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Chapter 27

~~~Thursday Morning~~~

Brian woke up early un-able to sleep from the night before. “What happened?! I’m so confused…” he mumbled as he stood in the bathroom.


Alyssa stirred in her bed. She was happy now that she had JC here with her. His arm was around her waist as they slept. She turned her head slowly not to wake him and draped her other arm around him snuggling closer to his body.

“Morning…” He mumbled and pulled her closer.

“Hey baby…” Alyssa answered and laid her head under his chin.


“Ugh!” Alyssa sighed and reached her hand to her phone that was on the table. “Hello…?” she mumbled.

“Hello Miss Alyssa…I’m sorry did I wake you?” Robert asked.

“Yea, but it’s ok” she smiled.

“Well just calling to tell you I’ll be there in an hour and a half to pick you up for the day.”

“Alright…thanks Robert”

“Goodbye” he answered and hung up the phone.

“Who was it?” JC asked stretching.

“Robert the driver…” she closed her eyes again and laid down.

“Well I better get showered now…so you can after” JC sat up.

“Aw don’t you wanna lay here with me?” Alyssa pouted.

JC smiled. “That’s very tempting Lyss, but you have work to do today…” he leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Well make time for that later”

“Ok” she smiled. “If you promise”

“I promise…” He smiled and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Seconds later Alyssa heard running water. Sitting up again she decided to call room service.

“Room service?”

“Hi can I get some breakfast up in room 342?”

“Yes ma’am what would you like”

“Two bagels, a muffin, and some orange juice and tea”

“Will do!”

“Great! Thank you”


~~~30 Minutes Later~~~

Alyssa stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around herself.


Alyssa heard the main door knock.

“Lyss are you expecting anyone?” JC called from the other side of the bathroom door. She walked over and opened it. JC’s eyes widened, “Oh baby you’re really doing it to me now…” he smiled as he looked at her wet and half-naked standing in a towel.

Alyssa blushed. “How’s this then…” she pulled him in and kissed him small and barely on the lips just to tease him.

JC smiled at her. “Hey that’s not nice…” He pulled her closer to him and brushed her wet hair out of her face. “I want more…”

Alyssa grinned. “Well maybe…” she moved her head closer then backed away just as her lips were about to touch his. She looked sexily into his eyes.

“No fair…” he groaned as his hormones raced wild inside him.

“I’m sorry baby…” Alyssa smiled again. “You deserve this one…” she pulled him in and kissed him lustfully. JC wrapped his arms around her towel covered body kissing her back.


“Oh damn…it’s room service…” Alyssa smiled as JC trailed his kiss down her neck. “JC…”

He looked up shyly at her. “What…” he smiled and continued his kissing.

“You gotta answer the door…” she breathed not wanting him to stop. “JC…baby…” she kept whispering.

“But Lyssie…” he answered this time sucking gently on the sensitive skin of her neck.

Alyssa breathed hard she didn’t want him to stop what he was doing.


“Ugh…” Alyssa stepped back.

JC pouted and looked into her eyes.

“Save it for later…” She smiled and kissed him on the lips.

“Fine…” he mumbled.

Alyssa smiled and walked back into the bathroom to change as JC shook the urges from his body and answered the door.


“Sally come on! Robert is going to be here in 25 minutes!” Brian called to the bathroom door.

“OK! GOD!” Sally yelled back.

Brian sighed and sat back down on his bed.

Sally walked out in a skimpy dress that was way to short for her own good. “Do you like it?” she smiled standing in front of Brian.

“Your gonna wear that?” Brian answered unimpressed.

“Yea why not?! I wanna look nice for your TV interviews today!” she gushed and stood in front of the mirror and began layering on the make-up.

“Ok” Brian looked away and waited for her to finish.


JC sat on the bed watching TV. Alyssa walked out of the bathroom changed in a red tank-top and tight black capri pants. JC’s eyes followed her as she walked across the room. Alyssa looked at him and smiled as she pulled out the necklace JC gave her. Turning to the TV she shut it off and faced JC. She waved her hand for him to come closer. Eagerly he got up and scooted to the edge of the bed and sat down. Alyssa smiled and looked him in the eyes. “Open you hand…”

JC did as he was told as Alyssa dropped her necklace in it. She moved his arms and climbed into his lap sitting face to face with him. “Can you put it on for me?”

“Sure” he smiled as Alyssa grabbed her long hair and held it out of the way. JC opened the clasp of the necklace and moved his arms around behind her neck and attached the opposite ends together. He adjusted the butterfly pendant and after he brought his hands down and rested them around the back of her waist as Alyssa continued to sit straddled in his lap. She let go of her hair and let it fall down her back.

“Thank you…” she whispered and moved in for a kiss but JC stopped her.

Alyssa looked oddly at him. “So who got you that?” he asked smilingly.

“Oh some guy…” she looked back at him.


“Yea he’s really nice, sweet and adorable…” she said playing with his hair.

“Oh so do you like him?”

Alyssa licked her lips seductively. “Well he’s hot, sexy and I want him…”

JC smiled feeling the heat between them.

“You know him?” Alyssa asked feeling the urges inside of her.

“I don’t know do I?”

“Probably…cause he’s you JC…” she smiled and kissed him aggressively making him fall back on the bed with Alyssa sitting on top of him. JC ran his hands up and down her back as they finally released all their desire for each other. Their kiss was strong and passionate with all the energy they put into it.


Alyssa broke their kiss and looked into his eyes. “Don’t answer it…” he groaned and crushed his lips on hers again.


“JC…” she said in between kisses. “…what…if it’s important…”

JC sighed and stopped kissing her. He looked at her with puppy eyes.

“What?…You’re not mad at me are you?” she smiled as she lay on top of him.

“No…” he mumbled. “We just always get interrupted…”


“I see…” Alyssa smiled and looked at him. “Well…we can finish later…” she smiled and licked his lips with her tongue smiling as he looked lustfully back into her eyes.

“Ah…but I want you now…” he complained as she got off of him to answer the phone.

She pulled him over with her. “You have me…” she smiled and kissed him as she picked up the phone. “…uhm Hello?” she answered as she broke the kiss.

“Lyssie?!” Yasmine asked frantically.

“Yazzie what’s wrong?”

JC in the meanwhile got her to sit down in his lap as he wrapped his arms around the front of her slim body and rested his hands on her stomach.

“I could ask you the same thing!!! What did that Sally-bitch do to you?!” Yasmine asked. “AJ called me last night and told me you called him crying!”

“She threatened me” Alyssa answered. “She threw me into the wall and then hit me”

“What the fuck is that bitches problem?!”

“I don’t know she said if I told Brian anything something worse would happen…” Alyssa said quietly.

“Damnit! Is JC there now?”

“Yes he got in last night” Alyssa smiled and held his hand.

“Good, lemme talk to him”

“Here baby” Alyssa handed him the phone.


“JC keep that bitch away from Lyssie!” Yasmine ordered.

“I know I will! Nothing’s going to happen while I’m here” He squeezed Alyssa’s hand.

“Here’s Justin” Yasmine said.


“Yea man…” JC answered.

“How is she?”

“Better…still a bit nervous…”

“Shit…can I talk to her?” Justin asked.

“Yea here she is” JC gave Alyssa the phone.

“Hey J” Alyssa smiled.

“Oh Lyssie are you alright?!” he asked worriedly.

“Sort of…just shaken up”

“I’m sorry she hurt you” Justin answered.

“Thanks J…” Alyssa tried to smile.

“Take care Lyssie, call us if anything happens ok?!”

“We will…talk to you later…and say hi to everyone…”

“I will Lyssie…later”

“Bye” Alyssa hung up the phone.

“You sure you’re ok?” JC looked concernedly at her.

“Yea now that you’re here” She smiled.

“Oh I need to call AJ…” JC said as Alyssa got off his lap and sat on the bed.


JC picked up the phone and dialed a number.

“Hello?” a female voice answered.

“Hey is AJ there?”

“Yea who’s this?”


“JC!!! It’s Morgan! Where’s Lyssie? Is she ok?!”

“Yes she’s here…let me talk to AJ first ok?”

“Yea ok”

“JC?” AJ said into the phone.

“AJ man I’m here”

“Great how is she?”

“Alright she was really scared when I got here…”

“Don’t leave her alone…you never know what that psycho bitch has in mind now…”

“I won’t, you have my word”

“Ok here’s Morgan…Later”


“JC can I talk to Alyssa?!” Morgan asked.

“Yea…” JC handed the phone to Alyssa “It’s Morgan…”

“Hey Morgie”

“Oh sweetie! Are you ok?!”

“Kind of…”

“What did that bitch do?! I’m gonna kick her ass!”

“Well she came up to me then grabbed me and slammed me into the wall…” Alyssa retold the story again. “She told me to fuck off and that I crossed the line…”

“I don’t believe this…ok go on”

“I said I didn’t do anything…so she got even angrier and said I was going to pay so she let go of me for a second and smacked me hard in the face…” Alyssa teared up again having to remember what had happened.

“Aw sweetie!” Morgan sighed. “Did it leave a bruise?”

“Yea one on my cheek…and now I have TV interview’s today”

“Fuck!” Morgan got angry. “Did you tell Brian?”

“No…she said if I did something worse would happen…she said she wasn’t joking and to take it as a threat…” JC hugged Alyssa as she talked on the phone. “God Morgy I was so scared…”

“Lyssie be careful and stay with JC ok?!” Morgan tried to sooth her. “We’ll be watching Jay Leno tonight…after we get back from the studio…”

“Ok Morgy”

“Bye sweets and call me tomorrow ok?!”

“I will…” Alyssa sniffled.

“Ok bye”

“Bye” Alyssa hung up the phone and looked JC in the eyes.

“You ok baby?” he smiled.

“I’m ok with you…” she gave him a hug.

JC kissed her cheek “I won’t let anything happen…” he said as he held her in his arms.


~~~In the Car~~~

They had just left the Today show where Brian and Alyssa had a small interview. Now they were off to Regis & Kathy Lee.

Brian and Sally sat in the back seats while JC and Alyssa sat in the seat’s ahead. Alyssa kept her distance from Brian all morning and didn’t say a word to him except during the interviews. She stayed close to JC.

JC and Alyssa sat silently in their seats together. Alyssa had his hands in her lap and was playing with them absentmindedly. She entwined her fingers through his occasionally looking up to him with a half-smile. JC looked at her and brought her hands up and kissed them. Alyssa smiled and leaned on him as he held her in his arms for the rest of the drive to the next studio.


“Bri-Bri?” Sally asked after closing her compact.

Brian turned his head to face her.

“Is there lipstick on my teeth?!” She asked as if it was the end of the world.

“No” Brian hardly looked and gazed out the window.

“Great!” Sally smiled to herself.


