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Chapter 31

“So what are we gonna do today?” Nick asked his girlfriend

“I wanna go to my mom’s house.. I haven’t seen her since Michelle’s birthday. And I miss her like crazy” Morgan said

“I’m thinking of visiting my old folks too.. they live like an hour or two away from here” Nick looked at her “Will you come with me?”

Morgan’s eyes lit up “Sure.. I’d love to”

“We could go to your mom first and to my parents after.. or the other way around”

“Ok baby, whatever you want” Morgan hugged him “I’ll get dressed so we can go.. you gonna call your parents?”

“Yea, I’ll do so now” Nick nodded

“K, bye” Morgan jumped up the stairs to get dressed.

Nick took the phone and dialed the number of his family’s house.

“Hello?” Leslie Carter answered the phone

“Hey Les, wassup sis?” Nick said back

“NICK!?!!” Leslie yelled in his ears “GEZZE! It was about damn time you called!!”

“Whoa, don’t bite my head off!”

“We haven’t heard from you in like months!!”

“I’m sorry, I’m very busy”

“Ugh, you think you can get away with everything now you’re famous.. I don’t care if you’re a Backstreet Boy or not, you should CALL every now and then!”

“Well I’m talking to ya now, right?!”

“Whatever Nick.. MOM, NICK IS ON LINE 3!!” Leslie yelled upstairs

“Nickolas!” Jane answered the phone “What took you so long!?!”

“I’m sorry mom! I swear, I’ve been sooo busy these past few months!”

“With what?.. you changed management.. the stress is oughtta be lessened!”

“Well uhm.. I met this girl mom.. she’s amazing..”

“Yea we know, Morgan Sinclair from Phantasia, the opening act.. Brian told us.. at least he calls me from time to time! And he’s not even my own son!”

“Ok, ok I get it.. I’m a bad son.. I’ll rot in hell for it”

“So when will you make your appearance here again?”

“Actually, that’s why I’m calling.. can I come this afternoon?”

“Nick, sweetie, you don’t have to ask, of course you can come! So is Morgan coming too?”

Nick chuckled “Yea, if that’s ok”

“That’s more than ok.. your father and I are more than ready to finally see this girl in person instead of on MTV and the cover of Teen People!”

“Ok, well we’re gonna visit her mom first and then we’ll come to you after that”

“Alright sweetie, see you then. Say ‘hi’ to Morgan from me, tell her I’m looking forward to meeting her! Bye!”

“I will, bye mom” he hung up and made his way upstairs.

Morgan was busy looking through her closet

“Baby?” Nick called and walked in

“I dunno what to wear!” Morgan said panicked

Nick chuckled “Wear something you like”

“Nick, you don’t understand.. I want to make a good first impression, because that’s crucial. Besides I never met any of the parents of the guys I dated”

“Aw baby, you don’t have to worry, they’re just as normal as your mom!”

Morgan frowned at him “My mom isn’t normal at all”

Nick pulled her closer “My mom says ‘hi’ she’s looking forward to meeting you” he smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead “Just relax and be yourself and everything’ll be fine, I promise”

“Ok” Morgan looked around at all the clothes “Will you pick something to wear for me?”

“Sure” he took a white top with quarter inch sleeves and mauve little flowers on it and white capri jeans pants “Wear this.. it looks cute”

“Whatever you say hun” she changed into the clothes “Can you call my mom? She’s #5 on quick dial”

Nick nodded and did as he was told



“Yea, who’s this?”

“Oh. Hey, its Nick.. is Jessica there?”

“Yep, hold on... MOM, NICK FOR YOU!”

“Nick! Hi sweetie!” Jessica answered the phone

“Hi Jessica.. Morgan asked me to call you, cuz we want to come over for a couple of hours, that ok with you?”

“Lemme think.... hmm... No, no I don’t think so. I don’t want to see my precious girl and her cute boyfriend.. Nope, sorry!” she joked

“Ok, we’ll be there in an hour or something, bye!” he laughed

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“Baby, why don’t you wait out in the car, I’ll tell everyone we’re gone for the day”

“Ok” Nick said and walked out to the car

Morgan turned to the stairs and walked up back to all the rooms. Everybody was still asleep or at least still in their rooms. Suddenly a door opened and Brian came out looking all drowsy and with sleepy eyes

“Hey Bri, g’morning!” Morgan giggled

“Hey sweetie” Brian answered in a hoarse voice “Where ya going to?”

“I’m gonna visit my mom with Nick.. and after that his family”

“Really? Wow, Jane and Bob will be very happy”

“Why?” she giggled

“Well I called them a few times, unlike Nick, and they were pretty pissed at him for not calling them or telling them about you..”

“I just hope they like me”

“Aw they will honey! You’re EXACTLY what they want for Nick!”

Morgan nodded, unconvinced still

“What’s all the fuss about people? I’m tryin to sleep ya know” Michelle came out of her room

“Sorry Michelle”

“Oh Chelle, me and Nick are out all day, k?”


“Well I really gotta get going now,” Morgan hugged Brian quickly “Bye sweetie, luv ya!”

“Later” Michelle went back into her room

“Don’t sweat it Morgy, you’ll do fine” Brian smiled at her and watched her go back down

“K! Bye Bri!”



“What’s wrong?” AJ asked Michelle who got back in bed

“Oh Morgan’s going to visit Jessica and Nick’s family.. apparently Brian felt the need to shriek like a girl about that”

AJ chuckled “Well.. Nick hardly ever introduced a girl to his parents.. the only one he did bring home was Mary-Ann..”

“Oh, right, that’s the chick you fucked and Nick didn’t huh?”

“Yea.. so obviously his parents weren’t too happy with her.. so after that he never introduced anyone to them anymore”

“Oh.. well he certainly took long enough, man they’ve been together for 2 months! Lord knows how bad Morgy wanted to meet his family finally!”

“Uh huh”

“Whatever lets stop talking bout them... and focus on us instead” Michelle snuggled closer to AJ’s body and planted a kiss his chest “You’re mine.. I luv ya”

“I luv ya too babe”

~~~Same Time Downtown L.A.~~~

After waking up and getting dressed, Alyssa and JC lay in bed all morning. They talked of what they’ve been doing since the last time they say each other, but mostly they talked about how much they missed each other.

“So how long are you gonna be off for promotion?” JC asked.

“17 days…”


“Yea that’s what all the boys said too, gosh you should see Nick and AJ freaking out cause Morgan and Michelle are gonna be gone.” She laughed slightly. “And they get to see each other everyday…” she glanced down. “Unlike some people…”

JC knew she was talking about them. He lifted her chin up with his hand looking into her eyes. “Alyssa I know it’s hard…God it’s so hard. Sometimes I want to stop everything and just go and be with you…” he smiled. “I love you so much it hurts that I don’t know what you’re doing right at any moment, that I can’t see your face, I can’t hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you.”

Alyssa smiled. “So you did miss me…”

JC leaned in and kissed her. “Of course”


JC broke their kiss. “I swear everytime we always get interrupted…”

Alyssa smiled. “Well I’ll make it up to you baby” she grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him slowly.

“LYSSIE ARE YOU AWAKE YET!!!!!” Yasmine yelled through the door.

This time Alyssa broke their kiss. She grabbed JC’s hand and pulled him up off the bed as he followed her to the door as she opened it.

“Damn girl you two finally come out!” Yasmine giggled.

“Gimme a break I haven’t seen him in a while” Alyssa pouted.

“Aw I’m kidding Lyss” Yasmine smiled. “But seriously we HAVE to do something together! Now that you’re here I’m not wasting this chance!”

“Hey yea! So you what did you have in mind?!”

“One word: Shopping!” Yasmine giggled.

Alyssa laughed. “I haven’t been in a long ass time!”

“See even better reason! Let’s go today! I can ask Bill to take us downtown or something!”

“Oh girl I know the best places, especially on Rodeo Dr.! Speaking of which one of my friends works at the Roxy Store, she can hook us up!” Alyssa smiled.

“Lyssie! We gotta go!” Yasmine got excited. “I’m gonna go tell Justin we’re going out!” Yasmine ran off quickly to the lobby.

Alyssa smiled to herself and turned to face JC. She looked at his blank face. “What’s wrong baby?” she frowned her eyebrows.

“Let me see, it could be I’m kinda sad that I don’t get to see my beautiful girlfriend everyday like everyone else, or it could be that now that she’s here, she’s leaving again to go somewhere…” he pouted shining his blue eyes her way.

Alyssa pulled him back into their room. “I’m sorry baby…I’ll stay….”

“No you don’t have too…”

“I know but I feel bad now” she smiled wrapping her arms around his waist. “You’re making me feel guilty”

“Baby…just go have fun with Yasmine…she misses you too” JC answered. “I understand”

“Are you sure?” Alyssa asked. “Why don’t you come with us then”

JC laughed. “No I think I’ll stay…don’t want to interrupt you’re shopping”

“Sure?!” she asked again.

JC leaned in and kissed her. “Yes…now go have fun”

“I love you baby, you’re the best” Alyssa smiled and hugged him.

“I love you too, be careful out there”

“I will…promise” Alyssa grabbed her bag and walked out the door.

