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Chapter 36

~~~The Next Day~~~

“Boys get it together…” Angela looked at the faces of the Backstreet Boys as they all sat silently. “Hey…I know you guys are worried about the girls…I am too…but we’re just gonna have to sit back and let them work it out.”

AJ looked up to her. “How can you say that…they need us”

“No they don’t you just think that.” Angela said wisely. “Yes they’re fighting, and yes it looks bad, but you pushing them to talk to each other will only make it worse. They’re very headstrong girls you know that. The last thing they need is some one else telling them what to do.”

“I feel so useless though”

“Its ok boys, the best thing we can do for the girls is to make sure they know that each of us are here for them when they need it.” Angela smiled. “Now, you all need to get up and do sound check…the girls can take care of themselves.”



“Hey Morgy lets call Dawn” Michelle suggested. “I wanna go chill with her, rather than staying here.”

“Yea, Lyss told us she was pissed cause we never called her” Morgan smiled. “Besides what else can we do?”

“Cool” Michelle walked over to the phone and dialed Dawn’s number.


“Hey Dawny! Its Chelle”

“Michelle!? Damn girl took you long enough!”

“I know I’m sorry…”

“How are you though, and how’s Summer? I heard it all yesterday on the news”

“I’m fine, just a broken wrist, I’ll live”

“And Summer?”

“Some fractures…a concussion…but she’ll be ok too.”

“Alright…if you say so…I was so worried.”

“Don’t be Dawn…so what are you doing today?” Michelle changed the subject.

“Nothing why, wanna spend time with little old me?” Dawn joked.

“Duh girl why did you think I called you?” Michelle laughed.

“So what did you have in mind?”

“I dunno, we wanna do normal stuff for once. You know go shopping, watch a movie…”

“…give an autograph” Dawn laughed.

“I said normal Dawn”

“Hey that’s part of your life now” she said. “Anyways so you all coming?”

“No just Morgan and I”

“Where’s everyone else?”

Morgan overheard and sat down to listen. “Summer went to her parent’s house, Becky went to Felicity’s and Alyssa is in New York with JC.”

“Oh…Michelle is everything ok? You don’t sound like yourself.” Dawn asked concernedly.

Michelle glanced at Morgan, that pain was still there, they could see it in each other. “Yea Dawn…everything is fine.”

“Ok…well let me get ready and I’ll be there in an hour.”

“Ok later” Michelle hung up and sighed. “I hate lying”

Morgan looked her way. “Think positive Chelle…maybe things will be fine…”

“Yea there’s still that maybe” she shoved the depressing thoughts out of her mind. “I’m not gonna think about that now. We’re having fun today ok?”

“Ok” Morgan sat up grabbed Michelle’s arm as they both made their way upstairs to get dressed. They both wanted to forget about their problems that were eating at them constantly and try to have fun.


~~~New York~~~

“Bye girl don’t work too hard” Yasmine hugged Alyssa.

“I won’t…”

“You better not because we are all going out tonight” Karen smiled. “Just us girls”

“Yea ok Lyss?” Yasmine asked.

“Ok” she smiled faintly and walked down the hall to the lobby where the guys were waiting.

“Karen I feel so bad for her” Yasmine shut the door to her room.

“Me too Yasmine…but all we can do for the next couple of days is keep her spirits up.”

“Well I know that’s all the guys are gonna be doing. You know how they are when they are together, always joking around constantly.”

Karen smiled. “Yea…Chris plans on going overload while she’s around…they don’t want her feeling bad and are planning on keeping it that way.”


“Here Lyss let me get those for you” Lance stepped up and took the envelopes she was carrying.

“Oh it’s ok you don’t-”

“No, no it’s ok I insist” he smiled as she let go of them.

“HI LYSSIE!” Justin ran over to her.

“Hey J”

“JUSTIN!” Chris ran over and smacked the back of his head. “Give it to me”

“So Lyss, what’s up?” Justin purposely ignored Chris.

Alyssa looked oddly at the two. “Uhm…”

“Damnit Chris can’t you see I’m busy here” Justin turned.

“Hey Alyssa…wanna see something?” Chris asked stepping in front of Justin pushing him aside.

“Sure” she said awkwardly, never realizing they ever acted this way.

“Hey JuJu since you won’t give me that back…I’ve got this!” he flashed what looked like a picture to Justin teasingly.

[AN: click here for the picture of my "inspiration" for this little scene. And YES that is Justin Timberlake...LOL]

“JuJu?” Alyssa whispered to Lance.

“He HATES that name”

“NO!” Justin’s face shocked as he dove and tackled Chris. “Give it here!”

“No way!” Chris laughed as they rolled around on the floor. “Alyssa would get a kick out of this picture.”

“Come on shorty you think you can take me?!” Justin stood up and hopped around with his fists held up like a boxer. He rubbed his nose and looked over at Alyssa. “I’ll show him”

“Show me what?” Chris started hopping like Justin.

“Show you who’s da masta!” he dove again tackling Chris to the floor.

Alyssa couldn’t take it anymore she cracked up as Justin and Chris rolled around the floor.

Justin and Chris stood up and brushed themselves off. “Look a smile…that’s what we wanna see.”

“You’re gonna have nothin but fun while you’re with us!” Justin threw his arm around her. “None of that sad stuff. Cuz that’s not allowed around here.”

Alyssa smiled again. “Thanks guys.”

“Hey girl you’re part of our family now…it’s a family around here.” Justin said.

“Yea one big happy family.” Chris laughed.

“Ok…I promise no sad stuff” she laughed. “So…what’s that you got Chris?”

