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Chapter 33

~~~The Next Day~~~

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast with the exception of Summer, who was still upstairs, Morgan and Michelle who weren’t up yet. The boys sat in silence as Becky’s attitude hadn’t changed from the night before.


Morgan got up and walked into the bathroom down the hall. It was locked so she knocked.


“Chelle its me Morgie”

Michelle opened the door. “Where’s the bitch?” she mumbled.

“I don’t know and I don’t care…I hate it when she pulls an attitude.” Morgan walked to the sink to clean up.

“Whatever she really pissed me off last night…” Michelle finished up. Soon after Morgan was ready too. They walked downstairs silently and walked into the kitchen where everyone was, exchanging looks at the sight of Becky they walked past everyone and grabbed some food.

“Hey baby” Nick smiled at her.

Morgan looked up at him and pulled off a decent smile only to concentrate on her food again.

AJ on the other hand walked up to Michelle and tried to pull her in for a hug. “I’m not in the mood AJ” she shrugged his touch off. AJ backed away from her glancing at the other guys. They looked at Becky who was staring out the window. Morgan and Michelle both walked out of the kitchen not saying anything to the others. 5 minutes the silence was broken when Summer walked in.

“Summer!” Nick smiled. “You ok now?”

“Yea Nick I’m fine thanks” she smiled and sat down.

“You had us really worried”

“Its ok I was just tired yesterday…where are Morgan and Michelle…I haven’t seen them…”

The guys exchanged looks, Becky turned her head. “They’re being immature again”


“I asked them why they were irresponsible when they turned off their phones and they got all angry and yelled…so we fought last night” Becky simply said.

“Becky you know they can’t handle being treated that way” Summer said.

“Summer they need to grow up! I thought now that we have some major responsibility, now that we have a lot to deal with, they would, but I was wrong…they still think its all fun and games and that everything will be done for them!” she sighed. “I’m sick of it…I’m sick of everything!” she got up and walked out of the kitchen.

“Is it always this bad when you girls fight?” Howie asked.

“Yea…” Summer admitted. “You’ve got Morgan and Michelle versus Becky…it’s not gonna be pretty.”

“That’s what Alyssa said” AJ sighed.

“Our whole lives it’s been Michelle, Morgan and Alyssa…they’re the closest…then Becky and I…it causes BIG conflicts. Sometimes one or the other is caught in the middle, usually Alyssa but eventually she sides with the others cause they’re the youngest. Becky and I are older so we tended to stick together…over the years it’s gotten better but you can still see that tendency in us to separate…”


~~~Downtown L.A.~~~

“Baby c’mon I’m trying to get some food…” Alyssa giggled as she tried desperately to get some food on her plate. JC had his arms around her waist and was kissing her neck.

Justin was busy writing something in a notebook while Yasmine watched. “They’re acting cuter than usual…” she smiled.

“Lyssie baby…” JC started.

“Hm?” she answered.

“I love you” he whispered in her ear. Alyssa blushed, put her plate down and hugged him tightly.

“AW guys do you have to be so in love all the time!?” Joey called from across the room.

Alyssa and JC turned their heads to face him and purposely kissed each other.

“EEWWW Get a room!” Joey called back.

Alyssa let go of JC and ran over to Joey. “You don’t mean that…” she sat in his lap. “Do you?”

Joey smiled. “No…I don’t…”

“Good!” she giggled and kissed his cheek.

“Lyssie, come here!” Yasmine called.

“Later Joey!” Alyssa hopped off and walked over to Yasmine. “What’s up girl?”

“Eveything, especially with you…I see it in your eyes…” she grinned. “C’mon girl talk!” she grabbed her arm and led her to a corner area of the lobby.

JC walked over and joined Justin. “Hey man!”

“Hey yourself…” Justin answered. “Someone’s happier than usual”

JC just smiled. “When you have someone like Alyssa, you can’t be anything but…”

“Someone’s in love…” Justin looked at him. “So what’s the deal now?”

“She’s the one” JC answered. “I’ve never been sure of anything. I promised her I’d love her for the rest of my life…”

Something in Justin’s mind clicked as JC talked. He quickly scribbled something down in the notebook. “What else did you say?”


“Just answer the question man…please”

“I said I was giving her my word and my heart…” JC looked over at Justin as he wrote the words down. “What are you doing?”

“Sumthin…” he continued to write. “Man you just helped me out a lot! Look…” Justin handed JC the notebook. He took it and read over the written words. “What do you think? I was starting it and then what you just said brought it all together…”

JC nodded his head in approval. “Hey what if you put this here…” he took the pen and added his own words showing it to Justin.

“I think we’ve got something…” Justin smiled. “This is for Yasmine…”

“And Alyssa…” JC added. “I was the one that helped remember.”

“Totally…so Alyssa and Yasmine…hm…” Justin thought to himself. “I got an idea…” Justin explained every thing to JC. “Think we can pull it off?”

“We have all day right?”

“Right…so let’s finish this up and tell the others…” Justin smiled as they sat and worked on their project.


Morgan and Michelle sat outside together trying to get away from Becky.

“Man I’m so bored here…I can’t stand it!” Morgan sighed. “Let’s bail…”

“Yea and with Becky all prissy and acting like a bitch all of a sudden makes me want to leave even more!”

“Let’s call Lyss…least she’ll understand” Morgan said as soon as Summer walked out.

“Hey girls” Summer sat down next to them.

“Hey Summer…listen were sorry we weren’t there yesterday” Michelle said. “We didn’t mean it…”

“I know girls” Summer smiled as she looked at their angered faces. “Girls…don’t keep this attitude up”

Morgan and Michelle glanced at each other and rolled their eyes. “Well tell Becky to stop acting like a bitch”

“You know she’s just looking out for you two…” Summer continued. “And she is right, you’re supposed to keep your phones on…”

“You’re on her side?!” Morgan shot back. “Oh never mind…you always were…ever since we were kids…its always you and Becky…the know it all’s!”


“She’s right Summer!” Michelle added. “When are you gonna stop treating us like kids!”

Summer tensed up herself now. “When you learn to not act like one!”

“I don’t need this! Lets go Morgie!” Michelle grabbed Morgan’s arm and led her to her room shutting the door loudly.


Yasmine and Alyssa chatted for awhile before they were interrupted.


“Sorry Yazzie” Alyssa grabbed her phone.

“It’s ok Lyssie” she smiled.

“Hello?” Alyssa answered it.

“Hi Mermaid”

“Hey daddy…what’s up?”

“Nothing really…how are you?”

“Never been better!”

“Even after your mother called…”

“Yes dad I’m fine…so is something wrong?”

