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Stuart Dew

After a top season from Stuart in both the Power and Centrals he's decided to go BLONDE!

If your here then that means you could of been here before!! And if you have you'll probably of noticed that this page hasn't change in around three years!! ha ha ha!! So I've deleted most of the pages and I'm going to start all over again!

The Power's season is now over. And even though the fella's finished 14th I am so proud to be a Port supporter! The Carlton game was simply the best! And the end of the season was very promising, next year should be the best season for us yet!

I'm off on an exchange next year, so I'll be missing the Power boys for an entire year (my folks are sending over all ewspaper clippings) But I dont know where to yet! Fingers crossed it's South America, anyway...

My adoration for Stuart hasn't stopped and I met Paul K the other night, and he's just as gorgeous as he is in the pictures! So bear with me and this page will be updated shortly!

Love Jess

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