“Hey no, jokes over” Justin reached for the picture but Chris held on to it and backed away.

“You really wanna see Lyss?” Chris asked.


“No Lyssie it’s ok you don’t need to see that” Justin smiled and held her shoulders.

“No it’s ok J I wanna” She laughed and started walking towards Chris.

“Not so fast missy” he grabbed her hips and held her back.

“Let her go JuJu…”

“Stop callin me that!” Justin made a face.

“Yea JuJu let me go” Alyssa joked while Justin still held her hips.

“Not you too! Thanks a lot Chris!”

“My pleasure!” Chris stood up and walked over. “Here Lyss!” he handed her the picture and quickly ran to the other side of the lobby.

“CHRIS!” forgetting about the picture, Justin ran after him letting go of Alyssa.

“Hey!!” Chris backed up against the wall.

“You’re gonna get it…”

“I don’t have it man!” Chris held up his hands.


“Dude I don’t have it” he started laughing.

“What did you do with it?” Justin stopped.

Chris pointed to Alyssa who was standing next to Lance. Both of them were looking at the picture and cracking up hysterically. “I’m…sorry…I had to!” Chris tried not to laugh too hard.

“Oh my god that’s you!?” Lance laughed as Alyssa still held the picture.

Justin crossed his arms and pouted.

“HAHAHAHA!!!” Lance busted out he couldn’t believe it. Joey soon walked in finding Lance, Chris and Alyssa in laughter and Justin standing quietly.

“JOEY!” Alyssa ran over. “You gotta check this out!” she held the picture in front of his face.

Joey took one look and fell to the floor. “OH MY GOD THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN!!” he clutched his stomach in laughter.

“Lyss you’re a meanie!” Justin continued to pout.

“AW I’m sorry…” she was laughing so hard tears were coming out.

“Your gonna get it!” he ran after Alyssa.

“No!” she startled and ran around the room with Justin right behind her. “Come on J!”

“I’m gonna get you!” he picked up speed. After awhile he had Alyssa cornered. “Give it to me…” he smiled evily.



“Nope” she held it up teasingly but Justin snatched it away. “Hey!”

“Too quick for ya!” he turned his back to walk away.

“We’ll see” she ran and jumped on his back. “I want it back!” she tackled him down to the ground and sat on top of him. “I win!”

“No way!” Justin tickled her.

“JUSTIN!!!!!” she whined. “Stop! I can’t…stand…it!” she screamed in between laughing.

Meanwhile the other guys were watching the two tackle each other, JC finally walked in. “Hey JC your girl’s pretty tough” Lance laughed.

“Alyssa?” JC cracked at smile as his girlfriend had one of his best friends tackled on the ground.

“Hey baby…give me a second” she said between breaths. “GIMME THE PICTURE!” Alyssa managed to pin his arms down.

“No!” Justin laughed and tried to move his arms. “Man you’re strong Lyss.”

Alyssa smirked and took her chance, she reached down with one hand in his pocket and snatched the picture. “Pretty slick huh?”

“AW come on give it back”

“What do I get?”


“Nope sorry too late!” she jumped up off Justin and walked over to JC. “Wanna see something baby?”

“JC you gotta see this thing” Chris started cracking up again. “Justin looks hilarious.”

“It’s a kodak moment”

“It ain’t no kodak shit!” Justin pouted.

“Hey you potty mouth!” Alyssa joked.

“I’ll show you potty mouth” Justin leaned closer to Alyssa. “Come on!” he reached his arms around her as she held the picture behind her back. “Please Lyssie!”

“Demanding now are we?” she laughed. “Come on J, I think it’s so cute”

“That’s cause you’re a girl Lyss, if that was me I’d be embarrassed.” Lance smiled.

“Embarrassed, what kind of picture is it?” JC asked.

“Oh it’s so cute he’s all dressed-” Alyssa was cut off by Justin’s hand over her mouth.

“No don’t say it!” Justin tried to quiet her.

Soon the lobby door opened and Kathleen and Richard walked in with 5 bodyguards. “Ok boys break it up.”

Justin let go of Alyssa’s mouth, she smiled and was about to walk away but Justin held her back. “You’re not going anywhere…” he smiled. Alyssa gave up and stood there still holding Justin’s picture.

“Ok Bill is downstairs, with the van” Kathleen stated. “You are going to be at the studio all day”

“Alyssa Bill will take you to TRL this afternoon” Richard explained. “Then after you’ll come back to the studio to finish along with the guys.”

“Ok” Alyssa smiled.

“Great let’s go!” Kathleen walked out with Richard.

“You gonna be ok with him Lyss?” JC asked smilingly.

“She’s fine JC…we have things to discuss”

“Alright” JC laughed and walked out with Lenny.

Each bodyguard followed their appointed N SYNC member and led them down the hall to the van. Justin stood back still holding on to Alyssa. “Come on Lyss…you’re not getting away just yet.” he smiled.

“Fine that doesn’t mean I’m gonna give it back to you especially now” she smiled.

“Are you ready Justin?” his bodyguard asked.

“Yea Tom lets go”



“Becky sweetie please come out for some breakfast?” Felicity knocked on the door.

Becky sat up all ready, just she didn’t want to come out. Her mind was stuck on the girls. What’s happening? Why don’t I care? She stood up eventually and opened the door. “Hey Fel”

“Come on you need some food” Felicity smiled at her younger sister.

Becky just nodded and stood in the doorway.

“Becky…” Felicity pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so glad nothing happened to you with dad.”

“Me too” Becky hugged her back. “How bout that breakfast.”

Felicity wiped her eyes. “I made your favorite”


“Yea with blueberries on top” Felicity laughed.

