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Chapter 32

~~~The Next Day~~~

“Nickers” Morgan smiled as they ate breakfast.

“Yea baby girl”

“What do you wanna do today?”

“Whatever you want” Nick smiled and got up to get a drink.

Michelle walked in with AJ behind her. “Hey guys!!” she smiled.

“Hey girl!” Morgan gave her a hug. “Hey hot stuff” Morgan kissed AJ’s cheek.

“Hey beautiful”

“What are you guys doing today!?” Michelle asked sitting down at the table.

“That’s what were trying to decide.” Morgan smiled.

“Got any ideas?” Nick asked.

“I dunno…” AJ answered. “Where’s everyone else.”


“What about Lyssie wanna see if she’s doing something?” Nick suggested.

“I don’t wanna bother Lyss guys she hasn’t seen JC in weeks so let her have her time. Besides she already invited us last night…” Morgan smiled.


“So what then?!”

They sat back and thought for a moment. “HEY!”


“Lets go to the beach!” Michelle said. “I haven’t been in so long!”

“Yea!” Morgan agreed. “What about that boys!?”

“Sure” AJ answered.


“Great!” Morgan and Michelle smiled and ran up stairs to get ready.


~~~Downtown Hotel~~~


Alyssa turned and picked up the phone. “This is your wake up call” the recording said.

Sitting up she put down the phone. She looked next to her and found JC sound asleep. “Sleepyhead…” she smiled to herself and got dressed quickly in a tube top and overalls. She stepped into the bathroom and freshened up. When she was done she walked back to the bed where JC still was. “Baby…” she rubbed his shoulders. “JC…C’mon you gotta get up.” She giggled as he turned around mumbling. “JOSHUA!” she said a little louder.

“Huh what?!” he sat up.

Alyssa laughed. “Baby get up…get dressed.” She stood up and walked over to the closet and grabbed some his clothes for him, walking back over she threw them at his head.

“Hey!” he grumbled into the pillow.

“Get up baby!” she said again before grabbing his hands pulling him up and out of bed. She giggled as he mumbled and walked reluctantly as she pushed him towards the bathroom. “Hurry up!” she smiled and handed him his clothes. She shut the door in his face and walked to the phone.



“Hey Lyssie you two almost ready!?”

“No JC just got up” she giggled. “What time are we leaving?!”

“Bill said in 30 minutes…so better make him hurry!” Justin laughed.

“I am…so meet you in the lobby in a few ok?”

“Wait Lyssie run down to our room for a sec, Yasmine wants you”

“Oh ok be right there…”

“Ok” Justin hung up the phone.

Alyssa walked to the bathroom door. “Baby…I’ll be right back ok!?”

“Yea…” she heard JC mumble.

Alyssa smiled and walked out and down to Justin and Yasmine’s room.


“Lyss!” Yasmine opened the door. “Come in! Aw Lyssie you look so cute!” Yasmine giggled.

“Thanks” she blushed. “So what’s up?”

“Hey Lyssie!” Justin walked out of the bathroom and kissed her cheek.

“Hey sweetie”

“C’mon Lyss” Yasmine grabbed her arm and walked out of the room. “So is today still their day?!”

“Oh yea girl” Alyssa smiled. “I wanna make it up to my baby”

“So do I” Yasmine giggled. “So we can talk about it more at the studio ya?!”

“Course!” Alyssa smiled. “Well I gotta go get my baby ready…he’s so lazy in the morning”

“K Lyss see ya in a few” Yasmine answered and walked back into her room.


Alyssa walked back into her room to find JC all ready and dressed only sleeping again on the bed. “Josh…” she whispered in his ear. “Wake up baby…” Surprisingly JC grabbed her and laid her down on the bed next to him. He growled playfully before planting a kiss on her lips.

“Mmm baby…” she kissed him back. “I thought you were asleep…” Alyssa smiled. “You faker…”

“Hey I’m still tired…” he grinned.

“See I was right…good thing I didn’t let you last night…you would still have been asleep.” She smiled.

“Hey I would have woke up…I was too busy dreaming about you” he smiled. “Since I didn’t get to have you…”

“You had some nice dreams then” she looked up at him licking her lips.

“Oh yea…but I wanted the real thing…and you didn’t let me” he pouted.

“You have forever for me baby…I think we established that last night right?”

JC admired her. “So…you’re mine?”

Alyssa nodded her head. “If you want me…”

“I want you Alyssa…you’re the one and only…forever” he smiled and kissed her sweetly.

“Ok…so I think I’m gonna have to make it up to you” she smiled.

“Lyssie baby…you owe me…” he smiled and kissed her again.

“I know…” she giggled. “Lets go you’re gonna be late”

“So…” he kissed down her neck.

“Joshua Scott Chasez…I’m gonna completely forget about anything I owe you if you don’t get your cute ass off me…” she shoved him up as she got up off the bed.

“You’re feisty today…” he growled and pulled her closer. “You think I have a cute ass?!” he whispered in her ear.

Alyssa laughed. “And what if I do?”

“Well, I think you have a cute butt” he smiled reaching his hand down and squeezed it.

“Hey hands off” she smacked his arm. “Remember what I just said about forgetting…let’s go you’re gonna be late.”

“Ok baby…lets go” he smiled and kissed her cheek. “I don’t want you to forget anything…” he smacked her butt this time.

Alyssa turned around. “Hey!” she crossed her arms.

JC laughed and picked her up and sat her on the dresser. “Aw baby…I just wanna love you” he smiled innocently.

“Hmph” she turned her head.

“Don’t be mad at me…I can’t help it…I’m in love with you” he grinned. “Lyssie baby…”

She turned her head back to face him. His smile was hard to resist. Alyssa’s lips cracked a small grin.

“What’s this?” He laughed. “Is that a smile I see? Well seems like my baby’s not so mad…” JC brushed her hair out of the way. “Alyssa Natalie Farrow…?”

“Yes sir?” she grinned.

“Can I kiss you?”

“I dunno can you?” she joked.

JC poked her stomach as she laughed. “Smart ass”

“Hey I thought I had a cute ass…” she looked at him.

