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Chapter 26

~~~1 week later~~~

“Morgan where is Alyssa?” Angela asked as she walked into the private lobby they were all staying in.

“She’s out with JC”

“When will she be back?”

“Anytime now…” Morgan smiled.

“Alright” Angela sat down in a chair with Ross. “Where is Brian then?”

“In his room, do you want me to get him?” Morgan offered.

“Yes please”

“Ok” Morgan got up and walked down the hall.



Brian sat up from his bed. “YEA?”

“Brian Angela wants you” Morgan called.

“Be right there” Brian answered as he stood up.

Well he really has changed…won’t even answer the door… Morgan thought as she walked off.


Brian turned around facing Sally.

“Where are you going?” she asked him.

“Angela wants to speak with me”

“Oh ok!” She giggled and ran into the bathroom.

Brian rolled his eyes after she left. Lately she had been getting on his nerves. Throwing on a clean shirt and fixing up a bit he walked out of his room and to the lobby.

“Hey Ange what’s up?” He asked taking a seat next to her.

“Well Brian we have the schedule for you and Alyssa while you’ll be in New York” Ross explained. “Were just waiting for her to return”

“Oh ok” Brian sat quietly. In the beginning he was really looking forward to doing the duet with Alyssa…but lately his interest faded. Was it because of JC? Or was it because he couldn’t handle that she was happy without him. He remembered how close they were especially that night on the bus when they kissed. It WAS the right thing, he decided, but then it stopped because of Sally Dammit! …he thought over and over. He knew the only reason Alyssa stopped was because she thought he had feelings for Sally. Then they couldn’t even be friendly with each other because of Sally. Then AJ hit him with reality Under her thumb… ringed in his head over and over and more and more he realized it was true how fake Sally really was. She showed her true self while being superficial, fake, and air-headed right in front of his eyes, exactly what everyone had been telling him since the beginning. Now he couldn’t even have a conversation with Alyssa, lately they barely spoke to each other and she grew closer and closer to JC right in front of his eyes.


“I had a really great time tonight” Alyssa smiled as she walked down the hall together with JC. “The movie was really cool…did you like it?”

“Uhm…I wasn’t really watching”

They stopped in front of the lobby door. “Why?”

“I was too busy watching the beautiful person sitting next to me”

“Who that old lady?!” Alyssa joked.

“No crazy…” JC brought his hand up to her face. “You…”

Alyssa blushed. “Your too sweet JC”

“Not as sweet as you Lyss…” he whispered leaning in gently kissing her.

Alyssa smiled and kissed him back. “So…you wanna come inside?” she asked after they broke apart.


“Good…” She held his hand in hers and walked in.


“Michelle!!” Morgan giggled from her seat on the couch.

“Huh?” Michelle turned to her from watching the TV.

“Look who just walked in!” She smiled pointing to the door.

Michelle looked over and saw Alyssa and JC holding hands. “AW! They are too cute”

“Oh yea!” Morgan smiled.


“Oh Alyssa would you come here please?” Angela called.

Brian sat silently and glanced in Alyssa’s direction. Jealousy swept inside him as she walked towards them with JC.

“Hey Ange what’s up?” Alyssa asked.

“Hello JC” Angela greeted.

“Hello Ms. Beudean.” JC smiled.

“Well we need to discuss something with you…” Ross said.


“It’s ok Lyss I should go anyways.” JC smiled.

“Be right back Ange” Alyssa walked JC to the door.

“I’m sorry…” Alyssa smiled.

“Don’t be I had a great night” JC looked intensely at her.

“Call me?” Alyssa looked hopefully at him.

“Of course why wouldn’t I?”

“Just checking” She hugged him tightly. “I don’t want you to go yet”

“I’ll see you tomorrow Alyssa I promise.”

“Ok” She put her arms around his neck and kissed him again. “Promise?”


Brian tried not to look but it was no use. It stung his heart when he saw her kissing JC.


“I promise” He kissed her cheek before turning to leave.

“Bye” Alyssa waved and shut the door. Walking back in with a dreamy look on her face.

“OOHHH LYSSIE!” Morgan teased.

Alyssa giggled and walked back to where Angela, Ross and Brian were sitting. “Ok I’m all yours” She smiled taking a seat.

“Well we received your schedule for you trip to New York next week, to record, shoot a video and do promotion and interviews for your duet”

“You two will be leaving next week …and are staying for five days…arriving Sunday night and leaving Saturday night…that gives you five full work days.”

Brian and Alyssa nodded and listened.

“Ok so you are going to be staying at the Royal Crown hotel, we booked two rooms…Clive hired a driver for you…” Angela explained.

“And now your schedule…Monday you will be taken to Battery Studios. There, they will present your song and then work on it with the producers. After you are going to a studio for press shots, shots for the CD cover, and Teen People…The whole JIVE CD is being promoted in a special issue…which you two are the cover for…”

“We are?!” Alyssa asked surprised.

“Yes you are…now can I continue…?” Angela smiled.

“Yea sorry”

“Alright moving on…After the photo shoot you’ll be taken to Aslyum Productions where you’ll meet with Billie Woodroff…and go over plot lines for the video…That’s Monday”

“Billie directed I’ll Never Break Your Heart” Brian added.


“That’s a lot!”

“Yea well I told you it was going to be a lot of work…that is the only time we had free during the tour.”

“Ok so do you want to hear the rest?” Ross asked.

“Yea shoot” Alyssa smiled.

“Tuesday…You go back to the studio to record the song…after your off to various radio stations for interviews…then you’ll meet Clive at his office to discuss matters of the CD…” Ross said.

Angela took over “Wednesday you shoot the actual video on set, that will take up the whole day…Thursday is TV interviews…The Today Show and Regis and Kathy Lee in the morning. Rosie O’Donnel in the afternoon. And Jay Leno at night where you’ll be performing the song live.”

“Wow I’m gonna be tired!” Alyssa smiled.

“Ok now Friday…will be another photo shoot in the morning for the teeny-bopper magazines…”

Alyssa and Brian rolled their eyes.

Angela smiled. “Ok continuing…after you’ll be stopping by TRL to promote the JIVE CD which is called “Next Generation : JIVE”…and that should be pretty much all”

“Wow” Alyssa smiled. “Well it will be fun right Brian?”

“Yea…lots of fun” he smiled back thinking of a week alone with Alyssa.


~~~15 Minutes Later~~~

“WHAT!!!!” Sally practically screamed. “YOUR GOING WHERE?!? AND WITH HER ALONE!!!!!”

“Chill Sally…it’s work, I have to go”

“But why with her?!” Sally complained.

“Because I’m singing the duet with her remember?”

“I don’t want you going anywhere with that bitch”

Brian got angry. “DON’T say that about her again”

Sally pouted. “Brian…I wanna go”

“I don’t think you can”

“Please, you can’t leave me for a week alone here!”

“I have no other choice” Brian answered I don’t want her tagging along…

“But baby!” Sally complained. “I don’t wanna stay here!”

Brian sighed and walked out of his room.

“Brian where are you going?!” Sally called after him. Damnit what is his problem all of a sudden. She followed him down the hall and into the lobby where everyone was. “Brian!” Sally almost cried.

“What?!” he turned to face her not expecting her to break down in front of everyone.


“What’s the problem” Angela asked.

“Nothing” Brian answered. “Stop Sally…”

“But can’t you just ask?!”

Brian didn’t answer her. He didn’t want her coming, not while he had some iota of a chance to talk to Alyssa with out Sally with him.


“What’s going on now?!” AJ rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know” Nick answered.

“Let’s go butt in!” Michelle smiled getting up and pulling AJ with her.

“Great idea baby” He grinned.

“Hey wait!” Morgan jumped up after.

“Don’t leave me!” Nick said following.


“Ask what?” Angela looked to Brian.

