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Chapter 25

“JC, WHERE are you taking me?!” Alyssa whined again

“You’ll see, stop nagging” JC smiled mischievously

Alyssa sighed “You suck”

“You don’t mean that” he pulled her closer and kissed her spontaneously

Alyssa startled, but went along. The kiss was soft, gentle.. sincere, she liked it.

PING! The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open. They broke apart

“Alright, lets go” JC smiled at her, took her arm and led her outside to the car.

~~~20 minutes later~~~

“Where are we?” it was dark out and all Alyssa saw was a building

“Just follow me” he grabbed for her hand and opened the sliding doors

“Good evening JC” a security guard greeted

“Hello, Alyssa and will be in booth 10” he said to the security guard

“Mr. Martin is on his way”

“Alright, send him up as soon as he gets here”

They got into an elevator and went up

“Booth 10? Mr. Martin?” Alyssa thought “A recording booth. And Max Martin, right?”

JC nodded and smiled “Ross told me that you girls need to finish off the album soon, else the release date has to be postponed. If you have days off, you will have to spend em in the studio. When you and Brian are going to do promo work for your duet, the other girls will be in the studio too.. you have to sing in your parts before that. Max flew in yesterday, he’s here to work with us too”

“Wow, cool! I love recording!”

“I heard”

“Will I hear stuff off your album too?” she pouted


“Aw, poleezze JC?” she wrapped her arms around his waist

“Alright.. on two conditions! 1: only if we have time. 2:... I want a kiss in return..”

“No problem” Alyssa smiled sensual and planted a small kiss on his lips

“No, no.. I want more” JC brushed the hair out of her face with his fingers. He leaned in and kissed her.


“Damn those elevators” Alyssa giggled

“C’mon, lets get inside”

They walked into the recording booth

“Well, I could let you listen to the material we recorded before Max arrives”


JC started searching and found it. He put the music on “This is Bye Bye Bye we wrote it when we were without record deal”

Alyssa heard it and liked it immediately “Its cool.. are you going to release it?”

“I dunno..”

“You should, it’ll be a hit”

They listened to more songs until Max walked in

“Hey JC, Alyssa!”

“Hey Max” Alyssa walked up to him and hugged him

“You’re looking good milady!”

“Thanks” she giggled

“Congrats on the number one notation on TRL!”

“Yea! we still can’t believe it!”

“You better start doing so, you have to enjoy it as long as it lasts”


“Well let’s get started right away, I don’t want to keep you here all night!” Max took out some sample CD’s and lyric sheets “There’s a song I REALLY want you girls to do, I only want YOUR voices to sing it. Its called Free... here” he handed her a sheet of paper with Max’s scratchy handwriting on it. She started reading it.

After all those years of being cap-ti-vated, All the time you kept me prison Under your spell I am now free at last I left you and I found an entire different world on the other side of the bars

Free, free at last You couldn’t keep me forever, baby I only belong to me Free, free for good And there’s no one who will steal my freedom away FREE

“That’s all I got so far, and the music.. listen” he started a sample

They listened to it

“Cool! I like it!” Alyssa said excitedly

“Yea.. I was thinking of having Becky start the song and then Morgan sing the second part.. I don’t have the rest yet. But I want you to sing the chorus in now already”


“Alright, there’s 3 more songs, here”

Alyssa looked at all of them and listened to the samples, after 20 minutes she took place in the booth and started singing in her parts.


“Man, I’m tired.. how can Lyss possibly be energetic enough to go out now?!” Morgan wondered out loud

“Well, I think little Lyssie has a crush on JC.. that gives energy” Michelle giggled

The girls started laughing

“I’m going to bed now.. I’m really really really tired” Summer got up

