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Chapter 34

~~~The Next Day~~~

JC stared at her presence in his life. Never did he imagine in such a short time would he feel so much for a single person, but she did it to him. She had this overwhelming power about her to make him feel the butterflies and go weak in the knees, every time he saw her like it was the first. Alyssa was beautiful, any man would believe that in one glimpse, but he saw past the outside, he saw inside her and allowed herself to open up to him. She was everything he had waited his whole life for and more. Her beauty oozed out from her and he was obsessed with it. Alyssa truly opened him up and almost gave him life. She was part of his life, his heart and his soul.

“Is there any special reason that I get that ever so melt-my-heart ‘come hither’ stare from you this fine morning?” her sexy sarcasm was shining brightly.

He ignored her biting words, knowing she didn’t mean anything with the tone he threw her. “Well seems that I’m the only one with a memory around here…”

“Oh so first you stare me down all morning, then you say I don’t have a memory, gezze JC harsh words you’re giving me…” she threw some clothes into her bag.

“Ouch, someone is tense…need any help darling?”

“Darling?!” Alyssa raised an eyebrow at him. “Choice words today…”

Her sarcasm was a bit on over load and he noticed it, so he decided to cut the crap. “Are you mad?”

“Yea I am now that you mention it”

“Lemme guess…your best friends calling for your beaming presence in their dark little situation…”

“Bingo…not to mention the fact that I’m giving up some very precious time that I wanted to have…”

“With who?” He batted his eyes at her.

“The other man” she grinned at him.

He decided to play her game. “Well tell other man to take a hike…”

“I dunno he’s pretty hot…hard to restrain myself.”

“Ouch…and another arrow through my heart…” he pouted with a puppy face.

Alyssa rolled her eyes and looked at him. “The Justin slash Nicky wonder pout isn’t gonna work today…”

“Damn…well what if I remind you of why you’re memory is very clouded today…”

Alyssa finished packing slightly and put her hands on her hips. “If it amuses you…go right ahead”

“Must you be so cold today?”

“I just don’t want to deal with all the shit back home…when I could be spending time with…” a smile crept across her lips when she hesitated with his name.

“Time with who?”

“Other man…” she grinned evilly. “You know maybe it’s time you meet him…”

“Oh really.” JC smiled.

“Yea…maybe he’ll give you some pointers on how to sweet talk better…he’s pretty slick with things like that…”

“Oh and I’m not?”

Alyssa just grinned again and walked to the door. “Well do you wanna meet him or not?”

JC played along again. “Lead the way devil woman…”

She raised an eyebrow at him then walked briskly down the hall to the lobby and found just who she was looking for. Making sure JC could see very clearly, she made her move. “Oh Joey I can’t do it anymore!” she dramatized and ran into his arms.

“What’s tha matter Lyssie?”

“I can’t hide my love for you!” she hugged him. Yasmine and Justin cracked up laughing.

“But you know he was never to find out about us?”

“I know but…his evil eyes made me say it!” she pouted. “Please forgive me!”

“Haha Lyss…not funny anymore” JC’s eyes caught hers.

“See there it is again…I swear his eyes could kill”

Joey playfully shielded her eyes. “I’ll protect you!”

JC walked over and whisked Alyssa out of Joey’s arms. “You’re coming with me”

“Goodbye my love!” Alyssa blew kisses at Joey.

“Bye!” he shed a fake tear then went back to his breakfast.

“God Lyss is such a cornball” Yasmine giggled. “Good way to start my day with a little comic performance…thanks Joey!”

“No problem!” he turned and smiled.


JC dragged her down the hall and back to their room. His blue eyes caught hers again and the stare was on.

“Why must you look at me that way?” Alyssa smiled and looked back in the eyes she loved to get lost in.

“Like what…”

“That intense way…” she smiled.

“No reason, other than the fact that every time I see you, I just have the sudden urge to look at you not only because your beautiful, but most of all that what I’m looking at his mine…” JC smiled because he always knew exactly how to make her blush and the sheer torture he was putting her through was classic.

Alyssa blushed deeply and she knew it but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of victory just yet. “So now I’m your possession?”


“Maybe you’re my boy-toy” she smiled back.

“Boy-toy? That’s cute Lyss, real cute…”

“Oh I don’t want to be cute with you Joshua…” the game was over as she walked slowly closer to him. “You’re my man…and looking as fine you are this morning, you should be illegal…”

“Glad you came around” He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. “Now back to what I was trying to say earlier about your memory…”

“So refresh it why don’t you?” her eyes sparked as she made work of his neck kissing it teasingly.

He stopped the pleasure she was giving him and held her hands in his. “Don’t you know what today is?”

“Other than I’m being miss problem fixer or that I’m being forced to drag my man along with me?”

“Two months…”

Her eyebrows arched in slight confusion. “I don’t follow you”

“Two months ago…I met my dream come true…the only one for me…I met you Alyssa…”

Her eyes sparkled at his remembrance but leave it to her to jar the moment. “Actually you’re a bit off…”

“Huh…I swear it was today…the day at the hotel and…” he crinkled his forehead.

“Two months was a month ago…”

“Now I don’t follow…”

“I don’t know, do you want to count the first time I met you?, the second time?, the third?, or how bout the fourth? Cause if I remember correctly, all four different times I had different opinions about you…” she smiled. “Now who’s the one with the clouded memory?”

“So remind me again…”

“Alright, the first time was at your ‘Welcome to Jive’ party…where my first impression of you all was not a very good one” she looked down.

“Oh now I remember…you stuck your tongue out at us and said we were stupid N SUCK…” he chuckled.

“You remember that? Oh god I’m embarrassed now…”

“Kinda hard to forget when the most beautiful person in the room says you suck…” he looked at her seriously.

She blushed unknowingly and continued. “Two was after the VMA’s with my little Justin incident that I’ve forgotten about…”

“Oh yea that…”

“That kinda just did it at the time…I really hated all of you…”

“I don’t blame you”

“Well time number three was at our little party”

“When you rammed into me”

“Yep…that was when we actually introduced ourselves, also when I actually took the time to look at you” she smiled cheekily and continued. “Now that leaves us to number four…at the hotel” she stood in front of him their hands still holding the others. “So technically…this would be three months since you first saw me…”

“Fine three months it is…” he smiled. “I’m gonna tell you a secret”

“Secrets?! I thought you didn’t like them between us?”

“I know…but this one I was gonna tell you…really”

“Ok so what is it?”

JC took a deep breath and just gazed at her for a moment.

“Is it this bad should I sit down or something?” she couldn’t read his look.

“Alyssa the first time I saw you at our party, you practically gave me a heart attack…”

“Man I was that bad?!”

“No…you were that beautiful…I just didn’t have the guts to say anything to you yet…cause well I was scared I guess. At the VMA’s I was actually looking forward to seeing you again, then I saw you with Nick so I assumed that he was your boyfriend and told myself to back off before I would get the shit beat out of me…”

“Like J did…”

“Exactly…so the third time at your party I was watching you the whole night, then you bumped into me, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to say something but you looked kind of preoccupied and ran off again. Later that night when I watched you perform with Brian I was captivated and hooked by you.”

“Hmm…captivated and hooked huh?” she blushed.

“So the fourth time when I saw you standing there at the hotel…you looked so lonely and alone it kind of killed me to see you like that…so I walked over and finally talked to you…and the rest is history.”

“So in other words your first impression and my first impression were totally different…”

“Yea…but look where it got us.”

“Well I wouldn’t change any of it if all that got me here with you” she smiled.

“Oh and one more thing…” JC smiled and whispered in her ear. “I love you”

“I love you too…” she leaned up and pressed her lips against his. “Come on…I wanna remember this moment.” She grabbed his hands and walked to the door.

“Aren’t you forgetting your stuff?”

“Shh…all part of my plan”


“Give’s us a reason to leave the house…so that I can make some more moments with you…” she smiled.

JC smiled and brought her hand to his lips kissing he back of it. “Let’s go…”


~~~20 Min. Later at the girls house~~~

“SHUT-UP BECKY!” Michelle yelled.