“No I do!” JC laughed. “But you have a sexy ass” he whispered. “May…I kiss you”

“Yes you may…” she answered as he leaned in then pulled away. “Hey…what are ya doin?”

“Only what you always do…tease me” he smiled. “But I won’t do that…” he kissed her passionately. Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer to him. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”


~~~1 hour later~~~

“K here we are!” Michelle parked the car and hopped out.

“Oh it’s so nice out!” Morgan smiled following. “I hope no one bothers us”

“Yea right see how crowded it is?!” AJ answered. “Oh well were gonna have fun no matter what right?!”

“Yea!” they all agreed and started getting all their stuff out of the car.


~~~Alley Cat Studios~~~

“Hey guys!” Darrin greeted them.

“Hey man what’s up?” Chris answered.

“Nothin…just here for you…you ready?!”

“I guess we’ve been out for a while” Lance joked. “And you know I’m not the world’s greatest dancer.”

“No worries…we’ve got all day” Darrin answered then turned his head as Yasmine and Alyssa walked in with Kathleen and Richard. “Isn’t that a Phantasia girl?”

“Yea that’s Lyssie” Joey answered smilingly.

“I’ve seen them perform…she’s a wonderful dancer…I heard she gets routines down faster than anyone’s seen” He smiled. “That’s impressive”

“Lyssie is an awesome dancer” Justin agreed.

“Well some people think she’s very impressive” Chris looked towards JC. “Ain’t that right?”

“Oh yea” the other’s agreed.

“So who’s the lucky one?” Darrin asked.

“That’d be JC” Joey answered. “I’m jealous”

“Sorry man…she’s mine” JC smiled.

“I know I know” he pouted. “I’ll introduce you Darrin.” Joey turned around. “Hey Lyssie! Come here a minute”


“How long are we gonna be here?” Yasmine asked.

“I dunno…they need to learn the whole routine today…I guess it depends on how long it takes them” Alyssa smiled.

“Great…Lance is gonna take the longest…he’s so uncoordinated sometimes…but he makes it look so easy when he’s done” Yasmine giggled.

“AW Lance is a cutie…it’s not his fault he’s not a dancer…” Alyssa smiled.

“Hey Lyssie! Come here a minute” Joey called.

“Be right back Yazzie” Alyssa stood up and walked over. “What’s up?”

“Baby meet Darrin…” JC faced her towards him.

“Nice to meet you Alyssa” he smiled.

“You too…I love you’re stuff…its funky, different” Alyssa smiled.

“Well thank you…I’ve heard lots of things about you…such as you’re quite the dancer”

Alyssa blushed. “And from who is this nice compliment coming from?”

“Well besides these guys…I spoke with Fatima awhile ago…she mentioned Phantasia and how she was working with you and what great performers you all are. She also mentioned how you girls can get a routine down in an hour…” Darrin smiled. “That’s great…Fatima said you especially have a great style and can learn almost immediately.”

Alyssa blushed. “That’s so sweet of you to say…You’re too much”

“Lyssie you know you’re good…” Justin added. “Huh JC”

“Yea” he smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Well I better go sit over there…I might distract him” Alyssa looked at JC.

“Well Alyssa just do me and them a favor will you?”

“Sure what is it?”

“Could you maybe pay attention to the routine, you can help me if they’re having trouble. If it’s not to much to ask…”

“Oh sure no problem” Alyssa smiled. “They need that much help?”

“Well some of them” Darrin joked.

“Hey that’s not funny” Lance defended. “Not all of us can dance like Justin or Alyssa”

“AW Lance I’ll help ya” Alyssa smiled. “Ok?”

“Well if she’s gonna help me then maybe I’ll pay attention” Lance grinned.

“So lets get started ok!” Darrin turned to turn on the stereo. The music boomed through the studio as Darrin demonstrated the new routine to Bye Bye Bye.


“What he say?” Yasmine asked as Alyssa sat down.

“Oh just to watch and get the routine so I can help…”

“Well maybe it will get us out of here faster” Yasmine smiled.

“Yea then we can do something with our boys”

“Oh yea” Yasmine giggled.


~~~Palm Beach~~~

“Lets go in the water!” Morgan giggled as she pulled Nick up from the ground.

“Ok” he followed her to the water.

“Wanna go in too?” Michelle asked AJ after they left.

He smiled and pulled her next to him. “Maybe later” he leaned in and kissed her. “I love you Michelle”

“Love you to babe” she kissed him again.


~~~15 Min Later~~~

Darrin finished showing the routine for the 5th time. He shut off the music and turned to the guys. “So you think you got it?”

“Kinda” Justin answered.

“Uh- no” Lance said bluntly. “How come you gotta get all fancy with us now”

“Hey man I’m just making you guys look good…” Darrin answered.

“I like it, it will just take some time” Joey said.


“Did you get that Lyss?” Yasmine asked. “It looks so hard.”

Alyssa’s eyes watched Darrin’s movements. “Yea I got it pretty much” she smiled. “Its not that bad.”

“Look at em…they’re still sitting down watching.” Yasmine smiled. “We’re never gonna get out of here. Lance face looks so confused.”

Alyssa just smiled and continued to watch.


“So do you wanna try it?” Darrin asked. “Or do you want to see it again?”

“Again” Lance answered sitting down. “How can anyone get that only watching.”

“Oh I’m sure Alyssa got it” Joey smiled. “After all she understands choreography almost immediately.”

“That’s why I asked her to watch for me…” Darrin said.

“She got all that without even standing up?” Lance sighed. “Let’s see if she did then”

“Alright, let’s see if she really is as good as she sounds” Darrin smiled.

“Oh she’s good alright” Justin grinned. “Right JC?”

JC just blushed. “Well go ask her…”

“Alyssa” Darrin called. Her head popped up and looked over in their direction. “Did you get it?”

“Yea I’m ready when ya need me!” she answered.

“Yea right” Lance said baffled. “She got the whole thing?!”

“You think she didn’t?!” Joey asked defensively. “Don’t talk bad about her!”

“Hey that’s my girl you’re talking about man” JC joined.

