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Chapter 29

It was a week later. JC and Alyssa were still together. Brian was having a hard time with it, but he tried his best to be friends with Alyssa. It was working pretty well. Though both felt a bit awkward talking to each other normally. The other couples were just fine [AN: don’t tell me your surprised]

~~~Rose Garden, Portland OR~~~

The crowd was getting more impatient by the second, they wanted to get the show started, NOW. Backstage the girls were waiting nervously. Today they were going to sing a new song and of course this day some problems with the cameras were discovered at the exact same moment they were about to enter the stage. Ross had called them back just in time. And now they stood there getting more and more psyched.

“Oh.. damnit..” Summer muttered “Are they done already?!?” she called over to Ross

“Almost, almost” he said while talking on his cell with someone else

“What’s taking so long?!” Howie came running to the stage half dressed in his performing clothes, half dressed in his normal clothes.

“There’s something wrong with the cameras, they’re taking care of it now” Becky quickly explained

Michelle looked at her watch “Yea, they’re taking 15-damn-minutes to fix it!”

“Chill Mimi, I bet it’s all safety regulations” Alyssa said

“Alyssa is right, it seems like some of the cameras weren’t put up properly, so there was a big chance they would’ve fallen down during the show” Angela informed them

“Alright, they fixed the problem, Phantasia get ready for performance!” one of the crew members called

Howie pressed a quick kiss on Becky’s lips “Good luck”

“Thanks baby” she smiled and followed her group members up to the stage

Finally the lights dimmed to non-existent again, excited shrieks came from the crowd. Steam and smoke filled the audience, especially the center. Bright lights flashed through the audience, a sinister melody was played and the girls acted out their little dialogue. It started with a creepy laugh coming from Michelle “We are free!” she said

“At last!” Summer answered in an English accent

“After all those decades of captivity” Alyssa said in an insulted and indignant voice

“But now we are free!!” Morgan’s powerful voice echoed through the venue

“And we will never be captivated again!” Becky said convinced in a witches voice

The lights froze at the center of the venue and Phantasia stood there in black and gray leather outfits. With thick dark colored makeup. The music to a new song started with thunderbolts and sounds of heavy rain. Dancers crept around at their feet like wolves. The last thunderbolt was the loudest and they started dancing as it died away. The up beat music pumped through the arena. It was a new song they recorded 2 weeks ago, called: Free

After all those years of being cap-ti-vated, All the time you kept me prison Under your spell

Becky sang the beginning

I am now free at last I left you and I found an entire different world on the other side of the bars

Morgan sang

Free, free at last You couldn’t keep me forever, baby I only belong to me Free, free for good And there’s no one who will steal my freedom away FREE

They sang the chorus


The guys followed every move the girls made backstage, in the meanwhile their stylists tried to get them dressed in their stage outfits.

“AJ, c’mon, a little help would be nice” Keysha said, who was trying to get him into his pants and shoes

“Hm?” AJ mumbled, watching Michelle entranced

Keysha grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her “I need your cooperation if you want to get dressed” she said irritated

“Sorry” he apologized sheepishly and zipped his pants and stepped into his shoes

“It’s a cool song” Brian remarked

“Yea.. and the performance is great” Kevin said

“Morgan looks good” Nick smiled dreamily “Doesn’t she?.. Yea, she looks good..” he answered himself

The others exchanged looks and rolled their eyes

“Sure Nick, she looks hot as always” AJ said with a naughty grin

“Hey! She’s mine! Stay off!”

“Whoa, no need to get all defensive dude”

Nick’s face was glued to the screen again and he grinned an enamored grin “My angel” he softly said to himself


The song came to an end and now it was introducing-time as they called it themselves

“Hi Portland, What up?!” Michelle asked

“Maybe you’ve heard of us, we’re Phantasia” Alyssa joked

“Yea, and the song we just did is a new one, called Free

“I hope y’all are enjoying yourselves!”

“Right now we’re going to do a slow song called Dreams do come true. Sit back and enjoy!”

The music to Dreams do come true started and they all got into position. As the song played and each girl sang her part, they all looked into the audience and thought of various things.

