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Chapter 30

Chapter 30 ~ Dreams Do Come True

“Girls, take a seat! We have some things to discuss!” Ross said

The 5 Phantasia girls sat down around the table with their managers.

“Shoot” Michelle leaned back in her chair

“Well, Clive had another great idea.. you’re going on a promotional tour of 2 weeks!”

“Whattuh?!” Michelle nearly choked on her drink

Angela chuckled “Yes, Clive thinks that since you girls are starting to hit it big, we should promote you further around the world! This will simply be a promotion for you as a group and not necessarily for the CD considering it isn’t finished yet.”

“We have the schedule here, its 2 weeks of promotional work here in the States, but also in Europe, Asia and Australia”

“You start off in New York. That whole day is Phantasia Day at MTV. You’ll be on TRL and have Phantasia TV. You have a performance of 20 minutes at the Virgin Megastore . Then you’re off to Toronto, Canada for a day. Then London, England where you’ll be on several shows, have interviews and perform there too and do some things for MTV Europe. You’ll be there 3 days. Then you’re going to Berlin, Germany where you will do exactly the same, plus have your own show at MTV Germany. After that you have a day in Paris and 2 days in Milan, where by the way, Donatella Versace will design new outfits for you. Then you’ll spend 2 days in Tokyo and 1 in Singapore. The last destination is Sydney, Australia where you’ll be for 2 days. Then you’ll fly back to LA where you can relax for 3 days before you reunite with the boys on the road”

“Whoa..” Alyssa shifted in her seat “That’s-.. man, we’ll be deadbeat”

“Uh huh” Becky nodded

“But.. what about our work here? As opening act for the guys?” Summer asked

“For the 17 days you’ll be gone, another artist will replace you”

“Like.. WHO?!” Michelle asked

“Lyte Funkie Ones”



“Oh” the girls answered in unison. They all sat quietly thinking to themselves.

“Well girls, I’ll give you all a copy of the schedule” Ross said and handed paper sheets out

They took it but hardly looked at it

“17 days..” Becky sighed

“Without the boys..” Morgan said

“That’s long..” Summer stated

~~~A few minutes later~~~

“WHAT?!!!” Nick yelled and looked at his girl in disbelief

Morgan nodded her head yes “We’ll be doing promo work.. I won’t see you for 17 days”

“But.. but I can’t be without you” he pouted and pulled her close for a hug

“I know baby, neither can I” Morgan sighed

“You two better get used to it, because when this tour is over.. it will be happening all the time.. and you might not even see each other for months” Kevin said

Morgan and Nick looked at each other desperately “I love you angel” Nick kissed her

“I love you Nickolas” Morgan smiled and kissed him back “17 DAYS!!” she half screamed when they broke apart.

~~~A week later, after a show~~~

“Hey Michelle, is Becky ready?” Howie stood in front of Summer’s room at the hotel.

“Nope, I don’t think so, but you can come in D” Michelle opened the door farther and let him in

“Hey Howie” Alyssa smiled at him

“Hi” he smiled back

“So where are you two going?” Summer asked

“To this very romantic restaurant.. its our 2 month anniversary.. and because we won’t be seeing each other for 17 days”

“Aw! That’s so sweet of you Howie!” Morgan gushed

Howie blushed and grinned sheepishly

“I’ll go check if she’s ready” Michelle got up and walked to the bathroom. “Beck?!”


“Your cute boyfriend’s here!”

“Tell him I’ll be ready in a sec k?”

“Sure thing girl” Michelle closed the door. “She’s almost ready” Michelle said to Howie.

He nodded. “So what are your plans for tonight ladies?” he asked, trying to make conversation.

“I’ll probably hang out with Nickers all night” Morgan shrugged

“I’m gonna call JC..” Alyssa smiled

“Well that’ll take all night too” Michelle rolled her eyes

Alyssa stuck out her tongue at Michelle

“Ahem” Becky coughed.

Howie turned around and looked at her. He sighed enamored “You look beautiful baby” he took her hands and planted 2 kisses on them. Then he kissed her cheek “Happy 2 month anniversary”

“You too Howie-bee!” Becky giggled

“Lets go, Roy is driving us to the restaurant”

“Bye girls, see ya” Becky smiled and followed Howie

“Latah Beck” Michelle grinned

“Bye” the others smiled

The door closed and the 4 others exchanged looks “SO cute!!” they said simultaneously

“Well, I’m gonna call JC, latah!” Alyssa walked out also

“Hey Morgy, Maddy, wanna go hang with the boys?” Michelle asked

“Sure girl” Morgan smiled and got up

“I’m coming in a few minutes ok?” Summer said “You two go ahead”

“K” the two cousins walked out and to the Nick’s room, where they all were hanging out. Michelle walked straight to AJ and kissed him passionately “Hey”

AJ grinned “Hey babe”

“Hi sweetie” Morgan walked up to Nick and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his forehead

“Hello precious” Nick wrapped his arm around her waist

“Hi Bri, Kev, AJ” Morgan greeted the others.