“Guys stop!” Chris intervened. “Were never gonna get anywhere”

“Whoa…I didn’t mean it that way…I’m just impressed alright” Lance apologized.

“Lyssie…” Justin called. “We need your help.”

Alyssa stood up and walked over to them. “Ok I’m all yours”

“So you got the whole thing?” Lance asked.

Alyssa just nodded.

“Damn…” he walked to the front of the dance floor and sat down. “So show me…” he said in a stressed voice.

Alyssa looked confusedly at Justin. “Is he mad?”

“No, he just gets a little frustrated when it comes to dancing.” Justin put his arm around her. “Don’t worry about him…it’s not you.”

“Ok” she answered as Justin, Joey, JC, and Chris joined Lance in the front of the room to watch.

Darrin walked over to the stereo. “Ready to show em what you got?”

“Yea” she answered as Darrin started the music and joined her to show the guys the routine. Alyssa danced flawlessly as if she had known the routine forever. They all sat back impressed as Darrin and Alyssa ran through the whole dance for them.


“Wow…” was all Lance could say after they were done. “She’s amazing”

“Now you believe how good she is?” Justin answered. “You shouldn’t have snapped at her…she didn’t do anything”

Lance looked down. “I know…”

JC walked over to her. “That was so good baby” he smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Thanks” she smiled as Lance walked over.

“I’m sorry Lyss…I wasn’t mad at you…I was mad at me” he looked up. “Forgive me?!”

“Yea of course” she hugged him. “So you ready to learn it?”

“If you help”

“I told you I’d help ya” she smiled.

“Well I for one am thoroughly impressed with you Alyssa” Darrin smiled. “Ok so Lyss you can help Lance as we run though it step by step”

“Ok” she grabbed Lance’s hand and led him over to his position. She stood next to him and slightly in front so he could easily follow.


~~~45 Min Later~~~

Summer sat up in her bed slowly. Kevin stirred next to her but was still asleep. Her head throbbed and everything around her seemed to go from spinning to blurry. Rubbing her eyes trying to clear her vision she quickly stood up out of bed only to fall to her knees. Whoa…what’s wrong with me?! She thought as she leaned on the bed for support as she tried to bring herself up to a standing position. The throbbing intensified as she walked shakily to the bathroom. She looked groggily in the mirror and splashed water in her face trying to bring her own reflection in the mirror back to life from the tried, worked, look it showed her.


Summer turned her head as the door to her room knocked along with the knocking in her head. She stumbled a bit and eventually made her way to the door resting for a moment before opening it slowly.

“Sum?” A worried look washed over Becky’s face as she looked back at her friend.

Summer’s eyes looked to her before feeling the little energy in her body disappear. She fell collapsed to the ground, Becky managing to break her fall slightly.

“SUMMER!” she screamed awakening Kevin and sending Brian running frantically up the stairs.

“Summer, honey, oh my god!” Kevin picked her up off the ground and laid her in bed.

“I’ll get some water, Becky get some warm towels to wake her!” Brian ordered before running back down the stairs and to the kitchen.

Becky still in shock and confusion did as she was told soaking a towel in the sink, squeezing out the excess water before returning to Summer’s room, where she was laying in bed with Kevin by her side. “Here” she handed the towel to Kevin, who placed in over her forehead.

Summer’s eyes adverted to opening again as she saw the faces of Kevin, Becky and then Brian, glass of water in hand, staring worriedly at her. “What happened…” she mumbled.

“SHH…” Kevin wiped the water of her skin and held the glass of water up to her mouth to drink. Summer sipped only to cough it out again.

Becky paced back and forth thinking what could have possibly made Summer collapse like that, so suddenly.

Summer lay in bed staring blankly out the window. Kevin was talking to her but she wasn’t paying much attention. Lately in the back of her mind she wasn’t paying attention to much, this was so not like her. She always was the one with order, rule, and ‘mothering’. Now everything seemed a blur, the past few months actually being group and all the things that came along with it. Sometimes she wished for the old life when the girls still dreamed, but never thought it would happen, it was so easy then. Everything in their lives was one problem after another, weather it be business or the daily love fights, arguments, misunderstandings or was it all the pain and heartache she watched her friends go through? Becky’s dad, AJ, Michelle, Morgan and Nick’s dilemma, Brian and Alyssa, Tiffany, Sally’s threats on Alyssa…everything repeated itself in her mind. It amazed her that all these things happened in the shortest amount of time. Sometimes she told herself she was tired of it all, but then something else told her not to stop, she couldn’t stop, could she?


“What the hell happened?!” Howie ran into the kitchen where Brian stood.

“I dunno, all I heard was Becky scream so I ran up and Summer collapsed…”


“I don’t know what’s wrong…we should tell the others”

“Ok so you call while I go find out what’s wrong” Howie said.

“Ok” Brian answered and headed towards the phone.


~~~30 Min Later~~~

After awhile the guys got back into the flow and learned the dance. Now they were up to the last segment.

“So you got that part?” Alyssa asked Lance.

“Yea…” he answered. “Thanks again Lyss”

“Sure cutie” she smiled.

“How’s it going?” Darrin asked.

“Lance’s got it!” Alyssa smiled. “He’s ready to go! Right?” she looked at him.

“Yea thanks to her” Lance answered. “She is really the shit when it comes to dancing.”

Alyssa blushed again. “Stop…”

“It’s true baby…” JC sneaked over and kissed her.

“Ok JC back to you’re spot…” Darrin smiled. “We’re gonna try the whole thing through.”

“Ok” Joey answered.

“Lyss you can sit down and watch…” Darrin said.

“Alright” Alyssa answered and took a seat as the music repeated and the guys danced. They got through it pretty good. When they were done Alyssa ran over to Lance and gave him a hug. “Aw, sweetie see you got it! I'm proud of you!” she smiled.

“Thanks Alyssa” he answered.

“Ok guy’s take 5…then we can just clean everything up and you’ll be done!” Darrin said.

“Cool” they all sat down and took a break.

JC walked up behind Alyssa hugging her. “Ew…baby you’re all sweaty…” she pushed him away laughing.