“STAY OUT OF IT!” Michelle snapped back.

“GOD DAMN!” Morgan ran down the stairs into Nick’s arms starting to cry.

Nick hugged her tightly. “It’s ok I’m here…” he said gently.

“Why is this happening?” Morgan mumbled. “Why are we fighting…”


“ANSWER THE DAMN DOOR” Becky yelled from the kitchen.



Alyssa and JC glanced at each other hearing the fighting even from outside the house. “Damn…it’s worse than I thought…brace yourself were about to enter hell…” she said slightly laughing.



“ANSWER IT ALREADY!” Summer yelled.

“FUCK YOU STUPID BITCHES!” Becky stormed out of the kitchen and ran past Morgan and Nick to the front door. “Well look who finally decides to show up…” she smirked at the sight of Alyssa and JC.

Alyssa was taken aback by her attitude. “Hey to you too Becky…” she stepped inside with JC behind her.

“Lyssie!” Morgan let go of Nick and ran over to Alyssa.

“Morgy what happened what’s going on?” Alyssa pulled her in trying to calm her down.

“Eveyone’s yelling and screaming…I can’t take it anymore!” she sobbed. Alyssa looked over at Nick’s desperate face then adverted her gaze towards Becky who was coming up to them.

“God you two are such babies…” She sighed and walked past them.

“See…” Morgan said. “She’s turned on us…”

“Lyss!” Michelle came out of the living room with AJ behind her. “Thank god you’re here!” the three girls all hugged each other.

“I didn’t know it was this bad…” Alyssa sighed. “It will be ok…we’ll work it out.”

“Hey Lyss.”

“Summer…” Alyssa answered.

“Why are you giving me attitude now…you’ve barely been here five minutes” Summer sighed.

“Does it matter? First Morgan and Michelle come visit me and tell me what’s been going on. Then I get a call from the guys begging me to come home because they can’t handle your attitudes…now that I’m here I see what you and Becky have done to Morgan and Michelle.”

Everyone was now in the room watching the confrontation between the girls. Nick, AJ and JC stood by the door, Kevin and Howie sat on the couch while Brian stood at the foot of the stairs. Becky now entered and stood next to Summer facing opposite Morgan, Michelle and Alyssa.

“What we’ve done?!” Becky snapped at Alyssa. “Please they’re the irresponsible ones…”

“God let it go we apologized already and how many times?!” Michelle answered back.

“Why are you snapping at me?” Alyssa looked at Becky. “Better yet why were you talking about me?”


“Don’t lie Becky…” AJ sighed. Nick punched him in the side. “OW..”

“Don’t add to it stupid!” Nick hushed AJ who grabbed his side and shut-up.

“So Becky now you think you can talk about me behind my back is that it?” Alyssa continued.

“God I was just saying how now that you’ve got him…you’re never around…” Becky glanced at JC.

“Do not bring him into this, he has nothing to do with it! I’m sorry if I wanted to spend time with him these past 3 days since I haven’t seen him in 2 weeks” Alyssa looked at her. “God Becky what is your problem!?!”

“I don’t know Lyss…maybe it’s I don’t get to talk to you ever anymore and it’s not just because of JC!”


“Maybe you’ve forgotten all those weeks you were depressed?! All that time you never talked to me or Summer it was always Morgan and Michelle….or Nick but never us!” Becky yelled. “Do I need to remind everyone about it!??”

Alyssa’s eyes widened. Morgan and Michelle saw the hurt in Alyssa’s face. “Shut-up Becky…that has nothing to do with anything.” Morgan yelled.

“Oh well I think it does…” she continued.

“Becky honey calm down…” Howie tried to prevent her from saying something she would really regret later.

Becky held her hand up to him. “No…let me continue” she said sternly. “I think everyone needs to hear this…especially you” she glanced over at JC.

“Becky stop being a bitch!” Michelle said. “Leave her alone”

“Stop defending each other it makes me sick…”

“Becky stop please…” even Summer tried.

“No I’m gonna say this because I want to…and none of you…not even you Summer can stop me”

Alyssa looked at JC then back at Becky tears rolled down her cheek but she wiped them away. “FINE! Go say what you want…”

“FINE I will!” Becky said. “When you were depressed why didn’t you ever talk to me or Summer?”

“I don’t know maybe because you never really showed interest…you were too busy with Howie…and her with Kevin. Morgan and Michelle talked to me, Nick talked to me AJ talked to me…” Alyssa said.

“So in other words you didn’t want to talk to us because you trusted them more?”

“Kinda yea…”


“What do you mean why?” Morgan answered. “It’s always been that way…we were the closest because you two were always the ‘older’ ones and always thought we were just the babies…”

“Well so while you isolated yourself away from everyone except them you continued to break down…all because of him” Becky looked at Brian. “I would even ask if you were ok and you would tell me that you didn’t need anyone’s compassion or pity…but yet you welcomed it from them!”

“Becky weather you want to realize or not that was a really hard time for me…I’m sorry if you felt left out or whatever…I just didn’t want to bother you with my problems.” Alyssa held back her tears.

“Yea right” Becky smirked.

That hurt Alyssa, the fact that Becky wouldn’t even believe her.

“God Becky what do you want from her!?” Michelle defended Alyssa. “Why do you have to be a bitch and bring all that shit back up!?”

“Cause I’m wondering weather everyone knows about it…” she glanced towards JC.

“Why do you keep looking at JC?” Morgan noticed. “He didn’t do anything to you…”

“I’m just making sure he knows about all this shit Alyssa decides to share with only a select few…it’s only fair.” Becky smirked. “Since she likes to keep things to herself.”

“You think I didn’t tell him?” Alyssa said.

“Yea most likely”

“Fuck you Becky cause I did…he knows more about me than you apparently do!”

Becky’s face froze. She didn’t expect that…I thought she’d keep it to herself…

Alyssa teared up again. “What Becky are you jealous?” she said as the tears rolled down. “Just because I wouldn’t tell you about all the shit that was tearing me apart? All the pain I was in? I don’t want to be a burden to anyone…that’s why I kept it to myself…you’re not the only one…so don’t feel special.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Fine you wanna know!? Huh? Since you decided to bring everything back up that I’ve tried SO FUCKING hard to forget. Let me satisfy you!”

“Lyssie you don’t need to do this!” Morgan saw her the pain in her eyes.

“Yea Lyss…don’t hurt yourself…” Michelle tried to stop her too.

“I’m fine I have nothing to hide…if Becky wants to know everything she’ll get everything! So will all of you” said to everyone in the room. She breathed in deep trying to compose herself. “Listen to me Becky…I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to believe it. The day I broke up with Brian was painful…” she looked at him. “That’s the day I shut myself away from a lot of people…and it was all because of that. Then Sally comes in the picture…do you know how bad that hurt?! I still cared about him…and I still do but not the same way as before…and news flash JC knows all about it!”

Becky looked at JC who nodded his head. “I didn’t think he did…”

“Well you were wrong…” Alyssa continued. “And I took all that shit from Sally, all the names all the looks and I even took the threats keeping them to myself because I didn’t want to bother anyone…I didn’t even tell Brian about them…hell he was the last to know about her attacking me! SO don’t think for a second you’re the only one I’ve kept things from…”

“It doesn’t matter I still don’t ever get a chance to talk to you because you’re always with him now!” she looked at JC.

“God what is it are you jealous of them?!” Michelle said. “Why do you keep bringing him up?!”

“Because I think he should know everything and not be kept in the dark like me!”