“No everything is ok…I was just calling to ask you for a favor”

“What is it?”

“Well I know you’re on vacation and all but your Aunt Marie needs someone to watch little Crystal…”

Alyssa smiled. “Aw really…I haven’t seen her in forever!”

“Well your Aunt Marie and Uncle James are off on business for the day and her regular babysitter is sick…so they called me but I have work…so I know you’re spending time with JC but do you think you could take Crystal for a couple of hours?”

“Sure daddy I’d love to watch her” Alyssa smiled.

“Great so I’ll be by with her in about half an hour.”

“Ok see you later”

“Bye” Mr. Farrow said and hung up.

“What was that?” Yasmine asked.

“My aunt needs someone to watch her daughter…so that would be me” Alyssa smiled.

“Aw how old is she?”

“Crystal’s 5”

“AW!” Yasmine gushed. “I love little kids!”

“She is cute” Alyssa smiled. “So you don’t mind?”

“No girl!” Yasmine smiled.


“Oh what now” Alyssa picked up her phone. “Hello?”

“Lyssie!” Morgan called.

“What’s wrong?”

“Damnit Michelle and I are going CRAZY over here!” She sighed. “Can we go chill with you and Yasmine?”

“I heard you got in a fight…is she in bitch mood?”

“God yes and now Summer’s on her side…as usual!” Morgan complained. “I can’t stand it!”

“Yea sure you two can come…oh by the way Crystal is coming too”

“AW! Little Crystal!” Morgan giggled. “Girl I am definitely coming I wanna see her!”

Alyssa smiled. “Great so were at the Hilton Hotel…on the 8th floor. We’ll be in the lobby at the end of the hall.”

“Ok Lyssie see ya in a few”

“Bye Morgie” Alyssa answered. “Well looks like we’ve got two more coming!” she turned to Yasmine.

“Cool we’ll have a girls day!”

“Yea, I better go tell them…” Alyssa got up and walked over to JC and Justin. She noticed them writing in a notebook frantically. “What ya doing?” she sat down.

JC and Justin startled and shut the notebook quickly. “Nothing!” Justin answered gripping the book between his hands.

Alyssa smiled. “If you say so…” she said not convinced. “JC my dad’s coming in a bit…so are Morgan and Michelle.”

“Oh I something wrong?” he asked.

“No my dad asked me to watch my baby cousin…and you remember that fight Morgan and Michelle got in last night…they’re desperate to get out of the house so I said they could come chill here…is that ok?”

“Course baby…”

“Actually that’s good cause we need to get to the studio today…” Justin glanced at JC. “Right?”

“Oh yea right…we have a lot of work to do…” JC answered.

“Ok baby…” Alyssa smiled and stood up walking back over to Yasmine.

“This is perfect timing!” Justin smiled. “Now that they’ll both be busy all day we can do our thing without them really noticing!”

“Yea…so wanna show the guys the song now?”

“Yea…Joey!” Justin called. “Come here real fast wit the others”

Joey got Chris and Lance and brought them over. “What up?”

“Hey guys we need your help today…” Justin started. “We gotta go to the studio…and record a rough cut…”

“Rough cut of what?” Chris asked.

“This…we just wrote it…” Justin handed him the notebook.

Chris read over it quickly with Joey and Lance looking on. “Damn you guys are good…”

“Where did you get those words?”

JC and Justin smiled. “See those two beautiful girls over there?” he pointed to Alyssa and Yasmine.

“Oh I see now…” Lance smiled.


Morgan and Michelle got ready quickly and ran down stairs.

“Where are you two going?” Summer asked.

“Out!” they called then ran into Nick. “Move Nick” Michelle shoved him a bit.

“Whoa…” he stepped to the side. “Angel?”

“I’m leaving Nick…see you later” she pecked his cheek and ran out following Michelle shutting the door.

“Well maybe we’ll have some quiet around here” Becky smirked and sat down on the couch. “Just like them, always running away from things…”

“Yea…sometimes I don’t understand it” Summer sat next to her.

AJ stepped up to Nick. “I see that separation thing…” he looked at Becky and Summer then back to Nick. “It’s happening…”

“You don’t think it will effect anything do you?”