~~~Regis and Kathy Lee~~~

“Alright this way” a stage manager led Alyssa, JC, Brian and Sally to the backstage area. “Ok in here” He pointed to the make-up room. Alyssa and Brian each took a seat and waited for the make-up people to come.

“You know you don’t need any of this” JC smiled as he stood in front of her.

Alyssa blushed. “Yea right…”

“I’m serious…the last thing you need is all this make-up crap to hide your pretty face…”

“Your such a sweetie” she pulled him in for a kiss.


“Oh gross” Sally smirked at JC and Alyssa as she stood near Brian.

“Sally shut-up” Brian snapped.

Sally kept quiet…Ok control Sally…don’t let Brian get angry at you for hating the bitch…or you’ll never see any of his money…


“Hello!!!” Two women walked in with two large boxes of make-up.

JC stepped back a little so the women could do their jobs.

“Hello I’m Marissa” one woman smiled to Alyssa.

“Nice to meet you”

“Well let’s get started shall we?”

Alyssa just smiled and nodded as Marissa began to blow dry and fix Alyssa’s hair, then moved on to apply the make-up. “Well it look’s like I won’t be needing that much…With a face is as beautiful as yours…”

“Thank you” Alyssa smiled

“I told you baby” JC smiled and walked over standing behind the chair Alyssa was sitting in.

Marissa examined Alyssa’s face smilingly. “Wait a minute…” her eyebrows frowned as she glanced at Alyssa’s cheek. “What’s this?” she turned Alyssa’s face to get a better light.

Alyssa looked nervously at JC who looked back at her with the same eyes.

“This looks like a bruise!” Marissa looked closely. “Where did you get it?”

Brian walked over as Sally stayed behind. “What bruise?” he looked at Alyssa’s face.

“This one…” Marissa pointed it out. “It looks like one don’t you think?”

“Lyss where did you get this?” Brian asked concernedly.

“Uhm…I…” Alyssa muttered as Sally decided to join the conversation. Alyssa looked at her as Sally’s face shone the same threatening look from the day before. “I ran into the door” Alyssa tried to laugh. “Stupid really…I wasn’t paying attention and the next thing I know the bathroom door is in my face” She looked down. “I’m fine really” she looked up hoping it was convincing.

“Well maybe you should be more careful” Sally smirked and pulled Brian away from Alyssa and out of the room.

JC looked sternly at her when she made that comment. Bitch…

“Well I can cover it up for you…alright?” Marissa smiled.

“Ok thanks” Alyssa sat as Marissa applied the make-up.


~~~25 Minutes Later~~~

Alyssa and Brian sat quietly as the stage hands hooked up their microphones for the interview.

“Ok you’re set” they said and walked off stage.


Alyssa glanced his way.

“Did you really run into the door?”

“Yes” she said sternly and looked the other way just as Regis and Kathy Lee came up to them.

“Hello” Regis greeted.

“Hi” Brian pulled off a smile.

“Are you two ready?” Kathy Lee smiled.

“I am” Alyssa smiled.

“Great” Regis said as he took his seat.


“Hello and thanks for tuning in!” Kathy Lee spoke to the camera.

“Today we have two guests with us” Regis went on. “Welcome Alyssa Farrow, and Brian Littrell!”

The audience clapped and cheered as younger fans screamed.

“Thanks for coming you two”

“We’re glad to be here” Alyssa smiled.

“So what brings you to New York, your in the middle of your US tour correct?” Regis asked.

“Yes we are, but this whole week Alyssa and I have been here working on a new song called Something Special…It’s the single off the new JIVE CD Next Generation : JIVE” Brian explained.

The interview went on for 20 more minutes as they chatted about the tour, the Backstreet Boys’ success, and what the future held for Phantasia. Soon the interview was over and Brian and Alyssa were able to leave.

“Hey baby…” JC grabbed Alyssa’s hand and led her out of the building and through to the car. Shortly after Brian and Sally came and Robert drove off.

“Where to next Robert?” Alyssa asked.

“You have to be at Rosie O’Donnell at 2:30…but you still have 3 hours…so where do you want to go?”

“Is there any place to get some food?” Alyssa smiled.

“Yes there’s a pavilion with lots of different choices.” Robert answered.

“Is that ok with you two?” JC turned to Brian and Sally.

“Yea!” Sally answered right away. “Right Bri-Bri?”

Brian just nodded his head.

“Yea sure Robert” Alyssa smiled.


When Robert dropped them off at the pavilion Sally quickly dragged Brian into a fancy restaurant without saying a word to Alyssa or JC, they didn’t really mind since they weren’t planning on eating with them anyways.

“Wanna go here?” JC pointed to a sushi bar.

“Sushi?” Alyssa looked oddly at him.

“Yea I love this stuff” JC smiled.

“You’re kidding!” Alyssa laughed. “Me too! Finally I’m not the only one”

“I know all the guy’s don’t like it well maybe Justin but only sometimes.”

“Well I think this makes me want you even more…” Alyssa pressed herself against him.

“Oh Lyssie you’re making me think of good things” he smiled.

“Good…” Alyssa smiled. “Let’s go!” she grabbed his hand and walked in.


~~~3 ½ Hours Later~~~

Robert picked them all up from the pavilion and drove them to another studio for the Rosie O’Donnell show. Stepping out again Brian, Alyssa, JC and Sally made their way to their appointed backstage rooms.

“Bri-Bri lets go look around” Sally dragged Brian out of the room.

JC sat on the couch with Alyssa sitting next to him with her legs in his lap. “So far so good…”

“Yea…” she smiled.

“JC?!” Rosie walked in. “What are you doing here?!”

“Hey Rosie!” JC smiled and stood up giving her a hug.

“Alyssa Farrow correct?!” Rosie smiled.

“That’s right” Alyssa stood up and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you”

“I love your girls song…History that’s what you are!” Rosie sang the chorus. “Well so why are you here JC?!”

JC and Alyssa smiled.

“Oh wait I get it!!” Rosie giggled. “You two are so cute”

They blushed as he grabbed for her hand.

Rosie whispered in Alyssa’s ear. “He’s a cutie-patootie!! And a sweetheart I must say.”

“Oh I agree” Alyssa and Rosie giggled together.

“Hey I don’t like secrets” JC pouted.

“Aw baby it’s ok…it’s only good stuff” She kissed him sweetly on the lips.

“Ok if you say so”

“Oh stop the cuteness!” Rosie laughed. “I’ll see you on the set Alyssa…and talk to you later JC” she called as she made her way out of the room.

“Bye Rosie” they called after her.

“So what’s the secret?!” JC smiled and pulled her closer to him.

“Nothing” she smiled.

“Yea sure”

“Are you saying I’m a liar?” Alyssa let go of him.

“No! I was kidding baby!” JC reached out for her. “Lyss, Lyssie baby” he looked at her with is begging blue eyes.

“Oh stop!” She giggled and grabbed his hands again. JC leaned in to kiss her but she backed away. “Uh-no! not yet!”

“Why?!” JC whined.

“Not till later” she turned her head.

“Lyss Polezze?!”

Alyssa shook her head ‘no’.

“Why should I wait till later?” He pouted.

Alyssa looked at him with desire in her eyes. “Because…” she grabbed him and lead him to the couch. She sat him down and climbed in his lap. “…remember this morning?” She asked.

JC blushed. “Yea…”

“Well…I said we would finish later…” She smiled. “But…maybe I can make a little exception…for you…”

“What do you have in mind?” JC wrapped his hands around her waist.

Alyssa leaned in and teased him again barely touching his lips with hers. Instead she pulled back and smiled.

“Aw not again…” JC smiled.

“Shhh…” Alyssa quieted him. “Still wanna see why you should wait till later…” She licked her lips.

JC nodded. Alyssa kissed him slowly allowing her tongue to play with his, she stopped her kiss and bit his lip gently. She looked him in the eyes “That’s why…” she whispered.

“I like it…” he muffled wanting more.

“Good…” she smiled getting up from his lap.

“Lyssie wait…don’t go” he pleaded.

“I have a job to do remember?” she smiled. “C’Mon…” she reached her hand out for his. JC stood up and took her hand as they made their way to the main stage.


~~~20 Min. Later~~~

“Alright were back from the break!” Rosie smiled. “So now it’s time for our two special guests for today! Everyone make some noise for Brian Litrrell and Alyssa Farrow!!”

Brian and Alyssa made their way from the backstage area to the front of the stage as the audience clapped. Some of the younger fans made signs that they waved from their seats in the audience one read ‘Brian will you marry me?!’ another said ‘Phantasia Rocks!’ They waved and sat down in the seats.

“So how are you two?!” Rosie asked.

“Great!” Alyssa smiled.

“Good’ Brian answered a little less enthusiastically.

“So how’s the tour”

“Great I’ve had a lot of fun so far with the Backstreet Boys!” Alyssa smiled. “They are all very sweet”

“Oh I know and cute too!!” Rosie chuckled. “So Brian how good is your opening act?”

“The best we couldn’t have asked for anyone better than these girls” he answered.

“So who’s your favorite Phantasia girl?!” Rosie smiled. “Remember one is sitting next to you…”

Alyssa smiled and Brian glanced at her. “Well don’t tell anyone…but I’m partial to the one next to me” he smiled.

“That’s sweet of you Bri!” Alyssa smiled.

“Isn’t it!?” Rosie asked the audience who cheered in response.

“Well Brian, Brian anyone special these days?!” Rosie smiled.

Brian sat back thinking Shit what should I say?!…He looked past the camera man to where Sally was sitting smiling eagerly at him. “Uhm yea…”

“You realize that your breaking all the little girl’s hearts?!” Rosie laughed.

Brian just smiled uncomfortably, he never liked relationship questions.

“Well Alyssa, miss beautiful you” Rosie smiled as Alyssa blushed. “Anyone holding your heart?!” she asked already knowing the answer.

“Yes actually” she admitted. “Someone very special…I’m really lucky.”

“Anyone we know?”

Alyssa smiled. “Maybe”

“Aw no names?!”

“Nope sorry” Alyssa laughed.

“Well alright I won’t push…ok so time for commercial well be right back people!” Rosie called as the director yelled CUT!

“Sorry I asked you those questions, but you know everyone does.” Rosie smiled.

“That’s fine” Alyssa answered. “I’ve gotten that question in almost all the interviews I’ve had…”

Brian looked at her So she’s really happy with him… He felt jealous that it wasn’t him Alyssa was happy with like the way it was before.


~~~At the Tonight Show~~~

After the Rosie show Robert took them to the NBC studios for Brian and Alyssa’s appearance and performance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. They had to come 3 hours earlier due to rehearsals for the performance of the song Brian and Alyssa would sing that night.

JC and Alyssa sat backstage together. “Hey…” Alyssa smiled looking up to him.

“Yea?” JC looked at her.

“Nothing” She grinned.

JC poked her stomach as she tried not to laugh.

“AH JC stop! I can’t stand it!” She giggled as he used both hands now to tickle her.