“Can I go with him to New York?” Sally asked.

“Uh” Angela looked to Ross.

Ross had a clueless look on his face and shrugged ‘I don’t know’.

“Why do you want to go its only Alyssa and Brian” Michelle inferred.

“Yea” Morgan agreed. “The two of them”

“But Brian please!” Sally asked him again.

Brian looked to Angela.

“It’s up to you Brian” she answered.

Damnit your no help. I wanted you to say ‘no’ now I have to answer!… Brian sighed.

“Please I don’t want to stay here for a week with them! Alone!”

Morgan and Michelle exchanged looks. There was no way they were gonna get stuck with Sally, the bitch from hell, for a whole week! “She should go Angela” Michelle started.

Brian shot her an evil look.

“After all she’s Brian’s company and responsibility, he invited her here…so its only fair he should take care of her”

Nick and AJ followed their obvious plan. “Yea Ange after all she is ‘homeless’ and has ‘no work’” Nick added sarcastically.

“Your all very right” Angela smiled.

“But who’s gonna pay for her ticket?” Brian tried to stall.

“Well Brian I think you should since you let her stay” AJ smiled smugly at seeing Brian’s obvious annoyance with the whole idea.

“AJ is right” Michelle smiled.

“Well you all are a very big help” Angela looked to them.

“Glad to knock some sense in!” Nick tried not to laugh. “Well let’s go angel!” He grabbed Morgan’s hand and walked out of the room.

“Bye Sally I hope you have lots of fun with Brian in New York!” Michelle smiled fake in her face.

“Yea Brian…lots of fun!” AJ looked in square in the face with an ‘I told you so look’ and walked out of the room.

That was a big slap in the face to Brian. Now Sally was coming with him and on his money! Damn now I’ll never be able to talk with Alyssa…he thought.

“Alright Brian I suppose that’s three tickets for New York now?” Ross walked over.

Sally smiled and looked up to him. “Yea” Brian answered.

Angela and Ross exchanged looks and left the lobby.


“Haha you did you see his face?!” AJ laughed. “That was classic!”

“Oh man is he pissed!”

“AW guys did we really have to be that mean to him?” Morgan asked.

“Hey he deserves it, for the way he treated Lyss, why he always thinks Sally’s some sort of angel, and they way he’s been acting lately…”

“Yea I know…” Morgan agreed. “Hey guys have you noticed something though…”

“What angel?” Nick asked.

“Is it just me or does Brian looked annoyed all the time with Sally…it’s like he’s finally realizing something…I mean his face said it all when we said Sally should go with him…” Morgan explained.

“I kinda notice it now that you mention it” AJ admitted. “But hey he brought the bitch along…he needs to take care of her…besides I think quality time with her will knock some sense into him finally…”

“Hopefully” Michelle sighed.


~~~1 week later, Sterling Studios~~~

Alyssa was with NSYNC in studio as they worked on recording for their album. Tomorrow she was leaving to New York for the whole duet thing with Brian. A week with Brian, and now Sally… She thought ever since she found out that Sally would be coming with them too. It was probably his idea…now I’m gonna have to deal with Sally…I mean I didn’t have a problem with going with Brian alone…maybe it would have gave us a chance to clear the air around us and talk normally for once with out Sally yelling at me or him for saying the smallest thing to each other…But now…

“You ok?” JC put his arm around Alyssa as she stared off into space.

Alyssa snapped back into reality “Yea I’m fine…”

“So tomorrow’s the day huh?”


“What’s wrong? You don’t look too excited.”

“Honestly I was till a couple of days ago…Sally’s going with us”

JC looked concernedly at her, he knew Sally hated Alyssa. “I see now…I’m sorry you have to deal with her…she is so mean to you”

Alyssa nodded and sat closer to JC. “I’m gonna miss you for a whole week…”

“Me too” JC kissed her forehead.

“Alright guys back to work” the producer walked back into the studio room.

“Gotta go” JC turned to her.

“I’m not going any where” Alyssa smiled and kissed him.

“OOHH Enough!” Joey laughed.

JC and Alyssa broke apart smiling. “Hey your just jealous…” JC said getting up.

Joey looked down. “Ok, fine I am”

“That’s right” JC laughed.

“Alright guys in the booth…Where’s Timberlake?” the producer talked as he switched various switches on the board.

“I’m here!” Justin ran inside with papers in his hands.

“C’Mon you’re wasting studio time…” The producer pointed to the door of the sound booth.

“Alright…Hold on!” Justin walked over to Alyssa “Hey Lyss” He kissed her cheek and sat down.

“Hey J, What up?”

“Here I finished it” He said fumbling the papers over to her. “Tell me what you think ok?”

Alyssa smiled. “Ok” She said straightening the papers out.


“Ok sheesh!” Justin got up and walked into the booth and put on his headphones.

“Alright now…We need to finish No Strings Attached…” he cued up the music as the high energy beats filled the studio.

Baby you’re not the only one You don’t have to be afraid to fall in love And I know that you’ve hurt in the past But if you want it here’s my heart No strings attached

The already recorded chorus streamed through. “Alright were coming to the bridge be ready” the producer called in as the music ran.

They nodded and began their parts

Take it from me…

JC sang his part

It’s a lesson to be learned Even the good guys get burned

Take it from me…

Justin joined JC

See I would give you love The kind of love you’ve only dreamed of

JC took over

So if you wanna take a chance with me…

Their five voices harmonized

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah ,Ah

If you take a chance with me

JC repeated

Baby Take a chance with me

Ill be everything you need

Justin repeated

Everything you need

And the five of them finished of the verse

Because… It’s our destiny…

“And cut!” The producer stopped the music. “That was great guys”

“Thanks” Lance answered and took off the headphones.

“So?!” Justin ran out and sat down eagerly next to Alyssa who finished reading the lyrics.

“Well…” she said with an odd face.

Justin gave her a disappointed face.

Alyssa tried to hide her smile but it was no use. “It’s SO GOOD Justin…”


“Uh-huh…if some guy wrote me something like this…oh man…I’d love him forever!” She smiled. “You guy’s are gonna like it too”

“Finally it’s finished…Justin wouldn’t even let us see it!” Chris joked.

“I wanted it to be perfect” Justin smiled. “Because Yasmine is perfect, and it’s for her…”

“AWW!” The guy’s gushed. “Justin’s in love!!!”

“And what’s wrong with that?!” Justin smiled and crossed his arms.

“Nothing…so are we gonna hear your song or what?” Joey asked.

Alyssa handed him the papers and gave him an encouraging smile.

“Yea here” Justin distributed the papers to all of them. They nodded as they read over his lyrics.

“This is good man” JC agreed.

“Thanks, Lyssie helped me out” Justin sat down next to Alyssa.

“Only a little…I don’t want any credit it’s all you” She smiled.

“But the song wouldn’t have been one without you…” Justin pleaded. “Don’t be so humble about it.”

“Ok” Alyssa smiled. “I should be going guys…”

“Aw not yet!” Joey pouted.

“Yea” Lance followed.

“I’d love to stay longer guys but I’m leaving tomorrow…”

“Oh that’s right your trip to New York” Chris pointed out.

“Yea” She smiled standing up.

“You’ll come see us when you come back right?” Justin asked.

“I will” she smiled. “Well have fun in here…”

“Bye Lyss” Justin gave her a hug.

“See ya J…”

“Later Alyssa” Lance called.

“Bye…See-ya Chris”

Chris waved and smiled.

“Bye Joey”

“Bye Lyssie” he grinned.

“C’Mon Lyss…I’ll drive you back to the hotel” JC got his car keys. He walked over to Alyssa took her hand and walked out of the studio.

~~~20 min Later~~~

Alyssa and JC walked silently down the hall of the hotel. They stood together when they came to Alyssa’s room.