“Aw sis you’re the best” Becky ran downstairs thinking about something rather than the girls and all the problems they were having.


~~~Battery Studios~~~

“Alyssa!” Max smiled and embraced her in a hug.

“Hey Max! How are ya?”

“Wonderful, I’m so glad you want to come and work on the tracks in the studio” he smiled.

“Yea I’m excited”

“Hello guys” he greeted each N SYNC member as they entered the room. “So are we ready for today?”

“Yea” JC answered.

“Great…well you boys know the drill, Kristen is in the room waiting for you, I’ll just show Alyssa to the other studio”

“See-ya Lyssie baby” JC walked over.

“Later” she kissed him quickly. “Here, give this to J…tell him I was only playin with him. I feel kinda bad…” She handed JC the picture.

JC looked at it and laughed. “Oh this is sad…no wonder he wanted it back.”

“AW he looks cute” Alyssa smiled.

“Ok, ok…love ya have fun”

“You too” she kissed him again, smiled then turned to follow Max down the hall to the studio she would be working in.


“Here Justin” JC handed him the picture after entering the studio they were working in for the day.

“How’d you get it?”

“She gave it to me, she said she was only playin with you and that she felt bad.”

“Look what you did man, you were supposed to make her feel better not bad!” Chris joked. “That wasn’t the part of the plan here!”

“Dude you saw her she was smiling…I think she’s fine, and were keeping it that way. Bad enough what she’s going through with the other girls” Justin answered.

“Thanks guys for helping out…” JC smiled. “I don’t want her feeling depressed all the time. It kills me.”

“Don’t worry JC, she’s part of the family now” Lance smiled. “She’s one of us, so now she’ll finally see what it’s like to be around us a lot more.”

“I was waiting for the day you’d finally find someone…” Joey smiled. “I knew it was her…the day she came to meet us…she had something about her.”

“Are you sure it wasn’t because she said she liked your hair and the fact that Yasmine doesn’t” Chris laughed.

“Well, she got bonus points for that, but seriously…she’s cool, fun, down to earth.” Joey smiled. “I was wondering how long you’d realize that and let her in.”

“Yea she’s amazing huh…” JC smiled dreamily.

“Now you see why I’m jealous” Joey laughed.

“Don’t worry man you’ll find someone too, if you ever pick just one,” Lance joked. “You’re too busy flirting with everyone.”

Joey rolled his eyes. “Yea and when I do I hope she’s at least half the person Alyssa is, cause if she is, I’ve got something good.”


~~~2 hours Later~~~

“NICK!” AJ ran inside the dressing room.


“I’ve got it!”

“Got what?”

“Let’s fly Morgan and Michelle over!” he sat down. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier. I mean they’re at home for 5 days without anyone…we should have brought them to begin with…”

Nick’s eyes lit up. “Yea, I mean they’re not doing anything till the WB awards.”

“Totally so do you want to?”

“Do you have to ask?” Nick laughed.

“Great. I’ll call right now” AJ whipped out his phone and called the girls house. After a couple of rings he hung up after getting the answering machine. “They probably stepped out.”

“Try Michelle’s cell phone”

“Duh, what’d ya think I was going to do, blondie!?” AJ rolled his eyes. He dialed Michelle’s cell phone number.. no answer.. “Damnit.. Hmmm…maybe we can call Alyssa and find out where they might be?” AJ thought.

“Yea try.”

