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Chapter 7

~~~2 days later~~~

The last 2 days had been fun. Michelle and AJ were actually acting polite. Alyssa and Brian didn’t budge from each others side. Morgan found herself more and more in love with Nick, but felt guilty.. why she didn’t know. Becky and Summer hung around with Kevin and Howie a lot. Family and friends visited the girls to wish them luck and all and now.. it was the morning of the first tour day.. tonight was the grand opening in downtown Los Angeles.

“Hey girlies!! Are you almost ready?? The bus will be here in 15 minutes!!” Kevin shouted upstairs.

“Coming, coming, coming!!!” Summer came running down the stairs, carrying 3 huge (and I mean HUGE) bags and one purse.

“Maddy!! Watch out!!” Kevin said, as she almost tripped and fell.

“WHEW!!” she sighed a bit shaky.

“Will you watch out!” he took her bags and shook his head.

“Oh, like you’d care if I fall to death!” she joked.

“Yea, I would” he murmured.

“What did ya say Kev?”

“Nuthin’ just watch out”


They dropped the bags in the hallway and waited for the others.


“Alyssa.. Brian.. I don’t wanna be the spoilsport.. but we have to get going” Michelle broke them apart from a kiss.

“Yea, yea I know” Alyssa threw the last few things in her suitcase and walked down, Brian following closely behind her.


“I can’t do this! I’m too nervous and scared!!”

“Becky, c’mon, breathe.. of course you can do it.. you’re the best!”

“Howie, you’re a real sweet heart, but don’t say things you don’t mean”

“I DO mean it!”

She looked at him skeptically before smiling.

“Are you all set?”

She looked around her bedroom and sighed “4 months.. that’s a long time”

“I know, but you’ll have the girls and Kev, AJ, Brian, Nick... and me..”

“Thanks” she whispered.

“For what?”


“Don’t be silly, I’ll see you downstairs K?”

“Yea, OK”


Michelle turned around in the doorway and looked at her room again.. sighing, she closed the door and went down with all her stuff.. 2 bags and 2 suitcases AND a beauty case.

“Hey, need a hand?” AJ’s sexy voice said.

“No” she said, maintaining the tough attitude.

AJ knew she’d rather die then let a man.. A MAN.. help her, so he took the 2 suitcases out of her hands without asking.

“I can do it myself ya know, I’m not the damsel in distress type of girl”

“I know, just don’t want you to get a hernia or twist an ankle from carrying that much.. it’d ruin a perfect tour”

She smiled slightly, and actually felt flattered that he helped her, even though she’d never admit it.


In the meanwhile Howie, Becky, Alyssa, Brian and Michelle and AJ had joined Kevin and Summer downstairs..


Alyssa shouted again.

“What is she doing??”

“I dunno” Michelle shrugged.

“MORGAN CANDACE SINCLAIR!!!!!!!” Summer shouted in a powerful voice.


“I’M NOT FAT!!!” they heard her shouting back.

“Morgan, what the fuck are you doing?? we’re all waiting for you and Nick!!”

“The bus isn’t even here yet!”


“Geez, I’m coming already!!” Morgan and Nick stumbled down with lots of bags and suitcases.

“What in Heaven’s name took you so long??”

“We were discussing something”

“OOHHH!!” Michelle whistled.

“Whatever” Morgan muttered.

Just then, they heard a big bus stopping in front of the house.


“HELLO!!!” Ross parked his car behind the tourbus.

“SO, are you all set to go??”


“Great!! Wow, can you girls believe it??”

“I think Ross is more nervous than you ladies!” Angela laughed.

“Well, I guess we’d better start taking all our bags and suitcases into the bus” Howie suggested.

“We’ll help” Ross offered.

“Thanks, you don’t wanna know how much luggage we have..”

Ross and Kevin walked back in the house. “WHOA!!! My God! How many bags is that??” he said, looking around the hallway.

“Uhm.. I guess 3 each.. so that’s about 30”

“Sweet Jesus” he mumbled.


“Hey Beck, will you help me lock everything?”

“Sure Lyssie”

The two girls went through the house, making sure the blinds and curtains were closed everywhere, all TV and CD players were switched off, nobody had forgotten bags, the gas was turned off and all other things you do when you’re about to leave your house for a while.. in their case 4 months..


“Uhm, Michelle, Morgan, Summer!!”


“Do you know which bags and suitcases are supposed to go in the bus?”

“Uhm.. maybe ALL” Michelle said.

“That’s not what I meant.. I mean.. which are supposed to go in the bus’ storeroom and which do you need on the bus?”

“Geez.. uhh.. well... all the purses and beauty cases are needed on the bus for sure..”

“And Alyssa’s big yellow suitcase, she needs that too” Brian added.

“And the big green bag, I need that”

In about 15 minutes they had figured out where each bag/suitcase needed to go...


“So, are we ready??”

“Yea, I guess so”

“OK, come on then, we need to get to the Arena”

They all boarded the bus.

“WHOA!!! Check this out!!!!” Michelle’s eyes grew big as she looked around. “Welcome in our humble home, fitted with all modern conveniences!.. on our left we see a beauty parlor, especially made for our female inhabitants! Going right, we will come across a series of comfortable seats! And then, let’s not forget our bedrooms!!”

“Brian, you are insane..”

“I know, that’s why you love me” he kissed Alyssa’s neck.

“OH! Polleez!” Morgan rolled with her eyes.

“Here we go again” Nick sighed.

“Come on, I’ll show you around” he took Morgan’s arm.

“So, here’s what we call the Excitement Room or Entertainment Room.. here’s the TV, CD player, Playstation, Nintendo all that stuff...”

Morgan glanced around.. a few chairs and a couch, TV, CD player, what you’d expect really.

“This is the kitchen.. small.. but it’s only used for baking eggs and toast.. we have dinner at restaurants or order take-outs”


“Well, you’ve seen the actual living room.. that’s just a few chairs, couches and tables.. and the bedrooms are up here”

It was in the back of the bus, 2 doors.. one had a sign that said “Backstreet Boys: Mr. Body Beautiful Kev, Sweet D, Boner AJ, B-rok, Chaos Nick” and one had a sign that said “Phantasia: Mad Summy, Miss Lyssie, Beck-Becks, Mitch Tha Bitch Mimi, Morgy Candy-girl”

“Who made that up??”

“Probably our managers..”

They laughed and noticed a letter

“Dear guys n girls, Welcome on your tour bus, your home for the coming 4 months! We hope you will have a lot of fun (but not too much) on it and to give you a Warm Welcome, we have some ‘presents’ on your bunks. Hope you like it! and don’t kill each other, it’s so messy to clean up! Sincerely, Ross, Angela, John, Eddy, Ralph, Fatima.”

They both cracked up laughing.

“Come on, let’s see what they bought us!”

Morgan opened to girls’ bedroom and Nick the guys’ “What is it??” Nick shouted to Morgan from his bunk.

“An ax.. ya know, one of those inflatable ones with a noise in it!”

“HEY!! I have one like that too!!”

They ran back out and bumped into each other.

“I think they bought us all inflatable axes!”

“Yea.. come on, let’s show the others!!”


“Where are Nick and Morgan??”

“I swear.. those 2 are up to something!”

“Don’t be so suspicious”

“I believe Nick is showing Morgan around” Howie interrupted.


Just then, the two of them stormed in with the inflatable axes.

“What the fuck is that?!?!”

“LOOK!!! They bought us all one of these!”

Morgan gave Summer a note and one of the axes.

Summer started laughing “They are weird!”


“Read this..” she gave Becky the note, which she read out loud...

“Man, they really are insane!”

Morgan and Nick were hitting each other with the ‘toys’ so you heard “BEEP, BEEP” from the sound inside the axes repeatedly.

“Nick!! No, stop it!!”

“Only if you’ll stop too!!”

“OK, OK, I give up!!” “Beg!!”

“Have mercy oh great one!!!”

“NO, beg more!! Kiss my feet!!”

“NOOOO!!!!! AHA!! NO!!” she screamed as he started tickling her.

“Say it! say it!”


“Say I’m the greatest!”

“I can’t lie!!”

He started tickling and punching her more.. “NOOO!!! NICK!!! OK OK, YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!”


“There, I said it, are ya happy now?!!”

“Nah.. I wanna hear more!”

“Like what?!!”

he bend down and whispered in her ear “Like, I wanna hear you say you love me”

She blushed and sat up straight “Yea right” she mumbled.

“OK, what was that all about? And can you 2 cut it out now??”

Everybody looked at Michelle “OK, someone’s nervous”

“Shut up Becky”

“Ax attack!!!” Becky punched Michelle with her ax.

“HEY!!! Cut it out!!”

And for the following 15 minutes they all had an ax-fight.