~~~1 Hour Later~~~

“Morgan, baby you’re trembling” Nick put his hand on her leg while driving the car

“I’m nervous”

“Don’t be, ok?”

She nodded her head.

“Here we are!” Nick pulled up the driveway

They walked up to the front door. Nick smiled at Morgan and took her hand in his.

“NICK!!” Aaron came running out the door and gave his brother a guy-hug and some sorta handshake “Hi, I’m Aaron” he introduced himself to Morgan

“Hi Aaron, I’m-”

“Yea, I know who you are. Morgan Sinclair and you’re 19 years old and you’re the youngest member of girl-group Phantasia”

“Wow” Morgan smiled

“I did some research” Aaron smiled the same cheesy smile Nick did once in a while “Naw, actually Brian told us and then mom started watching MTV a lot and reading my sisters Teen People.. so, that’s how I know!..”

“See, you don’t even have to introduce yourself anymore.. my whole family knows your 411” Nick rolled his eyes

Morgan giggled

“Come on in, they’re all waitin’..” Aaron took Morgan’s hand and dragged her inside

“MOM, DAD, BJ, LESLIE, ANGEL!!!” he yelled once inside

“NICK!” Jane rushed over to her oldest son and hugged him tightly “Did you grow again?!”

Nick chuckled “I guess. Mom this is-”

“And you must be Morgan!” Jane smiled, ignoring Nick and walking over to Morgan to give her a hug too

Morgan startled but relaxed She’s nice

“Its SO nice to finally meet you Morgan!”

“The pleasure is all mine Mrs. Carter”


Yasmine and Alyssa walked down Rodeo Dr. checking out all the stores. Yasmine bought a couple of things from Calvin Klein and a small boutique. They talked endlessly catching up with each other. Finally they came to the Roxy store.

“Here we are!” Alyssa smiled and walked in pulling the cap she wore over her head, trying to hide herself. “Lets see if Dawn’s here.”

“Ok” Yasmine smiled and followed. They walked through the store and to the desk. “I’ll ask for you girl”

“Thanks” Alyssa smiled and looked down.

“Hi can I help you?” A girl behind the register asked.

“Yes I was looking for Dawn is she in today?” Yasmine asked.

“Yes she’s here hold on”

“Thanks” Yasmine smiled as the girl walked away. Five minutes later Dawn walked up to the desk.

“Hi…” she smiled cautiously not knowing who Yasmine was.

Alyssa turned around. “Hey Dawn!” she giggled.

“LYSSIE OH MY GOD GIRL!!!!” Dawn ran from behind the register hugging Alyssa. “DAMN GIRL I HAVEN’T SEEN YA!” Meanwhile the other customers in the store were staring at Dawn and Alyssa.

“Dawn uhm…calm down” Alyssa laughed. Dawn turned around to see all the people staring at her.

“Let’s go in the back” she laughed and led Alyssa and Yasmine to the back room. “LYSS!!!!”

“What girl? do you gotta keep yelling!”

“Thanks for calling!”

Alyssa giggled. “Girl you know I’m busy…oh by the way this is Yasmine she’s our managers daughter”

“Hi I’m Dawn” she held her hand out.

“Yasmine” she grabbed Dawn’s hand and shook it.

“Lyss I haven’t seen you since…damn…since you guys left for tour!”

“I know huh…man that was like almost 3 months ago!”

“So what are you doing here!” Dawn asked.

“We’re on break for 4 days…we’re leaving for a 17 day promotion tour”

“Damn girl you never stop!”

“It’s kinda hard to stop now” Alyssa giggled. “The other’s didn’t call? They’re at home ya know…”

“Home!! Since when!!!”

“We got in yesterday” Alyssa answered.

“Well I guess I’m not loved my friends don’t call me when they’re home…just cuz your famous now doesn’t mean you can forget the little people” Dawn joked.

“Girl you know I’m not gonna forget about you…hey I came today right?!”

“So where’s everyone else? How come they didn’t come?”

“Oh I’m not staying at home. I’m at the Hilton Hotel…” Alyssa answered.


“I’m staying with JC”

“Huh?!” Dawn looked confused.

“Oh you don’t know…”

“Well duh! I never talk to you anymore.” Dawn laughed. “So who’s JC”

Alyssa blushed. “My baby…”

“Wait…JC…that sounds so familiar…”

“Want a hint?” she laughed.

“No wait I can get it!” Dawn sat thinking intensly.

Alyssa laughed. “Well anyways…Yasmine what should we get?!”

“Lets get some bathing suits…we can go swimming tomorrow!”

“Yea ok….Dawn”

“Hm?” she answered still thinking.

Alyssa smiled. “Where’s the new suits?”

“Over there…but here go look at the racks in the back…there’s a lot of people there…don’t want to get bombarded by teenies…” she giggled.

“Ok cool” they followed Dawn to the back and looked through the Roxy, Rusty, and other new suits.

“Hey Lyssie you think Justin will like this?” Yasmine held up a baby blue bikini.

“Yea girl…doesn’t he like that color?”

“Yea he wears it a lot…What about this?”

“That’s so cute!” Alyssa smiled. “What about this one?!” she held a bikini out.

“Girl JC is gonna love it” she giggled. “Any guy would like it”

Alyssa smiled. “He better like it” she joked.

Dawn stood up suddenly. “OH!”

Yasmine and Alyssa turned around.

“I GOT IT NOW!” she laughed. “When you started talking I figured it out…especially when you said Justin…” she smiled. “JC Chasez huh?”

“Yea that’s the one” Alyssa smiled.

“Really?! Since when?!”

“Almost a month and a half ago…”

“Damn girl you get all the cuties…what happened with Brian?”

Alyssa looked away for a second. She didn’t like talking about Brian. “It didn’t work out”

“Aw ok…so I assume you like JC right?”

“Girl I love JC” she smiled. “He’s amazing”

“I’m happy for ya Lyss!” Dawn smiled.

“Thanks girl” she turned to Yasmine. “Wanna try these on?!”

“Yea sure” Yasmine answered holding 5 different bathing suits.

“Here” Dawn showed them to the dressing rooms.

“Thanks Dawn” they answered and got into their separate rooms.

“I gotta go back to the register…just come up when you’re done.”

“Ok” Alyssa answered as her and Yasmine began to try on all the bathing suits.


“You do know that its 1 in the afternoon already, don’t you?” Michelle chuckled when AJ stopped her from getting out of bed

“Yea.. but I’m still tired, I don’t feel like doing anything but sleeping,.. I love sleeping” AJ grinned “I love sleeping with you” he crushed her lips with a long, deep kiss.

Michelle touched his face with one hand and let the other travel down his back all the way to his butt and then inside to his hip “You know what I love?” she breathed in his ear


“Yea.. and what I love most is.. playing with you..” she rolled him over and sat on top of him. She leaned in and kissed him again “I love playing with you, AJ” she said again. She kissed his chin and his neck and went down to his chest. She planted a soft kiss on his nipple and bit it playfully

“Michelle” AJ groaned

Michelle stopped and looked at him with a naughty grin “What?”