“Hi Morgy.. Where’s Lyss and Summer?”

“Lyssie’s calling wonderboy. Summer’s still in our dressing room, she said she would be here any minute”

“Yea and Howie and Becky are out celebrating their 2 month anniversary...” Michelle looked at AJ “Hey, isn’t it our 2 month anniversary too? And Morgan and Nick’s? And Summer and Kevin’s?!? We all got together at the same time, right?”

“I guess..” AJ shrugged

“Yea.. sorta.. but we were quicker I guess.. cuz we had a thing going on before any of you” Morgan said smiling looking up to Nick. “Luv Ya!”

“Love you too angel…” he sighed and pulled her closer. “So when are you girls leaving again?!”

“Next week” Summer answered entering the room.

“That’s quick…” AJ pouted. “I could barely stand a week with out Lyssie…and now all you girls are leaving for 17 days!”

They all sat in silence thinking of what AJ had just said.



Alyssa walked into her room just as her phone rang. She searched her bag and found it.


“Guess who…”

Alyssa smiled. “Baby?!”


“I was just gonna call you” she smiled and sat down

“I miss you so much baby…” JC answered.

“Me too”

“When are you leaving again?”

“Next week…”

“Ok…so how are you?”

“Lonely…” she sighed. “I wish you were here…”

“Me too Lyss…” JC answered.

“So, how’s recording going?” Alyssa changed the subject to prevent herself from getting emotional.


“That’s good…”

“Baby…” JC started.


“I love you”

Alyssa teared up.

“Don’t cry baby…you’re making me sad.”

“Sorry…” she sniffled. “It’s just…hard…without you…”

JC’s heart broke hearing her. “I know baby…I’m sorry…”

“I love you JC” Alyssa sighed.

“I love you Lyss…”

“JC come on…” a voice in the background called.

“You better go baby…” Alyssa answered. “I don’t want you in trouble…”

“I don’t wanna go”

Alyssa smiled. “Love you baby…I’ll talk to you later”

“Ok…bye Lyss”

“Bye” Alyssa hung up the phone and sighed to herself.


“Hey girl!” Morgan smiled as Alyssa walked into the room.

“Hey” she pulled off a smile.

“You call JC?”

Alyssa nodded and sat down.

“That was quick…” Michelle said.

“He had to go” Alyssa answered. “So what were you guys talking about?” she asked changing the subject.

“Just about how much were gonna miss you girls” Kevin answered.

“Well you still got a week right?” Alyssa smiled. “Why don’t ya’ll spend time together…while you have the chance…” she answered thinking of JC and how much she wanted him there too.

“Yea a short week…” AJ mumbled.

“Well…” Michelle smiled. “What do you say we go get a head start…” she looked into AJ’s eyes. “Lyssie has some good advice.”


Michelle leaned in and kissed him. “Let’s go…”

AJ stood up and grabbed Michelle’s hand. “See you guys later”

“Bye” the other’s called after.

“You know maybe we should follow their example.” Morgan smiled. “I mean we only got a week. Becky and Howie are out, and now Michelle and AJ are spending time together…”

“I love you angel” Nick smiled. “Wanna go?”

“I thought you’d never ask” She answered and stood up. “Bye guys” she called as they walked out of the room.

Summer looked at Kevin, as Kevin looked at Summer. They nodded and got up thinking the same thing. “Bye” they waved to Alyssa and Brian.

“Bye” Alyssa waved. “Well…looks like were the leftovers…” she turned and smiled at Brian.

“Guess so”

“So…” she stood up and sat down next to him. “Got any plans tonight?”

Brian looked at her intensely, every time he did all the feelings he held inside of him for her came out. “No not really…”

“Wanna hang out?”

“With me?” Brian asked surprised.

“Who else silly”

Brian smiled.

“Listen…we can still be friends right?…I thought we agreed on that”

“Yea…I know…”

“Unless you don’t want that…”

“NO!” Brian startled. “I do more than anything”

“Good, then I suggest we start acting like friends ok?” she smiled.