“Call me when you get there” JC wrapped his arms behind her waist.

“Ok” she smiled.


Brian walked down the hall to his room. He stayed out in the lobby for as long as he possibly could to stay away from Sally. Since it was getting late he decided he would finally go back since she would probably be asleep. As he came closer he heard voices, slowly peaking around the corner he saw JC standing with Alyssa. His heart burned inside him as jealously and envy filled him again. He decided to stand and wait but happened to listen to their conversation as well.


JC looked down at her. She’s so beautiful…am I really falling in love here?

“I’m gonna be so lonely there…” she mumbled and laid her head on his chest.


Alyssa looked up to him. “Yea?”

“You know I care about you right?”

“I guess…”

“Well I do, a lot”

Alyssa blushed and looked down.

JC lifted her chin and saw her eyes watering. “What’s wrong? I did I say something?” he looked at her concernedly.

“No…it’s…just…I care about you too” Alyssa wiped her eyes. “I’ve been through a lot lately and you just make me forget about all of it, and all the hurt I’ve had…”

“What sort of things?”

Alyssa thought of Brian…No don’t tell him… she thought… “Just certain people I guess…”


“Well one of them…” Alyssa tried to smile.

JC wiped her tears away with his hand. “I’d never hurt you Alyssa, I want you to know that…”

Alyssa looked up into his eyes. She could see the honesty and truth in them. She cupped his face in her hands. “Now I know…” she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips.

JC responded earnestly pulling her close to him. Every time he kissed her he felt that something inside him telling him it was the right thing, and that burning came through right at this moment stronger than ever.


Brian listened intently, suddenly they stopped talking, thinking they were done he looked around the corner again. Then Bam! Right in front of his eyes he saw her kissing him again. Quickly Brian turned back to where he stood out of their sight. He closed his eyes, and could feel his chances with Alyssa slipping farther and farther away. Its more than a feeling now…Its love… I’ve always known that…I love Alyssa…


JC and Alyssa continued to kiss. Then finally broke apart.

“I’ll talk to you soon” Alyssa gave him one last hug.

“I’ll be waiting” he smiled holding her back.

Alyssa turned and pulled out her key to the room. Un-locking the door she opened it and stepped half-way inside before turning to JC again, he was looking at her with a smile. Reaching out her hand behind his neck she pulled him closer and kissed him again. “Bye”

“Bye” JC whispered then turned to leave as Alyssa shut the door.


Brian stood there for five minutes after he heard the door shut. I love her! He thought to himself…How could I have let myself be this stupid for so long…now its getting to be too late… He leaned his head back and felt the tears form in his eyes. I don’t believe this…he mumbled as he walked off to his room.


~~~The next day at the Airport~~~

“AW Lyssie I’m gonna miss you!” Nick pouted hugging her tightly.

“AW I’ll miss ya too Nicky” Alyssa smiled. “Be good ok?!”

“I will!” Nick kissed her cheek. “Have a good time”

“Yea...with her” Morgan glanced at Sally.

“Oh well can’t stop her now!” Alyssa joked.


“This is going to be SO much fun Bri!” Sally rambled as she stood next to him. “There’s so much to do in New York like-”

Brian tuned her out as she continued to talk about all the places she wanted to go while they were there. I hope she’s not expecting me to take her to all those expensive places… Ignoring her he glanced longingly over to Alyssa as the memory of her and JC flashed in his mind.

Sally looked over to Brian as she continued talking. She saw clearly that his eyes were on Alyssa. Bitch!! Sally grumbled. Brian better not be acting this way the whole time were there…how is he supposed to spend some money if he’s too busy gazing at her!… “Bri-Bri, are you listening?” she asked attempting to sound sweet. “Brian?!” she turned his face with her hands.

Brian felt Sally’s hand on his face and quickly backed away form it. “What?”

Sally smiled pretending not to notice his attitude. “Were you listening to me?” She pouted.

“Yea…go on…” Brian answered just so she would stop asking him questions.

“Ok well as I was saying there’s this really nice place-” she excitedly continued.

Brian forced himself to act attentive as Sally’s superficial self continued to expose itself.


“FLIGHT 808 TO NEW YORK CITY IS NOW READY FOR BOARDING” a voice sounded through the intercom of the airport.

“Alright everyone say your goodbyes!” Angela called.

“Well latah Morgy!”

“Bye sweets!” Morgan hugged her. “If Sally does anything to you…I’ll kick her ass!”

“I’ll remember that” Alyssa smiled.

“Bye Chelle” Alyssa smiled.

“See-ya Lyssie” She hugged her. “Say hey to Carson!”

“I will.”

“Later Miss Lyssie” AJ kissed her cheek.

Alyssa said her good byes to Kevin, Becky, Summer, and Howie before picking up her things. “Bye y’all!” she smiled picking up her bags as she turned to follow Brian and Sally.

“Bye!” They all waved.


Surprised Alyssa turned around to find Yasmine running up frantically to her.

“Hold…on” Yasmine said between breaths.

“What’s wrong girl?” Alyssa looked at her confusedly.

“I had to say goodbye” Yasmine giggled.

Alyssa laughed hugging Yasmine. “I thought you were at the Mall with Justin?”

“I was but I had to see you before you left…” Yasmine grinned.

“Is that it?”


“What?” Alyssa asked.

Yasmine turned around and pointed to the stairs. Alyssa looked over and found JC running down them. “Oh my god…” she looked at Yasmine with questioning eyes.

“He insisted on coming here before you left”

“That’s so sweet…” Alyssa dropped her bags and walked off.


“Oh this is too sweet!” Summer smiled as she saw the whole scene before her eyes.

“I know!” Becky giggled.


JC walked quickly over to Alyssa who met him halfway. Alyssa looked him in the eyes and almost cried hugging him tightly. “What are you doing?!”

“I couldn’t let you leave without seeing you…” He smiled.

Alyssa wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. “You so sweet JC”

“Here” He pulled a small box out from behind his back.

Alyssa’s eyes widened. “What’s this?”

“Something for you…but don’t open it till your on the plane ok?”

Alyssa held the small wrapped box in her hand. “JC I don’t know what to say…” she teared up again.

“Don’t cry” He smiled. “I’m gonna miss you”

“Me too” She smiled and hugged him tightly.

“LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 808 TO NEW YORK CITY” the announcement rang through.

“That’s you…” JC smiled letting go.

“Yea” she smiled. “I’ll call you when I’m there”


Alyssa leaned in and kissed him again before turning to leave.


“AW!” Morgan smiled.

“Why don’t you ever surprise me like that?” Michelle looked at AJ.

“Uhm…uh” AJ stuttered. “I love you!”

“Ok that makes up for it! But this is so adorable!” Michelle smiled.


Brian watched Alyssa and JC yet again. Every time he saw them together it hurt.

Sally saw Brian’s glance on her again. “Little bitch…” she mumbled under her breath.

“What did you say?” Brian asked.

“Oh nothing!” She smiled. “Let’s go!” She grabbed his arm and led him to the ticket counter.


Alyssa walked over to get her stuff by Yasmine.

“Lyssie you ok?” Yasmine smiled.

“Yea he just really surprised me, I wasn’t expecting it” Alyssa answered with a dreamy look on her face.

“But you liked it right?”

“Of course!” Alyssa smiled even more. “Well I’ll call you up while I’m there Yazzie”

“Ok Lyssie, I’m gonna be with Justin all week” Yasmine smiled.

“I bet your looking forward to it”

“Oh yea!” Yasmine giggled. “Well better get going”

“Oh right…Bye Yazzie”

“Bye Lyss” Yasmine called as Alyssa followed Brian and Sally to the ticket counter. Turning around she waved goodbye to the group then focused on Yasmine who was standing next to JC. She smiled and waved goodbye to him before walking off to board the plane.


Yasmine stood next to JC as he looked longingly as Alyssa disappeared from sight. “Ready to go JC?”

“Uhm…Yea” JC answered following Yasmine back to the car. “Do you think she’ll like what I got?”

“Yea she has a thing for butterflies…she told me” Yasmine smiled as the walked through the airport terminal.

JC smiled and nodded. “Good”


~~~Monday Morning, New York~~~

After arriving Alyssa, Brian and Sally checked into the Royal Crown hotel and made their way to their separate rooms. Their first day in New York was off to a great start for Alyssa but a bad start for Brian.