“Ok” AJ dialed Alyssa’s cell.


~~~New York~~~

Alyssa sat in the recording booth taking a small break. After Max brought her down he introduced her to some producers and people who were familiar with the controls she needed in order to work on the tracks. Being the quick learner she is, Alyssa managed to learn all she needed to know. She worked with the producers on Walk On The Wild Side and managed to clean up the rough cut she had with her. The producers were soon called to another job, but trusted Alyssa could take care of herself. They encouraged her too listen to all the tracks and make changes where she saw fit.


Alyssa startled for a bit and picked up her phone. The ID said ‘AJ.’

“Hey AJ” Alyssa answered.

“Hey girl how’s it going?”

“Good…how are you?”

“Lonely” AJ chuckled.

“AW you miss Chelle huh?”

“Yea a lot. And that’s why Nick and I thought of the perfect plan.”

“What’s that?”

“Well we want to fly them out to be with us until you three have to go to the WB awards. What do you think?”

Alyssa smiled. “That’s so cool AJ, they’ll love it”

“Good, I don’t want them alone and worrying over all that crap you girls are in because of…Becky and Summer”

“AJ don’t blame them.” Alyssa sighed.

“Come on Lyssie you know its cause of them” Alyssa didn’t answer. “See”

“Ok well so have you called Chelle and Morgy?”

“No they’re not home. I dunno where they would be that’s why I called you.”

“Uhm…listen I’ll call around in a bit and see, sound good?”

“Oh that’s great Lyssie thanks” AJ smiled. “Don’t tell them about the plan though ok?”

“I won’t. See ya AJ.”

“Bye girl”

Alyssa smiled to herself after hanging up with AJ. “Ok enough break…” she mumbled in the quiet room. Reaching for the envelope she pulled out another track and popped it in the system. The music to Dreams Do Come True flowed through the speakers. Alyssa sat back for a moment and listened to the girls raw voices sing the one of the most personal songs to them. “The one we said symbolized our dreams…” she thought out loud. “The dreams that look so bad right now…”

The words flowed through with Morgan’s voice:

When I was a little girl, I remember dreaming of today.. Today And now I’m here, having learned that Dreams do come true Come true And. Oh yea yea, my dreams came true

Alyssa flipped the switch to stop the playback. She put her head down as the depressing thoughts of the girls reentered her mind.


“Ok Justin take a break, JC, Joey and Lance your up” Max said readjusting the controls.

“Max is it ok if I go get something to eat?” Justin asked. “I’m starvin!”

“Sure Justin” Max answered.

“Cool…” he got up and walked out of the room and down the hall to the vending machine. He got himself a snack and was about to walk back down but changed his mind. “I’ll go check on Lyss.” He strolled down the hall and looked in through the window of the door to the studio she was sitting in. Her back was to him as she put in a new track, but after a couple of seconds she flipped it off and put her head down. Justin opened the door slowly and stepped inside the room separating the recording booth, wondering if he should interrupt. He stopped when he saw her sit up again.


“Ok don’t think about it Lyss” she mumbled to herself. “Soon it will be all better, just like before, and all your dreams will continue with all of us together, Phantasia…” she adjusted the track and continued the playback.

When you feel that there’s no use in trying another day.. never forget that Dreams do come true

It was no use, the thoughts returned no matter how much she tried to forget.

Dreams do come true it just takes a while before you’ll see Dreams do come true

If you just believe then one day you’ll see that Dreams do come true

Oh.. yea-aah, Dreams.. they do come true..

Alyssa’s own voice ended as she turned it off again. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she continued to think of the worse for the girls and their dreams, their future.


The gentle voice behind her startled her she turned around quickly. “Hey J” she quickly wiped the tear away hoping he didn’t see it.

Justin noticed the tear and the look in her eye, he pulled up a seat next to her. “How’s it going?” he smiled.

“Fine…so did you get your picture back?” she changed the subject.

“Yea…thanks” he continued to smile.

“Sorry I was being a brat and keeping it from you earlier…”

“Don’t be sorry, we were having fun right?”

“It was fun” she smiled.

“I like that smile, it suits you…please don’t hide it”

Alyssa couldn’t help but smile even more. “Well it’s hard not to smile with a guy like you around.”

“Well thank ya” Justin grinned. “Want one?” he held out his bag of candy.

“Thanks” she smiled and took some. “So how’s it going over there?”

“Good, I’m on a break…” he started swinging around in his chair. “I’m so bored though.”

“I can tell” she giggled as he spun around in his chair.

“Hey what do you say we bail…go find something to do?? Come on it would be so cool”

“I dunno Mr. Timberlake…don’t you have things to do?”

“I told ya I’m on break…”

“For how long?” she raised an eyebrow at him.

“I dunno…so what they won’t miss me”



“I’m sure Max won’t appreciate it when he needs your voice and you’re no where to be found” she smiled.

Justin pouted. “Please…just a quick game of basketball?”

“Where you dork were in a recording studio.”

“There’s a park down the street…”

“You’ll get noticed”

“No I won’t”

“Oh please J…you still think you can get away with walking down to a park?”

“Haven’t tried lately, let’s see if I can…”

“Take Tom with you”

“No way, that will give it away even more if we have some huge bodyguard next to us.”

“We? Us? If I remember correctly I never agreed to this little escapade with you J”

“Come on Lyss what did I tell you, no sad stuff…”

Alyssa looked away. “Who said I was sad.”

“I saw it when you turned around, I listened to the song, I saw that look in your eyes…”

“Well give the boy a cookie cause you guessed right” she smiled sarcastically.

Justin laughed. “See that’s the sense of humor we all want to see from you”

“You guys really made me feel better, especially this morning, kind of made me forget about all the crap at home.”

“We’re here for you Alyssa, remember you’re in our family now, and we’ll always be here for you.”

“Thanks J”

“Cool…so now will you please have some more fun with me?” he gave his best pout.

“Ugh…that face…” she smiled. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

“I’m listening”

“AJ just called me, trying to find Michelle, I said I’d call around but I really need to get this stuff done…so now brings us to you.”

“What do you want me to do.”

“Call around for me while I work on this.” Alyssa smiled.