“Brian just because were not together, doesn’t mean we can’t still have eachother…”

“Thanks Lyss” Brian smiled.

Alyssa grinned. “Come here!” she pulled him in for a hug. Brian embraced her tightly.

“So what do you wanna do?!” she asked.

“Um…wanna play ball?”

“Sure!” they walked out of the room and to the hotel basketball court.


Summer and Kevin stood out on the balcony of their room.

“It’s so beautiful out tonight” Summer sighed as she stood in Kevin’s arms.

“Not as beautiful as you Maddy”

Summer smiled and kissed him gently on the lips. When they broke apart they heard laughter coming from the bottom of the hotel.

“No Brian!” Alyssa screamed. “You cheater!”

“No way Lyssie!” Brian answered.

“I’m glad they’re talking again…” Summer smiled.

“Me too” Kevin answered as they watched Alyssa and Brian play basketball down in the court below. “You know though…”

“What’s that?”

“He’s not over her…”

“Are you sure?” Summer asked.

“Yea…as much as he denies it…it shows…”

“He knows Lyss loves JC right?”

“Oh he knows alright…he just won’t believe or accept it” Kevin answered.

“It’s not good for him to keep acting this way…” Summer sighed. “I’ve never seen Alyssa so happy…even when she was with Brian…JC changed her, he makes her happy…”

“I know what you mean…Brian’s just hurting himself…I know Lyss doesn’t realize how much he still loves her…”

“Don’t blame it on her…it’s not her fault she fell in love with JC…she waited long enough for Brian” Summer answered.

“I know that, I’m not blaming anything on her…I’m just saying Brian doesn’t realize it…” Kevin sighed as they stood together.




“What you wanna do?”


They sat silently in their room thinking of what they could do.

“Why is this so hard?” Morgan sighed. “I want to do so much, then I can’t think of a single thing…”

“It’s ok angel, we have all week to do something” Nick smiled as he lay in bed.

“Are you tired?” Morgan asked running her fingers through his hair.


Morgan giggled. “Me too…” she climbed in next to him and huddled closer. “I love you…I don’t wanna leave you…”

Nick wrapped his arms around her. “It will be ok…” he kissed her forehead. “Were pretty lucky though..”

“What do you mean?” Morgan asked.

“Lyssie never gets to see JC…and we get to see each other everyday…”

“Yea you’re right” Morgan smiled. “You’re so thoughtful…”

“Thanks” Nick grinned. “I’m so lucky to have you…I love you Morgan”

“Love you too Nick…” she whispered as they fell asleep together.


“HAHA I WIN!!!” Alyssa jumped up and down the court. “I kicked your ass again!” Brian plopped down on the ground. Alyssa walked over and sat next to him. “Your not angry are you?!”

“Man, you beat me again!” Brian joked. “I suck!”

“Aw…well yea you do”


“I was kidding!” Alyssa laughed.

“Yea right” Brian looked at her.

“Really!” Alyssa stood up.

“I don’t think so…” Brian stood up too. “I think you’re lying…”

Alyssa laughed. “Well you can’t get me”

“Wanna bet?”

Alyssa smiled. “K” and ran off.

“I’m gonna get you!” Brian chased after her as they made their way to the pool.

“Ah Brian no!” she laughed as she came to the edge of the pool.

“Looks like you got no where to go…” he smiled.

“You wouldn’t push me in…” she said glancing behind her.

Brian came closer . “What makes you think that?”

“Last time you threw me in” Alyssa smiled.

“Well…yea” Brian stepped closer.

Alyssa stopped at the edge of the floor. “See…well guess what?!”

“What?” Brian looked confused.

“Its my turn” she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in as she stepped to the side.

Brian came up sputtering water. He looked back up on the deck as Alyssa stood there cracking up. “You think this is funny?”

“Oh yea…is it cold in there?” She laughed.

“Wanna see?” Brian swam near her.

“Oh no you don’t.” she smiled. “I can get in myself…”

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t wanna get my clothes wet like you…” she giggled taking her tank top off.

Brian looked wide eyed at her as she stood in her bra and pants.

“What?” she looked at him. “Can’t handle?”

“No I’m fine” Brian pulled off a smile.

“Ok” she slipped her pants of and threw them on a pool chair with her shirt.

Brian looked at her. His insides twisted as he stared at her body. Oh my god…he thought in the back of his mind. Ok Brian…control… he told himself as Alyssa stood in front of him.