JC pouted and stood by himself. Alyssa walked back over and whispered in his ear. “But…I think I can make you sweat a lot more…if ya know what I mean” she smiled sexily and walked away from him. JC grinned and ran after her.


“Baby you brought you’re phone!” Michelle pulled it out of one of their bags.

“Yea why?” AJ answered.

“I don’t want to be bothered today…besides what could possibly go wrong?” she said.

“You’re right…” AJ took the phone and shut it off.

“Hey guys!” a wet Morgan and Nick walked back to their spot. “The water’s great! You should go in…”

“Can we go now baby?” Michelle asked.

“Yea” he threw the phone into his bag. “Hey Nick did you bring you’re phone?”

“Yea why?”

“Shut it off…” AJ grinned. “You don’t want to be bothered today right? I turned mine off, besides nothings gonna happen.”

“Yea baby he’s right” Morgan agreed.

“Ok” Nick picked up his phone and shut it off too.


“DAMNIT!” Brian put the phone down again.

“What?” Becky walked in.

“Nick and AJ’s phones are off!”

“Shit…what about Lyss? Did you try her yet?” Becky stressed.


“Call her Brian now!” Becky snapped turning as she walked out of the kitchen.

Brian mumbled at Becky’s attitude and dialed her number.


“Where’s JC?!” Chris asked.

“Well I don’t see Lyssie…so you gotta put it together” Joey smiled.


Alyssa and JC stood in the empty hall. “Baby…they’re probably looking for you…” she said as JC kissed her.

“So…” he grinned and kissed her again.

“Why…do you always say… ‘so’…” she smiled.

JC stopped and held her in his arms. “Because I don’t want to waste any time while you’re here…I miss you so much when you’re gone.”

“I miss you too baby…” she kissed him. “Don’t think about it…we still have 3 days…”

“That’s so short…” he kissed her softly on the forehead.

Alyssa smiled. “Well we have forever remember?”

JC looked at her. “I know…You’re my life Alyssa…forever…”

She smiled contently and grabbed his hands. “C’mon…I don’t want you in trouble.”

“Ok baby” he kissed her quickly before walking back up to the studio.

“Finally!” Joey called as they walked in. “Let’s go…the faster we finish, the faster you can go back to her…”

JC smiled at the thought and walked over to them. “Lets go then!” Darrin started the music as they guys ran though the routine again.


“Hi Lyssie” Yasmine giggled. “Where were you?”

Alyssa blushed. “JC kept me down in the hall…”

“OOHH” Yasmine teased. “Well so does he know it’s his day yet?”

“Not yet…” Alyssa smiled as she watched JC dance.


Yasmine reached over and grabbed Alyssa’s phone since it was closer to her. “You want me to answer?”

“Yea sure” Alyssa said.

“Alyssa Farrow’s phone” she joked.

“Yasmine it’s Brian where’s Alyssa?!” he said quickly.

“Right here hold on” she answered oddly handing the phone to her. “It’s Brian…”

Alyssa gave her the same odd look back reaching for her phone. “Bri?”

“Alyssa thank god I got to you!”

“What’s the matter?” she asked trying to cover the sound of the loud music.

“I can’t hear you Lyss go somewhere quieter.”

“Ok hold on!” Alyssa looked to Yasmine before getting up and walking out the door. Yasmine followed.


In the mirror JC could see Alyssa walk outside of the studio with Yasmine. He wondered what was wrong but continued to dance anyways.


“K Bri what is it?”

“Summer collapsed”

“WHAT!!!!!!!” Alyssa panicked and covered her mouth in shock. Yasmine looked at her questioningly.


JC saw Alyssa’s reaction though the door. He lost track of the dance.

“JC pick it up!” Darrin reminded him.

He did his best but Alyssa’s face was stuck in his head.


“Oh my god…oh my god” Alyssa mumbled. “Is she ok??”

“She’s in bed…”

“Brian I’m coming home ok” Alyssa said on the verge of tears. “I’ll be there soon.”

“Ok Lyss…see-ya”

Alyssa hung up and turned to Yasmine. “I have to go home”

“What happened sweetie?” Yasmine asked.

“Summer collapsed.” She answered quietly some small tears falling down. “My ‘mommy’…” she covered her face. “How am I gonna get home…”

Yasmine hugged her. “It’s ok sweetie…I’m coming with you…I’ll ask Bill to take us…Wait right here ok?”

Alyssa nodded her head. She was still in shock.


JC watched as Alyssa seemed to be crying but he wasn’t sure. He blanked again and forgot the routine.

“Ok stop” Darrin turned off the music. “JC where is you’re head?”

“Thinking about Lyssie” Joey teased.


Yasmine walked over to Kathleen and explained the situation. She told Yasmine to ask Bill to drive them, while the boys finished rehearsal. “Ok” Yasmine answered and grabbed her bags. “Tell them we’ll be back later.”

“Alright” Kathleen smiled.

“Baby girl where you goin?” Justin called as soon as he saw her walking away.

“Emergency” she turned and walked out the door.


“EMERGENCY WHAT?” JC panicked and ran after her. He saw Alyssa and Yasmine walking down the stairs to the front of the building. Alyssa had tears in her eyes. “Baby!” he called after them. Alyssa stopped as he caught up. He pulled her to him wiping away her tears. “What’s wrong?”

“Its Summer…” she whispered. “I have to go home and see her…I’m sorry baby” she started tearing up again. “This wasn’t supposed to happen…this was supposed to be our time…”

“No, no…it’s ok baby…” JC hugged her. “Listen to me…go home and I’ll meet you there…ok?”

“You don’t have too…” she sighed. “Don’t you have to stay here…”

“Were almost done thanks to you” he smiled. “I’ll see you in a bit ok?”