~~~20 minutes later~~~

“OK, I believe we’re almost there!”


“Yea! Look! There it is!!”

“WOW!!” the girls said in awe as they approached the Arena and saw the crowd already there.

“OK, here we go!!”

The driver turned the bus and they drove past the fences that held the fans in and onto a secured area, the backstage areas.


“This place is huge!”

“Nah, not really” AJ said to Michelle, and walked inside.

They could hear the crowd screaming as they walked in.

“This is... I dunno what to say!” Alyssa swallowed hard and breathed heavily.

“Wait till you’ve seen the show tonight” Brian smiled.

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“OK, I want the girls to do soundcheck now!” Angela walked in.


“Girls, you know there is a camera team there?”


“Yea, didn’t you know?? MTV is here to tape the show and all and they will be interviewing you after soundcheck”


“Yea, well, it’s not just MTV, there are more reporters for the guys.. they might be wanting to interview you too, so be sure to look good and be friendly!”

“As always” Michelle smiled.

“OK, well hurry on, we gotta do soundcheck now”

They walked to the stage..

~~~A little later~~~

“That was great! Thanks for your co-operation ladies!” the stagemanager said.

“Did you see the guys from MTV?” Becky whispered to Summer. “Yea, but they’re not gonna broadcast it anyway”

“You never know Mad.. they might” Morgan joined the conversation.

“That’s our Morgan! always thinking positive!”

They walked off.


“So that was the support-act huh?” one camera guy said to the MTV VJ.

“Yes.. they’re good don’t ya think?”


“Well, I have an interview planned with them in a few minutes”


~~~Another 5 minutes later~~~

The guys were doing their soundcheck now, 2 cameras had stayed behind to tape that, while the other 2 went along with Carson to tape the interview with the girls of Phantasia.

“Girls, Carson Daly is waiting outside to interview you!” Angela said.

“Really! AHH!”

“SO are you ready?”

“Yes, let him in!”

Angela opened the door and nodded to Carson. The team came in and set up their cameras.

“Hi, I’m Carson!” he shook their hands.

“Wow, you girls were great!”

“Nah, you’re just saying that” Becky blushed.

“No really! They couldn’t have find themselves a better support-act!”


“We’re ready” the camera guys said.


The girls sat down in some chairs and on a table while the camera started running and Carson started.