“Ok I’m coming in!” she smiled and jumped into the pool. “Shit!!!!” she came up shivering. “It’s so cold!”

Brian laughed. “It’s not that bad.”

“Are you crazy?!” Alyssa wrapped her arms around herself. “Man…I’m going to the spa…” she swam away and got into the small spa next to the pool.

“Mind if I join you?” Brian peaked over the ledge.

Alyssa smiled. “Why would I?”

Brian got in and sat across from her. “So what’s up?”

“Nothing…” she smiled.

“I bet you’re really excited about you girl’s album.”

“Oh are you kidding?!” she smiled. “I still can’t believe it’s actually happening! We’ve wanted this for so long and all our dreams are finally coming true, it’s crazy…”

Brian smiled at her, thinking back to when the Backstreet Boys released their first album.

“Did you feel this way when you guys were where we are now?”

“Yea its all exciting, but a lot of work…but I know you girls will make it”

“Thanks for your confidence…”

“You girls don’t need it, you’re all talented, hard working, dedicated…”


“Sure” Brian smiled looking at her. They sat in an awkward silence as Brian built up his courage to ask the next question. “Lyss are you happy?”

Alyssa looked at him. “Yea…why?”

“Cause I’m not…”

Alyssa looked down. “Oh…why?”

“Lots of things…what I’ve done, where I am…” he glanced over to her. “You…”

“So in other words you’re blaming it on me”

“No that’s not what I meant…I meant it’s my fault because of what happened between us.”

“Brian please don’t feel that way…it’s both our faults…” she moved over next to him. “I thought we were going to start over…”

“I want to Lyss…but”

“But what?”

“I can’t let go!”

Alyssa sighed, she didn’t know what to say. “Brian I don’t know what to tell you…”

Brian looked away from her. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to bring it up again.”

Alyssa put her hands on his face to turn it back to her. “It’s ok” she smiled. “I want you to know something…”

Brian looked at her and nodded.

“I love you Brian, I love you so much…but I also love JC, he’s the one Brian” she looked at him as his eyes gazed downward. “Please believe me…I want you in my life too.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“You really love him don’t you”

Alyssa nodded. “Yea I do”

“I’m happy for you Lyss…I hope you know that”

Alyssa smiled. “Thanks Brian” she hugged him.

“So friends?” Brian smiled.

“Forever” Alyssa answered.

“Well let’s go huh?” Brian asked. “It’s getting late”

“Your right” she smiled as Brian hopped out and grabbed two towels off the pool chairs. He walked back over and gave one to Alyssa as she stepped out of the spa.


“Yep” Alyssa smiled as they walked back into the hotel.


~~~3 days later~~~

It was 4 days till the girls had to leave for their promo tour. Every couple was spending as much time together as possible. This left Alyssa with out JC and Brian alone, so they spent time together which helped them get their friendship together. Now there wasn’t much tension when they were around each other and everyone was thankful for that.

“Ok guys listen up” Angela silenced them all as they sat in the hotel lobby.

“Ok Ange were ready” Becky smiled.

“Well as you already know you girls have 4 days left” she smiled. “So here’s what we wanted to tell you all…No shows, no work no nothing for the next 4 days!”

Everyone looked at each other with huge grins on their faces. “REALLY?”

“Yes really” Angela smiled.

“YAY!!” they all jumped up and down hugging each other.

“Ok, ok…so off to the airport!”

“Where are we going?”

“L.A” Angela stated.

“Hey lets go home!” Summer suggested. “I wanna sleep in my room instead of a hotel…”

“Yea that’s a good idea!” Michelle agreed. “Can we??”

Angela looked at them. “Boys?”

“Fine with me!” Howie smiled.


“Sure!” Brian agreed.

“Nickers?” Morgan looked up to him.

“Course angel…anything you girls want!” he laughed.

“Ok so you guys can go home and Ross and I will be by Sunday morning to take you girls to the airport”

“Finally home again!”


~~~30 Min. Later~~~

Everyone was busy packing their things as they were on their way to the airport. Alyssa sat in the E.R. alone after being finished packing. She picked up her phone and decided to call Yasmine.



“Lyssie!!! How are ya!?”

“Ok…bout you?!”

“Never been better!”

“Man I haven’t seen ya in weeks!”

“Sorry Lyss” Yasmine giggled.

“So you like staying with Justin?”

“Yea, I miss ya though”

“Me too girl!”