“That’s just it he’s not in the dark he knows!” Alyssa sighed. “The day he came into my life was what changed me…yes I admit I had my cautions because I still felt something for Brian…but that changed too…” the tears fell down her cheeks. “JC is good to me Becky…he’s the best thing in my life right now…he’s been there for me especially when I had the problems with Sally…he took care of me in a way no one ever has…”

“I didn’t know…”

“Why Becky? Well guess what?!…Like I told you before you never bothered to ask her!” Michelle added.

“Now lately he’s been there…I don’t have a mother anymore…she’s decided to not talk with me…well now you all know that…” she looked up the hurt shone clearly. “I don’t know why you’d think I didn’t tell him. He loves me and I love him…we don’t keep anything from each other…but you wouldn’t know that would you.”

“Besides you shouldn’t be talking…after all you kept that thing about your dad from Howie…” Morgan added. “So don’t bitch Lyss for supposedly keeping things from JC, cause now you know she didn’t. You should be sorry…”

Becky laughed. “Oh this isn’t about me…it’s about you three…and how much you’re getting on my nerves.”

The three girls looked at each other the tears streaming down their faces. “God why are you doing this?!”

“Oh stop putting on a show…I don’t buy any of your crap now…”

“Damnit Becky you’re such a bitch.” Michelle yelled. “A show?!? What the hell are you talking about? Alyssa just told you things that hurt her and you think she put on a fucking show?!”

“Shut up Michelle you’re no different.”

“Excuse me?!”

“God how many guys have you been with?! And how many of them were just there to fuck? I bet you don’t even remember the number…”

Michelle’s eyes teared. “I’ve changed Becky…god you still think of me that way don’t you…that I just fuck AJ for the hell of it!?”

“Maybe you do…”

“Becky!” Morgan snapped. “What the hell? She loves him more than anything!”

“I’m sure she does but that doesn’t change the past relationships she’s had or lack there of…commitments hard for you huh Michelle?”

Michelle stared back blankly while one of her ‘friends’ tore her apart in front of everyone.

“Morgan, have you learned not to just play with boys? Or are you still playing poor Nick for a fool?!” Becky moved on to her next victim.

“Shut-up” Morgan mumbled.

“Please you’re gonna tell me to shut-up like you do to everyone else who doesn’t follow your wishes or doesn’t fit into your mold,” Becky knew she was about to cross the line but didn’t feel any restraint. “Like your dad”

“Stop” Morgan covered her ears.

“All your dad wants is for you to treat him with respect and you can’t even shell that out…”

“Becky take a look in the mirror cause your dad is the one with a restraining order” Michelle bluntly answered.

“At least she has a dad” Becky mumbled.

“You’re evil Becky” Alyssa hugged Morgan who had broken down again. “Why are you saying such nasty things to us?”

“I’m just speaking the truth…So maybe all three of you are with the guys you claim to love…am I right here some where’s…or maybe you’re just with them for the hell of it…you treat them like shit I’ve seen you! Especially you Morgan and Michelle…kicking them out of the room these past two days…all because you’re mad…”

“And who’s fault is that?” Alyssa answered. “Yours Becky cause your being a bitch…”

“Shut up Lyss…your being a brat…why don’t you just leave with JC cause I don’t want to deal with your crap anymore…”

Alyssa mouth dropped open. “Fine you want me to leave…fine I’ll leave” she turned to go but was held back by Morgan and Michelle.

“No don’t go…please Lyss.” Morgan begged.

“I don’t know why you guys are still here…how you can let her talk to you that way…” Alyssa cried. “She’s changed…look at her! She’s talking shit about you to your face! To your face god damnit!!!”

“Yea shit to your face cause you deserve it” Becky turned to walk away.

“Fuck you!” Michelle started to run after Becky but was held by Alyssa.

“No Chelle don’t!” Alyssa held her arms. “AJ!” she called as he ran over grabbing Michelle holding her down.

Becky too turned to run back to Michelle but was grabbed in time by Howie. “Come here bitch…hit me like you wanted to last night!”

“God you deserve a hit Becky” Michelle spit out through clenched teeth.

“GIRLS STOP!” Summer broke down. “PLEASE!”

“HIT ME BITCH!” Becky yelled.

Morgan snapped stood up and wiped her tears. “No allow me!” she took a hit at Becky while she was still being held by Howie.

“Morgan!” Alyssa ran over and pulled her away. “Nicky a little help please!” she called as she struggled to keep Morgan back.

“Fuck you Morgan!” Becky held her cheek and managed to get loose from Howie moved after Morgan. She pushed Alyssa into the wall before making her way towards Morgan but was blocked by Nick.

“Becky don’t” he said sternly.

“You’re not in this Nick!”

“You’re not touching her GOT ME!?”

Alyssa’s head smacked into the wall, she grabbed her head things were getting dizzy. “Guys stop…” she mumbled feeling light headed she dropped to her knees.

“Lyss!” Michelle struggled loose from AJ and ran over.

“Lyssie baby!” JC ran over and held her up.

“I’m fine…” she leaned on him for support. “Just…dizzy…” she said through tears her breathing became short and quick.

“You’re NOT fine…” JC looked into her eyes worriedly.

“God she’s having a nervous breakdown” Morgan helped JC carry her up to her room. “Move!!!!” she shoved Becky aside as they made their way up the stairs with AJ and Nick following.

“She’s faking it” Becky crossed her arms.

“She is not!” Summer cried out and followed the others up the stairs. “Lyss are you ok!?”

“God…stop…everything…it’s…scaring…me” she said between her breaths of air and tears that came from her eyes.

“Leave Summer” Michelle shut the door in her face then sank down huddling in her knees. AJ knelt down and cradled Michelle.

“Shhh…Lyss breathe slowly…” Morgan sat next to her on the bed tears were falling down her face as well.

“Whats…happening…to…us?” Alyssa went on.

“I don’t know…” Morgan cried. Nick walked over and pulled her into his lap. “Nick I’m sorry for what she said about you…about us…”

“It’s ok angel…don’t worry about it…” he kissed her head and wiped her tears.

“Lyssie baby…” JC’s heart broke seeing her in pain, she had calmed down and he held her in his arms. “I’m so sorry…”

“I’m sorry for what she said about us…” Alyssa rested her head on his chest.

“Don’t be…I don’t believe a word she said…about any of you girls…” He looked up to Morgan and Michelle.

“God baby why is she being a bitch…” Michelle sighed.

“I don’t know babe…don’t worry I didn’t listen to what she said about us…she’s just really mad for some reason. She had no right to talk to any of you girls like that.” AJ rubbed Michelle’s back gently.

“Why are we falling apart?” Morgan sobbed more. “It’s killing me…”


Summer sank down on the floor beside Alyssa’s room. Kevin soon came up and helped her up. “Honey get up…”

Summer cried harder. “What’s happening?!”

“Shhh…” Kevin tried to calm her down.

“The fuck is going on?!” Summer turned and knocked on Alyssa’s door.

AJ soon opened up. “What?”

“Let me in…”

“Don’t yell at them” AJ said sternly.

“I won’t”

AJ stepped aside and sat down next to Michelle as Summer waked in with Kevin. “Girls…I’m sorry…” she stared at their hurt tearstained faces.

“Summer why is she acting like this?” Morgan looked up to her.

“I don’t know girls…” Summer sighed. “I don’t know…”

“Please don’t join her…I can’t take it anymore” Michelle looked desperately at Summer.

“I’m not…I won’t I promise…I’ll talk to her…” Summer got up and walked out of the room. “Please forgive me…and her…” she turned and left.

“I don’t wanna forgive that bitch” Morgan crossed her arms.

Alyssa sat silently in JC’s arms her tears softly falling as she watched the girls drifting further apart from Becky.


Summer walked into the kitchen where Becky stood staring at the wall. “Becks what happened in there?”

“I don’t know…”

“Why did you say all those things to them?”

“I don’t know…”

“Are you gonna apologize?”


“Why not?”

