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The Port Power Junior Committee!

I am part of an exclusive Port Power Committee. The Junior Committee. The other members are Mel Jensen, Lisa Fletcher, Matt Garcia, and Jesse.

We meet on a monthly basis and help the club out with matters concerning you Junior Members! So far we have made and held up the banner at Melbourne game in 1998, helped out at alot of functions, including traning days, family days, and dance parties.

On July 19th 2000 we had a meeting in the new Allen Scott Headquarters, we got a tour after our meeting of the guys training facilities. They are simply amazing, and I got a photo next to Stuart's locker! Yeah baby!

A few of us were invited to join a secret committee which I can now tell you is the Junior Mascot Committe! We worked with Wightman Advertising at Norwood and the Club to find the best mascot in the AFL! And I can tell you now, we succeeded! The new mascot was lauched Saturday August 14th. Lisa and myself have been invited to help out at the mascot launches. The one to junior members in the day and the one at footy Park during the night. We are both very excited about this and can't wait!! So if your going to the Melbourne game on the 14th watch out for us!! We are running onto the ground with the brand new mascot!! WICKED!!

This is most of the then committee. It a pic of the Junior Committee with our old supivisor Rebecca Winkler, she is now married, we were all invited, so she's now know as Rebecca Reiner!! I'm telling you she looked like Kate Winslet on her wedding day, she was a real betty!! Anyway There's Bec in the red, Me in the back with the two buns on my head and the black shirt, Mel in the front with the glasses, Lisa in the back with the teal shirt and Matt, he's easy to describe coz he's the only guy!! In the start the committee had three guys, but the other two quit!! We're getting a new guy on September 20 his name's Blake!!

As a committee we get to helpout with alot of the Junior Events! The picture here is of the Player's BBQ in 1998!! We spent about ten minutes after a metting painting this wonderful banner! It read Power Player's BBQ!! We were very proud of our efforts!!

Click here to see page 2 of the Committee!