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Chapter 35

Chapter 35 ~ Separate Ways

~~~The Next Morning~~~

“The girls of Phantasia: hit with tragic circumstances…next”

Morgan, Nick, and Brian glanced at each other while sitting on the couch watching MTV.

5 minutes later the news came back on the screen. “I’m John Norris with an MTV news brief…” the girls picture appeared on the screen. “Nothing has been high-flying lately for the newest pop sensation to hit this year…the 5 girls of Phantasia have been blessed with success from being the opening act of the Backstreet Boys to their number one TRL and Billboard Hot 100 hit History (That’s what you are). Their future seems bright, but all that came to a halt yesterday when 24 year old Summer Cooper and 21 year old Michelle Evans were involved in a car accident late last night.”

“Damn these news people are quick” Morgan mumbled and continued to watch.

“Though details are still un-available MTV has learned that both girls are ok. Both are suffering from minor injuries caused by the drunk driver that slammed into their jeep as they crossed an intersection while home on vacation before their now seemingly pending promotional world tour that was scheduled to start today. Management for the girls have not been available at the moment for comment but we will keep you detailed on this situation as it develops.”

Morgan got up and shut off the TV. “Why is this happening to us…” she walked to the window and stared out of it. “It’s not fair.”

Nick sighed and went to comfort her. “I’m sorry angel” he hugged her from behind as she leaned back on him.

The front door soon opened “AJ how is she?!” a reporters voice yelled.

“Mr. McLean what will the girls be doing after this!?”

“I SAID NO COMMENT!” AJ opened the door forcefully and quickly dodging the press that was stationed outside the girls house. “Damn press has been out there all morning!” he walked inside with bouquets of flowers in his hands and bags of food.

“Yea you just missed the MTV report on it” Brian said.

AJ walked to the kitchen and placed the food bags inside. “Where is everyone?” he asked coming out with the flowers.

“Howie and Becky went to pick up Kevin and Summer from the hospital, and Alyssa is still upstairs in the shower, Michelle is asleep still I think…” Morgan walked over to him.

“I’ll go check on her” AJ said turning to walk up the stairs but instead saw Michelle standing at the foot of it. “Baby!”

Michelle smiled and embraced him in her arms. “Hey” she pulled off a smile.

“Are you alright?” he kissed her cheeks tenderly.

“Yea…” she hugged him again as AJ helped her over to everyone else. Morgan was tearing up again. “Oh Morgie come here…” Michelle smiled and pulled her cousin in for a hug. “Don’t cry silly I’m ok.”

Morgan sniffled and smiled. “Does you’re wrist hurt…”

“No not really, its just broken” she laughed.

Morgan laughed too. “I’m glad your ok”

“Here for you” AJ handed her one of the bouquets of flowers. “I love you Michelle.”

Michelle held them in one hand and smiled. “I love you too AJ” she leaned closer and kissed him passionately.

Morgan smiled, “Here Chelle lemme put them in water” she took the flowers from Michelle’s hand as she continued to kiss AJ and walked to the kitchen to fill the vase with water.


Quickly placing the flowers in the vase she reached over to the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey is Alyssa there?” JC asked quickly.

“She’s in the shower JC” Morgan smiled.

“How’d you know it was me?”

Morgan smiled. “It’s a girl thing”

“How’s Michelle and Summer?”

“Well Michelle’s home she has a broken wrist and some bruises but she’ll be ok. Summer is coming home as we speak, she on the other hand has multiple fractures, a heavy concussion and…and she had a miscarriage” Morgan said still in disbelief.

“She was pregnant?”

“Yea we didn’t know either.”

“Oh Morgan I’m so sorry”

“Thanks JC…so when are you coming over?”

“Uh…does she even want me over there?”

“JC she may not say so…but you and I both know she needs you right now…” Morgan smiled. “I saw the ring…its beautiful.”

“Thanks…so is it ok if I come?”

“Of course…”

“Great I’ll be there in a bit”

“Ok see-ya…and watch out for the press…they’re camping out on our lawn waiting for people to ask questions to”

“Really…ok I’ll be careful…bye Morgan”



~~~10 Minutes Later~~~

The others soon arrived with Summer, dodging the press they got inside safely.

“Hey Summer” AJ greeted her and handed her the bouquet of flowers.

“Thanks AJ…these are beautiful” she smiled as Kevin helped her to the couch. “Hey everyone” she smiled at the others who were downstairs. “And before you all start…yes I’m ok so don’t ask!”

They all smiled at her good humor. “Glad your home Sum” Brian smiled.

“Yea me too, those hospital beds are a pain in the ass” she smiled. “And I hardly got any sleep last night so if you all don’t mind I’m gonna head upstairs for a nap.”

“Course we don’t mind” Michelle smiled.

“I’ll talk to you all later, and Becks, I’ll tell Alyssa about the meeting ” Summer got up and walked upstairs glancing at Kevin sadly before disappearing out of sight.

Everyone looked at Kevin expectantly. “What?” he said.

“Is she ok about…well you know”

“What the baby?” Kevin sighed. “No and neither am I ok? So I’d appreciate it if you’d all butt out of this and let me handle it.” He walked away and sat outside to think.

“Sheesh” Nick sighed.

“What meeting?” Michelle looked at Becky.

“Before I forget,” Becky started. “The meeting is Angela, Ross, and Mr. Farrow are coming this afternoon to discuss everything with us…so don’t go anywhere…” she turned and left the room without looking at anyone.

“She’s still pissed” Morgan mumbled.

“Yea” Michelle sighed. “I’m hungry…” she turned to AJ.

“I got it all covered babe…I ordered food for everyone it’s all ready in the kitchen”

“Great!” the remaining people headed towards the kitchen to enjoy a seemingly happy breakfast.


“Lyssie?” Summer knocked softly on Alyssa’s door.

“Summer!!!” Alyssa hugged her quickly just finishing getting dressed after her shower. “Are you ok!?”

“Yes I’m fine…” she smiled and sat down on Alyssa’s bed.

“God I was so scared…” Alyssa sat next to her. “I…I can’t loose you Summer…”

Summer smiled. “You won’t sweetie…I’m here”

Alyssa smiled and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re ok…I’m sorry about the baby…”

Summer looked down at her stomach. “Yea…me too”

“How’s Kevin taking it?”

“I don’t know…we hardly talked…he even thought I knew I was pregnant” she said sadly.

“But you didn’t right?”

“Of course I didn’t otherwise he would have been the first person I’d tell…but seems like it’s best this all happened.”

“How can you say that Summer? You were gonna have a baby! That’s the most precious thing a woman can experience”

Summer sighed. “It’s not so special when you have to experience it alone…I get the feeling Kevin didn’t want to have a baby…I mean he questioned the fact that I hid it from him!”

Alyssa hugged Summer again. “It’s ok Summer…” she looked at her concernedly. “You need some rest”

“Since when were you my mom?” Summer joked.

Alyssa smiled. “Hey that’s you’re job”

“You know it” She smiled. “Where’s JC?”

Alyssa looked away, she had his jacket on still and clutched it around her body. “Not here”


“We got in a fight yesterday, then I bitched at him for no reason, and before I could apologize I got the call from Howie about the accident…so I haven’t heard from him since.”

“So call him”

Alyssa just shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

“Lyss don’t do this again…please…don’t let one thing get in between you two like what happened with Brian…”

Alyssa reached for her the picture of her and JC. “I won’t…I just feel so guilty it was my fault.”

“Arguments are a part of relationships Alyssa.” Summer smiled.

“I know…” she sighed still looking at the picture.