“Yea me too, see y’all tomorrow” Morgan walked to her own room

“Baby! Wait up!” Nick called running after her. He slammed the door of the lobby close after him “Girl, why the hurry?”

Morgan looked up at him uneasily “Look Nick.. remember how I told you it’s gonna take time?.. that counts for everything.. if you know what I mean”

Nick nodded “I know.. but can I just sleep next to you?”

Morgan hesitated “We did last night.. and you know what happened.. I can’t say I was very proud of myself this morning”

“But the night before nothing happened” Nick pouted. He used his baby blue eyes to persuade his girlfriend

“Oh stop the pouting” Morgan grabbed him by the waistband and pulled him inside the room

“Whoa, what happened to ‘it-takes-time’?” Nick laughed

“I’m too impatient for time” Morgan smiled naughtily, she closed the door and pushed him on the bed. She crushed his lips with a passionate kiss and yanked his shirt off. Slowly she moved her hands down his chest, tugging at his waistband

“Your mommy wouldn’t approve”

“Oh yes she would. My daddy, on the other hand, wouldn’t” Morgan let out a small chuckle and kissed him more

“ ‘Candace’” he teased her.

Morgan shook her head no with a disgusted face.

“Naw, I prefer Candy” Nick smiled his $1.000.000 smile “I like Candy... its bad for me.. but its works so addictive..” he rolled over so now he was on top of Morgan. He took her tanktop off and started kissing a path down her body. She let out small moans of pleasure “My Candy’s extremely willing today” he chuckled

“Shut-up, I can’t help it that you’re so hot”

“Am I making you wet baby?” he breathed into her ear

“Nickolas, sinful thoughts you have indeed!” she said in an English accent

“You’re no saint yourself either”

“No, I’m an angel, according to you”

“Too much talking” Nick breathed and unclasped her bra, going for her jeans, unbuttoning them teasingly slow. He stopped and kissed his way up again, his free hand attempting to take off her jeans. Morgan helped him and in one swift movement she got rid of them.

“Clever little vixen” he smiled and started softly biting and licking her nipple.

“Nick” she groaned in a hoarse voice.

He worked his way from one breast to the other till both nipples were rock hard. Then he licked his way down, dipping his tongue in her belly button. In the meanwhile he brought his hand to her thigh and slowly started taking her panties off

“C’mon baby” she moaned, urging him to go on

“Alright, if you want it that way” Nick yanked her panties off and undid his own pants. He moved 2 fingers in her cunt and started fingering her. He watched her as her breathing became heavier and her moans louder.

“Now Nick” she said, almost reaching her climax. He spread her legs with his hand

He got rid of his boxers and positioned himself atop of her and penetrated her gently. They started moving in a slow pace, which soon fastened as both were reaching their climax. Morgan came with one loud moan. He watched as her body shuddered and quivered, she sighed content.

“Morgan” Nick breathed. He gave one hard thrust and released himself. He trembled all the same and let himself fall on her body. His head rested between her breasts and neck. They fell asleep, thinking of each other.


“Alright, well it’s getting pretty late. And you’re done anyway” Max said, looking at his watch “I’ll see you tomorrow with the rest of the guys, JC. And I’ll see you soon too, Alyssa.”

“Yes, bye Max, thanks!” Alyssa called as they were walking towards the elevator

“Bye” he waved.

They stepped into the elevator.

“Wow Lyss, your voice is so beautiful... just like the rest of you”

“You like giving me compliments, don’t you?” she giggled

“Yea, I do. Because you deserve them”

“Ok” she smiled

“Alyssa.. I.. well I justwanted tosay that Ireallylikeyou yoursospecial-”

“Sshhh,” she placed a finger on his lips “I really like you too JC. And your special too” she smiled and kissed him.