Alyssa called Morgan and talked with everyone, then she called Yasmine and got a chance to talk with Justin, Lance, Chris, Joey, and especially JC, who happened to be together at the time. Alyssa opened JC’s present as she sat on the plane alone. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a small butterfly pendant. When she talked to JC last night she thanked him endlessly.

Brian on the other hand didn’t call anyone. It was enough that Sally had to come with them now it turned out she had to share his room with him too! This annoyed Brian, who didn’t expect his week to be made worse than it already was. The one and only thing that kept him going was the chance to work closely with Alyssa, even if they were still ‘weird’ around each other. It’s worth it Brian told himself as he got dressed to start work that morning.



“Can we go somewhere today?” Sally asked.

“Today is really busy Sally I don’t know…”

“Well how bout tomorrow?” Sally continued.

“Listen were not on vacation, I have lots of work to do and can’t be wasting time…” Brian said sternly.

“Oh…” Sally tried her best to pull off the ‘sad and disappointed’ look.

Brian sighed, even though she was getting on his nerves lately, he didn’t have to be so mean. “Maybe tomorrow” He eventually said.

“Oh! Thanks baby!” Sally jumped up and hugged him tightly.

“Yea” Brian answered hardly hugging her back.



“Hello?” Alyssa picked up the phone.

“This is the reception…Miss Farrow, your driver is here to pick you up.”

“Oh thank you!” Alyssa answered and hung up the phone. Walking over to her dresser she put on some lip-gloss. It’s weird having a room all to myself… she thought. Putting together a small bag to carry she picked up the small box JC gave her. Opening it she pulled out the silver necklace and put it on. That was so sweet of him… she smiled and walked out of her room to the lobby.


“Hello Mr. Littrell, I’m Robert and I’ll be your driver all week”

“Hey Robert” Brian shook his hand.

“And who might this be?” Robert asked Sally.

“I’m his girlfriend” Sally smiled and shook Roberts hand.

Brian’s face froze My girlfriend???!!!…What is she thinking!?…Sally looked smilingly at him as Robert did too, deciding not to cause problems, Brian pulled off the best smile possible.

Alyssa walked over to them. “Sorry was I keeping you?”

“Yea…” Sally glared at her.

“Nonsense…” Robert smiled. “Miss Farrow I presume” Robert stuck out his hand.

Alyssa shook his hand and smiled. “Yes, and nice to meet you”

“Well we should be going they are expecting you at Battery Studios”

“Alright let’s go” Alyssa smiled to Brian.

Brian smiled back and followed with Sally glaring angrily at Alyssa.


~~~Battery Studios~~~

“Hello Mr. Littrell, Miss Farrow” A middle aged man greeted them as they entered the studio they would be working in. “My name is David Brisbane and I’ll be producing your song.”

“Hello” Alyssa smiled polietly.

“Hey” Brian answered.

“And this is Peter Matthews, Tony Adams, and Patrick Jacobs…they will be in and out controlling the boards etc…”

Alyssa and Brian waved to them.

“Well let’s get started shall we?” David led them down the hallway and into a discussion room. “I’m sorry she’s going to have to stay outside…” David said referring to Sally.

“Alright I’ll be back” Brian took Sally’s arm and led her down to the waiting area in the front of the building. “You have to wait here…”

“For how long?”

“I’m not sure”

“Fine…” Sally sighed obviously aggravated and picked up a magazine to read.

Brian gave up and walked back to join David and Alyssa.


“Alright” David sat down at the head of the table with Alyssa and Brian on opposite sides. “Today I will be presenting you with the song lyric’s and introducing you to the music. We’ll work out the vocal arrangements also. Tomorrow you’ll come back and actually record the song.”

Brian and Alyssa listened attentively.

“Well here are the lyrics” David pulled out a folder and took out three pieces of paper handing one to Brian and one to Alyssa. They read over the lyrics and nodded their heads.

“So what do you think?” David asked them.

“Well so far I like it” Alyssa smiled…This sounds so much like my life…

Brian thought as he read over them…This has to be some very weird coincidence…the words to the song in his eyes explained the way he felt and their relationship, and he knew for sure that Alyssa probably thought the same thing.

“Great!” David said standing up. “Well let’s get back into the room and play the music so you two can become familiar and comfortable with it.”

Brian and Alyssa nodded and followed David.


~~~1 hours later~~~

For the past hour, Brian, Alyssa and the producers sat in the room. They played back the music to the track so that Alyssa and Brian would get familiar with it. During they arranged the lyrics into the separate parts. Then they sang over the lines more times than they remember to prepare for the actual recording tomorrow.

“Alright I think where done here for today” David smiled. “We’ll see you two tomorrow at 10 am for recording”

“Thank you David” Alyssa smiled. “See ya tomorrow”

“Bye everyone” Brian said as he turned to walk outside with Alyssa.

“So where are we going now?” Alyssa smiled trying to make conversation.

“I think the studio for the photo shoot” Brian answered.


After they remained silent even though they wanted to say more.

~~~At the Photo Shoot~~~

“Alright Alyssa you can take a break now…Brian your up” the photographer called.

Alyssa smiled and walked off the set. She made her way over to the snack table to grab a bite to eat.

“Hi Alyssa” Sally said coming out of nowhere it seemed.

“Hey Sally”


“Alright Brian sit here for a couple of shots” the people surrounding him directed. Brian did as they were told and tried to look happy for the shots. He looked out over the room as the photographer loaded the film and spotted Sally talking with Alyssa. Oh shit…Sally better not say anything again…


“How are you?” Sally asked.

“…fine…” Alyssa answered a little apprehensive as to why Sally all of a sudden wanted to talk to her.

“That’s great!” Sally said in her fake way. “So how’s it going with JC?”


“Oh ok!” Sally smiled. “Just as long as you keep away from Brian”

Alyssa didn’t answer her and just turned and walked away.

“Little bitch…” Sally’s smile wiped away in an instant. “I hate trying to be nice to her!” she mumbled.


After about 30 minutes and more and more pictures for various promo and the CD cover, the Teen People representatives came and took over.

“Alright you two” a woman named Haley spoke to them. “Your separate wardrobe people are there…” she pointed to opposite sides of the room. “After your changed come back over here”

Brian and Alyssa met with their appointed stylists and 20 minutes later were ready for the first session.


Sally sat back and watched as Brian and Alyssa sat laughing with each other throughout the shoot. She’s always in the way! Sally thought. This won’t help me at all…if only there was some way to…I don’t know…get her to stay away from him…


“Alright now time for the cover shot” the photographer reloaded the film once again.

“Ok Alyssa I want you to stand here on this box…right…and Brian stand right in front of her…good, good…ok” he backed up. “A couple shots of this…” the photographer continued to snap away.

“Alright Alyssa lean over to your left…no nevermind your right…”

Brian turned around and watched her.

“Like this?” Alyssa asked awkwardly trying to balance herself on top of the small box.

“No more to the right” the people called.

“Ok” Alyssa obeyed their direction and leaned further, but she lost her balance and tipped over.

“Watch it Lyss!” Brian caught her just in time, carrying her in his arms.

“Thanks Brian” she smiled holding herself up in by wrapping her arms behind his neck. “You saved me!” she continued to laugh jokingly.

“I always would…” he mumbled rather liking the position they were in.

Alyssa looked over to Sally who had anger shone in her eyes. Alyssa knew it was because Brian was carrying her. “Uhm…Brian you can put me down now”


“NO! Wait…lift her up again.” The photographer called out.

Sally’s face angered even more at the request. Alyssa noticed but didn’t say anything. “Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes, now Brian lift her up again…that shot would be perfect!”

Brian did as he was told and lifted Alyssa up off the floor as the photographer took some shots. “Now place your heads together side-by-side” Again they did as they were told. “Beautiful!” the photographer praised as he took more shots.

“This is weird” Alyssa whispered to Brian in between shots.

“What is?”

“You’re carrying me like I’m some sort of baby” she smiled.

“You’re my baby!” Brian smiled and swung her around.

“Ah Brian stop!” Alyssa laughed as she spun around.

“Ok, ok sorry” he stopped and put her down.

Alyssa wobbled a bit before standing still. “Weirdo” she joked and sat down on the box.

“OK you two last session” they called to them. “Brian you think you can carry Alyssa on your back?”

“Like a piggy-back?” he asked.

“Yes that”

“Yea sure!” Brian stood up as Alyssa stood on the box. Brian turned his back to her and she climbed up on. “Is this ok?”

“Perfect!” the photographer called out again as he emptied another roll of film out on them. “Ok your done!”

“Yay!” Alyssa smiled still on Brian’s back. “Brian what are you doing?!”

Brian carried her around the room. “Nothing!”

“Put me down!” she laughed.

“No sorry can’t!”

Alyssa smile faded as she spotted Sally staring at her with hate in her eyes. “Brian please…” she said seriously.

Brian noticed the change in her and put her down. “What?”

“Nothing” Alyssa answered. “I’m gonna go change now…we have to get to Asylum in and hour to meet with Billie.”

“Alyssa” Brian pleaded. “Just tell me why all of a sudden were fine and then…it changes.”

Alyssa couldn’t look at him. “It’s nothing ok!” she said and turned to walk to a dressing room.

Brian sighed. Something’s making her act this way…