“Piece of cake.” Justin smiled.

“Cool…here’s my phone” she handed it to him. “Just scan the menu with the names of people and give them a call ask if Morgan or Michelle are there.”

“Ok” he pushed some buttons while Alyssa popped in another track. “What song?”

Do You Know” Alyssa turned up the music slightly so she could work on it.

“Cool…” Justin stopped on a name. “Layla?”

“Sure” Alyssa nodded her head.

Justin hit dial and waited. “No answer. Next up…Dawn” he pushed dial again and waited eventually someone picked up.


Morgan, Michelle and Dawn sat at a small café having lunch.

“So what are you girls gonna be doing now?” Dawn asked.

Morgan and Michelle looked at each other, neither wanted anyone to know about the fighting between the girls so whenever Dawn asked them a question about the girls, they lied and said everything was fine. “Uhm…well since the tour is canceled, we’re just doing little things here and there until we go back on tour with the boys.”

“Cool…like what?”

“Well Alyssa is working on tracks in New York, she’s also doing TRL today” Morgan explained. “When she gets back, were going to the WB Awards, then we just have to do photo shoots, interviews and other stuff like that.”

“Yea, then we have to record for this charity concert were going too” Michelle finished up.

“Exciting” Dawn smiled. “But what about Becky and Summer, shouldn’t they be doing this stuff with you, I mean you are a group and all. Looks like only you two and Alyssa are working.”

Morgan and Michelle glanced at each other again. “Well, they’re not coming back until the last week of tour.”

“They just want some time to rest. That’s all” Morgan added.

“Oh I bet, since the accident and Becky’s father…”


“Oh excuse me girls…” Dawn reached down and grabbed her phone. “Hello?”

“Hi am I speaking with Dawn?” Justin asked.

“Uhm…yea who’s this?” Dawn asked curiously.

“This is Justin are Morgan and Michelle with you by any chance?”

“Yea they are…but who are you?”

“Justin” he laughed. Dawn heard some commotion in the background, sounded like two people laughing.

“Hey girl” Alyssa talked into the phone.

“Hey Lyss…who was that?”

“Oh that was J…uh Justin” she smiled.

“Justin?” Dawn asked confused.

Morgan and Michelle cracked up.

“Yea Justin Timberlake” Alyssa smiled.

“Wait…I was just…I was talking…” Dawn stuttered. “AAAHHHHHHHHH”

Alyssa held the phone away from her ear as Dawn screamed.

“ALYSSA!!” Dawn called back into the phone.

“What girl?” Alyssa laughed.

“You always do this to me! First it’s JC then you let me talk to Justin Timberlake without knowing it!”

“I’m sorry Dawn.” She answered. “But seriously Morgan and Chelle are there right?”


“Ok Dawn lemme talk to them..” Alyssa giggled.

“Fine” Dawn handed the phone to Morgan.

“Hey Lyss…You should have seen Dawn’s face when she realized it was Justin” Morgan laughed.

“I bet it was funny.” Alyssa laughed along with her. “Enyways…Morgy you need to call Nick, same with Michelle needs to call AJ. They have something important to tell you.”

“Nick and AJ have something important?” Morgan repeated out loud. Michelle turned her attention. “What is it?”

“I can’t tell ya sorry…they don’t want me too” Alyssa answered.

“Oh you suck” Morgan joked.

“Hey they wanted me to find you, you should be thankful I did.”

“I’m kidding Lyss, so how’s it going? I can hear Do You Know”

“Yea just experimenting with it…until J here decides to interrupt”

“Ok” Morgan laughed. “Well I’ll call you later Lyssie”

“Alright see ya”

“WAIT!” Dawn yelled out. “Don’t hang up yet”

Morgan and Michelle started to laugh. “Why you wanna talk to him again?” Michelle teased.

“Hey Lyss is Justin still with you?” Morgan laughed.


“Ok Dawn wants to say hi” Morgan handed the phone to her.

“Here J” Alyssa turned up the volume on her phone. “Say Hi Dawn!”

“Hi Justin” Dawn answered.

“Hey what’s up?” Justin said casually.

“Nothing…how are you?”

“I’m good” he smiled. “Is Alyssa any good at basketball?”

“That girl is the best” Dawn answered.

“Alright well nice talking to you Dawn” Justin smiled.

“You too Justin.” Dawn answered flustered she just talked to him.

“Dawn you ok girl?” Alyssa asked.

“Uh…yea” she said. “Thanks Lyss”

“Alright see ya later”

“Bye” Dawn hung up.

“Haha you like just made her day” Alyssa laughed.

“No problem” Justin grinned. “Ok so now it’s your part of the deal.”

“Ehh…I dunno J…I’ve got so much to do here and all”

“Don’t turn into a studio junkie like JC, he locks himself up in these places, maybe you’re spending too much time with him…” Justin smiled and swung around in the chair again. “Please come real quick!” he put on his best pout again and batted his eyes for emphasis.

Alyssa sighed defeated, she couldn’t resist that face. “Fine! Let’s go before I change my mind.”

“I knew you would” he stood up. “I’m gonna kick your ass at basketball.”

“Don’t be so cocky J…we’ll see when we get there.” She shut of the system in the recording booth. “Wait” she pulled his hand back.

“What…you didn’t change your mind did you?”

“No just tell them you’re leaving…please? I don’t wanna get you in trouble.”

“Fine…if it will please you” he joked and walked back down the hall with Alyssa. He stopped at a door and opened it walking inside to where the other guys were. “Yo, I’ll be back, is that cool?”

“Yea Justin we don’t need you for now, don’t be gone too long.”

“Alright. JC I’m taking Lyss with me”

“Bring her back” JC smiled.

“Yea I will.” he walked back out with two hats and sunglasses handing a pair to Alyssa. “Here hopefully it will help.” Alyssa put them on, as did Justin. “Ok ready to try.”

“Yea” she smiled as he grabbed her hand and led her downstairs.


“I’m sorry sir but you cannot enter with out proper identification.” The woman behind the desk said again.

“Come on just real quick” A tall middle aged man argued.

“No sir”

“Damnit…” he turned around. Just as two people walked past him dressed in sunglasses and hats.

“Leaving so soon Mr. Timberlake?” The woman behind the desk asked.

“We’ll be right back…” Justin answered opening the door for Alyssa. She stepped out as Justin followed behind her. They looked at each other for a second and both walked away together.

The tall middle aged man’s eyes sparkled at the name. “Well, well, Justin Timberlake…” he sniggered and quickly followed them. “And who would that lovely lady with him be?” he asked himself as he walked out of Battery Studios. He looked ahead and noticed them crossing the street together. “Perfect! Just the gossip I’d make a fortune selling to willing entertainment magazines.” He laughed and quickly followed Alyssa and Justin down the streets of New York.