Alyssa tried reading some of the signs. A lot of Nick/Howie/AJ/Kevin/Brian I-love-yous were everywhere. Howie, I want it YOUR way one banner said. Alyssa laughed to herself as she read all the obscene phrases Nick, let me be the victim of your sexuality one said in thick red letters. Too late, Morgan already is she smiled. Take a walk on the wildside with me. Another one said Hey! That’s our line! She thought.

Becky smiled and thought of how lucky she was. Never before in her life had she been so happy. Everything’s going my way, finally. She thought back of the day they got their record deal, the day they started recording, the day they met the boys. And of all the fun they had, being on the road. Howie, I love you a banner of a girl close to the stage said. Yea, I love you, Howie Bee she smiled at the girl and waved at her. The little girl’s whole face lit up “Me?” she mouthed to Becky. Becky nodded and winked sweetly. The girl turned to her friends and told them that Becky Moore had just waved at her. Becky’s eyes scanned the audience more, she turned her head, but quickly looked back again. Her eyes sharpened their look and she tried to make sure whether the person she thought she saw, was really there. She looked and looked, in horror. Oh my God, it’s really him it flashed through her mind That can’t be, what is he doing here? It can’t be.. I’m mistaking, it’s someone else.. he can’t be here. Its not him, it’s too dark, its optical illusion. She kept on telling herself.


The camera zoomed in on Becky, she winked at someone in the audience

“Oooh, Howard! She winked at someone!” Nick teased

“Damn, she’s spending too much time with you D” AJ joked “Before you know it, she’ll wink every other second”

“Shut up ass” Howie grinned and looked at his girlfriend again. Suddenly her face turned a few shades paler and she seemed to be looking at something intensely. Her singing turned into humming and she stood there like a statue, unable to move.

“What’s up with Miss Becka?” AJ asked, surprised to find Becky’s face without a smile

“I don’t know..” Howie said back


Becky messed up the rest of her performance, the dance routines she did wrong, the singing she hummed, the smiling she did weakly. Instead her mind took her back to places she never wanted to see again..


Little Becky hid herself in her closet and prayed for God to make her invisible. Just seconds ago she had heard the door shut close loudly. And instantly she had known he was back. She had run to the nearest and safest place she knew, her big closet, and hid herself under a pile of clothes. One floor lower she heard him cursing and walking to the liquor cabinet. Violently something was smashed against the wall, it sounded like an empty bottle.

“Rebecka?” she heard Felicity’s voice whisper

“I’m here” she answered trembling

Felicity dug into the pile of clothes to reveal her little sister. “It’s ok, it’s going to be ok” she said and hugged Becky

“Where’s aunt Fay?” Becky whispered

“She went out to get groceries.. we’ll be safe here” Felicity said as she hid them both under the pile of clothes again

Downstairs they could hear him put the TV on loudly and they knew he was probably drinking whisky again. About 15 minutes later they heard some noise in the bedroom. They held their breaths.

“Felicity? Becky?” a soft female voice whispered

“Aunt Fay?” Felicity sat up straight

“Aunt Fay, he’s downstairs!” Becky exclaimed

“Shh, I know sweetie, I know, I came in through the window”

“What are we going to do?” Felicity asked

“We’re going to sneak out, come on, follow me and be very quiet” Fay said

They tiptoed through the bedroom and Fay urged the two to climb out the window first. Just when Felicity reached the ground at the side of the house, Becky nearly fell and screamed. Fay stiffened as she heard him downstairs, running up to check out what happened. “Felicity! Run to Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and tell them to call 911!” she ordered her oldest niece “Becky sweetie, are you ok?”

Becky nodded

“Good, now climb down and run after Felicity! Run!” just when she said her last word, the door flew open and he stood in the doorway with a bottle of whisky in his hand and violent anger in his eyes.

“Fay!! Where are my children?!!” he shouted

“George, I-” she was silenced when he hit her straight across the face

“You dirty little slut! You took my children away from me!” again he hit her. he lifted the bottle up and banged it against the wall, making it break and the whisky seep down. He still held one half of it in his hands and threatened Fay with it.

“George, no! Please!” Fay begged him “Oh God, no!” she cried one last time. Then she felt his fist hit her in the stomach. She gasped for breath and started screaming