“Why not?” Becky turned to face her this time. “Because I don’t take back anything I said…sure it was mean but they deserved it…its about time they stop acting like babies and face the truth…”

“That’s way harsh Becky…even for you”

“Well people change”

“Yea I just never thought it would be you…or you changing into a bitch” Summer walked out of the kitchen.

Becky held back the tears. Sure she was pissed, sure she was mad…but most of all she deep down inside regretted everything she said. “Damnit…it’s too late now…” she let the tears fall as she made her way up to her room.


~~~15 Min. Later~~~

Morgan, Nick, Michelle, AJ, Alyssa and JC eventually made their way down and out of Alyssa’s room after awhile. They walked into the kitchen as the guys took a seat the girls stood around the counter.

“Hey Morgie” Alyssa pulled of a smile.


“I know what would make us and especially you feel better…”


“Lets watch Sleeping Beauty” Alyssa smiled. “It will take our minds off things…”

Morgan’s eyes lit up. “Yea…I’d like that.”

Michelle put her arms around Alyssa and Morgan. “It’s us girls you know that…always.”

“Always Chelle…” Alyssa smiled as the three all hugged each other.

“I’ll always be here for you two…” Morgan smiled.

“Ditto” Alyssa answered. “Friends forever”

“Forever” they all whispered to each other truly smiling happily for the first time that day.

“I love you girls…” Morgan smiled.

“Love you too Morgy” Alyssa grinned. “And you Chelle”

“Love ya little cous…and you Lyssie” Michelle giggled. “Man were so sappy!”

“Yea but that’s good right…cause we have each other”


JC, Nick and AJ smiled at their girls. “You girls ok now?” Nick asked.

“Aw Nick I miss you…” Morgan motioned to Nick as he got up and hugged her. “I love you.”

“Love you more angel” he kissed her gently.

“Sorry I’ve been a bitch lately…I didn’t mean it” Michelle pouted as AJ pulled her closer to him.

“I know you didn’t I love you” AJ kissed Michelle.

“Come here Lyssie baby…” JC smiled as Alyssa sat in his lap. “You feelin a little better?”

“A little…I’m sorry you had to see that”

“No, I’m sorry you had to go through it…” he smiled and brushed her cheek with his hand, Alyssa grinned and kissed him.

“C’mon girls lets start the movie!” Morgan let go of Nick and ran off.

“Wait!” Michelle grabbed Alyssa’s hand following.

JC, Nick and AJ laughed and followed after their girls.


~~~45 Min. Later~~~

Summer looked around the living room. Howie was outside talking to his mom on his cell phone, Kevin was reading some book, Morgan was intently watching Sleeping Beauty, which meant she couldn’t be disturbed for an hour and a half. Alyssa and JC were in the kitchen while Nick was playing Nintendo games with Brian upstairs, AJ was reading fan mail and Michelle was watching Sleeping Beauty, though obviously bored.

“Hey Chelle…” Summer sat down next to her. “Can I talk to you?”

“Uhm sure Summer…” Michelle turned to face her.

“Listen I’m real sorry about what happened earlier…I talked to Becky but she’s really mad…”

“Oh…” Michelle said looking down. “Well it’s not you I’m mad at, its her…so don’t feel too bad Summ…”

“So you’re not mad at me?”

“No” Michelle pulled off a smile.

“Thanks Michelle…”

“No problem.” She smiled still feeling uncomfortable.


“Yea?” Michelle looked back at Summer over her shoulder.

“Wanna go shopping? I’m bored and it will help us not think about everything more…”

“Sure thing girl!” Michelle said happily and jumped up “I’m bored out of my mind here anyway”

“Cool, c’mon lets go then” Summer got her purse and walked over to Kevin “I’m going shopping with Michelle, I’ll see you in a few hours k?”

“Ok baby” he said absentmindedly

Summer pressed a kiss on his cheek “Bye”

“AJ, I’m out!” Michelle called and shut the door behind her and Summer

“BYE!” they heard AJ holler back

They got into Summer’s jeep and drove to the mall.


Alyssa stared out the window of the kitchen. Why had Becky suddenly changed, she acted like she didn’t even know her, like she didn’t care. All those years being friends Alyssa would have never thought something like this would ever happen, especially not to Becky.

“You sure you’re ok?” she felt JC’s comforting hands on her shoulders.

“I dunno…” she shrugged off his touch and paced around the kitchen trying to sort everything though her head. JC sat down on the table knowing she needed some space. “Maybe it is my fault…”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know…she said it was my fault that we’re not close anymore, cause I have a problem when it comes to things I know I should talk with people about, but instead I turn away from them. All she wanted was to talk to me…”

“Lyss don’t beat yourself up over this…”

“Why not I deserve it!” she slammed her hands down on the counter. “She was never like this! Maybe I pushed her away…”

JC walked over to her and tried to calm her down but she moved away.

“You’re not helping me, if you think you can just hug me and it will all go away!”

“I’m sorry…” he sat back down.

“God…I didn’t mean that…” she sighed.

“Sure you didn’t” Becky’s voice caused Alyssa to turn her head towards the door of the kitchen where Becky was standing. “I guess I was right…you treat him like shit when things don’t go you’re way or when your mad…just like Morgan and Michelle.”

“Becky what happened to us?”

“Why I don’t know anymore since I never talk to you”

“That’s not my fault!”

“Yea so why is it then that we never talk?”

“I dunno…please Becky tell me why you’re acting this way?”

“I am because for the first time in years I finally see where I stand with you and Morgan and Michelle…I’m the one who always has to be the one you three blame when problems start between us. I’ve had it, I can’t do this anymore!”

“Do what?”

“Be in this position!”

“God I don’t understand you!” Alyssa sighed utterly confused. “Why now? Why is this all coming out now!?”

“If you understood me, maybe you would know the answer to that one.” She turned to JC. “Is she always like this?”

Alyssa looked at him sadly, feeling under pressure all he did was look away from Becky. “I’m not sure what you’re asking.” He managed to say.

“I’m asking if she acts this utterly stupid with you?!”

Alyssa couldn’t take anymore, giving Becky one last look she walked out of the kitchen and up to her room.

“Lyss wait!” JC ran after her.

“Hm…whatever” Becky smirked and sat down where JC had left.


“Lyss what’s wrong?” Howie saw her rush past.

“Ask your girlfriend!” she stormed upstairs to her room. JC soon caught up and knocked on her door. “Alyssa open up”


“Please baby…”


“What do you want me to do then?!” he said getting slightly frustrated with the whole situation.

“Whatever you want”

He thought to himself for a second. “Fine I’ll go back to the hotel” he said hoping she would open the door.


“Lyssie baby…c’mon”

“I thought you were leaving”

“Ok I’m leaving” he turned from the door feeling defeated and walked down the stairs.

“JC what happened?” Morgan asked pausing her movie.

“We had our first fight” he said plainly and walked out the front door.


“GUCCI!” Summer cried out “C’mon Mimi, I’ve been wanting this really cool watch they have there”

“I want to get AJ that phat leather jacket” Michelle said, pointing at a jacket in another store

“Gucci first Mimi, or I’ll die!”