“Sorry” JC smiled and hugged her instead.

“I don’t think I can wait for later…” Alyssa looked him in his eyes. “Can you…”

“It’s hard but I’ll wait forever for you”

“You mean that?”

JC nodded his head.

“Ms. Farrow it’s time for your sound check…” A man with headphones stood at the door.

“Alright thank you” she smiled. “Now I see what you mean about getting interrupted”

“I told you” He pouted.

“Aw” she kissed him on his cheeks. “I’ll make it up to you later” she said standing up.

“Can’t wait” he smiled and followed her to the main stage.


Sally sat alone in the empty audience area of the studio. She glared at Alyssa as she walked in with JC. He never leaves her alone!!! She gagged. It’s sick…She looked at Brian as he stood ready and waiting on a stool in the center stage. Her mind went back to the Rosie interview. “Well I’m pretty partial to the one next to me…” Sally mimicked Brian’s response to the question of who was his favorite Phantasia member. “Stupid bitch never gets out of the fucking way…”. She caught Alyssa’s eyes and stared her down angrily.


Alyssa sat down on the stool as JC stood in front of her. She looked over his shoulder and saw Sally’s death stare on her again. “JC…” she whispered and hugged him.

“What?! What’s wrong?” He asked.

“She’s looking at me again with that face…” Alyssa looked desperately into his eyes.

JC could see the fear in them. “It’s ok baby…nothing’s going to happen…” he kissed her forehead.

“OK are you two ready?” the sound people called through the speakers.

“Yea” Brian answered.

Alyssa looked sadly at JC “It’s ok I’m here…” he reassured her.

She nodded as he stepped away from her and took a seat in the audience stands a few rows away from Sally.

Alyssa breathed to calm herself down. “Ok” she looked to the sound people. As they cued up their music soon the soft melody filled the studio. She looked to JC and saw his warm smile on his face as she began the song.

What is it you are?…


Sally sat watching Alyssa sing…Bitch…she kept repeating to herself. Looking to her right she saw JC seated watching her. God why does every guy look at Alyssa that way!!! Makes me so mad!!!…Thinking to herself she decided to get up and talk to him.


Brian and Alyssa sang their song decently, though it could have been a lot better. Brian noticed the distance and sadness in Alyssa’s voice as she sang. What the hell happened to her!?…Brian wondered ever since she ran past him crying.

*** The song was over and the stage people went over to talk to Brian and Alyssa. Sally saw her opportunity open. Getting up she walked over to JC and sat down next to him. “Hi” she smiled.

JC turned his head to face her but didn’t answer and just looked away as if she wasn’t there.

“How are you?” Sally continued.

JC’s anger built up inside him. Who the hell does she think she is?

“Uhm…how’s the other Nsync guys?!” Sally gushed on. “JC?!”

“I know what you did” he looked her dead in the eyes.

“What are you talking about?!” Sally defended.

“I know what you did to Alyssa” the anger shone in his face.

“What did I do?!” Sally continued smiling with an ‘innocent’ face.

“I’m not stupid” JC answered. “Stay away from her” he got up and walked away.

Sally’s smiled wiped away. Asshole…I can’t believe she told him after I said not too!…If the little bitch wants to start something…oh she’s going to get it worse than before…


~~~Back ‘Home’~~~

“Guy’s hurry up!!!” Morgan called excitedly. “It’s starting in 5 minutes!”

“Ok chill baby were coming” Nick called as they walked into the private lobby and gathered around the TV.

“I wonder how she’s holding up” Summer sighed and leaned back in Kevin’s arms.

“Me too” Michelle frowned. “Poor Lyssie…”

“Damn bitch better stay away from her” AJ tensed up.

“I’m gonna kick her ass when they get back!” Morgan stated.

“No Morgie, if Sally know’s Lyssie told us, god knows what she’ll do!” Becky answered.

“But she hurt her!” Morgan defended.

“Yea you can’t expect us to sit back while that bitch prances around again?!” Michelle added.

“And Brian how stupid is he, he doesn’t even notice!” Nick joined the argument.

“OK guy’s calm down!” Kevin silenced them. “Well take care of it when they get back.”

Everyone looked at each other and quieted down as The Jay Leno show started.


~~~NSYNC Hotel~~~

“Shh!” Yasmine hushed Justin, Joey, Lance and Chris who gathered in her room

“Welcome and thanks for tuning into the show!” Jay started his opening monologue.

“How was she when you talked to her Justin?” Joey asked.

“She sounded nervous…I feel so bad for her”

“Yazzie who is this bitch?!” Lance asked.

“Oh she’s after Brian! So she came to him and lured him into letting her stay with them for the rest of the tour…she’s a bitch” Yasmine explained. “Her and her bitch friend even tried to break Nick and Morgan up buy seducing Nick!”

“Man…she is a bitch!” Chris agreed.


~~~25 Min. Later~~~

“And now it’s time for our two special guest performers tonight” Jay stood up in front of the audience. “Currently on their sold out US tour they have come tonight to perform a new song for us.” The audience clapped. “He’s one of the member’s of the hottest selling group of the year and she’s a member of the newest singing sensations otherwise known as Phantasia! Ladies and Gentleman please welcome Alyssa Farrow and Brian Littrell!.”


“Yay!” Morgan clapped as they watched the television. Alyssa and Brian walked onto stage and sat down on their stools as the audience continued to cheer.

“Fuck!” AJ looked closely at the screen.

“What!?” Michelle asked him.


“Do you see that?!” Justin pointed to the TV screen as the camera flashed on Alyssa’s face.

“Oh my god…” Yasmine mumbled. “It’s a bruise!”

“Bitch! She hit her that hard!?” Joey looked unbelievingly at the screen.



“Do you see what I see?!” Nick asked AJ.

“It’s a fucking bruise from that bitch!”

“Where!?” Kevin got up and joined AJ and Nick. “Fuck Goddamnit!”

“Guys come on!” Summer backed them away from the TV. “There’s nothing we can do from here!”

“She’s right…but that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything when that bitch gets back” Morgan tensed up.

The music started to sound through the TV as everyone tried to stay calm and watch.


Alyssa looked into the camera and tried to be happy. Nervous not only because of Sally, but because it would be the first time she would sing the new song. Looking out over the audience she began

What is it you are? You always here and never far I wanted you to stay with me But you turned around and let me be

Brian took a deep breath and started

There’s nothing left to say So I hold it all away My heart silently speaks Because the sight of you makes me weak

They glanced at each other and sang the chorus

Something Special Something True That’s all I ever found in you Something Real In the way you make me feel I don’t know what I’d do Without you… My Something Special


“Wow this song is really beautiful…” Yasmine smiled.

“Yea…like you” Justin smiled holding her in his arms.

“You’re so sweet baby I love you” Yasmine turned and kissed him.


Brian took over his next lines

Can you tell me what to do I feel so lost without you

Alyssa followed

Everyday I prayed for you to see That you’re the only one for me

Brian continued

Your smile melted my heart

Alyssa was next

Your eyes tore me apart

They both sang together

Still I can’t find enough ways To say what I want to say Because we both know That our love is meant to grow


Sally watched Brian’s facial expressions. She caught him looking at Alyssa one time to many with those eyes…Sally felt the jealousy sweep up inside her. Bitch…better stay away from my man…


Something Special Something True That’s all I ever found in you Something Real In the way you make me feel I don’t know what I’d do Without you… My Something Special


Brian looked Alyssa in the eyes and sang his next line

Stop tearing me in two You’re breaking my heart I love you, so Please don’t let go

Alyssa caught Brian’s eyes and smiled

Now that I know Your love will always show Come back to me and I’ll never let go

Spontaneously Brian stood up and walked over to Alyssa helping her off the stool. Alyssa hesitantly reached for his hand and stepped off as they came to the chorus.

Something Special Something True That’s all I ever found in you Something Real In the way you make me feel I don’t know what I’d do Without you… My Something Special


JC kept and eye on Sally while he watched Alyssa. He could se the anger and hate in her eyes, it drove him crazy how Sally could possibly hate Alyssa so much for doing nothing to her. Then something surprised him, he noticed Sally tense up and grip the sides of her chair. JC glanced to the stage and realized it was probably because Brian reached out for Alyssa’s hand.


“She’s doing a great job…even under all her pain” Michelle watched.

“I know…this song is so good…the way they sing together is like perfect!” Becky smiled.

“Yea and you wonder how Brian let her go” Howie mumbled.

“Because Brian is an ass, who chose a bitch like Sally over Alyssa!” AJ said bitterly.

“Guy’s let it go…that’s way past tense…Alyssa is happy now, she deserves to be” Morgan pointed out.

“Yea but you can’t deny that chemistry” Kevin pointed to Brian and Alyssa on the screen as they ended the song.


Alyssa looked into the audience and saw Sally’s threatening eyes burn her, she looked away and continued with her next part.

I don’t know what I’d do

Brian smiled and led her to the front of the stage

What would I ever do?

Alyssa followed uncomfortably trying to avoid Sally’s look on her

With out you

Brian looked her in the eyes as he sang

Oh…without you

They both smiled and ended the song

My Something Special…

The crowed went wild as Brian never let go of Alyssa’s hand. Alyssa pulled off a smile and bowed with him. Looking into the audience again she saw Sally sitting with her arms crossed staring her straight in the eyes and shaking her head. Alyssa looked desperately at her as the fear entered her again.

Brian looked at Alyssa’s face smiling as the audience clapped for them not thinking he leaned in and kissed Alyssa on the cheek.




Alyssa looked startled but let Brian kiss her any ways while she pulled off a smile for the audience and camera.

“Alright people we’ll be right back!!” Jay continued clapping until the camera people cleared and called for break.


“BRIAN!” Morgan screamed to the TV as he saw her kiss Alyssa’s cheek.

“STUPID…” Nick sighed. “Now Sally’s gonna be pissed again!”


Alyssa walked off in search of JC. “Baby!” she found him standing backstage as he pulled her in for a hug. “Did you see?! She’s mad again…”

“Lyssie shh…” JC tried to calm her down. “I saw her…don’t be scared…” he said as Alyssa shivered.

“I didn’t know Brian was going to do that! Now she’s going to blame it all on me…”

“No I won’t let her…I promise” he kissed her gently to calm her down.

“Thank you baby…you always make me feel better” Alyssa pulled off a smile.

“Ms. Farrow we need you on stage” a man walked up to her.

“Go baby I’ll be watching her…” JC encouraged her along.

“No come with me…please…” she begged in her eyes.

“Alright” JC followed holding Alyssa’s hand as the man led them to the stage.


Sally sat in her seat enraged. She saw Alyssa walk out with JC holding her hand. JC looked at her sternly and turned his head again. Damn bitch probably told him I was looking at her again…


“Ok Ms. Farrow right here” the man pointed to the seat closest to Jay.

Alyssa smiled and sat down as various people hooked her microphone together. She looked down the whole time.

“Baby…” JC whispered into her ear. “Smile…”

Alyssa looked at him. “Only for you…” she touched his cheek.

JC kissed her hand and let go. “I’m going to be right there…so you I can see you.”

“Ok” Alyssa tried to smile as he walked away.

“EVERYONE IN PLACE! AND YOUR ON!!” as the audience clapped with the return from the break.

The interview proceeded fine with the usual questions about the new song, CD, and what Brian and Alyssa did during their time in New York. Then Jay got on the subject of the rest of the group.

“So where are they?” he asked.

“Well they have a week off from the tour while we are here” Brian explained. “The girls are also working on finishing their album”

“That’s great” Jay exclaimed. “So Alyssa when do you think we will be expecting that?”

“Soon I hope” She smiled. “Oh and I wanna say hi to the other girls they’re watching right now” Alyssa waved to the camera.


“AW girlies that is so sweet!” Becky giggled.

“Lyssie is sweet!” Morgan smiled.


Brian looked entranced at Alyssa. More and more I hate myself for losing you…do you know that?!…I wish I could tell you that…

“Oh and Nicky, AJ, Howie and Kevin!” Alyssa smiled.

“Great,” Jay smiled. “Anyone else?!”

“Uhm yea…Yasmine, hey girly! J, Joey, Lance and Chris!”

“You’re a sweetheart Alyssa I hope all those people you said hi to know” Jay laughed.

“I hope so too” Alyssa joked.


“Hey she said hi to us!” Joey smiled.

“Yea she’s cool like that” Lance agreed.

“Of course she is!” Yasmine smiled. “Stupid Sally-Bitch… I swear I should kick her ass like I did to that stupid-whore friend of hers”

Justin smiled. “You gonna kick some ass?!” he joked.

“Yes!” Yasmine giggled.


The interview went smoothly from then on. Alyssa lightened up a bit also as time passed. Brian sat watching her thinking to himself. Soon the interview came to a close and Jay asked his final questions.

“So Alyssa anyone special in your life?”

Alyssa smiled and glanced over at JC. “Yes”

“Great!” Jay smiled approvingly. “What about you Brian?”

Brian looked into the camera and paused. Then glanced at Alyssa who was smiling at him as they waited for his answer. He turned his head to Sally as she sat there looking back at him expecting him to say ‘yes.’

“Brian?” Jay asked again.


Alyssa looked startled at him and looked out to Sally. She looked upset and angry as the word came from Brian’s mouth. Sally turned her head violently and looked straight at Alyssa.


JC watched Sally from his position. Crap…she’s mad again…and she’s probably going to take it out on Lyssie…He clenched his fists as Alyssa looked to him with fear returning to her eyes. There’s no way I’m letting that happen…


“Did y’all hear that?!” Michelle sat up surprised at Brian’s last answer.

“Yep” Morgan smiled. “I bet Sally’s pissed…”

“Hello are you forgetting something!?” AJ stood up.

“What?! You should be happy Brian dissed the Bitch and on national television!”

“No, no not that! Who does Sally blame her anger on?!??!?!”


“Yea shit” AJ sighed.


“No?” Jay asked again.

“No I don’t have a girlfriend…” Brian looked him straight in the eyes.

“Well ladies Brian Littrell is available!” Jay joked.

Brian just smiled slightly.

“Alright so looks like were out of time…” Jay picked up a Millennium CD. “This is the CD folks go out and get it if you don’t already have it…and when Phantasia’s comes go get that too! Thank to our guests and goodnight!”

The audience clapped as Alyssa and Brian waved bye to the audience. “Thanks Jay I had a good time” Alyssa shook his hand.

“Anytime Alyssa come back soon with the other girls!”

“I will” she smiled and hurried off to JC.

“Nice seeing you again Brian.” Jay shook his hand.

“You too…” Brian walked slowly over to the backstage area where he was meet by Sally who had a disappointed look on her face.

“Hi Sally” he said feeling guilty.

“Are you mad at me Bri-Bri?!” she pouted.

Brian just shook his head ‘no’.

“Then why did you…say…” Sally got upset.

“I’m sorry Sally…I don’t know I just said it…” he sighed. “Don’t be upset ok?”

Sally smiled. “Ok if you say so”

“I’ll be right back” Brian walked off.

Sally stood there alone. Looking around she found Alyssa. Bitch…That’s it she didn’t listen to me and now she’s got Brian saying things and kissing her!!!!…I am not taking that…never…she’s going to pay…


“JC she’s looking over here…” Alyssa said as she stood with him.

JC looked straight at Sally and saw her looking at Alyssa with threatening eyes again. He protectively put his arm around her. And led her away from Sally’s sight. “Let’s go…”


Asshole…I’ve got to get him away from her…for even 5 minutes…but how… Sally thought to herself as she waited for Brian.


JC and Alyssa walked out of the studio hand in hand to find Robert.

“Hey Robert” they found him standing by the car.

“Hello are we ready?”

“We’re not coming with you…” Alyssa looked down.

“Why not?” Robert asked.

“Uhm…Alyssa is really tired and Brian is still up there…we wanna get back sooner” JC said.

“Well alright, be careful”

“We will, see you tomorrow” JC led Alyssa away to find a taxi.