~~~1 hour Later~~~

“You think Lyss found them?” Nick fiddled as he sat in their dressing room of the venue that night.

“I hope…I already called and set their tickets they just need to get to the airport” AJ answered.

Kevin walked in his mind totally focused and pre-occupied, wondering why Summer acted the way she did at the airport, how she backed away from his kiss. It ate him up inside, he knew it was probably because he questioned her pregnancy, but I had too he told himself over and over.

“Hey Kev” Nick said.

Kevin looked over and nodded his head silently.

“How are ya man?” AJ joined.

“Alright, what are you two up to?”

“Waiting for Morgan and Michelle to call…we’re flying them in”

“Oh…that’s real nice of you guys” Kevin answered then walked back out. Seconds later Howie entered the dressing room, in a more sadly manner than Kevin’s serious one.

“Hey D!” Nick said.

“Hey Nick” Howie answered and sighed siting down in one of the chairs. He flipped out his phone debating weather he should give Becky a call.

“What’s the matter?” AJ asked.

“Oh I dunno…just all this stuff is confusing me ya know?”

“You mean the girls? Or Becky”

“Both, but mostly Becky, I don’t know what happened with her…she was never the way she was those last 5 days.”

“Baffles me too man.” Nick agreed.

“I wanna call her, but I don’t want to make her angry” he slid his phone back and forth across the table. “God what am I gonna do guys?”

“We can’t help ya there man…cause frankly we don’t know” AJ answered. “Hey hopefully she’ll get over it…maybe she’s stressed”

“Yea maybe…well I’ll see you two later” Howie stood up and wandered out of the dressing room.

“Man those guys have some major women problems” Nick sighed. “I feel bad”

“Yea well it’s not us!” AJ joked.

“That sucks AJ”

“Hey I’m happy with Michelle, sure I feel for them but they have to take care of it themselves”

“Yea you’re right” Nick agreed.


“Finally!” AJ jumped up and answered his phone. “AJ here”

“Hey baby…” Michelle answered.

AJ’s heart beat with the sound of his girlfriends voice. “Oh Michelle I miss your voice, I miss your kiss, I miss you so much!”

“I miss you too baby…” she answered. “So what’s this important stuff Lyss called us about?”

“Well baby tell Morgan to pack her bags cause you two are coming here!”

“WHAT!?” Michelle practically yelled. “Your shitting me!”

“No I’m not…your tickets are all set for 5 o’clock.”

“It’s 12:30!”

“I know you have to hurry or else!”

“Oh AJ I love you!” Michelle said excitedly. “Here’s Morgan!”

“AJ!!!!” Morgan called into the phone.

“Hey beautiful, so you wanna come?!”

“OF course! Can I talk to Nickers?!”

“Yea sure” AJ handed Nick the phone.

“Hey angel!”

“AW Nick you two are so sweet!”

“I miss you baby girl I want you here with me”

“I miss you too…I can’t wait!” Morgan said excitedly.

“Ok go get your stuff, Roy will be waiting at the Tennessee airport. Your flight is number 384 at Delta Airlines ok?”

Morgan scribbled it down on a piece of paper. “Alright got it! Love you Nickers, see you in a bit!”


“J where is this park?” “Uhm” he looked at her sheepishly.

“You…you don’t know huh?”

“I swear there was one…” he smiled.

“Damnit J” she crossed her arms. “If your taking me on some wild goose chase I’m gonna walk myself back to the studio…”

Justin cracked up. “Got ya! You know you’re cute when you’re mad”

“Shut-up” she punched his arm playfully. Justin shot back and knocked the hat off her head. “Why you little…” she grabbed his hat and put it on.

“Hey!” Justin bent down to pick up her hat but froze at the next sound he heard a mist the honking cars on the busy streets of New York.

“OHMYGOD!” a high pitched shrill echoed down the street. “ITS JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!”

“Won’t get noticed huh?” Alyssa smirked.

“Shut-up and run Lyss!” he grabbed her hand and ran like the wind back down the street they came from. They managed to loose the girl by cutting through an alley. “That was close.” He said out of breath.

“I never should have let you drag me out here to run away from one of your fans.”

“AW come on you don’t mean that”

“Yea sure” she joked. “Well lets go, I don’t want to stand in this alley all day.” She walked away from him.

“Where are you going?”

“That park.”

“You still wanna go?” Justin caught up to her.

“You said you’d take me so take me” she smiled.

Justin grinned and put his arm around her pulling down his hat. “Let’s try this again.” They walked together back down the opposite street towards the park.


The tall middle aged man emerged from his position behind the cart where he was spying on Justin and Alyssa. He smirked and wound up his camera so it was ready for the next possible shot. “This is too easy…potential love interest of one of the most desirable pop stars…now if only I knew who the girl was.” He muttered and continued to follow them down the street.


~~~ 3 Hours Later ~~~

Roy picked the two girls up from the airport and drove them to the hotel. Both totally ancy [AN: in their pantsy, lol, right Belle Belle?!]

“Shouldn’t we have called Becky and Summer?”

“Oh we will later” Michelle shrugged.

The elevator came to a stop and the girls walked to the lounge room where the guys were in.

“NNIIIIIIIIIIICKKKKK!!!!” Morgan burst into the room and jumped in his arms. Nick nearly fell back. “Missed you, missed you, missed you, missed you, TOOOOOOO much!!!” she giggled and planted kisses all over his face and neck.

“God! Book a room!” Michelle rolled her eyes as she walked in.

“CHELLE!!” AJ called and ran over to her, scooping her up in his arms and swinging her around.

“How long ago did you see each other again?” Brian chuckled sarcastically.

AJ put Michelle back to her feet and pulled her as close as possible, enrapturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Michelle kissed him back eagerly.

“I missed you baby” Morgan said above a whisper, smiling like a dork.

“Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me!” Nick chuckled.

Morgan stopped him with a kiss.



“I win!” Alyssa grabbed the basketball and sat down. “Well J, if I remember correctly you said something close to ‘I’m gonna kick your ass Lyss’…looks like you got your ass kicked”

“Haha ok” he pouted. “Don’t rub it in.”

“Aw, I’m kidding” she grinned and sat down on a bench, pulling her hat over her head.

RING RING! Justin’s cell phone went off. He picked it up out of his pocket and answered it. “Justin…yea…sorry…oh shit!” he looked at Alyssa quickly. “I’m sorry Kathleen it’s all my fault…yea…ok I will see you later.” He shut his phone off and ran his hand roughly through his curls. “Damnit Lyss I’m sorry…”

“For what?”

“It’s 3:00…”

“And…” she looked at him oddly then remembered her eyes widened. “SHIT!”

“Yea shit TRL! I’m so sorry girl it’s my fault…”

“Oh my god…I’m supposed to be there in 25 minutes! What am I gonna do now?!”

“It’s ok calm down…I’m taking you, Kathleen like ordered me too.”

“I look like CRAP JUSTIN!!!!!!”

Justin laughed slightly. “No you don’t, besides they have wardrobe there, I’m sure they have something for you…just calm down” he placed his hands on her shoulders.

“God…ok…breathe” Alyssa mumbled. “Well 20 minutes now!”

“Let’s go” he grabbed her hand and led her out of the park.


“This is even easier than I thought.” The tall middle aged man followed Justin and Alyssa down the street again, making sure to load his film again. “Now I definitely need to find out who the girl is.”