AJ sighed. “I hope not…They can’t let things like that get in between them and split them up…otherwise they’ll never survive…”


~~~25 Min. Later~~~


“That must be my dad.” Alyssa stood up and walked to the door.

“LYSSIE!” a small little girl burst in and grabbed Alyssa’s leg.

“Aw Crystal!” She picked the little girl up giving her a big kiss. “You’re so big!”

Little Crystal giggled and hugged her big cousin. Mr. Farrow soon stepped inside. “Hi Mermaid.” He kissed his daughter’s cheek.

“Hey daddy…”

“Are you sure you can take her?”

“Yes I can handle…besides Yasmine is here and Morgan and Michelle are coming so she’ll have 4 people watching her”

“Ok dear just making sure its not too much trouble.”

JC soon walked up. “Hello Mr. Farrow” he held out his hand.

“Hello son, how are you?”


“Is Alyssa behaving herself?” he chuckled.

“Daddy!” Alyssa rolled her eyes.

“Yes sir she is” JC smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Well I have to be going…I’ll see you before you leave on promotion Alyssa” he smiled. “Are you going to behave Crystal?” he tickled the little girl.

“Yes Uncle Randy!” she giggled.

“Good girl…goodbye kids” he waved and walked out.

“So this is your baby cousin…” JC looked at Crystal. “She looks like you…”

“That’s what everyone says…some people even thought she was my kid when I used to take her out…” Alyssa smiled and kissed the little girls forehead. “I wouldn’t mind having a kid like her though…she’s so sweet”

“Maybe we will…” JC looked into her eyes.

“We?” Alyssa’s eyes lit up as she smiled.

“Yea…someday…” he leaned in and kissed her. “I love you…”

“Love you too baby” Alyssa smiled.

“Lyssie…” Crystal giggled and whispered in her cousin’s ear. “Who dat?” she pointed to JC.

“Why don’t you ask him?” Alyssa answered.

“Who are you?” Crystal asked JC.

“I’m JC”

“Can you say JC, Cryssie?” Alyssa smiled.

“JC” Crystal giggled and pointed to him.

“You be nice to him because he’s Alyssa’s friend ok?” Alyssa smiled.

“Is he your boyfriend?!” Crystal asked and looked at him.

Alyssa laughed. “You’re a smart little girl…Why do you like him?”

Crystal giggled and buried her face in Alyssa’s chest.

“AW don’t be shy sweetie” JC smiled. “You wanna come play with me?”

“Can I Lyssie?” Crystal giggled.

Alyssa looked at JC. “If he wants to…are you sure you’re not busy?”

“No baby…we’re leaving in a few anyway…” JC smiled. “You still want to play Crystal?”

Crystal nodded her head and reached her arms out to JC, he held her as Alyssa let go. “Be good Cryssie…can I have a kiss?” Crystal giggled and kissed Alyssa. “Thank you sweetie…”

“How bout me?” JC looked at Crystal. “Can I have one too?” Crystal giggled and kissed JC quickly before hiding her face in his chest. “Aw she’s so sweet…just like you”

Alyssa blushed. “Have fun…” she kissed JC then walked back over to Yasmine.


Yasmine watched Alyssa, JC and Crystal together, she smiled when she thought of the day when it would be them only with their own child. It was so certain for them, they knew they were meant to be together forever. Lately she would compare her relationship with theirs. Would hers last too? Yasmine didn’t even want to think it wouldn’t because she wanted it to, but she didn’t know if Justin felt the same way. Sure he loved her, he told her everyday, but did he really mean it? Yes he does…Does he? she asked herself.

“Yazzie you ok?” Alyssa asked as Yasmine stared out into space.


“Girly are you alright?”

“Lyss…does Justin love me?”

Alyssa sat down. “What? Where is this coming from?”

“Does he?”

“Don’t you know?”

“I do…but I don’t!” Yasmine said. “What if he doesn’t?”

“Yazzie what’s wrong? Why are you thinking like that?”

“I don’t know Lyssie…just these past few days I see JC and you. I see how much he loves you he tells you all the time, he shows you all the time too…and then Justin…oh gosh what’s wrong with me?”

“Yazzie…Justin loves you…he’s not JC so he may not show you the way JC shows me…you know?”

“Yea Lyss but still…”

“Yazzie listen to me…you’re over reacting…”

“What if I’m not Lyss?!” Yasmine said nervously. “What if…it doesn’t last…I’m scared…I love him so much…”

Alyssa looked worriedly at Yasmine. “Yazzie why don’t you talk to him…tell him how you feel…”

“I don’t know if I can…”


JC carried Crystal over to the other guys who were discussing the new song.

“Well who’s this pretty little lady?” Justin smiled as JC sat down with Crystal in his lap.

“Guy’s say hi to Crystal…”

“Hi Crystal!” They all smiled. Crystal giggled and hid her face again. “Aw she’s shy…” Chris smiled. “She looks so much like Lyssie…”

“I know…she’s really pretty…” Justin smiled. “Just like her cousin”

“Hear that sweetie?…They think you’re very pretty” JC said.

Crystal blushed and smiled. “Ya?”

“Yes sweetie very pretty” Lance answered.

“Lyssie’s pretty…you think so?” Crystal asked.

“I do!” Joey smiled.

“JC you think Lyssie is pretty?” Crystal’s little voice asked him smiling.

“Of course, Lyssie is beautiful…” he smiled.


Morgan and Michelle walked down the hotel lobby. “God we finally got out of that place!”

“I know…now Summer and Becky are all ‘we know what’s best for the little ones’ again!” Morgan rolled her eyes.


“Yazzie are you gonna be ok?” Alyssa asked as Yasmine continued to stare sadly at nothing.

“I guess…”


“That must be Morgan and Michelle…we’ll talk about this later ok Yasmine?”

“Ok Lyssie…thanks”

“Sure” Alyssa smiled and walked to the door.


“They still treat us like kids…” Michelle knocked on the door of the lobby. Alyssa soon opened it. “Hey Lyssie!” Michelle hugged her.

“Hey Chelle! Morgie!”

“Hey Lyss, thanks for letting us come…”

“No prob girls! Come in…” she opened the door wider letting them enter.

“MORGAN!!” Crystal shrieked and hopped of JC’s lap running over to her.

“AW hi Cryssie!” She picked her up. “Wow your so big!”

“Hey don’t I get a hug?”

“Mimi!” Crystal smiled and reached for Michelle giving her a hug.

“Aw you’re so cute!” Michelle kissed her cheek. “Lyssie she’s so pretty.” Michelle played with Crystals hair.

“I know…” Alyssa smiled. “Ok Cryssie you still want to play with JC?!”

“Ya!” She smiled then ran off to JC climbing in his lap.

“AW!” Morgan gushed. “That is so adorable!”

“Come on girls…” Alyssa led them to the area where Yasmine was sitting. As she approached she noticed Yasmine’s usual smile on her face but knew that she was just covering up.

“Yaz!” Michelle smiled and hugged her.

“Hey girl!”

“Yazzie!” Morgan came after.

“Hey…so what happened?!”

“Oh god Becky is being the biggest bitch! And now Summer decided to join her!” Michelle plopped down on the couch.

“She yelled at us and now gave us this attitude all this morning…” Morgan continued. “God Lyss it’s just like when we were younger…they always think they’re the boss!”

“I hate that” Alyssa agreed.

“So do I!” Michelle sighed. “Whatever…we just HAD to get out of there…”

“Well you guys can stay here till whenever…” Alyssa smiled. “We just gotta watch Crystal…the guys are going to the studio or something…”

“Cool…” Morgan smiled.

“SO!” Michelle changed the subject. “Lyss how’s it going with JC?!”

Alyssa blushed. “Perfect…”


“Yea…nothing could be better…”

“You should see them girls…everyday ‘I love you baby’” Yasmine smiled. “Its so cute!”

“AWW!” they gushed.

“Were not like that!” Alyssa smiled. “That’s totally Morgan and Nicky!”

“Yea reminds me of us!” Morgan giggled.

“Well this morning you were like that…” Yasmine grinned. “So what happened?”

“Nothing…” Alyssa grinned.

“Yea right” Morgan grinned.

“Did you guys have sex?!” Michelle asked.

“MICHELLE!” Yasmine shrieked and nudged her as the guys looked over curiously. The girls all noticed and burst into laughter.

“Oh look they’re lookin over here now” Morgan giggled and waved at them. “Hey guys!” The guys smiled and waved back.

“Ok Lyss so you didn’t answer did you guys have sex!?” Michelle asked more curious than ever.

“Do I have to answer you?”

“I wanna know!”

“Damn girl not everyone is a sex freak like you” Morgan giggled.

“Or half as prude…”

“I admit it I love sex!” Michelle laughed. “Especially with my AJ” she grinned.

“Girl you are crazy…”

“C’mon Lyss…”

“Fine! Yea…” she blushed.

“How many times?”


“What?! I’m just curious…”

“Twice…ok no more questions about it!” Alyssa said quickly.

“See now how hard was that to just answer the question?!” Michelle smiled. “You love him huh?”

“Of course I do!” Alyssa smiled. “More than anything…he’s so sweet”

“AW!” Morgan and Michelle gushed. Yasmine listened her mind going back to earlier. As Alyssa talked about JC with them she questioned her own relationship more and more.