“Go on”

“And what if I don’t want to?” she pursed her lips

AJ pulled her down and kissed her passionately “You want to”

Michelle giggled and felt his growing arousal between their bodies “Ooooh! Someone’s horny here!”

AJ ripped her babytee off her body

“Aw, ok, I’ll play your game” Michelle lay down on him again and continued kissing and licking him. “What you want baby? Blow job or jerk off?”

“Blow job” AJ managed to bring out as she licked his abdomen.

“Your wish is my command” she whispered and stroke his hard cock with her index finger. She blew on it and bit it softly. She let her tongue slid over it and took it in her mouth.

AJ’s moaning became louder and louder when he felt her warm, wet tongue and she started sucking “Oh, yes, Michelle. Suck it like that.. ooh baby, ur the best”

Michelle sucked him harder and faster, she could hear by his moaning and his bucking hips that he was reaching his climax.

“Michelle!!” he shouted and shot his warm sperm in her mouth. She swallowed most of it, but some spilled which she licked off his body. She snuggled next to him

“I love playing games” she kissed him and he tasted some of his own cum in her mouth

“Basically, I just love you” she said


“Howie do you wanna go with me?” Becky asked.


“I wanna go see Felicity, since she’s pregnant and I haven’t seen her since Michelle’s b-day”

“Sure hun I’ll go with” Howie smiled.

“Great I’ll giver her a call!”



“Yea Summ”

“Are you busy?”


“Well I was just going to tell you that I’m gonna go visit my parents. My mom’s sick…I just got off the phone with her.” Summer answered.

“Oh I’m sorry Summer…is it serious?”

“I hope not…I think she just caught the flu or something…I want to check on her anyways.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“No it’s ok…I wanna spend time with her…if you don’t mind”

“Oh I totally understand” Kevin gave her a hug.

“Thanks” she kissed his cheek. “Tell the other’s I’ll be back late”

“Alright” he answered as Summer walked out of the door.



Yasmine and Alyssa finally picked out their bathing suits and made their way to the register where Dawn was waiting. “Hey” she smiled. “This it?”


“These are so cute” She smiled as she rang in their bathing suits. “I’ll use my discount”

“Girl you don’t have too”

“Its ok Lyss…I got it why not use it!” she smiled. “That will be $50”

Alyssa handed her the money, Dawn filled the receipt and handed her the bag. She did the same with Yasmine. “There ya go”

“Thanks girl!” Alyssa smiled. “I’ll call you ok!”

“Yea Lyssie…I’ll call the other’s and bitch to them that they didn’t bother calling me!” she laughed.

“Alright girl later!” Alyssa waved.

“Bye” Yasmine said.

“Bye girls” Dawn answered as they walked out of the store.

“You wanna head back?” Yasmine asked. “I’m all done”

“Yea sure” Alyssa answered.

Yasmine pulled out her phone and called Bill to come and pick them up.


“Hi Bri!” Michelle walked into the kitchen.

“Hey sweetie” he smiled.

“Where is everyone!?”

“Kevin’s upstairs, Summer went to visit her mom, she said she’ll be back late, Beck and Howie went to see Felicity…”

“How come I’m always the last to know” she laughed.

“Hey Rock!” AJ entered the kitchen. “Last to know what baby?!” he kissed her cheek and walked over to the refrigerator.

“Everyone left!”


“Visiting…Kevin’s upstairs but everyone else is gone…”

“Well now that leaves us!” AJ smiled. “What do you want to do?”

“I dunno…”

“Well think about it ok and just tell me” AJ smiled as he ate a snack.

“Ok” Michelle answered.


Alyssa and Yasmine walked into the lobby of the hotel after being dropped off by Bill. They guys sat in the room watching a movie.

“Well look who’s back!” Joey smiled and ran over. “Hey girls!”

“Hey McDonald…” Yasmine laughed and walked off to Justin.

“Are you ever gonna stop calling me that?!” he pouted.

“Nope!” Yasmine turned and laughed.

“Aw I love your hair Joey” Alyssa kissed his cheek.

“Well thank ya!” he laughed as JC walked up to her.

“Hey what about me? I want a kiss too…”

Alyssa pulled him closer. “…Is that it…” she looked him in the eyes. “Cause…we could make it more.” She kissed him sweetly rubbing the back of his neck. “Think about it baby…” she grinned.

JC smiled. “Oh I will…” he kissed her again.

“Damn baby girl how much stuff did you get?!” Justin laughed as Yasmine handed him some of her bags.

“Just some stuff…at Calvin Klein, this cute boutique thingy…oh and we went to the Roxy Store and we both bought something there…”

“Roxy?” JC asked looking down at Alyssa’s bag.


“What you get?” Justin asked.

Yasmine walked over closer to Alyssa and JC. “Wanna show em Lyss?”

“Dunno” she smiled.

“I wanna see baby” Justin pouted.

“Well see for yourself…” Yasmine handed him her bag from Roxy.

“You wanna see too?” Alyssa asked. JC nodded as she handed him her bag too.

“I’m thirsty Lyss come with me!” Yasmine dragged her away to the opposite side of the room laughing. “I wanna see the look on their faces…”

“Ok” Alyssa giggled.


JC and Justin looked at each other holding the bags. Reaching inside Justin pulled out the bikini bottoms they were baby blue. “Huh…”

JC did the same pulling out a red triangle top. Smiling he pulled out the bottoms.

The other guys walked over. “What are you doin?” Lance asked.

Justin held up the two pieces of Yasmine’s bathing suit, as did JC.

“Whoa…hey Justin your favorite color” Chris joked.

“Man those are small bikini’s…” Joey laughed smugly. “Bet they look nice…”

“Hey that’s my girl your thinking about” JC looked at him.

“Can you blame me? She’s beautiful…” Joey answered.

“She is beautiful…” JC walked over to Alyssa.


Yasmine walked back over. “So what you think?”

Justin blushed. “I wanna see you in it…”

“Well maybe”

“Maybe?” Justin pouted. Yasmine smiled kissing him.


Alyssa stood there as JC came up to her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a long kiss. “I like what you got…”

“Yea?” she smiled. “Well I might have to wear it for ya sometime…”

“I’d like that…” JC kissed her again.


Alyssa broke their kiss. “Sorry baby…interrupted again…” she reached in her bag and picked up the phone.


“Yes am I speaking with Alyssa Farrow?” a male voice asked.

“This is her…”

“Hello Alyssa it’s Enrique Iglesias.”

Alyssa practically screamed when she realized who she was talking to. Her eye’s widened as she ran over to Yasmine and pulled her aside. “Girl it’s fricken Enrique Iglesias!!!” she covered the mouth piece of her phone. “Ohmygod, ohmygod…”

“Haha Girl calm down!” Yasmine giggled. “So talk to him he called you!”

Alyssa held the phone back up. “Hi Enrique what’s up?”

“Usted entiende que español corrija?” (you understand spanish correct?) he asked.

“Sí.” (yes)

“Bueno, así que Alyssa es usted ocupado esta noche?” (Great, well I was wondering if you were busy tonight Alyssa)

“Ningún por qué?”(No why?)

“Esta noche mi concierto y yo pasados llamamos a su encargado y ella dijo que usted estaba en ciudad así que quisiera invitarle esta noche.”(Well tonight is the last concert of my tour. I called your manager and she said you were in town so I would like to invite you tonight.)

“Realmente! gracias! amaría ir!”(Really! Thank you! I’d love to go!)


Chirs, Lance, Justin, and Joey watched a bit surprised.

“She can speak Spanish?” Chris asked outloud.


“I didn’t know that…”

“I did…” JC smiled.

“Well course you know” Joey laughed.