“Ok” she answered as he kissed her forehead. Alyssa turned and followed Yasmine to the car.


~~~30 Min Later~~~

Alyssa and Yasmine finally reached the girls’ house. Practically jumping out of the car, Alyssa ran inside the house.

“Lyss!” Becky rushed to her.

“Oh my god Becky what the hell is going on?!” Alyssa started to cry again.

Becky hugged her. “Shh sweets calm down…”

“Don’t tell me to calm down Summer collapsed!” Alyssa answered back. “GOD I DO NOT NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!”

Meanwhile Kevin and Brian watched from the kitchen.

“She called you didn’t she?” Becky realized. “Your mom called you…”

Alyssa teared again. “Damnit Becky…Summer’s the only ‘mommy’ I have now!”

“What she say sweetie?”

“She said she’s backing off. Not talking to me anymore.”

Becky hugged her again. “I’m sorry Lyssie.”

“Where is she?”


“Can I go talk to her?” Alyssa asked.

“Yea sure. Kevin take her up.” Becky sat down on the couch.

Kevin walked over and hugged Alyssa. “Everything’s gonna be ok” he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

“Well hey Yazzie” Becky sighed. “Sorry about all this.”

“Don’t be Becky” Yasmine answered. “Alyssa was like that the second Brian called.”

“Summer is like a mom to Alyssa…” Becky explained. “That’s why she’s so uptight and gets upset when something’s wrong with Summer.”


Kevin opened the door slowly and took Alyssa inside with him. Alyssa quickly knelt down beside her. “Summer?”

Summer opened her eyes and found Alyssa looking back at her with tears in her eyes. “Sweetie what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you…Brian called me and told me what happened…god Summer I was so scared.”

“I’ll leave you two alone” Kevin walked out of the room.

“Summer…I don’t want anything to happen to you…” Alyssa said.

“Alyssa I’m fine really…I was just tired this morning.” Summer smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure…” Summer sat up. “So how’s it going with JC?”

Alyssa cracked a smile when she thought about him. “Oh Summer he’s amazing…”

“Yea…How amazing?” she smiled.

“He’s everything I ever wanted…the perfect guy…and now I have him” she smiled. “I’m in love with him”

“I’m happy for you Lyss” Summer smiled. “Anything else happen?”

“Yea…” she answered. “My mom called.”

“What did she say?”

“She’s not talking to me anymore.” Alyssa looked up to her. “I only have you now.”

Summer pulled her in for a hug. “Oh Alyssa you know I’ll always be here for you…”

“Thanks mommy” she smiled. “You know you’re more of a mother than my real one is to me?”

Summer smiled. “Alyssa I can never replace your mother…but I’ll always look out for you and act as a mother should…like I’ve always had with all you girls”

“I know you will” Alyssa smiled.

“So now that you know I’m perfectly fine…I want you to go back to you’re amazing JC…because I know he misses you when you’re gone and you need to spend more time with him.”

“But Summer…I…don’t want to leave until you’re better”

“Alyssa listen to me!” Summer answered. “I’m fine…I don’t want you to stay here because there’s no reason…”


“Don’t but me Alyssa. Now listen to me like the mommy you say I am alright?!”

Alyssa giggled. “Yes mommy…You promise you’ll call if something happens?”

“I promise. So when’s he coming?”

“I don’t know…He said he was meeting us here.”

“So go call him right now and say you’re ready…” Summer smiled. “Use my phone right there.” She pointed to the table opposite her.

Alyssa obeyed and dialed JC’s number.



“Baby…is everything ok?!”

“Yea…where are you?”

“I’m on my way…I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”

“Ok” Alyssa smiled.

“See ya baby…I love you”

“Love you too” Alyssa hung up the phone.

“So is he coming?” Summer asked.

“5 minutes” Alyssa smiled.

“You really love him don’t you?”

“I do more than anything”

“Never let go of it Alyssa…promise me” Summer said seriously. “I don’t want you hurting ever again.”

“I won’t Summer I swear…He’s the one.”


Brian passed outside the open door of Summers room. “I don’t want you hurting ever again.” He heard Summer say. Followed by Alyssa’s, “I won’t Summer I swear…He’s the one.”

It broke his heart still. The One… Brian thought as he walked back downstairs. She is happy…Deep somewhere inside him he thought it was just something too good to be true and that everything would magically go back to the way they were before everything changed. But magic isn’t real… he told himself over and over.



Brian walked to the door and opened it finding JC on the other side. “Hi…Come in…”

“Hey Brian…” JC answered and walked inside.

“Alyssa is still upstairs…Yasmine is out in the back…”

“Ok thanks” JC answered and walked into the living room.

“Hey JC” Becky smiled.


“Yasmine is over there if you wanna wait with her” she pointed to the doors leading out to the backyard.

“Alright…” he answered and made his way outside.


“Alyssa JC’s here” Kevin said opening the door to Summer’s room.

Alyssa’s eyes lit up. “Thanks Kevy…can you tell him to come up?”

“No problem”

“Are you sure you’re gonna be ok?!” Alyssa asked Summer again.

She sighed. “Yes!”

“Ok just wanna be sure”

“I’m fine Alyssa…I think someone’s waiting for you…” Summer smiled and pointed to the door where JC was standing.

Alyssa smiled and stood up to open the door. “Everything alright?” he asked concernedly.


Summer watched. She could see the look in their eyes when they talked to each other. It was so honest, so real. She knew they were meant to be. It made her think about her own relationship, the things she saw in JC and Alyssa she didn’t see in her own. It made her wonder if Kevin really did love her as much as she thought.

“Summer are you alright?” JC asked.

“Yes stop worrying about me you two…” she smiled. “Go spend time together because in 3 days you’ll be apart again.”

JC sighed at the thought and grabbed Alyssa’s hand.

“JC one more thing…” Summer said.


“Take care of my little girl ok?” Summer looked at the two.

“I will I promise” he kissed Alyssa’s hand.

“Now go…I’ll be fine” Alyssa came up and hugged her. “See you in a couple of days ok sweeite?”

“Ok” she let go and walked out of the room with JC. She walked down the hall to her own room. JC looked around, it was simple with some pictures of the girls hanging around the room. “I just need to get some things…” she said quietly while looking through her closet.

JC looked at her. “Alyssa…do you want to stay home with Summer?” he didn’t want to say that but he thought of Alyssa instead of himself.

Alyssa looked at him. The fact that he would even give up their time together for her made her love him all over again. “No JC…I wanna be with you.”

He smiled and pulled her closer to him. “Are you sure?”

“What you don’t want me to stay with you?” she pouted.

“No! I do!” he answered. “Don’t ever think that.”

She smiled. “I love you JC”

“I love you Alyssa” he kissed her gently.

“Now…listen cuz I’ve been wanting to tell you this all day…” she smiled.

“And what would that be?”

“Well besides everything that happened…today is your day so we can do anything you want…” she smiled. “Is that ok with you?”

JC grinned. “Of course baby…I love it”

“Good…” she grinned and turned back to her closet. “I’ll hurry so we can go…” she pushed aside her clothes.

“Why don’t you bring these?” JC grabbed a small tank top and a short dress.


“Because I wanna see you in them” he grinned.

“Ok baby anything you want” Alyssa took the clothes out. “Any more requests? I suggest you use this opportunity since it is ‘your’ day and all…”

“Hmm” JC thought. “Can I look around?”

“Sure” Alyssa smiled and sat down on her bed. JC looked through her clothes pulling out various things. “Baby…don’t you think that’s a bit much?” she smiled.

“No…” He grinned opening a drawer of her underwear. “Oh what have we here…”

Alyssa walked over to see. “Oh I see what you’re looking at…”

JC pulled out a silk slip. “I am definitely bringing this…” he looked through some more. “And this…oh this too” He pulled out some more things.

Alyssa blushed. “You are weird baby…”

“No…just want to see you in something sexy…” he smiled and gathered everything together finding a bag he put them inside and closed it. “Ready to go?”

Alyssa nodded her head as they walked back downstairs. “Yazzie lets go girl!”

“Bye everyone” Yasmine waved and walked over to JC and Alyssa.

“I’ll meet you guys in the car…” Alyssa smiled.

“Ok” JC answered and walked outside with Yasmine.

“Bye Becks” Alyssa hugged her.

“Later Lyssie” she smiled.

“Bye Howie! You missed out last night”

“I know, next time I promise.”

“Bye Kevy…”

“Take care Lyssie” He kissed her cheek.

“Where’s Brian?” Alyssa looked around.

“Over there” Howie pointed outside. Alyssa walked out to meet him.

“Hey” she smiled.

“Hi Lyss…you leaving?”


“Well have fun ok?” Brian pulled off a smile.

“See ya later Bri” Alyssa hugged him.

Brian hugged her back, holding back his feelings every time. Alyssa let go and walked back into the house and out the door. Brian watched her longingly as she left.


Becky sat down on the couch after Alyssa left. “I can’t believe how irresponsible they were…”


“Morgan and Michelle” she snapped. “Turning off their phones…I mean what if something worse happened!”

“I’m sure they didn’t mean it” Howie answered unsure of where Becky’s sudden frustration came from.

“Yea well they have a lot of explaining to do.” She crossed her arms.