Summer looked at Alyssa’s figure, she looked a little thinner than usual. “Hey Lyss…go downstairs and get something to eat ok?” she said gently. “I know how you get when things get tough, how you hardly eat…like last time with your mom.”

“Yea I will mommy” she smiled.

“Ok sweetie…oh by the way Angela, Ross and your dad are coming to discuss stuff with us this afternoon ok?

“Oh ok”

“See ya later” Summer smiled and walked down to her room.

Alyssa sighed and looked at the picture again, she ran her finger over JC face and smiled. “But what if you’re mad at me…god this is my fault” she said to herself again. She didn’t feel very hungry even though she hadn’t eaten all day, so she laid back on her bed. Thoughts flooded her mind from the fights, the accident and finally to JC, as she wished he was there with her. “God why did I bitch him…every time I have something good I always do something to fuck it up…” she sighed as tears of both confusion and sadness fell, she cried herself to sleep.


~~~45 min. Later~~~


“Who would that be?” Nick turned to the door as he played his Nintendo with Brian.

“Probably one of those nosy reporters again.” Howie answered.


“Don’t answer it” AJ called.

“CRAP!” Morgan jumped up. “I fucking forgot!” she ran to the door and opened it.

“JC Chasez what are you doing here?! “ a reporter questioned, but turned her attention as soon as Morgan opened the door. “Morgan! Any comments?!?!” she continued to hound.

“No comment” Morgan sighed and pulled JC inside shutting the door. “Sorry”

“It’s ok” he smiled.

“Hey Chasez” Nick hollered from his seat on the couch.

“Hey Carter” he answered and turned his head as he noticed Michelle come towards them. “Oh Michelle these are for you” he smiled and handed her another bouquet of flowers. “Yasmine and the other guys send their love”

Michelle smiled. “Thanks JC” she took the flowers and kissed his cheek.

“I totally forgot, I haven’t told Lyss you were coming…Nickers will you go get Alyssa?” Morgan asked.

“But angel I’m kicking Brian’s ass!” he concentrated on his video game.

“Please Nick…”

Nick tuned his head. “Fine…” he paused his game. “Don’t go anywhere…I’ll be back to kick your ass” he laughed at Brian.

“We’ll see” Brian smiled and sat back to wait.

Seconds later Nick ran back down the stairs. “Uhm angel…she’s asleep…I think” Nick walked to them.

“What do you mean you think?” Morgan asked.

“I opened her door and she was laying on her bed…but I swear I heard her crying before I opened it…when I did she stopped and just laid there…Maybe you should talk to her”

“No it’s not me she needs. C’mon wonder boy” Morgan motioned to JC. “Alyssa needs you…” Morgan walked upstairs followed by Nick and JC. “Wait here for a second.” Morgan stopped them and walked into Alyssa’s room. “Lyssie…” she knelt down by her bed. Alyssa lay on her side her knees bent together and her hands under her head. Her pillow was soaked not only from her wet hair but obviously from tears.

Alyssa opened her eyes slowly. “Hey Morgie” she sniffled and wiped her eyes.

“Are you ok?”

“Yea…just thinking about everything”


“Yea…” she pulled JC’s jacket closer around herself as if to feel his presence with her. “I’m tired Morgy…ok…I don’t wanna talk about it.” she sighed and closed her eyes.

“Ok Lyss” Morgan got up and walked to the door opening it wider. “Go ahead…” she let JC pass as she stood with Nick.

JC walked to the foot of her bed. Alyssa looked so helpless and sad. He smiled when he noticed she was wearing his jacket and had it clutched around her. JC walked to the opposite end of her bed where her back was facing and slowly got in so that he laid next to her body. He felt her body tense up for a moment before he placed his hand on her shoulder and slid it down her arm grabbing her hand in his.

Alyssa startled as she felt the extra weight next to her, but right when she felt that touch she knew it could only be JC. His hand touched her shoulder and slid down her arm before grabbing her hand with his. She smiled and relaxed immediately leaning closer to his body without facing him.

JC allowed her body to press against his until her back was as close as it could get to his chest. He hugged her tightly and nuzzled his face in between the nape of her neck inhaling the scent her freshly washed hair gave off. “I’m here” he whispered as he felt her squeeze his hand in rely. They just laid there together glad to have the other in their arms again.

Nick and Morgan smiled at each other and closed Alyssa’s door leaving them alone. “Now that’s what I call true love” Morgan wrapped her arms around Nick’s neck.

“Well I think I can show you our true love angel…” he looked at her for a moment before kissing her intensely. Morgan giggled under his lips and pulled him closer to her as he pressed her up against the wall. Nick stopped and smiled at her.

“I wasn’t done” Morgan grinned and pulled him closer again taking his mouth with hers.

“Ooh angel…” Nick gladly kissed her back.

Morgan smiled and stopped. “What about your game?”

“Fuck that” Nick smiled and kissed her again. He parted her lips with his tongue then proceeded to explore her mouth while touching his tongue with hers.

“Nickers…” Morgan moaned getting lost in the pleasure of his kiss.

“Hm?” he wrapped his arms around her back not breaking the kiss.

“Fuck me…” she smiled naughty before dragging him into her room locking the door behind them.


~~~1 hour later~~~


“That’s probably Angela” Becky walked to the door and opened it. She froze in sheer horror as her dad was standing right in front of her. “No…” she backed away.

“Hello Rebecka” he smiled smugly.

Howie noticed her backing away from the door. “Shit!” he startled and ran over to Becky as soon as he saw her father. “Becky come on get away from him.” He led her back away from the door. “Brian!” Howie half-yelled as he entered into the kitchen with Becky as she burst into tears.

“Wha?” he looked over.

“Damnit her father’s here! Call the police! I’ll call Mr. Farrow” Howie grabbed his phone and started to dial.

“Shit” Brian ran to the phone and dialed the local police. “Yes I’d like to report an illegal intrusion…”


“Rebecka were do you think you’re going?” George Moore continued and was about to step inside.

Kevin walked over and took charge when he realized who it was. “Sir you know you are not supposed to be around her” he said sternly.

“Oh please you think I’m going to listen to those bastards about a stupid restraining order?”

“Sir please…I don’t want to have to call the police.”

“Listen to me young man, no stuffy judge can tell me what I can and cannot do!” he started to get angry.

Brian soon ran over. “Oh yes he can” he said as the police entered and handcuffed George Moore.

“Is this the man, Sir?” an officer asked.

“Yes, yes that’s him…” Kevin sighed.

“Alright take him away. We’re sorry for the scare…” The officer turned and walked out the door.

Becky peaked out of the kitchen. “Is he gone?”

“Yes Becka he’s gone” Brian walked over to her, but she stepped away from him.

“Honey are you going to be ok?” Howie tried to comfort her.

“No damnit!” Becky cried and ran up to her room.