~~~20 Min. Later~~~

“Ok here we are” the taxi driver pulled up to the Royal Crown hotel where surprisingly many people were standing outside holding signs.

“Are those fans?!” Alyssa looked closely at them through the window.

“They probably found out you two were staying at this hotel…” he smiled.

“Yea…well…now we gotta get past them…”

“Ok on the count of 3 run” JC grabbed Alyssa’s hand as she nodded.

“1…2…3!” JC swung open the door and ran out with Alyssa following him as the fans outside screamed at the sight of Alyssa and to their surprise JC. They narrowly escaped through the outside crowd and burst into the lobby. Some fans managed to push through and ran after them.

“ALYSSA!” they called as they spotted her standing in the lobby.

“Crap!!” they smiled and ran into the nearest elevator pushing the buttons. “C’mon close!!!”

“Hurry baby their coming!” Alyssa giggled as the elevator doors slowly came together.

“JC wait!!” the fans called narrowly missing as the elevator door shut.

“That was close” Alyssa smiled.

“Yea” JC laughed “It’s harder without the big bodyguards blocking them for you.”

“Well I like this running around with you…” Alyssa smiled pulling him closer. “Kinda sexy I think…”

“Yea I do too…” JC smiled. “Can I kiss you now?” he begged with his blue eyes looking straight at Alyssa.

“Sure…” She grabbed the back of his neck and pressed her lips on his. “K…that’s enough…” she giggled backing away.

“Not this time baby…” he crushed his lips on hers again.

“A little anxious are we?” Alyssa laughed backing away again.

“Hey I’ve waited all day for this…” He looked at the elevator numbers as they slowed down. “Aren’t we on 5?”

Alyssa looked as the elevator stopped. “Its on 3…”

“Oh my gosh I swear I saw JC Chasez walk out of here this morning!!!” A young female voice talked as the elevator doors slowly opened.

“REALLY?!” Another one answered excitedly. “I heard Brian Littrell and Alyssa Farrow are here too!!!”

JC and Alyssa glanced at each other they were stuck.

“NO WAY!!!” they started to walk in. “Maybe we’ll see them!!!”

“Shit!” JC whispered. “They’re gonna see us…”

Alyssa looked as the two girls got closer inside. “Kiss me!”

“What?!” JC answered quickly.

“Just do it and don’t stop!” she pulled him closer and aggressively kissed him. JC smiled and followed her lead.

The girls walked into the elevator. “Eh…get a room!” they giggled to each other as JC and Alyssa made-out in front of them.

Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck trying to block their faces from the girls. JC kissed her passionately as she went along with it.

PING! They finally reached the 5th floor.

“Baby…were here” she whispered between kisses.

“Oh right” he grabbed her hand and walked quickly out of the elevator running to their room opening and shutting the door.

“That was close again!” JC smiled as Alyssa threw her bag on the floor.

“Yea…” Alyssa smiled. “Guess what time it is Mr. Chasez…”

JC looked lustfully at her. “And what would that be?”

“Well its later…and I promised you we would finish…” she looked him in the eyes. “Unless…you changed your mind…” she walked closer to him. JC shivered. “Why would I do that…” he pulled her against his body. “But…”

“But what?!” Alyssa pouted.

“Are you ok?”

“Ok…?” Alyssa looked at him confusedly.


Alyssa looked away. “She scares the hell out of me…but you’re here now…so fuck her…she’s not ruining our night…” she smiled.

“You sure?…I saw her looking at you with that face again…” JC frowned his eyebrows.

Alyssa looked seriously at him. “Shh…baby I don’t want to talk about her, I don’t want to think about her…I want to think about us…”

JC held her face in his hands. “Alright…” he leaned forward capturing her mouth in a sensual kiss.


Brian and Sally managed to make their way up to their rooms without much problem. Brian still confused as ever decided to go to bed, he didn’t want to talk with Sally. Sally on the other hand was still very angry. She sat on her bed thinking. What can I do to get him out of that room!!!…OH!!! I could call the reception and make up some lame story…yes!!! Oh Sally you are a genius…!! She jumped off her bed and walked out of the room to the lobby floor.


JC and Alyssa continued kissing. Breaking apart JC went for her neck sucking on her bare skin gently. Alyssa smiled contently and let him work. “Oh baby wait…” Alyssa whispered into his ear.

“Lyssie baby…I don’t want to…” he answered continuing his path.

“Just for a second I promise…”

JC pouted and stopped as Alyssa grabbed his hand and walked over to the door. She grabbed the ‘do not disturb’ door sign and opened the door sticking it on the outside shutting the door again. JC smiled “You’re so smart…” he grinned and led her back to the main part of the room. “Now where was I?” JC whispered, pulling her close and finally he took her mouth with his. Using a little pressure, JC parted Lyss's lips and let his tongue mingle with hers. Not breaking the kiss, JC led her to the wall and pressed her up against it. Pulling back slightly, JC began to lift her tank top, slowly. Stopping the shirt just above her breasts, JC lowered his mouth and began alternating sucking and biting at her nipples through her bra. Getting a groan of satisfaction, JC smiled and moved back up to capture her lips once again. Alyssa began to relax and felt her hands glide up JC's muscled chest and wrap around his neck. “Are you sure about this?” he stopped and whispered hoarsely from being caught up in his actions.

Alyssa looked shyly at him “Yes…”

JC looked into her eyes leading her to the bed and gently laying her down. Gripping her chin between his thumb and index finger, JC forced her to look in his eyes. Staring at her for a few minutes, he slowly lowered his lips to meet hers. Feeling her restraint slip away, he part her lips with his tongue and began to probe the inside of her mouth. Hesitantly she flicked her tongue out to meet his and he coaxed her mouth open wider. Taking one hand, he began to stroke her leg as she wound her arms around his neck. . Breaking away from her mouth, he began to kiss her jawline and then down to her collarbone. Sucking on her neck he let his hand wander further up her thigh, just under the edge of his shirt.


