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Author's Note

Co-writer:font> Samantha(yea, she’s the webmaster Sam). She helped me with the concept and ideas to put in the story. She also wrote some of the parts, which will be notified in the story also

Dedications: To Brandy (Becky) Sam (Alyssa) Jacky (Summer) and Sandy (Michelle): You girls are the best they come! Thanks for everything,.. giving me ‘inspiration’ and helping me and all.. I really appreciate it! Love, Hugs and Kisses, Anne* [-AJ-] (Morgan)

Author’s note: Everything you read in this story is fictional! As you may have noticed.. the girls’ characters are based on my friends.. but they are not exactly like them! Sandy isn’t as bitchy as Michelle, Sam isn’t as stubborn as Alyssa (well not all the time) Jacky isn’t as serious and ‘sensible’ as Summer, Brandy isn’t as shy and naive as Becky, and I am not as childish as Morgan!!!! Names of important people such as the REAL girlfriends of the BSB are changed and dates aren’t the same as in real life! In other words.. this whole story is just a fantasy of mine.. something we all want and wish for deep down inside.. I wrote it for my friends, cuz I know it’ll put a smile on their faces and that’s all I really want. Please don’t take any of the events in the story too serious.. it’s just a girls dream!! Love, Anne*