“Estan al Staples Center esta noche en 8 y después de que el partido esté del Kat Klub de Beverly Hills... usted sabe donde está derecho eso?” (It’s at the Staples Center tonight at 8 and the after party is at the Kat Klub in Beverly Hills…You know where that is right?)

“Sí... oh Enrique... cuántos pueden yo invitar?” (Yes…oh Enrique…how many people can I invite?”

“Usted sigue siendo encendido viaje con los Backstreet Boys?” (You’re still touring with the Backstreet Boys correct?)


“La autorización así que yo pondremos 2 filas a un lado en el frente para usted que sea cerca de 20 asientos... así que traemos de quién usted tendría gusto.”(I’ll set aside 2 rows in the front for about 20 people…so you can invite who you would like)

“ La autorización agradece otra vez Enrique.” (Oh thank you very much Enrique)

“Usted es Alyssa agradable le ve esta noche.” (Your welcome Alyssa see you tonight)

“Autorización adiós.” (Ok goodbye) Alyssa smiled.

“Adiós.” (goodbye) Enrique answered and hung up.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Alyssa jumped up and down.

“What was that about?!” Yasmine asked eagerly.

“Girl he invited me to his concert tonight! And he said I could invite who I wanted!!! There’s an after party at Kat Klub too!” she giggled. “Oh girl you gotta go!”

“I am so there!!! Enrique Iglesias is so sexy!!” Yasmine sighed dreamily.

“Oh I know!” Alyssa smiled.

“Hola Alyssa” Chris joked. “Since when did you speak Spanish?”

“I had a nanny when I was little …she taught me…” she laughed. “Why surprised you?”

“Yea” Lance answered.

“Well so what are you guy’s doing tonight?” Alyssa asked.

“I’ve got to go to the studio with Lance” Joey answered.

“What about later the Kat Klub?”

“We can make it to that right?” Joey asked Lance.

“Yea probably…I’m in the mood for a good party”

“Ok” Alyssa smiled. “What about you Chris?”


“Great so you wanna come tonight?! You can invite Karen” Alyssa smiled.

“Cool I’ll go give her a call…” Chris walked out of the lobby and to his room.

“Can we go Justin?” Yasmine asked.

“Of course baby…If Lyssie wants me to go…”

“J will ya come?!” Alyssa pouted.


“Cool…baby?!” Alyssa turned to JC. “You have to come with…please…”

“I dunno…” JC joked. “I mean you want to see Enrique…I’ll just be a distraction…”

“Please?” she pulled him closer. “I won’t have any fun without you…”

“I’m kidding baby…I’d love to go…”

“Great!” She kissed him. “And the after party?”

“Uhm…I dunno…I don’t like parties”

“JC’s a party pooper Lyss…he hardly comes to clubs with us…” Justin answered.

“It’s a miracle if he came with us” Lance joked.

Alyssa frowned. “You don’t want to dance with me?”

“I do…”

“You don’t want to have fun with me?”

“I do…”

“So…is that a yes?” Alyssa looked up at him.

“Yea I’ll come…but only for you” JC smiled and kissed her.

“Good…” she whispered.


“Course Lyss were there!” Michelle answered.

“Great…so everyone else is out?”

“Yea girl Brian and Kevin are doing something since Summer’s at her parents, Becky and Howie are at Felicity’s and Morgan and Nick haven’t gotton back yet.”

“Ok well I’ll call Morgie and check…so see ya tonight Chelle”

“Ok Lyssie Later!” She hung up the phone to tell AJ. “BABY!”


“We’re going to a concert tonight! And then a party at Kat Klub! So be ready by 7”

“Who?What?Where? and When?” AJ asked laughing.

“Enrique Iglesias, he invied Alyssa she invited us, at the Staples Center and at 8” she answered his questions. “Can we go please!?”

“Sure!” AJ answered.



Morgan and Nick were in the car on the way home.


Nick picked up the phone. “Yo Nick here”

“Hey Nicky”

“Hey Lyssie what’s up?”

“Are you and Morgie busy tonight?”

“Are we busy tonight?” Nick looked at Morgan.

“No” Morgan answered.

“She said no…what’s up?” Nick asked.

“Well guess who called me!”


“Enrique Iglesias! I like freaked out!”

“He did! Cool!”

“Yea so he invited me to his concert tonight at the Staples Arena and to the after party at Kat Klub…so you two in?”

“Sure I am lemme ask Morgie…Hey baby you up for a concert and party?”

“Yea who though?”

“Enrique Iglesias called Lyss and invited her…”

“WHAT!!” Morgan smiled. “Of course I wanna go!”

“Well Lyssie you heard her!” Nick laughed.

“Great so see ya it starts at 8, AJ and Michelle are coming too…go through the back area we have front row seats.”

“Ok later Lyssie!”

“Bye Nicky”


~~6:30 PM~~~

“Baby does this look alright?” Michelle asked.

“Yes…very sexy…” AJ eyed her up and down.

“Great!” she kissed him. “I’ll go get Morgie so we can go”

“Ok” AJ walked down the staris and waited for her.


“You ready baby?” Justin asked through the bathroom.

Yasmine opened the door and stood in front of him in a short skirt and tank. “What ugly?” she asked as his eyes wandered up and down her body.

“No baby anything but…you look great!”

“Thanks!” she smiled and kissed him. “Lets get goin” she grabbed a bag as they walked out of the room and to the lobby.


Alyssa got dressed in a black skirt, platforms, and a lace tank top, her middriff showing slightly. She stood in front of the mirror and put on her necklace.

“Wait let me…” JC walked up to her and took the two ends from her hands. He brushed her hair aside as he hooked it together. “There”

“Thanks” she smiled. “You look good baby”

“So do you” he smiled.

“SO you are gonna dance with me right?” she wrapped her arms around him. “Cuz if you’re not…I’ll be very dissapointed.”

“We can do anything you want…I just want you to be happy…”

“Now I feel selfish when you say that…” she pouted. “What do you want?”

“I want you…” he kissed her cheek. “I want you to be happy…” he smiled kissing her neck. Looking her in the eyes he said. “All I want is to know that you love me as much as I love you…”

Alyssa smiled. “I do love you JC”

“I love you Alyssa” he leaned in and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer to him.


~~~7:30 PM at the Staples Center~~~

JC, Alyssa, Yasmine, Justin, Chris and Karen arrived at the arena. They walked to the back doors and were escorted inside. “You can stay here until the house lights are off then go to you’re seats…I’m sure you’d rather than sit out where everyone can see you.”

“Thank you” Alyssa answered.

~~~5 Minutes Later~~~

“Lyss!” Morgan came through with Nick, AJ and Michelle behind.

“Hey guys glad you could come!”

“Yaz!” Michelle smiled and hugged her. Meanwhile everyone else greeted each other and waited for the show to start.

“Hello!” Enrique stepped up to them.

“Hey what’s up man?” Nick shook his hand.

“Nothing much glad you could all make it!” he smiled to them all. “Hola Alyssa alegre usted podría hacerlo.” (Hello Alyssa glad you could make it.)

“Ningún gracias por invitarme.” (No thank you for inviting me.)

“Es ése su novio?”( Is that your boyfriend?) Enrique asked looking to JC as he held Alyssa’s hand.

“Sí, no es él hermoso?”(Yes isn’t he cute?) Alyssa giggled.

“Él es una esperanza afortunada.Yo que él le trata derecho.” (He's a lucky man.I hope he treats you right.)

“Él lo ama mucho.” (He does i love him very much.) She looked at JC and smiled.

“El receptor de papel goza de la demostración.” (Well enjoy the show.) He kissed her cheeks. “Véale esta noche en Kat Klub.” (See you tonight at Kat Klub.)

“Gracias buena suerte Enrique.” (Thank you Enrique good luck.)

“Ok since when does Alyssa speak Spanish?” AJ asked baffled.

“Since like forever…” Morgan smiled. “Your nanny taught you huh?”

“Yep nana!” Alyssa smiled. “I guess we can go now…the show’s gonna start.” Everyone smiled and walked to their seats. JC held her back for a second.

“What he say about me?”