“Hello Royal Crown Hotel”

“Yes I was wondering if you could relay a very important message to one of your guests” Sally stood at the payphone in the lobby of the hotel.

“Yes ma’am…who is the message for?”

“JC Chasez in room 342”

“Alright and what’s the message.”

“Tell him his manager is waiting downstairs, it’s very important that he come down immediately” Sally did her best to sound formal.

“Will do ma’am”

“Thank you very much goodbye” Sally grinned to herself and hung up the phone. Here I come you little bitch…



“No baby don’t stop…” Alyssa breathed into his ear.

JC quivered as he felt her hot breath on his skin. “I won’t not this time…” Slowing himself down, he returned to ravaging her mouth. As she began to moan, he let his hand glide up and cup her breast. Teasing her nipples, she responded with a deep moan.


Slowly he jerked her tank top upward, revealing a flat, toned belly. Sliding his hand across it, he felt her intake of breath and smiled to himself. Bending his head, he began sucking on her neck, softly at first, but soon with more pressure. Moving down, he licked her collarbone before kissing down to her breasts.


“Damn…” Alyssa sighed. “It’s never going to stop!”

JC slowed himself down and looked up to her “Just pick it up…”

“But baby…I don’t want any interruptions…”

“It’s ok…” JC smiled and kissing her neck. “Go Lyssie…”


She sighed and reached for the phone. “Damn, what now?!” Alyssa cursed “Hello?” she answered the ringing phone

“Hello, is Mr. Chasez there?”

“Yea, hold on,” she snapped. “Baby…” she ran her hand through his hair. “Its for you”

Rather irritated that he was interrupted he took the phone “Hello?”

“Mr. Chasez, I’m calling to inform you that your manager is waiting downstairs in the lobby, you’re wanted there right away, its important”

“Ok, thanks” he hung up resting his head on Alyssa’s stomach.

“What did she say?” she rubbed his head with her hands.

“Seems like my manager is waiting downstairs.. its important” he looked up oddly at her.

“Really? Why is he here, I wonder what’s the matter..”

JC sat up and adjusted himself after all the heat they built up. “I wonder what the hell he’s doing here.. he could have called”

“Well you should go” Alyssa adjusted her tank top pulling it back down.

“Yea..” he looked at Alyssa lustfully “No interruptions after this…” he kissed her passionately. “Be right back, I swear”

“You better!” she called after him


Sally smiled evily to herself I’m so evil... that bitch is gonna get it now.. how dare she disobey my orders?! She walked to the elevators Oh.. no that won’t be smart, I might run into JC, I’ll take the stairs She turned and went over to the stairs, hastily making her way up No time to waste


I wonder what’s wrong? Why the hell would our manager come all the way to New York? Makes no sense... JC thought while he went to the lobby. Sure picked a good time to interrupt me…as he thought of Alyssa smiling to himself.


Alyssa sighed and channel-surfed the TV “They only ever have lame channels in hotels” she muttered out loud. Gezze.. CNN, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, NBC, CBS, ABC.. damn, where’s MTV?! .... FINALLY! She laid the remote down cuz she finally found MTV. Instantly she started singing along to Santana & Rob Thomas’ Smooth “And it’s a hot one, like 7 inches from the midday sun. Well I hear you whispering the words that would melt everyone but you stay so cool” I like this song!

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Alyssa startled and got up, thinking it was JC she opened the door swiftly “Wow that was quick!” before she could even see who was at the door, she was knocked down by a kick in the stomach. Pain shot through her body as she lay curled up on the floor. Her face crumpled into tears.

Sally kneeled down next to Alyssa’s body “I thought you took my threat serious, well I guess I thought wrong” She whispered into her ears

“Sally, please. Why are you doing this?” Alyssa managed to bring out

“Because I want to show you I’m serious here… stay away from Brian, Alyssa. I swear I’ll get you if you don’t… I’m not kidding, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you and Brian far away from each other”

JC!!! Where are you?! Alyssa was terrified with fear

“And don’t even think about telling this to your ‘boyfriend’”

“Sally, its not my fault Brian kissed me”

“Oh YES it is!” Sally pulled her up from the floor and hit her in the face again. “Everything! Its ALL your fault!!” Sally pushed Alyssa away, against a table which fell over when Alyssa smashed against it. One of the table legs hit her in her upper leg.


JC reached the lobby, he looked around “Huh? Where is he?” he started walking and looking everywhere. After like 3 minutes of searching he walked to the reception

“Can I help you sir?”

“Yes, I got a call saying that my manager was expecting me in the lobby, but he’s not there..”

The woman frowned at him “Mr. Chasez right?”


“Well I’m sure he’s there, have you looked?”

“Yes! Of course!” JC called out “Else I wouldn’t be asking you”

The woman paused “Well sir, I don’t know why your manager isn’t there, I was informed he was waiting for you and that it was very important”

“Wait a minute. You were informed? Did you talk to him yourself?”

“No, I was called by a woman”

“A woman?” JC wondered who that might be “Angela Beaudeen perhaps? Or Yasmine Blythe?”

“She didn’t leave a name sir”

“Well that certainly is weird..” JC looked at the woman “Ok, well he’s not there. So I’m going back to my room. If he or she calls again, put the call through to room 342”

“Alright sir, I’m sorry if I caused you any inconvenience”

“Its ok” Ugh, receptionists are such suck-ups. He took the elevator up to his floor.


Alyssa tried to sit up but the pain in her stomach shot up through the rest of her body. Sally came and grabbed her shoulders forcing her to stand up and pushed Alyssa into the wall in one swift thrust as Alyssa was in too much pain to resist.

“Good thing your boyfriend isn’t here…” Sally smiled. “Oh well guess my plan worked.”

Alyssa looked her in the face as her tears fell. “What?…”

“Oh Mr. Chasez manager is downstairs waiting for him” Sally laughed evilly.

“You did that?” Alyssa mumbled as Sally held her against the wall.

“Yea pretty smart huh?” she snapped as she pushed Alyssa against the wall again. “Had to get him away from you…Besides the sight of you two makes me sick…” Sally looked at her.

Alyssa’s tears fell down her cheeks. “Why Sally, why?”

“Because I don’t like you, you little bitch…it’s all your fault Brian is avoiding me now…I hate you” she banged her against the wall again.

“Please stop” Alyssa cried.

“Remember what I just said Alyssa, coz if you don’t take me serious this time, you just might be in a worse condition than you are now” Sally smirked and smacked Alyssa again.

Everything around her was turning blurry. Alyssa tried to open her eyes but her tears blocked her vision. She felt Sally slam her into the wall one last time before everything turned black.

Sally let got of Alyssa letting her fall to the ground. “That’s what you get for messing with me…” Sally left her laying on the ground and walked out, leaving the door wide open.



JC stepped out of the elevator as it reached the 5th floor. Turning the corner to the hallway of his room he stopped and froze in his tracks. He stared in disbelief as the door was wide open. “Shit…” he stalled after running down the hall to the open door. From where he stood he couldn’t see Alyssa. “Oh my god…” He walked in slowly shutting the door behind him. Turning his head he saw the table flipped on the ground. He looked on the floor next to the table and saw her hand lying un-moving. “Lyssie holy shit…” He found the rest of her body lying still on the floor, blood was seeping out of the corner of her mouth. “Lyssie?” he touched her gently still no response. “Baby c’mon…wake up” he begged as tears came to his eyes. “This is all my fault…” he mumbled.

Alyssa heard a faint voice in her mind as she came in and out of conciseness. Her head turned slowly.

“Lyssie?” JC saw her head move.

Alyssa heard the voice again calling her name. “JC?…” she said above a whisper.

He grabbed her hand. “I’m here, I’m so sorry Alyssa…”

Tears filled her eyes and unwillingly lost conciseness again.

“Lyssie?…No, no you have to stay awake…” he called out to her. “Shit…” he gently lifted Alyssa up off the ground and brought her to the bathroom. Holding her up in one arm he turned on the shower with the other. “I’m sorry baby…” he whispered and slowly undressed her leaving only her bra and underwear on. Opening the door to the large shower he carried her in getting himself drenched under the water flowing down on both of them.

Alyssa gasped at the feeling of the water rushing against her. Not knowing where she was she started coughing un-controllably blood coming from her mouth. JC sat down with her in his lap as she continued to let it all out. When she was done she looked around and remembered what happened. JC looked away with tears in his eyes. “Baby…” Alyssa whispered as she wrapped her arms around her body from the cold water still pouring. JC’s head remained turned still un-able to look at her. “JC!” she cried now.

JC looked her in the face with tears flowing down. “I’m so sorry…This is all my fault…I left you alone…” he burst out.

Alyssa cried with him. “No…no” she brought her hands to his face. “It’s not your fault…” she tried to calm him down.

“Yes it is!” he cried. “Damnit…I let her hurt you again…”

“JC can you just hold me please!” Alyssa cried. JC pulled her closer under the running water. “It’s not your fault…” she whispered as she laid her head on him.

“How can you say that…look at you” JC cried silently holding her in his arms. “You were unconscious.”

“Look at me…” Alyssa held his face in his hands as JC looked at her pain. “Sally set us up…”

“What?” he mumbled calming down.

“She called the reception with that fake message…”

“She’s crazy…” JC whispered.

Alyssa wiped his tears away. “Now don’t cry anymore…it’s not your fault…” she leaned in to kiss him but winced as the pain in her stomach shot through her body. She backed away and placed her hand on her stomach.

“Baby…” He moved her hand and replaced it with his. “Does it still hurt?”

Alyssa held back her tears. “Not now cause you’re here with me…”

JC leaned in gently and kissed her, Alyssa felt her pain lift away as if it was never there.


“Alyssa” they whispered at the same time.

“What…” Alyssa looked him straight in the eyes.

“No you go first” he smiled nervously.

Alyssa grabbed his hands and held them in hers. “At the same time…ok?”

JC nodded.

“Ok…1…2…3…JC, I love you”

“Alyssa I love you”

They looked at each other and smiled. “You mean that?” Alyssa smiled.

JC nodded. “I wanted to tell you for so long…”

“Really?” Alyssa blushed under the water.

JC brushed her wet hair out of her face. “Yea…I love you Alyssa so much…you don’t know…”

“Oh I know cause I feel the same thing for you” she smiled and kissed him gently.

JC sighed and pulled her closer to him. “I’m not going to leave you again…I swear”

“Better not” Alyssa smiled and looked at him. “Help me up baby…”

“You sure you want to stand?”

“Yes now help me” she looked at him. JC stood up in the shower and lifted her up to standing position. She wobbled a bit but leaned on him for support. “Hold me up…” JC grabbed her waist and held her as she reached for his waistband and un tucked his shirt. “Take it off…you’re soaked.” She said pulling it up over his head JC helped her and threw his shirt out of the shower.