“One thing after another!” Kevin sighed and walked back out to the backyard where he was seated earlier.


~~~Later That Day~~~

“Brian will you get the girls?” Angela asked after having just arrived with Ross and Mr. Farrow.

“Sure Ange” he replied and put his magazine down. He jogged up the stairs and stopped at Becky’s door. “Becka Angela, Ross and Mr. Farrow are here.”

“Thanks” she smiled her face tearstained from earlier.

“Are you feeling ok?” Brian asked concernedly.

“Not really” Becky sighed and walked downstairs.

Brian sighed and walked to Summer’s room. “Summer…” he opened the door to find her reading a magazine. “It’s time for your girls meeting”

“Oh thanks Bri” she smiled and tried to stand up.

“Let me” Brian lifted Summer up.

“Oh Brian put me down silly…” Summer laughed.

“No way…” Brian smiled and carried her out of her room. “You shouldn’t be straining yourself.”

“You’re a sweetie” Summer smiled. “Oh walk to Morgan and Alyssa’s room before we go down.”

“Oh yea” Brian walked over.

“Alyssa! Morgan!” Summer managed to still yell in her motherly tone. “Angela and Ross are here!” she smiled before turning to Brian.

“Looks like your voice is fine” Brian laughed.

“Yea I guess” Summer smiled. “Ok Romeo I’m ready.”

“Your wish is my command Juliet” Brian joked and carried her downstairs.


“C’Mon Nickers” Morgan giggled and pulled her shirt back on.

Nick had his arm around her waist as he laid next to her. “Huh?”

“Angela and Ross are here for our meeting” she stood up and straightened herself out. “I’ll meet you down there then”

“Alright” Nick smiled. “Maybe we can have more fun again”

Morgan giggled and kissed him quickly. “You bet baby”

“I love you angel”

“Love you too Nick” Morgan smiled then walked down the stairs.


Alyssa turned when she heard Summer yell. She smiled to herself as she felt JC’s arm draped around her his hand loosely holding hers still. She moved slowly trying not to wake him and looked smilingly for a while at his face as he slept. His breathing slow and steady, she touched his cheek gently. “I don’t deserve you…” she whispered to herself and kissed his forehead. She sat up turning her body to face away from him. “Why are you here? Why are you so good to me always…after I was being a bitch to you?” she buried her head in her hands.

JC heard Alyssa talking. Opening his eyes slightly he looked at her back hunched over as she covered her face with her hands.

“I always do this…every time I have something good I always do something to fuck it up.” Her words repeated from earlier “…it’s always my fault.” Getting up out of her bed she walked to the door and headed downstairs to join the others.

JC watched the door close behind her. Sitting up he tried to understand her words. “Why do you blame things on yourself Lyss? You’re so hard on yourself…”


“Lyss hurry come here!” Michelle called as the group sat watching TRL. Alyssa took a seat and watched with them.

“And now for some news MTV’s John Norris” Carson introduced him.

“He has our official statement girls” Angela informed. The girls glanced at each other, then focused back to the TV.

“Thanks Carson” John replied.

“I hear you have some important news regarding Phantasia”

“Yes that I do…we have just received the official statement regarding the accident from their managers”

“How are the girls?” Carson asked concernedly.

“Well…” John turned to face the camera. “As most of you may or may not know, members Summer Cooper and Michelle Evans were involved in a car accident late last night. Early details stated that they both received minor injuries but are for the most part ok and are home recovering in LA. Now with the official release from the girls management they said that both girls are indeed home, Michelle suffers only from a broken wrist. Summer on the other hand was not well off, she received several fractures; her wrist and elbow, her ankle and upper leg. And a heavy concussion… but good news is she is to fully recover.”

The girls glanced at Ross and Angela. “No we didn’t reveal she was pregnant” Ross stated.

“Now the girls were set to start a promotional world tour today correct?” Carson asked. “Yes that’s true, but due to the obvious circumstances, the tour has been cancelled. No word yet if it will be re scheduled or not, I assume for the 17 days they were set to tour they will be taking a break to allow Michelle and Summer to recover and rest. As for their job as opening act for the Backstreet Boys, LFO are set to continue to fill in as they were before, and their tour will continue for the moment without the girls.”

“Well sad news, and if you’re watching girls…” Carson turned to the camera. “Get well soon and God bless.” He smiled.

“AW what a sweetie” Morgan smiled.

“And here they are Phantasia at the #1 spot again today History (That’s What You Are).” The camera merged into the video as everyone sat back.

“Alright girls that was the official statement I sent out this morning” Mr. Farrow informed. “As for the man who hit you last night…yes he was drunk and has been taken care of.” He packed his things together. “And Becky. I talked to the judge immediately after Howie phoned and you don’t have to worry about your father anymore. The judge ruled that for violation of his restraining order, he has been sentenced to 3 years in jail.”

“Thank you Mr. Farrow” Becky said politely then looked away. Howie held her hand gently for comfort.

“Alright if you’ll excuse me I have another meeting to get to…talk to you later Mermaid” he kissed Alyssa’s cheek before walking out the door.

“What about your father Becky?” Summer turned and asked in shock.

“He came to the house…while you were all upstairs earlier” Brian informed.

“Your father?!” Morgan gasped.

“Oh my god…Becky are you ok?” Alyssa asked.

“I’m fine” she snapped.

Morgan, Michelle and Alyssa glanced at each other. “I’m sorry…” Alyssa mumbled.

Angela and Ross glanced at each other noticing the obvious tension between the girls. “Ok girls we all need to sit down and discuss what we’re going to do now” Ross informed. “Boys you need to pack your things”

“Why?” AJ asked.

“Because you’re leaving tonight for the airport…”

“We can’t leave!” Nick ran downstairs and joined the conversation.

“Boys…please remember that you were going to leave tonight any way, you have a tour to continue.” Angela said sternly. “Now go…we need to talk to the girls alone.”

The boys turned and marched off to gather their things together.

Angela and Ross sat down on the couch together. Michelle, Morgan and Alyssa sat on one, as Summer and Becky sat on another.

“Alright …” Angela took out her agenda. “So now the promo-tour is cancelled, you girls have the next 17 days to catch up on other things.”

“Other things?!” Becky snapped. “Summer…” she turned to Michelle. “And Michelle” she added. “…need their rest. Not to mention that my father just came here again!”

“We realize that but you can’t forget about your responsibilities.” Ross continued. “Your album is not done, and you have appearances lined up now that need to make up for the exposure your loosing for not going on the promo-tour.”

“I don’t believe this” Becky crossed her arms.

Angela looked oddly at Becky and flipped some papers to continue. “First off we didn’t tell you this because it was irrelevant then, but you were asked to perform at the WB Radio Music Awards at Las Vegas in 5 days. Now we obviously had to decline then because you girls would be off tour but now that is changed, we managed to get you back on as presenters.”

“Great” Morgan smiled.

“What do you mean great?!” Becky turned. “You know we can’t go! I refuse to go!”

Ross and Angela looked at each other again. “Alright…I guess then we’ll cancel.”

“No wait!” Morgan stopped them. “You can’t cancel, I’ll go!”

“Me too…I mean it’s better than not showing up at all…I mean everyone knows that there’s been an accident, so people would probably expect Summer and Michelle not to show and Becky could be ‘sick’ or something…”

“I wanna come too” Michelle stated.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Ross said. “I don’t want to feel you have to go in your condition.”

Michelle laughed. “I’m fine, it’s just my wrist. I want to go”

“Ok are you sure?” Angela smiled.

“Yes” Morgan, Michelle, and Alyssa said at the same time.

“What do you two want to do then?” Angela looked at Summer and Becky.

“I was planning on staying with my family because I didn’t think I’d have to do anything for the 17 days we were supposed to be on tour after the accident.” Becky said. “I want to be with them especially after today.”

“I think I need more time to rest and get things together…maybe stay with my parents for a couple of days…” Summer said.

“Alright girls…” Ross sighed. “So you’re saying you don’t want to do anything until the last week of touring where you’ll join the boys as previously scheduled.”

“I’d appreciate that” Becky said.

Ross and Angela exchanged looks. “Ok it’s settled. Summer and Becky will return fully the last week of the tour.”

“Great” Becky actually smiled. “Well if you’ll excuse me since I’m not involved in your plans for the next few days I’m going to call my sister.” She got up without acknowledgement and walked to her room.

“Summer it’s fine if you wanna go rest up” Angela said nicely.

“Thanks…” Summer stood up and made her way upstairs.

Morgan, Michelle and Alyssa looked at each other sadly as two members of their group walked away. Ross and Angela started piecing things together in their minds. “Alright spill it…what happened?”

“What do you mean” Morgan sighed.

“What’s going on between you girls? It’s obvious from, the moment Becky snapped at Alyssa for asking if she was ok. I mean that is nothing like the Becky I knew 4 days ago.” Angela said.

“Well…the truth is the past 3 days we’ve been fighting with each other.” Michelle admitted. “It’s been bad, I mean really bad”

“Let me guess, Becky and Summer against you three.”

Morgan, Michelle and Alyssa nodded.

“Becky suddenly turned on us, after that all we’ve been doing was fighting until the accident, even after that Becky was still mad at us.” Alyssa said sadly. “We don’t know what happened…”

“It’s ok Alyssa…she is probably just stressed” Ross comforted her, even though he saw the obvious problems that were to come. “Right now we need to concentrate on you three since you are willing to work.”

The girls nodded their heads and listened.

“Alright, about the album, the five songs we have are obviously not enough…and we can’t really do anything much since we have two who aren’t up for it at the moment. Max phoned us and he has another one ready for you, now we can lay down your three vocals and wait for Summer and Becky…but now you realize that more and more we’re pushing back releasing it since all these difficulties are occurring.” Angela stated. “As for the tracks we have so far…they haven’t been mastered yet…”

“Do you want me to work on them during the vacation?” Alyssa offered. “I like being in the studio…”

“That would be wonderful Alyssa…” Angela smiled. “We’ll talk about that later.”


“Next…the WB Awards…you’ll be presenting Sugar Ray’s performance.”

“Oh Mark McGrath is such a babe” Morgan giggled.

“Well I’m glad you’re excited. That day we have a flight arranged for you since it’s taking place in Las Vegas. By the way the Boys aren’t going to attend they have a show that night. So you girls should just go alone.” Ross said. “We should be telling you that right now you don’t have a Public Relations person so we’re being easy on you girls.”