~~~The Next Day~~~

Nick woke up slowly. He looked next to him, Morgan was still asleep. He watched her steady heartbeat and breathing, God, she is so beautiful.. my angel from above.. I love her


“HEY Lyss!” Michelle greeted Alyssa

“Hey girl!”

“So how was your evening? I didn’t hear you come back”

“We went to a recording studio, Max was there and I had to sing some new stuff in cuz I’m not around when you girls are going to record the rest of the album”

“Huh?” Michelle asked with a frown

“Yea, I’m in NYC with Brian for the duet when you’re going to finish off the album... So.. And I also listened to N Sync’s upcoming album!”



“So is it any good?”

“Yea, I liked it”

“Not a total rip off?”

Alyssa chuckled “No Mimi, they didn’t clone our boys”

“K. And they better not!”

Alyssa opened her mouth to say something but paused and thought to herself. Then she said “Michelle.. are you still mad at Justin?”

Michelle looked down at her hands “Sometimes.. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the things he said to Yaz.. they were very impressive. But then again, I can’t forget what he did to Morgy and to you..”

“Do you believe people can change?”

“Yea.. I guess”

“So do I,” Alyssa smiled to herself “I got some examples for ya too, girl! Look at me.. I started out all dependent, totally let my mom dominate me.. and now I have the guts to stand up to her and tell her I’m going to do what I want anyway, with or without her approval. And look at Summer, she was heartbroken after her last relationship.. she didn’t date for 2 years! Hell! We even thought she was a lesbian! And now she’s found Kevin.. and she’s all happy again! And Morgy, she finally told her dad and Melissa the truth, without any doubt!”

“Yea.. ok”

“I got an even better example... look at yourself Michelle.. You had more guys than I can remember, but you never truly loved them, did you? Then AJ comes into play and you know what its like to feel weak in the knees.. what its like to want to do anything for someone... you’ve changed too girl.. you found a way to show your love..”

Michelle cracked a smile “I love AJ”

“I know you do Michelle,” Alyssa smiled at her “You see, people can change, people HAVE to change, to survive. Justin’s changed too, he’s really a very sweet boy, I think Yasmine made him open his eyes.. made him see that he doesn’t have to treat girls like shit, because he loves her, I know he does. He apologized to us, but his words weren’t what made me realize he’s sorry.. it was the look in his eyes, they were full of regret and conscience.. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him too sweetie. You know, you don’t have to forget to forgive”

Michelle smiled at her “Thanks Lyss, I’ll try” she hugged her

“Your welcome girl”





“Ok!” Yasmine grabbed her bag and ran to the lobby “Baby, you’re coming with me, right?”

Justin looked at her confused “No..”

“Yea, you are. You promised Alyssa you would come and talk to everyone and see the show. Today’s schedule isn’t as hectic as usual, and you’re just gonna hang here all day anyway. You’re coming with me” she said smartly

“But Yasmine I-”

“No ‘But-Yasmine’ you’re coming with me, now”

“Feisty little chick you have Justin!” Joey chuckled

“Shut it Ronald McDonald” Yasmine giggled and stuck out her tongue at Joey

Justin was still looking at Yasmine oddly

“Don’t make me get mad baby” she warned

He got up from his chair “Alright... I guess”

“Yay! Great!” Yasmine gave him a little kiss on the side of his mouth “You’re the best, I love ya!”

Justin smiled his goofy smile “Lets go”

Yasmine took his hand in hers “Bye guys!” she said before she dragged Justin out of the room

“Bye Yaz! Bye Justin!”

~~~30 minutes later~~~

“Hello sweetheart! Hello Justin!”

“Hi daddy!” Yasmine kissed her father on the cheek

“Hello Mr. Blythe”

“Justin, please! You don’t have to call me Mr. Blythe forever you know! Just call me Ross, like everybody else does!”

“Alright.. Ross” Justin smiled

“So did you have a good time Yazzie?”

“Yea! And today Justin’s gonna stay with us!”

Ross frowned a bit “Is that ok with the others?”

“Yes, Alyssa insisted he’d come.. and well, I don’t know about the others, but he apologized, so... screw them!”

“Yaz..” Ross said in a parental tone

“I was just joking dad! Gezze!” she giggled “Anyways, we’re off!” she waved bye and dragged Justin along


“HI everybody!” Yasmine swung the door of the lobby open “Look who I brought with me Lyss!”

“Hey Justin!” Alyssa said surprised

“He’s gonna stay with us ALL day, just like he promised you”


“Yea..” Justin said, not too excited

“J, come with me, Yazzie go unpack” Alyssa took Justin’s hand and walked through the lobby to one of the connected rooms “Michelle?” she knocked on the door and walked in

“Yea Lyss, wassup?” they heard from the bathroom

“Are you decent?”

Michelle giggled “Yea silly, I’m just brushing my hair”

“J, I think I know how you can feel more comfortable around them and how they will trust you more.. go in there and introduce yourself like this is the first time you see her. Remember?, what we did too”

“You sure?”

“No, but its worth a try”

“Lyssie who you talking to?” Michelle asked

“Go” Alyssa pushed him into the direction of the bathroom


Michelle looked in the mirror and saw Justin behind her. He walked up to her

“Hi, I’m Justin Timberlake, nice meeting you” he stuck his hand out

Michelle frowned but grinned “Hey, I’m Michelle Evans, pleased to meet you” she started giggling

They both smiled and laughed “This was Alyssa’s idea” Justin said

Michelle looked down at her feet “Justin... uhm.. I.. well I appreciate your apology and.. its accepted”

Well what do you know? The tough chick has a heart too * “Thanks Michelle..” he smiled at her

“Lets get you introduced to the others!” Alyssa said. She turned Justin around and pushed him forward. She turned her head and winked at Michelle.