“It’s cold in here…” she turned to the water knobs and warmed the water up. “Better?” she turned back and looked at him.

“Yea” he smiled and pulled her closer.

“Wait…those too” she pointed to his pants.

“Are you sure?” JC asked her.

“I only want you to be comfy baby…like me” she smiled still standing in her bra and underwear. She leaned up close to him and kissed him while undoing the button of his jeans and unzipping the fly slowly. “Ok…” she broke the kiss and backed away. JC stepped out of his jeans leaving his boxers on and tossed his soaked jeans in the pile along with his shirt. “Feel better now?” she pressed their wet bodies closer.

“I love you Alyssa…” he whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.

“I love you too JC…” she lifted his head up. “I want your kiss now…” finding his mouth she kissed him passionately. He pressed her gently up to the shower wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist. "JC..." she whispered, spreading her legs and pulling him between them. He ground his waist in to hers pressing against, he showed her how aroused he was. Alyssa gasped at the feeling but continued to kiss him with all the energy they gave to each other, the fabric of their underwear creating a friction that left both of them begging for more.

He inched his hands into the waistband of her panties and began lowering them, slowly and sensuously. “Wait…” She grabbed his hand and stopped him.

“You don’t want to do this…” JC looked into her eyes and brought her back to her feet. “I’d never force you…”

Alyssa smiled and saw how much he really did care for her. “No I do…it’s just I don’t think I have enough energy tonight…” she sighed and breathed. “And…I haven’t done this in a while…I don’t want to disappoint you” she looked shyly away.

“No don’t ever be sorry Alyssa…I love you…you could never disappoint me…” he smiled and kissed her gently.

“I want it so bad though” she pouted. “I’m just scared…” she looked away from him.

JC lifted her chin with his hands. "I do too Alyssa.....but I don't want to push you or rush you into something that scares you....I want you to enjoy this baby."

“I love you…You’re so sweet…” She wrapped her arms around him.

“I love you too…” he smiled. “Let’s get out now…” he turned and shut off the shower water. Alyssa reached outside and grabbed two towels. JC took them from her hands and opened one up for her. “Go ahead I won’t look…” he turned his head and smiled. Alyssa turned around and un hooked her bra hanging it in the shower, then slid her panties off placing them next to her bra.

“Ok” she blushed as she stepped into the towel JC held out for her, and covering herself up.

“Go outside and change now…I’ll meet you out there…” he kissed her forehead.

Alyssa nodded and walked outside of the shower and to her bag. Quickly changing into clean dry underwear she grabbed a tank and put it on. Standing in front of the mirror she examined her face. Not that bad… she touched the cheek Sally hit her, it was red. Just have to cover it up tomorrow… she sighed just as JC stepped out of the shower in boxers and a t-shirt.

He walked over and turned her around looking at her cheek. “Does it hurt?” he touched it softly. Alyssa nodded her head and pouted. “My poor baby…” he kissed the spot just as softly as his touch.

“C’Mon…” she dragged him over to the bed and climbed in turning off the light. JC laid down next to her wrapping his arms protectively around her small body. “I’m sorry baby…”

“Don’t be sorry anymore…just never leave me…” she snuggled closely to him.

“I won’t ever again…” he kissed her gently as they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


~~~Friday Morning~~~

Sally jumped out of bed and took over the bathroom just as Brian stepped out. She was happy with herself for beating the shit out of Alyssa once again. Now she better get the message!! Sally smirked turning on the shower.


JC opened his eyes as Alyssa snuggled close to him. He smiled and looked down at her sleeping peacefully in his arms. He glanced over her at the clock next to the bedside table. “7 am…” he mumbled waking himself up. Alyssa’s breathing was steady and quiet. JC looked longingly at her and kissed her forehead gently. Getting up carefully not to wake her he went to the bathroom to get dressed.


“I thought you took my threat serious, well I guess I thought wrong” Alyssa turned in her sleep as Sally’s threats echoed in her head. “Remember what I just said Alyssa, coz if you don’t take me serious this time, you just might be in a worse condition than you are now” She startled and sat up quickly.

“Baby what’s wrong?” JC rushed to her side.

Alyssa breathed quickly. “Just had a bad dream…” She grabbed her stomach. “OW…” as sank back into the bed.

“Aw…” JC brushed the hair out of her face. “Where does it hurt?”

“Everywhere” Alyssa pouted.

JC moved the blankets that covered her legs. “Shit…” he looked down at a purple bruise that was on the side of Alyssa’s thigh. He moved her tank top up revealing her belly which also had a bruise. “Turn over baby…” He looked on her back where there was two purple bruises on her shoulder blades from being slammed into the wall. Lying on her back again he examined her cheek. The bruise there was small and not very visible. “I’m so sorry baby…” he looked at her.

“Stop already…” Alyssa tried to smile. “You have nothing to be sorry for…this isn’t your fault”

“I know but I should have been there…”

“JC…don’t anymore…ok?” she got up slowly as he helped her. “You’re here now, that’s all that matters”

“I love you Lyss”

“Love you too…” she smiled. “I have to get dressed.” She said trying to move.

“No, no stay here I’ll get them for you…” JC stood up. “What do you need?”

“Uhm just get a bra and whatever you think is nice…” she grinned. “My bag is over in the closet”

“Ok” He turned and fished through her clothes. Walking quickly back he laid them next to her.

“Thank you baby…” she smiled. “Now you gotta help me put them on…” she grabbed her bra and put it on herself then pulled off the tank she slept in.

JC nodded and handed her the shirt he picked out it was a yellow tank top with a small butterfly on it. Alyssa pulled it over her head and fixed it as JC grabbed the tight fitting jeans and held them out. Alyssa swung her legs out from the bed and stood up next to him wrapping her arms around his neck as she stepped into the jeans. He pulled her jeans up and fitted them around her waist. He closed the zipper and buttoned them closed at the top. “There you go…” he held her waist.

Alyssa smiled and let go of him. “I’ll be in the bathroom I got to fix up a bit…”

“You sure you don’t need any help?” he asked.

“No you don’t have to baby me” she giggled.

“But you’re my Lyssie baby…” JC smiled.

“I’m fine” she smiled and walked into the bathroom.

“I’m going to call home ok?” JC asked as Alyssa stood in the bathroom.

“Ok baby…” she turned on the sink and brushed her teeth.

JC decided to call Justin first.


“Justin it’s JC”

“Hey man. Oh Lyssie was great last night on Leno!”

“Yea…” JC answered.

“What’s wrong?”

“The bitch did it again” JC answered.

“WHAT!!!!!!” Justin yelled. “JC YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WATCH HER!!!!!”

“I know but she fucking set us up!!!”

“What how?!”

“She called reception and said our manager wanted me down immediately…I didn’t want to go but Lyss said it might be important…so I went”

“Damnit! Then what?!”

“I came back and Lyss was unconscious on the floor” JC whispered.

“WHAT?! Oh my god is she alright?!” Justin asked.

“She says she is but she has bruises on her leg, stomach and back…she was bleeding last night too…”

“What the hell did that crazy bitch do?”

“I don’t know she hasn’t told me but it looks pretty bad…” JC started to tear up.

Alyssa walked out of the bathroom ready and fixed. She saw JC on the phone and walked over sitting next to him. She saw the tears in his eyes. “Baby…?” Alyssa turned his head.

“Lyssie…I’m sorry…” JC broke down again.

“What did I say about being sorry?” she sighed. “Stop ok?”

“I still can’t get over it…” the tears fell down his cheeks.

“C’mon baby…” she wiped his eyes with her finger. “Don’t be sorry anymore…I love you…” she moved in and kissed him. “Who are you talking to?” she asked.

“Justin…” he wiped his face as Alyssa took the phone from his hands.

“Hey J”

“Lyssie are you ok??!” He asked frantically.

“Yea just feel like shit” she joked.

“What is that bitches problem”

“She hates me”

“Well I hate her, she has no reason to hate you”

“That’s sweet J…but seriously don’t worry over me ok? I’m ok”

“If you say so…but still…unconscious?!” Justin went on. “How much crap did you take from her?”

“Honestly I don’t know a lot since it knocked me out”

“Well stay far, far away from her ok?” Justin answered.

“I am believe me” Alyssa answered. “We gotta go now ok J, Say hey to Yasmine, Lance, Chris and Joey for me”

“I will Lyssie be careful”

“I will!” Alyssa smiled. “Later J”

“Bye” Justin hung up the phone to tell the others.

Alyssa put down the phone and turned to JC. “Listen to me…Don’t ever say you’re sorry again…or else…”

“Or else what?”

“Or else…I won’t kiss you anymore” Alyssa crossed her arms.

“Aw you don’t mean that baby…” He smiled and tried to pull her closer.

“Yes I do! Try me…” she shrugged off his touch.

“Ok I won’t say it again” JC pouted.

“Promise?” JC nodded as Alyssa hugged him. “Ok” she pushed him back down on the bed and sat on top of him.

“I thought you’re body hurt” he laughed.

“Well it does…but you make me forget about it” she leaned and teased him with her tongue, brushing it over his lips. She giggled and kissed his forehead.

“I love you baby…” JC looked at her smilingly.

“I love you more…” she leaned forward and captured his mouth in hers. “We gotta call the others…” she whispered.

“Ok” JC sat up holding Alyssa’s back so she sat straddled face to face with him. She smiled and reached for the phone.

“Hello?” Kevin answered the phone.

“Kevy it’s Lyssie” she smiled.

“Lyssie!! Oh you were great last night!”


“But I want to talk to you young lady…was that bruise on your cheek from Sally?!”


“Fuck god damnit!!” Kevin yelled.

“Kevin you better sit down…” Alyssa started.


“Because that’s not the only bruise I have…”


“I have one on my leg, back, and stomach…”

“DAMNIT ALYSSA!! What the hell happened!”

“Kevin get the others… I don’t feel like repeating myself after this ok?” she asked quietly.

“Alright hold on” Kevin put the phone down in search of the others.

Alyssa sighed and waited looking into JC’s eyes. “You ok?” he asked rubbing her back gently.

“Yea” she smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

“Lyssie!” she heard Kevin call through the phone.

“…uhm…” she backed away from JC. “Yea are you all there?”


“Put me on speaker phone.”

“Lyssie what happened?!” she heard Michelle ask.

“Is something wrong!?” Morgan followed.

“Guys listen to me…I’ll tell you if you promise not to yell, scream, or interrupt me…I’m only gonna say this once…”

She heard them mumble to each other then silence. “Ok talk girl…” AJ answered.

“Well like I told Kevin the bruise you saw last night isn’t the only one now…Sally came after me again last night…”

“WHAT!?” Nick blurted out.

“SHHH!!!” everyone silenced him.

“…She set us up…called the reception to get JC to leave…she knocked on our door and I opened it thinking it was him…well I was wrong…she kicked me in the stomach and said

it was my fault Brian kissed me and that everything was my fault she hit me in the face and then threw me against a table…”

“Lyssie…are you ok?” She heard Becky cry through the phone.

“Can I finish?” Alyssa answered quietly.

“Your not done?!” Howie asked.

“No…ok so she pulled me up off the ground and slammed me into the wall telling me all about her brilliant plan to get JC away from me so she could do this. I asked her why she was doing this and she just slammed me into the wall while she said she hated me and it was my fault again…I was loosing it by then and she said to that if I forget what she told me I’d be in worse condition than I was…After she hit me again and that’s all I remember because everything went black…”

“She knocked you unconscious?” Michelle yelled.

“That little bitch I’m gonna kill her!” Nick answered.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” AJ repeated.

“Guys!” Alyssa yelled into the phone. “We’ll take care of it when we get back ok?!”

“Alyssa you sure your ok?!”

“Yea my stomach hurts, so does the rest of my body…hell I couldn’t even dress myself this morning it hurt that much…JC had to help me…fuck her I don’t care anymore…she can go to hell” Alyssa snapped. “Please don’t worry over me…I can deal”

The others sat back amazed at her statement.

“Sorry guys…I just don’t care anymore…I’ve had enough of her crap…”

“We understand Lyss” Summer answered. “We’re just worried about you now…this whole week we were!”

“I know…I love you guys ok?! Only two more days and I’ll be back…”

“Lyss I’m gonna kick her ass for you!” Morgan called out.

“Thanks Morgie” Alyssa smiled.

“Lyssie I love you!” Nick called out. “I want you to come home”

“Love ya too Nicky…don’t worry bout me I said.”

“Ok can’t wait till you get back sweetie” Michelle called.

“Me either I miss you guys a lot…I’ll talk to you later”

“Ok bye Lyss” Kevin called.

“Bye” Alyssa hung up the phone.


“Guys this is serious shit here” AJ sighed after Alyssa hung up the phone.

“I know what you mean…” Kevin answered.

“How can she do that to Lyssie” Morgan mumbled leaning close to Nick.

“What are we going to do?!” Becky asked. “We can’t let Sally stay anymore that’s crazy!”

“I’m gonna kill her…” Nick clenched his fists. “How can she even lay a hand on Lyssie…twice!”

“Baby calm down…” Morgan answered.

“No! Don’t tell me to calm down! Fuck Sally, Fuck Brian they’re gonna answer to me when they get back…” he stormed out of the room.

“Damnit…” Howie sighed. “This is a serious situation here”

“She attacked Alyssa, she could go to jail!” Summer added.

“Hey I wouldn’t mind that! That bitch deserves a good punishment” Michelle snapped. “If she doesn’t get it from me first”