“What do they do?” Morgan asked.

“A PR, as they’re called, works to make sure the artist has a well presented image to the public.” Angela explained. “Many I’ve worked with before were very demanding and many are jerks…so we’re trying to find the perfect person for you.”

“Demanding how?”

“Well, for example, they control rumors that start, some though stress the fact that you should try to make sure you’re not seen in public with a possible boyfriend, or at least make sure it’s kept private. That is what most PR’s are in charge of…it’s only for the fans sake.”

“Oh AJ told me about his old PR…he wouldn’t let the guys admit they had girlfriends, or let them be seen in public with a girl…because it would hurt their fans” Michelle said.

“That’s true…well we’re not telling you girls this for nothing just to be informed…don’t worry we’ll find a good person to take care of you girls.”

“Thanks guys!” Morgan gushed.

“Oh Alyssa is JC attending?” Angela remembered.

“Yea he’s performing.”

“Alyssa would you mind terribly if you sat with the girls that night? I know you’d probably rather be with JC, but since Summer and Becky aren’t showing up and all…”

“Oh that’s fine…he’ll understand…” Alyssa smiled.

“I’m sure his PR person would be happy that JC Chasez appears to be single” Ross teased. “God knows N SYNC fans would be heartbroken if they knew he was taken”

Alyssa blushed.

“Stop teasing Ross” Angela smiled. “I’m not sure who his PR is so…I suppose we’re doing him a favor.”

“AW Lyss now you’re gonna have to sit with us instead of your hot boyfriend” Morgan giggled.

“I’ll deal” she smiled.

“Ok moving on. There is a charity concert scheduled 4 days before you return on tour with the boys…I assume you want to attend?”

“Of course!” they all smiled.

“Do you think Summer and Becky would be as excited as you three are?” Ross asked.

“I hope…maybe you should wait with asking them. You know till they calm down a bit…” Michelle said.

“That’s a good idea” Angela smiled. “Well that’s really all we had planned…a couple of photo shoots next week, and some interviews as well and that should be it really major…we just want to keep you girls going considering the success your already having…it’s not a good idea to stop.”

“We understand” Alyssa said as JC walked downstairs she smiled. “I’ll be right back…” she walked over to him.

“AW!” Michelle sighed. “She’s always so happy when he’s around…I can’t believe she held herself together those 2 weeks they were apart…and then she only sees him for a couple of days before we have to leave or he has work too.”

“I know I can’t stand being away from Nick and I see him everyday!” Morgan smiled.

“Me either…I feel bad for Lyssie…she handles it really well though.”

“Oh girls!” Angela smiled. “I just thought of something…”


“Maybe we could do Alyssa a huge favor?!”


“Well I was about to tell you that since you girls don’t have to do anything for the next 5 days before the WB awards…we should let her go stay with him…what do you think?”

“Hey yea since JC’s gonna go to the awards too she’ll be back in time and it will all work out!” Michelle said excitedly.

“Ange I want her to go…it will be good for her” Morgan smiled. “Besides Michelle and I can do whatever till she gets back, then we can do the WB awards, do photo shoots record and whatever else”

“Great so who want’s to tell her?” Angela smiled.


Alyssa walked over to JC and just stood in front of him. “I’m sorry…” she said quietly. JC sighed and hugged her. “I didn’t mean anything yesterday, I was being a bitch and you didn’t deserve any of it…I-”

JC silenced her by placing his finger on her lips. “Lyss-”

“JC COME HERE A MINUTE!” Morgan called excitedly.

“We’ll talk about this later ok?” JC smiled. Alyssa nodded her head as he grabbed her hand and lead her over. “What’s up Morgan?”

“JC have you talked to Kathleen lately?” Angela asked.

“Yes, yesterday actually…”

“Great so what are your plans for the next couple of days?”

“Uhm were heading to New York City tonight actually, we have to do some recording for the album with Max for 2 days at Battery Studios…”

“Tonight?” Alyssa asked.

“Yea…I’m sorry baby, I haven’t had the chance to tell you yet”

Ross, Angela, Morgan and Michelle smiled knowing now that their plan was beyond perfect.

JC looked at Alyssa sadly, he squeezed her hand gently before continuing, “Well then we go back to Orlando for a little rest and rehearsal for the WB awards before coming back to LA the morning of the awards to pick up some things. Then we have a flight to Las Vegas for rehearsal sound check for our performance.”

Angela and Ross smiled along with Morgan and Michelle. “Well Alyssa, remember how you offered to work to master the album tracks in a studio?”


“Well I think it would be a good idea to send you to New York to work in Battery Studios…since Max will be there as well its convenient.”

“Also…” Ross remembered, “we could possibly re-schedule the appearance on TRL that we had for the promo-tour…you could easily go and represent Phantasia and reassure people that everything is fine…”

Alyssa’s eyes lit up. “Oh…But don’t we have things to do here?”

“No I was just about to tell you that you have nothing really until the WB awards…” Angela smiled. “So…would you like to take her JC?”

JC smiled. “I’d love to…if she wants to come…” he looked to Alyssa.

“Of course Alyssa wants to go!” Morgan smiled. “Right Lyssie?” when Alyssa didn’t answer she asked again. “RIGHT!”

“Are you sure you girls will be ok here?”

“Oh sure I mean Summer will be at her parents, and the bitch, whopps! I mean BECKY…” Michelle laughed. “Will be at Felicity’s so we will be perfectly fine!”

“Ok then…I’ll go…” she agreed.

“Perfect…I’ll give Kathleen and Richard a call and work things out and it’s all set!” Angela smiled standing up. “Alyssa, I’ll set your flights and bring you the tracks tonight before we leave with the boys…”

“Ok…and Ange?!” Alyssa smiled.

“Yea sweetie?”


“Your welcome” Angela hugged her quickly. “See you girls tonight at the airport! Roy will be by with the van at 8”

“Bye girls” Ross smiled and followed Angela.

“Bye!” Morgan waved as they walked out the door. “Well I’m gonna spend time with Nickers before he leaves…” Morgan ran up the stairs.

“I’ll go find AJ…” Michelle smiled then walked off.

“You really want to bring me?” Alyssa looked at JC.

“Yes, why would you think otherwise?”

“I dunno…” she looked down.

JC tilted her chin up to look into his eyes he tried to think of the reason she was acting this way but still couldn’t figure it out. “How are you feeling?”


“You haven’t eaten?”

Alyssa shook her head.

“We’re talking later…” he brought her into the kitchen. “Sit down…I can’t believe you haven’t eaten all day.” He started putting together a snack. “This isn’t good for you…”

Alyssa tried to hide her smile. JC ran around the kitchen preparing some food for her to eat, his concern for her was so much, she really loved him for it but it also made her feel even more guilty for the things she said to him, “You don’t have to do that…”

“Alyssa please…” he finished the sandwich and placed it in front of her. “Here…” he sat across from her.

“What are you gonna watch me now?”

“I’m making sure you eat something…skinny as you are already its not good for you to not be eating anything…” he said concernedly. “I don’t want you getting sick now.”

“I won’t” she sighed and just stared at her food. Michelle walked in quickly.

“Lyssie have you seen AJ?! I can’t find him anywhere!” Michelle laughed and sat down on a stool at the counter.

“No sorry Chelle” Alyssa said faintly smiling.

“So…what are you two doing?” she asked making conversation.

“Trying to get her to eat…” JC said.

“Alyssa you’re not doing it again, are you?!” Michelle blurted out. “Don’t make me get mad again!”

Alyssa’s face turned pale. “Michelle drop it”

“Alyssa Natalie if you even think I’m gonna let you go through that again you are wrong!”

JC looked at them back and forth. “Do what?”

Alyssa looked sternly at Michelle. “Nothing…”

“He doesn’t know?!” Michelle sighed.

“Do I know what?!” JC said getting worried with their side talk.

“Tell him Alyssa or I will…”

“Some one please tell me what’s going on?” JC asked again.

“Hey babe there ya are!” AJ strolled in, but noticed the intense look on all three faces. “Whoa what happened?”

“Excuse me, but I need to speak with Alyssa now!” Michelle lifted her up and dragged her out of the kitchen leaving AJ and JC.


“Alyssa you didn’t eat all day huh?” Michelle said sternly.

“What is this cross examination?”

“Alyssa stop…I know you do this every time you get depressed…you hardly eat…don’t start again.”

“God Michelle I don’t mean to…so I wasn’t hungry big deal”

“BIG DEAL?!” Michelle sighed. “It is, Lyssie you can’t do that…not again, not after that time when we were in high school, that whole thing with your mom…”

“I made a mistake Michelle…” Alyssa looked down. “I know I was hurting myself…but I didn’t see it then.”

“You scared us all the day you collapsed and the doctor said it was cause you weren’t getting the proper nutrition…I won’t let you do it to yourself again…”

“I’m not…just everything that’s happening…I feel so confused”

Michelle hugged her. “I know so am I, but that doesn’t give you a reason not to eat, don’t turn anorexic on me”

“No god…I won’t!” Alyssa sighed. “You thought that last time too”

“Well look at you! Your body is the perfect size…a bit skinny but you know what I mean… I just don’t want you doing anything stupid…ok?”

“Ok Chelle…” Alyssa smiled.

“Now go back in there and eat!”

Alyssa and Michelle laughed and walked back into the kitchen. Alyssa sat down and ate her sandwich.

“Ok baby lets go…” Michelle grabbed his hand. “Oh and JC”


“While she’s with you make sure she eats, or I’ll kick her ass”

“Michelle!” Alyssa laughed.

“Hey what did I say? I won’t let you…” she said seriously.

“I know…thanks girl”

“No problem…see ya in a bit”

“Behave!” Alyssa called after her.

“I’ll try!” Michelle answered lastly before running upstairs with AJ.

“What was that all about?” JC asked.

“She was getting mad because she thought I wasn’t eating again…”

JC soon remembered. “Oh…I remember now…that thing with your mom and how you collapsed one day.”

“You know me better than I thought…” she looked at him.

“I know everything remember?…Well almost everything according to you…” he smiled.

“Yea well…she thought I was doing it again.”

“Are you?”

“No!” she said slightly pissed. “Don’t start on me too”

“Hey I was just asking you a question, besides the reason you did it before was because you were overly worried with your mom…now your overly worried again because of the fighting, the accident and everything else…it’s no wonder Michelle got scared that you weren’t eating.” JC said. “Don’t be mad…people care about you weather you realize or not.”

Alyssa stood up and washed off her plate. “Yea well when you feel like you’re not cared about, especially by one of your parents, it’s kind of hard to accept that kind of love and concern from other people.” She turned to him. “Now you see why I get scared or I feel like when I do get that kind of love I don’t believe it…because I never really felt it before…until…”

JC looked at her, “Until…”

“Until I meet you ok?” Alyssa said completely honestly. “I know your mad at me so…I’d appreciate it if we had that talk later.” She turned and walked out of the kitchen.

JC stood there thinking. “Mad at you? What are you thinking Alyssa?”