~~~2 Hours Later~~~

“NICKY PASS ME THE DAMN BALL!” Alyssa screamed from the opposite end of the court.

Nick dribbled the ball as everyone was gathered in a basketball court beside the arena. Summer, Yasmine, and Sally sat to watch as the others split into teams. Nick, Alyssa, Morgan, Justin and Howie vs. Kevin, AJ, Michelle, Brian and Becky.

“Catch Lyssie!” Nick hurled the ball down the court as Alyssa caught it. She dribbled easily past Howie and soon found herself in front of Kevin.

“Your not going anywhere sweetie” Kevin came up to block her.

Alyssa grinned. “That’s what you think…” she used her skills to get around Kevin and scored a basket.

“YAYAYA!!!” Morgan cheered. “Go Lyssie!!!”

“Great job Lyssie” Justin smiled.

“Thanks J!”

“This sucks, you guy’s suck!” Becky pouted and walked off to sit with Summer.

“Well she’s out…now it’s uneaven…” Morgan joined the other ‘players’ at half-court.

“I’ll sit down” Howie smiled. “Lyssie here is too good for me”

“Aw Howie stay!”

“No, no I’m fine really!” he smiled and made his way after Becky.

“Alright 4 against 4!” AJ grabbed the ball as everyone else took position. He dribbled down court towards his team’s basket. “Michelle!” he threw the ball as Nick ran through and intercepted the pass.

“Cheater!” Michelle called as Nick took off down court.

“Fast break baby!” He called as he ran Kevin soon caught up to him, looking around Nick couldn’t find anyone open. Alyssa was covered by AJ and Morgan lost interest and instead chatted with Michelle. Then out of the corner of his eye Justin was wide open down towards the basket. “Timberlake!” he called and flung the ball in his direction.

Justin looked over and jumped up making the basket before coming back down to the ground.

“YEA!!! GO J!!!!” Alyssa called running over.

“That was beautiful!!” Nick ran over to Justin as the masculine love for sports filled him. “Great shot!”

“Thanks Carter” They laughed together…then got uncomfortably silent.

“Uhm…” Nick stuttered. “Sorry for beating the shit out of you”

“Yea I’m sorry too, it hurt!” Justin cracked a smile. “Hey, I’m sorry for harassing your girlfriend.. and Lyssie”

“Well, they seem to have forgiven you.. so..”

“Truce?” Justin held out his hand.

“Yea man…” Nick grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a ‘guy hug.’

“YAY!” everyone’s cool now” Yasmine smiled.

Morgan ran up to Nick and hugged him from behind “Yer a sweetie baby, thanks” she kissed the side of his neck

“See Nicky! It ain’t that hard to forgive him!” Alyssa called and giggled

“Hey Morgy!” Yasmine came up to her “Maybe our boys can be friends now!” she giggled

“Yea! just like us!” Morgan giggled with her

“Ya know.. our girls have some things in common, I think”

Nick nodded “I see what you mean..” They both frowned at the giggling of Morgan and Yasmine