“Shut up!!” George shouted “I said SHUT UP!” and he hit her unconscious


“FELICITY!!” Becky yelled as she ran after her sister. Felicity stopped and waited for Becky. Then they both ran the last few seconds to the Cooper house.

“Mr. Cooper!!” They both yelled and knocked on the door

Mrs. Cooper came running to the door “Felicity! Becky! What on earth is wrong?!”

“Mrs. Cooper. He came home!! And aunt Fay, she’s still there!” Becky rambled

“Mrs. Cooper, you have to call 911!!” Felicity said, on the verge of tears

Now Mr. Cooper came to the door too. His wife ran to the phone and called 911.

“Mr. Cooper, he’s in there! And aunt Fay too! He’ll hurt her!” Becky tugged his pants desperately

“Simone! You take care of the girls, I’ll go check if Fay is alright!” he called and ran off, grabbing a baseball bat on his way out.

Simone Cooper tried calming down Felicity and Becky after she made sure the police were on their way.

“Becky? What are you doing here?” Summer came down in her pajamas

“Summer, go back to bed, you’re sick” her mother ordered her.


George kept on beating the already unconscious body of Fay. He was so drunk he didn’t even notice Fred Cooper coming in. Fred hit him in the back with his bat. George screamed of pain and turned to see who and what had caused it. Fred had the bat lifted up, ready to strike again “Get away from Fay” he said in a dangerous voice

George got up and ready to fight “What? You need your bat to defeat me?! I always knew you were nothing more than an accountant without guts”

Just when Fred was about to hit him in the face, the police stormed in and cornered and handcuffed George

“Well, well. If it isn’t our good friend George Moore again!” one of the policemen said “That wasn’t a very intelligent thing to do George, now you’re going right back to your cell”

George grumbled and let the policemen take him away.

“Oh my God, Fay!” Fred ran over to her.

“Don’t move her sir, she might have brain damage”

Minutes later Fay was taken to the hospital.


Becky and Felicity watched as the ambulance speeded off with sirens and flashlights.

“It’s all my fault” Becky sobbed “If I hadn’t screamed, daddy wouldn’t have heard and aunt Fay would be ok”

~End of flashback~

Morgan noticed Becky’s pale face and wondered what was wrong. As they finished up Walk On The Wildside it was time for the last song.

“Well, seems like we’ve come to the end almost” Summer said

“Yea, but not before we do this last song, which you all must know already!”

“This is History (that’s what you are) currently number 1 on TRL, AND number 1 in the billboard hot 100!”

The music to History started “Thank you for coming today!” Alyssa said, right before they started singing.

Becky’s eyes were still concentrated on that one person in the audience. Maybe it’s just someone who looks like him... I haven’t seen him in 7 years, he is older now..

By now all the girls had noticed something was wrong with Becky. To top it off she forgot to sing her lines. Michelle quickly took over, acting like nothing was wrong. They ended the song and as soon as the elevator had took them down to the backstage area, the girls all started interrogating Becky

“Becky, what the fuck is wrong?!!” Michelle yelled

“Mimi!” Alyssa hushed her

“You messed up your dancing, you hummed instead of sing AND you forgot your lines in History!” Michelle went on

“Sorry” Becky mumbled

“Sorry?! Is that ALL you have to say? I want an explanation!”

“Gezze Michelle, can’t you see something’s wrong!? Stop shouting at her!” Alyssa said and put an arm around Becky “Sweetie, what happened out there?”

“I.. I..” she stammered.

“GIRLS!” the guys came walking towards her

“Becky! What’s wrong?!” Howie said worriedly and took her in his arms

Her eyes filled with tears, she shook her head ‘no’ and ran off.

“Whoa! What was that?!” AJ said startled

“Whathappened? Somethinghappened” Howie said in one breath “Tellmewhathappened!”

“We don’t know!” Morgan said worriedly

“I’m going after her” Summer called and ran off too

“There must have been someone or something in the audience that upset her..” Alyssa thought out loud

They remained quiet for a while

“Girls, think about it.. what’s the one thing that upsets Becky?..” Morgan said, looking at Michelle and Alyssa intensely

Both Michelle’s and Alyssa’s eyes grew big of shock

“Oh God no! That can’t be!” Michelle shrieked

“Did you see-”

“No I didn’t” Morgan cut Alyssa off, knowing what she meant “But it is the ONLY thing that makes her act like this”

“Michelle you go look if you see.. you know who” Morgan said

“Ok, WHAT are you talking about!?” AJ said

“What makes her get upset? I think I have a right to know, considering-”

“Howie, it’s not up to us to tell you” Morgan said before he could finish