~~~6 PM~~~

“Nick your supposed to be packing!” Morgan giggled as Nick lowered her down to her bed, kissing her.

“I’m all done angel…really I am” he smiled.

“I’m gonna miss you…” Morgan stopped and looked into his eyes. “I mean 2 weeks without you!”

Nick lowered his head and kissed Morgan’s belly. “I know angel it will be alright…”

“Nickers…” she grinned and ruffled his hair with her hands.

“Yes baby girl…” he looked up to her.

“Wanna play?” she smiled seductively.

Nick’s ears perked up and his eyes started sparkling. “You know I do baby girl”

Morgan laughed “The never ending horniness.. were you born with that?”

“I guess” Nick smiled his cheesy half smile and got rid of her shirt. He went straight to her skirt and yanked it down.

“My, my.. are we willing today!”

Nick took her hands and pinned them down above her head. He kissed her aggressively almost. Morgan struggled to get her hands loose, she wanted to touch him, but he only pinned her down more and more. The kiss turned into a struggle and Nick won [AN: Well DUHUH, Lmao!]

Nick’s eyes were closed, his head filling with thoughts of love and lust. The kiss grew so intense, it left them struggling to breathe. His lips overpowered hers so forcefully. It almost scared Morgan to see Nick this aggressive, but then again, she loved it. She could feel his tongue moving with hers. Just tasting his tongue in her mouth turned her on at the thought. Trying again to move her hands, she finally got them free, but Nick pulled away from the kiss breathless. He took his hands to the hem of his shirt and started to pull it up. Morgan leaned forward and helped him out a bit. Their eyes locked. Morgan could see the desire in Nick’s eyes, and hers flashed with hunger.