AJ walked over to the E.R., he heard someone inside so he walked in slowly. He saw Alyssa sitting on the couch talking on the phone, with her back to the door, not noticing he even came in. He walked over to the other chair and took a seat not interrupting her.


“Oh guess what!” Alyssa continued.


“Were gonna be in LA for 4 days, before we leave for our promotional tour”


“Yea were gonna go chill out at home instead of a crappy hotel”

“OH!” Yasmine shrieked. “Lyss!! Were gonna be in LA!!!”

“Really?! When!?”

“Were coming in tomorrow!”


“Yep the guys are meeting with some producers or something!”

“Girl you gotta stop by!”

“And I’ll bring JC with me” Yasmine smiled.

Alyssa sat quietly on the other line. She tried to keep her mind off of JC, because if she thought about him she would just make herself depressed.

“Lyssie…what’s wrong?”



“Ok…god Yaz…I never thought being away from him would hurt so much!”

“I see now…” Yasmine sighed. “Yea girl …I can’t stand being away from Justin…I don’t know how you do it”

“I love him Yazzie, that’s how I get by…”

“Well seems like you won’t have to wait so long right?”


“Well call me when you get there ok?!” Yasmine smiled.

“I will…latah girl, say hi to the guys!”

“Ok Lyss…bye”

“Bye” Alyssa hung up her phone and stared out the window. JC invaded her head again, even though she didn’t mind, it just hurt her to think that every one was able to be together all the time, except for them. She turned around and startled as she looked at AJ. “Shit! God you scared me…”

“Sorry Lyss…didn’t want to interrupt you…” AJ smiled.

“It’s ok…”

“Was that Yasmine?”


“You ok Lyssie?” he walked over and sat next to her.

“Yea fine”

AJ looked at her. “I don’t believe you…you miss him huh?”

“Yea…” she whispered.

“So is he coming down to see you while were in LA?”

“I don’t know…he might have work”


“Sorry…I just don’t wanna talk about it, ya know?” Alyssa stood up as she changed the subject

“Yea it’s cool Lyss.” AJ answered.

“I’m gonna get a drink…you want?”

“No I’m fine”

Alyssa smiled. “Be right back…” she turned and walked out of the ER.

AJ sat alone in the ER and thought to himself…I know what would cheer her up alot…He smiled to himself and stood up to find one of the girls. “Hey Becks!”

“Yea AJ?”

“What’s you address again?”

“1057 Lakewood Drive…why” she looked at him curiously.

“No reason” AJ smiled and walked back into the ER. He picked up the phone and dialed.

“Ross Blythe…”

“Ross it’s AJ”

“Hi what’s wrong, you are on your way to the airport right?”

“Nothing’s wrong and yes…I just wanted to ask you something.”

“Ok what is it?”

“Do you by chance have Nsync management number on you?”

“Uhm yea…why”

“It’s something for Lyss…”

“A surprise?”


“Ok AJ its 703-985-8765…that’s Kathleen, their managers cell…”

“Great thanks!”

“Alright AJ see you on Sunday”

“Bye” AJ hung up the phone and dialed another number.

“Kathleen Anderson”

“Hello this is AJ McLean…”

“Well AJ, what gives me the pleasure of speaking with you?”

“I was wondering if you happened to be with the guys right now”

“Yes they’re right here”

“Great do you think I could speak to one of them?”

“Sure hold on” Kathleen handed her phone to the nearest one.


“Joey, it’s AJ”

“Hey what’s up?”

“Are you guy’s gonna be in LA soon?”

“Yea were leaving here tomorrow”

“You think you could make it sooner?…say tonight?”

“I dunno why?”

“It’s Alyssa…”

“Lyssie!!!” Joey panicked. “What’s wrong?!”

“Is JC there?”

“No he’s talking with some producers…”

“Ok good…nothing’s wrong with her, well…actually she just misses him.”

“Same with JC, I feel bad for him…He’s fine when he talks to her on the phone…but after he gets all mopey and depressed again…”

“Sounds exactly like Lyss…”

“Yea? Wait hold on…” Joey stepped away from the phone and seemed to be discussing something with other people. “Hey AJ when are you getting in?”

“Were on our way to the airport right now…so it’s 3 now, we should be there by 8 tonight”

“Ok cause I just talked to Kathleen and she said we could leave here right after were done…we’d make it by 7 cause were only in Las Vegas. We were gonna stay here for the night but I just told Justin, Lance, and Chris so they wanna go down too.”

“Great ok so what you say we surprise them?” AJ smiled.

“Yea that’d be cool…so what you wanna do?”