Michelle yanked Nick’s baseball cap off his head and put it on as a disguise “Be right back” she called as she ran back to the audience. She sneaked in through the crew-entrance and scanned the crowd. Come on, come on! Where are you, you abusive alcoholic bastard! She tapped Damian on his back and told him to hide her as she walked in front of the stage and look for a grown up man.

“Is that the man you’re looking for Michelle?” Damian asked her as he nodded his head towards some guy

Michelle squinted her eyes “No, he’s older”

They walked on. Suddenly she saw him. And he saw her. “I see him Damian” Michelle said “Do you see that man, over there?” she pointed at George. Damian nodded yes. “Make sure he won’t come near to us, he’s dangerous” Michelle shot George an angry look and ran back to the backstage area

“MICHELLE!!” some girls yelled as they spotted the Phantasia girl

“Sorry!” Michelle called and pulled an apologetic smile. Making her way back to her friends

“He’s in there, I told Damian to keep him away from us” Michelle called to Morgan and Alyssa

“DAMN!” Alyssa cursed


Becky kept on running through the venue. She had no clue where she was or where she was going, for that matter, but she just wanted to run as far away as she could. She heard Summer running after her and calling her name. Which made her run faster, she didn’t want to talk to anyone, not even her friends. Having been a fast track runner in High School, Becky easily got rid of Summer, who was less athletic. She opened the doors to outside and ran off to the bus. Suddenly she remembered that Roy was inside the arena, which meant the bus doors were locked. “Damn” she said to herself. She sat down on the ground and sighed. Goosebumps made her realize it was cold outside, and she was only dressed in a dark gray shiny leather top and leather pants. She got up and looked around for shelter. Nothing.. just the vans and buses parked everywhere. And behind the gates, all the cars from the fans. Hopeless, she turned and walked back in the arena. She opened the door to the main room, where she knew no one was, and sat down in a far off end of the room. She sighed once again and started crying.


Summer came back, half running, half walking “Man, that girl is fast” she muttered

“Well duh, fast track runner in High School, remember?!” Michelle snapped

“Summ, we know what’s wrong with her” Morgan said with meaningful eyes

“What?” Summer asked curious

“HE is out in the crowd” Michelle said

Summer looked at them puzzled “WHO is out in the crowd?”

“Her biggest problem” Alyssa said

Summer’s eyes grew big “OHMYGOD” she said, gasping for breath “Isn’t he supposed to still be in jail?!”

“JAIL?!!” the guys shouted

“Ok, that’s it! who are you talking about!” Howie said desperately

“We swore Becka we would never tell anyone” Morgan said back to him

Howie was about to say something when “BACKSTREET BOYS, GET READY FOR PERFORMANCE! IN 10, 9, 8” A crew member started counting back

“Ah no!” Howie looked at the guy “We have to go..”

“4, 3, 2, 1, NOW!!!” the elevator-thing brought them to the stage.

The girls watched them go

“WHAT is he doing here?!” Summer nearly yelled

“I bet he wants something from Becky” Alyssa said

“We need to find her” Morgan said as she started walking.

“Well she could be anywhere!” Summer called

“That’s right, that’s why we’re going to look for her NOW!” Morgan said back. She opened the door to the boys’ dressing room “Becka?” she stepped in and looked around “She ain’t in here”

The girls went on looking everywhere for Becky.


Howie got on his spaceboard-thing reluctantly. He didn’t want to perform, he didn’t want to smile, or wink. He wanted to know what was wrong with Becky. What were the girls hiding from him? WHO was out in the crowd? Who was supposed to be in jail, according to Summer. All these questions swirled around in his head. He couldn’t wait for tonight’s show to be over with.


Becky let the tears run freely. Horrible images of the past flashed through her mind. Why did he come back? What was he doing here? What did he want? Just like when she was younger, she prayed for God to make him go away.


Becky lay on the couch, watching TV. Felicity had gone out with some friends and aunt Fay was upstairs with little Kaitlyn. She was watching MTV and she fantasized being famous, together with Summer, Michelle, Alyssa and Morgan she wanted to form a group. Kinda like New Kids On The Block, but then the female version.

“Becky?!!” aunt Fay called from upstairs


“Can you run down to the supermarket and buy a pack of diapers for Kaitlyn?”

She sighed and got up “OK!”

“Thanks sweetie, you’re a doll!”

“Blablabla” she muttered. Quickly she put her Nikes on and left the house. She stopped at aunt Fay’s car, but then walked on It’s a beautiful night, and the supermarket isn’t that far Within 10 minutes she reached the supermarket