~~~Aslyum Production~~~

Brian and Alyssa walked into the building. Silence hit them once again and neither said a word to each other since leaving the photo shoot. Brian was more determined than ever to find out what was wrong. Sally followed closely behind them glad that for once they weren’t talking.

“Hello Brian nice seeing you again!” Billie Woodroff greeted them as they walked in.

“Hey you too man” Brian shook his hand.

“Well who’s the lovely lady?”

“Alyssa Farrow” she stuck out her hand and shook Billie’s.

“Nice to meet you”

“You too”

“Well lets get started, shall we?” Billie smiled.

“Yea can’t wait!” Alyssa smiled.

“Good I like enthusiasm” Billie smiled. “Well if you’ll follow me this way Brian and Alyssa…” he said looking awkwardly at Sally.

“I’ll just be a minute” Brian smiled and pulled Sally aside and back down to the front of the building.

“Again?!” she complained.

“Sally you wanted to come, now your gonna have to wait, cause you have no choice” Brian sat her down.

“Fine” she crossed her arms as Brian turned and left her alone again.


~~~6 pm~~~

Alyssa and Brian sat in the room with Billie for the past couple of hours. Together they all went over the video concept. Billie’s idea for the song was to have Brian and Alyssa act out the whole scenario, singing to each other from different locations. “Sort of a split-screen effect…” he explained. They occasionally glanced at each other awkwardly. Especially when Billie asked if it would be too hard for them. No since it’s what were going through…they both thought.

Wardrobe people came in and fitted them for their outfits. First they had grey, black, and purple more dark and dreary colors. This was for the beginning of the song they explained which was when Brian and Alyssa would be apart. Next they were shown white, silver, and light blue outfits which were for the middle and end of the song when they would come together. Basically the whole video would be about emotion since the song dealt with being apart from your true love, expressing your feelings and finally reuniting. Something Brian and Alyssa could easily relate to.


~~~Back at the Hotel~~~

Well Monday was officially complete. Tired and worked out Brian, Alyssa and Sally were driven back to the hotel.

“See you tomorrow” Robert turned and smiled as he pulled up to the front of the hotel.

“Bye Robert!” Alyssa smiled and stepped out of the car.

“See ya man” Brian followed. Sally just smiled and got out behind Brian.

All three of them stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to their floor.

“Brian?” Sally smiled pressing herself next to him.


“Can we go get some dinner?” she smiled.

“…Alyssa do you want to come too?” Brian asked looking hopefully in her direction.

Alyssa looked up and smiled. “Uhm…” But her smile was erased when she saw Sally’s evil glare on her again. “Well actually I’m not that hungry” she looked down and away.

PING! The elevator opened.

“Well that’s too bad” Sally smirked.

Alyssa turned and walked out of the elevator with Brian and Sally following behind to walk to their rooms.

“Are you sure Lyss?” Brian asked again wondering why she changed her mind so quickly…It’s obvious something’s wrong…

“Yea” she said coming to her door and pulling out her key. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning” she opened and closed the door behind her.

“Well let’s go baby!” Sally smiled and pulled Brian a couple of doors down to their room. “I have to change and fix my make-up”

Brian followed reluctantly now that it was dinner alone with Sally, instead of with Alyssa too.


~~~Tuesday, New York~~~

The second day in New York wasn’t much different from the first. Alyssa changed a bit whenever she was around Brian, or that’s what he noticed. He was still determined to ask her sooner or later what the problem was. That morning they were taken back to Battery Studios to record the song. After 2 hours they were done.

“That was great you two!” David praised.

“Thanks” Alyssa smiled as she removed the headphones and stepped out of the booth with Brian behind her.

“Well this will be off to Clive, and you’ll be able to hear the finished track during your meeting with him later tonight”

“Great!” Brian smiled. “Well it was great working with you”

“Likewise” David smiled.

“Thanks” Alyssa smiled as she walked out of the studio.

“Hey Lyss?” Brian asked.


“Will you please tell me what’s wrong?” Brian pleaded.

“Nothing’s wrong” she pulled of a smile.

“Don’t lie please…cause I know you are.”

Alyssa turned her head and didn’t answer. Brian sighed and pulled her aside.

“What is it?”

“Brian c’mon I already said nothing” she couldn’t look up to his eyes.

“Alyssa! I can see something’s wrong. Everytime we seem to get along and have a good time, something changes in you…and you turn cold.”

Alyssa looked down.

“Tell me!”

“You won’t understand”

“Understand what?!” Brian put his hands on her shoulders desperately trying to figure her out.

Alyssa opened her mouth. “It’s…” but she couldn’t find the courage to put all the blame on Sally, even if she was the problem. “Nothing alright” she answered and walked away from him.

Brian sighed and let it go…for now.


~~~2 hour’s later~~~

Brian and Alyssa made their rounds around to all the local radio stations for various interviews. They were pretty much asked the same questions all day, and grew restless as the time went by. Finally they came to their last interview.

“Hello New York and today we have two very special guests with us in the studio live!” The DJ spoke. “Introducing Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell, and Phantasia member Alyssa Farrow!”

“Hey” Alyssa talked into her microphone.

“Hi” Brian did the same.

“So how’s the tour going?”


“Yea the rest of the guys have this week off, while were here doing work” Alyssa laughed.

“Right, so tell the audience what exactly you two are doing here”

“Well we just recorded a brand new song called Something Special” Brian explained. “It is the single off the new JIVE CD Next Generation : JIVE

“That’s great! So this new CD why don’t you tell everyone exactly what it’s about”

“Well it’s a compilation CD with various JIVE artists such as Britney Spears, NSYNC, Steps, R. Kelly, Aaron Carter and many more plus our duet!” Alyssa smiled.

“Ok so tell us about the song you two recorded together…how did that come about?”