When the shirt was discarded, and thrown to the floor, he went back to work. He stopped at her lips for only a second, and began to work his way down to her neck. He kissed around at her jawbone and slowly he found the sweet spot he was looking for. He knew if he didn’t have her before, he definitely had her now. Sucking and licking at her neck, he pushed himself harder on her. Morgan could feel the arousal building in his pants when he pushed himself up on her, she ran her hands through his hair and over his back.

“Mmm god Nick,” she moaned rolling her head to the side to give Nick easy access to her neck.

Nick loved it when she moaned his name. He knew that he was the reason she was doing it. Grinning while working on her neck, he ran his hands down to her shirt and yanked it up swiftly. She leaned forward to help him get it off. Next came her bra. The leopard print bra had to come off. He reached backwards and unhooked it, throwing it over with his shirt. As if he was being commanded, he went straight to her breast. Her moaning was getting a little more intense as each suck and flick of his tongue across each breast. Biting roughly on her nipple she arched her back. Taking this as a good sign, Nick did it to the other one.

“Just fuck me.” She managed to mumble out.

“No.” He said sternly rubbing her breast.

Morgan looked down at him with confusion. When she felt his finger slip in her panties, she knew what he had planned. The biting and sucking was driving her insane, and now the fact he had his hand in her pants made her get dizzy with want. She felt a finger slip in her. She bit her lip to control the urge to moan too loud. Working it in and out of her, Nick made his way to her lips again and kissed her fiercely. She felt another finger slip in and wanted to scream.

“Nick please, just fuck me.” She demanded hoarsely.

“I said no.” He took his other hand and grabbed on to her chin forcing her to look in his eyes, “Do you understand.”

She shook her head caught up in Nick’s little game. She felt like a prisoner, but she loved it. Nick kissed further down. Nick knew she was going to cum at any moment. Pulling his fingers out, he stood up. He stuck one in his mouth.

“Does it taste good Nick?” She asked breathing heavily.

“I don’t know, I need another sample.” With that he was instantly pulling her skirt down. Almost ripping them. His head went between her legs. Morgan grabbed a hold of the sheets. Her knuckles turning white with sheer pleasure.

Nick stopped and looked up at her. He smiled when her eyes met his, as if to tell her it would be ok. Nick removed his pants and boxers and hovered over her. Leaning down to capture her in a kiss, he quickly slammed himself roughly into her, well rougher than usual. The moaning and groaning became so intense they were sure everyone to California could hear them. They worked at a quick rhythm and sweat dripped off their bodies. With one final thrust, both of them came. Morgan’s body shook and Nick grunted loudly. Spent, he pulled out and fell almost directly on top of her.

“I never knew you had that in you.” Morgan finally said after a few minutes of silence taking one hand through Nick’s hair.

Nick’s breathing calmed a little, but was still gasping for air, “Shit, I didn’t think I had it in me either.”

Both laughed a bit. “I love you Nick.”

“I love you too Morgan.”


AJ and Michelle stood outside in the hall desperately trying to stifle their laughter.

“Oh my gawd I never knew she had THAT in her” Michelle said shocked almost.

“Nick, Nick, Nick” AJ laughed. “Oh I’m gonna have fun with that boy later. Now I’ve got something on him.”

“That was loud…” Michelle smiled.

AJ whispered in her ear. “I think we can do better”

Michelle’s eyes lit up. “Oh yea…care to back up that statement?” AJ grinned and kissed her long and hard. “Come on baby…” Michelle broke the kiss. “Time for your goodbye present…” she smiled and dragged him down the hall to her room for some of their ‘own fun’.


~~~8 PM~~~

Alyssa put together a small bag of things to take along with her. After her little outburst in the kitchen earlier she had stayed silent almost avoiding contact with him, she was too scared, too worried that she just totally blew it, Fuck everything up Alyssa like you always do…She scolded herself.

JC mainly watched her thinking over and over while Alyssa’s words repeated in his mind. He sat down on her bed and waited for her to finish. Leaning over he noticed a picture on her bedside table. Picking it up a smile formed on his lips as he looked at them both smiling standing together in each other’s arms. This is us…the way it will always be. He looked from the picture to her, wanting that beautiful smile of hers to appear again. “Lyss you almost done?”

“Uhm…yea” she said throwing the last of it into her bag and shutting it.

JC noticed her obvious apprehension to him, it bothered him a lot. “Can we talk now?”

“Yea…sure” she sat down on her bed with her hands together in her lap. “Listen before you start…” she looked down and bit her lip. “I’m sorry again…about yesterday, and today.”

It broke his heart to see her feel so guilty for no reason. “Alyssa stop…you think I’m gonna be mad just because we had one little fight over nothing?”

“I dunno I thought you would be…maybe…I mean it was all my fault and I shouldn’t have said anything like that to you…” she looked up to him.

JC sat down next to her. “If you think I’m gonna be upset with you over something like that…you are nothing but wrong…”

For some reason she couldn’t understand his love, or didn’t want to, it was too much for her, mostly because she never experienced it before. Either way she still questioned. “Why are you like that?” she asked. “Why aren’t you mad at me? Why didn’t you leave when I told you to? Why aren’t you saying ‘god Alyssa I don’t care about you anymore.’”

His eye widened, and was he was a little offended that she would even think that. “Because I’m not gonna let you go…especially over a stupid thing like that…you have nothing to worry about. I- I’m not Brian.” He said carefully.

“I know” she sighed. “I just always do this to myself, ruin the good things I get, fuck every chance I have.”

“You didn’t fuck anything Alyssa!” JC sighed. “Stop thinking you did…Listen to me…I understand why you were mad…all this shit happening around you…you don’t deserve any of it…”

“I don’t deserve you…” Alyssa said quietly.

“Oh and I heard you say that earlier too…I heard everything you said earlier” he smiled and held her hands.

Alyssa looked at him embarrassed, looked down bit her lip, then tried her hardest to look back into the eyes she loved to get lost in.

JC secretly loved that look she gave whenever she was afraid. How she would look down, bite her lip, then look up at him. He smiled and laced his fingers in between hers. “And I have one thing to say…I don’t deserve you.”

“What?” she looked at him doubtfully.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me…sometimes I wonder why I’m so lucky to have you…how anyone could have let you go. I know that you’ve been hurt before, and I’m telling you now that…I’m never going to let that happen even if it kills me, I’m gonna fight for us, I know were just beginning but I also know that I’m never going to let it end. That’s a promise.” Alyssa smiled at him, realizing that she could really have that kind of love she was searching for all her life. “Now that’s the smile I’ve been waiting to see for these past two days…I wanna see more of it.” He kissed her hand. “I love you…and you’re getting all my love and concern and you better believe it because I’m giving it only to you. Ok?”

Alyssa smiled, leaned in and kissed him earnestly on his lips. “What does that tell you.”

“I think you’re feeling much better” he grinned. “So you excited?…I mean this will be the first time we actually get more time together…”

“Of course I am…” she smiled. “I hate not being with you…I almost forgot I was going to leave tomorrow.”

“Well now you’re leaving with me.” He smiled.

“Even better” she leaned in and kissed him again.

“Yasmine will be happy, she won’t be the only girl…” JC said in between kisses. “But…you know who’s the happiest?”

“Who would that ever be?” she asked and looked into his blue eyes.

“Me” he kissed her again. “I love you.”

“Love you too JC”

“Yea?” JC lifted her up hugging her tightly. “How much…”

Alyssa smiled. “Will you take, with all my heart?” she laced her fingers in between his again.

JC grinned contently and connected his lips with hers. Alyssa tilted her head to increase the delicious pressure between them. “Yea…I’ll take that.” He kissed nose playfully.

“COME ON YOU GUYS, ROY IS HERE!” Michelle yelled from downstairs.

Alyssa grabbed JC’s jacket and put it on.

“You like that thing huh?”

“I like wearing it, it’s like you’re always with me…”

JC smiled. “I think you look cute. Kinda big on you but you still look cute…” he grabbed her hip and drew her closer to him tickling her stomach.

“No JC!” she struggled to get loose but it was no use, his hand kept her pinned to his side as he continued to torture her.

“ALYSSA!!!” Michelle yelled again.

“You’re…gonna get me…in trouble!” she laughed.

“Ok, ok…” he stopped and wrapped his arms behind her waist.

Alyssa giggled and touched his cheek. “Love ya baby.”

“I know” he brought his hand to hers and grabbed her bag with the other leading her downstairs.

“Finally!” Morgan giggled as JC and Alyssa came down. They blushed together smiling.

“Alright guys how are we getting there?” Kevin got everyone together.

“I’m leaving straight from the airport to Felicity’s house, after I bring Summer to her parents house…” Becky stated. “So I’ll drive my car.”

“You two aren’t going to the WB awards?” Nick asked.

“No, we aren’t going to work until the last week of the tour” Becky answered plainly like she didn’t care.

“Oh…” Nick looked at Morgan, Michelle and Alyssa who were glancing at each other sadly.

“Well Morgan and I are staying home until Lyss gets back” Michelle stated. “So I’ll drive us in my car.”

“Where are you going Lyssie?” AJ asked.

“I’m leaving with JC tonight, I have to work on the tracks for the album with Max and since JC’s going already, Angela planned for me to go too. But we have to go to the hotel first and grab his stuff and mine…so we will meet you guys there.” Alyssa said.

“Ok and then we will all ride with Roy then” Kevin said. “You girls are following the van right?” he looked at Michelle and Becky.

“Yea” they said and grabbed her keys.

“Ok well see you there then Alyssa?”

“Yea” she picked up her bag. “Later!” She walked out of the door with JC.

“Ok ya’ll lets go” Nick picked up his stuff as he got into the van with the other boys. Becky and Summer got into her car as Morgan and Michelle got into hers. Roy pulled the van out of the driveway as the girls’ cars followed to the airport.