“Well were going to be staying at the girls house…you think you could get JC down there tonight?”

“Yea I’ll bring him down” Joey answered.

“Great I’ll get everyone out of the house just so we can surprise her even more…”

“This is gonna be great…I’ll just tell JC we’re going to a friends house…”

“Ok good…I’ll get Lyssie ready and you get JC ready…remember don’t tell him it’s us…”

“Yea I won’t” Joey answered.

“Ok their address is 1057 Lakewood Drive.”

“Got it”

“Great so call my cell later before you come”

“I will see ya”

“Bye” AJ hung up the phone and smiled to himself. “She is gonna be so happy…”

“Who’s gonna be happy?” Alyssa walked in.

“Oh…no one!” AJ smiled.


“Yea” AJ lied.

“I’m glad you guys get to spend time together.”

“Me too…” AJ answered. “Is that why you were so sad earlier Lyss…cause you can’t spend time with JC like say Nick and Morgan, or Me and Michelle…?”

Alyssa nodded her head and sipped her drink.

“I’m sorry sweetie” he draped his arm around her shoulder.

Alyssa just sat silently on the way to the airport.



“Home sweet home!!!!” Becky ran inside.

“Oh it’s so cool to be home again!” Summer followed the others.


“What’s wrong Lyssie?” Michelle went up to her.

“Nothing…just tired…I’m gonna go up to my room” Alyssa turned and walked up the stairs.

“What’s wrong?” Morgan asked.

“It’s JC” Kevin answered.

“I bet…she hardly gets to see him…that must be so hard…”

“Well not for long!” AJ smiled and sat on the couch.

“What are you talking about?” Michelle asked.

“I’ve got a surprise for Miss Lyssie!” Everyone gathered around AJ.

“Tell us!”

“Ok so you guy’s gotta get ready by 9…we gotta pack her a bag so she can go stay with them at their hotel…cause Joey is bringing JC here tonight!”

“Really!” Nick smiled. “How’d you do it Bone!?”

“I was talking to Lyss earlier on the bus…I can’t stand seeing her like that…so I made some calls and now they are in town as we speak at a hotel downtown!”

“AW Baby you are so sweet!” Michelle jumped in his lap.

“Well they were coming enyways but I thought the sooner the better right? She should spend some time with JC like we are…it’s not fair for her…”

“AW!” the girls gushed. “Michelle your boy is so nice!”

“I know” Michelle kissed AJ.

“Well let’s go guys!” Summer smiled.

“Wait what’s the plan?” Howie asked.

“Oh I got it!” Morgan jumped up.

“What is it angel?!”

“Ok so we make like were going out to dinner, which we’ll do anyway, just so we can get Lyss to dress up…so while I get her dressed…Becky can pack her a bag”

“Yea that’s good” Becky smiled.

“Ok now…Howie, Becky, Brian, Kevin and Summer will take one car and leave…while Nick, AJ, Michelle and I will stay with Lyss…till they get here…We’ll let JC in while we walk out and…!!”

“She comes down and JC’s there!!!” Michelle cheered.

“OK so got it yall?!” Brian joined in.

“Yea let’s go!”


Alyssa sat in her room. God JC I miss you so much… she thought as she looked around the room she hadn’t seen in almost 3 months. Plopping down on her bed she picked up the phone to call Yasmine.


~~~Hotel in downtown LA~~~

Yasmine, Justin, Joey, Lance, and Chris were frantically running from room to room trying to get JC ready. Joey soon told them all about the plan and they excitedly went to work to get a lonely JC back with his girl.

“Baby hurry!” Yasmine whispered as Justin ran in from JC’s room. “She’s gonna call any minute…he can’t know she’s calling!”

“Yea I know Chris and Joey just convinced him to go with Joey to ‘his friends’ house…” Justin smiled. “Man he is so stubborn”

Yasmine giggled. “Aw he just misses her!”

“I know baby…” Justin smiled.


“Remember we’re in Vegas till tomorrow!” Justin reminded.

Yasmine nodded and picked up her phone.


“Hey Yazzie”


“So were home now…”

“Great well we’re still in Vegas but were coming in tomorrow” Yasmine answered trying to hide her laugh.

“Ok…” Alyssa answered. “Is JC there?”

“No sorry sweetie…He’s uh…” Yasmine looked desperately at Justin.

“Recording!” he whispered.

“Recording…right he’s recording”

“Oh ok…” Alyssa answered. “Well call me later then”

“I will sweets…cheer up K?”

“I’ll try”

“Bye girl”

“Later” Alyssa hung up the phone.

“How she sound?” Justin asked her.

“Sad…but not for long!” Yasmine giggled. “Yep!” Justin smiled. “I’ll better get back so I can tell the other guys…I think they’re just waiting for AJ’s signal…”

“Alright baby” she kissed him sweetly.

Justin smiled and walked back into the other room.


“Lyss?” Morgan knocked on her door.


“Can I come in?”

Alyssa walked over and opened the door. “Duh…you don’t have to ask”

Morgan smiled. “Hey we’re going out for dinner all of us…so you gotta get ready…”

“I dunno Morgy…I’m not in the mood…”

“AW polezze Lyss!” Morgan pouted.

Alyssa laughed. “Fine, if you really want me too…”

“I WANT you to!” Morgan giggled and grabbed her hand. “Let’s get dressed!”

“Ok” Alyssa followed her to Morgan’s room just as Becky sneaked in behind them to pack Alyssa a bag.