“Well at a recent party we were asked to perform, so Alyssa and I sang a duet”

“Later Clive, president of JIVE Records, approached us and asked us to record a duet together and that he had plans for a JIVE CD, he wanted us to be the pushing single for” Alyssa continued. “Well the next day he called out managers and said everything was set…and here we are!”

“Wow this must be a lot of work for you two” The DJ stated.

“Yea it is but I’m having fun” Alyssa smiled. “Photo shoots, recording, interviews and tomorrow were shooting the actual video”

“What about you Brian?”

“I’m having a good time, working with Alyssa is great”

“Well thank you Brian!” Alyssa laughed.

“Your welcome”

“Alright so let’s take a break…Here in honor of our guests History (That’s what you Are)…” the music cued up and the DJ was off air.


~~~1 hour later~~~

After the radio interview Robert drove Alyssa, Brian and Sally to the JIVE headquarters for their meeting with Clive.

“Sally you can’t come” Brian said and sat her down once again.

“Bri-Bri are we still going somewhere today?”

“I dunno”

“But you promised!” Sally pleaded.

Alyssa stood there silently watching.

“I know but I’m not sure if we will have any time…” Brian answered.

“Please!?” Sally whined.

“Hey Sally you wanna go to 5th avenue after this? I heard it’s really nice down there” Alyssa suggested. “I’ll ask Robert to take us…”

“Please Brian? Alyssa even wants to go too!” Sally remarked.

“I guess then…” Brian agreed.

“Oh thank you baby!!” Sally got up and moved in for a kiss, but Brian turned his head away and the kiss landed on his cheek. Sally pretended not to notice and sat back down in a seat.

“What you do that for?” Brian asked when they stepped into the elevator that would take them up to Clive’s office.


“Say we would go somewhere…”

“I dunno she really want’s to go…just take her now so she won’t keep on asking you” Alyssa answered. “Besides she hasn’t done anything this whole time but follow us around.”

“She asked for it! She wanted to come” Brian pointed out.

“She asked?” Alyssa said surprised.

“Yea! Wait, you didn’t think I…??”

“I thought you invited her” Alyssa looked at him.

“NO!” Brian startled. “She made a whole scene in front of Angela…then next thing I know she’s coming with us!”

“Oh I didn’t know that…” Alyssa looked at him and saw the offense in his eyes. “Why wouldn’t you invite her though?”

“I don’t know…”

“She is your…uhm… company” Alyssa said awkwardly un-able to face him.

“Yea well this was only supposed to be us”

“Well now it’s us plus her” Alyssa said quietly.

“Yea…” Brian sighed and waited for the elevator to stop.

PING! The elevator doors opened and they stepped out and to the secretary.

“We have a meeting with Clive” Brian stepped up to the desk.

“Right Mr. Littrell and Ms. Farrow, Clive is expecting you, you can go in now” The secretary smiled and pointed to two double doors.

“Thank you” Alyssa smiled and walked over followed by Brian.

“Alyssa! Brian! Glad you could make it!” Clive stood up as they walked in.

“Hi Clive how are you?” Brian asked.

“Wonderful now that I have my two stars here!”

Alyssa and Brian exchanged looks and sat down.

“And here’s the final masterpiece!” Clive gushed as he held up a CD. “Your beautiful track finished and perfect, just as I expected. This will be an instant hit!”

“Thanks for your confidence” Alyssa smiled.

“There’s no need for that when I KNOW this will be a hit” He went on and quickly placed the CD in a player. “Now listen and you’ll agree with me…”

The soft gentle music streamed into the office. Being the first time they actually heard the finished product Brian and Alyssa listened intently. Needless to say they were happy with it and impressed with themselves. When it was over they looked at each other.

“Wow I did that?” Alyssa sat back baffled at herself.

“I said you two had chemistry together, but this is over the top!” Clive exclaimed. “I’m very pleased with it”

“Thank you Clive” Brian answered.

“Well now on to the basics of this whole CD…” Clive sat back down at his desk and gave them more information.

~~~1 hour later~~~

“Well that’s pretty much it” Clive smiled and straightened out the papers on his desk.

“Well thank you Clive” Alyssa stood up and shook his hand.

“Enjoy the rest of your time in New York”

“We will” Brian smiled and led Alyssa out of Clive’s office and back down to the lobby to get Sally. After they walked outside and got into the car.

“Bri-Bri?” Sally asked as she sat down next to him.


“Are we still going?”

Brian looked at Alyssa with question. Sally saw him glancing at her again…Damn he never stops!…she looked at Alyssa and gave her a dirty look.

Alyssa looked back at Sally and didn’t understand why she hated her so much. It’s Brian…she doesn’t like it when I’m with him… Alyssa sighed and decided not to make problems during their time in New York so she thought the best thing to do was keep Sally happy.

“Hey Robert you think we could stop over at 5th Avenue?” Alyssa asked.


“You are coming with us right Alyssa?” Brian asked her.

Sally’s looked worsened on Alyssa. There was so much anger and jealousy, it even scared her. What did I do?… “Actually Robert can you drop me off at the hotel?”

“Why?” Brian jumped in. “Don’t you want to come with us?” he pleaded.

Sally’s look turned threatening.

“No I’m pretty tired…” Alyssa answered as Sally’s content smiled appeared.

“It’s ok Bri- Bri don’t force her…” Sally smiled.

“So back to the hotel Alyssa?” Robert asked.