“Ok” Michelle sighed

Summer hastened her pace and nearly ran into the Gucci store.


~~~5 Min. Later~~~

“Alyssa please!” Morgan banged on the door again. Finally the door opened revealing Alyssa on the other side. “Finally!” she sighed coming inside. “What happened?”

“One word: Becky”

“God again?”

Alyssa nodded clutching a picture in her hand.

“What’s that Lyss?” Morgan asked scooting next to her. Alyssa handed her the picture of her and JC. It was a picture from a couple of days ago taken before the concert. They looked so perfect together. JC had his arms around her with the biggest smile on his face. “You two are so cute…” she handed it back to Alyssa who smiled as she looked at the picture again. Morgan noticed the ring on her finger. “Oh my god!”


“Girl…” she smiled and grabbed her hand looking at the silver ring. “Can I?” Alyssa nodded as Morgan slipped it off to examine it closely. She smiled as her eyes came over the inscription, Alyssa…I love you forever…Joshua. “This is so beautiful…” she placed the ring back on her finger. “He loves you a lot”

“Yea” she smiled just thinking about him. “And I told him to leave…”

Morgan smiled. “That’s what you think…”

Alyssa’s eyes lit up. “He’s still..?” Morgan nodded. Alyssa walked over to the window and sure enough his car was still in the driveway.

“Aren’t you gonna go down?”


Morgan looked at her baffled. “Why not?”

“I was being such a brat to him, just like Becky said.“

“Lyss don’t listen to what Becky has to say, far as I’m concerned she’s changed…don’t blame anything on yourself ok?”

“It’s so hard, I don’t understand”

“Neither do I but we’ll figure it out later…now go downstairs…”

Alyssa smiled and brushed herself up. “Do I look ok?”

“You always do” Morgan smiled encouragingly. “Go girl…”

“Thanks” Alyssa hugged Morgan before walking downstairs. A smile was on her face as she reached the bottom and looked around. But that smile was soon wiped away when she heard Becky’s voice.

“He left”

“But Morgan said…”

“He left you because he was sick of your attitude…like me” she crossed her arms and stared Alyssa down.

“Hun maybe you should go sit down.” Howie tried his best to stop her.

“I don’t need to SIT down anywhere” she snapped as Howie gave up and walked away.

Alyssa couldn’t take it anymore she was done crying. “Looks like Howie couldn’t handle your attitude either!”

Morgan heard the commotion and ran down the stairs. She came up to Alyssa and whispered in her ear. “Lyss c’mon don’t do this.”

Alyssa turned around with a doubtful look on her face but listened because she knew Morgan was right.

“Yea listen to her, listen to each other like you always do” Becky rolled her eyes and walked away.

“And always will” Morgan answered to Becky’s back before turning to the front door and swinging it open. JC was sitting on the front steps.

Alyssa walked over to Morgan. “I’ll see ya later…C’mon JC were going back to the hotel”

“Later girl” Morgan called and shut the door.

“What happened now?” JC asked as he followed.

“Nothing just drive” Alyssa looked away from him as she sat in the passenger seat.

“Fine” JC sighed and started the car.


~~~40 minutes later~~~

“This has got to be the coolest leather jacket ever” Michelle said with a grin as she put it on the counter

The girl behind the counter smiled “It’s pretty cool huh? Is it for your boyfriend?”

Michelle nodded

“Cool” the girl looked at Summer and Michelle intensely and frowning in thought “You two look so familiar”

Michelle and Summer exchanged looks and grinned. Just then they heard History through the store speakers. They cracked up.

The girl’s eyes grew big “OHMYGOD! You’re from Phantasia!”

They nodded

“Wow. Can I get an autograph?”


The girl pulled a white tanktop from a rack and put it in front of them. “I’ll buy it, here’s a waterproof pen”

Michelle couldn’t help but chuckle as she wrote her name down on the tanktop.

Once outside they were still laughing “This I never imagined, not even in my wildest dreams” Summer confessed

“I bet Morgan did” Michelle chuckled

“Yea, but that’s cuz Morgan is a dork”

“Aw! That’s mean!”


“Oh look, there’s Abercrombie & Fitch”

“C’mon girl”


Alyssa was silent the whole ride back to the hotel. Once they got there she got out and went straight for the elevator. As soon as it reached their floor she walked briskly down the hallway as JC tried to keep up.

Justin had just came out of his room and noticed Alyssa and JC walking down the hall unusually quiet. “Hey Lyssie” he said smiling.

Alyssa just walked past without even looking at him. She went straight for her room and slammed it shut.

“Lyssie!” Yasmine heard Justin and rushed to the door. “Where?!” she looked around.

“In her room baby” Justin said oddly. “JC what the hell happened?”

JC stood with a blank face and his hands in his pockets. “We had a fight…then she said she didn’t care if I left or not…so course I stayed cause I wasn’t gonna just leave her there…so five minutes later the door opens and she comes out all upset again and says she wants to come back to the hotel…she didn’t say anything the whole way back.”

“Oh my god you guys fought?!” Yasmine said almost shocked.


“Damn…” Justin sighed. RING RING! Justin’s cell rang so he picked it up. “Hello?”

“Justin it’s Kathleen” his manager said.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Change of plans for today…all you need to get down to my office…we have important things to discuss about the next two weeks.”

“Alright, we’ll be right down.” He hung up the phone. “Get it together man we’ve got a meeting with Kathleen and Richard.”

“Now?” he glanced at the door of his room knowing Alyssa was sitting alone inside it.

“I’m sorry…but you know we all have to go” Justin said.

“I know…but”

“Don’t worry JC I’ll take care if it” Yasmine smiled.

“I’ll just say bye…” he walked hopefully over to the door as Yasmine and Justin followed. “Lyss”


“Uhm I have to go…”

Alyssa stared at the door. “Fine”

Justin and Yasmine looked at JC. “She must really be upset.” Justin whispered.

“I’m sorry baby I don’t want to but I have to…I-”

“Go already JC…you’ve got more important things to do” Alyssa cut him off and answered back.

“Bye” he mumbled and turned to Justin. “Well lets go…” he stuffed his hands in his pockets again and walked down the hall alone.

“Cheer him up” Yasmine smiled at Justin. “I’ll talk to her”

“Cheer Mr. Depressed up?!” Justin asked. “That’s impossible when it comes to Alyssa!”

Yasmine laughed. “Just try…” she smiled and kissed him quickly.

“I will, never fear Justin is here!” he put his hands on his hips and smiled triumphantly.

“Go” Yasmine pushed him. “Yer gonna be late!”

“Ok ok…later baby” he called as he jogged down the hall after the others.


~~~3 hours later~~~

“Well I’m pooped” Summer said tiredly

“You look tired too.. lets go back home” Michelle suggested

Summer nodded and they walked to the parking lot. As they neared the jeep, Summer felt dizzy and sick again “Michelle, can you drive?”

Michelle looked at her surprised “You sure?.. you never let me drive”

“I’m feeling a bit dizzy, I think its better if you drive” she confessed

“Oh sure” Michelle got into the drivers seat.


“Dude, that’s the 4th time I kicked your ass!” Nick laughed as he and Brian walked down. “Hey you sexy thang” he held Morgan from behind and kissed her neck

“Ni-ick! You know I don’t like it when you do that!” Morgan whined and shrugged loose, focusing on Sleeping Beauty again.

“Can I have a kiss?” Nick sat down on the couch and pulled her on his lap

“I’m watching a movie”

“You’ve seen the damn movie at least a million times before” Nick wrapped her in his arms

“SHHH!!” Morgan hissed and got out of his grip

“Just gimme one kiss and I’ll let you watch the movie without me bothering you”

Morgan gave a quick kiss on his hand. A slightly pissed Nick pushed her off his lap

“Oh don’t tell me your pissed at me now” Morgan giggled

“All I wanted was a kiss” Nick pouted and pursed his lips looking away from her

“Aaawww!!” Morgan paused the VCR “Ok, come here stud muffin”

“No, now its too late”

Morgan pulled at his waistband “Pleeeease?”


“Pretty pretty pretty please?... with me on top?”

“Hmm.. tough choice”

“Ohh! Nickolas Gene Carter!” Morgan giggled, she leaned in and kissed him

Nick grinned and kissed her back

“Great.. NOW can I watch my movie?!”



“I guess I’m not as cute as the prince in Sleeping Beauty”

Morgan rolled her eyes and un-paused the movie


Michelle drove the little distance to their house. As they reached the last set of traffic lights, Michelle looked at Summer “Are you ok?”

“Yea, I’m fine” Summer mumbled and pulled off a smile

Michelle drove straight ahead to their house. What she didn’t see was a big truck on her right who couldn’t stop on time. Suddenly they heard the screeching sound of car tires on soil. Before they could even scream, the truck crashed into the side of the jeep. The jeep was literally shoved back and started spinning around, it seemed like it was going to overturn..