~~~10 Min Later~~~

“Ok so you guys ready?” Chris asked. “I just called the studio and they have an opening…”

“Yea lets roll…” Joey got up.

“Come on Crystal…lets get you back to Alyssa” JC picked her up and carried her over. “Lyss were leaving…”

Alyssa stood up and walked over. “Ok…Cryssie time to say bye bye to JC”

“I don wanna!” Crystal mumbled hugging JC.

“It’s ok Cryssie I’ll be back later…” JC smiled.

Crystal looked at him. “Promise?”

“I promise”

“Ok sweetie let’s go…” Alyssa took Crystal out of JC’s arms. “I’ll see you later…”

“K Lyssie baby…” JC smiled.

“AW! Lyssie baby!! You are so cute JC!” Michelle giggled.

“Thanks Michelle…” JC blushed then turned his attention back to Alyssa. “Later…”

“Are you gonna kiss?” Crystal interrupted.

Alyssa smiled. “Why you want another kiss from him?”

Crystal giggled as JC pressed a kiss on her cheek. “There ya go sweeite”

“Happy now?” Alyssa asked her.


“You want to go play with Mimi?”

“Ya!” Crystal answered as Alyssa put her down. She ran off and sat in Michelle’s lap.

“Better go baby…” Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Want to get rid of me so quick?”

Alyssa shook her head ‘no’ and kissed him, she played her tongue with his before biting his lip gently. “Come back soon…there’s more from where that came from…”

“I love you” JC smiled.

“I love you too” Alyssa smiled as he walked out following the others. She made her way back to the girls.

“AW!” Morgan smiled. “He’s so cute Lyssie!”

“I know” she blushed. “He’s so good to me…”

“Girl you are in love!”