“Yea…” she answered disappointedly.


~~~2 hours later~~~

After Robert left with Brian and Sally, Alyssa went straight to her room and took a nap. It was good she didn’t go along, she was way too tired. Waking up a while later she decided to call ‘home’ and check up.

“Hello?” Nick picked up the phone.

“Hey Nicky…it’s Lyssie”

“Lyssie!!!!” Nick called into the phone. “HI!!”

Alyssa smiled. “Hey sweetie”

“So how is it?”

“Ok…uhm, is Morgy around?”

“No she’s at the studio with the other girls…it’s just me, Howie, AJ and Kevin”

“Oh…” Alyssa answered disappointedly.

“What’s wrong Lyssie?” Nick could sense the distraction in her voice.


“Lyssie!” Nick said again.

“Alright, alright…it’s Sally” she confessed.

“Sally?! What happened what did she do?” Nick asked eagerly.

“Sally?!” she heared AJ yell in the background. “Why that little bitch!” AJ picked up another phone to join the conversation. “Lyssie are you alright?”

“Yea AJ”

“What did she do now?” Nick asked.

“She’s giving me weird looks…its getting scary!” Alyssa said. “Everytime I talk to Brian she looks at me like I’m the devil”

“I don’t believe this!” AJ sighed. “Does Brian know?”

“No, he doesn’t see her” Alyssa answered.

“Asshole” Nick mumbled.

“Stay away from that bitch Lyssie ok?” AJ continued.

“I am…but I don’t know why she acts threatened by me…”

“Lyss she’s jealous because she knows Brian looks at you the way he does…” Nick said.

“I guess” Alyssa thought it though. “Alright I’ll talk to you boys later…”

“Lyssie if she does anything to you….” AJ continued. “Oh man Brian’s gonna get it…”

“It’s ok AJ I’ll stay away from her” Alyssa assured. “Say hi to every one for me! I miss you guys!”

“I miss you too Lyssie” Nick answered.

“Take care Lyss and call us tomorrow ok?!” AJ asked.

“I will…love you guys”

“I love you too Lyssie” Nick answered.

“Love ya” AJ added. “Bye”

“Bye” Alyssa hung up the phone and lay back on the bed. The way he looks at me?…I thought he was over me?!…Is he?…she dismissed the ideas and called Yasmine.


“J?” Alyssa asked.

“Lyssie?” Justin answered.


“Oh hey!” Justin smiled.

“Where’s Yazzie?”

“She’s asleep”


“Sorry you’re gonna have to talk with me!” Justin joked.

“I’m not sorry” she laughed. “So did you record your song?”

“Yea yesterday”

“So when are you gonna tell her?”

“I dunno I’m waiting for the perfect time”

“She’s gonna love it!” Alyssa smiled.

“I hope”

“So who’s with you?”

“Well there’s Joey…”

“Oh tell him I said hi”

“Oh hold on Lyssie he wants to talk with you…I’ll talk to you later then ok?”

“Yea J see ya”

“Lyssie!” Joey called into the phone.

“Hi Joey”

“You miss me?” he joked.

“Of course” Alyssa laughed. “Is JC there?”

“No sorry Lyssie he’s in the studio working on the CD”

“Ok well tell him I called…”

KNOCK KNOCK!!! Alyssa startled at the sound of her door.

“Well I gotta go now Joey…say hi to Chris and Lance”

“I will Lyssie…see-ya later!”

“Bye” Alyssa hung up the phone.


“Alright, I’m coming!” Alyssa called and walked over to the door. “Brian?!”

Brian stepped inside quickly and shut the door. “We have to talk”

“Ok” Alyssa sat down on her bed.

“I want you to tell me what’s wrong now”

“I told you before nothing’s wrong!” Alyssa defended.

“Stop lying!” Brian sat down next to her. “Alyssa its obvious, one minute were fine then the next you act like you don’t even want to talk to me!”

“I didn’t mean for it to seem that way…”

“Well then what is it?!”

“You won’t understand…”

“Just tell me!”

Alyssa decided not to fight with him anymore. “It’s Sally ok?!…” Alyssa blurted out.

“What about her”

“I don’t think she wants me around you…”

“Well I don’t care what she thinks…”

“She gives me looks every time you’re even standing close to me…”

“Alyssa don’t push yourself away because of her”

“How can I not when I feel threatened by her?!”

“You can’t be serious…”

“I am Brian…she hates me…and she wants you all to herself”

Brian listened to her, it hurt him as she told him these things.

“I want to be able to talk to you…but like I said before…it won’t work!”

“Alyssa that’s not true!”

“It is as long as she’s around…last time we had this conversation the situation hasn’t gotten any better…has it?”

“No” Brian admitted.

“See!” Alyssa sighed. “I think it’s better for both of us to just keep distance.”

“Lyss you don’t mean that!”

“I do Brian as much as it hurts I do…” she looked away from him.

Brian was crushed that she wanted to stay away from him. “Alyssa please…”

“Brian don’t make this any harder ok?” Alyssa looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Brian nodded and walked to the door. He looked over to Alyssa who put her face in her hands and cried silently. Tears formed in his eyes and he walked out of her room.


~~~Wednesday, New York~~~

The day of the video shoot was tense. Brian and Alyssa did their job trying to act normal and happy around the crew. So far they had shot the separate scenes so they didn’t have to be near each other. This made Sally especially happy. But time soon came for the last part of the song where they had to work together.

“Alright are we ready?” Billie asked.

Brian and Alyssa nodded and took their positions on the set.

“Ok roll playback!”

The music streamed through the set as Brian and Alyssa ‘sang’ their parts.

“And cut!” Billie called as the playback stopped and Brian and Alyssa backed away from each other. “That was beautiful guys! Take five”

Alyssa walked off the set and to her wardrobe section. Grabbing her water bottle she walked back to the set and sat down.

“Hey…” Brian said gently.

Alyssa glared at him.

“I come in peace…” he smiled.

Alyssa cracked a smile. “Sure Sally can’t see you?” she said sipping her water.

“I don’t care if she does” Brian answered. “And neither should you…”

“Yea well that’s what you think…”

“See your wrong”

“About what?”

“About not talking…cause that’s what were doing right now” Brian smiled. “Are you still mad at me?”

“No…I could never stay mad at you…” she smiled shyly looking at him.

Brian looked at her. How could I have let you go Alyssa…I love you…

“What?” Alyssa looked back at him. So that’s the look they keep talking about.

“Nothing” Brian smiled and looked away.

“Ok guy’s last shot!” Billie smiled and walked up to them. “Well are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” Alyssa and Brian looked confused.

“Your kiss”

“Our what?” Alyssa almost choked on her water.

“That would be the perfect way to end the video…” Billie smiled.

“I…guess” Brian looked at Alyssa.

“Unless you two can’t handle it we won’t do it.”

“No way!” Alyssa didn’t like being told she couldn’t do anything, she had enough of that from her own mom. “We can handle it perfectly well.”

Brian stood up next to her.

“Great let me get the camera ready…” Billie walked off to set up.

Alyssa stood there silently.

“What happened to keeping our distance?” Brian asked.

Alyssa just shrugged and looked him in the eyes.

Brian gathered up all his courage. “You know what I keep forgetting why?”

“Why what?”

“Why we aren’t together anymore…” Brian looked seriously at her.

Alyssa turned her head and looked at Sally. That’s why…she thought.

“And ACTION!” Billie called as the music filled the set.

Brian lifted his hand slowly to her face and turned Alyssa’s chin to face him. Looking deeply into her eyes he leaned in gently and kissed her on the lips. Alyssa kissed him back willingly. They broke apart and Alyssa pulled Brian in for a hug till the music ended.


Oh no she didn’t!!!… Sally was enraged. I can’t believe SHE kissed BRIAN!!!!…She’s gonna get it now!!…


“And CUT!!!!” Billie called. Alyssa and Brian slowly broke apart. “That was beautiful! I’ve never seen a kiss like that!”

Alyssa and Brian just blushed.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMAN…THAT IS A WRAP FOR BRIAN AND ALYSSA!!!” Billie announced as he clapped and was joined by everyone present…except for Sally.

Alyssa walked absentmindedly over to her dressing room. What’s with him lately?…She wondered…That kiss…was so perfect…


Everyone had pretty much packed up and left the building. Robert had just called Alyssa’s cell phone informing her that he was waiting down stairs. After changing into her own clothes she turned to go but found Sally glaring at her from the door. The anger burned in her eyes.

“Hi Sally” Alyssa smiled.

Sally stalked over and grabbed Alyssa’s shoulders slamming her into the wall. “Don’t hello me you little bitch!”

Alyssa couldn’t recap what had just happened. But instead refocused on Sally as she held her against the wall.

“I thought I told you to say away from Brian…You crossed the line…” Sally glared at Alyssa. “Fuck off bitch”

“I didn’t do anything!” Alyssa teared up.

“Don’t cry you little baby…you kissed him…and now your going to pay…” Sally let go of her grip and smacked Alyssa across the cheek.

Alyssa burst into tears but Sally covered her mouth. “Don’t cry I said…and don’t even think about telling Brian about this…or else…something worse will happen…” she let go and looked evilly at Alyssa in the eyes. “I’m not joking…and this is a threat.”

Alyssa bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything. Instead the tears flowed down her cheeks. Sally smiled smugly and pushed Alyssa back into the wall before letting go and walking away. Alyssa touched the cheek Sally hit her and grumbled into the floor. She grabbed her things and ran out of the dressing room.


“Sally have you seen Alyssa?” Brian asked picking up the last of his things just as Sally walked in.

“No I haven’t” Sally smiled to herself.

Brian walked out of his dressing room just in time to see Alyssa rush by him crying. “Lyss?!” he called out to her but she ignored him and ran down the stairs to the parking lot.

Sally laughed to herself. Bingo!


Alyssa ran frantically down the stairs and into the parking lot looking for Robert. She soon found him standing in front of the car.

“Alyssa what happened?” Robert asked her as she came up to him.

“Nothing…oh god…” She hiccuped with the tears streaming down. “I’m taking a cab back to the hotel…”

“Miss Alyssa I don’t-”

“I’m sorry I have too!” She turned around and walked to the sidewalk and stuck her hand out for a taxi.