~~~Back in New York~~~


Brian leaned over and answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Yes Mr. Littrell…it’s Robert”

“Oh hello are you coming now?”

“Actually I’m downstairs already…but take your time no rush”

“Alright Robert thank you” Brian hung up the phone. “Sally hurry up!”

“Ok I’m coming!” Sally answered.

Wow she seem’s fine…she looked upset last night after the show.

“Hello!” Sally smiled and walked over to grab her bag. “I’m ready!”

“Great” Brian noticed her happier attitude, and although he didn’t understand what cheered her up he was thankful so he wouldn’t have to deal with Sally’s bad attitude. Sally smiled and grabbed his arm. “You want to go down now?” she smiled.

“Yea…Robert is there” Brian answered and led her to the door.

This is perfect…Brian is finally loosening up!!…


“Ok thank you Robert” Alyssa hung up the phone.

“Is he there?”

“Yea…” she sat on the edge of the bed and fumbled with her hands.

“Baby…” JC sat next to her. “Can you do me a favor?”

She looked up to him oddly.


Alyssa smiled slightly.

“No more”

She looked up to him and grinned a bit more.

JC tickled her.

“No JC!” she laughed lying back on the bed. “OW!!” she pushed his hands away.

“Oh I forgot!!” He grinned. “I’ll make it better…”

“How?” Alyssa pouted.

JC smiled and kissed her stomach.

“Thank you baby…” Alyssa smiled and sat up. “All better…”

“Good…” he grabbed her hand. “Let’s get going”

She nodded as they made their way down to the lobby.


~~~At the Photo Shoot~~~

Robert dropped JC, Alyssa, Sally and Brian off at the photo studio for their session with the teeny-bopper magazines that were full of posters. JC and Alyssa smiled at each other the whole ride there holding each other’s hands and whispering to one another quietly. They ignored Brian and Sally pretending they weren’t there especially Sally.

“Mr. Chasez?! We’re not expecting you today!” A woman exclaimed as JC walked in with Alyssa behind him.

“I know, but you are expecting this beautiful girl correct?” He smiled stepping aside revealing Alyssa behind him.

“Oh yes Miss Farrow!” the woman glanced at her. “Where is Brian?”

“Right here” Brian walked in followed by Sally.

“Wonderful! Let’s get to work shall we?” the woman led them to the wardrobe sections with various clothing already set aside. “Here you are Mr. Littrell” she pointed to one room.

“Thanks…just pick anything?”

“Yes that will be fine” she smiled.

“Sally…wait out here” Brian turned and shut the door.

“Oh miss you can wait over there by the refreshments”

“Alright” Sally glared at Alyssa as she walked away.

Alyssa stuck her tongue out to her back and laughed.

“Shhush…” JC covered her mouth and laughed.

The woman led them down another hallway. “Right in here Alyssa” she smiled “Pick what ever you would like to wear, you’ll have opportunity to change various times.”

“Ok thank you” Alyssa stepped inside the room as the woman walked away. She turned around as JC stayed standing outside.

“What?” JC smiled.

“Come on!” she grinned pulled him inside with her.


~~~2 hours later~~~

Brian and Alyssa took their turns on the set with the photographers for the past two hours posing for what seemed like thousands of pictures. Taking a break they made their way back to their separate wardrobe rooms.

“JC?” Alyssa walked inside not seeing him.

“BOO!” He popped out from behind the door Alyssa screamed in surprise. “Got ya!”

Alyssa punched him. “Don’t do that!”

“Ow” he laughed grabbing his arm. “I was only playing”

“I know” she smiled and walked over to her the rack of clothes. “What should I pick now…” she pushed aside the various shirts, skirts and pants.

JC came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “What about this?” he held out black leather pants.

“Eh…I wouldn’t look good in those…” she frowned.

“Yes you would…” he grinned kissing her neck from behind. “Just try it on”

“Oh and model it for you?” she joked.

“Why not?” he smiled.

“Fine Mr. Fashion expert, what shirt would go with these lovely leather pants?” Alyssa asked.

“How bout this?” He pulled out a black knit tank top with a pink pattern on the front.

Alyssa took the shirt and pants holding them against her body looking at him for approval.

“Put them on.”

“K” she smiled and pulled off the shirt she had on. Grabbing the black one she put it on. Sliding her pants off she pulled the leather ones on and zipped them up. “I feel like a biker chic in these pants.”

“Well you’re my sexy chic…” he pulled her closer. “I like this outfit…”

“You do?” she looked sexily into his eyes.

“Yep” he leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips. “Your beautiful…”

Alyssa blushed at the compliment. “Let’s go…” she walked out of the room with JC following close behind her.


“Ok Brian a couple more shots here” the photographer called. “Good…great!” he called snapping away.

Alyssa and JC walked in standing to watch. Sally smirked as they walked past her. JC heard her and glared her in the eye.

“Alright Alyssa you’re up” the photographer turned and reloaded his camera. She walked over passing Brian.

“Hey Bri” she smiled genuinely.

“Hey Lyss, feeling better?” he stopped her and asked.

“Yea thanks” she turned and walked to the photo set. Brian smiled and made his way back to his wardrobe.

“Ok now…I love that outfit!” the photographer gushed. Alyssa giggled and looked at JC. “Sit here sweetie…” He pulled over a chair adjusting it to the light and Alyssa sat down in it. “Alright…lean over on your knees and rest your hands under your chin…great…now smile!” he directed her into various poses. “Now lean back on one arm of the chair and hang your legs off the other side.”

Alyssa adjusted and moved. “Like this?”

“Yes perfect” he took more pictures and went on for 20 more minutes.


~~~1 hour later~~~

“Ok your done!”

“Great!” Brian sat up from the set and went to change. “Lyss?” he called down the hall.

Alyssa stuck her head out of her dressing room. “Yea?”

“Were done you can get ready to leave now…” he smiled.

“Ok great!” she watched him walk into his dressing room. Turning her head she saw Sally looking at her with a smirk. Giving her the same fake look back Alyssa grinned and closed the door to change.


Prissy bitch!! Sally steamed. I hate her!



Now it was time for the last thing Brian and Alyssa had to do for promotion, which was a stop at MTV for some interviews and an appearance on TRL. They entered the MTV studios and made their way up to the TRL set.

“Alyssa!” Carson approached her as they walked down the hall.

“Hey Carson!” She gave him a quick hug.

“How are you sweetie?” He whispered.

“Great!” she smiled as JC came up behind.

“JC?!” Carson looked confused. “What…OH” he grinned and looked from Alyssa to JC and back.

“Yea Carson” JC smiled and walked off with her. “See ya”

“Bye guys” he smiled to himself. “Well Brian what’s up man?” he shook Brian’s hand.

“Nothing much” he pulled off a decent smile.

“Hi Carson!!” Sally gushed excitedly.

“Well I remember you…Sally right?” Carson looked at her.

“Yes!” Sally giggled.

“Well I’ve got to be going…see you in a bit Brian” He walked past them and down the hall.


~~~Orlando, Fl~~~

The girls and guys were sent to Orlando for recording of the girls album. Taking a break they gathered in a separate room.

“Hey turn on the TV Michelle!” Becky smiled. “TRL already started, I hope we didn’t miss Bri and Lyss!”

“Shit!” Michelle hurried over to the TV and switched it on.

“Welcome back to another edition of TRL” Carson smiled after coming out of commercial. “Well coming up our two special guests, but first here’s one of them, coming in at number 2 today is the Backstreet Boys with Larger than Life on TRL…” the screen merged into the playing video.

“HAHA number 2 again!!!” Morgan teased.

“Hey” AJ pouted. “Just cause your number one now doesn’t mean you can diss us”

“Aw sorry baby…” Michelle giggled and glanced at the other girls “All you people can’t you see can’t you see…” She sang along with the video.

How your love is affecting our reality Morgan followed.

Everytime were down you can make it right Becky danced.

And that makes you larger than life Summer finished as the other girls joined her.

“Ok your forgiven” Howie smiled.