“Hi! As you know, we’re here in Los Angeles for the kick off of the Backstreet Boys new tour; The Into The Millennium Tour. And with us now are the girls of Phantasia, they’re the support-act of this tour!..” he turned to them and the camera turned with him “Hello girls!”

“Hi!” they all said.

“So, you are still unknown to the public, can you introduce yourselves shortly?”

“Sure! Hello, I’m Summer, I’m 24 and the oldest of the group!”

“Hi, my name’s Becky, and I’m 22”

“Hey, wassup? I’m Michelle and I’m 20 years old!”

“HeyMTV! I’m Alyssa, I’m 21 years old!”

“Hi, I’m Morgan, and with 19, I’m the youngest of all!”

“Well, that’s the name-introduction, now as for the group.. how did you get together? And who came up with the name?”

“Well, we are friends since Elementary School actually” Alyssa said.

“Yea, and a few months ago we read an ad in the newspaper..”

“It was an ad for auditioning a new group” Becky added to Summer’s sentence.

“We went to the audition and what d ya know? We got elected!.. it was shortly after that Jive contracted us”

“Wow” Carson said.

“Yea.. and the name.. that was Summer’s idea.. we thought of Fantasy.. but that sounded so.. common.. so we decided to make it Phantasia.. a fancy word for Fantasy really” Morgan said.

“Yea.. and what about the BSB? How did you met them?”

“Well.. we were signed in at Jive for about 2 months when we got a call from Ralph Winters at the Jive Headquarters.. apparently he had heard about us, and he needed a support-act for the Backstreet Boys tour, since Mandy Moore got injured.”

“We went to Orlando and got contracted almost immediately after they saw us perform..”

“I can imagine! We just saw you do soundcheck, and it looked great!” “Thanks!”

“Let’s talk about your music.. what’s planned for you girls?”

“Oh, well.. halfway through the tour we’ll be releasing the first single of our debut album, it’s called History (That’s What You Are)

“So, when is the album coming out?”

“We have more recording to do.. we only have half of the setlist now.. but I guess.. somewhere in about 3 months time”

“I can’t wait!” he said eagerly.

“Neither can we!”

“So what can we expect from your performance tonight?”

“We’re gonna do 5 songs.. 2 upbeat songs, 2 ballads and the first single”

“Well, we’ll be out in the audience taping it all!” the camera turned back to Carson “So, watch out for Phantasia’s show and the single! Hope to see you on Total Request Live soon!”

“Yea!” they nodded.

“OK, we’re off to the Backstreet Boys now!” the cameras stopped taping.

“Great! We’ve got it all!” the camera guys said.

“Great!.. girls, thanks for having us!”

“Well, thanks for having us!” Alyssa laughed.

“Good luck with the tour, and you will come to the MTV studios soon right?”

“Yea! consider it a date!” Michelle said.

“OK, bye!”

They watched as Carson and his team walked out.

“WOW!” Morgan shrieked.

“Yea!!! WOW!!”

“Man, I can’t believe it! our first interview! And with CARSON DALY!!”

“AHH!” they screamed.

“Wow, and he was so nice!”

“Lyss, it’s his job to be nice” Michelle said.

“Well, even though it is.. he still was nice!”

“KNOCK KNOCK!” Ross came in.

“How’d go?” he asked mainly to Angela.

“Real good!”

“Ah, I didn’t expect anything else from my girls!” he hugged Becky.

“So, are you nervous for tonight?”

“OH YEA!!”


“Good soundcheck guys!” Carson came in their dressing room and talked with the BSB while the camera guys once again, set up their cameras.

“Thanks, wassup Carson?”

“Not much really, but you guys are busy as always I see!” he smiled mischievously.

“What’s up with the grin Carson?” AJ asked.

“Oh, nothing, I just interviewed your support-act..”

“Ahhh... Phantasia!”

“Yea, those girls are fantasies!” Carson said dreamily.

“Whoa, whose the one??”

“I know.. it’s.. Becky!”

“No! No way D! it’s Summer!”

“Uh- uh... it’s Morgan for sure!”

“Man, Nick, not everyone has the same taste.. I bet it’s Michelle!”

“Geez.. you are all wrong!.. OF COURSE IT’S MY MISS LYSSIE!” Brian rolled with his eyes.

“No, actually, it’s not one of them.. it’s their stylist.. I believe Kate is her name”

“KATE?!?!?” they all shouted in unison.

“SHHH!! Geez guys, their dressing room is just around the corner! Keep it quiet!”

“Sorry.. but Kate??”

“Yea, well.. you are all in love.. so you don’t have eye for other women!”

“How’d you know we’re in love?”

“Well DûH!! It’s like written ALL over your faces!!”

They looked uncomfortable at the confrontation.

“Written all over their faces too by the way..”

“Really?” Howie said astonished.

“But seriously.. it’s REAL corny guys! I mean.. Summer and Kevin.. the two oldest, mature and sophistocaBecky and Howie.. the peace-makers and sweethearts.. Alyssa and Brian.. crazy, yet serious and nice.. Michelle and AJ.. sexy, tough, but with a heart of gold.Nick and Morgan, the two babies!”

They looked at Carson “Wow, thanks for the compliments Carson! We’d love to have you for more interviews in the future!” AJ smiled sarcastically.

“Well, it’s true! Right fella’s?” he turned to the camera guys, they nodded obediently.

“We’re ready when you are Carson” one of them said.

“Oh, OK, so.. sit down guys..” he signaled the BSB to take place and sat down himself too.