Brian rushed downstairs and out of the building Sally following closely behind.

“Robert! Have you seen Alyssa?!” he rushed over to him.

“She’s gone” Robert pointed to the sidewalk.

Brian looked over and saw her with tears streaming down her cheeks. A taxi pulled up and she climbed in. Then the taxi cab drove off.

“What happened?!” He asked out loud.

Sally came up wrapping her arms around him. “I don’t know…” she smiled to herself.


~~~Back at the Hotel~~~

Alyssa ran into her room still crying. “What did I do?!” she kept asking herself. “I feel so scared now…” she cried as Sally’s threats repeated in her mind.

She picked up the phone and dialed ‘home.’

“Hello?” AJ answered.

“AJ?” Alyssa cried into the phone.

“Alyssa oh my god what’s wrong?!” AJ asked concernedly into the phone.

“AJ I can’t stay here anymore!” Alyssa sobbed into the phone.

“What happened sweetie?! What happened?!” he asked.

“It’s Sally!” she cried.

“That bitch what did she do!?” AJ got angry over the phone.

“She attacked me at the video shoot”

“WHAT?!” AJ screamed. “WHAT DID SHE DO?!”

“She slammed me into the wall then slapped me…” Alyssa said in-between tears. “…she said…if I told Brian what she did something worse would happen…I’m so scared AJ!”

AJ tensed up on the other side of the phone. “FUCK!” AJ cursed into the phone. “Fuck her, fuck Brian…I can’t believe she did that to you…Lyssie …I don’t want you there by yourself anymore…”

“AJ please I don’t want to stay here!”

“Alyssa neither do I but you can’t cancel work…”

Alyssa cried into the phone as AJ thought on the other line. “Alyssa listen to me…”

“I’m…listening…” she whispered.

“I want to go there but I can’t…Call JC and tell him I’ll be calling him.”

“AJ I want to leave!” Alyssa cried.

“Just do as I say and everything will be alright…I promise” AJ tried to stay calm as his heart broke hearing Alyssa’s pain. “Ok Lyssie?”

“Ok” she mumbled.

“I love you…” AJ smiled. “Don’t cry anymore.”

“Love you too AJ…”

“Call him” AJ encouraged.

“I will bye…” Alyssa cried silently into the phone.

“Bye sweetie.” AJ said.

Alyssa hung up the phone as the tears came back. How can I stay here with her!?… She continued to cry as she dialed JC’s number.


“JC?” Alyssa tried to stop her tears but they kept on coming.

“Alyssa?! Why are you crying? What happened?” he asked.

“Something…happened…” she sobbed.

“What?! Tell me”

“I…can’t…AJ is calling you”

“AJ?! Why Alyssa please! Baby what’s wrong?!” JC pleaded through the phone.

Alyssa cried “Please…I can’t” she hiccuped. “I have to go…”

“Alyssa wait!” JC called as Alyssa hung up the phone.

Alyssa laid down on her bed as tears of fear and confusion rolled down.


“Hello?” JC answered the phone quickly.

“JC it’s AJ”

“AJ what the hell is going on?!”

“Did Lyssie call you?”

“Yes now tell me what happened!”

“Sally attacked her!”

“WHAT?!” JC yelled.

“That bitch threatened Lyssie…she called me saying she wanted to come home but she can’t…”


“JC can you go to her?…I don’t want her by herself anymore”

“Yea man I can…I’ll leave right now…”

“Thanks JC…take care of her ok?!”

“I will…”

“Alright call me back when you’re settled over there”

“I will, later man” JC answered.

“Bye” AJ answered and hung up the phone to tell the others what had happened.

JC hung up the phone and dialed another number. “Yes, I need to book the next available flight to New York City…”


~~~2 hours later~~~


Alyssa startled as someone knocked on her door. Slowly she sat up from her moist pillow from all her tears. Getting up reluctantly she called out. “Who is it?”

“Alyssa open up it’s Brian”

Alyssa’s eyes shot full of tears again.

Brian could hear her cries through the door. “Lyss please what happened?!”

“Brian just go away!” she yelled.

“No not till you tell me!”

She got up are swung the door open. “I said go away”

Brian stared back at her tearstained face. “What’s wrong?!”

“Nothing just leave please…” she tried to close the door but Brian held it open. “Brian please!” she cried.

Brian could see the pain in her face but had absolutely no clue what was wrong. He let go of the door as Alyssa slammed it shut. Giving up he walked back to his room.


~~~45 Min. Later~~~

“Here we are at The Royal Crown Hotel” the taxi driver pulled up to a stop.

“Thank you” JC answered and paid the fee. He stepped out of the cab and went to the reception desk.

“Hello how may I help you?”

“Yes I need the room number for Alyssa Farrow”

The receptionist punched keys into her computer and pulled up the file. “Room 342 on the 5th floor”

“Thanks” JC answered and took and elevator up.


Alyssa calmed down a bit after Brian left. She sat on her bed and turned on the TV flipping channels she soon found MTV. Watching absentmindedly she tried to get her mind off Sally’s threats that repeated in her mind.


Alyssa looked at the door and tensed up. Thinking it was Brian or even Sally she decided not to answer.


Alyssa shut off the TV and walked to the door. Taking a deep breath she opened the door slowly. “JC!!” she sighed of relief and pulled him inside.

“Alyssa, baby are you ok??!” He asked after throwing his bag on the floor.

Alyssa eyes teared up. “I’m so scared JC…” she mumbled.

“Shh..” he reached out to her and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s ok I’m here…I won’t let anything happen to you…” He looked at her face and noticed the red mark on her cheek. He touched it carefully. “Is this where she hit you?”

Alyssa nodded as tears fell down her cheeks.

“Bitch…” he sighed and kissed the spot gently.

Alyssa held him closer to her and buried her face in his chest. “How did you get here?! Don’t you have work to do?” she asked.

JC led her to the bed and sat down. “Listen to me…none of that matters right now…I’m only concerned about you” he smiled and kissed her forehead. “When you called me crying I was worried…then you wouldn’t tell me what was wrong…”

“I couldn’t…I” Alyssa tried to explain.

JC placed his finger on her lips. “Its ok I know…I’m not going to let anyone hurt you…do you know that?”

Alyssa nodded her head. “Your so sweet JC I don’t deserve you…”

“Don’t say that Lyss because I want you…” he held her face in his hands and wiped her tears away. “I care about you so much”

Alyssa smiled. “I do too…” she whispered and kissed him passionately. “Thank you” she whispered after they broke apart.


Alyssa startled and turned her head to the door.

“Don’t worry baby…I’ll answer it” JC kissed her gently and walked over to the door opening it slowly.

“JC? What are you doing here?” Brian asked shocked to see JC standing in front of him.

“I came to be with Alyssa” he answered.

“Is she in there can I talk to her?” Brian asked.

“She’s not in the mood to talk” JC answered. “She’s pretty upset”

“Why what happened?!” Brian pleaded. “Tell me!”

“I’m not in the position to be telling you…” JC turned his head away.

Brian looked back at him and walked away. What is going on?! He thought as he walked back to his room.


“Who was it?” Alyssa asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

“Brian” JC answered sitting next to her.

“God what am I going to do?!” she sighed. “Three more days…”

“It’s going to be fine…I’m here and I’m not leaving” he answered pulling her next to him. Alyssa turned and climbed into his lap.

“Why are you so good to me?” she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Because your beautiful, I care about you, and you deserve it…” he smiled back looking into her eyes.

Alyssa’s fear almost disappeared as he spoke to her. JC gave her the reassurance she needed. “How can I ever thank you…”

“Well…a kiss would be nice” JC smiled.

“That’s all?”

“That’s all…and that you let me take care of you”

“I can handle that” She looked him in the eyes and pressed her lips against his.

Chapter 27