“Hey Becky” a guy from school said as she walked in

“Hi Dane, I didn’t knew you worked here”

“Well this is my 2nd night, so..”

“Oh, well, see ya around” she smiled and got a pack of Pampers for Kaitlyn. She paid for them and went on her way. What she didn’t notice, was a man following her..

It was dark out already and she hastened her pace. She walked in a small alley that lay between her house and that of her neighbors. She heard footsteps behind her and walked even faster. Suddenly someone jumped in front of her “You know, I bet your momma and aunt Fay wouldn’t approve of you walking to and from the supermarket late at night”

She gasped for breath at the sight of a familiar face. “Daddy” she whispered in shock

“Surprised to see you recognize me”

Becky froze on the spot and didn’t know what to do. She was scared as hell

“Why, there’s no need to be scared of me Becky!” George said

“You.. you hurt us”

“Who’s us? Aunt Fay? Claire? Felicity?.. You?”

“You hurt us all”

“By the way, how’s Felicity?” he smiled

“None of your business” Becky tried to walk past him, but he stopped her

“Aw, Becky, can’t you see I’ve changed? I AM your father, you know”

“No you’re not. A father would never hurt his children like you did” Becky snapped

“That’s in the past” George eyes flickered with anger as he snapped back

“Maybe for you it is, but for us it’s still very much present. The wounds you left, that is. Did you know aunt Fay lost her child? That day you beat her up. Oh and mom has been in and out of the mental institute for years now” Becky got angrier by the second

“You’re mother always was a weak human being, she has only herself to blame”

“Oh really? Is that so? Don’t you think that 8 years of physical, mental and sexual abuse contributed to that?”

“SHUT UP!” George hit her across the cheek with the back of his hand.

“You haven’t changed, not the slightest” Becky said as she touched her cheek, her voice cracked and tears streamed down her face “You are still the abusive alcoholic you always was”

SMACK he hit her again “Take that, you ungrateful little bitch!”

“You find me changed, don’t you? I’m not the same shy little girl you could dominate”

Now he started shaking her violently

Becky screamed as loud as she could

“You’re exactly the same as your mother and aunt! I will get you, one day, I WILL get you and you won’t know where I came from, but one thing’s for sure.. you’ll be dead!” with that he smashed her down and ran off.

Becky sat up straight and trembled. Quickly she ran to her house and locked the door behind her. She dropped on the couch and cried.

“Becky! My God, Becky what’s wrong?” Fay sat down next to her

“He.. he was there... daddy.. he beat me.. he said he would get me and kill me..” she said between sobs

Fay turned pale as a sheet “I’ll call the police” she said softly

~End of flashback~

“Becky!” the girls cried out of relieve as they saw her in the main room

“Oh sweetie!” Morgan ran over to her and hugged her tightly “We know what’s wrong. We know he’s here”

Becky just cried hysterically, of fear, pain and confusion. “I’m so scared”

“Don’t worry sweetie, we’ll make sure he won’t come anywhere near you” Michelle promised “As a matter of fact, I’m getting Damian and Randy here right now! We’re not taking any risks!” she walked off in search for the two bodyguards


Just when Michelle reached the entrance of the audience, the boys came back for wardrobe change.

“Where is she, where is she?!” Howie ran up to her

“Howie, calm down, we’ve found her”


Michelle startled at his outburst “We told you,.. we can’t tell”

“Don’t make me get angry Michelle!” Howie’s eyes shot full of anger

“Whoa, D, chill man!” AJ stepped in between the two of them

“Tell me, Michelle” Howie said, ignoring AJ

“The reason Becky is so upset is.. her father is out there in the crowds” Michelle murmured

“And?” Howie asked on

“Let’s just say that.. that Becky.. resents him.. a lot”

“You’re not making any sense”

“Well that’s all I can tell! Now get out of my way I have other things to do!” Michelle said, suddenly angry. She walked off

“Guys! time to get back onstage!” Ross called


“MICHELLE!!” some girls immediately shouted as they saw her again

Michelle waved and quickly flashed a smile “DAMIAN! RANDY!” she shouted. They walked up to her and Michelle told them to go to the main room to ‘protect’ Becky, she said that the girls would explain further. Then she turned to the girls who had shouted her name


She nodded and took a pen and paper from the girl. She scratched her signature on it. Then the guys entered the stage again and tremendous screaming made her go deaf almost “Bye! Have fun!” she smiled to the girls and went on her way.