“Well, glad you’re still watching! I’m inside the Backstreet Boys dressing room now and they just did their soundcheck, which sounded great as always!.. SO.. guys! thanks for taking time out in your busy schedule to see us!”

“Well, we’re always willing to make time for MTV and our fans” Howie winked.

“Of course!.. so, exactly how nervous are you for tonight?”


“Really? Wow, still after many years of profession!”

“Yea, well, every tour brings new experiences and we’re always nervous! Profession has nothing to do with it really”

“Right, right! So what can the people expect from this tour?”

“You saw bits of the European part of the tour right?”

“Yes, we broad-casted some of that”

“Well, it’s not that big of a difference.. just some extra dance routines, some new clothes and another support-act”

“Yea, I just interviewed Phantasia! I heard that contracting them was kind of a last-minute thing.. are you happy with them as your support-act?”

“Sure! I mean.. we had planned on Mandy Moore, but as you know, she injured herself, so it is true.. contracting Phantasia was a quick decision, we had no choice really.. but it’s not like, we’re thinking of them as a disappointment.. they are very talented”

“We would have postponed the dates if we really didn’t like them, we don’t settle for something if we’re not totally behind it”

“And.. think of it as fate!..”

Carson laughed “Well, I think that’s clear!”

“And now for the music.. anything new happening for you guys?”

“Yup!.. our second single of the album will be out in 3 weeks!”

“We knew that of course, and we invited them to the studio for TRL already” Carson explained to the ‘audience’

“Uh huh, we’re at the TRL show the day Larger Than Life comes out!”

“Well, I’m sure everybody’ll be watching the show!”

“They better!”

“Guys, thanks for taking time out again! And don’t forget to watch TRL 3 weeks from now exactly!”

“Enjoy the show!” the guys said to the camera.. and after that they were done.

“OK, see you on TRL!”

“Yea, bye Carson! Enjoy the show!”

“No problems with that I reckon! All those nice ladies out in the crowd!”

“Yea, right, just don’t forget, they’re here for us!” AJ laughed.

Carson smiled and walked out.

The next few hours the guys had interviews non-stop and the girls were interviewed more too. it wasn’t until 15 minutes before Meet N Greet that the two groups saw each other again...

“Hey boys!!” Becky plopped on the couch next to Howie.

“Hey you girlies!! How was your day?”

“FUN!!! We had interviews!!!”

“YEA! and our first interview EVER was with MTV!!”

“Cool” Nick said, obviously not overly interested or excited.

“Well, maybe that’s considered normal or a standard thing for you Mr. Heartthrob.. but for me it was something REALLY cool” Morgan said, offended.

“Aaaaww!!! I’m sorry baby-girl! Of course it was, how inconsiderate of me”

“You’re such a suck up Carter” she rolled with her eyes.

“That’s what you want Morgan, just admit you like it” he smiled and wrapped an arm around her.

Morgan started blushing and broke free quickly.

“Well anyway, we had a nice time!” Summer said.

“Ready for the big night?”

“Ohhh! Why does everyone has to ask me that?!! Like I’m not nervous enough as it is!” Becky complained.


Ross’ coming in interrupted their conversation..

“Sorry people, but the fans are waiting in the congress room”

“Oh, well, see you later guys!” Summer was about to walk off.

“Where do you think you’re going Miss??” Ross asked her.

“To the kitchen, I’m thirsty” she said, startled.

“There’s no time for that”

“Huh??” Alyssa said.

“You have Meet N Greet!”

“WE DO?!!??” they shouted.

“Well DûH!! What’d you think??” Howie shook his head.

“But, I thought it was just the guys who did Meet N Greets?!!”

“Well, you thought wrong Becka, you’re supposed to be there too”

“But.. why? Nobody knows us!”

“That’s why you’re supposed to be present”

“OK, sure, whatever” Alyssa got up and walked outside towards the congress-room.

The others just followed her.


“OK EVERYONE!! THE BOYS ARE ON THEIR WAY HERE!!!” one of the managers said to the crowd. Everyone started screaming..


“I can here them screaming already” Nick sighed.

“Don’t you think that is just great?”

Nick looked at Morgan and thought of the fact that this was all new to her.

“Yes, yes it is great.. but it’s tiring and even scary at times too”

Morgan nodded.

“AAAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” terrible high-pitched screaming came from the crowd when they entered the congress-room.

“OK, everybody, calm down!!” the manager shouted hopelessly.

“I’m going deaf..” Michelle said.


“I said I’m going DEAF!”

“OH, right!” Becky smiled and nodded.

“AJ I LOVE YOU!!!” someone shouted.

“This is Hell”

“No, this is Heaven!!” Morgan said dreamily, she knew all the attention wasn’t meant for her, but she liked to think it was.

Soon the guys were swamped in crowds of fans with marriage proposals and such things. The girls staid a bit outback, in a corner. Occasionally one of the guys would oversee the fans and smile at them, or in Howie’s case, wink at them.

“Hey, are you the girlfriends?” a 13-year-old asked.

Michelle started laughing terribly, the others either blushed or giggled.

“Well are you?!” by now 3 more girls joined the first.

“No, no, we’re not” Alyssa quickly said. Morgan stared at her questioningly.

“We’re the support-act”

“Yea, we’re Phantasia”

“Never heard of you”

“Well, we’re ‘new”

“Oh.. can you pose for some pics? And sign this?” one of them held out a small note book and a felt-tip pen.

“Sure! What’s your name?” Summer took the book and pen.


“OK,.. To Patricia, hope you enjoy the show, take care, Summer Cooper” Summer signed.