~~~1 hour Later~~~

Alyssa and JC went straight to their room after coming back from the girls house. “Damn L.A. traffic” Alyssa sighed and laid down on the bed. “Took forever to get here!”

“Yea” JC answered and laid down on the bed next to her.

“What’s wrong?” she rubbed his back.

“I’m so sore…I haven’t danced that much in a long time…” he pouted.

Alyssa smiled and sat on his back. “You want me to make you feel better?”

“Go for it”

Alyssa let her hands do the work. She massaged JC’s shoulders and his back taking all his stress and muscle knots out.

“That feels good baby…”

“Lay here for a minute ok?” Alyssa got up off him and ran into the bathroom. After about 5 minutes she came back. “C’mon baby get up.”


“I got a surprise for you.” She pulled him up. And took him to the bathroom. A warm bath was ready and waiting. “Go and relax” she smiled.

“Aw baby you’re sweet…” he grinned and kissed her forehead.

Alyssa smiled and walked towards the door.

“Where you going?”

“I’m gonna go wait for you…” she answered.

JC thought to himself and walked out of the bathroom grabbing her hand on the way. He looked around and soon found the bag from Alyssa’s shopping the other day. He pulled out her bikini and put them in her hands. “Put it on…”

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at him. “Why?”

“Cuz I don’t want to sit in there by myself.” He smiled. “You’re coming with me…”

Alyssa grinned. “IF this is some cheap sex invite baby I suggest you take it back cuz…don’t think for a second that I’m gonna let you get away with it” she rolled her eyes.

“Who said anything about that?” JC answered. “Listen to me…I love you…and I love to love you…but it doesn’t mean we’re gonna do it all the time…you know it takes the special feeling out of it”

Alyssa smiled at him. “You mean that?”

“Considering we’ve only done it once…I still do…I’m not gonna take advantage of you…I love you”

“I know baby I’m sorry I sounded mad. It’s just that when we do make love I want it to be special…not some daily satisfaction.” She blushed. “You know what I mean?”

“Exactly…cause I feel the same way” he kissed her gently. “So you still want to join me?”

“I’d love too” she grinned. “Go I’ll be there in a second”