~~~1 hour later~~~

Becky still let out a sob every once in a while, but the hysteria had gone away. She felt a whole lot safer with the girls and Damian and Randy around her. Angela was informed also and she told all the security and bodyguards to keep an eye on George.

“I want Howie” Becky murmured

“Oh, he’ll be here any second” Summer said, looking at her watch



“Why didn’t you tell Howie?” Michelle asked carefully

“I.. was ashamed..” tears flew down her cheeks again

“Sweetie, WHY? It’s not your fault ya know”

“Michelle, just let it rest” Alyssa said as Becky was about to break down in crying again.

“BECKY!!” Howie stormed into the room “Baby, are you ok?! I was so worried!” he kneeled down in front of her “Why are you crying!? Don’t cry baby, what’s wrong?” he rambled

“Oh Howie” she sobbed and the hysteria came back again

“I think we’ll leave now” Summer turned around to leave

“No! Don’t leave! Please don’t leave!” Becky yelled

“Becky, please tell me what’s wrong.. why are you so upset?”

“Please don’t be mad at me” Becky sobbed

“I won’t, just tell me”

“Oh God, I kept so much secret from you”

Howie paled. He looked up at the girls desperately

“Becky, sweetie, we’re going to leave you alone with Howie now”

“No, girls, please! Stay here, I’m so scared”

“Ok, ok. We’ll be over there” Summer soothed her and the girls walked to a distant corner of the room, giving Becky and Howie some privacy.