~~~5 minutes later~~~

Ambulances and LAPD cars rushed past the house with sirens on.

“What’s going on?” curious as he is, Nick asked

“An accident I guess”

Nick opened the front door and watched the ambulances stopping at the end of the street, at the traffic lights. “Yo! An accident at the traffic lights!!” he called inside

Morgan rolled her eyes “Accidents happen every day.. every minute”

Becky joined Nick outside “Hey... that jeep looks familiar” she squinted her eyes and looked better “MORGAN!!!!!!!!” she started screaming

“What?!!?” Morgan ran outside to see what was wrong. “If your gonna bitch at me again you better not think I’m gonna take-”

“Shut-up MORGAN!” Becky pointed at the jeep “Please tell me that that isn’t Summer’s jeep” Becky said with a trembling voice

Morgan started screaming too and froze at the spot. Becky ran to the scene as fast as she could, leaving Morgan and Nick behind. In the meanwhile Brian, Kevin, Howie and AJ came to see what the fuss was about. Nick embraced Morgan tightly and tried to stop her screaming. The guys saw Becky ran away.

“No no no NO please tell me this isn’t happening!!!!” Morgan cried

“Morgan, stop.. stop” Nick tried “MORGAN STOP!!” he yelled at her “We gotta go see what happened, get yourself together!”


“See that accident over there?” Nick pointed at the traffic lights and the whole scene there “See that jeep there?.. doesn’t that jeep look familiar!?! Do the math!” he grabbed Morgan by her arm and nearly dragged her along.

The guys ran after them, AJ looked at the jeep and saw paramedics open the door of the drivers seat, the side that obviously wasn’t hit. A young woman was taken out. “MICHELLE!!” he yelled and ran harder


Becky reached the spot quickest and immediately grabbed a cop by his arm “What happened!?!”

“Miss, you shouldn’t-”

“GODDAMNIT, my friends are in that jeep, TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!”

The cop startled “A truck hit the side of the jeep”

“How bad are they injured?!”

“I don’t know miss, ask the paramedics”

Becky ran to the nearest paramedic and asked him the same

“We don’t know right now miss, please give us space to help your friends, step back”

Becky stepped back and cried silently.

Morgan and Nick and AJ ran up to her. Morgan immediately hugged her and cried with her, completely forgetting all the anger against her from earlier. AJ ran to the jeep and saw how they lifted Michelle out of the jeep, put her on a gurney and speeded her off to an ambulance “MICHELLE!!” he cried out


“Miss, can you tell me where it hurts?”

“My arm.. I’m dizzy” Michelle groaned

“What’s your name?”


“Alright Michelle, I’m Jerry” a paramedic said to her “We’re going to take you to the hospital”

Michelle nodded, she felt dizzy and her head was banging. Pain washed through her arm. She saw paramedics swarm around her like bees to honey. Suddenly she heard AJ scream her name “AJ!” she called as loud as she could. AJ came running to the ambulance which was ready to leave.

A cop tried to stop him, but he briskly pushed the man aside, desperate to see his girlfriend. “Michelle, oh God, baby, are you ok!?” fear was written all over his face and she could see he was on the verge of tears.

“I’m dizzy, my head bangs.. my arm hurts”

“Sir, do you know this woman?”

“Yes, yes she’s my girlfriend” AJ answered quickly

“We’re going to take her to the hospital, you can ride along” Jerry said as he pushed the gurney Michelle was on into the ambulance. AJ jumped in and held Michelle’s hand

Everything went by in a blur to Michelle. She felt a wet spot on her chest and touched it. it was blood, but not her own “SUMMER!” she yelled “Summer! Where’s Summer!? Oh God, is she alright? Tell me she’s alright!!” she panicked

“Michelle, you have to lay down” Jerry put her back “There’s a possibility you have a concussion, you need to lay still”

“Where’s Summer?!” she started crying “Oh God, please let her be alright!”

“The other woman in the cab is taken care of, Michelle” Jerry soothed her

“AJ, did you see her?”

His heart broke at the sight of Michelle’s desperate face and cracked voice “I didn’t”

“Please God, please” she prayed


“MICHELLE!!” Morgan yelled as the ambulance drove off with Michelle and AJ in it. her crying got worse. Becky let go of her and ran over to the nearest paramedic and grabbed a hold of him “The ambulance that just drove off, the girl in it, is she Ok?”

“I don’t know Miss”

Summer was lifted out of the jeep and her gurney was rolled into the next ambulance.


“WAIT!!” Morgan cried out. Nick held her in his arms

“Morgan, you stay here, I’m going with Summer” Becky called and ran off to the ambulance, hopping in and explaining who she was just in time

Kevin’s face grew pale and grayish “Summer” he whispered

“Oh god No!!” Morgan cried on Nick’s chest

“Excuse me, which hospital are those ambulances going to?” Howie asked

“County General” a policeman answered

“Howie, call Angela and Ross, call Alyssa, tell them what happened and to go to the hospital immediately” Nick said and tilted Morgan’s chin up “Morgan, we’re going to the hospital, we have to run to find a cab”

She nodded and they ran out on the street.

“County General” Howie said as they hopped into a cab, immediately he dialed a number on his cellular “Ross, it’s Howie here, Michelle and Summer have been involved in a car accident, they’re being taken to the County General hospital, go there NOW!” before Ross could answer, Howie hung up and dialed another number

Morgan was still crying

“Morgy, sweetie, stop crying, they’re gonna be just fine” Brian tried soothing her

“SHUT UP! You heard what that paramedic said!” Morgan yelled at him

“Shhh, baby, come here” Nick pulled her closer “I love you” he whispered and kissed her head.


“LYSS POLLEAZZE?!!?!” Yasmine begged again. Soon she heard footsteps through the door as Alyssa swung it open then turned and plopped back on the bed. Yasmine giggled. “I knew you’d open up sooner or later…”

“Haha Yazzie” Alyssa said sarcastically.

“Oh C’mon Lyssie why were you so pissed earlier.”

“Cause I’m mad at Becky she’s being the biggest bitch to me!” Alyssa sighed. “But most of all I’m mad at myself because I was being a bitch to JC…” she ran her hand through her hair. “He didn’t deserve that.”

“Aw it’s ok Lyssie he’s a man, he can take being bitched at every now and then” Yasmine giggled. “But I still can’t believe you guys actually got into a fight!!”

Alyssa slumped back on the bed. “I know!” she sighed. “It’s all my fault.”

“Lyss don’t worry about it JC’s a big boy…he’ll get over it”

“Yea…I hope…do you know when they’re getting back?”

“They didn’t say…” Yasmine smiled. “Why can’t wait to say you’re sorry?! Then you two can be the adorable, cute, loving…”

Alyssa blushed. “Ok I get the picture…”

Yasmine smiled. “So what’s going on back home?!”

Alyssa’s smile faded. “I have NO clue!”

“Wow that bad?!”

“Oh it’s worse…I don’t know what happened to us…”

“I hope you girls work it out…” Yasmine said seriously.

“Yea me too”


“Uh-oh!” Yasmine joked. “What if another war broke out over there?!”

“I wouldn’t be surprised…” she groaned and ran to get to the phone “Hello?”

“ALYSSA!! Its Howie!”

“Howie, what’s wrong!?”

“Oh God, Lyssie, don’t freak out, but Summer and Michelle were in a car crash, they’re being taken to County General”

“CAR CRASH!!!!?” Alyssa yelled and nearly started hyperventilating “OHMYGOD!!”

