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. . . Update 20 may 2000 . . . the designer grand opening . . .
Ah, I see you've found my new web design site. Clever you for clicking on that link that told you to come here. This site is currently under construction and I only have the basics in at the minute but hopefully by the time I'm finished this'll end up being a fully-fledged monster of a web design site. There'll be step by step turorials on how to create frames, forms etc. There'll also, hopefully, be some sections on javascript and the like.

So what have I got so far? Well, by clicking on one of the links to the right (oh, aren't I brave, defying the laws of basic web designing by placing my links to the right instead of the left?), you'll find mostly blank pages, but some of them have a few lines of text in them, such as the basic html section, which is pretty much underway right now. It'll take me quite a while to get the other sections up to that sort of finishedness (I'm sure that's not a word - oh yeah, completion), but keep checking back and I'll have updates as often as possible.

Andy Rossborough