“Yea I am!” Alyssa smiled.


~~~5 hours Later~~~

Morgan and Michelle had just left so Yasmine and Alyssa were in the lobby watching a movie with Crystal.

“Lyssie where’s JC?” Crystal asked again for the millionth time it seemed.

“He’ll be back soon ok?”

“K” Crystal focused her attention back to the TV.

Yasmine watched absentmindedly. Her mind still stuck on her and Justin. What’s wrong with me… she thought over and over. Alyssa soon came over. “Still thinking?”

“Lyssie god I can’t get my mind off it!” Yasmine sighed and covered her eyes.

“Girl why don’t you just talk to him later…soon as he gets back.”

“I don’t know…”


Yasmine just sat quietly. Soon there was a knock at the door. Alyssa stood up and answered it. “Hey daddy…”

“Hi how was she?”

“Oh perfect” Alyssa smiled. “Crystal” she called. “Uncle Randy is here”

“But JC’s not here!” Crystal stayed on the couch in front of the TV.

“I don’t think she’s gonna leave till she gets to see JC daddy” Alyssa laughed.

“Oh that’s fine…” Mr. Farrow stepped inside and joined Crystal on the couch.


The guys walked out of the elevator. They recorded the rough cut at the studio then stopped by the mall on the way home. “Ok Justin you ready?”

“Yea we just have to set up…” he answered.

“I’ll be in my room and I’ll come get you when I’m done ok?” JC said walking over to the door.

“Yea…keep them in the lobby” Justin said to Joey.

“Alright” He walked off with the Lance and Chris into the lobby.

“Look who’s back!” Alyssa smiled. “How’d the studio go?”

“Great!” Chris smiled.

Crystal walked over to Alyssa and tapped her. “Where is he?” she whispered.

“I dunno…”

“JC’s getting something Lyss he’ll be right down.” Lance answered.

“Hear that sweetie…he’s coming ok?” Alyssa lifted Crystal up in her arms.

“Okie” she answered. Just then Justin and JC came through the doors. “JC!” Crystal said at the sight of him.

“Hey sweeite…” He took her from Alyssa’s arms spinning her around as she giggled. He kissed her cheek then walked back over to Alyssa. “Hey beautiful…”

Alyssa smiled. “Ok Cryssie you have to say bye to him now cause you have to get home to mommy…”

“Bye Cryssie” JC smiled.

“Bye…” she said quietly.

“You’ll come back to play right?” JC asked.

“Ya!” She giggled as Mr. Farrow walked over.

“C’mon Crystal” Mr. Farrow took her from JC. “See you soon Mermaid…”

“Bye daddy”

“Goodbye JC…”

“Bye Mr. Farrow” he smiled as the lobby door shut.


“Hey Yasmine” Justin smiled and sat down next to her.

“Hey…” she pulled off a smile.

“Is something wrong?”

“No…” Should I say something… she thought to herself.

“Ok cause I’ve got something for you…”


“Yea…it’s in our room.”

“Can I go see?” Yasmine smiled.

“Hold on…JC?!” Justin looked over to him.

“Ready?” JC asked.

“Yea…ok baby go look in our room…” Justin smiled. “I’ll wait here…”

“Ok” Yasmine got up and walked over to Alyssa and JC.


“You what?” Alyssa asked.

“I got something for you…just go look…” JC smiled and kissed her cheek.

“AW baby…why are you always so good to me?”

“Because I love you” he smiled.

Alyssa blushed and hugged him as Yasmine came over. “Ok girls off to your rooms…” JC pushed them towards the door. “We’ll be in here” he shut the door to the lobby.

“Yazzie did you ask him yet?” Alyssa said as they walked down the hall.


“Girl you have too!”

“I can’t!” Yasmine looked desperately at Alyssa.

“Oh Yaz…” Alyssa hugged her. “Well go see what’s in your room.” Yasmine turned and walked inside silently as Alyssa turned and walked into her room as well. She saw a glow coming from the main room and found candles lit around the room. “This looks so familiar…” she smiled remembering New York. Walking over to the bed she found a note folded up.


Yasmine looked on her bed at a note. She picked it up and read:

Go to the stereo and push play…


Turning she found another note on top of the stereo. It said open after the song… Yasmine held the note and pushed play. The music softly came through as Justin’s voice soon filled the room:

When visions around you, Bring tears to your eyes And all that surrounds you, Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call, Is standing here all alone...

And I will take You in my arms And hold you right where you belong Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you


Alyssa listened to the music tears softly formed in her eyes as it continued with JC’s voice…

I've loved you forever, In lifetimes before And I promise you never... Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word I give you my heart (give you my heart) This is a battle we've won And with this vow, Forever has now begun..


Yasmine listened to the words of the song. Is this what he wants to tell me?…

Just close your eyes Each loving day (each loving day) I know this feeling won't go away (no..) Till the day my life is through This I promise you Ooh.. I promise you..


Alyssa smiled as JC’s voice came through once again…

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall) When I hear you call Without you in my life baby I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take (I will take you in my arms) You in my arms And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong) Till the day my life is through This I promise you baby Just close your eyes Each loving day (each loving day) I know this feeling won't go away (no..) Every word I say is true This I promise you


Yasmine listened as the song ended with Justin…

Every word I say is true This I promise you Ooh, I promise you...

Every word?…She thought again ripping the note open. Her eyes swelled as she read it.


That song was for you…I wrote it for you…I love you so much baby I hope you know that…I’m in love with you.

Look under the pillow…I hope you like it.


Yasmine turned and stared at the pillow wondering what she would find under it.


Alyssa wiped some tears away and opened the second note.


Hi baby…how much you wanna bet you’re crying already?

“Dork!” Alyssa smiled at how well JC knew her.

Ok so wipe those tears away cause you have to be able to read this…

Alyssa smiled and wiped her eyes again then continued to read the note.

These past few days I’ve realized just how much you mean to me. You’re my everything, you’re the one I love…the girl I love…do you know how important that makes you? I look at you and I see my whole world, I see my future…our future together forever. Alyssa the day you walked in my life I knew there was something special…I just didn’t know how special it was. Now I know and I never want to loose you.

So today while I was thinking about you and this song…that Justin and I wrote with you and Yasmine in mind…I wanted to show you even more how much I love you. I bought you something, it’s under the pillow…it’s so that you always know that I want you in my life forever. I hope you’ll accept it…

I love you


Alyssa heart melted as she folded the note up and reached under the pillow. She uncovered a small velvet box. Reaching over she held it in her hand slowly opening it. “Oh…” she lifted a silver ring out. It practically matched the necklace he gave her already. She examined it and noticed an inscription on the inside. Alyssa…I love you forever…Joshua

Alyssa’s eyes teared as she quickly slipped the ring on and ran out of her room.


Yasmine moved the pillow and found a wrapped box. She took it cautiously holding it in her hands. “God Yasmine what is your problem…he loves you, you know that!” she scolded herself as she opened the box pulling out another note. Opening it she read:

I bought this for you…I have one too…I love you Yasmine.

She looked at what it was, a small gold ring with her initials next to his, YNB and JRT. “Does he really mean this…?” she didn’t know what to think.


“JOSHUA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Alyssa burst into the lobby room and ran over to him. “OH MY GOD!” The other guys smiled as Alyssa jumped in his lap showering him with kisses.

“Did you like it?” JC asked.

“Yes baby oh my god…” Alyssa looked into his eyes. “I love it…”

JC grabbed her hand and looked at the ring on it. “It fits…”

Alyssa’s tears were flowing.

“Why are you crying Lyssie baby?!” he smiled wiping them away.

“I don’t know I’m so happy” she smiled and hugged him. “I love you”

“I love you too…” he leaned in and kissed her.

“AWWWWW!!!” the other guys joked.

Alyssa got up and smiled. “I love you guys too!” she ran over and hugged Joey, Lance and Chris. Justin stood in the corner staring at the door. “Thanks J…the song is so beautiful…” Alyssa pulled him in for a hug.

“Your welcome Lyssie…” he smiled then glanced at the door again.

“What’s wrong?”

“Where is she?” he said quietly.

Alyssa remembered Yasmine’s questions about her relationship with Justin. “Maybe she’s not done yet…”

Just then Yasmine appeared at the doorway. Tears were in her eyes. Justin smiled and started to walk over to her but stopped when Yasmine’s head started shaking and she turned and ran down the hall. “Yasmine!” Justin yelled after her he stopped and looked down the hall and noticed the elevator doors closing. Not knowing what to think he broke down in tears.

“J…” Alyssa pulled him up.

“Alyssa why did she leave me!?”

“I don’t know sweetie…I don’t know” she led him over to the couch as the other guys looked worriedly at her.

“I thought she loved me? I love her!” he buried his face in his hands.

“Shh…” Alyssa put her arm around him and rubbed his back. “Stay here J…keep him company will you Joey?”

“Sure” Joey smiled.

“Come on baby I’ll go with you…” JC held out his hand taking hers in it.

“Wait you two!” Chris grabbed two hats and some sunglasses. “The bodyguards aren’t here remember?” he walked over and handed the stuff to them.

“Thanks man” JC smiled and placed a hat on Alyssa’s head followed by a pair of sunglasses. After he put them on himself.

“Thank you baby” She grinned. “Let’s go…” they stepped out of the lobby in search of Yasmine.


Yasmine ran away from the one person she loved more than anything and for what reason? She didn’t even know herself. She just knew she had to get away. Walking frantically out of the elevator she roamed the lobby. Making her way past the people she walked out to the back of the hotel and to the pool area. She sat down on one of the chairs and stared at the ring on her finger.


“What happened?” JC asked as he and Alyssa stood in the elevator.

“She’s scared…”


“She scared of falling in love…she doesn’t want to get hurt… She doesn’t know if he really loves her and I guess all this is hitting her really fast…”

“Justin really loves her…”

“I know that but she doesn’t”

The elevator doors opened and they walked out in sunglasses and hats making sure not to get noticed by all the people in the lobby. Looking around there was no sign of Yasmine.

“Maybe she’s outside” JC led her out another door to the pool area. “There..” he pointed to one of the chairs on the deck.

“Better let me take care of this…” she kissed him.

“I’ll wait here…” he smiled as Alyssa let go of his hand and made her way over to Yasmine.

“Hey…mind if I join you?”

Yasmine shook her head ‘no’ as Alyssa sat down next to her.

“Yasmine why did you run away?”

“Because I’m confused…I don’t know what to do, what to think”


“He says he loves me, he bought me this…I wanna believe every word but for some reason I can’t” she handed the ring to Alyssa.

“This is beautiful…” Alyssa smiled as she held the small gold ring in her hand. “Give me you hand…” Yasmine held out her hand as Alyssa slipped the ring on. “This is where it belongs…and you belong with Justin”

“Do I?”

“Yes Yasmine…he loves you more than anything…after you left he broke down in tears…his eyes say it…I saw it…please go back up there…”

Yasmine wiped her tears. “What am I gonna say…he probably hates me.”

“Girl you know he’s not gonna hate you…just tell him how you feel he’ll understand. You have to talk to him.”

“I’m scared.”

“There’s nothing to be scared of…C’mon lets go…” Alyssa grabbed Yasmine’s hand and led her back, to JC who followed as Alyssa led them back upstairs.


Justin sat staring out into space thinking about Yasmine. Why did she run away? Is it me?…


~~~The girl’s house~~~

“Chelle do we have to apologize?” Morgan sighed as they sat in the car. “I know Lyss said we should try but I don’t want to…I hate giving in to Becky and Summer all the time like its always us who have to be sorry.”