They posed for pics with the girls and signed all their note-books, suddenly more fans started to notice the 5 girls in a corner of the room and soon they were busy with signing and posing and answering all sorts of questions from a lot of fans.

“Good luck with everything!” a woman said to Summer


“I’m sure you’ll have a blast with those guys! my daughter would commit a murder to be on that bus!”

They both laughed “Look, that’s her” the woman pointed at a girl who was posing for a picture with Kevin. “She looks pretty” Summer commented.

“Yes, well, you should see all the stuff she uses to look like that!” Again they laughed.

“Who does she like best?”

“From the Backstreet Boys? Howie”

“Oooh! Howie is a real sweetheart!”

“I know” the woman rolled with her eyes “She tells me every single day!”

“Well, she’s got taste!” Summer smiled politely.

“Yes, well, I should be going now I believe” the daughter came up to where they stood.

“Hi sweetie! Are you ready?”

“Are you kidding?? I wanna stay here FOREVER!”

Summer laughed, the daughter looked at her like ‘and you are?’

“Oh, Chloe, this is Summer, she’s from Phantasia, they’re the support-act!”

“Oh, Hi, I’m Chloe”


Summer talked with the two women a bit longer until it was time for everyone to go as the Meet N Greeting was over.


“Wow, that was awesome!”

“Yea, we love doing this too” Brian grinned.

“I can imagine!.. I mean, I was a bit scared at first.. all those screaming girls.. but they were actually quite nice!”

“Yea, one moment we’re swarmed by fans, the other they’re all gone to check you girls out!”

“HA! That’s what you get! You guys are yesterdays news! We’re new and hot and talented!”

“You’re way cocky Morgan” Nick rolled with his eyes.