~~~8:45 p.m~~~

“GIRLS!” Summer yelled up the stairs.

“Coming!” Becky ran down the stairs to join Summer and the boys. “Well looking very hot guys!”

“Thanks Beck”

AJ stood in the kitchen. “I’m gonna call Joey now”

“Alright…were gonna leave right now we’ll meet you at the restaurant.” Kevin answered.

“Ok see ya” AJ answered and walked in to call Joey.

“GIRLS WERE GONNA MEET YOU THERE!” Summer called to Michelle, Alyssa and Morgan.

Michelle stood at the top of the stairs. “OK!!!” she waved then turned back to help Alyssa and Morgan.


~~~LA Hotel~~~


“Hello?” Joey answered his phone.

“Alright were ready for ya”

“Great were on our way…”

“Ok so call us when your near, we’ll leave so JC doesn’t see us.” AJ answered. “I’ll leave the door unlocked. We’ll make sure she stays upstairs so she won’t see you. Just go in and say something to get her to walk down. Remind her of her bag…it will be in the kitchen…”

“Ok see ya”

“Later man” AJ hung up the phone.

“Let’s go JC, that was my friend”

JC sat staring out into space thinking endlessly about Alyssa. “Oh…ok” he got up and followed Joey out of the room.


~~~The girl’s house~~~

“Ok Lyssie we’re almost done” Morgan fixed her hair in the mirror.

“Girls do I really have to wear this?” Alyssa looked at the tube top and short skirt she had on. “I mean it’s only dinner”

Morgan and Michelle giggled. “Oh Lyss you look great”

“Hey girls almost ready?” Nick popped his head in the bathroom.

“Yea Nickers” Morgan smiled.

“I’m done!” Michelle ran out the room and down the stairs.

“Did Summer and the others leave?” Alyssa asked.

“Yea bout 10 minutes ago” Nick smiled.

“Ok…baby you stay here with Lyssie while I get something for her” Morgan looked him in the eye and winked walking out of the bathroom.

“You look great Lyssie”

“Thanks Nicky” Alyssa smiled.


AJ stood by the car outside as Michelle ran out followed closely by Morgan. “Almost ready?”

“Yea Nick’s just gonna stay up there so she doesn’t leave” Morgan hopped in the car.

“You gonna get him?” Michelle asked sitting next to Morgan.

“Yea once Joey calls….”


“Well there he is!” Morgan giggled.

AJ chuckled and answered the phone. “Hello?!”

“Hey man were up the street…what’s your number again?” Joey asked warning AJ that they were almost there.

“Oh hey 1057…want us to leave now?”

“Yea” Joey answered.

“Ok were gone!” AJ hung up the phone. “They’re up the street…I’m gonna go get Nick” AJ ran inside and up the stairs. “Lyss you look beautiful!”

“Thanks” she blushed.

“Oh Nick I need you to help me with something”


Alyssa stood up. “I’ll go with you guys…”

“NO!” Nick startled.

Alyssa looked at them curiously.

“It’s ok Lyss. Morgan said she’s coming up…just sit tight ok? Then we’ll leave” AJ explained.

“Alright” Alyssa sighed and sat back down.

“Don’t be sad Lyssie!” Nick smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Yea!” AJ smiled and kissed her too.

“Ok I thought you had to help him…”

“Oh right!…” Nick pushed AJ out of the bathroom as they ran down the stairs and out of the house, leaving Alyssa behind and closing the front door.

“AJ is that the car?” Nick pointed to a car turning at the top of the street.