“Oh just asked me if you were my boyfriend and if you were treating me right.” She wrapped her arms around him. “He said you were a lucky guy”

“What did you say?”

“Well first I said yes you were my boyfriend, I also said you were cute” she giggled. “Then I said you do treat me right and that I love you very much.”


“It’s the truth baby…” she kissed him. “You believe me?”

“Yea I do” he kissed her again and grabbed her hands. “Lets go” they walked into the arena and sat in the front row.


~~~The End of the Show~~~

“Thank you everyone for coming the last show of my tour! It’s been a lot of fun!” Enrique spoke to the screaming audience as he ended his show. “Special thanks to some friends of mine in the front row” he glanced their way and smiled.

“Now I see why you were always crazy about him Lyss!” Morgan tapped her as Alyssa turned around. “He’s sexy”

“I know huh?!” Alyssa smiled and looked towards the stage again.

“Well its time for the last song…thoes of you who’ve been to the show before know what time it is…” The audiece screamed in enthusiasm. Meanwhile Alyssa and the others looked around in confusion. Enrique walked to the front edge of the stage. A huge mob of women ran up to the stage reaching out for him only to be pushed back by security guards. “Va aqui Alyssa” (Come here Alyssa)

Alyssa blushed and hesitated.

“Lyssie go!!!” Morgan pushed her from behind.

Alyssa turned around and faced JC. “You don’t have to ask me baby…” he kissed her forehead… “Go…” he smiled. Alyssa turned and walked up to the edge of the stage. The bodyguards held back the other fans as Enrique reached his hand out to her and helped her up onstage.


“Oh I know what’s happening” Karen smiled.

“What?” Chris asked.

“I heard he serenades one girl every show…guess Lyss is the one tonight” she smiled.


“This is a song I wrote…” Enrique spoke to the audience. “And it’s one of my favorites on the album…” The audience screamed endlessly. He brought Alyssa to the center of the stage and left her to stand alone. “Everyone give it up for a special friend of mine Alyssa…” the audience clapped in response. “And now for you is You’re My #1”

Alyssa smiled as the notes to one of her favorite songs filled the arena. She glanced over to JC and smiled as he waved back to her. Enrique stood at the end of the stage and began his song…

I’ve kissed the moon a million times Danced with angels in the sky I’ve seen snowfall in the summertime Felt the healing of the powers above I’ve seen the world from the highest mountain Tasted love from the purest fountain I’ve seen lips that spark desire Felt the butterflies a hundred times

I’ve even seen miracles I’ve felt the pain dissapear But still haven’t seen anything That amazes me quite like you do

Walking over to Alyssa he brought his hand up to her face making her blush. He slid his hand down and reached for her hand continuing…

You bring me up when I’m feeling down You touch me deep you touch me right You do the things that I’ve never done You make me wicked you make me wild ‘Cause baby, you’re my number one

Leaning in he hugged her as a scream of jealous fans filled the arena, wishing they were up where Alyssa was. Enrique let go and kissed her cheek before walking to the other end of the stage…

I’ve sailed in a perfect dream I’ve seen the sun make love to the sea I’ve kissed the moon a million times Danced with angels in the sky

I’ve even seen miracles I’ve seen the tears dissapear But still haven’t seen anything That amazes me quite like you do

Making his way back to Alyssa he pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around him as he sang the chourus to her…

You bring me up when I’m feeling down You touch me deep you touch me right You do the things that I’ve never done You make me wicked you make me wild ‘Cause baby, you’re my number one

Smiling he let go again brushing the hair out of her face.

You bring me up when I’m feeling down You touch me deep you touch me right You do the things that I’ve never done You make me wicked you make me wild ‘Cause baby, you’re my number one

As the song ended he came up slowly to her. The audience waited in anticipation of what was to happen next. Grabbing her waist he leaned in closer planting a small kiss on her lips. The audience cheered and clapped.


“WHOOO YEA LYSSIE!!” Michelle giggled.

“Wow that was so…” Yasmine watched entranced. “…sexy…” she giggled with Morgan.

“Lyss is like living out her fantasy right now!!” Morgan smiled. “She’s been hung over him for years!!”


Breaking the small kiss Alyssa blushed. Enrique smiled at her and waved bye to the audience. Grabbing her hand he led her off the stage.


“You all can go backstage now” a guard said to Justin.

“Ok thanks” he answered. “Lets go yall!”

Everyone picked up and followed the guard backstage.


Alyssa stood alone waiting for the others. “LYSS!” Morgan ran up to her followed by Karen, Michelle and Yasmine.

“Lyssie that was so cool!” Yasmine gushed. “He is so HOT!”

“Now I see where your thing about him comes from” Michelle smiled.

Alyssa laughed. “It was cool…he’s so nice”

“Hey Lyssie is he a good kisser?”

Alyssa blushed and just nodded her head.

“OOHH!!!” Morgan teased.

“Well our night’s just begun!” Michelle smiled. “Guess what time it is!”




~~~Kat Klub~~~

An hour had passed since the group arrived at Enrique’s after party at the Kat Klub. Everyone was enjoying themselves dancing, drinking and having a good time.

“Let’s dance!” Michelle dragged AJ to the dance floor. Nick and Morgan were off to get some drinks at the bar. Chris, Karen Justin and Yasmine sat down at one of the tables while JC and Alyssa sat in a booth together.

“Hey Lyssie!!” Joey and Lance came up to the booth she sat in.

“Hey guys! Finally you came!” she smiled.

“Alright catch ya later…we’re gonna go mingle” Lance walked off with Joey.

“Later guys” she smiled.

“Hey Lyssie wanna dance?” Justin came up to the booth.

“Sure J…be back baby” she kissed JC quickly and made her way to the dance floor with Justin.

JC sat alone for a moment before being joined by Yasmine. “Hey JC”


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…” he pulled off a smile.


JC thought for a moment. Nothing was wrong really…just that he felt jealous. He didn’t know why, but he did. He hadn’t had a moment alone with Lyss the whole day except for this morning. Then Enrique Iglesias comes around…even now she was off dancing with Justin.

“You’re jealous” Yasmine looked at him.

“What are you talking about?!” he asked defensively.

“Yes you are I can see it all over your face.” She smiled. “Why?”

“I dunno…I don’t like feeling this way but I can’t help it. I mean this whole day I’ve spent probably 20 minutes talking with her before something comes up. I know I sound selfish but…I mean I hardly see her and now that she’s here its no different.”

“JC you have no reason to feel jealous,”

“Tell that to Enrique”

“JC what do you expect…he’s sexy I think he’s sexy so does Lyss…but that doesn’t mean anything when it comes to you…” Yasmine said. “Do you realize how much she loves you?”


“Well I’ve never seen anyone as much in love as she is with you…She may not say it much but she knows it…and you should too…sure other guys are gonna look at her…they’re gonna like her too…I mean she’s gorgeous…right?” she smiled.

“Yea she is” JC blushed at the thought of Alyssa.

“See…I can see it in you too…you’re in love with her…”

“Yea I am…” he smiled feeling better. “Thanks Yasmine”

“You’re welcome” she giggled. “Now stop being all mopey…go have fun”

“Hey Yaz, JC” Morgan walked over to join them.

“Hi Morgan”

“Hey guys” Justin walked back over to the table. “Man JC Lyssie is one hell of a dancer”

JC smiled. “Where is she?”

“Oh Marc Anthony came up and asked her to dance…” Justin answered. “She gave me a weird look but said yes anyways…”

“Wait Marc Anthony?!” Morgan asked. “Crap…”


“Alyssa doesn’t like being with him…he danced with her at the VMA’s…and she hated it!” Morgan explained. “Nick had to go save her…”

“No wonder she gave me a weird look when I left her…” Justin realized. “I should go get her…damn…” he turned and walked off.


Alyssa danced hesitantly with Marc Anthony. He was obviously drunk and his actions showed it all. Not wanting to be rude, Alyssa danced with him anyways making sure to keep distance between them.

“Well Alyssa long time no see…” he tried to start a conversation.