~~~At The Airport~~~

“Our flight is at 9:30…so just be back by then” Kathleen said to JC.

“Alright” he answered and walked over to Alyssa.

“Oh girl I’m so excited…you don’t know how it is being the only girl around these guys” Yasmine smiled. “They’re so weird…”

“HEY I heard that!” Joey called.

“Especially him” Yasmine joked.

Alyssa just smiled. “Its cool Karen is coming too”

“Yea all of us together” Yasmine smiled.

“Hey Lyss…we can go now” JC said. “Just have to be back by 9:15”

“Ok theie flight leaves at 9…” Alyssa glanced at her watch. “Oh it’s 8:45…better go before I get in trouble for not coming…” she stood up.

“JC!” Richard called. “Take Lenny with you, and try not to get noticed, both of you…”

“Alright” JC pulled his hat over his head. A huge bodyguard sat up and walked over.

“Hi I’m JC’s bodyguard” Lenny held his hand out to Alyssa and smiled.

“Nice to meet you” she smiled. “Wow your own personal bodyguard…” she smiled at JC.

“Sometimes you need it” he chuckled and grabbed her hand. “Ok lets go…” Lenny led them out of the private waiting room and down the airport terminal to where the boys plane gate was.


Becky and Summer sat together in the room waiting for the boys plane to leave. Summer looked over to Morgan and Nick, then to Michelle and AJ hugging, talking, kissing. Then she looked over to Kevin who sat next to her silently reading a magazine. “Some people have all the luck…” she mumbled slightly jealous of how much they were loved and how much she felt like she wasn’t.

“What was that Summer?” Kevin asked, his eyes never leaving the page.

“Nothing” she mumbled again.


“JC!!” fans spotted him and started running down the terminal in a huge mob.

“Here it comes” Lenny laughed.

Alyssa laughed along with him. “Well I’ll take this chance and head down before I break their hearts when they see you with me.”

“Aw baby don’t leave…” JC said.

“I have to…think of that little girl’s heart when she sees me even standing near you.” She smiled. “That’s they’re gate…number 983” she pointed down way.

“Be careful Alyssa” Lenny said.

“I will. See ya there.” She let go of JC’s hand and hurried off quickly before the fans approached.


“Nickers I don’t want you to go…” Morgan pouted and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m gonna miss you so much!”

“It’s ok angel…I’ll call you everyday ok!?”


“Promise.” He kissed her.

Alyssa burst into the lobby. “Made it.” She smiled.

“Hey Lyss running from some thing?” Howie smiled.

“Just N SYNC fans… didn’t want them to cry or anything…right Ange?” she joked.

“You’re learning already” Angela smiled.

“You told them about PRs?” Kevin laughed.

“Yea considering they don’t have one yet…” Ross said. “My, my Alyssa, you must really be making JC’s PR happy…”

“I guess…” she walked over as Angela took out various envelopes.

“Ok Alyssa, here are the tracks you can work on…we called Max and he’s delighted you want to spend time on them in the studio. He’ll introduce you to some people you can work with and he’ll stop in time after time to check.” Angela explained and handed her the envelopes.

“Now TRL is re-scheduled for tomorrow. You think you can handle going on so soon?” Ross asked.

“Yea that’s fine…anything specific you want me to say?”

“Just reassure everyone that Michelle and Summer are alright, that nothing is wrong…” he looked over to Summer and Becky who looked distanced from everyone else already. “Mainly positive things, alright?”

“Sure” Alyssa smiled holding the envelopes.

“Ok when JC returns to LA that morning, come home and Morgan and Michelle will be waiting for you. Then all three of you leave for your flight to Las Vegas. Kate and some of her stylists will be meeting you at your hotel with clothes for the awards.”


“Ok that’s it, I’ll give you a call tomorrow, and probably from time to time after that to check up…” Angela smiled.

“Great, thanks again Angela.”

“Oh your welcome, have lots of fun ok?”

“I will…” she smiled as Lenny dragged JC into the lobby. “Whoa…back so soon?”

“They just kept coming one after another” Lenny laughed. “We said we were late for our flight so we could get out of it.”

“AW” Morgan smiled. “Poor girls…”

“Oh Alyssa it’s a good thing you left cause the fans started asking questions already” Lenny said. “They were saying ‘JC who was that girl?’” he teased as JC sat down next to Alyssa.

“And what did you say?” she smiled.

“I said, I don’t know who you’re talking about,” JC laughed.

“See it was good I left” Alyssa stated. “Your PR would be proud.”

“Well our old one would have…we’re meeting our new one when we stop in Orlando.”

“Oh JC who was your old PR?” Angela asked.

JC’s face went sour. “Adam Cohen…”

Angela’s face followed the same disgust. “Girls now that’s the kind of jerk PR I was talking to you about, believe me I know the man.”

“Really?” Michelle asked. “How bad was he JC?”

“The worst…we couldn’t do anything…I don’t like PR’s, they always tell you what to do sometimes it’s ridiculous the type of things they say.”

“I know how you feel man, I know how you feel” AJ agreed. “Jack Abbot was a total ass to us remember??”

“Oh yea” Nick agreed.

“See these are the type of people we don’t want you girls to get.” Ross said. “We promise we won’t get anyone like those two, believe me I’ve worked with Jack and Adam…not a very pleasant time.”

“Ok we trust you!” Michelle smiled.