“Well we can’t stay to find out!” AJ pushed Nick in the car, started it and pulled out of the driveway.


“Here we are” Joey pulled over in front of the girls house. “Ready?”


“What’s up man you’re always so quiet lately…”

“I miss her…” JC looked out the window.

Joey tried to hide his smile. “I know you do.” He opened the door as JC followed him. They reached the front door and Joey opened it.

“Don’t you have to knock?” JC looked oddly at him.

“Naw were cool, besides my friend is expecting us…” Joey walked in as JC followed. They made their way inside and to the main room.

“So where is he?” JC asked looking at the seemingly empty house.

“Must be upstairs…” Joey walked over to the bottom of the stairs. “WERE HERE!” he called. “Oh JC be right back…I left something in the car.” Joey quickly turned and walked out the front door shutting it loudly.

JC just looked at him walk away, and stood in the room alone.


Alyssa sat in the bathroom. The door was slightly opened and she turned her head when a voice seemed to be calling her. “Must be AJ…” she mumbled standing up. Then she heard the front door slam closed. “What’s going on…” she walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. “Morgy where…” her voice trailed as her eyes caught someone standing in the room.

JC turned around quickly. “LYSS!!!!”

“JC!!!!” Alyssa half screamed, half cried running over to him. He lifted her in his arms holding her tight. “How? I thought you were in Vegas!!”

“Oh baby I missed you so much!”

“I did too…” she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

JC wiped them away with his hands. He looked at her for a long time before leaning in to kiss her. He looked into her eyes when they broke apart. “I missed that…”

“I missed you” Alyssa pulled him in hugging him.

“I love you”

“I love you baby…” Alyssa smiled.

Joey walked back into the house and made his way over to them.

“Joey!” Alyssa went over to hug him.

“Hey Lyssie!” he smiled. “So you two like your surprise?!”

“Yes” Alyssa smiled. “Who’s idea was this?”


Alyssa smiled and walked over to JC. “I’m so happy you’re here…”

“Me too…”

“Well let’s get back to the hotel…Lyss your bag is in the kitchen” Joey smiled.

“I’m going with you?”

“Yea till you and the other girls leave…They want you to be with JC while you can”

JC smiled at her. Alyssa grinned and kissed him again. “Let’s go”

“Alright let’s go!” Joey walked out to the car as Alyssa grabbed her bag following with JC next to her.


~~~20 Min. Later~~~

“J!!!” Alyssa walked into their private lobby.

“LYSSIE!!” Justin walked over giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I missed ya!”

“I know I haven’t seen you in so long!” she smiled. “LANCE!”

“Hi Alyssa” he smiled giving her a hug.


“Lyss!” he walked over and gave her a hug. “Good to see ya again!”

Yasmine walked in. “LYSSIE!”

“YAZZIE!” she giggled as they hugged each other. “Oh girl I swear I hate not seeing you everyday!”

“No you know how I feel” JC pouted.

“AW baby I’m here now” she pulled him in and kissed him smiling.

“So Lyss you staying with us?” Justin asked.

“Yea 4 days!” she smiled.

“Cool!” Yasmine agreed.

“Well if you’ll excuse us you can talk with Lyss tomorrow” JC grabbed her hand.

Alyssa smiled. “Bye guys” she smiled and followed JC to their room.

“I’m glad they’re happy again” Lance watched them walk away.

“Yea me too” Justin smiled.


Alyssa and JC walked into their room. She unpacked a little and changed her clothes for bed. JC sat quietly watching her. Alyssa glanced over to him occasionally and smiled. When she was done she grabbed his hands and led him to the bed sitting him down. She climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around him. Hugging him silently.

“I’m so happy now” she looked into his eyes. “You make me so happy”

JC smiled. “Baby I’m so thankful for you…I hate not being with you”

“Me too…it hurts so much sometimes I can’t take it…”

“I love you so much Alyssa.”

Alyssa smiled and kissed him passionately. “I don’t wanna be apart…”

“Neither do I…but…I know we can get through it”

“We have to…” she smiled. “I don’t wanna feel the way I do everyday I’m not with you…I wanna be with you…”

“You are with me baby…everyday…in here” he held her hands to his heart. “You’re always here…”

“I love you JC” she kissed him again. “I want you to hold me…” she crawled into bed and under the sheets as JC followed. He lay next to her and wrapped his arms around her as she lay her head on his shoulder.

“Love you baby…” he kissed her forehead.

“Love you too” she whispered as they fell asleep together.

Chapter 31