“Get down there ASAP, AJ is with Michelle and Becky with Summer, Brian, Kevin, Nick, Morgan and I are in a cab now”

“Lyssie!!” Morgan cried

“Gimme Morgan” Alyssa demanded when she heard Morgan crying in the back

“Lyssie! Ohmygod.. I’m so scared”

Alyssa started crying too “So am I.. damnit”

“Lyssie, it looked so bad.. Summer was unconscious”

“No!!” Alyssa panicked

They both sobbed terribly

“Morgie, I’m on my way, I’ll see you there” Alyssa managed to bring out between the sobbing and crying.

They hung up

“Lyss?” Yasmine grabbed her as she crumbled to the floor in a heap of tears.

“Oh my god…oh my god…this isn’t happening!” Alyssa cried.

“What?! What?!” Yasmine tried to calm her down.

“Summer and Michelle are going to the hospital…they got in a car crash…” Alyssa mumbled in a frozen trance. Snapping out of it she grabbed the nearest jacket she could find, one of JC’s and threw it on. “I’m going to the hospital Yaz…just tell JC that” she said through tears and ran out of her hotel room as Yasmine cried to herself in shock on the bed.


Kevin heard Morgan and Alyssa talking on the phone. He saw Howie’s eyes full of fear and worry. Brian looked at him quite desperately also. Nick held Morgan close and he was praying. He swallowed once, twice.. and tears formed in his eyes. Summer was all that was on his mind Please God, let her be alright, let her be alright he prayed. Morgan’s crying got less hysterical and now she looked up to him while she hung up. She took his hand into hers and gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Michelle’s gurney was rolled into the Emergency Room. “21 year old female, was involved in a car accident. Complains about dizziness, headache and a sore arm.” Jerry explained to a nurse and a Doctor.

“Alright Miss, lets get you checked” the nurse smiled. “Who are you sir?” she asked AJ

“Her boyfriend”

“You can wait there”

“No! AJ, don’t leave me!”

The nurse looked at Michelle and then at AJ “Alright, you can come then” she said hesitatingly


A few minutes after Michelle, Summer was rolled into the Emergency Room also. “24 year old female, the jeep she was in got hit by a car on the side she sat. Unconscious, multiple fractures in the right arm and leg, heavy concussion, and bruises”

Summer was rolled into an OR immediately.

“Miss, you will have to wait here” A nurse came up to Becky

“Summer!” Becky brushed past the nurse and looked through the glass at her injured friend

“Miss, I’m sorry, but you will have to wait here.. the doctors will take good care of your friend” the nurse made her sit down “Can I get you something?”

Becky nodded no.


“Where’s Summer? I wanna know where she is!” Michelle cried

“Alright baby, I’ll go ask” AJ kissed her cheek while the nurse made a sling for Michelle’s broken wrist.

AJ walked out and walked to the reception “Excuse me, do you know if a 24 year old woman with blonde curls was brought in? She was involved in a car accident”

“Oh yes” the woman said “They’re operating on her now”


“She had multiple fractures in her right arm and leg, a heavy concussion and she got hit in the uterus”

AJ nodded “Will she be alright?”

“I can’t tell sir, because I don’t know, but lets hope so”

He was about to walk back to Michelle when...:

“AJ!!” Brian, Howie, Kevin, Nick and Morgan ran in. Morgan ran straight to him and hugged him tightly

“Are they alright? Tell me they’re alright” she said panicked

“Michelle has a small concussion and a broken wrist, she’s really upset”

“And Summer?”

AJ looked at her and then at Kevin “They’re operating on her now. She has a heavy concussion and several fractures in her right leg and arm, she also got hit in the uterus, the nurse doesn’t know if she will be alright”

“Morgan!!” Alyssa yelled and ran up to her

Morgan let go of AJ and ran straight into Alyssa’s arms. Starting to cry all over again. The girls both cried

“God, please let them be alright..” Alyssa prayed.

AJ told her the same he had told Morgan.

“Where’s Becky?” she asked

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen her”

The nurse walked out with Michelle in a wheelchair.

“Oh God, Michelle!” Alyssa called and ran up to her “Sweetie, how are you feeling? Are you ok?”

“Where’s Summer! AJ what’s happening?!” Michelle half yelled, half cried

“Baby, now don’t get all upset, they’re operating on Summer. She has some broken arms and apparently there’s something wrong with her uterus, BUT I’m sure she will be alright”

Michelle sighed, though cried. Morgan and Alyssa hugged her and cried with her.

“Oh sweetie, you scared the hell out of me ya know!” Alyssa said

Michelle nodded “I scared the hell out of me too”

“Thank God you’re ok”

“Oh, Michelle, I was so scared” Morgan said

“Me too”

“I love you girls”

“I love you girls too” Michelle and Alyssa said at the same time.

“Would you like to sit down in a private waiting room?” a nurse asked

Nick nodded.

They were taken to a waiting room and sat down, exhausted and still in shock. Michelle, Alyssa and Morgan stayed close together and kept on hugging each other and crying.