Morgan stuck out her tongue and ran away laughing.

~~~30 minutes later~~~

“GIRLS?!!!!!!” Ross came in looking ardently and stressed out.

“Whoa, wassup with you Ross?” Michelle asked.

“Are you almost ready??”


“WHEW!! Thank God!”

“Gee Ross, what’d you expect? That we still weren’t dressed?”

He looked at Summer and that was about enough.

“Wow, thanks for the faith in us!”

“I KNOW you girlies by now” was all he said.

“OK, ready!” the make-up artist said as she clapped her hands together, looking at Becky who was sitting in the chair, smiling.

“You look real pretty Beck”


“Yea, I never thought that much make-up would look good on you, but it does!”

“Whoa! Was that a compliment coming from Michelle’s mouth?!?”

Michelle rolled with her eyes “HA HA! You are soooo funny!... NOT”

“Oh, please guys.. we have our very first official performance in just minutes.. can you two please stop the insulting for just tonight???” Alyssa begged.

Both Michelle and AJ looked at her as if that was gonna be a huge problem

“OK, just for the concert then??? Please?? Pretty please?? With sugar on top??”

The two of them rolled with their eyes, sighed, but eventually nodded ‘yes’

“YAY!!” Morgan clapped her hands. The others heaved sighs of relieve.

“READY NOW??!!!” Ross said a bit too hard.

“Geez! Coming already!” Summer jumped up.

They all headed towards the stage entrance nervously, the guys went with them. “God, I am so nervous” Alyssa swallowed and looked up to the ceiling.

“Yea, you are shivering”

She smiled faintly at Brian.

“Oh baby, you know you will do great!”

She looked at him in disbelief, but when she saw the sparkles in his eyes she knew that he meant it.

“OK” she whispered.

“Kiss Good-luck?”


He softly kissed her and smiled at her. as she walked further away to the stage, he mouthed “You will do fine!” to her.


Summer’s breathing was faint, she leaned against a wall listening to the screaming out in the audience as the lights had just been dimmed. She was scared as hell.

“Maddy? Are you OK?” she heard Kevin’s deep voice ask.

She nodded as an answer.

Kevin looked at her and got the urge to do something spontaneous, so he did.. he enveloped her in a big tight hug.

Summer was so startled by the sudden hugging, but she felt relieved he did it, it was just what she needed.

“Thanks” she said, trying to hold back her tears.

“Don’t cry baby, it’s gonna be OK” he hugged her again and kissed her softly as they broke free.

“Kevin?..” she whispered.

“Summer, we’ll talk later, right now you have to perform”


“I’ll be right here watching”



Becky looked at the screen that showed the crowd. She suddenly got a bad case of stage-fright.

“I can’t do this” she mumbled.

“Yes you can”

She turned around.

“Of course you can, else you wouldn’t be here today”

“What do you mean?”

“This is destiny Becky”

“You think?”

“Yes, I do”

She nodded, thinking of what Howie had just said.

“I’ll see you after the show” he hugged her quickly and winked at her for encouragement.


“Ugh.. why am I here anyway?!” Michelle said out loud.

“Cuz you wanna be”

It sounded so simple, but so true. For the very first time she decided to not say something nasty back at him, because what he said was the truth.

“Whoa, no biting my head off?!?!”

She laughed.

“No, too nervous I guess”

“Well, don’t think I like you or something.. and don’t think too much of my minor compliment.. ya know, don’t take it for granted.. but you are an awesome singer AND dancer”

“Really? You.. you think so?”

“Yea.. well.. yea”

“Thanks” she almost whispered, not able to look him in the eyes.


“OOOHH!!! I am soooo excited!!!”

“I noticed”

“Shut up Nick”



“You’re one weird girl..”

“That’s why you love me dear” she smiled mischievously at him.

“Just maybe you might get lucky soon” Nick smiled back.

“Whoa! Don’t get all excited hun! I Just might make YOU lucky soon!”

“OK, whatever.. either is good”

“Come here” she grabbed his T shirt and pulled him close kissing him passionate suddenly.

“Wow” he whispered.

“Uh hah! Think about it Carter” she walked off.

“That was weird” Nick mumbled to himself. But smiled almost immediately.


“Michelle?” Summer asked, looking over to where Michelle stood with AJ.

“Yea?” she shouted back.

“It’s time to go”

“K.. wait have to do one more thing!” she turned around and kissed AJ.

“Bye!” she said as she broke free. Running to where the girls stood.


“Whoa, what’s that?” Becky asked, looking to Michelle kissing AJ.

“It’s called french-kissing Beck.. that’s when you do-“

“Yea I know what it is Morgan.. don’t forget I am 3 years older than you”

“WwWwOoOoO!!!!” Morgan laughed at Becky.

“OK, Ready!” Michelle joined the others.

“GREAT! Let’s go!!”


“HELLO LA!!!!!!!” the stage-manager shouted. Screaming from the crowd was the result.


“Well, as you know.. it’s almost 7 PM.. which means..”

“BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!!” the crowd shouted.

“hahahah!! Well, not yet, sorry! first we got a very special talented group for you to open up the VERY FIRST SHOW OF THE INTO THE MILLENNIUM TOUR IN THE US!!!”

more screaming fans..



“I believe that’s us!” Alyssa laughed nervously.

“KICK SOME LA-ASS!!” AJ shouted before the ‘lift’ took them up.


The lights were dimmed to non-existing and the lift kinda thing brought them onto the stage which was in the center of the arena. Then, when the lift stopped, bright lights flashed through the audience, eventually coming to a stop at the middle of it, where the girls stood.

“WWWWWOOOHHH YEEAAA!!!!” Michelle shouted in the headset-thing she wore.


Screaming was the response

“Well, we’re gonna start by singing an upbeat song called Do You Know?! Just sway and dance along!!” Summer laughed.

“So LA.. do you know?!!” Becky shouted.

The song started and they got into places. The girls sang their hearts out and danced the best they could.

“Do You Know what you do to my heart??” Morgan sang, looking right into the camera, knowing Nick and the boys would see that backstage on the screen.

“Oh oh yea yea!! My love belongs to you baby!!” Summer pointed at the camera.

The song stopped and the audience was toned down.

“SO! Los Angeles’ in the house??!!??” Morgan asked.

“Haha! I guess so!!” she laughed when enormous screaming answered her question.

“Girls, we should introduce ourselves..” Alyssa said.

“Yea.. HI!!! My name’s Summer and I’m the oldest of the group!”

“Hey you guys! I’m Alyssa!!”

“Wassup? This is Michelle!!”

“Hi everyone!! I’m Becky!!”

“And last but not least! I’m Morgan!!”


“So, now we’d like to do another dance song.. it’s Walk On The Wildside!!”

The second upbeat song started and the girls performed Fatima’s dance routines wonderfully..


“Wow” Howie said to no one in particular..

“Yea” Kevin’s eyes were stuck on the screen, following every move Summer’s body made.

“They’re good”

“They’re great”

“They’re.. HOT!!!” AJ shouted.

They laughed a bit uncomfortable still glued to the screen.

“Take a walk on the wildside with me baby.. I’ll treat you good!” Morgan had that cheeky look on her face while she sang that particular sentence.. Nick chuckled.

“what Nick?”

“Nothing..nothing” he laughed and thought of minutes earlier..

“Sure” AJ said skeptically.

“SHH!!” Brian silenced them as he wanted to ‘enjoy’ Alyssa quietly.


“Oohh honey I’ll show you places you have never seen before!” Michelle danced fiery.

“Take a walk on the wildside!!!” they ended the song.

“HAHAHA!! That went great don’t ya agree??” Becky ‘asked’ the crowd.

“SO, are you still havin’ fun??!!” Michelle said.

MORE screams.

“I guess so huh?? Well, we’re not done yet!! The next song is a ballad.. so sit back and relax.. I Won’t Forget You is the name”

“Mmmm, Mmmm.. oh yea” Alyssa got ready for her lead.

“Oh, love.. you know who you are.. I won’t ever forget you”


“AAAWWW!!!” the guys cried out backstage Brian smiled and blushed.


“So baby, when you tell me we’re not as good as before.. please know, I won’t forget you” Alyssa closed her eyes and felt so happy finally doing what she had always wanted.

~~~3 minutes later~~~

“This here.. is Dreams Do Come True and we dedicate it to all of you.. remember to always follow your heart.. and eventually you’ll see.. dreams do come true!” Morgan smiled.

“When I was a little girl, I remember dreaming of today..”

“Today” the other 4 repeated.

“And now I’m here, having learned that Dreams do come true”

“Come true”

“And. Oh yea yea, my dreams came true” Alyssa sang.


The guys were still glued to the backstage screen, admiring and respecting the talent the 5 girls possessed.

“Wow, Alyssa has an awesome voice” Howie complimented.

“Yea.. and Michelle.. she’s one hell of a dancer!”

“She mesmerizes..”

“yea, she mesmerizes you!!” Nick laughed at AJ who was staring wide-eyed and mouth hanging open at Michelle who smiled cheekily.. Nick figured it must be a thing that runs in the family.. Morgan had about the same mischievous, naughty eyes and smile as Michelle. They only differ a few months in age.. they even look alike a bit.. it went through his mind.

“When you feel that there’s no use in trying another day.. never forget that Dreams do come true” Michelle’s voice echoed in his mind and her reflection stayed pierced in his memory.