“Your right…she’s being a bitch…they both are I don’t care…right now…” Michelle stepped out of the car as Morgan followed. They opened the front door and walked inside.

“Girls where were you we were worried!” Summer rushed up to them.

Morgan and Michelle exchanged looks. “We were with Alyssa”

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Like you’d care” Michelle crossed her arms.

“Damnit listen to me…yes you were irresponsible, all Becky and I were doing was making sure you realized.”

“Yea you did and you didn’t have to go on about it especially after we apologized!” Morgan answered.

“God I’m sorry ok!” Summer sighed. “Girls this isn’t good for us to keep fighting you know that.”

“You don’t think we know that?!” Michelle sighed. “Becky needs to chill…that’s what I’m pissed about.”

Just then Becky walked into the room. “I’m not gonna chill out for you or anyone Michelle.”

“See what I mean?” Morgan looked at Summer. “You know good thing Alyssa isn’t in this…god knows that it would be you two against us again.”

“Hey that wouldn’t hurt” Michelle smirked. “Least she would be on our side. Besides she already agrees with us”

“Give me a break” Becky argued. “She’s knows better that that”

“Better than what!?” Morgan answered back. “You didn’t talk to her, we did!”

“That’s what you think” Becky crossed her arms.

“Oh please you never talk to Alyssa…at least seriously…admit it you never did” Michelle snapped. “You hardly know her anymore.”

“That’s cuz she’s never here she’s always off with JC”

Morgan’s face angered. “Don’t even bring him into this! That’s not right…he’s the best thing that ever happened to her…but you wouldn’t know that would you? Why cause you never bothered to ask her or talk to her!”

“GIRLS STOP!!” Summer’s powerful voice echoed throughout the house. “Damnit your giving me all a headache.”

“You’re not the only one” Becky mumbled.

“Shut up Becky”

“Don’t tell me to shut up!” Becky answered back.

“Both of you are the same always telling us what to do!” Morgan stood her ground next to Michelle. Summer and Becky stood together opposite them.

“Cuz we know better!”

“I don’t think so” Michelle yelled now. “Get over it you two aren’t the superiority around here.”

“I don’t have time for this” Becky turned and walked up to her room.

“Neither do I” Summer followed.

“That’s right” Morgan called to them slightly laughing. “I was right…you two just walk away if things don’t go your way.”

“Oh yea?!” Becky turned. “And you two always chicken out and leave when it’s too hard for you to face.”

“DAMN!” Morgan stormed upstairs followed by Michelle. “Nickolas get out!”

“Whoa…I’m going” Nick picked up and stood in the hall as the door slammed shut.

“Alexander get up and out now!” Michelle yelled.

Becky heard Morgan yell at Nick, and Michelle at AJ through the door of her room. “Morgan get your ass out here NOW!”

“What the fuck do you want now bitch!?” Morgan’s door swung open along with Michelle’s as AJ tumbled out the door.

Becky grinned and turned to Nick. “You see…she can’t even handle your relationship, she has to throw you out like she has to walk out on us! Same with you AJ…now you wonder why Michelle avoided you at first cause she can’t handle situations she can’t control!”

Nick and AJ just stood there silently as the anger in both girls faces grew intense. “I hate you Becky.” Morgan stepped forward and slapped her right across the cheek. “Don’t talk about me, Nick, Michelle, AJ OR Alyssa and JC! Got me?! You have NO right! Why don’t you worry about yourself for once?” By now Michelle stepped out of her room.

“I’m not the one that needs to be worried about!” Becky held her cheek. “Both of you are really pathetic…”

“Excuse me!?” Michelle shouted and made a step towards Becky but was held back by AJ. “Damnit let me go!”

“NO!” AJ held her tighter.

“Let her go AJ” Becky turned with tears in her eyes. “Let her hit me…if it will give her the satisfaction.”

Michelle eyes shot full of tears at Becky’s words. “Why do you always have to be that way?” she wiped her face. “Let go of me!” she screamed sobbing at the same time. AJ let go as she walked face to face with Michelle. “I don’t know you anymore” she turned and walked back into her room.

Becky wiped her face as well. Morgan still looked at her with the same anger. “Oh Please… don’t expect me to join you…I have nothing to cry about or be sorry for…not when it comes to you…not anymore” Morgan hissed and slammed her door shut again.

“Becks are you ok?” Nick looked at her.

“Does it fucking look like it?!” Becky turned and walked back into her room. “Out HOWIE!” she said through tears.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Becky sniffed as Howie walked out of her room the door shutting behind him.

“Well I don’t even wanna know.” Howie mumbled.

“Don’t tell me it happened again?!” Brian now wide awake after hearing the argument stood at the foot of the stairs.

Summer emerged from her room with Kevin behind her, tears were flowing uncontrollably after hearing the fighting between the girls. “Guys can we talk?”

“Sure Summer…” AJ, Howie and Nick followed as Kevin led Summer down the stairs to the main room where Brian was sitting already.

“Damnit why is this happening!?” Summer now cried openly. “It’s happening…it really is…”

“What’s happening?”

“We’re splitting…”

“No! No! don’t think that!” Nick panicked. “You girls can’t…”

“He’s right you can’t let this get to you! You girls are stronger than that!”

“Look what its doing to us?! Can’t you see…it only gets worse from here!” Summer wiped her face.

“No it won’t you have to think positive!” Howie tried to assure her.

“You don’t understand…do you know how many times this has happened before?! You get to the point where you just can’t take it anymore!” Summer cried again. “I hate it!”

The guys glanced at each other. None of them knew what to say.


“Baby will you get everyone out?” Alyssa stood outside the door next to Yasmine.

“Sure…” he kissed Alyssa’s cheek before walking into the lobby. “Guys…” he motioned to Lance, Joey and Chris to come out. They followed leaving Justin in the room.

“Thanks guys” Alyssa smiled as they came out. Yasmine just stared at the wall.

“No problem Lyssie…see you tomorrow” Joey smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Later Lance” Alyssa smiled as he kissed her cheek goodnight.