“Ma’am your flight is ready for boarding.” A lady walked into the private waiting room.

“Thank you.” Angela said and stood up. “Ok get it together people”

“Bye AJ” Michelle started tearing up.

“Don’t cry I’m gonna miss you so much baby…” he kissed her.

“Oh my god Chelle is crying!” Morgan and Alyssa smiled at each other.

“Shut-up” she joked sniffling her tears away.

“Bye angel.”

“Bye…” she tried to hold back her own tears but they came down any ways.

“Oh look who’s crying now!” Michelle laughed.

“Be quiet at least I’m not a nympho like you…always on each other!” Morgan laughed. “How are you ever gonna survive with out him to please your desire!”

“EEEW Morgy…that’s disgusting!” Alyssa laughed. “Don’t have to remind us about Chelle’s sex obsession”

“Well you shouldn’t be talking missy…I see you when your with wonder boy” Morgan grinned. “Your all over Joshua!”

Alyssa faked a surprised look and hid her face in JC’s chest. “She’s embarrassing me!” JC laughed and hugged her.

“AW I’m kidding you guys are adorable.”

“Well I know you’re no angel Morgy…” Michelle started laughing and looked at AJ who cracked up himself.

“What are you talking about?” she looked confused at Nick.

“We heard you!” AJ blurted out trying to control his laughter.

“Heard us?” Nick still looked confused.

“Yea HEARD you!” Michelle said and looked at Morgan’s red face as she remembered.

“Oh my god…” she quickly whispered in Nick’s ear. His eyes practically popped out of his head.

“You heard us?!” Nick burst out.

“It was kinda obvious…a couple of PLEASE NICK!” Michelle and AJ laughed along as everyone else looked surprisingly at each other. “What about-”

“Ok STOP!” Nick shut them up. “We get it!” Michelle and AJ just kept laughing. “Now I’m never gonna hear the end of it.”


“Bye Becky” Howie walked over despite the commotion going on across the room with the others. Becky just stood there with her arms crossed staring away at nothing. “Becky…” he tried again. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“Uh-huh” she scoffed.

“Why are you acting this way!?” he said offended after desperately trying to reach out to her for some sign of affection.

“Maybe because I’m not in the mood, maybe because I just wanna get out of here, away from all of them.” She looked over to Morgan, Michelle and Alyssa.

Howie couldn’t stand it anymore, it was so unlike the Becky he grew to love, he wondered where that Becky went to and why this new one was taking over. It was changing her thus changing the way he felt, but still he wanted to believe Becky wouldn’t keep it up. “Fine! Be that way!” he picked up his bag and without a glance at everyone he walked off to the ticket counter and boarded the airplane.

Everyone stopped their conversation and looked over to Becky, shocked at Howie’s outburst. “WHAT?” she said aggravated. “Go ahead with your good byes and all, because I’m leaving” she turned and walked towards the door of the waiting room.

“Becky wait!” Summer stood up after her.

“Bye Summer…” Kevin said as he stood up with her.

Summer stared at him blankly for a minute. Kevin leaned in to kiss her but she backed up suddenly. “No…” she whispered with a sad, hurt expression and ran after Becky leaving everyone in continued shock.

“I don’t want to hear it!” Kevin picked up his bag and boarded the plane in the same manner Howie did before him.

“Oh god…” Morgan mumbled. Alyssa and Michelle looked to each other sadly.

Ross and Angela let out a tired sigh. “Well come on boys.” They picked up their things and followed after Kevin.

“Bye guys!” Alyssa tried to lighten the situation. She hugged Nick and AJ tightly.

“Bye Lyssie…love ya” Nick grinned.

“Bye girl” AJ kissed her cheek.

Michelle and Morgan said goodbye to Brian in the meanwhile. Then walked back over to say their last good byes to their boyfriends.


Alyssa walked over to Brian. “See-ya soon Bri” she smiled and hugged him.

“Bye Lyss” he hugged her back. “Take care ok?”

“Yea you too” she kissed his cheek.

Brian’s cheek burned with that kiss, all the times before he felt the jealously within him, but for the first time, he felt a sense of happiness, that maybe he could let go, let go of her, because he loved her, sometimes when you love someone, you have to let them go…but can I let go of you Alyssa?... his mind thought as he smiled at her the way he did every time he saw her.

“You ok?” she smiled back at him oddly.

“Yea fine” he answered. “Have fun with JC”

Alyssa smiled, happy that he could say that to her now, without all the awkwardness. “Thanks”

Brian smiled his corny smile, Alyssa giggled and waved goodbye as he walked off to board the plane.


“Angel I really gotta be going…” Nick hugged her tightly.

“I know…” she stepped away. “See ya baby, I love you”

“I love you more. Bye” he turned and waited for AJ.

“Bye babe” AJ smiled and wiped Michelle’s tears again.

Michelle kissed him passionately before stepping back away from him.

“I love you. I’ll call you” he said as he followed Nick to the plane. They checked in and waved one last time before disappearing down the walkway.

Morgan and Michelle stood there silently before turning to Alyssa and JC.

“Are you sure you girls will be ok?” Alyssa walked over to them.

“Yea,” Morgan sniffled. “I’m such a dork, crying over him.”

All three of them giggled. “I want you to have a good time Lyssie ok?” Michelle calmed down.

“I will” she smiled.

“Bye girl” Morgan hugged Alyssa as Michelle joined. All three girls hugged each other.

“Bye” Alyssa let go and watched as Morgan and Michelle walked out of the lobby together. Alyssa stood quietly as JC came up to her and enveloped her into a hug to comfort her.

“You two ready?” Lenny peaked his head inside after he saw Morgan and Michelle leave.

JC looked at Alyssa as she nodded her head. “Yea” he grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb across the top of her hand. Alyssa leaned against him slightly and followed as Lenny led them back to their waiting room for their flight to New York.


Morgan and Michelle drove home in silence. Both of them thought though everything that had happened in one of the most eventful 5 days of their lives. Everything was changing so fast neither could comprehend it.


“Mogan” they both blurted out at the same time braking the silence between them. “Yea girl?”

“What happened?” Morgan sighed.

“I don’t know”

“Look at this picture, it’s not right!” she continued. “We’re supposed to be together right now, all of us in some hotel waiting for the next day of our promo-tour, talking about all the stupid stuff we always used to do.”

“I know, how we always talk about boys, or nag on each other especially Summer would do the nagging.” She smiled remembering the memories she formed with her four best friends over all the years they spent together. “Becky would be smiling talking about sweet things like the sweetheart she was, Alyssa would be joking with us making us laugh our heads off, and you and me would be giggling till we couldn’t breath!” she smiled slightly.

“Yea those were the best days…”

Michelle’s smile faded. “Were Morgan were…past tense”

“What’s happening to us?! Were going our separate ways! Look at us, you and me going home alone, Alyssa leaving with JC, Becky going to Felicity’s and Summer going to her parents house!” Morgan almost started crying. “It’s not supposed to be like this…we’re supposed to be together.”

“Separate ways huh?…” Michelle sighed and pulled into their driveway. “I never knew it would come to this one day, never thought it would be us…not us.”

“Am I dreaming? Tell me this isn’t going where it looks like…” Morgan said sadly.

Michelle looked back at her cousin. The pain in her eyes was unbearable, it hurt her more that she saw the same look in Alyssa’s face, and in her own. But what really got to her was she couldn’t see that pain in Summer or Becky, their look was so gray and plain, like all that was happening didn’t affect them at all. Michelle sighed, “Only time will tell…”

Chapter 36