She’s not…” Brian answered.

“Fuck! Why do I even try with you?” AJ went on. “You know you never acted as stupid as you have been ever since you broke up with Alyssa.”

Alyssa sat down and watched not wanting to interrupt.

“If that’s the way you feel AJ, I’m sorry…”

“Are you really? How about her?” AJ pointed to Alyssa. “Have you ever apologized to her? You hurt her by bringing that bitch along right in front of her…”

Brian looked at Alyssa as she looked down and away from him. He remembered his promise not to talk about their night together, when he did apologize and begged her to come back. He didn’t answer AJ instead stared back at him silently.

“I take that as a no…” AJ smiled smugly. “It doesn’t matter because you don’t deserve her…and to think the day you decided to bring Sally along…Alyssa wanted to talk to you because she still loved you!”

Brian’s eyes grew wide as AJ continued to talk.She did? I never knew…but I wanted to talk to her!…I can’t believe we wanted the same thing at the same time… Brian looked at Alyssa.

“Is that true?” Brian asked her. “About what AJ said…you wanted to talk to me?”

Alyssa looked up to him. “Yea”

“Also I see the way you look at her…” AJ smiled. “Like now…don’t you see your supposed to be together?”

Alyssa looked back at Brian “It’s too late for that now AJ”

Brian looked back at Alyssa “She’s right”

“Finally…you admit you were the jerk” AJ said. “This is all your fault anyways…”

“AJ that’s enough” Alyssa answered sitting back down on the couch.

“Yea AJ.” Brian answered and walked out of the lobby.

“Alyssa I guess I believe you now…” AJ answered. “Brian doesn’t deserve you…he let you go and it’s his loss.”

“Well you better believe me now” Alyssa tried to smile. “It’s time for me to get over it…” But why does it still hurt so much…? She thought.


Nick stopped in front of the pond and turned to face Morgan, he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

“Let’s sit down here” Morgan sat down on a bench

Nick sat down next to her and kept on looking at her without saying anything It’s your time to talk he thought

“Nick.. I want you to listen to me,” she fidgeted with her hands “Will you?” she looked him in the eyes

He nodded

“Ok” Morgan sighed “Do you know what makes me fall flat on my face every time? What’s the one thing that makes me break my own heart?”


“I trust people.. I trust them too easily. When I meet someone I’m usually shy, but when I like that person.. I get spontaneous and tell him everything about me.. I trust him my secrets, I trust him my heart.” She stopped to look at him “I trusted my dad.. and he hurt me more times I can remember.. still I trust him and so I hurt myself... I trusted you, I loved you and you cheated on me..” tears filled her eyes and she took a deep breath “When I saw you with Tiffany.. it was like a slap in my face.. like the ground underneath me vanished and I fell into this deep hole.. It was something I totally didn’t expect.. something I thought would never happen... I know you’re sorry and I know that you love me” she looked him in the eyes again “But it’s gonna take time. My trust in you has decreased to almost non-existing, though I don’t want it to. Deep in my heart I hope you won’t do it again.. but I know, from now on, if I see you with a girl.. it’s gonna sting.. and it’s gonna make me get jealous... it’ll take time to heal my trust..”

“I’ll give you the time you need” Nick said

“As for my heart...” she started smiling “You won that back with your voice”

His eyes lit up

“Wow, Nick, the letter was nearly enough.. but than the song.. that made me tip over”

He smiled “I love you, Morgan”

“And I love you, Nick” she leaned in and kissed his lips softly


Alyssa moved Morgan’s things into Nick’s room for when they came back also leaving a note for them :

Dear Nicky & Morgie,

If your reading this now its probably because everything went well! Well all your things are in here Morgie… Have a good night Love ~Lyssie

She taped the note to Nick’s door and went back to Yasmine’s room.

RING RING!!! Alyssa’s cell phone went off.


“Hi Miss Alyssa it’s Roy.”

“Oh hey Roy? So…how is everything?”

“Great” he answered. “I going to pick them up right now.”


“Also I have a message for you”

“What is it?”

“Nick wanted me to tell you…thank you, and he loves you a lot”

“AW that’s so sweet of him” Alyssa smiled. “That boy never stops…”

“So that was what I had to tell you…I’ll talk to you later”

“Ok Roy, and thanks for your help tonight!” Alyssa said.

“Your welcome. Goodnight”

“Night” Alyssa smile and turned off her phone laying back on her bed. She thought about Brian and the argument he had with AJ. I guess it’s really time to move on… she sighed to herself and fell asleep.

~~~25 minutes later~~~

They stopped in front of Nick’s room. He took her hand in his “I just want to tell you again-”

“Shh” she placed her finger on his mouth “Don’t say you’re sorry again.. I know you are... besides it’s getting kinda corny now” she giggled

“Come here” Nick laughed and pulled her closer “Can I kiss you ma’am?”

“Yes, I’d rather like that sir” she kept on giggling while he kissed her. They walked inside the room “I need you” he whispered before they fell asleep

Chapter 23