“Yay!” All the girls giggled and watched the rest of the video.


~~~Back in New York~~~

“Alright now it’s time for our guests to come out” Carson spoke to the audience. “Give a hand for Alyssa Farrow and Brian Littrell.” The audience clapped and cheered as they made their way to the stage.

“Hey” Alyssa smiled and waved to the people gathered in the studio.

“Hey guy’s how’s it going?” Carson asked as the audience calmed down.

“Good” Brian answered.

“The tour ok?”

“Great!” Alyssa smiled. “Oh and Carson the girls wanted me to say hi to you”

“Well hello to Morgan, Michelle, Summer and Miss Becky” Carson waved into the camera. “So the new song Something Special…tell us about that”

“Well it’s the single off the new JIVE CD Next Generation : JIVE, and the song is a duet between Brian and myself”

“Well we have something special for the audience” Carson smiled. “We managed to get a early sample of the song…here is an exclusive clip of Something Special!” Carson smiled as the music filled the studio.

Something Special Something True That’s all I ever found in you Something Real In the way you make me feel I don’t know what I’d do Without you… My Something Special

The clip ended as the audience applauded. “Did yall like that?” Alyssa asked as the clapping got louder.

“That was beautiful guys” Carson smiled. “So when will the video for the song come to TRL?"

“Well we shot it on Wednesday, it should be in post-production, so soon hopefully!” Brian smiled.

“How was the video shoot for you two?” Carson asked.

“Good, the video has sort of a split screen effect, dark in the beginning and happier at the end, to go with the lyrics of the song…” Alyssa smiled.

“I hear there’s some sparks at the end of the video…would you like to comment on that?” Carson grinned.

Brian and Alyssa looked at each other and blushed. “Well lets say your just gonna have to wait for that one” Alyssa smiled.

“Well thanks for stopping by you two” Carson ended. “You’ll come back soon right?”

“Course man” Brian smiled and shook his hand.

“Well thanks for tuning in for today and here number one is…Alyssa?”

Histoy (That’s What you Are)!!!!” She smiled as their video started and the director cleared them for the end of the show.

“Thanks for coming guys” Carson smiled.

“Anytime” Alyssa laughed. “Your should personally invite the girls, they’d flip”

“Well I’ll remember that”

“See you soon” Brian smiled.

“Alright guys later” Carson waved bye as Brian and Alyssa walked off the set.

“Finally were done!” Alyssa sighed.

“Yea this has been a long week”

“You can say that again…” Alyssa mumbled under her breath.


“Yes that’s room 342…tonight please by 8…alright thank you bye…” JC hung up the payphone.

“Hey baby…” Alyssa walked up to him. “Who were you talking too?”

“Uhm…no one” JC smiled mischievously.

“Yea right” Alyssa pouted.

“It’s a surprise baby…just wait ok?” he kissed her pouting face.

Alyssa smiled. “Ok…but I don’t like surprises…”

“Well you liked the studio one right?”

She nodded.

“That was a surprise…and this one is even better…trust me”

“Whatever you say baby…” Alyssa grabbed his hand and walked out of MTV and to the car.


After TRL Robert took Brian and Sally to 5th Avenue and was told to pick them up at 9 PM. Brian lightened up on Sally since she didn’t get to do much the whole time in New York, he also felt bad for dissing her on Leno. But most of all he didn’t want to be around Alyssa and JC, the sight of them made him jealous so he thought the best thing for him was to just let them be. Alyssa and JC on the other hand walked around New York after TRL. They past by Central Park, and walked down Broadway, having sunglasses helped slightly to hide themselves from fans but the few who spotted them were given the autographs and pictures they wanted.

~~~7:30 PM~~~

“Here we are” Robert pulled up to the hotel. “Are you sure you two won’t be stepping out again later after I pick Brian and Sally up?”

“No Robert we’re fine” JC answered. “Thank you and well see you tomorrow.” He stepped out of the car and held his hand out for Alyssa.

“Bye Robert have a goodnight” she smiled.

“You too Alyssa” he answered as she stepped out and closed the door.

“JC what’s the surprise?”

“Shh…you’ll find out soon enough” He walked her into the lobby of the hotel and too the reception.

“Hello Mr. Chasez…now?”

“Yes for 15 minutes.” He answered as Alyssa looked at him oddly.

“This way Ms. Farrow…” the receptionist walked out of her desk area.

“What’s going on?”

“Just go with her ok?” JC smiled.


“Yes…please baby, for me?”

“Fine” Alyssa walked off with the receptionist as JC walked over to the elevators making his way up to their room.

“You can sit down here Ms. Farrow” she led her into the private staff area. “I’ll be back to get you when Mr. Chasez informs me…” she smiled and closed the door.

Alyssa just nodded and sat alone in the staff room.


JC ran down the hall and to the room. He opened the door and closed it behind him. Looking around the room he smiled as everything he requested was in place. “Perfect” he smiled and got to work.


~~~10 Min. Later~~~


Alyssa stood up and opened the door revealing the receptionist standing on the other side.

“Hello Ms. Farrow…” she smiled. “Here you are” she handed her an envelope and walked away.

Alyssa tore it open and read.


Go up to our room…


She smiled to herself and walked out of the staff room and to the nearest elevator. It opened on the fifth floor and she walked slowly down to her room. Stopping at the door she found another note taped to the door. Removing it she opened it and read.

Open the door and lock it behind you…

She held the notes and opened the door slowly it was dark but she went inside and locked the door closing it gently. She walked over to the main area and gasped. “Oh my…” she found herself looking at candles lit placed on the tables beside the bed, a vase of flowers on each table as well. Looking on the bed she found another envelope. Picking it up she opened it and read.

Turn around…

Looking up she turned around slowly and found JC standing there smiling. “Hi baby…”

“You planned this?” she looked at him.

He nodded and stepped up to her. “Still hate surprises?”

Alyssa shook her head. “JC-” she started to say.

“Wait” he cut her off. “Sit down” he smiled as Alyssa took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Close your eyes…” Alyssa looked at him oddly. “Please?”

Alyssa closed her eyes and sat still waiting. She felt something being placed in her lap, but didn’t move.

“Ok…open” she heard him say as she opened her eyes back up and held in her hands a white rose.

“Baby!…” Alyssa teared up.

“Shh…” he smiled and wiped her tears. “One more thing…” he knelt down in front of her and held her hands in his. “Listen…ok?”

Alyssa looked into his eyes and smiled.

Softly he sang to her…

As long as sunlight lights the sky Light of love will be found in these eyes of mine And I will shine that light for you You're the only one, I'll ever give this heart to What I'm trying to say is, nothing will change this There'll be no time you won't find me there Cause I will always be there You will always have all my love

Alyssa let tears of happiness softly fall as he continued…

When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever When lies become the truth Well you know then baby, That's when I'll stop loving That's when I'll stop loving you

“I love you Alyssa” he lifted her chin to look up into her eyes. Alyssa was speechless she hugged him tightly standing him up. “Baby don’t cry…” he wiped her tears.

“JC I don’t know what to say…”

“Say you believe and know I mean every word I say…”

“I do baby” she leaned up and kissed him passionately on the lips, responding as he ran his tongue gently along the outline of her lower lip.

“You sure you’re ready for this?” He stopped and looked into her eyes.

Alyssa smiled shyly. “Yes” and pulled him over to the bed.

JC set Alyssa on the bed gently before affixing his lips passionately to hers. Their tongues intertwined as he laid along side of her. Slowly he positioned himself over her small body pressing the rigid length of his growing arousal into her hip while his hand traveled to the bottom of her shirt, tugging it free from the waistband of her jeans. He pulled her tank top off to expose a smooth, flat belly and lace clad breasts. He smiled and crushed his lips on hers again slowly running his hands behind her back unhooking her bra throwing it at the foot of the bed.

"JC..." she said uncomfortably as she crossed her arms over her bare chest.

"Don't be shy..." he whispered. "You're so beautiful...” JC gently pulled her arms from her body and wrapped them around his neck. "I love you so much...please let me show you..." He slid his hands to her shoulder blades as his lips trailed soft kisses down her neck and to her breasts.

Alyssa relaxed under him as she ran her hands through his hair. JC made his way down to her belly kissing the skin softly. Deftly he unbuttoned her jeans before sliding them down her legs. A pair of delicate lace panties clung to her hips, accentuating the smooth curves. "You're so beautiful..." he whispered against her skin. He quickly slid her panties off, admiring her naked body before straightening to kiss her lips again.

Alyssa fumbled with his shirt begging him to take it off. Breaking their kiss for a moment he helped her and pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the other articles of clothing at the foot of the bed. She pressed herself against the smooth warmth of his chest, engulfed in the sensations of his skin against hers. She fumbled with his pants, unbuttoning them quickly as he shook them off in one movement dropping them to the floor.

Besides the deep blush on her face, he could see anticipation shining in her eyes. “You ok?” he asked again.

“Yes…” she looked at him shyly.

"Lay back and let me do all the work, I’ll be gentle…" Grinning, JC spread her legs and inched his fingers up her thighs. Alyssa complied and leaned back. JC leaned forward and began to kiss her belly, shooting his tongue in and out of her belly button. Meanwhile his hands inched farther up her thighs until they rested near her mound. Continuing to kiss her stomach, JC slid one finger inside her, smiling at the wetness he encountered. Sliding it slowly in and out he soon replaced that one finger with two. Carefully stretching her and preparing her for him. At first Alyssa tensed up at the sensation but soon her moans of pleasure became louder and she became totally relaxed.

“Now baby…” she whispered grabbed his shoulders feeling her climax coming.

Gently kissing her he then helped her with his boxers, slipping them down his legs to the discarded pile of their clothing on the floor. He carefully placed himself between her legs and let the tip of his manhood tease her.

“JC…” she moaned begging him to enter.

Hearing her, he slowly began to insert himself inside of her, sending her head spinning in a cyclone of heated passion. Stopping every few seconds to let her get adjusted to him, a gasp of pleasure escaped her lips as he began to move inside her.

Once he was fully inside her he began suckling on her breasts as he began a slow and steady rhythm. Soon enough Alyssa became more comfortable and began to match him thrust for thrust.

Her back arched as he filled her, pressing her breasts against his chest in a quick movement. His one hand braced her small body between her shoulder blades while the other braced his weight so he wouldn't crush her. He began to move within her, withdrawing and then burying himself deeper inside of her, the moist walls of her femininity surrounding his male protrusion. "JC…" she cried as he drove to the edge of insanity. Approaching her climax, she gripped his shoulders as he pressed her hips into the softness of the mattress. She sighed as she came, her body relaxing under his. He gripped her hips as he drove into her one last time before letting out a moan of satisfaction. Kissing her he slowly broke their bodies apart.

“Alyssa I’m in love with you…” he said between breaths looking lovingly into her eyes.

“I’m in love with you too JC…” she pressed her lips on his one last time as he moved off of her laying their bodies next to each other.

She curled against him, soon falling asleep with her head on his shoulder.

Chapter 28