Angela and Ross came running in and were told the whole story by Howie.

~~~20 minutes later~~~

The door opened and Becky walked in with a face pale as a sheet, red eyes, tearstained cheeks and more tears running down her face. She was followed by a Doctor.

“Becky! Where were you?” Howie said and enveloped her in a hug

The doctor looked at her

“You tell them doctor, I can’t” Becky said as she wiped her cheeks dry

The doctor nodded and sighed. “I’m doctor Hughes, I have good news and bad news about your friend” he looked at them all “The good news is that Miss Cooper is going to be just fine. True, she has several fractures; her wrist and elbow, her ankle and upper leg. And a heavy concussion.. but she will fully recover from that” the doctor looked down “The bad news however is..”

“Well?” Kevin asked

“Apparently something hit her in the uterus, which kick started a miscarriage. She lost her baby”

All gasped for breath. Kevin’s eyes grew big and he turned even paler “She.. she was pregnant?”

“Yes, she was about 11 weeks pregnant” the doctor examined Kevin’s startled face “You didn’t know?”

“No one knew” Becky answered before Kevin

The doctor nodded once again “Hm, I see. I am sorry, I wish you would have found out in another way... Miss Cooper is brought up to the Gynaecology Ward now to recover, you can see her in about 15 minutes” he said. “As for you Ms. Evans you need to get yourself home tonight and get some rest, alright?”

“Yes doctor” Michelle agreed.

“I advise you all to go home and get some rest rather than stay here, one of you may wish to stay but otherwise you all need to go home, it’s been a long day for you” Dr. Hughes said solemnly.

“We will doctor” AJ said for all of them.

“Good, have a nice night” he smiled and left the group alone.

“Pregnant..” Kevin whispered to himself It explains it all.. how she was tired, dizzy, stressed out. she gained weight, she even threw up in the mornings occasionally.. my god, why? Why didn’t you tell me Summer? Why did you keep it secret? His heart broke into a million pieces

Becky sat down next to him and placed an arm around him “I’m sorry Kevin, I didn’t know either..”

“Oh my god” Morgan softly whispered “Summer was pregnant?” she looked at Nick and saw the same confusion and shock in his eyes.

“I’ll stay with her tonight” Kevin said before getting up and walking out of the waiting room. Once outside he started pacing up and down the corridor. A million thoughts crowded his mind. He waited a few more minutes until he walked to the receptionist “Excuse me, on what floor is the Gynaecology Ward?”

“5th floor sir”

“Thanks” he took the elevator up and as he stepped out of it, he walked up to a nurse “Do you know in what room Summer Cooper is?”

“Yes, she’s in room 387, but you can’t see her yet, the doctor is with her now” the nurse looked at him with an intense look

“Is he telling her about..”

She nodded.


Summer opened her eyes “Where am I?”

The doctor grabbed a chair and sat down beside her bed “Hello Miss Cooper, I’m doctor Hughes, you’re in the County General hospital now. Do you remember what happened?”

“I.. I was in a car accident right?” she asked confusedly

“That’s right, the jeep you and your friend were in got hit by a truck”

“How’s Michelle?”

“She’s downstairs in the Emergency Room. She has a small concussion and a broken wrist. You, however, got injured more severely, your wrist, ankle, elbow and upper leg are broken. And you have a somewhat worse concussion, with of course some bruises”

“My head hurts, yea”

“There is something else. When the car hit your cab, something also must have hit you in your uterus. When you were in the Emergency Room they noticed that you were bleeding. You were rushed into an OR..” the doctor sighed “I’m sorry, but you had a miscarriage. The fetus didn’t survive..”

Summer’s eyes grew big “A.. a miscarriage?” her heart skipped a beat “I was pregnant?”

The doctor nodded “You were about 11 weeks pregnant, you didn’t know?”

Summer shook her head no

“Then I am sorry you had to find out this way” doctor Hughes got up “I want to keep you here for a few nights, just to make sure you’re alright. There’s some people waiting for you in the Emergency Room waiting area, do you want me to send them up?”

Summer shook her head yes, absentmindedly.

Doctor Hughes stepped out of the room and found himself right in front of Kevin

“Can I go see her now?” Kevin asked

“Yes” the doctor stopped him “Mr. Richardson, she is very confused right now. She, also, wasn’t aware of her pregnancy. I trust you won’t upset her more?”

“No, I won’t. Oh, doctor?”


“Can you tell my friends downstairs that I’m here?”


“Thanks” Kevin forced a smile, took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked in slowly and sat down on the chair next to Summer’s bed.

Summer looked up at him with tears in her eyes “I was pregnant” she said with obvious grief and confusion in her voice.

Kevin nodded.

She wiped tears away from her cheeks “I don’t know what to say..”

“Me neither” Kevin twisted in his chair uncomfortably “Summer.. I don’t want to hurt you.. or upset you.. but.. can I ask you.. ask you if you knew you were pregnant?”

Summer looked him in the eyes long, before she answered: “I can’t believe you asked me that” she slowly said, turning her head away from him “No, I didn’t know I was pregnant.. do you really think I would keep something like a baby secret from you?” her eyes met his again, they looked at him vexed and angry

“I’m sorry.. I just.. had to know for sure..”

“I’m tired” she said

“Have some sleep, I’ll be outside” he leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her head so the kiss ended up on her cheek instead of her lips. He walked to the door, but before he left he said “I love you”

Summer didn’t smile like usual “Yea, you too” she said without looking at him.

Kevin closed the door behind him and sighed. He swallowed and pushed the tears away. Why did I ask her that? I should trust her. Still.. I can’t help but think she knew it.

He heard his friends call out his name and dismissed the thoughts.

“Can I see her?” Michelle looked up at him from the wheelchair

“She wanted to go to sleep, but I think she will want to see you too” Kevin smiled faintly and sat down on a chair.

Michelle urged AJ to open the door for her. She rolled inside “Summer?” her voice cracked

“Michelle” Summer smiled “Are you ok?”

“Yea, yea I’m fine” she looked down at her hands

“That was pretty scary huh?” Summer asked

Michelle nodded “I was afraid you’d die..” she admitted

Summer giggled “You silly-ass!”

“Yea, well you don’t know how scared I was”

They remained quiet for a moment

“Listen, Summer.. I’m sorry about.. about your baby” Michelle moved in her wheelchair uncomfortably “I didn’t know you were,.. pregnant”

“Neither did I” Summer sighed “Neither did I, Michelle”

Michelle looked up at her confused “But.. how? How could you not know?”

“I thought I just skipped a period when I didn’t menstruate... I never once thought I was pregnant. But now it makes perfect sense..”

“What do you mean?”

“I was feeling.. weird lately. Pregnancy explains it all”

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

Summer shrugged “I didn’t want to make you worry over nothing”

“Did Kevin know?”

“Yea.. he knew, he was the only one who knew”


~~~Back at the Hotel Downtown~~~

Yasmine sat in the lobby staring blankly out into space tears were softly streaming down her face. She heard the guys enter but still didn’t turn around.

“Baby…” Justin called before walking over and looking at her face. “YASMINE!!” he rushed over and hugged her. “What’s wrong!?!?!”

Yasmine just cried harder wrapping her arms around Justin’s neck. “There’s been an accident…”

“Accident!?” Justin asked. “Who?!”

“Summer and Michelle…”

“Oh my god” Lance mumbled.

“YASMINE!!” JC ran into the lobby. “Where’s Alyssa?!” he walked over to the other’s who were obviously upset.

“She left…” Yasmine whispered.

“There’s been an accident JC” Joey informed.

“Accident!?” he panicked.

“No, no it’s not Lyss” Chris said. “Summer and Michelle.”


“Where did Alyssa go baby?” Justin tried to talk to her as she continued to cry.

“She ran off…I think she went to the hospital…”

“Which one?” JC asked frantically.

“I dunno…” Yasmine sighed.

JC took out his phone and dialed Alyssa’s cell. “The cellular number you are trying to reach is not on at this time…” the pre-recorded message sounded.

“Her phone is off! Maybe she’s home” JC dialed another number but got the answering machine. “Dammit!” he turned and ran out of the lobby.

“JC!” Joey headed after him and stopped him before he got to the elevator. “Where are you going?!”

“I have to go to her she needs me!”

“But you have no clue where she is!” Joey grabbed his shoulders.

“I’ll look!”

“Damnit JC!” Joey shook him. “There’s over 20 hospitals around here! It’s late, you’re just going to waste your time!”

“I don’t care…I have to go to her…”

“Listen to me first thing in the morning you look, not now!”

“God…why do you have to be right!” JC ran off to his room.

Joey laughed to himself. “Is he in love or what…” he shook his head and walked back into the lobby.

“Did you stop him?” Lance asked.

“Yea…he was going to go search for her” Joey laughed. “Doesn’t he realize how many hospitals are down here?”

“Hey that doesn’t matter when it comes to ALyssa” Lance said.

“I hope everything’s ok…” Chris said.

“God this isn’t good…” Yasmine calmed down. “Not with what’s going on already…”

“What do you mean already?” Lance asked.

“Oh you guys don’t know…the girls are fighting…from what I hear it’s pretty bad…” Yasmine sighed and explained what she knew to the four guys as they began worry more and more about Morgan, Michelle, Summer, Becky and Alyssa.


“Kevin, are you ok?” Morgan asked in a small voice

“No!! NO, I’m NOT ok, Morgan!! How can you even ask me that?!!?” He kicked against the wall hard. “Fuck it!!” he sighed deeply and crossed his arms in silent anger

Morgan turned him to face her and uncrossed his arms and embraced him in a hug. He couldn’t keep back the tears anymore and started crying.

“Shh... its ok sweetie, just let it all out” Morgan whispered and stroke his back “Let it all out”

“God, I’m such a jerk.. why can’t I just believe her?” Kevin sobbed “She said she didn’t know either.. but I had to ask her anyway.. why do I always hurt the ones I love?”

“Oh sweetie, no one blames you for wanting to know the truth.. of course you had to ask her about it”


“My head hurts so bad” Summer closed her eyes “Everything hurts” she mumbled

“I’ll leave you alone, have some sleep” Michelle said and kissed her hand “I love you, Summy”

“I love you too, Chelly”

“You sure you’re gonna be ok ? Kevin said he would stay here with you, the doctor wants me to go home and rest.”

Summer thought of Kevin sadly. “Uhm yea I’ll be fine” she pulled off a smile. “Tell the other’s to go home to and get some rest ok?”

“Ok Summ…sleep well” Michelle smiled before going out the door.

The door closed behind Michelle and a single tear rolled down Summer’s cheek. She knew that this was the end of many things.

Chapter 35