“Ok interview time everybody!” Angela walked in

~~~Later that day~~~

They had 1 hour till showtime and were relaxing in the main lobby. Watching TV and talking. Suddenly the door burst open..

“GIRLS!!!!!!” Ross and Angela stormed into the lobby causing everybody to look up startled.

“The hell?!?!” Michelle shouted


“Yea, that would be us” Becky giggled

“HISTORY MADE IT!!!” Angela yelled

“Made what?” Summer asked


The girls exchanged looks quickly and all started screaming

“Angela you better not be kidding here!!”

“No sweetie, I swear!! Your single made it to the number 1 spot! We just got a call!”

“REALLY?!!?” Becky shrieked

Angela and Ross nodded yes

“FUCK! I FUCKIN’ DON’T BELIEVE IT!!” Michelle yelled shocked “NUMBER 1 ON TRL AND IN THE HOT 100!!”

Morgan started crying tears of joy and shock “Ohhhh..” she covered her eyes

Summer pulled her in for a hug “Morgy, don’t cry silly!”

“I can’t help it!” Morgan sobbed

“AWW!” Yasmine cried out and hugged Morgan too

“We’re NUMBER 1!!” Alyssa had a huge smile on her face “I gotta call JC!!” she said and ran off to the phone

Brian watched her go She’s gotta call JC.. so that’s how serious things are between them already..

“Ok, ok I’m fine..” Morgan dried her cheeks, took a deep breath and sat down “... just gotta let the feeling sink in..... our single,.. number 1...” she sighed and looked up at Michelle, Summer and Becky. She started screaming as loud as she could. “Oh! I feel much better now!” she smiled after she was done. The guys looked at her as if she was insane. She giggled.

Michelle lifted her cousin up from her chair “Ok, on the count of 3 girls..... 1. 2. 3!”

They all started screaming like their lives depended on it. After they cracked up in laughing.

“Fuck! We’re number 1!” Summer chuckled

“HA! We beat you guys AGAIN!!” Becky laughed at the guys

“We’re just THA BEST!” Michelle grinned

“PHANTASIA RULEZZ!!!” Morgan yelled

“Where’s Lyss!?!” Michelle wondered

“Calling JC..” Brian answered

“Hell! She’s gotta be here!” Michelle took Becky’s hand and dragged her along “C’mon Becks, we gotta go get her”

“Be right back!” Becky said to the others


“LANCE!!” Alyssa yelled as Lance picked up the phone “ITS ALYSSA, IS JC THERE?!!”

“Yea.. hold on I’ll go get him” Lance said back startled

“JC” he simply said into the phone


“YEA? it is!?!”


“Oh Lyss, I’m so happy for you. You girls deserve it!”

“Yea we do huh?” Alyssa giggled “Oh this totally made my day! This and the fact that Justin is cool with everyone now...Oh and lets not forget about you baby, you’re the cutest, hottest, sweetest, bestest!”

JC grinned at all her compliments “Likewise”

“Can’t you come here? I miss you!”

“Well.... yea, sure, to hell with everyone.. I’m coming!”

“Yay! Great, I’ll see you!”

“Bye Lyss”

Alyssa hung up just as Michelle and Becky ran up to her “LYSS!!”

“Hey girls!”

“C’mon, you gotta be with us to celebrate”


They walked back to where the others were

“JC is coming J” Alyssa said to Justin


“Yay! JC is coming!” Morgan clapped her hands “Ooh Lyssie, he’s a cutie!”

“Ya.. and he’s MINE!” Alyssa giggled with Morgan

Sally sat back and looked at the whole scene disgusted Ugh they’re soooo pissing me off with their happy peachy giggling.. well as long as the biggest bitch stays with ‘her’ JC, its fine by me. As long as she just stays away from Brian, its cool....

~~~During the girls’ performance~~~

JC sat in a VIP seat, just like the night before. But now he was joined by Justin and Yasmine too. He smiled and looked at Alyssa.



~~~After the show~~~~

“Well I guess I should be going” JC said to Alyssa

“Aw, I don’t want you to go”

“I don’t want to either.. But I’ll see you tomorrow ok? I promise”

“Ok” Alyssa smiled to herself “We’re number 1” she said dreamily

“You’re my number one baby” JC said and kissed her.

Chapter 26