~~~ Back at the Bsb lounge ~~~

“Hey can we say hi to Michelle and Morgan too, or do we have to wait till y’all fucked your brains out?” Brian joked.

“BRI!” Morgan ran over to him and hugged him “Mommy wouldn’t approve you saying stuff like that” she giggled.

“Hey Howard” Morgan teased and turned to Howie.

“Hey sweetie-pie” Howie smiled weakly.

“Oh Damn! Morgy!” Michelle suddenly called out.

“Whattuh?” Morgan turned around.

“We gotta call Summer and Becka to tell them we’re here remember?!”

“Oh yea. damn” Morgan said and walked to the nearest phone. “Felicity? Hi its Morgan, is Becky there?”

“Hi Morgan. Yea, she is. Hold on.” Felicity handed Becky the phone “It’s Morge.”

Becky sighed “Hey Morgan” she said politely.

“Hey Becks. Uhm I’m calling to say that me and Chelle are with the guys in Tennessee.”

“Oh. Ok”

“So how are ya? Everything ok?”

“Yea. fine.”

Howie tapped Morgan on the shoulder “Can I talk to her?” he mouthed.

“Hey Becky, Howie wants to talk to ya-”

Becky totally DID NOT want to talk to Howie. “Well uhm I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later. Sorry! bye!” Becky hung up before Morgan could say anything back.

“The hell!?” Morgan said frowning.

“What?!? Why’d she hang up!?” Howie asked.

“She said she had to go” Morgan shrugged. “Whatever”


~~~ 2 Hours Later ~~~

“So Alyssa everything is alright back home, the girls are resting I presume.” Carson continued his interview with Alyssa for TRL.

“Yes everything is fine” she lied and put on her best smile.

“Good, so thank you again for stopping by Alyssa and here at number one is Phantasia with History (That’s what you are).” Carson ended the show.

Alyssa let the crew take off her microphones and walked back to the waiting room where Justin was hiding, trying not to get noticed by anyone in the TRL audience. “Good Job Lyssie” he smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Yea, good job lying to everyone” she mumbled as soon as Carson entered the waiting room.

“Hey Alyssa” he gave her a quick hug. “Good to see you again.”

“You to Carson.”

“Justin what’s up?” he shook his hand.

“Nothing much” he answered.

“Is everything ok Alyssa with Summer and Michelle?” Carson asked.

“Yea fine, just shaken up that’s why we canceled the promo tour etc.” Alyssa said. “They’re back home resting.”

“Ok, how are the other girls?”

“Great” she lied once again.

Carson smiled, but was unconvinced. “Well promise next time you visit it will be all of you. I’ll see you later” he waved and walked out.

“I hate lying” Alyssa brushed the hair out of her face.

Justin looked at her sadly. “Mr. Timberlake…your and Miss Farrow’s ride is waiting at the back exit.” A man stood at the door.

“Thanks” he answered. “Ready Lyssie?” he smiled for her.

“Yea” she followed him out to the back and waited for the van to pull closer. Justin hugged her sweetly. “Thanks J” she smiled at his kindness. He flashed his irresistible smile and opened the door for her as soon as the van stopped in front of them. Hopping in after her it drove them back to the studio.


“Well, well, well, Alyssa Farrow is the one huh?” the tall middle aged man emerged from a spot hidden where he had a perfect view of them. “Justin Timberlake and Alyssa Farrow…hot gossip number one.” He grinned to himself and walked away having what he needed already.


After the girls had called Summer, they decided to hang with the boys, all of them. But of course they ended up spending time with just Nick and AJ. Since Brian, Howie and Kevin got sick of the constant kissing and making out of the couples.

“Seems like it’s just us 4 again.” Morgan sighed.

“Oh yea, like you mind!” Michelle laughed.

“Hmmm.. NOPE!” Morgan giggled. Nick smiled and pulled her closer.


~~~ Late that night ~~~

Karen and Yasmine took Alyssa out like they had planned. After dinner they shopped around and hit one of the local clubs. “Are you Alyssa Farrow?” another person encountered the three girls.

“Uhm yea”

The guy smiled. “You wanna dance Alyssa?”

“Uhm I’m kind of tired, sorry” she smiled her nicest.

“Oh…it’s ok, how bout an autograph?”