“Night Alyssa” Chris followed.

“See you in a bit baby…” JC smiled and walked back into their room.

Alyssa turned back to Yasmine who was gripping the ring in her hand. “Ready Yaz?”

“No…” she whispered. “Go in first…”

“Yaz I can’t do that…you have to talk to him…”

“Lyssie please…just see if he even wants to talk to me…” her eyes begged. “Take this with you…” she handed her the ring.

“Yasmine what is he gonna think if you give this back?!”

“Please I’ll explain to him…”

“Fine…” Alyssa took the ring. “Be right back” she turned and walked into the lobby. Her heart broke when she saw Justin turn his head obviously hoping to see Yasmine but instead found her there. She walked over to him. “Hey J…” she said gently. He simply looked up with tears in his eyes. Alyssa sat down and wiped them away as Justin broke down again sobbing on her shoulder.

“Why Lyss…why?”

“J…she’s scared…”

“Of me?!” he looked up to her. “It’s me isn’t it?!”

“No…” Alyssa looked at him. “It’s not…” she held one of his hands, the one with the same ring Alyssa held in her other.

“Then what?”

“Do you love her?”


“How much…”

“More than anything…”

“Then you have to tell her J…you have to reassure her…” Alyssa explained. “She’s scared…she doesn’t want to loose you…”

“She has nothing to worry about” Justin said. “I love her so much”

“That’s what she wants to hear J…”

“God why can’t everything be as easy as you and JC are…” He looked away.

“Is that what you think? That we just magically worked everything out?”


“J…we talked honestly with each other…that’s what you have to do with her, she’s not gonna know how you feel unless you tell her…” Alyssa smiled. “Listen to me…she loves you…and you love her…everything will be fine” she handed him Yasmine’s ring. “Now promise me both of you will talk…”

Justin clutched Yasmine’s ring in his hand. “I promise Lyssie…”

Alyssa thought to herself for a moment. “J…have you told her about your song?”



“I was waiting for the perfect time…”

“Well I think now is a perfect time, do you have a copy?”

“Yea…over there in my bag.”

“Show it to her J…she needs it now”

“Ok Lyssie…” Justin got up and grabbed a tape out of his bag. He walked back to the couch and sat down again.

Alyssa kissed his cheeks and wiped his eyes. “Now…I’m gonna get her ok?”

“Ok” Justin nodded and sat nervously on the couch as Alyssa walked back to the lobby door.


Yasmine stood in the hallway nervously. What if he hates me… she thought. Turning her head she saw Alyssa open the lobby door.

“You ready?” Alyssa asked.

“I guess…”

“Please talk to him…you owe him that much…he’s hurting” Alyssa hugged Yasmine. “Don’t hide anything anymore ok?”

“Ok” Yasmine took a deep breath. “I’m ready”