“Well, seems like we almost reached the end of our performance!!”

“AAWW” some fans went.

“BUT! Not yet!! We still have one song left!!”

“YAY!” Morgan shouted.

“This is gonna be our first single, so look out for it in the shops.. it should be out in 2 months latest.”

“Yea.. it’s called History (That’s What You Are)

“Don’t forget, we’re Phantasia!! And this is our first single!!”

“Have fun!!”

“When I first saw ya, I thought love was finally in my life” Michelle began.

The girls put all their passion in this one particular song, they wanted to make something of an everlasting impression.. and it worked..

“Thank you LA!!!! Have fun with The Backstreet Boys!!!” The girls ran into the center and the lift took them down to the backstage areas.

“That was SOOOOO cool!!!!!” Becky said excitedly.

“MAN!!! I love this.. this is what I dreamt about”

“This is what we all dreamt about!”

They didn’t have much more time to talk as 5 guys came running towards them.


“Really? You think??”


“Nah, you’re just saying that!”

“Becky, I never JUST say something!” Kevin shouted.

“OK OK!”


“Hey precious” Nick caught Morgan in a embrace.


“Eww, you’re all sweaty!” he sulked.

“Well, I can get way more sweaty.. if you know what I mean” she smiled again, a naughty spark in her brown eyes.

“oh baby, you’re putting all sorts of pleasant thoughts in my mind..”

“Yea, I figured.. so how did I do??”

“You were great”

“Yea, I know” she laughed.

“Don’t tell this to any of the girls.. but.. you are my fave Phantasia-girl..” he whispered sexily in her ear.

“OK you two, that’s enough! Nick, you have to get ready for the show!”

“But Kevin!.. I’m already ready!” “Yea, well, I’m gonna take you away from Morgan anyway, before you two will do some real gross stuff”

Morgan rolled with her eyes “Geez, we’re not 12 year olds anymore!”

“Morgy, he’s right.. you are driving Nicky boy crazy.. and he still has to perform!”

“It won’t be so great for his ‘clean’ image if he’s walking around on stage with a hard-on!!” Michelle burst out in laughing and the others with her.

“I want it that way!” Morgan teased Nick more.

“Ahhh” Nick moaned.

“OK OK, I’ll stop.. lemme just.. do one thing?? Just sumthin’ small??” she didn’t even bothered waiting for a permission. She just grabbed Nick again and kissed him.


“What? Are you that frigid that you hate kissing too??” AJ asked.

“Shut up.. that’s my lil’ cousin!!”

“That’s my friend!!”

“EEWW!!” they both said.

“OK ENOUGH!!” Kevin broke the two youngest group members apart.

“HEY!! I wasn’t done yet!!”

“You had more than enough, Nick has to perform now!”

Morgan stuck out her tongue at Kevin and walked inside the dressing room.

“Good Luck guys!!”

“Yea, thanks! We’ll see ya after the concert K??”


The guys headed towards the stage while the girls went after Morgan to get showered and changed.

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“Wow, I’m so.. ecstatic!!” Becky plopped down on a chair, after having taken a quick shower and change of clothes.

“Yea.. hey, wanna go look at the guys??” Alyssa suggested.

“Sure.. but shouldn’t we wait for the others??”

“Wait..” Alyssa walked towards the showers “Hey girls?? We’re gonna check out the boys performing!! You’re gonna come too?”

“Yea, we’ll be there in a few”

“K, see ya!!”


“Wow, they’re good” Becky said, looking at the screen.

“Yea, when’s the first break?” Alyssa asked a guy.

“Uhm, after this song I believe” he flipped though some sheets and nodded. “Yea, they have wardrobe change after this”



“Hey Michelle? Morgan? are you almost ready?”

“Yea, here I am” Morgan stepped out of the bathroom.

“I’m ready” Michelle said.

“Let’s go check out those hotties perform!”

“Yea, see if they’re any good!”


“Hey” Summer linked her arm with Alyssa’s.

“They have their first wardrobe change in a few seconds”



The crowd was as ‘wild’ as ever. Although the guys were nervous to the max, they did a great job.


“Baby, it’s the way you make me, kinda get me go crazy, never wanna stop!” Nick’s face was full on screen and Morgan giggled slightly at the lyrics of It’s Gotta Be You she thought it suited their situation perfectly.

“So are you really gonna get down with the blondie, or is it just a game??”

Morgan looked at Michelle startled and a bit offended.

“Geez Michelle, what makes you think that?”

“What? That you’re playing games with him.. well, I know you.. a part of you wants to get lucky with Nicky-boy and another part wants to just be friends.. so which way are ya gonna go?”

This totally confused the youngest member of Phantasia. She shrugged and turned back to the screen, not knowing what to say.. or think.

“Yea, right, that’s what I thought” Michelle mumbled.

“what’s that supposed to mean?!?”

“Geez Morgan, relax!”

“Who are you to judge on what I’m gonna do?!”

“Your cousin and friend”

“whatever.. you don’t know what I’m up to”

“Yes, I know better than you do my sweet”

“Oh, so what will I do, according to you, the almighty cousin?”

“You’ll play around with him, make him a love-fool and then dump him”

“Michelle, why are you so cruel?!”

“I’m not cruel.. I’m honest”

Just then they were interrupted..


The song came to an end and the guys hurried down to the backstage areas. ***

“Oh baby you were great!!” Alyssa shouted and threw herself into Brian’s arms.

“I know” he grinned.

“Hey sugar” Nick pulled Morgan close.

“Hi” she said coolly

“what’s wrong?”