Alyssa danced with him bored. She remembered dancing with him at the VMA’s, what a disaster. “Yea…”

“So what have you been up to?” he smiled.

“Touring, recording…” she pulled off a smile.

“That’s good…” he looked at her the liquor in his breath almost made her gag.

“Uh huh”


JC sat thinking in the booth What the hell am I sitting here for? I should be going to look for her not Justin…

“JC” Yasmine looked at him. “Will you please stop acting this way!”

“What’s the matter with you?”

“You’re sitting there waiting around for her…when you know she needs you…”

JC looked away. “You’re right…” he got up and left as Yasmine smiled to herself.


Marc pulled her in tighter holding her lower back. She pulled back pretending to not notice but he pulled her in again. This time she pushed him a bit. “Stop Marc…”

He looked at her like nothing. “What?”

“Just don’t…you’re making me uncomfortable.” She stared at him seriously.

He just chucked a little. “Relax Alyssa…I won’t do anything”

Naively she believed him as the music picked up again. Being the type not to give up Marc placed his hands on her hips trying to get her to dance again. “Ok that’s it…” she shoved him away again.

“Por qué es ella que es difícil tan maldito?” (Why is she being so damn difficult?) Marc mummbled a bit pissed off.

“Entendía cada palabra que usted dijo.”(I understood every word you said) Alyssa smirked.

His eyes widened in surprise. “Estoy apesadumbrado Alyssa, yo no sabía que usted habló español.” (I’m sorry Alyssa, I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.)

“Ahora usted sabe.” (Now you know.)

He smiled to himself again concentrating on her, “I said relax…me gusta bailar contigo…” (I want to dance with you)

“Not if you’re gonna keep pulling me”

“No mas…” (no more) he lied and grabbed her tightly.

“Chingada!”(Fuck) she tried to loosen his grip but he tightened it.

“Let go of her” Justin grabbed Marc’s other arm.

“Get outta here” he answered back.

“IF you don’t get the hell away from her… I will personally show you out of here.” Justin tensed up. Meanwhile Alyssa slipped out of his hold.

“No me gusta bailar o habla contigo…nunca otra vez”(I never want to dance or talk with you again) she glared at him. “Let’s go J…” she grabbed Justin’s hand and walked away.

“You ok?” he stopped her in the middle of the dance floor.

“Yea thanks for coming” she sighed.

“Why did you say yes to him?”

“I didn’t want to be rude…” she answered. “I didn’t know he was drunk till you left.”

Justin wrapped her in a hug. “God Lyssie I don’t want what happened to you because of me to ever happen again.”

“J…I said don’t bring it up anymore” she smiled. “I know the Justin Timberlake I first met…isn’t the real one…” she moved his face to look into hers. “The real Justin is J…the way I see you is what matters. J, you’re not who you were that day…I know that…I see that…”

“Thanks Lyssie…that means a lot” he smiled and hugged her again. JC soon came up to them. He let go of Alyssa and kissed her cheek turning her around.

“JC!” she rushed over and pulled him to her.

“What happened?!” he looked at Justin.

“I took care of it” he answered. “Stay with her…that Marc Anthony is being an ass”

“What he do?” JC looked at Alyssa.

“Nothing baby…J came in time” she smiled. “I’m fine”

“Well catch ya later guys” Justin walked of in search of Yasmine.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” JC asked again.

“Yes!” she sighed. “I’m not a baby…” she smiled rolling her eyes.

JC chuckled and whispered in her ear. “Yes you are…you’re my Lyssie baby” he looked back into her eyes. “I don’t want anything to happen to you again…I’d kill me.”

Alyssa smiled happily. “I know you don’t…”

Yasmine came running up with Justin behind. “Lyssie! You’re coming with me!” she grabbed her arm. “Can I borrow her JC?”

“If you bring her back”

“I will” Yasmine dragged Alyssa off to the ladies room.


“Lyss the fuck happened with Marc Anthony?” she asked. “Justin said he was grabbing you”

“Yea we took care of it” she answered fixing her hair in the mirror. “No problem…”

“Ok just wanted to make sure” Yasmine smiled and opened her bag.

“Yaz do you have your MAC Lipglass with you?”

“Yea here” she giggled and pulled it out handing it to Alyssa.



Meanwhile Justin and JC took a seat at the booth.



“Do you love Alyssa?”

“What kind of stupid question is that?” he laughed.

“I’m serious”

“Well do you love Yasmine?” JC asked.

“Yes I do” Justin answered.

“Well I’m in love with Alyssa”

“We’re two lucky asses you know that” Justin said. “Our girls are one of a kind.”

“Yea they are” JC smiled.


“Hey Lyssie”

“Yea Yazzie”

“We gotta have some fun with our boys…”

“I know I haven’t spent enough time with JC…I hate it”

“So lets change that…” Yasmine smiled. “Tomorrow…will be their day”

“Sounds good…but I’m starting now” Alyssa grinned.

“What are you talking about girl?” Yasmine giggled.

“Oh you’ll see…lets go” Alyssa smiled as Yasmine followed her out of the bathroom.


JC and Justin saw Alyssa and Yasmine walking towards them.

“Here they come” Justin smiled. “Yasmine is so pretty…”

“Alyssa’s beautiful…hot, sexy, sweet…oh my gawd” he laughed. “She’s perfect”

Justin chuckled. As they got closer. Yasmine sat down next to Justin as Alyssa stood out on the floor.

“Come sit down baby” JC started to scoot over.

“No…” she smiled and grabbed his hand. “You’re coming with me”

JC smiled and followed her as they slowly made their way through the maze of people and found themselves deep within the crowd of on the dance floor. They casually danced, laughing slightly with the loud up-beat music. JC couldn't help but let his eyes wander her body as she swayed her hips to the music. Everytime she lifted her arms, her breasts rose with them and his eyes seemed to glue in place.

Alyssa noticed his gaze and pulled him closer to her. “I love this song…”

“I love you” JC smiled. “What happened to Enrique?” he joked.

“You’re my baby…he’s nothing compared to you. You are cuter than he is…” She then leaned closer to whisper in his ear. "And sexier...much sexier..." she then gently bit his ear lobe and pressed her thigh between his legs and against his hardening manhood. He reflexively wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her against him as the other slid to her behind. Alyssa smiled seductively and turned her body so that her back was facing him. She reached her arms up and held on to the back of his neck as JC placed his hands on the front of her belly, softly feeling her skin that was exposed. She swung her hips against his, smiling as she felt that he was getting even more excited.

Smiling she swiveled around again to face him. Pulling his face closer to hers she kissed him lustfully opening her mouth so that his tongue played with hers. She held his hands and placed them behind her waist. JC ran his hands up and down her back sneaking his fingers into the waistband of her skirt. Alyssa giggled a bit moving closer to him placing her leg in between his. He then ground his hips against her as his lips joined with hers. His right thigh was between her legs as their hips pressed against one another. As they picked up speed in their "dirty dance", his lips trailed down her neck, slowly suckling the skin between his teeth.

As they continued to dance, oblivious to their surroundings, both continued to turn each other on more and more


“Haha…Lyss is naughty” Yasmine giggled looking over to the dance floor.

Justin turned and watched as JC and Alyssa as they ‘danced’. He laughed. “She is such a good dancer…”

“She did that to you?”

“Oh no…” Justin laughed. “I wish”

Yasmine looked at him.

“I was kidding baby…” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her.

Yasmine giggled. “You better be…or I’ll kick you’re ass if you have naughty thoughts about my friend, and you’re friend’s girlfriend.”

Justin looked confusedly at her.

Yasmine laughed. “Now look who’s kidding!!!”

“Haha” Justin joked.


“Nickers I’m tired” Morgan leaned her head against his shoulder.

“You wanna head home?”

Morgan nodded her head. “I think we can do something better together…” she whispered in his ear.

“Ok…lets go” he grabbed her hand. “We gotta get AJ and Michelle.” They walked around and soon found them sitting down at a table. “Hey AJ”

AJ looked up and smiled, Michelle had her head in his lap. “She’s out” he laughed.