Howie watched them leave and then looked back at his girlfriend. He sat down next to her and rubbed his hand over her back “Baby, I promise I won’t be mad, just tell me what happened” he said softly. He leaned in and kissed her tears away

“I don’t even know where to start” she sighed

“How about the beginning?” he grinned

A faint smile appeared on Becky’s face “Ok” she took a deep breath and started “My mom, Claire, met my dad, George, when she was still in high school. She fell in love immediately and he was so sweet to her then. When in College, my mom got pregnant with Felicity and they decided to get married. In the same time, my dad became depressed. He’s an orphan and lived in many foster homes. In some of those homes, he was abused. He had always tried his best to hide his past, but now it all came back to him and he started drinking to forget. The drinking turned into alcoholism. And he became the same as all those other men who beat him, abusive. It started before I was even born. At first he only went after my mom, later on he beat us too. When I was about 5 years old, he nearly killed my mom and he got a jail sentence for attempted murder. My mom became manic-depressive and was sent to a mental institute. A few years later he came back, he stood in front of the house of my aunt Fay, where me and Felicity lived. We managed to get away, only he, again, nearly killed my aunt.. and he did kill the baby she was carrying. I didn’t see him till I was 16, out of the blue he was there and acted like nothing was wrong, when I held him responsible for all our grief, he became angry and beat me, he threatened me. He said..” Becky’s eyes watered again “He said, and I quote: one day, I WILL get you and you won’t know where I came from, but one thing’s for sure.. you’ll be dead” at the last words she broke down in crying again “I haven’t seen him until today.. he’s out there.. oh God, he’s in the crowd, I saw him. He’ll kill me.. I swear, he will kill me..”

Howie’s face was white at the hearing of such terror. All he could do was hold Becky in his arms. “Shh, it’ll be alright.. I promise you.. he won’t hurt you” he whispered to Becky and kissed her head


In the meanwhile the other guys had joined the girls in the main room. They watched at Becky and Howie

“What IS Becky’s secret?” AJ asked

The girls exchanged looks

“Well as I told you, her dad was out there tonight.. he’s an alcoholic, an abusive one.. he nearly killed her mom.. and her aunt. And he threatened to kill her”

Nick, Kevin, AJ and Brian looked at her in shock

“That’s.. that’s sick..” Brian mumbled

“Well duh! The guy is insane!” Alyssa answered back

Brian looked back at Howie. His friend looked back at him with despair in his eyes.

“I totally didn’t expect that to be Becky’s secret.. I mean, she’s always so sweet and happy.. man, having experienced that,.. how does she cope with it?”

Summer shrugged “She just does... she’s a strong woman”

“Yea.. well it totally makes me respect her more” AJ admitted


Becky slowly came back to sense, she pulled free out of Howie’s embrace and dried her cheeks. “I’m sorry” she said

“Don’t be” Howie answered, still a little shocked

Becky looked at him “I didn’t mean to scare the hell out of you”

“Its ok. I’m glad you told me”

She just nodded and bit her lip “Can we go into the bus? I want to get away from here”


They got up and collected their things and left to the bus.

“Well I guess we should be going then too” Brian said

“Yea, lets go” Morgan laced arms with him and smiled “Hi Bri! How are you?”

“I’m doin’ fine Morgy” he smiled at her

“That’s cool”

“Man.. I feel bad for Becky” he confessed

“Yea, we all do sweetie..”

~~~1 hour later~~~

Becky had gone to bed immediately. Howie stayed with her till she was fast asleep. He walked into the ER still shocked and all pale, he sighed and sat down.

“Don’t be mad at her” Summer started “She had her reasons for keeping it secret”

“I know” Howie said softly

“Ok, just making sure”

“Damn-past follows you fuckin’ everywhere” Michelle muttered

“I hope he stays away..” Alyssa said

“Ross called the police.. I think they’re trying to get a restraining order” Morgan commented

“Yea, they are” Howie said

“You ok Howie?” Morgan sat down next to him

“Yea.. just.. shocked”

Morgan hugged him “I’m glad she told you” she whispered

“So am I.. so am I” Howie sighed once again and rested his head on Morgan’s chest

Chapter 30