Michelle gave Morgan an I-told-you-so look and Nick a tellingly one. Then she walked off.

“What’s wrong?” he repeated his question.

“Nothing, I told you, there’s nothing wrong!”

“Yea, right..”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, Morgan, first you’re all hot and willing, and now all of a sudden it’s like your just back from a trip to the North Pole!”

“Sorry’s just something Michelle said”

“What did she say then?”

“She was mean and cruel.. but never mind.. you have to get changed, I’ll tell later K?!”



He nodded.

“Now who’s sweaty?” she teased him.

“All your fault sugar”

“I bet”




“Look at that!” Michelle pointed Nick and Morgan’s direction.

“So.. what’s ‘ugh’ about that?” AJ said, not seeing anything wrong about the two kissing.

“She’s using him..”

“Morgan?!? No way”

“Way.. I know my cousin”

“You know what I think? I think you’re just jealous”

“What should I be jealous about?”

“I think you know that yourself too” AJ said and walked off.


“Guys, you have to get back onstage!!” a nervous manager hissed their way.

“Relax, we’re coming already!”

~~~1 hour and 20 minutes later~~~

The concert was over.. the girls had watched the entire show backstage on the screen.

“You were great.. I mean.. not like I’d expected at all!!”

“What did you expect then Summer?”

“Uhhh.... well... uhhh..”

“A teenybopper band.. the fake-kind” Alyssa said.

“Hahahaha!!” the guys started laughing

“We’re gonna take a shower K?”

“Cool, see ya around”


“GIRLS!!!!!” a crowd of relatives and friends came running their way.


“WOW, YOU WERE SO COOL!!!” Dawn shrieked.

Within minutes they were swarmed by: Dawn, Katinka, Layla, Diane, Clarice, Luke and Jessica.. Morgan’s mom and brother and their friends.

“Wow, that was so awesome! And the guys were fantastic too!”

“Yea! where are they anyway?? I really gotta see them now.. according to Dawn they’re Gods gift to women.. so I gotta check them out!!” Layla laughed.

“well, they’re showering right now, so they’ll be here a little later”


“Hi sweetie!”

“Hey mom!” Jessica hugged her oldest child tightly.

“Hey sis’!”

“Hey bro’!” Morgan broke free from her mothers embrace and walked over to her lil’ bro’ Luke, who was 17.

“Aunt Jess? Luke?”

“Hello Michelle, how are you doing dear?!”


“Ohhh! Girls! I can’t believe it’s you! You were so great out onstage! I had my doubts before.. but now I know you’re destined to do this!” Mrs. Waltham nearly started to cry.

“Mrs. J!!!” Alyssa hugged her too.

“Hello Alyssa, Summer, Rebecka!”

“So what’d you think Mrs. J?”

“Well, you know me.. I think you’re wonderful in everything you do sweets!”

“And what did our critic think?” Summer turned to face Luke.

“Ah, you were OK Mad” he shrugged unconvinced, but a small grin gave him away.

“Course you were great!!” he smiled.

“I suggest we go sit down in our dressing room” Becky said, as they were still all standing in the corridor attached to the 2 dressing rooms.



“Man, this whole thing.. ya know.. being on the road with 5 attractive females.. it’s confusing”

They all looked at Nick.. “Yea, I guess you’re right” Howie nodded.

“Well, let’s get showered” Kevin suggested, trying to avoid a serious issue.


~~~15 minutes later~~~

“My ears are still beeping..” Clarice shook her head, trying to get rid of a million screams.

“How do you sing with all the screaming?”

“We have special head sets in which we hear the music and all”



“Yea, what d ya want?” Michelle opened the door swiftly.

“Oh, hey boys.. come on in!”

“Hi!” Dawn grinned like a total idiot.

“Hello Dawn!”

“Oh, guys.. this are Clarice, Layla, Katinka and Diane.. and this is my mom Jessica Waltham and my little brother Luke” Morgan introduced them. “I’m not little.. I’m taller than you Morgan” Luke murmured.

“Yea, well, you’re 2 years younger... you get the concept”

“Hello boys! I’m Jessica”

“Hello ma’am, Brian Littrell, pleased to meet you!”

“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Littrell! Congratulations on a wonderful show!”


“Well, your daughter was pretty amazing too Ma’am! Nick Carter’s the name” he shook her hand politely.

“My, my.. how polite and kind your bosses are Morgy!”

“Yea, I know.. it’s obnoxious at times” Morgan rolled with her eyes.

“Only kidding!” she laughed when Nick started punching her.

All the people in the Phantasia dressing room talked for a little longer until Ross came to tell that the two groups had to be going soon.

“Ah! Come on Ross! Do we really have to go?”

“Yes, we have to get you to Anaheim”

“Anaheim isn’t that far..”

“You need your sleep girls” Jessica interfered.


“Bye girls! Bye Mrs. Waltham, Luke” the guys greeted them and walked towards the bus.

“Bye gentlemen! Take good care of my baby girl and of my other ‘adopted’ ones!”

“We will ma’am, don’t you worry about a thing!”

“Such nice young men” Jessica smiled.

“Yea.. well, bye Mrs. J!” Summer hugged her.

“Bye Summer”

They all said their good-byes.

“Take care Morgan.. call me OK?” “I will mom, don’t worry, I’m doing fine!” she said to her mom’s worried face.

“OK sweetie”

“Bye sis!”

“Bye Lukey”

“I hate that name”

“well I hate being called Candy.. or worse.. Candace!!! Ugh!”

“Yea yea, we know!”

She hugged them and waved her last good-bye.

Chapter 8