“Ok…” JC turned and walked into the bathroom.


~~~2 Hours Later~~~

Nick, Morgan, Michelle and AJ packed up all their things from their day at the beach and got in the car.

“Hey you guys want to go out to dinner?” AJ asked.

“Yea!” Morgan and Michelle grinned.

“So where to?”

“There’s this cool dinner club downtown” Michelle said “We used to go there all the time…”

“Island Breeze right?” Morgan remembered. “That place was cool!”

“Yea…how bout it?” Michelle looked to AJ and Nick.

“Sure baby” AJ smiled and started to car.


“Lyssie baby you’re getting out?” JC asked as Alyssa stood up.

“Baby we’ve been in here for 2 hours!” she stepped out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel to dried herself off.

JC followed her into the main room he pulled her back to him kissing her. He stopped and simply looked into her eyes smiling.

Alyssa looked back at him. “What was that for?”

“For being you…” he grinned and hugged her, Alyssa’s stomach growled in between them. JC placed his hand on her stomach. “Are you hungry?”

“Yea…” she confessed. “That’s kinda why I wanted to get out…”

“Baby why didn’t you tell me?” JC asked with a concerned face.

Alyssa smiled. “Cause it’s your day…” she looked at him.

“Well I’m taking you out to dinner” he smiled. “Alright?”

“If that’s what you want to do” she smiled. “I can’t complain”

“Where do you want to go?” he asked.

“You pick baby…” Alyssa smiled. “Your day” she reminded.

“Oh right… “ he thought.

“I bet I know where you wanna go…” Alyssa ran her hand through his wet hair.

“And where is that?”


“You read my mind…” JC smiled. “How’d you know?”

“Oh I know everything about my baby” she said proudly.

“Everything?” he asked.

Alyssa nodded. “I think…yes…everything”

JC chuckled. “I know everything about you too…”

“That’s what you think” Alyssa giggled. “A girls gotta have her secrets…”

“Ok baby…I understand” he kissed her neck. “So what are you gonna wear?”

“I dunno…” she smiled.

“How bout you wear that short sexy black dress with the slits on the side?” he suggested continuing to kiss her neck.

Alyssa turned to face him. “Fine with me…” she kissed him small on the lips and slipped out of his hold. She grabbed her dress and some underwear then walked into the bathroom to change.


~~~9:45 P.M.~~~

JC sat at the table waiting for the check. Soon Alyssa returned from the bathroom. JC eyed her up and down as she walked towards their table. All day he had been restraining himself, not that he minded, he liked the challenge her sexy resistance to him, it turned him on. Not only that but he respected her. Alyssa sat down moving closer to him. She placed her hands in her lap. JC looked down and grabbed one of her hands in his holding it gently.

Alyssa looked at him. He was so sweet and gentle to her, she was surprised that he hadn’t complained all day especially with her slight complaining and questioning about wanting her in the bathtub with him. She smiled to herself knowing that she was holding back herself, the whole time she was simply testing him in a good way, she wanted to see if she could really trust him fully with herself and her body. He proved to her that he respected her.

“Your check sir” the waiter came up to the table leaving the tray. JC picked it up and glanced at it. He started to reach for his wallet when Alyssa stopped him. He looked oddly at her.

“Let me get it”

“No baby…I won’t let you” he answered.

Alyssa smiled. “Baby don’t make me get mad…I want to…it’s your day…relax”

“But Lyssie-” Alyssa silenced him by placing her finger on his lips. She looked him in the eyes and ran her finger along them.

“No buts Josh…” she smiled and placed the fee as the waiter swung by picking it up. She turned her attention back to JC who was looking at her. She led him out of the restaurant and walked him down the street to the beach walkway. The moon was out and there were stars in the sky. The perfect romantic setting…she thought to herself as she walked out onto the empty beach. She slipped her sandals off and walked on the sand barefoot inching closer to the water.

JC watched her walk away from him. She looked so innocent as she walked in the sand, her hair was blown gently by the breeze. She’s so beautiful, I love her so much… he smiled as she looked back directly into his eyes. Taking off his shoes he followed her.

Alyssa looked up at the moon. She closed her eyes trying to comprehend how lucky she was. She had the most wonderful, loving, sweet, passionate guy in her life and he cared about her more than anyone she’d known in her whole life. The best thing was she loved him back just as much. She opened her eyes and found him standing in front of her.

“Why did you take the check?”

“I owe you…”

“You don’t owe me anything…” his hand brushed her cheek. He held her chin in his hand as his thumb traced the outline of her lower lip.

Alyssa smiled and kissed his hand. “Yes I do…this whole time…I…I was only testing you” she looked shyly at him.

“Testing me?”

“Yea saying you were giving me a cheap sex invite, not letting you too close to me while we were in the bath…” she looked up to him. “I haven’t kissed you since we left the hotel…”


“Because I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just dreaming…that you were really the one, the one I’m falling in love with, the one I never want to loose” she blushed. “I’m just scared…”

“There’s nothing to be sacred of Alyssa…not when you’re loved back”

“Still I was…I didn’t want to fall to fast. I didn’t want to just give my heart away like I’ve done in the past. Every time I’m with you it keeps getting better, when I look into your eyes I see forever…I want to be with you…I want you to be my everything. I want to give you my heart and soul.”

JC looked down into her eyes. “I’m giving you my everything baby, for the rest of my life, I promise you” He saw the smile appear on her face as the words came out, he’d never said anything so truthfully and straight from his heart. He leaned in and kissed her with more passion than he knew he had. They connected together perfectly and they both knew the truth. Alyssa kissed him with more love than she’d ever felt. Her heart was right and she knew he completed her.