“How much did she drink again?!” Morgan asked.

“A lot” AJ smiled.

“Well we’re leaving now” Morgan said. “She should get home too”

“I’m gonna go find Lyssie and tell her we’re leaving” Nick said before walking off.


The fast dance music was soon replaced with a slow one. Catching their breath, Alyssa wrapped her arms around JC’s neck resting her head on his shoulder.

“Justin was right…” JC whispered in her ear.

“Bout what?”

“Bout what a good dancer you are…”

Alyssa smiled. “Well he didn’t get what you did…only you get it”

“I feel special now” he smiled.

“You are special to me, and always will be” she leaned up and kissed him sweetly.


JC and Alyssa broke apart turning their heads. “Hey Nicky”

“Hey…sorry to interrupt but we’re heading home…” he smiled.

“Oh ok…” she let go of JC and hugged Nick. “See you in a couple of days”

“Yea Lyssie…have fun ok?”

“I will” she smiled.

“See ya JC” Nick shook his hand.

“Later…drive home safe”

“We will”

“Say bye to Morgan, Chelle, and AJ” Alyssa said.

“I will later!” Nick turned and got the others to leave.

“Now…” Alyssa turned to JC. “Where we’re we?” she pulled him closer pressing her lips to his. “…you” she said between kisses.

“Love…you too” he whispered back running his hands behind her back sneaking them again inside the waistband of her skirt. Alyssa giggled slightly rubbing the knuckle of her finger against his stomach near the front of his pants. “Baby…stop”

“Why?” she pouted and looked at him.

JC sighed and hugged her instead. “Well first of all there’s a lot of people here…and second its not that I want you to stop…its just” he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I don’t want to not be able to control…anything…down there” he glanced at his pants. “You’re making it very hard for me to control myself”

Alyssa smiled sexily. “Well I’d think it’s good that I make you feel that way…” she pressed her body closer to him.

“It is baby…just not where we can’t get any privacy” he smiled.

“Well lets change that then” she ground her hips into his casually. “Unless you’d rather not”

“You wanna go?” he kissed her softly.

Alyssa nodded her head and grabbed his hands. She walked around until she found who she was looking for.

“Hi Enrique…”

“Hello Alyssa.”

“Las gracias del receptor de papel por invitarme.. tenía un gran rato” (Well thanks for inviting me…I had a great time) she smiled.

“Que usted es agradable... yo está alegre usted podría venir...” (You’re welcome…I’m glad you could come…)

“Veré tan que usted pronto” (So I’ll see you soon)

“Por supuesto” (Of course) he smiled and kissed her cheeks. “Que deseo una invitación a usted es el concierto” (I want an invite to you’re concert sometime)

“Oh seguro” (Oh sure) Alyssa blushed. “Agradece alguna vez otra vez... adiós!” (Thanks again…bye)

“Adios Alyssa” (Bye Alyssa)

“C’mon baby…lets just tell the other’s we’re leaving” They soon found Joey, Lance, Chris and Karen and told them they were leaving. “Can I get a drink before we go?”

“Course baby…” JC smiled and led her too a booth. Alyssa ordered a margarita and as soon as it came Justin and Yasmine walked over.

“Hey guys” Yasmine smiled.

“Hey…oh we’re leavin in a few” JC smiled.

“Oh ok…we’ll stick around longer” Justin answered.

“Lets go dance baby…” Yasmine smiled. “Maybe I’ll dance like Lyssie for you” she smiled towards her.

Alyssa laughed. “Like what?”

“Oh Lyss we saw you’re little dance for JC” Yasmine laughed. “Justin here even wished he had one from you”

Justin blushed and looked down.

“Well I only do that for certain people” Alyssa giggled looking at JC. “But I’m sure you can show J some of your own dances right Yazzie?!”

“Course” Yasmine grabbed Justin’s hand. “Let’s go if ya wanna see”

“Later you two” Justin smiled and walked off with Yasmine.

Alyssa smiled taking a sip of her margarita. JC watched her sip her drink, then lick the salt around the rim of the glass. She noticed him and smiled seductively. “You want some?”

“Yea sure…” she held her glass as he took a sip through the straw. When he was done she moved the glass away. Using her finger she wiped some salt off the glass and moved it towards his mouth. Using her other fingers she brushed them over his lips slowly opening his mouth. He smiled and sucked the salt off her finger, gently nibbling on it. Alyssa smiled and pulled her finger out. She moved her face closer kissing him passionately.

“You taste good…” she whispered shining her eyes at him.

“You’re doing it again…” JC smiled.

“I can’t help if I get turned on by my boyfriend can I?” she smiled. “It’s all you’re fault.”

JC placed his hand on her thigh. “Well I’m glad it’s my fault then.”

“You should be” she licked her lips as his hand rubbed her skin. “Lets go…”

“Alright” he grabbed her hand and led her out of the club and to the car.


~~~20 Min. Later~~~

Alyssa rubbed her forehead as she walked down the hall of the hotel with JC. He looked at her worriedly as they entered their room. “You alright Lyssie baby?” he asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

She looked up to him and pulled off a smile. “Yea I’m ok…just feeling those margaritas now…” JC sat next to her and rubbed her shoulders with his hands.

“You’re all tense baby relax” he smiled. “You must be tired…”

“No…not really” she turned to face him. “Just that ass…god ruined my night. I get chills when I think about him pulling me in…”

“Aw baby…” he hugged her. “Don’t think about it its not gonna happen anymore.”

RING RING!! Alyssa’s cell phone went off.

“Who the hell is calling me now” she sighed walking over to her bag she took out her phone and answered it. “Hello?”


Alyssa face froze at the voice of her mother. “Mom, what time is it?”

“Alyssa where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you!”

“I was out” she answered.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were home? I had to hear it from your father”

“Sorry forgot…”

“Like hell you forgot…Listen to me young lady you may be some famous person now but that does not mean you can give me this attitude.”

“Mom I’m really not in the mood right now…”

“I don’t care you’re gonna listen to me whether you like it or not.”

“How come now you wanna talk?…last time you hung up…I’d like to think you established the fact that I just don’t live up to your standards and you’d rather not have anything to do with me anymore considering all you ever do when you talk to me is ridicule, nag, and embarrass me. So I suggest that you decide weather you want this to continue or not…” Alyssa sighed.


JC watched confused. He knew about Alyssa’s mother but not to this extent.


“Alyssa you’re right…maybe I should back off.”

That was the last thing she wanted to hear. Sure her mom made her mad but deep down Alyssa thought she would come around. But she knew then that she was wrong. Keeping a straight face she answered. “If that’s what you want.”

“No I think that’s what you want. Goodbye”

Alyssa put down the phone and walked over to the window. She stared out a bit before JC came up to her wrapping his arms around her. “I’m here for you,” he simply said. But those few words were more than enough for her.

“I’m gonna go take a shower…” Alyssa whispered. “I feel like shit”

“Baby wait…” he sat her down on the bed. He looked into her eyes and knew she was holding a lot back. “Baby you don’t have to be strong for me…” A few tears rolled down her cheek. He wiped them away gently. “I’m here for you always and forever.”

Alyssa smiled. “Thank you baby…” she got up. “I’m sorry tonight was ruined. It’s my fault.”

“No…don’t be sorry we have forever for that…” he smiled. “I love you.”

“Love you more” she kissed him.

“Are things between you and your mom that bad?”

Alyssa nodded. “She has really high expectations…and I guess she thinks I don’t live up to them. She never supported me in any of my dreams or what I wanted to do…she always thought that it was pointless and there was no future in it. She even told me that I turned out to be a disappointment.”

“I’m sorry baby” he held her hands.

Alyssa smiled. “Yea…so after high school I moved out and in with the girls…they’re my family…Summer is more of a mom to me than my own mother is. It sounds bad to say but it’s true…when I look back…Summer supported me and my mom didn’t that’s what hurts…I guess that’s why I call Summer mommy sometimes.”

“What about your dad?”

“He’s fine…he’s our lawyer…at least he supports me and is happy for me. That’s all I ever really wanted”

“I love you baby and I’m happy for you…” he smiled.

Alyssa smiled and kissed him. “Be right back…” she turned and walked to the bathroom as JC laid down on the bed.