“Good luck” Alyssa smiled warmly then walked down to her room, she knew there was nothing more for her to do and it was all up to Yasmine and Justin.


~~~The Girls House~~~

Summer had left the boys and gone to bed still with thoughts of the worse for the girls. The boys on the other hand stayed up and argued themselves.

“God why are they being so difficult!?” Kevin sighed. “You know if Becky would have just calmed down…none of this would have happened.”

“Hey Morgan is being a baby” Howie defended.

“No way Becky is all the one to blame…and then Summer joins her…” Nick retaliated.

“Exactly Michelle and Morgan wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t for Summer…and Becky being prissy at them. I mean they apologized already!” AJ joined in.

“GUYS! Quit blaming one or the other…” Brian silenced them. “They’re all being immature…none of them want to work it out…”

“You’re right there’s no use for us fighting…” Kevin agreed. “Damn this is so frustrating!”

“Yea…shit why is this happening now?! They’re off to promote themselves in 2 days! How are they ever gonna get it together by then!?” AJ mumbled. “Lyssie doesn’t even know what’s going on!”

“We have to tell her” Nick turned to the phone next to him.

“Wait should we tell her?” Howie stopped him.

“Think about it…it’s better she knows now that way maybe she could get the girls together some how.” Nick said. “Ok?”

“Yea call her” Kevin agreed as Nick turned and dialed her number.


Yasmine took a deep breath and walked inside the lobby. Justin’s face was tearstained when she saw him sitting on the couch. Her heart broke into a million pieces to see him that way and soon forgot where all her questions came from. She loved him and now she hurt him. She went up slowly to him tears falling down her face. “Justin I’m so sorry I-”

He silenced her with a kiss, he put in all the passion he possessed, all the passion he had for her. He looked back in her eyes trying to see if there were any signs of regret, but he couldn’t find a single one. “I love you Yasmine…please believe me”

“I do Justin…I’m sorry I ran…I was just scared I’d loose you one day…”

“No you never will I promise you…never” he looked into her eyes with a smile.

“I love you Justin” she looked back into his blue eyes. “I’m sorry-”

“Don’t be sorry anymore ok?” he smiled and wiped her tears. He reached in his pocket and pulled out her ring. Taking one of her hands he placed in on her finger. “I love you”

Yasmine smiled and kissed him. “This is so beautiful Justin…” she held his hand with the rings they both wore. “The song is amazing…”

“Well I’ve got one more for you…” he smiled. “This one is especially for you…I was saving it for the perfect time to show you but someone told me now was it…” he walked over to the stereo and put the tape in. “Just listen ok?”

Yasmine nodded her head as Justin pushed play and sat back next to her on the couch. The music streamed through as Yasmine smiled and listened to the words:

Ohhhhhh Ya'know I'll be good for you baby yeahhh ohhh

I'll be good for you I ain't gonna take my love away And I will love you more girl every day I'll be good for you (yeah) Baby girl it's plain to see, That our love was meant to be

I know you're hearts anticipating And my love is on your mind Well don't you worry I won't keep you waiting Cause I ain't ever seen a lady so fine yeah

I know you want me too It's in your eyes they say you do They're telling me you'll open your heart to me yeah Cause if you want me to I'll sacrifice my world for you And show you the way loves supposed to be yeah

I'll be good for you I ain't gonna take my love away And I will love you more girl every day I'll be good for you (ohh) My baby girl it's plain to see, That our love was meant to be

Now I know you think I must be faking I promised all these thing right from the start So don't you rush into decision making (rush, rush) Cause I just wrote this song to tell you my heart

I wanna be with you And girl there's nothing I won't do To make you see that this is where you should be Cause baby we can do, anything you wanna do Girl I wanna be a part of your fantasy

I'll be good for you I ain't gonna take my love away And I will love you more girl everyday I'll be good for you (so good) My baby girl it's plain to see, That our love was meant to be yeah

Ohhh yeah yeah yeah Know I'll be good for you baby

I can be good for you Tell me what you want to do Baby girl, it's plain to see That our love was meant to be

(I'll be good for you) I can be good for you Tell me what you want to do (oh yeah) Baby girl (so good), it's plain to see (so good) That our love was meant to be

(I'll be good for you) I can be good for you Tell me what you want to do (tell me what you want to do) Baby girl, it's plain to see (open up your heart to me) That our love was meant to be

(I'll be good for you) I can be good for you Tell me what you want to do (cause I know, I know) Baby girl, it's plain to see The way love is supposed to be

I can be good for you (I could be good for you baby) Tell me what you want to do (I could be good for you baby) Baby girl, it's plain to see That our love was meant to be

I'll be good for you

I ain't gonna take my love away And I will love you more girl everyday

I'll be good for you

My baby girl it's plain to see that our love was meant to be yeah

The music ended as Yasmine turned to him. “That was for me?”

“Just for you baby…”

“I love you so much Justin…” she pulled him in for a kiss as he wrapped his arms around her kissing her back.


“So…last day tomorrow?” JC asked while he lay in bed with Alyssa talking.

She turned and draped her arm around him. “Yea…”

JC looked down and kissed her forehead. “I’m gonna miss you…”

“Me too…I’m gonna be so far away from you…” she grabbed and held his hand.

“I wish I could go with you…but now that were gonna be starting promotion again…our managers have started booking us for all these shows and stuff…” he sighed. “We’ve got a lot to do…”

“But you’re happy right…I mean a year has past since you guy’s have done something publicly…don’t you miss it?”

“Yea…but then it was new and exciting…not that it isn’t now…but now I have more important priorities besides my job…”

“Like what?”

“Like you…before I didn’t have to worry about having someone who would miss me all the time…someone I would have to miss all the time while I was working… I’d watch Lance and his old girlfriend get into fights because of the distance between them…eventually they broke-up. I couldn’t see myself doing that to anyone. Causing so much pain…so that’s why I never really stayed too involved with anyone.”

“I’m sorry baby…”

“Don’t be…cause now I have you. I have someone who I love and I know that we will get through all that.”

“I know we will…” Alyssa smiled and lay her head on his shoulder as he held her closer to him.


“Oh I don’t believe this…” Alyssa mumbled at the sound of her phone. “What is wrong now…”

“Who would that be?”

“I don’t know…” she switched on the bedside light and grabbed her phone. “Who ever this is it better be good…”

“Well hello to you too Lyssie…”

“Nicky…don’t tell me something happened.”



“Sorry Lyssie…I’m putting you on speaker the guys want to talk to you too…”

“Hey Lyss” she heard the other four say.

“Guys what happened?” she asked worriedly.

“Girl they’re all pissed.” AJ sighed. “And I mean ALL of them…”

“Yea they kicked us all out this time” Howie said. “Kevin, Nick, AJ and me…”

“I’m sorry guys…so who’s mad at who.”

“Summer and Becky seem to have turned against Michelle and Morgan.”

“Great…” Alyssa sighed. “And we have to leave in 2 days!”

“That’s what we were talking about…it’s bad Lyss really bad.” Brian said.

“Morgan slapped Becky cause she was talking about you and JC…then she went after Morgan and Nick…then me and Michelle” AJ informed.

“Wait a minute…Becky was talking about me and JC?!” Alyssa said startled. JC sat up when he heard her. “What she say?”

“I dunno I didn’t hear that part I was upstairs.” AJ answered.

“I heard it” Brian said. “Morgan said something about how Becky hardly knows you anymore…”

“Well that’s true…I haven’t talked serious with her in awhile…” Alyssa admitted. “But what does that have to do with JC?”

“She said something like the reason was because you were always off with him…”

“Oh that’s bullshit” Alyssa answered. “What is her problem…”

“You’re reacting exactly the way Morgan did…she told Becky that, JC was the…” Brian paused for a moment trying to get the guts to say something he didn’t want to.

“Was the what?”

“That he was the best thing that ever happened to you…” Brian said uncomfortably.

“Well nice to know who you’re real friends are…” she sighed.

“Lyss don’t take this the wrong way but getting mad isn’t gonna help.” Kevin said gently. “We need you here…I mean desperately.”

“Kevy what am I gonna do? Sure Morgan and Michelle will listen to me…but then Summer and Becky after what she said…I’m mad…Me being there will only add to it cause they’ll force me to pick sides…well I am already on one…but still…”

“Who’s side?”

“Morgan and Michelle…it was always us against them…now is no different”

“That’s what Summer told us” Kevin sighed. “She was pretty upset after hearing them argue.”

“They’ve all cried today except for Morgan who’s just mad as hell…” Nick added. “Alyssa you should have seen Summer she’s so scared that you girls are falling apart…please you have to come home!”

“Morgie’s just trying to be strong…she’ll break down sooner or later…” Alyssa mumbled.

“Lyssie we’re beggin ya please come and help…”

“You know I’m sick of helping people with their problems…and then when it comes to my own I can never help myself.” She sighed. “You expect me to come home and magically make everything better? I thought this was supposed to be my time with JC…now it’s back to worrying about other people…”

“Alyssa listen to yourself…this isn’t just their problem it’s yours too…you know them better than we do…you’re the only one that can help…if you don’t you girls are in for a lot of trouble when it comes time to leave for your promotion.”

“Hold on…” Alyssa mumbled into the phone. She turned and looked at JC sadly.

“What is it baby?”

“Just say no if you have to…but would you mind if we spent our last day together at the house?”

JC smiled. “It’s fine baby…we aren’t doing anything tomorrow…I’ll stay with you until you have to leave.”

“Are you sure?”


“Thanks baby…you’re so good to me…” she hugged him tightly.

“I love you Lyssie baby, I’m not loosing any time with you.”

“Ok…” she smiled and kissed him. “Well looks like you got your wish…” she talked back into the phone. “We’ll be there tomorrow morning…bout 10.”

“Thanks Lyss we’re sorry things happened this way…” Howie apologized.

“Don’t be sorry…I’m sorry I snapped at you guys…this is our problem…none of yours.”

“It’s ok Lyss…you’re under a lot again now…” Kevin said. “We’ll see you tomorrow. We love you.”

“Yea…love you guys too…bye.”

“Bye” Nick answered and hung up the phone.

“Well…today has been long.”

“You think today has been…just wait until tomorrow…” Brian sighed.

“It can’t get any worse than this…” Howie dreaded the thought.

“Who knows we’ll find out tomorrow.”


Chapter 34