“Come on…” JC put his arm around her after they broke apart. “It’s getting late…and cold.” Alyssa didn’t object and instead followed him as they walked back to the hotel hand in hand.


~~~The Girls’ House~~~

Morgan, Michelle, AJ and Nick walked back into the house after their dinner. They all were laughing and enjoying their own conversation that they didn’t notice Becky sitting at the couch starring straight at them. Her usual smile was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh hey Becks” Michelle said giggling. “Man you stayed here all day?!”

Becky nodded her head sternly without answering.

“Oh we had so much fun today!” Morgan smiled. “Where is everyone?!”

“Asleep” Becky answered.

Nick and AJ could clearly see something different in Becky, they looked at each other confused and both made a run for the kitchen.

“Where the hell were you two?”

Morgan quit smiling and looked at Michelle who was still giggling. “We went to the beach then to dinner and-”

“Did you have your phones with you?” Becky continued.

“Yea…but we said fuck that and turned them off this morning!” Michelle smiled totally unaware of Becky’s mood. Morgan nudged her hard. “Hey!” Morgan simply looked her in the eyes as Michelle shut-up and looked at Becky. “What’s wrong with you?”

Becky had it, she snapped. “I’d ask you two the same damn thing!” she stood up and walked over to them. “You two really did it this time…”

“Whoa what’s up your ass?” Michelle answered back.

“Shut-up Michelle…I don’t need anymore of your immaturity” Becky said angered. “You have no idea what happened today…why? Because you turned off your fucking phones when you KNOW DAMN well your supposed to keep them on!!!!”

Morgan and Michelle stood there shocked.

“Guess what? Guess what you missed” Becky went on. “C’Mon see if you can guess…”

“What Becky?! What the FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!” Michelle snapped back angered as to why she was being yelled at. “Why do you keep yelling at us!? Were not kids!”

“Well you sure as hell acted like two irresponsible kids today…still have no clue do you?!”

Morgan started to tear. “What Becky Stop!”

“Summer collapsed this morning and was in bed all day…maybe you’d like to know that?” Becky answered. “While you two were out with you’re phones fucking off…everyone here was scared and panicking, then we couldn’t get a hold of you!!!! Let alone the fact that things could have been worse…” she glared at them.

Morgan and Michelle’s mouths dropped open. “I’m sorry Becky we didn’t mean it!” Morgan cried.

“It’s too late for that” Becky said and turned away from them.

“Stop being a bitch Becky” Michelle snapped.

“Don’t call me the bitch at least I was here for Summer”

Morgan turned and ran up the stairs shutting the door loudly.

“Do you have anything to say?” Becky asked. “Or are you just gonna bitch and complain your way out of it like you always do!?”

“Fuck off Becky” Michelle hissed and ran up the stairs slamming her door shut.

“GODDAMNIT!” Becky yelled and ran into her room closing her door louder than the previous two.

Nick and AJ finally came out of the kitchen. Howie soon came out of Becky’s room. “Honey what’s wrong?” he rubbed his eyes as the door slammed in his face. Kevin appeared at the top of the stairs as Brian emerged from the guestroom. “What the hell was that?” Brian yawned.

They all gathered around as AJ and Nick sat on the couch. “Damn I’ve never seen any of them like that…”

“Guys we didn’t mean to turn the phones off honest” Nick said.

“We know…I told that to Becky but she wouldn’t hear it…” Howie added.

“They’re so pissed…”

“Well looks like you three have to crash somewhere…” Kevin said walking up the stairs and went back to bed. “Doubt your girls are anything but happy right now…”

“AW I don’t wanna!” Nick complained.

“Well have fun” Brian walked sleepily back to the guestroom.

“Brian isn’t there an extra bed in there?” Howie remembered.

“Oh yea…” Brian answered and continued walking.

Howie, AJ and Nick exchanged a quick look. “I called it!” Howie ran off before AJ and Nick could stand up.

“Shit…this sucks…” AJ mumbled. “I know…Lyssie’s room”

“You should ask her” Nick said.

“I know…you think it’s too late?” AJ glanced at the clock 10:00 it said.

“I dunno try, besides would Lyssie ever get mad? She’s a sweetheart” Nick smiled.

“You call her” AJ said. “She won’t get mad at you”

“Fine” Nick reached for the phone next to him and dialed her number.


~~~L.A. Hotel~~~

RING RING! Alyssa’s phone rang just as she and JC walked inside. He smiled at her and led her to the bed. Sitting her down next to him he held her in his arms. Alyssa reached over and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hey Lyssie sorry it’s late”

“Hey Nicky what’s up?”

“Uhm I was wondering if AJ and I could crash on the floor in your room?”


“Well there was a fight…and now there are a very angry Morgan, Michelle and Becky”

“Oh great…” Alyssa sighed. “Well sure guys you can but you don’t have to sleep on the floor that’d hurt” she giggled.

“Well what then?”

“I’ll tell ya a secret Nicky…my bed has one under it…just pull it out and you’ll have two ok?”

“Oh great Lyssie thanks so much…I love ya!”

“Aw love ya two Nicky”

“Here’s AJ”

“Hey Lyssie!” AJ said.

“Hi, so you’re gonna be in my room tonight? Don’t mess anything up” she joked.

“We won’t Lyssie…” he trailed.

“Don’t worry…they’ll calm down tomorrow…least they won’t be mad at you two…but I guarantee that they’ll be mad as hell at Becky for awhile.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Night Lyss, love ya!”

“Night sweetie love ya too” She hung up the phone and turned back to JC.

“Everyone loves you huh baby?”

Alyssa blushed. “I guess…”

“I love you baby” he kissed her on the forehead. Alyssa held his face and connected their lips together. She laid back on the pillows as their kiss continued. “Wait…” he lifted her back up.

Alyssa read his mind she walked over to her bag and pulled out her Boyz II Men CD. Smiling she put it in and started track 9 I’ll Make Love to You. Walking back to the bag she pulled out a few items and walked back over to JC. “Get comfy baby…” she kissed him. “I’ll be right back.” Alyssa turned and walked into the bathroom.

JC jumped up off the bed and changed quickly into a tank and his favorite pair of comfortable Calvin Klein sleep pants. He ran around the room and dimmed the lights, fixing the bed up he sat at the edge and waited.

Alyssa walked out of the bathroom blushing. She put on the slip JC picked out earlier and smiled as she saw his reaction. He reached out to her but she held out her hand. “Not yet…” reluctantly he pulled back and sat down again as she put away her things. JC watched her as she walked in the sexy silk slip he brought for her to wear. The fabric hugged her body showing of her curves while its length ended right under her butt making her legs look longer and sexier. She walked slowly back to him.

“Baby you look so sexy…” he breathed.

Alyssa blushed even more and leaned down to meet her face with his. Leaning in she kissed him passionately. He leaned back holding her hips luring her on top of him. She complied as she kissed him climbing into his lap she straddled him and looked him in the eyes.

“Every time I look into your eyes I see the person I’ve been searching for…” JC whispered and kissed her gently. Running his hands over her back he lifted the slip off of her revealing her lace underwear underneath. He admired her body smiling “You’re so beautiful…” he kissed her again. “I love you so much…”

Alyssa looked at him. “Show me JC…Don’t just say you love me…” she licked his lips as she pulled his tank top off. Leaning in she whispered in his ear “Make love to me.”

JC looked into her eyes and smiled. He laid her down on the bed gently giving her the sweetest kiss of her life. He caressed her body and showed Alyssa just how much he loved her. They both felt that special feeling as their bodies connected as one. After they cuddled together falling asleep with the other in mind, knowing they had that one person in their life that they would each love forever.


Chapter 33