~~~10 Min.Later~~~

Justin and Yasmine lounged in their hotel room getting ready for bed.

RING RING! Justin picked up his cell. “Hello?”

“Hello Justin, it’s Kathleen”

“Oh hey Kathleen…uhm what’s up?”

“I’m sorry to bother you at his hour but it’s very important.” His manager continued.

“It’s ok”

“Well Justin good news…now we know the album isn’t finished yet but the first single has been approved.”

Justin’s eyes lit up. “That’s great! So…”

Bye Bye Bye


“Yes…also this is what was more important. You have dance rehearsals tomorrow”

“Oh…you’re kidding!”

“No I’m afraid I’m not. Darren is in town tomorrow only and he has the routine all worked out. Besides you need to learn it because you’re performing it at the WB Radio Music Awards.”

“Oh…wow…” Justin let the feeling sink in. “Well thanks Kathleen”

“Alright Justin…be sure to tell the others tonight ok?”

“I will…see you tomorrow I presume?”

“Yes Richard and I will be meeting you at the dance studio you need to be there at 10”

“Alright bye Kathleen”

“Goodnight Justin”

Yasmine stood next to him. “So?!”

“First single baby!” he hugged her. “Finally were getting back into things!”

“Oh..that’s great baby!! I’m so happy for you! I know you and the guys have been waiting a long time for things to get started again…”

“Yea I’m happy too” Justin kissed her. “Well you’re coming tomorrow right?!”

“Of course” she giggled.

“Great!” He kissed her again. “Well I’m going to tell the others now be right back”



Alyssa stepped out of the shower and slipped on a bra and underwear. After getting ready she walked outside to the main room. She smiled to herself as she found JC asleep on the bed. Walking over she sat next to his body. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. “I love you” she whispered before walking over to the dresser to brush her hair.

JC felt her kiss and then felt the spot she sat in empty. Opening his eyes he followed her body dressed in lace underwear walk slowly over to the dresser. He sat up making the bed squeak. Alyssa turned around and looked at him smilingly. His heart beat as he looked at her. He walked over and stood in front of her. Her hair was wet and the strands curled slightly giving her an exotic look. Her skin was smooth the floral scent it gave off was amazing, her eyes shined into his, her lips were full and pouting. Tilting her chin he smiled. “I love you.”

Alyssa looked at him as he stared at her. His eyes were blue and warm, she felt herself getting lost in them. Everything about him she loved but most of all she loved his personality. Never had she meet someone she felt so connected with, comfortable, she was in love with this guy, and she knew it. Holding his face in her hands she kissed him sweetly.


JC continued to kiss her. “MMmm baby” he whispered breaking their kiss. “Why are we always interrupted?”

“It’s ok” she smiled and kissed him quickly once, twice…then the third turned into a long passionate one. Alyssa ran her hands up and down his chest un tucking his shirt from his pants.


“JC OPEN UP IT’S IMPORTANT!” Justin called from the other side of the door.

Ignoring his pleas JC and Alyssa continued to kiss. Alyssa managed to pull his shirt off tossing in on the floor. Stopping for a moment they looked into each others eyes and smiled. Capturing her mouth in his he lifted her up and sat her on the dresser. JC kissed her trailing down towards her neck. He licked and sucked her skin gently as she sat back letting him work.


“GUYS PLEASE!” Justin called again.

“Aww…baby I feel bad” Alyssa laughed. “He’s been standing out there”

“So?!” JC smiled and kissed her.

“Just see what he wants” Alyssa kissed him rubbing the back of his neck.

JC smiled. “Fine…” He walked over to the door then turned around as Alyssa hopped off the dresser. He came back again and kissed her. “Are you gonna put a shirt on?” he smiled slipping his fingers around the straps of her underwear. “Cuz I don’t want anyone looking at my baby…” he pouted. “You’re mine…”

Alyssa giggled. “Don’t worry…” she picked his shirt up off the floor and slipped it on. “Happy now?”

“You make me happy” JC grinned and kissed her nose. Alyssa giggled and sat down on the bed. JC turned and opened the door as Justin rushed in.

“LYSSIE!” he lifted her hands up and hugged her. Alyssa laughed startled as Justin swung her around.

“J what’s wrong?!”

“Nothing!” he smiled and put her down. “Just we’ve got dance rehearsals tomorrow!!” he turned to JC. “The singles set and we’re ready to get back into things!!”

“Yea?!” JC’s eyes lit up. “Finally!” JC and Justin gave each other a guy-hug.

“I know!” Justin smiled. “Kathleen just called me. Man I feel so good!!”

JC smiled. “Wait what’s the single?”

Bye Bye Bye” Justin answered.

“I told you that’d be a good one!” Alyssa smiled at JC.

“I know you did baby” he kissed her.

“Well that’s what I had to tell you guys” Justin smiled. “Took you damn long enough to answer the door!” he looked around the floor and realized JC was shirtless and Alyssa was in his shirt. “Well…” he chuckled. “I guess I interrupted you guys”

“Yea ya did” JC smiled and pulled Alyssa to him.

“Ok so we gotta be at Alley Cat Studios at 10 to meet Darren…so be sure to be ready.”

“Alright man” JC answered.

“Night Lyssie!” Justin kissed her cheek.

“Night J…”

“Bye!” Justin waved as he walked out and shut the door.

JC smiled to himself. Alyssa giggled and climbed into bed. “Wait baby…you’re going to sleep already??” he pouted.

“I’m doing this for you…you need you’re rest” she motioned with her finger for him to come. She held her arms out as he crawled on top of her kissing her sweetly.

He pulled his shirt over her head and threw it off the bed. “You’re so pretty baby…” he grinned and kissed down her belly. Alyssa giggled and ruffled his hair with her hands. Working his way back up he kissed back up her belly, in between her breasts and along her neck. Skipping her mouth his kissed her nose and ended on her forehead. “I love you so much” he kissed her lips sensuously. Alyssa responded as he situated himself between her legs. He kissed down her breasts again nipping at her bra with his teeth. Running his hand over them he reached behind her back to un-hook her bra.

“Baby…” she grabbed his hand. “You need you’re rest…”

“I need you Lyssie baby…” he smiled and reached again but was stopped. “What?” he pouted.

Alyssa looked away for a second. She had been meaning to ask him but never found the right time to, but now she thought was the best time to ask. “We need to talk.” JC looked at her confused and moved off sitting on the bed as she moved up next to him. Alyssa looked away for a while not knowing how to word what she wanted to say.

“What is it?” he asked gently holding her hands. “You know you can say anything to me…”

Alyssa bit her lip and looked up at him nervously. “God this is so embarrassing…” she blushed and looked down.

“Alyssa…just say it” he encouraged.

“Ok well…you remember when we were in New York…” she looked up to him as he nodded. “And the surprise you did?”


“And then what happened after…” she blushed smiling.

“How could I forget?” he kissed her hands.

“Well…you know we didn’t use any…protection” she looked at him.

“I know”

“I just wanted to tell you that…I’ve only had sex with 2 guys…2 times…and …one guy was you…and the second time was you…and…” Alyssa bit her lip again. “…and it was the first time I did it without a condom” she blushed and looked down.

“Baby…it was my first time without too…” he looked at her. “I thought about it really I did…but I’m in love with you Alyssa…and there’s no reason for me to have to worry when I want to be with you…and only you…you’re the one baby…you’re the one I’m gonna love forever.” His eyes watered a bit as he said the words from his heart. “I promise you…you’ll never hurt anymore…I’m giving you my word and my heart.”

Alyssa almost cried as he told her. She knew he loved her but never realized how much until now. “I’m in love with you baby…I wanna be with you too…forever.” She hugged him tightly crying. “You’re the only one for me…I know that now and I always will”


Chapter 32