“Uhm sure” she signed the piece of paper he handed her. “Sorry girls” she sighed. “That’s like the millionth time tonight…must be no fun…”

“It’s ok Lyss I’m used to it.” Karen smiled. “At least he didn’t scream on the top of his lungs and come running frantically up to you begging you for an autograph…”

“That must get annoying” Yasmine laughed.

“Yea but it’s not as bad as the looks I get from some of them. The word girlfriend or anyone that looks like one is so threatening to some fans, some are really paranoid and jealous.” Karen answered. “Don’t worry Yasmine you’ll get used to it after awhile.”

Yasmine just nodded her head. Looks? Paranoid? Jealous?…All that was new to Yasmine and she was yet to get used to it.

“Well I’ll see you girls tomorrow, I’m gonna head back to the hotel…” Alyssa stood up. “Besides if I stay here, you’ll get bothered even more because of me,” she smiled.

“Ok girl see you later” Yasmine smiled as Alyssa walked out of the club, but stopped by the bathroom on the way out. After freshening up she sat in the nice lounge room next to the bathroom and pulled out her phone, she called her hotel room but there was no answer. “That’s weird, I thought he’d be back by now…” she dialed Justin. “J? It’s Lyss…”

“Hey Lyssie…having fun?”

“Yea I did, I’m heading back now, but do you know where JC is? He’s not in our room.”

Justin chuckled. “Hey Lyss remember what I said about him being a studio junkie?”


“Well take a wild guess as to where he is…”

“He’s still there!?”

“Oh yea…we left over 3 hours ago too” Justin answered. “I told you he locks himself up in those places.”

Alyssa smiled. “Well I guess I better go try and get him away. I’ll see you later J.”

“Ok Lyssie” Justin answered and hung up.

Alyssa picked up and made her way back to Battery Studios.


Howie sat alone in his hotel room. He got sick of the confusion he was going through. He decided to call Becky again and find out what was going on exactly.

“Hi, Felicity, this is Howie, is Becky home by chance?”

“Yea Howie she is hold on…”

Seconds later Becky’s voice was on the line. “Hey”

Howie smiled to himself. “Hi Becks, are you feeling ok?”

“Uhm…yea” she answered uncomfortably.

“Ok…well I just wanted to check up on you and all…”

“Oh, yea ok…well I gotta go Howie bye” Becky hung up the phone again abruptly.

“Bye…” Howie whispered sadly into the dead line. Now he was confused more than ever.


~~~ Battery Studios ~~~

Alyssa walked back into the almost deserted building. She made her way back to the floor she was working on earlier. There was practically no one there, she moved down the hallway and stopped at the door where N SYNC was recording earlier. Opening the first door she looked in through the glass that separated where she was standing with the actual recording booth. Sure enough there was JC, sitting at the controls his back to her view. She smiled to herself and opened the door slowly. He was so engrossed in his work he practically didn’t even notice her walk in. She sneaked up behind him and was about to cover his eyes until he stood up suddenly and faced her. A smile appeared on his face as he greedily kissed her wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

“Hey you” Alyssa whispered against his lips. “You busy?”

“Nope, now that you’re here.” He took her mouth in his again.

“So what are you still doing here?” she sat down in the seat next to his. She pulled her self closer to him and looked at his tired face. She cupped his face in her hands and ran her thumbs across his cheeks. “You work too hard…” she smiled.

JC grinned. “It’s ok, I like being in here…working on the tracks.” He shifted his body after Alyssa let go of his face and adjusted the controls again. “Music is my life…”

Alyssa smiled at him, his passion was intriguing. “So what are you working on now?”

He turned up the volume so that the music flowed through the room. “Remember this one?” he looked at her.

Long as sunlight lights the sky Light of love will be found in these eyes of mine…

JC’s voice sang smoothly through the studio. Alyssa recognized it immediately. “Yea, how could I forget…”

“Every time I hear this song, I think of you”

Alyssa blushed. “You do?”

What I’m trying to say is Nothing will change this There will be no time You won’t find me there…

JC stood up and lifted her up along with him. “Yea all the time…”

Alyssa smiled and kissed him sweetly. “I think I like it better when you sing it to me.”

JC grinned and sang along with the track.

Well you know then baby, That’s when I’ll stop loving, That’s when I’ll stop loving you

“Much better” Alyssa smiled and pressed her lips against his once again, as they reveled in the love they had between them.


Morgan walked into the lobby of the hotel the boys were staying in for the night. She found Kevin sitting all alone by the phone. She walked over to him and sat down. “Hey Kev…”

Kevin wiped his serious stare away as if to ignore his own feelings. “Hi sweetie.”

Morgan noticed his denial and questioned him. “Kevin, don’t be mad I asked but, are you and Summer ok?”

Kevin’s seriousness was back again at the mention of her name. “I don’t know”

“Is it because of the baby, or her, or…”

“It’s me ok!” he sighed heavily. “It’s me, cause I’m too damn stupid to just trust her when she told me she didn’t know…it’s eating me up inside.”

“Kevin, you know trust is a big factor in relationships, everyone goes through it sometime, look at me and Nick, the whole Tiffany thing, Howie and Becky about her dad, Yasmine and Justin about his secret…is part of everyone and sooner or later you have to learn to trust someone if you truly love them…”

“I do love her but now, it just looks so disconnected, like I totally severed any trust she could possibly have with me…” He buried his face in his hands. Morgan scooted over to him and tried to comfort him but he shrugged her off. “Please Morgan I just want to be alone right now…”

“It’s ok Kevin, I understand. I’m here if you need me ok?” Morgan smiled warmly before leaving Kevin in the lobby alone.

“God damnit what have I gotten into…”

Chapter 37